Why does brown discharge appear a week before my period?

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight before menstruation? In addition, it often not only hurts, but also swells. This question arises for many women. If a girl decides to lose weight, then such feelings become simply a tragedy. Some people think that since the stomach is swollen, it is dangerous and they need to go to the doctor. Therefore, in order to fully determine why this happens, thereby getting rid of stress and anxiety, you need to determine why your stomach is bloated and hurts. And this usually happens before menstruation. Let us also establish accompanying phenomena.

Everything that happens in the female genital area is associated with hormones. After all, the entire menstrual cycle is tied to this. Since a woman’s hormonal level is constantly in motion, it can be called dynamic. It cannot be clearly established and not fluctuate. Therefore, the fact that the stomach increases is associated with specific hormonal indications. And this affects women’s well-being.

What hormones do you mean? Firstly, progesterone jumps dramatically. Moreover, the second half of the cycle is associated with a constant increase in this hormone. But during menstruation it drops sharply. It is because of this jump that some women experience premenstrual syndrome. You can observe a loss of strength, depression, aggression, pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back, you notice nausea, bloating, heaviness before menstruation. Appetite often increases.

1. This is due to the retention of a large amount of fluid. It is this that affects its volume, and its weight also changes. Therefore, fashionistas may find this something scary, since before menstruation the weight increases. But this does not mean that you need to stop eating right away. Since weighing a couple of kilograms more is quite normal. 2. Another reason can be called anticipation of conception. Since before menstruation, the uterus is enlarged, swollen, and is intended for the embryo with all the necessary nutrients. That’s why I want to eat before my period. 3. The body also lacks serotonin. Due to the lack of this hormone, a woman has an urgent need to restore it. That's why she eats more sweets and starchy foods. Where does the appearance of the tummy come from?

Pain before menstruation bothers many people. They just experience them differently. For some they are more intense than for others. In one case they experience unbearable pain, in the other only slight discomfort. It's not bad that it hurts. It's not scary. Half of women suffer from this. The whole reason is hormones.

Elements such as prostaglandins often cause pain. This occurs in fifty percent of women. Ten percent of them will experience unbearable pain. The whole reason is that the uterus contracts intensively. If you indulge in bad habits, including smoking and alcoholism, the pain intensifies. There is such severe pain that a woman may even lose consciousness, and her blood pressure may drop. In this case, pathological algodismenorrhea is observed. Contact your doctor.

Let’s also dwell on why the stomach feels tight before menstruation. In this case, the conversation will be about pleasant things. Because pregnancy is possible. How can we find out for sure, without tests? Observe many signs.

1. There is a delay. 2. But even before her, the woman knows that she is pregnant. One of the reasons is that the stomach is pulled down, but there is no period.

Such phenomena occur in women in the earliest stages of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the body stores nutrients that will be used by the future embryo. Since they accumulate, the stomach feels tight before menstruation. Time passes, but no menstruation. If they never started, and then time and a delay passed, then you are pregnant. Such sensations clearly indicate pregnancy before a delay.

So, we have found out a number of reasons why the stomach swells. The whole reason is swelling and pain. Therefore, know that this is not dangerous, and does not mean that you have gained weight. This phenomenon does not spoil the figure at all, but only decorates the female body.

You can list many reasons why your stomach feels tight but you don’t have your period. For example, we can talk about:

 Approaching menstruation.  If they are still far away, then the reason is pregnancy. This is what some women are very afraid of and what other women eagerly await. This is usually associated with the first days of pregnancy, when an egg that has been fertilized by a sperm tries to attach to the wall of the uterus. In addition to a tugging stomach, a woman experiences nausea, irritability, and breasts swell. All this manifests itself in the first week of pregnancy. In addition, some brown discharge is possible. This may not be the beginning of menstruation, but pregnancy. The muscles are stretched, the uterus is stretched, there is pain, but it is minor. This phenomenon has been observed for more than a week.  If the pain is very mild, then it is an ectopic pregnancy. This is especially possible in the case of narrowed pipe lumens.  Threat of miscarriage. This is possible especially in the early stages of pregnancy. If you didn't even know you were pregnant, you may not even notice what happened. You will think that you are having a normal period. Therefore, you will decide that this was simply a herald of the approach of menstruation. If you know that you are pregnant, but feel unusual pain, then consult a doctor, then you can eliminate the threat of miscarriage. Since it is usually the tone of the uterus that leads to such sensations.  Inflammation. If your stomach feels tight and you don’t have your period, then think about the fact that you may be experiencing an inflammatory process. Often the pain is nagging and aching, which radiates to the lower back. It turns out that inflammation is at an early stage. If the pain intensifies, then there is a danger of increased inflammation.  Infections. In this case, the stomach will also pull, while menstruation does not occur. Since the urinary tract is infected, this indicates high activity of pathogens that cause diseases. This infection is usually transmitted through sexual intercourse.  Hormonal disorders. If the level is correct, pain does not occur before menstruation at all. Only the presence of a large number of prostaglandins indicates pain. Because the muscles of the uterus contract strongly.

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight before menstruation?

Representatives of the fair sex often experience discomfort before the onset of menstruation.
For example, they often have stomach pain before menstruation. A similar symptom occurs in almost 55% of sexually mature women. To figure out whether such a condition is normal or pathological, you need to find out the reasons for its occurrence. During menstruation, part of the mucous membrane lining the uterus is shed. The process has a certain periodicity, which is called the menstrual cycle. Normally, it lasts 28–30 days; gynecologists allow a slight shift - from 25 to 34 days.

With the onset of menstruation, the menstrual cycle begins its countdown, aimed at preparing the female body for conception and further gestation.

Precursors of menstruation are normal

During ovulation, that is, during the release of the egg from the ovary, which occurs on the 14th–16th day of the menstrual cycle, the germ cell attaches to the lining of the fallopian tube. If fertilization does not occur, the endometrium rejects the egg, and it is evacuated from the body along with particles of the mucous membrane. Injury to the organ wall occurs, followed by its physiological regeneration. Each of these processes can cause pain before menstruation.

Pain 3 or 2 days before menstruation is a normal reaction of the body. If it is not accompanied by a pathological process, then you should not consult a doctor. This can be understood by the following signs:

  1. Normal or subfebrile temperature (below 37.5 ºС).
  2. There is no general malaise.
  3. There are no signs of uterine bleeding.

Regarding the last characteristic, it should be noted that menstrual blood differs from uterine blood in greater viscosity due to the presence of dead endometrial cells in it, as well as a darker color due to the increased content of enzymatic proteins.

Thus, before menstruation, the lower abdomen may hurt for completely objective reasons. This is part of the physiological cycle, to which each woman’s body reacts individually, and the process in question may be accompanied by painful sensations.

Premenstrual syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome is a combination of several symptoms that occur in a number of representatives of the fairer sex shortly before the onset of menstruation. The pathogenesis of this condition is not well understood; there are theories of the psychosomatic and autoimmune origin of PMS. Its symptoms include:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • menstrual migraine;
  • mild nausea;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • hypersweating.

So, PMS is one of the reasons why the lower abdomen feels tight before menstruation, and also why the stomach begins to hurt.

In a woman’s body, not only emotional, but also physiological disruptions occur, accompanied by very unpleasant manifestations. Many begin to experience chest and stomach pain, while others suffer from morning sickness. However, emotional symptoms are often even more significant.

Women suffering from premenstrual syndrome become irritable and tearful, and with a lack of hormones, PMS can develop into psychosis, requiring hospital treatment and drug therapy.

If often before menstruation the lower abdomen begins to pull or the groin area ache, then you should consult a doctor to rule out pathologies of the endocrine system and a tumor process in the pituitary gland.

Gynecological diseases

The most common cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen is gynecological diseases. The most common pathologies in this area are non-specific inflammatory diseases.

Vaginitis is a disease accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen and vagina with copious vaginal discharge. Caused mainly by streptococci, staphylococci and fungi.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the mucous and muscular layers of the uterus, occurring with increased temperature, copious discharge and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Benign neoplasms can also cause similar symptoms.

Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus, where it should not normally be. The manifestation of the process depends on the localization. Heaviness and pain in the affected organs on the eve of menstruation is its main symptom.

Genital cysts: ovarian and Bartholin gland cysts are mostly asymptomatic, but may be accompanied by heaviness in the lower abdomen and pain. Cervical polyp occurs with similar symptoms. Occurs mainly in the premenopausal period.

Myoma (fibromyoma) of the uterus is a benign tumor of muscle and connective tissue. Large tumors cause compression of nearby organs and cause dull pain and a feeling of heaviness, as well as disruption of the urinary system and intestines.

Also, pain may be due to abnormalities in the development and position of the reproductive organs.

Important! Early stages of malignant tumors can also produce similar symptoms.

Severe pain 3–5 days before your period

Severe pain during menstruation, which manifests itself immediately before menstruation, is a reason to think that you may need to see a doctor. One of the reasons why the stomach hurts a lot before menstruation is inflammation of the female genital organs , the consequences of which may be the loss of their main function, which is to bear the fetus. Other pathological processes, including infectious ones, can also initiate the occurrence of severe and nagging discomfort.

Uterine fibroids

Myoma is a benign tumor of the muscular wall of the uterus. Very common among middle-aged women, especially those who use oral contraceptives. Pathology has the form of one or several nodes localized in different areas of the organ:

  • in the cervix (such a tumor is called cervical);
  • thicker than the myocytes of the wall (intermuscular);
  • areas adjacent to the peritoneal cover (subperitoneal);
  • lower part of the lateral rib (interligamentous);
  • closer to the uterine cavity, sometimes descends into the vagina or cervix (submucosa).

Uterine fibroids are characterized by the following manifestations: pain occurs in the groin of the abdomen, heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen, severe uterine bleeding occurs, or menorrhagia develops (heavy menstruation lasting up to one week).

Thus, if your stomach hurts severely before your period, you should analyze your condition and seek medical help, since pain may be the first sign of uterine fibroids.

Endometrial pathology

Diseases of the endometrium of the uterus occur quite often. One of the most common is hyperplasia - a layer grows, the main function of which is to produce mucous secretion. In the worst case of this condition, its cells begin to protrude into the uterine cavity, in which case the woman is diagnosed with endometriosis.

Doctors diagnose endometriosis using ultrasound and hysteroscopy. However, women experience a number of symptoms that force her to consult a gynecologist. These include:

  • severe pain before menstruation;
  • abundant and long-term (more than seven days) regula;
  • tingling in the lower abdomen;
  • irradiation of pain to the sacral and lumbar spine, as well as to the buttocks and thighs.

In addition to the above manifestations, a woman may be bothered by cramping pain in the lower abdomen every month, and bleeding often begins a week before the expected onset of menstruation. All this threatens the penetration of infection through the damaged mucous membrane of the organ, which can cause sepsis and subsequent loss of reproductive function by the uterus.

Diseases of the genitourinary area

Pain before menstruation is a symptom of diseases of the urogenital organs, the most common of which is cystitis - an inflammatory process of the bladder that develops as a result of infection of its wall with pathogenic microorganisms.

Other genitourinary diseases are usually characterized by inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity. Pathologies may occur:

  • on the inner surface of the organ itself, in its muscle layer. Combined inflammation is also possible;
  • on one or both sides of the fallopian tube;
  • in the ovary (unilateral and bilateral inflammation);
  • pelvic peritoneum.

According to modern nomenclature, this group of diseases is usually called inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

What is dysmenorrhea?

Most of the fair sex suffer from dysmenorrhea. Premenstrual syndrome is characterized by heaviness in the lower abdomen, irritability, frequent headaches, weakness, and dizziness.

These symptoms can be observed throughout the entire period of menstruation. Before and during menstruation, the stomach often feels distended.

In gynecology, a distinction is made between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary is observed in teenage girls during their first menstruation.

The cause of the deviation is excessive production of prostaglandin hormone. The result is intense contractions of the uterus, which are accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.

Primary dysmenorrhea can occur in women throughout their childbearing years. Feelings of heaviness in the abdomen sometimes decrease significantly after the birth of a child or in middle age.

Secondary dysmenorrhea occurs as a result of operations on the uterus, disorders in the pelvis, and the appearance of tumors of the reproductive female organs. The risk group in these cases consists of mature women who are over 30 years old.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen during primary dysmenorrhea, as well as other accompanying painful sensations, can be significantly reduced. It is not at all difficult to make the onset and period of menstruation more comfortable by resorting to the help of simple folk remedies and special exercises.

Painful sensations before and after menstruation will disappear if you take infusions of various medicinal herbs.

Herbal infusions from linden, St. John's wort, chamomile or calendula flowers, daisies, St. John's wort, which should be taken before and during the onset of menstruation, will relieve all painful symptoms.

The collection of medicinal plants such as horsetail, St. John's wort flowers, oak bark, and valerian tincture is also effective. Mix all ingredients and leave in a liter of boiling water. After cooling, take the infusion three times a day after meals. You need to drink it a week before the start of your period and continue throughout your period.

It is useful to combine herbal therapy with simple but very effective exercises:

  1. In a position on all fours, make smooth circles with your pelvis, either to the left or to the right, for 7 minutes.
  2. Sitting on the sofa, interlace your legs so that your heels touch each other. Raise your legs to the height of the sofa at a fast pace. Do 30 times.

It is not always possible to independently determine the real cause of heaviness in the lower abdomen, since there are many organs located in the pelvis that can give similar symptoms.

What can cause this feeling:

  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Inflammation of the urinary organs;
  • Intestinal diseases;
  • Spine pathology.

Localization of painful sensations

Abdominal pain can accompany a woman throughout the entire menstrual cycle. There are both physiological and pathological causes of discomfort. To distinguish one group from another, you need to correctly describe the pain syndrome. For this, an extremely important indicator is its localization.


Before menstruation, the abdomen usually hurts in the direct projection of the uterus. The pain is sharp and acute, sometimes it can be throbbing, dull or spasmodic. In this case, the causes of the condition in question are most likely physiological. The stomach can stretch due to intense contractions of the organ when part of the endometrium is rejected. So, if before menstruation there is pain in the lower abdomen, but there are no symptoms of general malaise, then there is no need to worry .

Small of the back

Before menstruation, the lower back hurts due to the irradiation of pain from the projection of the uterus. The reason is the anatomical features of the position of the organ. The uterus enlarges before menstruation and can compress the nerve endings of neighboring organs and affect the nerves originating from the sacral and lumbar plexuses.

Perineal area

Before menstruation, many women experience pain in the perineum and genital area. The reasons can be both physiological (those discussed above) and pathological. The latter include:

  • traumatic effects on the genitals due to diagnostic procedures or abortion;
  • poorly sutured tears after childbirth;
  • use of unsuitable hygiene products (tampons);
  • genitourinary diseases.


After the patient has been diagnosed and the exact source of the unpleasant symptom has been established, the physician can eliminate the feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. To quickly relieve discomfort, doctors recommend:

  • do not drink too much water while eating;
  • Chew or crush foods thoroughly before eating;
  • do not overeat;
  • choose natural and healthy products;
  • engage in light physical activity;
  • to walk outside;
  • keep the house clean and tidy.

Further treatment is prescribed by doctors depending on the diagnosed provoking factor. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is recommended to follow a gentle diet and use special medications. Drug treatment for heaviness in the lower abdomen is prescribed not only for pathology of the stomach or intestines, but also for other ailments.

Quite often, to relieve painful attacks, patients need to take antispasmodics or painkillers. To eliminate the cause of the development of the symptom, doctors prescribe medications on an individual basis, based on the characteristics of the body and the course of the disease.

Effective painkillers

Many women are concerned about the answer to the question of what to do if their stomach hurts before menstruation. In addition to general recommendations, there are a number of medications that help cope with pain. For nagging pain in the lower abdomen before menstruation, the following medications are used:

Be sure to consult your gynecologist before starting to use these products. Read the instructions for use carefully and monitor the dosage of the medicine.



Pain in the lower abdomen is a specific symptom that can occur as a result of a pathological process, as well as during pregnancy. The following ailments can cause the development of symptoms:

  • gynecological;
  • urinary organs;
  • intestines;
  • spine.

Doctors often diagnose the appearance of an unpleasant symptom in women due to the development of gynecological problems. Inflammatory diseases, which include the following pathologies, can contribute to the appearance of such symptoms:

  • genital cysts;

Heaviness in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is the most characteristic symptom during the period of bearing a child. At the initial stages of fetal development, a woman’s uterus begins to enlarge, and the uterine ligaments become greatly stretched. This process can provoke an exacerbation of discomfort in the lower abdomen. It is possible to relieve pain by taking a horizontal position or relaxing your stomach.

This symptom can also appear in women during a miscarriage, when the dead fertilized egg lingers a little in the uterus. At the same time, the uterus begins to contract in order to expel the frozen fetus from the cavity.

Discomfort is also possible in the last weeks. During this period, the woman’s abdominal muscles become very stretched due to the enlargement of the fetus. The pain is especially aggravated when carrying twins or a large fetus.

Other factors may also cause the appearance of an unpleasant symptom:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • purulent type;
  • in an aggravated form;
  • and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and vascular diseases can also cause discomfort to the patient. Often people feel heaviness after a long and productive working day, carrying heavy objects or during physical activity.

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

Motherhood is the dream of many women. It will be possible to find out exactly whether the next attempt was successful or not only after the delay of the critical days and the result of the pregnancy test, but there were cases when, immediately after sexual intercourse, a woman could confidently say that a new life had been born in her. Such insight is not common to everyone, but if you listen to your body, you can notice some signs of pregnancy within a week after conception. This is especially felt by those who are pregnant for the first time or who have chronic gynecological diseases.

Despite the fact that all the signs are relative, they can be divided into basic ones. That is, they occur in most pregnant women and are relative, characteristic only for some women.

Main signs of pregnancy before missed period

Characteristic of most representatives of the fair sex, these signs, which appear 8-10 days after sexual intercourse, give reason to assume that the family will soon have a desired addition. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Slight brown or brown spotting from the vagina. They appear between 6 and 10 days after conception and indicate the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity. Usually, having discovered this discharge, a girl takes it for the beginning of menstruation, and is very surprised when the bleeding does not intensify as during a full-fledged period.
  • Fever, an increase in body temperature to 37⁰C, chills, the appearance of flu symptoms, in the absence of the possibility of catching an infection.
  • Aching and nagging pain in the lower abdomen associated with implantation of the embryo in the uterus. Some girls experience a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the lower abdomen, as if they had severely overeated. You can also feel nagging pain in the lower back that occurs even after short walks.
  • Increased sensitivity of nipples and breasts. A week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, you may notice swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, the nipples become very sensitive to any touch, darken, and colostrum may appear when pressure is applied to them.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract, a whole war is revealed: suddenly appearing constipation is replaced by diarrhea, heartburn and bloating make it impossible to do usual things. If a woman is firmly convinced that she could not have been poisoned and did not catch an intestinal infection, then a storm in the stomach means pregnancy.
  • Frequent and causeless mood changes. You just wanted to laugh, and a minute later tears roll into your eyes and you want to throw a scandal out of the blue - signs of an initial change in hormonal levels, increased production of progesterone - the pregnancy hormone.
  • Odor intolerance. Suddenly, your favorite perfume becomes unpleasant, and smells that previously caused only irritation become magnetic - the first sign of future toxicosis.
  • Nausea, vomiting, increased salivation - occur in the second week after conception and accompany the expectant mother throughout the first trimester of pregnancy. Many people get motion sickness on public transport, especially in the evening.
  • Increased sexual arousal - pregnant women noticed in the first weeks that they were simply drawn to attack their partner, and thoughts about sex did not allow them to concentrate during the day.
  • The constant desire to lie down and sleep is one of the first signs of pregnancy. I want to sleep always and everywhere, but my sleep is very sensitive, nightmares appear.
  • Poor concentration, rapid fatigue, and inability to concentrate on a specific task are symptoms that the body is intensely producing progesterone, the pregnancy hormone.
  • Frequent urge to urinate is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus. Women note that they constantly want to go to the toilet, while very small portions of urine are released. One of the main signs of pregnancy, which is easily confused with a disease of the genitourinary system, is cystitis. If this symptom appears, it is recommended to visit a doctor and take a urine test. If all indicators are normal, the woman is most likely expecting a baby.
  • Slight puffiness of the face and pallor appear 7 days after conception and indicate hormonal changes in the body.
  • Changes in taste sensations. Everyone knows that pregnant women have unique gastronomic preferences. If you suddenly really want sauerkraut or chocolate, or maybe some other product that a week ago a woman looked at with complete calm, it’s realistic to assume that soon there will be a long-awaited addition to the family.
  • Lack of appetite. A severe decrease in appetite is one of the first signs of pregnancy before your period is missed. The desire to eat disappears completely, and if it appears, then you want something sweet or light, such as fruit. Along with a lack of appetite, the expectant mother may notice a slight weight loss.
  • The emergence of previously uncharacteristic interests and passions. If previously the girl loved romantic melodramas, now she is surprised to notice an irresistible craving for bloody horror films. The usual order of things causes irritation, you want something new and unusual. Some people start renovating their apartment or moving furniture.
  • The occurrence of dental problems. The child takes calcium from the mother’s body, so if a woman’s teeth suddenly begin to hurt and fall apart, although there were no dental problems before, it is likely that she is expecting a child.
  • Frequent and causeless panic attacks are also the first signs of pregnancy. Constant changes in mood contribute to the fact that sometimes the expectant young mother suddenly feels a strong attack of fear.

Change in basal temperature

This sign allows us to say with 80% accuracy that a woman will soon become a mother, but only those girls who constantly measure her and keep temperature charts can reliably determine it. According to doctors' research, 2-3 days before the expected date of menstruation, basal body temperature rises to 37⁰С - 37.4⁰С and does not decrease. However, this sure sign may give errors if:

  • Basal temperature was measured incorrectly. According to the instructions, basal body temperature is measured daily: in the morning, just after waking up, with the same thermometer. Measurements should be taken in the vagina, mouth or rectally. If any of the above conditions have been violated, the result may be incorrect.
  • Temperature measurement was preceded by morning sex.
  • The evening before the temperature was measured, the young woman drank alcoholic beverages.
  • Taking medications, especially tetracycline antibiotics, can bring down temperature readings.
  • Viral diseases and infections have settled in the body and can increase the measurement result.
  • Before measuring her basal temperature, the woman made any, even the slightest, movement, not to mention going to the toilet.

If the above factors were absent, the temperature chart was maintained without violations and the thermometer remained frozen at 37⁰C and above for several days, you can choose the baby’s name.

Relative or additional signs of pregnancy

In addition to the main signs, it is possible to identify relative (additional) signs of pregnancy before a missed period, which are not found in all representatives of the fair sex, but, together with the main ones, they give a high probability of suggesting a possible pregnancy:

  • Increased vaginal discharge. The leucorrhoea discharged from the genitals becomes more intense and acquires an uncharacteristic yellowish-brownish tint. This happens especially strongly at night.
  • The occurrence of thrush. If a woman does not have a cold, has not taken antibiotics or other medications that can provoke this unpleasant disease, the sudden onset of candidiasis may be associated with changes in the vaginal flora, characteristic of pregnant women. Thrush must be treated, as it can cause a lot of trouble for the expectant mother and baby.
  • Lack of comfort in a sitting position. Since the beginning of pregnancy, a woman cannot sit comfortably in a chair or armchair. She constantly wants to change her situation.
  • Changing body position during sleep. Expectant mothers often notice that from the moment of conception they are drawn to sleep in only one position, lying on their stomach. Attempts to roll over often provoke insomnia and end with a return to the starting position.
  • Headaches can be associated both with the onset of pregnancy and as evidence of overwork or vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Tingling, not strong spams in the lower part, are quite possible, are harbingers of menstruation, and may also indicate the growth of the uterus. If frequent urination is observed when this symptom occurs, then we can say with confidence that the woman is expecting a baby.
  • A blue web of veins appears on the chest. This happens 8-10 days after conception.
  • The taste of metal in the mouth, which neither food nor drinks can drown out, indicates the onset of an interesting situation. This unpleasant reaction of the body is based on a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which is typical for all pregnant women. Another possible reason is an increased sense of smell, which affects the perception of the taste of foods.


A feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen is accompanied by various other symptoms that are associated with the primary source of development of the symptom:

  • intestinal problems - decreased appetite and;
  • pathologies of the biliary system and liver - characterized by the appearance of a bitter taste in the oral cavity, discomfort in the liver area;
  • infections of the pelvic organs - manifested by a feeling of pressure in the rectum;
  • disruption of the urinary system - characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, and the presence of;
  • problems during pregnancy - manifested in pale bloody or dark brown discharge from the genital tract, with physical stress.

Methods for determining pregnancy before missed period

Our predecessors, just like modern women, wondered how pregnancy can be determined before a delay. What did previously living representatives of the fair half of humanity do to determine an interesting situation long before the advent of modern tests? In addition to the signs listed above, pregnancy before the delay of the menstrual period can be determined using time-tested methods:

The most well-known methods of determining pregnancy involve the use of iodine and a woman’s urine:

Method No. 1.

To carry it out, you need a drop of iodine in a pipette and a morning portion of urine. After collecting the urine in a container and letting it sit for 10 minutes, the women dripped iodine into the liquid and observed the behavior of the medicine. If the drop dissolved in the liquid without a residue, the woman learned that she was not pregnant, but if the medicine remained a stain on the surface of the urine or sank to the bottom of the container, she had to sew baby clothes.

Method No. 2.

The ingredients are the same, you just need a strip of thick white paper. The paper was dipped into a container of morning urine for a few seconds, then taken out, placed on a flat surface and the medicine was dripped onto it. If the stripe turned blue, it meant there was no pregnancy, but if it turned purple, it meant that the woman was expecting a child.

A little unpleasant from an aesthetic point of view, but a reliable method for determining pregnancy before a delay occurs came to us from the Soviet past. According to him, a representative of the fair sex, who wanted to know her condition, collected morning urine in a heat-resistant container, put it on the fire and brought it to a boil. If large white flakes appear in the urine, it means pregnancy has occurred.

Beautiful ladies of the Middle Ages, dreaming of bringing the good news of the appearance of a long-awaited heir, mixed wine and morning urine in equal proportions. If the liquid remained clear, it was worth rejoicing that the wish would soon come true.

Traditional methods for determining the first signs of pregnancy

Folk methods and beliefs for determining an interesting situation include:

  • Unusual dreams.
    According to popular beliefs, if a representative of the female half of humanity dreams of fish in any form, this means a quick addition to the family.
  • Feeling of “butterfly wings fluttering in the stomach.”
    Many women noticed that almost from the moment of conception they felt indescribable sensations in the stomach, comparable to the touch of insect wings on the skin.
  • The look of a pregnant woman.
    A woman with new life growing inside her has a special look. According to signs, the first sign of pregnancy before a missed period is a change in a woman’s gaze; if you look into her eyes, you can see in them some kind of secret known only to nature.

All of the listed first signs of pregnancy before the onset of a missed period are considered unreliable. It is possible to accurately determine whether the long-awaited event has occurred only after a delay and a modern pregnancy test. The final conclusion will be given only by a gynecologist after a thorough examination and ultrasound of the pelvic organs.



If the disease manifests itself more than once in the patient, then a doctor’s consultation is required. After clarifying complaints, clarifying the history of the disease and life, as well as conducting a physical examination, the physician will be able to establish a presumptive diagnosis. Then the clinician prescribes special methods of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, especially ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, which make it possible to accurately determine the cause of the disease, make an accurate final diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

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