How long can you not have sex after cauterization of erosion, after what time can you

Cervical pathology occurs quite often in women. Various methods are used to treat it. But the most effective is cauterization. It can be carried out using a laser, chemicals, electric current, or low temperatures. Each method has its pros and cons, as well as negative consequences. In this regard, many patients ask gynecologists whether sex is possible after cauterization of cervical erosion? When can you start having sex? Before answering this question, you should understand what kind of pathology this is and how it is treated.

How long after cauterization of erosion can you have sex?

Last year I cauterized cervical erosion using cryosurgery.
The doctor warned me that after this procedure I need to maintain sexual rest for 1 month. But my husband and I couldn’t resist and had sex after 3 weeks after cauterization. But if you want to have sex after cauterization, evaluate your health status - is there any discharge, bleeding, or nagging pain in the lower abdomen. And it’s even better to use a condom - just in case, so as not to introduce an infection into scars that have not yet healed. If you experience pain during sex after cauterization of cervical erosion, then it is best to give it up for at least another day, since the scars most likely have not healed yet.

Gynecologists recommend abstaining for one month from the cervical cauterization procedure.

But everyone has their own threshold of sensitivity.

If a girl has a low threshold of sensitivity and the procedure of cauterization of the cervix was for her like torture through spread legs (forgive me for being straightforward), it is unlikely that even in a month she will be able to relax and have traditional sex.

After cauterization, you will need to visit the gynecologist again for treatment with potassium permanganate and receive additional recommendations on your relationship with your husband/partner.

I was also prescribed suppositories for healing and immunity: Vaginorm S, Depanthenol, Viferon or Genferon.

In order to be aware of the responsibility for your own actions, you need to understand what “cervical erosion” is - this is a pronounced defect of the mucous membrane, in fact, an ulcer that can heal normally only if it is not disturbed. In some cases it occurs spontaneously, but most often it requires treatment. If you were cauterized, it means that the ulcer was quite good. Now your task is to let the wound heal properly, the formed scab should come out, after this you also need to wait a certain time - in total, the whole process can take one and a half to two months.

You understand that cervical erosion is a serious disease and in order to avoid complications during treatment, you need to refrain from intimacy. The treatment period is determined by the doctor depending on the treatment method. On average it is 2-3 months. During this time, it is better to wait and explain everything to your partner.

Dear women. I want to tell you, as a gynecologist with more than 10 years of experience, that after this procedure the tube should come off, it comes off in 2-3 weeks, then the place needs to heal, this takes 1-1.5 months. If the wound has not healed, you risk introducing an infection into the uterus itself, infecting the wound surface, bleeding will begin, and what will happen next and what you will be treated for, I think it’s understandable and this is very serious. If after this time nothing hurts, this does not mean that everything has healed there. Sexual incontinence can lead to disastrous results. How can you even have sex if you experience pain and then bleeding. You need it. Calm down your men! After the period of 1 month has expired, you need to perform a colposcopy and if your gynecologist says that everything is fine, then you can be sexually active. But on the condition that you protect yourself with condoms... so as not to damage the microflora. Please follow the advice of doctors! You still have to give birth! And then come to us and cry that you can’t have children. Don't be frivolous.

Unconventional types of sex

Is it possible to have anal sex after cauterization of erosion and how many days after treatment is this permissible - a question that is rarely asked to a gynecologist.

Technically, anal sex does not injure the lining of the cervix, but during orgasm it can cause bleeding. Another risk factor may be the entry into the vagina, in which the normal microbiological environment is disrupted, of opportunistic flora from the rectum during intercourse.

But the possibility of such intimate contacts is often discussed on forums, and many women confirm that careful and protected sex of this kind with a regular partner helps relieve tension in a man and strengthens the couple’s emotional relationship. The optimal period for the start of possible sexual relations is 10-15 days after cauterization in the absence of pain and discharge.

Oral sex is one of the safest, from the point of view of erosion, contacts - there is no penetration into the vagina during intercourse, trauma to the mucous membrane and penetration of infectious agents. The guideline for this type of sex will be solely the woman’s well-being and the absence of bleeding.

If intimate relationships are impossible, masturbation will help relieve tension. A woman should do it without irritating the vagina - this will prevent infection and injury to the cervical mucosa.

More information can be obtained on thematic forums, where women share their experiences on the topic “after cauterization of erosion, when can you sleep with your husband.” Feedback from participants reflects the relevance of the problem:

Anna, 32 years old, asks whether orgasm after cauterization harms erosion (my husband and I couldn’t resist), and whether this will affect healing. The answers say that orgasm itself is not dangerous, but penetration into the vagina can disrupt the epithelium that has not yet strengthened.

On May 5, they cauterized my cervical erosion using the radio wave method and removed palips that were discovered during the cauterization process, everything was cauterized normally, they prescribed suppositories after 10 days and abstained from sex for a month. two weeks after cauterization there was sexual intercourse and masturbation, how dangerous is this or what the consequences may be, tell me if anyone has had this. experts

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There may be a scar. The doctors are not saying this out of harm, they care about your health. Although I also had PA during the recommended abstinence after cauterization, but it passed, everything healed normally.)

Well. Crap. it is forbidden!! because everything should heal well. I was cauterized 2 times. yes, you have to wait! this is such a thing that damn it, you need everything to heal well there, so that there is no inflammation, in order to still cure erosion, it’s not a fact that after one sex everything became terrible there, but it’s better not to do that for now))

It needs to heal normally and there will be no scar! it's not fatal, but the scar is not good enough!

In general, you can have sexual rest for 2 weeks, it seems that at about the same time the scab should go away, that is, the crust from the scar, the doctor should see that the blood vessels are not exposed, and then he decides what is possible and what is not. Depantol and Viferon are often prescribed, especially since you had polyps (although most likely papillomas).

Sorry, have you also masturbated? ugh

You are like an animal, honestly – can’t you really be patient with sex so that everything can heal properly?! I burned it with a laser in April, so I decided that 2 months is strictly neither (although the doctor also said that 1 month is enough), but I value myself and my health. P.S. And by the way, for the first 2 weeks I was extremely sick with desire, I climbed straight up the wall (apparently a side effect), but I still restrained myself from contact.

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It's better to be patient, actually. Doctors say shorter periods, but my husband and I decided to play it safe. Well, in general, I think it’s okay, go to your gynecologist and let him look and tell you, why hide it!? The main thing is that your gynecologist is qualified. At my age, I have seen many people, now I have settled on the University Clinic, I only go to Elena Anosova, I only trust her. Well, you can always consult with Savinov, he is the head of the Center for Cervical Pathology. By the way, the head physician of the University Clinic on Tavricheskaya.

In general, you can have sexual rest for 2 weeks, it seems that at about the same time the scab should go away, that is, the crust from the scar, the doctor should see that the blood vessels are not exposed, and then he decides what is possible and what is not. Depantol and Viferon are often prescribed, especially since you had polyps (although most likely papillomas).

Girls, good morning) I cauterized the erosion with radio waves, the doctor told me to abstain from the procedure for 1 month. We abstained for 5 weeks and after the procedure I started getting ichor and then brown discharge (for 3 days in a very small amount, decreasing every day). I read a lot of forums and articles on this subject on the Internet, but unfortunately I didn’t find anything useful. I read that a similar situation can arise with erosion (one of the symptoms of the presence of erosion), so now I’m worried that my erosion cannot be treated ((I’ll see the doctor only in a month, I said not to come earlier (if the healing goes according to plan) these consequences are not yet the only “failure” in terms of healing erosion, so I’m not eager to see a doctor yet. Has anyone had something like this?? Tell me, what did you do? Thank you very much in advance for your help))

Cervical erosion: general information

Erosion can be congenital, false or true. Congenital pathology can be eliminated on its own with hormonal changes in the body. True erosion requires mandatory therapy. In the first stages of its development, the use of folk and medicinal healing and anti-inflammatory drugs is allowed. If the disease has progressed to an advanced form, it is necessary to cauterize the erosion.

Surgical treatment of cervical erosion involves the use of one of several types of cauterization. The technique is selected depending on the severity of the pathology, its type and degree of damage to the mucous membrane, the individual characteristics of the female body, and the financial capabilities of the patient.

Each method is characterized by an individual healing period, which can be accelerated by following all doctor’s prescriptions. One of these recommendations is to limit sexual contacts after cauterization.

Is sex allowed during erosion?

Many women who do not know about the presence of the disease are sexually active. After cervical erosion is diagnosed, doctors are asked whether it is now safe to have sex. After all, intimacy is a very important moment in a couple’s relationship. In addition, doctors say that regular sex life is very beneficial for health. Forced restrictions on intimacy are not easily tolerated by most people. That is why it is necessary to understand the issue of the possibility of having sexual activity during erosion. Let's start.

When you and your partner have sex, there is a mechanical impact on the cervix. If a woman has a large enough erosion, painful sensations and (or) unpleasant discharge and discomfort in the intimate area may appear during and after intimacy. In this case, you should temporarily stop having sex and consult a doctor to find out the reasons. The partner must be understanding of time restrictions, because the woman's health is likely to be at risk.

Depending on the level of development of erosion and the treatment provided, the doctor gives recommendations regarding sexual activity. During a mild stage of the disease, you can have sex, but you should not do it too often and actively. Possible consequences of an overly active intimate life are the transition of erosion to the chronic stage, as well as the degeneration of benign changes into malignant ones. In this case, you need to regularly undergo a medical examination to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

If hormonal treatment is prescribed, the doctor advises sexual rest so as not to disrupt hormonal therapy. If the disease has progressed to a more severe stage, you cannot have sex, as this can aggravate the inflammatory process and provoke the occurrence of endometritis.

If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion, using tampons during your menstrual period is highly undesirable.

Treatment and recovery period

To cauterize erosion, electric current, chemicals, radio waves, and laser are used. Some patients claim that the recovery period is accompanied by unpleasant sensations:

  • vaginal discharge appears that is odorless and has a yellow or greenish tint;
  • nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen;
  • there is a feeling of general weakness.

Such symptoms are a consequence of the body’s reaction to an irritant during the healing of the wound surface. Basically, such signs disappear two weeks after the procedure. If they persist for a long time, the woman should consult a gynecologist. After treatment, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted. This phenomenon is considered normal if it has recovered within two months.

Many girls say that they cauterized the erosion normally, but prescribed suppositories. This appointment is determined by the specialist’s desire to reduce the likelihood of developing an inflammatory reaction or infection of the treated surface. For similar reasons, doctors recommend that the patient abstain from sexual activity for the entire period of rehabilitation. Sexual rest will not only eliminate mechanical impact on the treated area, but also the entry of infections into the vagina.

How many days after can you have sex?

If a woman cauterizing erosion is in a relationship or marriage, she is interested in the question: how many days after the operation can you not have sex? The duration of the recovery period is determined by the doctor based on the healing activity of the affected areas, the individual characteristics of the female body, and the cauterization method. Most often, rehabilitation lasts 1 month, but can be extended as prescribed by the gynecologist. Thus, intimate life should be completely excluded for 30 days after cauterization. According to individual indications, the specialist can increase this period by 2-4 weeks - until the patient’s complete recovery.

These restrictions are not accidental. This time is necessary for the regeneration of the uterus, and sexual contact can disrupt the integrity of the mucous membrane of the treated area. If a woman begins to be sexually active earlier than expected, the risk of bleeding increases due to damage to the crust, infection or inflammation.

Some women believe that after cauterizing the erosion, they can have sex with a condom. But this is wrong, since the possibility of mechanical damage to the integrity of the crust cannot be ruled out.

What else does the rehabilitation period depend on?

It is clear that the characteristics of the female body directly affect how quickly the epithelium will be restored and the affected area will heal.

Stepan Velikoverstin, gynecologist at the Antea women's consultation clinic:

— A follow-up examination by a doctor is the trigger that can give the green light to your intimacy. Before this, you should strictly refrain from contact due to the possible penetration of infection into the healing wound. The verdict is made only after the woman and the man have been tested. The fact is that the husband, without knowing it, may be a carrier of any sexually transmitted infection. In this case, the first intimate contact after the operation should be extremely gentle and protected; you should give up hard sex for a while - approximately 1-2 months - in order to avoid relapses of the disease.

The following also has a significant impact on recovery:

  • the state of the woman’s immune system;
  • psychological climate in the family;
  • the presence of any chronic diseases;
  • thyroid condition, etc.

In other words, everything is determined by the woman’s total psychological and physiological readiness. If she is filled with desire, and her husband has surrounded her with boundless comfort and care, then it is clear that sex is more likely to be beneficial than vice versa. If the tests show an alarming result, and the patient’s condition can be described as stressful, on the verge of depression, then a number of additional studies should be carried out, and also contact a psychologist.

There is nothing wrong with this: on the contrary, a sober consultation with an expert will put your thoughts in order, instill confidence in a favorable outcome and help restore the desire to live a full life.

Planning a pregnancy

Despite the fact that the menstrual cycle is restored almost immediately after moxibustion, women need to wait a while before planning a pregnancy. Doctors recommend intimate intimacy after the procedure with the goal of conceiving a child only after six months. This is due to the fact that the early process will not allow the tissue to eliminate scar formations as much as possible, and therefore childbirth will occur with complications in the form of incomplete opening of the organ.

On the other hand, in order for the procedure of cauterization of the cervix to be as safe and gentle as possible, a girl planning a pregnancy should think about using a method that eliminates the risk of scarring.

It is also necessary for nulliparous women to become pregnant after cauterization of cervical erosion only after six months, then during delivery the likelihood of complications will be much lower. At the same time, having sex after such procedures is allowed after 1 month.

Restrictions after cauterization

After the operation, the attending physician will tell the patient about any restrictions during the recovery period. In addition to the restrictions regarding the question of whether you can have sex after the procedure or not, there are a number of contraindications after cauterization:

  • Do not overheat the body to minimize the likelihood of bleeding;
  • you should not take a bath to eliminate the risk of infection in the genital tract;
  • It is forbidden to use tampons during menstruation;
  • during the 1st month you should not lift weights or engage in physical exercise;
  • It is required to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

When is it permissible to have sex after cauterization of cervical erosion?

Cervical pathology occurs quite often in women. Various methods are used to treat it. But the most effective is cauterization. It can be carried out using a laser, chemicals, electric current, or low temperatures. Each method has its pros and cons, as well as negative consequences.

In this regard, many patients ask gynecologists whether sex is possible after cauterization of cervical erosion? When can you start having sex? Before answering this question, you should understand what kind of pathology this is and how it is treated.

Hyaluronic acid for treatment

Almost all women know about such a substance as hyaluronic acid. It is included in various skin cosmetics. Due to this substance, moisture is retained, a protective film is formed and the skin heals quickly. Previously, the product was used only in dermatology and cosmetology. Today it is also used in gynecology. It has been proven that hyaluronic acid restores the mucous membrane and maintains water balance.

More recently, pharmacists have released Cicatridine vaginal suppositories, with their help you can heal the vaginal mucosa, moisturize it and restore it. The candles contain:

  • Hyaluric acid.
  • Centella asiatica extract, which is used to treat wounds. With its help, you can quickly restore tissues and speed up their healing.
  • Calendula extract is the main feminine herb. In ancient times, calendula was used to treat trichomoniasis and candidiasis. This is the best antibacterial agent.
  • Aloe vera extract has a wound healing effect.
  • Tea tree oil has an antimicrobial, disinfectant, and anti-inflammatory effect. This component will help destroy pathogenic microflora, which aggravates the inflammatory process during erosion.

It is not recommended to use suppositories on your own, only after a doctor’s prescription.

Erosion and its types

Erosion is a pathology in which healthy tissue is replaced by damaged tissue. The disease is usually detected at the wrong time, since women do not go to the doctor due to the absence of clinical manifestations.

Unfortunately, many ladies forget that in order to timely diagnose female diseases, it is necessary to periodically visit a gynecologist. After all, many diseases of the reproductive system occur without any symptoms. Erosion is no exception.

This disease is detected in every second woman, and at a young age. Typically, the age of patients does not reach 40 years. Pathology has two types:

  1. True erosion. It occurs quite rarely and even if it appears, it will not last for a long time. Such erosion is a wound that is characterized by rapid healing or transformation into a background type of pathology, which is the most dangerous.

The true type can be identified during a routine gynecological examination. The specialist sees it as a red spot located on the mucous membrane of the uterine cervix. This wound lasts no more than 14 days.

It may bleed a little when a woman has sexual intercourse. This occurs if epithelial damage is accompanied by cell death. Sex with this type of pathology may not cause pain, but some discomfort will still be present.

  1. Background erosion. This type of disease occurs when the velvety epithelium of the cervix grows. Due to the fact that this cover cannot develop in an acidic environment, the wound begins to heal on its own. This can lead to the patient developing a tumor. Doctors completely prohibit having sex with this form of pathology in women.

What women say

Eva, 31 years old, Moscow:

— I underwent the usual electric cauterization — and did not take this procedure very well, I was in a depressed state for more than 2 weeks. However, my husband was able to return me to my comfort zone, so skillfully that after about a month I was simply counting the days until the final tests - I so wanted to thank him for his care. You understand how.

Alexandra, 40 years old, Ekaterinburg:

“When the doctor said that after cauterizing the erosion, I would be able to sleep as a husband only in a month, I thought: how can I withstand it for so long. I read reviews from women about the operation. We ended up having sex after about three weeks. It seemed like we didn’t do anything like that, but after a few days I started bleeding. It turned out that the blood vessels in the area of ​​the outbreak were exposed - and most likely the culprit was sexual intercourse. As a result, we had to wait another 45 days for complete restoration of the epithelium. Afterwards, I even developed a fear of engaging in sexual intercourse, but thanks to my husband, I overcame the psychological crisis: he did not push me and perceived me as a full-fledged woman even in those cases when I refused intimacy. Therefore, I advise all women to enter into intimate contact with their husband only after a final examination by a doctor. As a rule, it happens 29-30 days after the procedure.

Any disease is always a challenge. And a woman’s disease in the genital area is also a test for her faithful companion. This is why women are always persistently interested in when they can start sleeping with their husband after cauterization of erosion, and scrupulously study the reviews of those who have already gone through this, for fear of losing interest in sex altogether. Although, in general, there is no reason for such fears if you correctly follow all the recommendations of the supervising doctor and do not “force” events. Sometimes it’s better to wait a little longer so that you can pour out all the accumulated sexual energy on your spouse humbly waiting for X hour. This rule has been known for a long time - and no one has canceled it.

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The consequences of cauterization and sex after it

Modern medicine offers many methods for the treatment of cervical erosion. The most popular of them is cauterization of affected tissues using a laser beam, electric current, or chemicals. Most patients note that after treatment of erosion, the recovery process occurs with some discomfort.

One of the inconveniences is vaginal discharge. But every woman should understand that this is not a pathological discharge. It occurs because the body reacts to irritation. It is at this time that the wound heals. This manifestation disappears 2 weeks after surgery.

After cauterization, a woman’s menstrual cycle is usually immediately restored and does not cause pain. But it is necessary to carefully monitor the release of blood, since bleeding may not appear, but bleeding, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor. Sometimes the menstrual cycle is disrupted after treatment of the pathology. This is considered normal. However, he should recover no later than 2 months.

Also, after surgery, the patient may experience nagging pain, which must be taken into account. Even if the pain syndrome is mild, it still means that the result of cauterization is not particularly positive. Antispasmodics, which can be taken only with the approval of a doctor, can help cope with pain.

Exploratory survey

An examination carried out before prescribing treatment allows you to find out the degree of changes in the tissues of the cervix, detect the cause, the size of the affected area, and the presence of tumors.

The following examination methods are used:

  1. Analysis of bacterial microflora of the vagina. The contents of a smear from the vagina and cervical canal of the cervix are inoculated. The presence of an inflammatory process is revealed.
  2. Smear analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted infections (genital herpes, chlamydia, human papillomavirus infection and others). It is carried out using ELISA and PCR methods.
  3. Smear analysis for the presence of cancer cells.
  4. Colposcopy is an examination of the erosion site using optical magnification and lighting.
  5. Biopsy and cytological examination of a tissue sample taken from the affected area to detect cancer.
  6. Blood test for syphilis, HIV infection, hepatitis B and C.

A general blood test for leukocytes and coagulability, blood sugar, and a general urine test are required.

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