Suppositories for inflammation of the female organs with propolis

Beekeeping products have been used in cosmetology and medicine for many years. They can boost immunity and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Reviews from many consumers say that propolis helped them get rid of chronic diseases. Gynecology was no exception. In this industry, such drugs are used independently or in complex therapy. Today's article will tell you about how suppositories with propolis are used in gynecology. You will learn about indications and contraindications for their use.

The benefits of propolis suppositories in gynecology

This healing natural element has long been actively used in the complex treatment of many pathologies of the female genital area. It strengthens the immune system and also:

  1. Kills pathogenic fungi and bacteria.
  2. Stops the inflammatory process.
  3. Relieves discomfort in the lower abdomen, dryness and itching in the vagina.
  4. Supports all normal metabolic processes.
  5. Triggers natural tissue regeneration.
  6. Restores healthy microflora.

Propolis products are especially effective if the infectious process is mild or moderate. In this case, you don’t even need to add other medications. Sweet bee glue is indicated after operations, as it has bactericidal properties and quickly regenerates affected tissues, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes. Gynecologists prescribe vaginal suppositories with propolis if the following diagnosis is established:

  • cervical erosion;
  • vaginitis;
  • adhesions in the fallopian tubes;
  • endometritis;
  • cervicitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • salpingitis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • adnexitis.

Natural suppositories, made by yourself or purchased at a pharmacy, are inserted both vaginally and rectally. They help overcome hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after the birth of a baby. They remove swollen veins in the anus, pain, and burning sensations. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and cleanse them of cholesterol deposits, stopping all stagnant processes in the rectum.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

A contraindication to the use of propolis is individual intolerance. In this case, undesirable side effects are possible in the form of itching, burning, and swelling of the mucous membrane. If such symptoms appear, apitherapy should be stopped and an antihistamine tablet should be taken.

For all gynecological diseases, you should not rely solely on the effects of propolis. Of course, this is a very effective drug, but most often it gives good results precisely in complex therapy.

Informational article! Before using products based on bee products, you should consult your doctor.

Propolis suppositories against vaginal dysbiosis

Pharmacy suppositories with bee glue strengthen local immune forces and help quickly cope with vaginitis and thrush. They effortlessly restore the disturbed microflora of the female genital organs and activate the growth of colonies of beneficial bacteria. Pharmacies sell:

  1. Prostopin.
  2. Hemo Pro.
  3. Propolis DN.
  4. Propolis suppositories.
  5. Phyto-propolis.
  6. Propolis with demexide.

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Propolis preparations soften and moisturize the mucous membranes, help eliminate itching and discharge with an unpleasant odor, and stop inflammation. Their instructions for use are very simple. The products are suitable for long-term use and practically do not cause severe side effects.

In addition to propolis, they are enriched with royal jelly, pollen, honey, wax, cocoa butter, and dimexide. The Hemo Pro drug includes healing extracts of St. John's wort, comfrey, sea buckthorn, as well as healing mud and rue oil.

Propolis and its properties

Propolis is a waste product of bees, obtained by processing resinous substances from nectar and pollen. It contains a lot of useful components, such as oils, phytoncides, hormone-like substances, amino acids, etc. Due to its composition, propolis is very effective in the treatment of uterine fibroids. It is able to have the following positive effects on the tumor:

  • Elimination of painful sensations. The presence of fibroids often causes discomfort in women; propolis, when applied topically in the form of suppositories, relieves pain well.
  • Suppression of the inflammation process. Dosage forms obtained from bee products can suppress inflammation in the body.
  • Kills bacteria. Propolis is an excellent antiseptic. The phytoncides included in its composition act as antibiotics. They can be used in the fight against infectious diseases that often accompany fibroids.
  • It acts specifically on neoplasms. Due to hormone-like components, propolis normalizes hormonal levels and the functions of the endocrine system. It restores the cell membrane, improves respiration in tissues, and controls cell division. As a result, the tumor may resolve.
  • It is able to stop the transition of a tumor into a malignant formation due to the content of nutrients, microelements and vitamins in its composition. All of them protect the body from the harmful influences of the external environment.

It is prohibited to use propolis for fibroids if there is a risk of an allergy to honey and its components.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to test individual sensitivity by applying a small amount of the product to the elbow. If after a day itching, irritation or a rash appears on the skin, then the use of propolis is canceled.

Treatment of erosion

Ulcers and erosive processes are quickly healed by suppositories with the addition of propolis. They heal ulcerated tissue, which is important for nulliparous women who do not want to cauterize the affected area with nitrogen or laser. A scar may then form at the cauterization site, interfering with normal delivery.

Natural propolis helps to quickly restore healthy tissue, stops destructive processes and hyperplasia, removes microcracks and ulcers, stops the initial degeneration of the epithelium and purulent processes. It enhances the therapeutic effect of other drugs without reducing the activity of beneficial lactobacilli.

Bacteria and microbes die under the influence of vaginal suppositories with propolis and demexide. An additional low-molecular substance kills pathogenic microflora and, together with bee paste, stops inflammation. Removes toxins and waste, regulates metabolism. Propolis D suppositories are useful to use twice a day for several weeks.

Medicinal properties

Thanks to its unique composition, propolis has a gentle effect on the female body and is not addictive, unlike traditional medicine. It consists of 50 different compounds. The main ones:

  • vegetable resins - 50%,
  • wax - 30%,
  • essential oils - 10%,
  • pollen - 5%.

Tannins and stable lipophilic acaricides are present in small quantities. All these substances have medicinal properties and have a positive effect on the female body.

Bee glue tones, improves immunity, and has an invigorating effect. Regular use of the product slows down aging. The effect is achieved through the body's removal of toxins.

The product has a positive effect on the female nervous system, elevates mood and calms. The substance has bactericidal properties. Bee glue destroys pathogenic microorganisms and does not provoke dysbacteriosis, unlike antibacterial and antifungal agents of traditional medicine.

The product has an anesthetic. It begins to relieve pain 5 minutes after administration. The action lasts up to 1.5-2 hours.

In combination with other drugs, it enhances their effect.

During pregnancy and lactation

During the period of waiting for a child and breastfeeding, dysbiosis often develops due to weakening of immune forces and hormonal changes. You cannot choose potent drugs for therapy. They can harm the body of mother and baby. Many obstetricians and gynecologists advise women to take suppositories with propolis. They contain natural natural ingredients gifted by Mother Nature herself.

You should not use bee products on your own without medical supervision. He will develop the correct treatment regimen. Typically, suppositories are administered several times a day - in the morning and before bed.

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It is first necessary to empty the intestinal tract and bladder. Then wash yourself with boiled water and baby soap and insert a candle. While the medicine dissolves and is absorbed, it is better to take a horizontal position and use a sanitary pad.

Propolis rectal preparations are actively used to eliminate hemorrhoids, ulcers and anal fissures. They often appear during pregnancy and childbirth. They cause a lot of unpleasant and painful symptoms. It is easy to stop the pathological process if you use anti-inflammatory suppositories with natural paste.

Reviews from pregnant women confirm that such drugs improve well-being and lead to complete recovery, prevent repeated relapses of vascular pathology of the rectum, soften the affected areas, quickly relieve itching, pain, and stop bleeding.

Use in inflammatory processes

Inflammatory diseases are a violation of the bacterial balance of microflora. Protective microorganisms are destroyed by bacteria, the number of which increases several times in the absence of treatment.

Inflammatory diseases appear in the following cases:

  • reduced immunity, the presence of colds;
  • after operation;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

Signs of inflammation are strong discharge, pain when urinating, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and back. In such cases, the protection of the mucous membrane is greatly weakened, and the internal organs are at risk. Due to progressive inflammation, microbes multiply and kill microflora.

To reduce the number of pathogenic microbes during inflammation, antibiotics are prescribed. At the same time, they take medications that support the stability of the body’s defense system. If the disease is not severe, it is recommended to use suppositories made from propolis in gynecology. They have an antibacterial, antiseptic and healing effect. The drug can be used simultaneously with other medications.

How to use correctly?

Before using candles, careful hygiene procedures are carried out. Wash the genitals with warm water and soap. Sometimes douching is indicated. Often this procedure cannot be carried out, since it disrupts the natural microflora of the genital organs and causes thrush.

Natural vaginal suppositories with sweet paste are usually used before bedtime. You can put them on in the morning, but you will have to lie down for some time so that the beneficial compounds dissolve and are completely absorbed into the tissue. In any situation, after installing the remedy, you need to lie down for 30-40 minutes. It is advisable to raise the pelvis to a height, for example, on a pillow or bolster.

Suppositories with bee glue are almost completely absorbed and do not leak out. To ensure that your underwear does not get dirty, use a thin pad. During the period when menstruation occurs, it is better to suspend treatment or use suppositories rectally. The healing ingredients still penetrate into the bloodstream of the pelvic organs and continue their therapeutic effect.

What are the contraindications to using propolis for thrush?

Treatment with propolis is strictly contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance to bee products. Otherwise, a rash, fever, redness and headaches may occur. Therefore, before you start using this folk remedy, you should make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction . In order to check whether you have an allergy, you should apply a few drops of tincture on the bend of your elbow and wait one day; if there is no reaction, then you can safely use this remedy.

In addition, the use of tampons with propolis is contraindicated for women during lactation . However, scientists have not substantiated the fact that the medicine, which was placed in the vagina, is absorbed into the blood and then enters the milk.

If we talk about the use of propolis by pregnant women, it must be emphasized that there is no reliable information regarding this issue. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences for the child, it is better to abandon this folk remedy.

How to make good candles yourself?

The price of pharmacological preparations with propolis is quite low, but you can make such a therapeutic and prophylactic product at home. Both a liquid infusion and a piece of a natural product will do. Additionally, to make the medicine you will need a fat fraction. This is Vaseline, cocoa butter or butter. All ingredients are slowly dissolved in a water bath. The elixir should not boil so that all its beneficial qualities are not lost.

A piece of natural propolis is crushed with a knife or grater. Mix with a small piece of butter and melt everything. Then pour the thick mixture into small ice trays and place in the freezer.

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If you take cocoa butter, you will need 20 grams per 1 gram of sweet paste. Also, melt everything thoroughly, stirring the liquid. Then it is cooled and 10 blanks are formed. Wrap in foil and put in the freezer. All suppositories are stored there.

Gynecological suppositories are often made with Vaseline. For 1 gram of propolis you will need 10 grams of additional fatty ingredient. If you purchased propolis tincture at a pharmacy, then the proportion will already be ¼. For 10 ml of propolis liquid you will need 40 grams of the second component. Heat the mixture in a saucepan without bringing it to a boil. The melted mixture is cooled, small candles are formed and sent to the refrigerator.

Propolis suppositories are an excellent remedy for solving many gynecological problems. It is used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. It is important to know that the solution of the problem must be approached thoughtfully and always with the help of an experienced physician. He will develop an individual treatment regimen for each woman and, if necessary, supplement natural suppositories with other drugs to obtain a lasting result.

Video: making propolis candles.

Features of propolis

Propolis is especially popular in the treatment of gynecological diseases. It is used for ovarian cysts, in the treatment of mastopathy, cystitis, and various types of tumors. Its unique properties help many women around the world.

  • Has antibacterial properties. Suppresses many microbes gently, without damaging the native human microflora.
  • Has a wound-healing effect and kills fungi. Bee glue is also very good when used for preventive purposes.
  • Stops the growth and reproduction of viruses and carries out prevention so that they do not appear in the future.
  • Strengthens the immune system and the body's overall resistance to foreign bacteria and viruses.
  • It has an analgesic effect and works as a natural antibiotic, that is, it prevents or stops inflammation.
  • Promotes better absorption of nutrients through the skin.
  • Has antitumor properties. Which is of particular importance for ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids.
  • Stabilizes hormonal levels.

The action of propolis is aimed directly at the cells themselves. It cleanses them and fills them with vitamins. This gives impetus to the formation of new ones.


Tamara, 36 years old: “After giving birth, immunity apparently decreased. Severe thrush began. Strong drugs should not be used while breastfeeding. I ordered inexpensive propolis candles. They are completely natural and harmless to the baby. It turns out that such an inexpensive remedy can be effective! Relieved itching and burning, removed all discharge. Normalized the vaginal microflora.”

Anna, 25 years old: “My mother has been preparing candles with bee propolis for a long time. They help her fight endometriosis and menopause. Eliminate dryness and pain in the lower abdomen. With their help, I got rid of hormonal imbalance. I had severe stomach pain during my period. They didn't arrive on schedule. I took a month-long course of medication, and everything was restored as it should.”

Marina, 52 years old: “I recommend that all women over 45 years old periodically use natural gynecological suppositories Propolis DN. They are inexpensive, but they kill pathogenic microflora, regulate the functioning of the ovaries, and prevent endometrial and cervical hyperplasia. I am very glad that I found such an effective and harmless solution to maintain my women's health. I think that soon I will make the product myself at home. All that’s left is to find a good apiary.”

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