Pimafucin for men with thrush: release forms

Thrush (candidiasis) affects not only women, but also representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Candidiasis balanoposthitis (male thrush) is a disease of the genitourinary system, which is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida. With balanoposthitis, the head of the penis or foreskin becomes inflamed. This disease is characterized by an acute and chronic course.

Redness, swelling, itching, discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse are characteristic symptoms of thrush in men. You should not delay treatment, because the disease easily becomes chronic, after which it will be more difficult to cure.

Pimafucin is an antibacterial drug from the macrolide group that destroys bacteria, fungi, and relieves inflammation. The drug stops the development of pathogenic microorganisms and promotes their death. There are several dosage forms of Pimafucin, but the ointment is popular among men of different age categories.

Release form, composition and mechanism of action

Pimafucin is produced in the form of tablets, ointments and suppositories. The tablets are packaged in dark glass bottles, the cream is in a metal or plastic tube, and the candles are packaged in foil strips.

Composition of different dosage forms:

  • Tablets : Natamycin; White clay; White beeswax; Polividone; Titanium dioxide; Sucrose; Stearic acid; Preservative E218; Gelatin; Gum arabic; Starch; Calcium carbonate; Lactose; Glyceryl triacetate.
  • Ointment : Natamycin; Preservative E1520; A mixture of stearic and cetyl alcohol; sodium lauryl sulfate; Distilled water; Decyloleate; Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester; Cetyl wax ester; Preservative E216.
  • Suppositories : Natamycin; Palmitic alcohol; Hexanedic acid; Animal fat; Stabilizer E496; Twin 80; Baking soda.

Pimafucin has an antifungal and fungicidal (provokes the death of fungal cells) effect. Natamycin destroys the cell membrane and provokes the death of the fungus . The active component is effective against yeast-like fungi (especially Candida) and dermatophytes.

The drug in the form of an ointment does not penetrate into the blood through the skin and mucous membranes of men. A safe medication does not have toxic or systemic effects.

Indications for use

The ointment is used to treat fungus on the nails, skin and inner membranes. Main indications for use of the cream :

  • Inflammation of the glans and foreskin of the penis;
  • Fungal infection of the skin;
  • Otitis of fungal origin;
  • Nail fungus.

The tablets have a systemic effect and cope well with fungal infections. Pimafucin in tablet form is prescribed in the following cases :

  • Intestinal thrush after treatment with corticosteroid, antibacterial or cytostatic drugs;
  • Inflammation of the external genitalia in women and men;
  • Atrophic or pseudomembranous thrush with an acute course.

Suppositories are used only for the treatment of inflammation of the vulva and vagina, caused by Candida fungi.

How to use Pimafucin cream and ointment for men

Pimafucin cream and ointment for men is an effective medicine that eliminates the external manifestations of the fungus. With regular use, itching, burning, redness and swelling disappear.

How to apply Pimafucin cream for men:

For male thrush, the cream is applied to the damaged areas 1 or several times in 24 hours. Doctors recommend applying a thin layer of ointment to the head of the penis no more than 4 times a day. The cream is applied to previously cleansed skin.

The duration of use of the cream is determined by the doctor after examination and diagnosis.

Doctors recommend using the ointment until the symptoms disappear, and then another 2-3 days to completely eliminate the infection.

For advanced candidiasis in men, a complex use of cream and tablets is required. In this case, treatment lasts at least 10 days.

In addition, Pimafucin ointment for men is used in the following cases :

  • Fungal otitis media . The cream is applied to the previously cleaned ear canal, after which it is closed with a cotton swab. Frequency of application – from 2 to 3 times in 24 hours.
  • Fungal infection of the skin or nail plates . The source of infection is treated with ointment 1–4 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts from 15 to 20 days.
  • Intestinal candidiasis . The cream is used together with tablets. The drug is used to treat the cleaned anus after each stool eruption, as well as in the morning and evening.

If after 5 days of treatment the drug does not exhibit therapeutic properties or side effects occur, you should stop using it and consult your doctor.

How much to apply pimafucin for thrush in men

From this article you will learn: when to use Pimafucin cream for men, for what diseases it is effective, and to whom it is not prescribed. Mechanism of action, how to apply and use the cream correctly.

Author of the article: Victoria Stoyanova, doctor of the 2nd category, head of the laboratory at the diagnostic and treatment center (2015–2016).

Pimafucin is an antifungal drug that is intended for the treatment of urogenital candidiasis (thrush) and some other fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes in men.

In men, acute symptoms of infection are less common than in women (1–2%), and are usually accompanied by slight cheesy discharge, redness of the mucous membrane, glans, foreskin and skin around the genitals, rash, itching and burning (balanoposthitis).

Acute symptoms of urogenital candidiasis infection (thrush)

Due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure (a relatively small area of ​​the internal mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract), thrush in men is easier to cure than in women; for this, a complex of an oral drug (for example, fluconazole) and the antifungal cream Pimafucin is sufficient.

At the moment, Pimafucin is produced in only 3 dosage forms:

Vaginal suppositories 100 mg, 6 or 3 pcs. in packaging (intended for the treatment of thrush in women).

Tablets 100 mg (20 pieces per pack).

Cream in a tube of 30 g (2%).

There are no other dosage forms, but you can often hear Pimafucin cream called ointment, although it is one product and there is no difference between them. A completely different drug is produced in the form of an ointment, somewhat similar to it - Pimafucort.

Pimafucin cream is a fairly effective external remedy that is prescribed to men by a urologist; in most cases, its correct use leads to the complete disappearance of thrush and its symptoms (90%).

For men, Pimafucin cream is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • urogenital candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes (thrush);
  • balanoposthitis (candidiasis of the glans, foreskin and penis);
  • dermatomycosis (cutaneous trichophytosis, microsporia, epidermophytosis);
  • onychomycosis (damage to nails caused by mold and yeast-like fungi);
  • fungal otitis (inflammation of the middle ear).

Men are also prescribed Pimafucin:

  • when you need to quickly get rid of severe symptoms of thrush;
  • with hypersensitivity and allergic reactions to other antifungal agents;
  • if the fungi that caused the infection are sensitive to the main component of the drug - natamycin (polyene antibiotic);
  • with simultaneous treatment with other medications, such as insulin (Pimafucin is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not interact with chemical compounds).

Pimafucin cream is used as a prophylactic antifungal agent, applied to diaper rash and bedsores in bedridden patients (during antibiotic therapy, cytostatics, after chemotherapy and other conditions that suppress the immune system).

The drug is contraindicated for use in men:

With hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to the components of the product.

With systemic candidiasis (a common fungal infection of the intestines, genitourinary system and other organs).

For the treatment of fungal infections for which the medicine does not have a fungicidal or fungistatic effect.

There are no contraindications for use in childhood; the cream can be prescribed even to newborns.

The medicinal substance in Pimafucin (natamycin) has the ability to suppress the growth and destroy yeast-like fungi (including Candida albicans), dermatophytes (epidermophyton), mold fungi (aspergillus).

Natamycin reacts with lipids (sterols), from which the fungus builds its own membranes. As a result, defective, permeable cell walls are formed, which gradually leads to the death of fungal cells.

Small portions of Pimafucin cream have a fungistatic effect, that is, they suppress the reproduction and development of the fungus, and large quantities have a fungicidal effect (kill the infection).

The drug is not absorbed into the mucous membranes and does not react with plasma proteins, so resistance to it very rarely develops (the ability of the fungus to get used to the drug and not react to similar components in other medications).

When used correctly in 90% of cases, Pimafucin quickly eliminates severe symptoms of thrush, prevents the process from becoming chronic and completely cures the disease.

The cream is applied to a previously washed with soap and dried surface in a thin layer:

  • In the treatment of balanoposthitis and candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes - 4 times a day. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician (usually from 6 to 10 days); if there is no improvement in the first 4–5 days, it is supplemented with other dosage forms.
  • To prevent chronic thrush and a hidden process, Pimafucin cream for men is recommended to be applied for another 2-3 days after the end of the course of treatment.
  • When treating cutaneous dermatomycosis and onychomycosis caused by Candida and other pathogens, the cream is applied 3-4 times a day. The duration of the full course is usually 20 days, but the doctor can extend it (this depends on the patient’s condition).
  • When fungal otitis occurs, cotton swabs with cream applied to them are inserted into the ear (up to 4 times a day). The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician (from 6 to 10 days).
  • To prevent candidiasis and other fungal infections in bedridden patients, Pimafucin cream is applied 1-2 times a day, every day or every other day, in a thin layer on a clean surface.

Sexual intercourse does not reduce the effectiveness of the medicine, but during the treatment period doctors recommend using condoms. The latex contraceptive is put on after the cream is completely absorbed.

The drug is well tolerated, does not cause complications, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation, and does not react with other drugs, so it is often prescribed to patients with chronic diseases that require constant treatment (insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus).

The product is contraindicated if you are allergic to any substances in the composition. We can talk about an individual reaction if any unpleasant sensations (redness, swelling, itching, burning, etc.) become stronger after several applications.

Despite the fact that Pimafucin cream is almost not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, it is contraindicated for use simultaneously with any type of alcohol.

A rare side effect from the use of Pimafucin cream is a local reaction in the form of a slight tingling, burning sensation after applying the medicine, which usually disappears after 2-4 days of use.

Sometimes patients remain dissatisfied with the effect of Pimafucin; the main complaints in this case are that the treatment is delayed, is not effective enough, and the fungus soon reappears.

The cream may not be effective if:

  • The fungi that cause thrush are not sensitive to natamycin. This is determined by submitting biological material (a scraping from the skin or a smear from the mucous membrane) to the laboratory for culture.
  • Candidiasis was joined by sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.), against which Pimafucin cream is powerless.
  • The product is applied in insufficient quantities (too thin a layer, not 4, but 1 time per day). In this case, you can expect that the medicine will contain and stop the fungal infection (fungistatic effect), but will not kill it completely (fungicidal). And soon the thrush will appear again or will proceed in a latent form until it becomes chronic.
  • Only one sexual partner is treated for thrush. Sexual activity does not affect the effectiveness of Pimafucin, but in order not to transmit the urogenital infection to each other forever, it is necessary to treat it at the same time.
  • Before applying the cream, do not wash off the fungal coating from the surface; this reduces the area of ​​contact between the medicinal substance and the skin affected by the fungus and reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

Any medicinal antifungal agent is not effective enough against the background of constant alcohol intoxication, which weakens the immune system and creates optimal conditions for the growth and development of thrush.

Author of the article: Victoria Stoyanova, category 2 doctor, head of the laboratory at the diagnostic and treatment center (2015–2016).

Based on materials from omolochnice.com

Pimafucin cream for men is a medicinal product that is intended for the treatment of urogenous candidiasis (thrush) in men.

Candida albicans occurs naturally in the body, especially in warm, moist areas such as the mouth and genitals. This usually does not cause any problems because the fungus is controlled by the immune system (the body's natural defense against disease and infection) and other types of bacteria. However, unfavorable factors can cause the fungus to multiply (grow) and lead to infection.

Clinical manifestations of urogenital candidiasis are always unpleasant and irritating. With weakened immunity and concomitant genitourinary diseases, candidiasis balanoposthitis occurs rapidly.

Symptoms of fungal infection of the genitals in men:

  1. Redness of the mucous membrane of the penis and foreskin;
  2. Curdled discharge;
  3. Rash;
  4. Itching;
  5. Burning;
  6. Pain during sexual intercourse and urination;
  7. The head of the penis and foreskin become red and swollen.

In this case, the patient is recommended to undergo a thorough examination by a urologist to exclude STIs. To determine the causative agent of the infection, it is necessary to make a smear from the urethra and culture of sperm.

We recommend an interesting video about the treatment of thrush in men:

Pimafucin cream for men is an antifungal antibiotic from the group of polyenes with a wide spectrum of effects.

Pimafucin is available in three forms: cream, tablets and vaginal suppositories. It is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent and has fungicidal properties. The active substance disrupts the integrity and strength of the cell membranes of pathogenic fungi, as a result of which they die. The high degree of effectiveness of the drug is ensured by the substances included in its composition.

Cream 2% is available in a tube weighing 30 grams.

1 g of the drug contains 20 mg of the main active ingredient - natamycin, as well as auxiliary components (decyl oleate, cetostearyl alcohol, wax, sodium lauryl sulfate, propylene glycol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, water). Thanks to such components, it spreads quickly and evenly on the surface of the mucous membranes and on the skin.

Pimafucin cream is a mixture that has a white or light yellow tint and has no specific odor. It helps not only to eliminate the clinical manifestations of the disease, but also to prevent possible relapses.

What is Pimafucin cream for men? The drug is most effective in the fight against yeast fungus of the genus Candida. Dermatophytes are less sensitive to natamycin, but resistance to natamycin does not occur in clinical practice.

Pimafucin for thrush in men is prescribed only by a urologist or venereologist after examination and receipt of laboratory test results.

The price of the drug Pimafucin, which is prescribed to men, in pharmacies varies from 337 to 500 rubles. The product is very common - it can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Pimafucin is prescribed:

  • Urogenital candidiasis (thrush) in men and women;
  • Dermatomycosis;
  • Atrophic candidiasis;
  • Pseudomembranous candidiasis formed after the use of antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids;
  • Onychomycosis;
  • Fungal otitis.

In addition, the drug is prescribed for complex therapy in the case of systemic fungal pathology.

When is Pimafucin prescribed:

  • If you need to quickly get rid of thrush;
  • If you are intolerant to other antimycotic drugs;
  • If the fungi that caused thrush are sensitive only to the main component of the medicine - natamycin.

How to use Pimafucin cream for men:

  1. Thrush is treated by applying the medicine to the affected areas of the mucous membrane and skin 3 to 4 times a day;
  2. The duration of the therapeutic course of treatment for fungal balanoposthitis is determined by the doctor individually for each patient;
  3. After the clinical symptoms of the disease disappear, it is recommended to continue application for several more days.

The main advantage of the drug is its ease of use and light texture, allowing for smooth application of the substance.

How to apply Pimafucin Cream for men:

  • Before use, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • Before application, it is better to wash off the fungal plaque with boiled water, as it reduces the effectiveness of the medicine;
  • The product is distributed with light movements on the mucous membrane of the genital organs with a slight grip on the skin;
  • Doctors recommend applying a thin layer of medication to the head of the penis no more than 4 times a day;
  • To obtain lasting results, this remedy must be used regularly until complete recovery.
  • During the course of treatment, it is necessary to change underwear frequently. It must be clean, dry and ironed;
  • It is better to abstain from sexual intercourse during this period or use a condom.

When applied topically, it is not absorbed into the general bloodstream and does not interact with other drugs. If Pimafucin cream does not help, then the patient is prescribed other antifungal drugs. People with weak immune systems may require closer medical monitoring because there is a risk that a relatively minor infection such as thrush can develop into a more serious case of invasive candidiasis.

Pimafucin is not used if a man has:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  2. Individual intolerance.

The drug does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate machinery. Avoid contact of the medication with the mucous membrane of the eye.

When applying the cream to the penis and foreskin, a slight burning sensation may be felt, which is caused by the cetyl alcohol included in its composition. Before use, consult your doctor and carefully read the instructions for use of Pimafucin cream in men.

Analogs of Pimafucin cream for men:

On our website you can read reviews about Pimafucin cream for men.

Pimafucin cream for men is safe and easily tolerated by patients. In addition, it does not have a harmful effect on other organs and systems, since it works exclusively at the site of injury and does not penetrate the bloodstream. Only the doctor decides how much to apply Pimafucin cream for thrush.

Based on materials from kremys.ru

Thrush (candidiasis) affects not only women, but also representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Candidiasis balanoposthitis (male thrush) is a disease of the genitourinary system, which is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida. With balanoposthitis, the head of the penis or foreskin becomes inflamed. This disease is characterized by an acute and chronic course.

Redness, swelling, itching, discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse are characteristic symptoms of thrush in men. You should not delay treatment, because the disease easily becomes chronic, after which it will be more difficult to cure.

Pimafucin is an antibacterial drug from the macrolide group that destroys bacteria, fungi, and relieves inflammation. The drug stops the development of pathogenic microorganisms and promotes their death. There are several dosage forms of Pimafucin, but the ointment is popular among men of different age categories.

Pimafucin is produced in the form of tablets, ointments and suppositories. The tablets are packaged in dark glass bottles, the cream is in a metal or plastic tube, and the candles are packaged in foil strips.

Composition of different dosage forms:

  • Tablets : Natamycin; White clay; White beeswax; Polividone; Titanium dioxide; Sucrose; Stearic acid; Preservative E218; Gelatin; Gum arabic; Starch; Calcium carbonate; Lactose; Glyceryl triacetate.
  • Ointment : Natamycin; Preservative E1520; A mixture of stearic and cetyl alcohol; sodium lauryl sulfate; Distilled water; Decyloleate; Para-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester; Cetyl wax ester; Preservative E216.
  • Suppositories : Natamycin; Palmitic alcohol; Hexanedic acid; Animal fat; Stabilizer E496; Twin 80; Baking soda.

Pimafucin has an antifungal and fungicidal (provokes the death of fungal cells) effect. Natamycin destroys the cell membrane and provokes the death of the fungus . The active component is effective against yeast-like fungi (especially Candida) and dermatophytes.

The ointment is used to treat fungus on the nails, skin and inner membranes. Main indications for use of the cream :

  • Inflammation of the glans and foreskin of the penis;
  • Fungal infection of the skin;
  • Otitis of fungal origin;
  • Nail fungus.

The tablets have a systemic effect and cope well with fungal infections. Pimafucin in tablet form is prescribed in the following cases :

  • Intestinal thrush after treatment with corticosteroid, antibacterial or cytostatic drugs;
  • Inflammation of the external genitalia in women and men;
  • Atrophic or pseudomembranous thrush with an acute course.

Pimafucin cream and ointment for men is an effective medicine that eliminates the external manifestations of the fungus. With regular use, itching, burning, redness and swelling disappear.

How to apply Pimafucin cream for men:

For male thrush, the cream is applied to the damaged areas 1 or several times in 24 hours. Doctors recommend applying a thin layer of ointment to the head of the penis no more than 4 times a day. The cream is applied to previously cleansed skin.

The duration of use of the cream is determined by the doctor after examination and diagnosis.

For advanced candidiasis in men, a complex use of cream and tablets is required. In this case, treatment lasts at least 10 days.

In addition, Pimafucin ointment for men is used in the following cases :

  • Fungal otitis media . The cream is applied to the previously cleaned ear canal, after which it is closed with a cotton swab. Frequency of application – from 2 to 3 times in 24 hours.
  • Fungal infection of the skin or nail plates . The source of infection is treated with ointment 1–4 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts from 15 to 20 days.
  • Intestinal candidiasis . The cream is used together with tablets. The drug is used to treat the cleaned anus after each stool eruption, as well as in the morning and evening.

If after 5 days of treatment the drug does not exhibit therapeutic properties or side effects occur, you should stop using it and consult your doctor.

If suppositories and ointments are not able to eliminate all the symptoms of candidiasis and the fungal infection continues to develop, then the man needs to use tablets. Indeed, in advanced forms of the disease, complex therapy is necessary.

The tablet form of Pimafucin negatively affects the male liver, and therefore, before using the drug, you should carefully study the instructions for use. The decision to prescribe medication is made by the doctor after examination and diagnosis.

The drug is used to treat various forms of candidiasis. The daily dosage of the medication for advanced thrush is 1 tablet four times. If the symptoms of candidiasis are not very pronounced, then the dose can be reduced to 2 tablets per 24 hours .

The duration of treatment with tablets depends on the symptoms, the age of the patient and is determined by the attending physician. Typically, 10 days are enough to completely eliminate the infection. In severe cases, the course lasts about 20 days.

Pimafucin should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to its components. Natamycin causes allergic reactions in rare cases. There are no serious side effects after taking the drug.

In the first days of treatment, Pimafucin tablets can cause mild nausea and diarrhea in a man . If these symptoms appear, you should not stop taking the drug; they disappear on their own after a short period of time.

Negative phenomena may also occur as a result of using Pimafucin ointment. After applying the cream, irritation appears on the skin or mucous membranes, which also quickly disappears and does not require symptomatic treatment or discontinuation of the course.

When treating thrush in a man with Pimafucin or other means, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene in order to prevent further development of the disease:

  • It is not recommended to use soap, gel, or intimate deodorants . Cosmetic products contain chemicals that disrupt the natural bacterial flora of the genital organ;
  • It is important to have a separate towel so as not to infect family members. After washing, the genitals should be gently blotted and not rubbed;
  • After each urination, you must rinse your penis with clean, cool water . To do this, pull back the foreskin and gently rinse the head;
  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap after each use of the toilet;
  • (without dyes or fragrances) when treating candidiasis
  • Wash your penis after every sexual intercourse;
  • Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics;
  • Change your underwear if you have thrush several times a day (at least twice).

Only if you follow these rules can you completely cure candidiasis.

Drugs similar to Pimafucin include medications that have similar indications, but differ slightly in composition and price.

There are many antifungal drugs, among which Pimafucin ranks first. However, there are medications that can replace it :

  • Diflucan is a popular synthetic drug for the treatment and prevention of mycoses;
  • Flucostat is an antifungal agent for the treatment of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Clotrimazole is an effective antimycotic agent for external and local use;
  • Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic from the polyene group for the treatment of candidiasis;
  • Fluconazole is an effective medicine for the prevention and treatment of mycoses.

Thus, Pimafucin is an effective and safe drug for the treatment of candidiasis in men. The medicine can cause side effects, and therefore can only be used after a doctor's prescription. The patient must follow the recommendations of doctors regarding the use of this drug.

Based on materials from gribkostop.ru

This drug is widely used in medical practice in the treatment of candidal balanoposthitis (thrush) in the stronger sex. The use of Pimafucin for men is considered a first-line measure in the fight against the characteristic manifestations of a fungal infection: burning, severe itching, skin hyperemia. Read the detailed instructions for this medicine.

It is reliably known that genital mycosis affects not only women, but also members of the stronger sex. Candidal balanoposthitis, or male thrush, occurs under the influence of active reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the head of the penis and the surrounding foreskin. An antifungal antibiotic eliminates the negative manifestations of mycotic lesions and promotes the death of pathogenic agents.

The active component of the drug is natamycin. This substance belongs to the group of polyenes - antimycotic agents of natural origin. The antibiotic natamycin is effective against yeast-like fungi and dermatophytes. In addition to the main substance, Pimafucin contains auxiliary components. The final composition of the drug depends on the intended form of its release:

  • Pimafucin 100 mg n20 tablets, enteric-coated;
  • Pimafucin cream (ointment), tube 30 g.

Quantitative content of the substance in 1 tablet (mg)

Quantitative content of the substance in 1 g (mg)

Wax based on cetyl esters

The active substance Pimafucin irreversibly binds to the sterols of fungal membranes, disrupting their structure. The Natamycin molecule, penetrating the cell membrane of the pathogen, forms many small tubules through which the uncontrolled movement of water and electrolytes then occurs. Against the background of these processes, the fungus loses resistance to negative external influences and dies. Natamycin is not able to penetrate into the systemic bloodstream through the mucous membranes, skin, and gastrointestinal tract - the drug has an exclusively local effect on the affected area.

The medication is intended for the treatment of fungal diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to natamycin. The use of one or another form of the drug is determined by the intensity of the clinical manifestations of infection and the localization of the infectious focus. Pimafucin tablets are used for systemic treatment of intestinal candidiasis and external genitalia in men, while natamycin ointment (cream) is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • dermatomycosis;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • fungal infection of the urethra.

The drug in the form of an ointment (cream) eliminates the external manifestations of mycosis in the form of inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. In most cases, this dosage form is used to treat the initial stages of male candidiasis. In advanced cases, local treatment of the affected area is supplemented by taking tablets. In this case, the treatment regimen and duration are determined by the urologist individually for each patient.

The instructions for the antifungal drug indicate that in order to eliminate the symptoms of balanoposthitis, you should cover the head of the penis with the product one to several times a day. Medical practice shows that to achieve the greatest effect, Pimafucin ointment for men should be applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin three times a day. With all this, the instructions recommend carrying out treatment until the symptoms completely disappear, after which, in order to prevent relapse, extend the course of treatment for another two days.

Regardless of the dosage form of the drug, the duration of therapy with Pimafucin is 1-2 weeks. At the same time, men who have sexual intercourse during treatment do not need to avoid intimacy. In such cases, doctors usually recommend using barrier-type contraception (condoms). Despite this, experts still advise treating thrush for both sexual partners.

Based on materials from sovets.net

Use of Pimafucin tablets

If suppositories and ointments are not able to eliminate all the symptoms of candidiasis and the fungal infection continues to develop, then the man needs to use tablets. Indeed, in advanced forms of the disease, complex therapy is necessary.

The tablet form of Pimafucin negatively affects the male liver, and therefore, before using the drug, you should carefully study the instructions for use. The decision to prescribe medication is made by the doctor after examination and diagnosis.

The tablets are quite strong and effectively eliminate fungal infections. But if the dosage or course duration is violated, the drug causes side effects.

The drug is used to treat various forms of candidiasis. The daily dosage of the medication for advanced thrush is 1 tablet four times. If the symptoms of candidiasis are not very pronounced, then the dose can be reduced to 2 tablets per 24 hours .

The duration of treatment with tablets depends on the symptoms, the age of the patient and is determined by the attending physician. Typically, 10 days are enough to completely eliminate the infection. In severe cases, the course lasts about 20 days.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug in the form of an ointment (cream) eliminates the external manifestations of mycosis in the form of inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. In most cases, this dosage form is used to treat the initial stages of male candidiasis. In advanced cases, local treatment of the affected area is supplemented by taking tablets. In this case, the treatment regimen and duration are determined by the urologist individually for each patient.

Pimafucin cream for men

The instructions for the antifungal drug indicate that in order to eliminate the symptoms of balanoposthitis, you should cover the head of the penis with the product one to several times a day. Medical practice shows that to achieve the greatest effect, Pimafucin ointment for men should be applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin three times a day. With all this, the instructions recommend carrying out treatment until the symptoms completely disappear, after which, in order to prevent relapse, extend the course of treatment for another two days.

Regardless of the dosage form of the drug, the duration of therapy with Pimafucin is 1-2 weeks. At the same time, men who have sexual intercourse during treatment do not need to avoid intimacy. In such cases, doctors usually recommend using barrier-type contraception (condoms). Despite this, experts still advise treating thrush for both sexual partners.

Contraindications and side effects

Pimafucin should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to its components. Natamycin causes allergic reactions in rare cases. There are no serious side effects after taking the drug.

In the first days of treatment, Pimafucin tablets can cause mild nausea and diarrhea in a man . If these symptoms appear, you should not stop taking the drug; they disappear on their own after a short period of time.

Negative phenomena may also occur as a result of using Pimafucin ointment. After applying the cream, irritation appears on the skin or mucous membranes, which also quickly disappears and does not require symptomatic treatment or discontinuation of the course.

Hygiene during treatment

When treating thrush in a man with Pimafucin or other means, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene in order to prevent further development of the disease:

  • It is not recommended to use soap, gel, or intimate deodorants . Cosmetic products contain chemicals that disrupt the natural bacterial flora of the genital organ;
  • It is important to have a separate towel so as not to infect family members. After washing, the genitals should be gently blotted and not rubbed;
  • After each urination, you must rinse your penis with clean, cool water . To do this, pull back the foreskin and gently rinse the head;
  • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap after each use of the toilet;
  • (without dyes or fragrances) when treating candidiasis
  • Wash your penis after every sexual intercourse;
  • Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics;
  • Change your underwear if you have thrush several times a day (at least twice).

Only if you follow these rules can you completely cure candidiasis.

Reviews of “Zdorov” cream wax for potency

In fact, there are not so few men suffering from sexual impotence, it’s just that hardly anyone will talk about this problem. Most representatives of the stronger sex do not even want to go to the doctor with such a problem, so as not to have to voice it to a stranger. However, they still strive to find a way out of the situation, because sexual impotence is a significant blow to male pride.

Intimate cream-wax HEALTHY for prostatitis and for potency

There are many reasons for the development of impotence, even short-term: these are psychological problems (depression, psycho-emotional disorders), and physiological (hypothermia, past infections, chronic diseases, hormonal imbalances, sedentary lifestyle). Potency deteriorates with age, everyone knows this. Also, such a common disease as prostatitis can significantly worsen the quality of life of any man. After all, if the disease is not treated, it will go into an advanced stage, and then impotence cannot be avoided. But a man in full bloom wants to feel complete, he has a need to give love and affection to a woman. How can you decide to even have a small affair, knowing about your delicate problem? Thoughts of ridicule and sarcastic hints immediately come to mind.

But is everything so sad? After all, we live in the 21st century, and today there are many drugs for the treatment of impotence in men. One of them is Zdorov cream for potency. This is a topical remedy, not a systemic one. That is, nothing needs to be taken inside the body, so thoughts about how the drug will affect the functioning of internal organs can be discarded. It's no secret that internal medicines have many side effects.

Zdorov wax cream for potency is completely safe for men, as it is made exclusively from natural ingredients. All of them are carefully selected in such a way as to have a positive effect on potency in men. If you already have a history of prostatitis and you are a regular visitor to a male urologist, then this drug will help you get rid of pain, if any, and relieve inflammation.

What are the properties of the cream

The big advantage of the drug is that it begins to act from the first days of use, because the cream:

  • works at the cellular level;
  • significantly improves the quality and duration of sexual intercourse;
  • makes the male organ more sensitive;
  • increases libido in men;
  • protects against premature ejaculation;
  • indirectly helps relieve inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area, including prostatitis;
  • increases sperm motility;
  • the erection becomes stable, problems with potency are eliminated.

Real reviews from customers who have used the cream confirm the fact that Zdorov really works and does not cause side effects.

The concept of impotence does not only mean complete erectile dysfunction, it is much broader. If a man is unable to satisfy his woman during sexual intercourse, he is already impotent to some extent. The reasons may be constant stress, nervous work, which does not allow a man to fully rest and relax in his free time from work.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! D. Pushkar told how to defeat prostatitis at home...

Such a pleasant treatment for prostatitis...

As a result, problems accumulate, sexual life is relegated to the background, a man ceases to feel the need for constant sexual intercourse, and loses sexual desire. Intimate intimacy ceases to be important for him, he resorts to sexual intercourse less and less often, the duration of sexual intercourse decreases more and more, and accordingly, the joy from intimate caresses becomes less. This cannot have a positive effect on the emotional background and plunges the man even more into depression. He begins to avoid sexual intercourse under the pretext of extreme fatigue or headache.

A large percentage of men suffer from sexual impotence; medical statistics cite the figure as 20%, but we all understand that it is greatly underestimated, since it is formed from the number who sought medical help with the problem. The rest prefer to solve it on their own, without turning to specialists.

Go to the official website!

Why does impotence develop?

As we mentioned, there can be many reasons for this:

  • regular stress at work or in business;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • accumulated fatigue, incorrect life schedule, constant lack of sleep;
  • chronic genitourinary diseases;
  • poor blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • sedentary lifestyle in men;
  • low physical activity;
  • food depleted of vitamins, because nutrition for potency plays an important role.

Reviews from doctors about this drug confirm the fact that Zdorov cream is useful not only as a means of improving erectile function, but also as a general tonic.

How does the cream work and what does it consist of?

With daily use of the cream 2 times a day, healthy potency will soon return. The drug acts on the phenomena that cause erectile dysfunction, for example, a decrease in normal blood circulation in the penis due to varicose veins or loss of vascular elasticity. If a man had problems with urination due to inflammation of the prostate gland, then the cream solves these problems, eliminating pain. The drug acts locally and is very effective.

What does the cream consist of:

  1. Propolis extract acts as the main ingredient of the product. This beekeeping product has long been recognized by traditional medicine as an antibiotic of natural origin. It has the ability to relieve inflammation and heat, kill harmful microorganisms. When applied topically, it improves blood circulation and prevents stagnation. It has a wide spectrum of action, propolis is an excellent antiseptic, excellent at healing wounds and abrasions.
  2. Cedar resin is cedar resin collected from the tree. It has many life-giving properties and can fight various diseases. It is used for arthritis, arthrosis and prostatitis. It relieves inflammation, scars ulcers, has an analgesic effect, and helps restore blood circulation in the penis.
  3. Bee moth extract is simply a storehouse of vitamins and important microelements. Its antibacterial effect has long been known. Promotes the regeneration of muscle tissue.
  4. Bee venom in small doses has many beneficial properties. It replenishes strength, improves tone, restores energy, and makes a man more resilient. Since ancient times, peasants have used this remedy to improve their performance.
  5. Beeswax is the basis of the cream, that is, the substance that connects all the ingredients together. Beeswax has long been used in urology; it improves blood flow in the pelvic organs and relieves spasms.

What other benefits does the cream have?

Wax propolis elixir compares favorably with many other means for male potency not only because it has an affordable price, but also because it has the following remarkable qualities:

  • it has a completely natural composition;
  • it does not contain alcohol or chemical fragrances;
  • it deeply affects the cellular level;
  • has a prolonged effect, the effect persists even after the end of using the cream;
  • relieves inflammation in the prostate gland.

How to use the cream

The following instructions must be followed:

  • the cream must be applied to the genital organ 2 times a day, as if rubbing and massaging it;
  • Massage should be continued for several minutes until completely absorbed;
  • Treatment lasts from a month to two, depending on the severity of the situation.

If you don’t know where to buy the cream, then it’s best to do it on the manufacturer’s official website. There you will find out how much the product costs. This drug is not supplied to pharmacy chains or retail trade, but is sold directly from the website, otherwise its cost, taking into account markups, would be much higher.

Go to the official website!


Drugs similar to Pimafucin include medications that have similar indications, but differ slightly in composition and price.

There are many antifungal drugs, among which Pimafucin ranks first. However, there are medications that can replace it :

  • Diflucan is a popular synthetic drug for the treatment and prevention of mycoses;
  • Flucostat is an antifungal agent for the treatment of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Clotrimazole is an effective antimycotic agent for external and local use;
  • Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic from the polyene group for the treatment of candidiasis;
  • Fluconazole is an effective medicine for the prevention and treatment of mycoses.

Thus, Pimafucin is an effective and safe drug for the treatment of candidiasis in men. The medicine can cause side effects, and therefore can only be used after a doctor's prescription. The patient must follow the recommendations of doctors regarding the use of this drug.

Pathogenesis of the development of fungal pathologies

Pimafucin is a drug that belongs to the group of polyene antibiotics. Its active ingredient is natamycin. It has virtually no effect on pathogenic microflora, but has a pronounced fungicidal effect.

The mechanism of action of Pimafucin is associated with its ability to attach to the sterol compound of the fungal wall. This leads to a violation of the permeability of their walls and the impossibility of further reproduction.

Another feature of natamycin is that the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. On the one hand, because of this, Pimafucin cannot be used for fungal infections of the patient’s internal organs.

This medicine is effective only when applied topically. However, this circumstance significantly reduces the number of systemic side effects. Therefore, Pimafucin cream for men is considered a safe drug, even with long-term use.

In addition to the cream, there are also forms of the drug for oral use when the mucous membrane of the digestive tract is damaged. The studies also showed that it is possible to use Pimafucin as eye drops in ophthalmology.

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