Cervical erosion: is it possible to have sex with this disease?

In modern medicine, uterine erosion refers to a whole range of diseases associated with any damage to the epithelial tissue of the inner surface of the uterus and appendages. The course of treatment for the disease can be quite long, and many patients are interested in whether it is possible to have sex with erosion. In addition, other consequences of the disease and its treatment, such as infertility, the occurrence of various allergic manifestations, and narrowing of the cervical canal, raise concerns. Many women are concerned about the possibility of oncological pathology due to the development of uterine erosion. Some of these consequences are very specific in their manifestation, others are more universal. Let us consider the most typical forms of manifestation of erosion processes and the possibility of minimizing their consequences.

What is cervical erosion

In order to answer the question posed, you need to know what it is. Cervical erosion is a disorder of the epithelium and vagina in the cervical area.

Only a gynecologist can detect such a problem. Upon examination, it looks like scarlet patches of skin in the area of ​​the cervix.

There are several types of erosion:

  • Real erosion. It is formed due to the influence of external factors on the reproductive system. These include any inflammation, damage to the area during surgery or other surgical interventions. Because of this, the epithelium begins to die, and inflammation forms in its place. Most often the problem occurs on the lower part of the organ. The disease is accompanied by bloody discharge and a feeling of discomfort.
  • False erosion. In this case, the epithelium changes to cylindrical tissue. In this case, the girl will not feel discomfort. The type of disease is dangerous because it increases the risk of contracting an infection. Then the girl will notice thick white discharge, which is not typical for a healthy body.

This erosion has the appearance of erosion from birth. That is, even during the development of a girl in the womb, her cervix formed from cylindrical tissue.


Cervical erosion, like any other disease, has three degrees of severity - mild, moderate and severe. True erosion is the detachment of the upper layer of the epithelium. Women may experience itching, slight abdominal cramping, and spotting. Pseudo-erosion is displacement of the upper layer of the epithelium. This form does not develop into cancer. Congenital erosion occurs at birth. Over time, it goes away on its own and has no oncological consequences.

There are also uncomplicated and complicated forms of erosion. With the first, it is rare for a doctor to prescribe treatment. In this case, the uterus itself restores the affected epithelial cells over time. However, exactly how long this will take is unknown. Complicated erosion is very dangerous - the cervix changes, and diseases of adjacent organs occur. There are cases when the development of erosion is provoked by a tumor inside the vagina. The reasons for its occurrence are also varied, so the best solution is to contact a gynecologist who will prescribe medication or surgical treatment. Fixing the problem on your own is not only useless, but also contraindicated. This can lead to more serious consequences.

Erosion from infection

Any infection or disease of the reproductive system leads to a decrease in the former protective power of vaginal tissue. They can no longer fight viruses, so the infection will affect the epithelium deeper. When the epithelium is destroyed, the time will come for cervical erosion.

Infections may include gonorrhea, herpes, etc. And thrush, which almost every woman has, also leads to this problem.

To avoid diseases, you need to be regularly examined by a doctor.


Cervical erosion is destructive changes in the epithelium and disruption of the integrity of the mucous membranes lining the organs of the reproductive system. They can occur for various reasons. Some of the most common are tissue damage during surgery, accidental trauma, improper use of sanitary tampons or intrauterine devices, and infection.

The disease at an advanced stage can cause erosion to degenerate into malignant tumors. And an incorrectly selected treatment method, especially for nulliparous girls, can lead to problems with conception and pregnancy.

Among the most common symptoms of cervical erosion are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the groin area,
  • menstrual irregularities,
  • bloody or whitish discharge not associated with certain periods in the female cycle,
  • sharp pain during sexual intercourse,
  • cutting and burning when urinating.

However, erosion resulting from trauma or mechanical damage to tissue is very often asymptomatic. That is why destructive changes can only be identified during a full examination by a gynecologist.

The type of treatment is selected strictly individually, depending on age, the degree of tissue damage, and whether the girl has given birth before or not.

Who may develop cervical erosion?

Looking ahead, we can say that the problem can affect any girl, but most often it manifests itself in girls who lead an active sexual lifestyle.

The disease does not have a clear age category. But more often this problem visits girls in their twenties.

In medicine, there are cases when the disease affects girls who have not yet begun to be sexually active. Adolescents are also at risk of illness.

But for a woman who often changes her men in terms of intimacy, the risk of the disease is much higher.

Will sex harm you after treatment for erosion?

Now we have smoothly approached a question that interests many people.

The most common question with this disease is whether sex can be harmful during cervical erosion?

Only a doctor can give the go-ahead for this matter, because everyone has their own body characteristics. Let us now consider a standard solution to this issue.

When the disease occurs, inflammation occurs in the tissues of the uterus. Because of this, too much sexual activity can help deepen the disease. Sexual activity during erosion worsens the course of the disease and often turns it into a chronic disease, which is more difficult to cope with. If the disease begins to progress, it may lead to cancer.

You cannot be sexually active for two months after treatment for the disease. Such a ban is imposed because erosion could occur due to sexually transmitted infections of the partner. If sex continues for two months after treatment, there is a risk that the infection may go deeper. After treatment, all tissues are weakened and cannot protect the body from viruses. If the virus enters the inflamed area, it will freely pass further into the uterus and can affect the bladder. This will cause problems with urination.

Therefore, sex and cervical erosion are incompatible things in treatment. As soon as two months have passed after treatment, sex is allowed.

The question also often arises: is it possible to use condoms?

If you have a permanent, trusted partner in terms of sex, a condom is not needed. But if a woman still doubts her man, then it is better to ask him to wear latex.

And after treatment it is best to use condoms. Because a young person can be a carrier of infection and not know about it. To be on the safe side, it is better to use latex.

The question needs to return to permission or prohibition on the fact of sex. Such facts, taking into account the individuality of the body, can only be given by a female doctor.

There are aspects in which sex can either be permitted or strictly prohibited. It is strongly recommended not to ignore them.

Cervical erosion and sex are compatible if:

  1. There is no discomfort or pain.
  2. There is no bloody discharge or bleeding.
  3. The man does not have sexually transmitted infections, and the woman is confident in him.

Sex with such a disease should be strictly prohibited if:

  1. After treatment, it took less than two months for the organ to recover.
  2. There is inflammation in the woman's reproductive system.
  3. During sex, a woman is haunted by discomfort, dryness, and this causes pain.

How dangerous is the condition?

False erosion does not pose any danger to women's health. Inflammation accompanying true erosion leads to endometritis, and in advanced forms to the development of sepsis or peritonitis.

There are cases of infection spreading to the ovaries and bladder. Suffering lymph nodes lead to painful urination and inflammation of other pelvic organs.

Lack of proper treatment can manifest itself in the form of polyps or polycystic ovaries, cervix.

The tumor can be benign or malignant. If there are no inflammatory processes or infectious lesions, the erosion heals itself.

Ectopia in young girls usually goes away after the first birth.

The process of restoration of the uterus, regeneration of the epithelium completely heals all cracks and ulcers. Don't worry if you notice erosion.

In almost all cases, it can be treated; the main thing is to choose a method that is acceptable to you. Modern medicine quickly and painlessly copes with this problem .

Drug treatment is prescribed for a period of 2 weeks to 2 months, and the rehabilitation period after surgery does not exceed a month.

Pain that a woman may experience before, during and after sex is a common phenomenon. In most cases, it requires medical intervention.

There can be many, many reasons for pain during sex. A special medical term has been coined for this phenomenon: dyspareunia. This concept includes persistent or recurring genital pain that occurs immediately before, during or after sexual intercourse.

It is worth saying that sexual intercourse refers to vaginal penetration, so penetration of the penis, fingers, sex toys and even tampons can cause pain.

Will sex before treatment of the disease harm

The main question is: is it possible to have sex with erosion specifically?

In fact, this disease cannot resist sex. If a woman is just developing it, then sex cannot harm her reproductive system. At this stage, it is not prohibited to use tampons.

Since the early stage of the disease passes without symptoms, women continue to be sexually active with their men. And this does not cause discomfort, blood or pain for them. Based on this, we can say that sex will not cause any unpleasant sensations, and you can do it.

But as soon as the problem makes itself felt by the corresponding signs, you need to immediately stop sex. Because the walls of the genital tract are injured, the man’s penis injures them even more. It is in this case that pain and blood will occur.

At this stage, the issue of introducing sexual viruses is also acute. It is necessary to avoid all manipulations during which fungi can enter a woman’s body.

It is necessary to carefully monitor your hygiene.

Along with hygiene, the question of using a condom during the initial development of the disease arises. Yes, condoms are a must. It's better not to try to have sex without it. Every man has a very high risk of a sexually transmitted infection that he is unaware of. A woman can acquire this fungus, and it will complicate her illness.


Before answering the question of whether it is possible to have sex with erosion, you need to highlight the 4 most common causes of its occurrence:

  • Damage to the cervix that a woman could receive during childbirth or abortion.
  • Early sexual life. Until the age of 20, a woman has not yet formed an optimal protective layer of the mucous membrane, so the risk of infection increases significantly.
  • Reduced immunity. There are cases when erosion develops against the background of severe nervous stress.
  • Dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora, cystitis, inflammation of the ovaries and a number of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Ruptures after childbirth.
  • Abortion.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners.

Sex after two months of treatment

Even when the treatment is completed and the system has recovered, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

After the period has expired, sex is permitted. There should not be any pain if after the operation the reproductive system has recovered without deviations. If they are present, you should consult a doctor.

Abstinence and recovery period are determined by the doctor individually. It depends on the method of surgery and the stage of the disease.

If the erosion has reached deeper layers of tissue, then it will be possible to return to sex no earlier than three months after the operation.

Common causes of pain

Not enough lubrication

Most often, vaginal dryness is caused by insufficient foreplay. But there are other reasons: hormonal imbalance or medication. These include antidepressants, blood pressure lowering drugs, sedatives, antihistamines and some contraceptives.

A drop in estrogen levels after menopause, childbirth, or during breastfeeding may also be a cause.

If you are not taking the above medications and have had a blood test done to check your hormone levels, then try extending the foreplay.

Clinical professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at Yale School of Medicine, Dr. Jane Minkin, says it takes at least 20 minutes to develop the required amount of lubrication.

This time is necessary for the labia, clitoris and vaginal canal to begin to erect. Perhaps a woman is naturally lacking in natural lubrication: one way to cope with the problem involves the use of water-soluble lubricants.

Surgery, injury, irritation

This may include injury from an accident, pelvic surgery, episiotomy (an incision in the vagina during childbirth to enlarge the birth canal), female circumcision, anatomical changes such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or surgical scars.

All of this can be very painful, especially if there is a wound that has not completely healed.

In this case, you will have to stop having vaginal sex, take time for proper treatment and resume sexual activity only when the doctor decides that the wound has truly healed or the injury will not bother you.

Inflammation, infection, irritation

An infection in the genital area or urinary tract can make intercourse painful. Eczema, an allergic reaction, irritation from new soaps, inflammation and irritation from thrush are all also reasons why vaginal penetration becomes painful.

If irritation appears after starting to use something new on a daily basis, it is worth removing the innovation and seeing if the irritation or allergic inflammation goes away. Here's what can cause these symptoms:

  • perfumed soap;
  • douching;
  • vaginal perfume;
  • baths with foam or bombs;
  • scented toilet paper;
  • thongs or other tight synthetic underwear.


Vaginismus is painful spasms when the vagina opens. May be an involuntary response to stimuli such as painful previous sexual experiences, experiences of violence, unresolved conflicts regarding one’s own sexuality (for example, strong complexes), feelings of shame towards sex due to a conservative upbringing.

This is a condition in which involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor can be so strong that even a tampon cannot be inserted into the vagina.

Dr. Shannon Chavez, a licensed clinical psychologist and certified sex therapist, says that because muscle contraction is involuntary, it can occur even when a person is aroused and wants to have sex. According to her, many women with vaginismus do not share it with doctors or loved ones.

Vaginismus can be caused by either physical or psychological factors, or a combination of both. A gynecologist can help you relax or retrain your muscles. And you will most likely need the help of a psychologist or psychotherapist to cope with the anxiety and stress that sexual intercourse causes.

Congenital anomalies

There is, for example, Mayer-Rokitansky-Custer-Hauser syndrome, a rare disorder of sexual development in which there is no fully formed vagina or vagina at all. Or a person is born with incomplete reproductive organs.

In these cases, attempting penetration can be very painful. Treatment will involve surgery or the use of vaginal dilators, Dr. Minkin said.

Vaginal muscle atrophy due to menopause

Pain caused by vaginal muscle atrophy (thinning of the vaginal walls) is common among postmenopausal women who are not taking estrogen replacement medications.

The secretion of natural lubrication is entirely dependent on changes in estrogen levels. The quickest solution to the problem is to use estrogen vaginal cream. But of course, you need to consult a doctor and choose the most appropriate solution together with him.

Sex after cauterization of the cervix

If a woman chooses moxibustion as a treatment method, then sex should also be excluded until complete recovery.

The reasons are the same. During sex, the man’s genital organ will be injured with each thrust, breaking through the epithelium that has not yet recovered, which will cause pain and blood.

The cauterization site is tissue open to infection. Sex can introduce fungus into it.

During sex, there is a rush of blood in the reproductive system. This can cause a breakthrough of the cauterization site and heavy bleeding.

Why establish abstinence after treatment?

Sex immediately after treatment and cervical erosion cannot be compatible. It is necessary to establish clear abstinence. This is necessary so that all mucous tissues of the genital tract can return to normal. The male genital organ will irritate and injure them, because there are still thin areas of epithelium there.

Also, during sex, an infection can be introduced, and because of this the disease will become chronic.

The tissues of the reproductive system need more than six months to recover, so you need to use condoms all the time.

It is important to understand that in this situation a condom is not a method of protection against pregnancy, but a method of protection against infection. No contraceptive will work.

Features of conception

As a rule, erosion itself does not prevent conception, however, at serious stages it can cause disruption of pregnancy and subsequently childbirth. This is especially true for nulliparous girls, whose cervix differs in shape and structure from those who have already carried and given birth to a child.

In order to be sure that the pregnancy is progressing normally and that there are no complications or possible consequences, it is necessary to completely cure the erosion, go through a rehabilitation period, and only then can you start planning a child. Depending on the chosen treatment method, pregnancy planning and conception can be delayed by 1-2 months or a year.

If cervical erosion is detected after conception, then it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist, since the affected cells can develop into a malignant tumor. As additional preventive measures, it is worth completely limiting sexual contact during pregnancy, eliminating bad habits and regularly taking vitamin and mineral complexes to maintain the health of tissues and the entire body as a whole.

Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion?

As for false erosion, it is possible to get pregnant with this disease, because it does not provoke infertility. The girl can become pregnant. Her child will not pass this problem on from her. If she does, then the mother is completely innocent. The birth takes place without problems. The disease does not cause any complications. But during pregnancy it is necessary to stop treating erosion.

If a girl has real erosion, then she must first get rid of this problem, because problems may arise. During pregnancy, a woman's reproductive tract will expand, which, along with erosion, will cause pain and discomfort. With this type of disease it will be difficult to give birth.

A few words about erosion

Why does cervical erosion occur? Scientists explain this with several theories:

  • Decreased immunity and inflammation of the female genital organs.
  • Imbalance of vaginal microflora (which explains the presence of this disease in young girls).
  • Early onset of intimate life, when the genitals are not sufficiently formed.
  • Consequences of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Injuries sustained during overly active sexual intercourse or during childbirth.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Cervical erosion can be diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination. Areas of tissue affected by erosion differ in color. The main danger is that the disease is often virtually asymptomatic, because There are no nerve endings on the cervix, therefore, discomfort and pain are not felt in this part of the body.

You should be alerted to causeless discharge and discomfort, nagging pain after sex or lifting weights. Such phenomena may be an early symptom of erosion.

For diagnosis, the gynecologist will prescribe a colposcopy procedure - using a special magnifying device, the doctor will examine in detail the structure of the cervix and perform a biopsy (take a small piece of tissue for research). This procedure is painless and very informative, and based on its results, treatment will be prescribed. The therapy is complex, it includes restoration of immunity and hormonal levels, direct treatment of erosion, as well as creating conditions for the speedy restoration of uterine tissue.

Every woman should undergo a gynecological examination once a year to identify erosion and other possible diseases at an early stage.

Read more about erosion at the following link Matkamed.ru/eroziya/chto-eto-takoe

Is it possible to install a spiral

After the birth of a child, women with this problem have a question: is it possible to install an IUD?

Doctors do not prohibit installing a spiral, but they still do not recommend it. It is better to survive the entire course of treatment and install it after it.

During surgery, a virus may be introduced into the genital tract, which will damage the already affected area. Erosion will worsen and go deeper into the epithelium, which is best avoided.

If a woman nevertheless decides to install this spiral, then it is necessary to choose it from high quality material.

Should I use a condom?

The first question, as a rule, is followed by the second: “Is it possible to have sex without a condom with erosion?” Doctors are divided on this issue. Some argue that you don’t have to use a condom, because erosion is a common condition of the uterus, which, for example, in Europe is not treated in any way, but is simply monitored - once a year they take tests for cancer cells. Other doctors argue that if you have one permanent partner, who is guaranteed to be healthy, you don’t have to use a condom. The third category of doctors is of the opinion that in case of erosion it is necessary to use a condom.

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