Pimafucin for thrush: review of the drug, recommendations for use, reviews

Pimafucin (generic name Natamycin) is a polyene antibacterial agent from the macrolide group.
It is an active fungicide. Due to the fact that fungi of the genus Candida (especially Candida Albicans) are sensitive to it, Pimafucin is used with considerable success for thrush. In addition, the drug is active against many other yeast-like fungi (torulopsis and rhodotorulus species) and molds (aspergillus and representatives of penicillin fungi). It is considered effective in the treatment of diseases caused by certain dermatophytes (skin-loving fungi), for example, Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton.


The drug contains the antifungal antibiotic natamycin. Candida fungi are especially sensitive to it.

Medical experts never tire of repeating that local therapy for fungal infections only leads to a temporary subsidence of symptoms. Experts recommend fighting the cause of the disease, and for this it is necessary to take medications internally. Typically, the best etiotropic drugs include itraconazole, clotrimazole, fluconazole, miconazole and chemically related drugs.

However, recently, insensitivity of fungi to imidazole derivatives has been noted. Scientists explain the ineffectiveness of these traditionally used drugs by the fact that pathogens acquire resistance.

Pimafucin for thrush - a remedy for etiotropic therapy:

  1. The drug has a fungicidal effect and eliminates the cause of the disease.
  2. The active ingredient is the antifungal substance natamycin.
  3. Pimafucin is a modern alternative to imidazole derivatives.

The clinical effect of treatment with pimafucin is observed 24–48 hours after the start of use.

In addition to a quick effect on symptoms, the drug stops the focus of a fungal infection in the intestines. Among the advantages of treatment with natamycin is also the opportunity for both partners to be treated. The drug is approved for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Opinion of young mothers on the use of Pimafucin during gestation

When I began to study forums for young mothers, I came to the conclusion that most women encounter the problem of candidiasis two, three, or even more times during pregnancy. Moreover, the most widely used medications in the fight against this problem are Pimafucin and Livarol. As for Pimafucin, the opinion of young mothers is quite ambiguous. Many women claim that this medicine is a waste of money and time, while others, on the contrary, speak positively about both the suppositories and the cream. I would like to note that not a single woman noted any adverse reactions after treatment with Pimafucin.

Although Pimafucin is not prohibited for use during pregnancy and is available without a doctor’s prescription, every expectant mother should remember that there are no harmless medications.
Taking any medication should be under the strict supervision of a doctor. Rate this article: Share with friends!

Treatment of vaginal candidiasis (thrush) with Pimafucin

The disease occurs in acute and chronic forms, often taking on a protracted, recurrent nature. This feature has already been played out in advertising, where thrush appears in the form of a white boomerang that constantly returns. The variety of release forms makes pimafucin a particularly popular drug for thrush in women.

Treatment of fungal diseases can be carried out with vaginal suppositories, cream and tablets. All these forms contain natamycin in different dosages and excipients. For women, the most effective way is vaginal suppositories, which ensure maximum penetration of the active substance inside.

Pimafucin protects against recurrence of thrush and provides prevention of re-development of fungal infection after antibiotic therapy.

Contraindications for use - the patient has intolerance to one or more ingredients in the composition of the drug. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. Vaginal suppositories cannot be used during menstruation. Sexual contacts should be completely excluded during the treatment period.

Benefits of local remedies

As a rule, 5-14 days of treatment is enough to get rid of problems. The duration of the course depends on which drug is prescribed. But if necessary, the doctor can build an individual regimen for using medications. This is aimed, as a rule, at making the treatment of thrush in women more effective. Drugs that are used topically quickly relieve discomfort: they help get rid of itching, burning sensation and reduce heavy discharge.

In addition, topical medications are considered safer than those taken orally. Judging by the reviews of patients, side effects from their use were almost never observed.

How to take pimafucin for thrush?

Women are prescribed suppositories for the treatment of acute vulvovaginal candidiasis. The suppository is inserted into the vagina once a day - at night. The principle is the same as with Terzhinan candles, the use of which we have already described in detail. The average duration of therapy is from three to six days. Simultaneous treatment with a cream is possible, which is applied once or twice a day. For severe thrush, use the cream four times a day. The course of treatment lasts about 14 days.

Not only women are susceptible to candidiasis. Therefore, pimafucin for thrush in men is also becoming a popular drug. The medical name of the disease is candidal balanoposthitis. Inflammation of the head of the penis occurs as a result of the activity of a fungal infection.

Symptoms of candidiasis in men are burning, itching, and unpleasant odor in the genital area. Pain occurs during sexual intercourse. A white, cheesy coating may appear on the head of the penis in men. Thrush occurs more easily in men, but also causes a lot of trouble. If discomfort occurs in the genital area, you can use pimafucin cream. The product is applied four times a day, rubbed into the head of the penis.

The instructions for the tablet form of pimafucin indicate that the drug treats intestinal candidiasis and eliminates the reservoir of Candida fungus in vulvovaginitis. Tablets are taken regardless of meals - one, four times a day. If thrush becomes persistent, then tablets and vaginal suppositories are prescribed at the same time.

Pimafucin (generic name Natamycin) is a polyene antibacterial agent from the macrolide group. It is an active fungicide.

When should you pay attention to Pimafucin?

More often than not, thrush causes inconvenience and discomfort to girls during exacerbation. Fungi live in the intestines, mouth, mucous membranes and genitals. If a woman’s immunity is not able to overcome the disease, then active growth and reproduction of fungi occurs. Pathogenic microflora multiplies rapidly and provokes unpleasant symptoms. If treatment is not started, this can lead to serious complications and disorders.

  1. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse. Painful sensations when urinating, the disease can be confused with cystitis.
  2. Unpleasant, copious discharge, similar to cottage cheese, has a sour odor. They can be either white, yellow or green. The smell is reminiscent of cottage cheese or rotten fish.
  3. Severe itching and burning.
  4. The genitals become swollen and inflamed.

The manifestation of the disease is directly related to the cycle and changes in the amount of sex hormones in the body. An exacerbation of the disease develops 10 days before the onset of menstruation, at the moment when a woman’s amount of progesterone increases. An increase in this hormone also provokes thrush in pregnant women. Symptoms may vary and may be limited to simply an unpleasant odor.


The effectiveness of a drug (drug), regardless of the form of release, is explained by the ability of natamin (the active component of the drug) to irreversibly bind to cholesterol-like substances (sterols). These substances are part of the microbial cell membrane. By contacting them, Pimafucin seems to compress the membrane, ultimately causing its destruction and the death of the cell as a whole.

The undoubted advantage of the drug, which ensures its high effectiveness, is the inability of microbial cells to acquire resistance to it. In any case, such precedents have not been recorded in clinical practice.

Used to treat fungal infections in both sexes and patients of any age, including children.


The effective medicinal properties of the drug explain the popularity of Pimafucin suppositories.

Reviews for thrush are positive due to:

  • the possibility of additional therapy with other types (tablets, cream);
  • strong antifungal effect;
  • Possibility of use as a prophylactic drug;
  • lack of resistance (resistance) to the active substance natamycin in pathogens of fungal infections;
  • lack of addictive effect;
  • Possibility of use during pregnancy and during the lactation period;
  • possibilities for treating various forms of candidiasis, including chronic ones;
  • lack of strict regulations regarding the time of use of the drug.

Among the disadvantages of Pimafucin, patients include the high cost of suppositories, the need to interrupt the course of treatment during menstruation, and the use of pads to protect against leakage.

Daria, 27 years old, Elektrostal: “I cured thrush with Pimafucin quite quickly. So far the symptoms have not reappeared. Although I heard that these candles do not help everyone. Perhaps this form of medication is simply not suitable for someone.”

Svetlana, 35 years old, Irkutsk: “During late pregnancy, terrible thrush appeared. The doctor advised me to buy Pimafucin. I bought it and didn’t regret it. In three days everything went away, and there were no consequences, I’m happy.”

Lyudmila, 56 years old, Cheboksary: ​​“With the advent of menopause, a lot of sores came along. So the thrush is still attached. On the advice of the doctor, I put on Pimafucin suppositories. They quickly cured the “infection”. I recommend it to all women over 50.”

Release form

Pimafucin has several dosage forms. It is released in the form:

  • Products for local use (vaginal suppositories).
  • Products for external and local use (creams).
  • Products for general use (enteric tablets).

Suppositories and tablets contain 100 mg of Natamycin in each unit, 1 gram of cream contains 20 mg of the active ingredient.

There is information that the drug is available in another oral form - as a suspension. But the domestic pharmaceutical market does not indulge its customers with this form.

Features and benefits

The drug is considered quite effective. The experience of clinical use shows that with proper treatment, it can be used to achieve stable remission. Cases of relapse of thrush cannot be excluded. The risk of exacerbation of candidiasis increases when you stop taking the drug, immediately after the clear symptoms of the disease disappear. The main advantages of the product are:

The most interesting fact regarding this antimycotic is the absence of a systemic effect on the body. If for local and external forms the low absorption into the systemic bloodstream is not surprising, then this quality of Natamycin, which enters the body in the form of enteric tablets, can both surprise and please.

The active component of the tablets is not absorbed by the digestive system, due to which there are practically no side effects characteristic of most drugs with antibacterial properties. In fact, this is why it is used not only to treat vaginal thrush or lesions of the oral cavity. Intestinal candidiasis responds well to treatment with its help.

Another nice thing about using this drug is that mild forms of candidiasis do not require a long period of treatment. For example, for the treatment of vulvovaginitis, 1 package of the product (3 suppositories) is enough to achieve a lasting effect.

There have been no recorded cases of overdose. And the official annotation for the drug does not report any negative reaction when taking large doses of the medicine.

Chronic and often recurrent vulvitis and vaginitis may require a long course of treatment (10–20 days). In this case, Pimafucin tablets for thrush are usually prescribed in addition to local remedies to sanitize the natural reservoirs of Candida. Sanitation of the intestinal reservoir allows you to achieve stable remission, that is, protect yourself from exacerbations for a long time.


All these pathologies can be perfectly treated with the help of Pimafucin - both local forms and tablet drugs are used. Gastrointestinal lesions respond well to treatment with enteric tablets. External otitis of a fungal nature (otomycosis) or bacterial otitis complicated by a fungus are successfully treated with this medication.

The drug, due to its minimal negative effect on the body, can be used to treat people suffering from immunodeficiency. It is also recommended for those suffering from dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) after chemotherapy, treatment with corticosteroids and antibacterial agents. The medicine can also be used for skin lesions, although there is less experience with its use in this situation.

Contraindications and side effects

There is practically nothing to say about contraindications and side effects. Moreover, most of them concern tablets:

One of the few side effects that can be expected from taking drugs is an allergic reaction. When using local remedies this is:

When using systemic drugs, an allergic reaction may manifest itself in the form of a rash or angioedema. Some patients experience mild dyspepsia, nausea, and may have upset stools in the first days of taking the tablets. These phenomena occur infrequently, and usually health is quickly restored and does not require discontinuation of treatment.

If any side effects appear that are described in the instructions or are not there, you should consult your doctor for advice.

Disadvantages of using topical medications

Before using suppositories or ointments, it is important to know that they may not have the expected therapeutic effect. As a rule, such drugs are ineffective in chronic forms of infection. In such situations, comprehensive treatment is necessary. Local medications are used to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and tablets are designed to combat the infection as a whole.

But if medications for thrush in women are taken only until the discomfort disappears, without adhering to the regimen prescribed by the doctor, then there is a risk that the infection will return quite quickly. At the same time, it will be more difficult to get rid of it again. Another disadvantage is that it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse while using local remedies. In addition, when they are used, greasy marks remain on the laundry. By the way, all drugs for thrush in women have this drawback. It is better to insert suppositories, like vaginal tablets, immediately before bedtime, inserting them deep into the vagina. After entering them, it is advisable not to get out of bed for at least 30 minutes.

Admission rules

The drug is not intended for self-medication. The duration of therapy for thrush is regulated by the doctor. Each form of medicine has its own subtleties of administration. For the use of medicine in childhood, the dose of the medicine is determined by the pediatrician.

How to take the medicine and in what doses should be determined by a specialist. But the standard dose indicated in the annotation for the medication for the treatment of persistent thrush is 100 mg or 1 tablet 4 times a day. The course must be at least 10 days, but not more than 20 days. Only a doctor can accurately determine the course of treatment.

Eating does not affect the activity of the drug in any way. Therefore, you can drink it regardless of whether the patient has had time to eat or not.

A peculiarity of its use is the need to extend the course of therapy for several days (2–3 days) after the disappearance of the main symptoms:

  • Itching.
  • Burning sensation.
  • Pain during urination.
  • Characteristic white-curdled discharge.

It is recommended to take the drug for a few more days to consolidate the effect. It is important that the symptoms actually disappear, and not that their intensity decreases. Stopping the medication against the background of apparent recovery entails a rapid return of thrush symptoms.

Suppositories for thrush are the most popular remedy for combating this disease in women. The duration of course therapy is determined by the attending physician. The average course indicated in the annotation is 6 days. In most cases, this course is enough to eliminate the exacerbation of candidiasis. For the treatment of mild forms of vulvitis and vulvovaginitis, 3 suppositories are usually sufficient. In case of severe illness, the doctor may prescribe 9 suppositories for daily administration in combination with Pimafucin tablets.

Suppositories are convenient because they are administered once a day (at night). Suppositories are introduced in a lying position, after all the usual hygienic procedures. Girls under 16 years of age are advised to refrain from using vaginal suppositories, in general, Pimafucin in particular.

If fungal colonies appear on the external genitalia, a cream may be prescribed in addition to suppositories. It is applied several times a day (from 1 to 4) depending on the growth of fungal colonies.

The cream is used to treat balanoposthitis. The product is applied in the same way as for vaginitis. After the signs of the disease disappear, it is recommended to apply the cream for some time to consolidate the effect.

As for the cream, its use is permissible not only for fungus of the external genitalia. It is effective for otomycosis, fungal infections of nails, and diaper rash infestation with fungi in children. Before using the cream to treat the ear canal, it (the ear canal) must be thoroughly cleaned of earwax.

When treating thrush with Pimafucin in any dosage form, an important point is:

  1. Therapy for both sexual partners (in men, Candida causes fungal balanoposthitis).
  2. Use of barrier methods of contraception during the treatment period.
  3. Using candles after sex and intimate hygiene, not before.

Very often, constant relapses of the disease and the low effectiveness of thrush therapy in women are due to the fact that they are treated themselves, but cannot convince their sexual partner to take the medicine.

The drug taken orally, as well as administered in suppositories or applied to the surface of the skin or mucous membranes, does not conflict with other medications (at least, there is no such information). The drug does not affect driving vehicles. But at the same time, you should not take it on your own. An incorrect assessment of the severity of the condition, an erroneous choice of dose and course duration can lead not to healing, but to chronicity of the process. In this case, you will still have to get advice from a specialist. And treatment may be delayed, requiring the use of more aggressive medications.

The greatest therapeutic effect in the treatment of fungal vulvovaginitis is observed with the combined use of local remedies and tablets. To increase the effectiveness of drug treatment, experts recommend eliminating harmful factors that promote fungal growth (hypothermia, eating large amounts of sweets, stress, etc.).

Pimafucin is an antibiotic-based antifungal drug. Prescribed for the treatment of fungal diseases. It is used for the treatment of all groups of patients, as it has a minimum of contraindications. Doctors often prescribe Pimafucin for thrush and other lesions of the mucous membrane.

In the article we will consider in detail the properties of the drug, its composition and principle of action, cost and instructions for use. We will tell you in detail how to take Pimafucin and provide detailed descriptions of its analogues.

Selection rules

But often only an integrated approach allows you to forget for a long time about how thrush manifests itself. And an incorrectly chosen treatment regimen or stopping the use of drugs immediately after the first symptoms disappear only leads to candidiasis becoming chronic.

Almost everyone knows that candidiasis

is not just an infectious disease, but very often a sign of weakened immunity, because very often it occurs while taking antibiotics, with serious diseases that weaken the body’s defenses. Therefore, of course, an obligatory step in the fight against thrush is strengthening one’s own immunity, but in most cases this is not enough; taking antifungal drugs is required. And here many are faced with the choice of “that same” drug, which is quite wide today. Among these medications there are widely advertised remedies, but will they be beneficial? We will talk about pimafucin: its effectiveness, reviews and possible disadvantages.

Pimafucin is prescribed for candidiasis

, it is especially effective for vulvovaginal candidiasis - thrush, which is manifested by itching and burning in the vagina, cheesy discharge with a sour odor.

drug has

a number of advantages that quite often force one to make a choice in its favor.
1. Manufacturers have taken care to produce
several dosage forms that can be used simultaneously. Vaginal suppositories are used for thrush by women; the cream should be applied to the mucous membranes of the external genitalia affected by the fungus (including the sexual partner). It is very important that not only the woman, but also the man is treated for thrush, because quite often he is a carrier of a pathogenic fungus, but does not get sick himself. The release of tablets is also provided; they are required to be taken orally for recurrent forms of candidiasis that cannot be cured using only suppositories. Thus, using tablets, suppositories and cream, you can treat thrush comprehensively, destroying fungi in all areas - the intestines and the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

2. Pimafucin

- one of the few drugs of choice for the treatment of candidiasis in pregnant and lactating women, because the components of this drug are not absorbed into the bloodstream, therefore, do not affect the fetus in the uterus and do not pass into milk. This is another very important reason for the popularity of this remedy among many others.

3. In many cases, pimafucin

facilitates the course of thrush or completely gets rid of it quite quickly. There are three candles in one package - this is enough to suppress a mild form of thrush.

Still pimafucin

It also has disadvantages. In many cases, three suppositories are not enough to get rid of candidiasis, but to make thrush chronic it is quite enough. Therefore, reviews about the drug are often negative, because the severity of thrush is different for everyone, that is, different women require different courses of treatment with suppositories. If it is too short, candidiasis may recur. The course of treatment, therefore, can range from 3 to 9 days, but if the focus of the fungal infection is in the intestines, you also need to take pills to avoid relapses. Not all women who make an independent decision about treatment with pimafucin know about this.

In addition, the cost of pimafucin

, according to many, is overpriced, because a package with three suppositories, which are often not enough to say goodbye to thrush completely, is about 500 rubles. That is, treatment lasting 6 days will cost a thousand rubles. Add to this the cost of the cream, which sometimes you also need to buy, and some will have to take pills. Due to the price of pimafucin, which, according to many women, is unreasonably high, the number of negative reviews is growing.

However, a good half of women

Those who tried this drug were quite satisfied, because it really quickly copes with mild forms of thrush, while cheaper suppositories take several longer to treat.

Don't forget about the side effects

. They are rare, but observed. In women who are intolerant to the components of the drug (antibiotic natamycin), the situation may even worsen. Itching and burning increase, the mucous membrane is further damaged, and the course of thrush is further complicated by an increased inflammatory reaction. Naturally, in this case, you should stop using pimafucin and consult a doctor, he will select a safe drug.

Of course, the success of treatment with pimafucin

, however, like any other drug, largely depends on the course of treatment, which should be established by a doctor based on the severity of thrush. With light to moderate currents, candles are usually sufficient. 1 suppository should be inserted deep into the vagina at night. If the course of candidiasis is recurrent, in addition to suppositories, you should take 1 tablet four times a day for an average of two weeks.

Composition and principle of action of Pimafucin

The main active ingredient of the drug is Natamycin. This is a drug based on an antibiotic belonging to the macrolide polyene series. It has a wide spectrum of antifungal action. The substance destroys the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, which is why bacteria and fungi can no longer grow and reproduce.

Excipients: potato starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate, lactose, calcium carbonate, methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, acacia, talc, kaolin, cellulose acetate phthalate, white beeswax, triacetin, titanium oxide, sucrose. The components are contained in low concentrations and, subject to treatment conditions, do not harm the body. However, if you are intolerant to at least one of the listed elements, taking Pimafucin should be discussed with your doctor.

Indications for use

Pimafucin for thrush is available in several dosage forms: enteric tablets, cream for external use and vaginal suppositories. The medicine is effective for chronic thrush and in several other cases:

  • external otitis and otomycosis;
  • dermatomycosis, candidiasis of the skin and nails;
  • vulvitis, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, provoked by fungi of the genus Candida;
  • pseudomembranous and atrophic candidiasis.

The product actively fights fungi of the genus Candida, dermatophytes, yeast microorganisms of the Torulopsis, Rhodotorula, Aspergillus and Penicillium groups. In order for the treatment of thrush with Pimafucin to achieve the expected result, determine the causative agent before starting use.

The only contraindication to the use of Pimafucin is individual intolerance to its components. The drug is also not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, since there is no data on its pathogenicity.

Oral drugs

In some cases, the doctor may recommend the drug Itraconazole. For vaginal candidiasis, it is prescribed to take it twice (200 mg) for one day or once in the same dosage for three days. But this is not the only medicine that can actively fight thrush. Medicines containing fluconazole, nystatin and natamycin have proven themselves to be excellent. They cause the death of Candida fungi.

Instructions for use

The method of administration depends on the dosage form, the age of the patient and the disease. Dosage may vary and is adjusted depending on the parameters described above:

  • Pimafucin suppositories during pregnancy and during periods when a woman is not carrying a fetus are taken intravaginally. Before opening the package and taking out the suppository, wash your hands with soap and, if necessary, treat with antibacterial wipes. Lie on your back and carefully insert the suppository deep into the vagina. This should be done once a day, before bed. The course of treatment is from 3 to 6 days;
  • if treatment with vaginal suppositories does not produce results, it is recommended to combine suppository therapy with the use of enteric tablets. The advisability of therapy is discussed with the attending physician. Treatment regimen: 1 tablet 4 times a day with meals. The therapeutic course ranges from 10 to 20 days;
  • The cream is recommended for use if both partners have thrush. Pimafucin suppositories for thrush are intended for women, cream for men. It is enough to use the medicine in the form of a cream once a day before bedtime, the frequency of use increases if necessary, the duration of treatment is individual, depending on the degree of damage.

After the main symptoms of the disease disappear, it is recommended to continue therapy for several more days. In this case, Pimafucin for thrush in women and men will help to completely cope with the disease and prevent re-infection.

Symptoms of the disease

Before looking for drugs for thrush in women, it is necessary to accurately establish the diagnosis. And only a doctor can do this. However, based on a number of characteristic signs, a woman herself can understand that she has thrush. Thus, the main symptoms of this disease include a feeling of burning and itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia. This is especially pronounced during critical days. Unpleasant sensations intensify after a shower or bath, and the condition worsens after sexual intercourse. In addition to this kind of discomfort, women are also bothered by copious white, curd-like discharge from the vagina.

It is also worth remembering that in some cases thrush can be asymptomatic. But this does not mean that it is not worth treating. After all, without taking appropriate medications, the disease will become chronic. In this case, it will be quite difficult to get rid of the problem.

special instructions

If Pimafucin does not help, the causative agent of the infection is microorganisms that are resistant to the main components of the drug. In this case, you need to visit a doctor and undergo re-diagnosis. Another possible cause could be an area where microorganisms are concentrated. If these are internal organs, Pimafucin ointment and other local remedies must be supplemented with systemic remedies.

If women are hypersensitive to cetyl, they may experience a slight burning sensation when using vaginal suppositories. It is not recommended to use the product during menstruation; extreme caution should be exercised when used together with barrier contraceptives.

This anti-thrush remedy is suitable for treating newborn babies.

Selection of treatment

It is quite difficult to cure thrush without consulting a specialist. After all, the doctor can choose effective local antifungal agents and, if necessary, select antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also important to take time to restore the vaginal microflora. It is also advisable to undergo an examination to identify the cause of candidiasis.

How much does Pimafucin cost?

The cost of Pimafucin directly depends on the form of release, the city and the pharmacy where this product is sold.

The average price depending on the form of release is as follows:

  • vaginal suppositories - 288 rubles;
  • cream for men for external use - 297 rubles;
  • Pimafucin in enteric-coated tablets - 463 rubles.

Store in a dry place, protected from light and children. Suppositories for vaginal administration can only be stored in the refrigerator, but not frozen.

Treatment of pregnant women

Expectant mothers often experience exacerbations of thrush. This is due to a decrease in general immunity during pregnancy. It is important to remember that in this case you should not select medications yourself. For example, in an interesting situation, it is not recommended to use oral medications that contain fluconazole. An alternative is Pimafucin based on natamycin. When taking it, no negative effects on the body of the unborn baby were noticed. The expectant mother can take natamycin tablets, use vaginal suppositories or creams.

In the chronic form of the disease, the drug "Pimafucin" may not help. In this case, medications for thrush in women during pregnancy must be selected more carefully. So, the expectant mother may be prescribed Terzhinan or Hexicon suppositories. But if any side effects occur, you should immediately stop using them.

Pimafucin's analogs

The drug is quite expensive, and not every patient wants to spend money on purchasing it. If you are not satisfied with the use of Pimafucin for candidiasis and want to find a cheaper alternative, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options described below.

This is a medicine similar to Pimafucin in its principle of action. The main active ingredient is clotrimazole. This is a component that destroys the cell membrane of fungi and thereby eliminates candidiasis. Available in 4 dosage forms: tablets, vaginal suppositories, cream and ointment. To be taken externally only.

Prescribed by doctors for diseases caused by yeast-like fungi such as Candida or Trichomonas vaginalis. Effective against candidiasis and other fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes. Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and in case of hypersensitivity to the main components.

May interact with other medications:

  • reduces the effect of antibiotics from the polyene group (Natamycin, Pimafucin, Nystatin, Amphotericin);
  • when using propyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, the effect of Clotrimazole increases, and when combined with dexamethasone, it decreases;
  • when Clotrimazole is used together with Nystatin, the effect of the latter becomes weak.

Take vaginal suppositories and cream once a day for 6 days. If a person is sexually active, both partners should undergo a therapeutic course.

The cost of Clotrimazole is from 30 rubles.

An antifungal drug based on natamycin, a polyene antibiotic that has a powerful fungistatic effect. It disrupts the integrity of the cell membrane of microorganisms, due to which it gradually destroys them and leads to the patient’s recovery.

Available in the form of vaginal suppositories, therefore it is prescribed only for the treatment of women. The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components; use during pregnancy and lactation is permitted, however, the dose can be adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.

Take 1 vaginal suppository per day for 3-6 days. After the symptoms become less pronounced, it is recommended to continue therapy for up to 3 days. Possible side effects in the form of mild irritation and burning at the site of application. According to numerous reviews of the drug, such actions go away on their own within 1-2 days after the start of the therapeutic course.

The cost of Ecofucin is from 164 rubles.

A well-known drug of the older generation of medicines. This medicine has a powerful antifungal effect and is available in the form of classic tablets, vaginal suppositories and cream. Ketoconazole effectively fights genital candidiasis and is equally effective against lesions of the mucous membranes and skin in men and women. The drug is not recommended for use in case of hypersensitivity, pregnancy and breastfeeding, or severe liver disorders.

The medicine is prescribed with caution in cases of dysfunction of the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex, severe liver and kidney failure, the age of two years, and the simultaneous use of drugs that have a negative effect on the liver. Possible side effects:

  • disruptions in the functioning of the nervous system, which are manifested by headache, numbness and tingling in the limbs, dizziness and drowsiness;
  • negative disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: loss of appetite up to its loss, loose stools, jaundice and hepatitis (when using the medicine for more than 2 weeks, the risk of death increases);
  • from the genitourinary system: decreased libido and impotence, menstrual irregularities.

Individual reactions are possible: skin itching, urticaria and other rashes, photophobia, sudden hair loss, vaginal itching, etc. Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor regarding the advisability of treatment. The doctor must also determine the optimal regimen and course of treatment for you.

Ketoconazole can be purchased in pharmacies from 161 rubles.

This drug is widely used in medical practice in the treatment of candidal balanoposthitis (thrush) in the stronger sex. The use of Pimafucin for men is considered a first-line measure in the fight against the characteristic manifestations of a fungal infection: burning, severe itching, skin hyperemia. Read the detailed instructions for this medicine.

Candles against thrush

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day...

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Suppositories for thrush are the most common method of treating this uncomfortable disease. The antifungal substance penetrates deep into the affected mucous membrane, destroying the pathogen, reducing the intensity of symptoms, and eliminating inflammation. Modern pharmaceuticals offer women a fairly wide selection of antifungal suppositories, which can be either the basis for the treatment of thrush or part of a combined regimen.

Advantages and disadvantages of suppositories against thrush

Local treatment is considered preferable. Properly selected, effective suppositories act gently directly at the site of pathogen proliferation - candida. Doctors highlight a number of advantages of this therapy:

  • If the active substance of the drug reaches the site of localization of fungal agents, the effect becomes noticeable literally from the first use.
  • Suppositories cope well with the uncomfortable symptoms associated with thrush: in patients, the intensity of itching and irritation is reduced, inflammation is relieved, and over the course of the course these manifestations disappear altogether.
  • Modern suppositories against thrush can be used only once a day, which makes the procedure convenient: just put the suppository in the vagina at night, without being distracted from work and favorite activities.
  • The components of suppositories for thrush have a low degree of absorption, so they practically do not enter the bloodstream. In this regard, the rate of side effects is very low, in contrast to systemic drugs.

But there are some disadvantages that are also worth knowing when giving preference to suppositories for thrush:

  • Absolute recovery is possible only with a mild form of thrush. Otherwise, suppositories must be supplemented with tablets. Sometimes you have to resort to a second course after a certain period of time.
  • Due to local treatment, some inconvenience may occur: underwear gets dirty, restrictions on intimate life are introduced;
  • The use of certain types of combined type suppositories (for example, Polygynax or Terzhinan) poses a risk of developing vaginal dysbiosis. The use of such drugs requires a parallel course with lactobacilli.

Rules for using suppositories for thrush

  • If a woman is diagnosed with thrush, treatment is indicated for her and her partner. It is carried out in parallel. In men, the disease is often asymptomatic, or they are carriers of it. If the partner is not treated, then the infection takes on a ping-pong effect: during the first sexual contact with the carrier, the disease returns with renewed vigor.
  • If suppositories for thrush are used in treatment, then the woman should temporarily refrain from sexual intercourse. As a last resort, intimate intimacy must be protected with a latex condom.
  • It is advisable to insert suppositories deep enough into the vagina at night. Thus, the absorption of active substances significantly increases.
  • Additionally, it is worth analyzing the possible causes of thrush. They are often hidden in the characteristics of a woman’s lifestyle, health problems, and incorrect approach to hygiene. By eliminating irritating factors, you can enhance the effect of the suppositories and avoid relapses. Without this, even the most effective means will not give the desired result.
  • Additionally, it is worth getting tested for sexually transmitted infections. Thrush may indicate a hidden course of such diseases.
  • Most suppositories should not be used during menstruation.
  • The timing and effectiveness of treatment in each specific case depends on many factors, so the medicine must be selected by a doctor.

Effective suppositories for thrush

Modern pharmaceuticals do not stand still. Every year a lot of new suppositories for thrush appear. Which ones are the most effective? We have made a short overview for you.


Based on Sertaconazole, which is a derivative of benzothiophene and imidazole, it has the following advantages:

  • One-time administration (one suppository is enough);
  • High efficiency;
  • The ability to use the medicine during menstruation.

Attention: if itching and burning occurs during use, then there is no need to cancel the suppositories.

There is not enough data on the effect of Zalain during pregnancy and lactation. But gynecologists still prescribe this drug, since a single use is usually less risky. Some women develop allergic reactions due to individual intolerance. These suppositories are usually used for thrush at night, after washing the genitals with neutral soap. If symptoms persist after a week, repeated administration is indicated.


Active ingredient: Ketaconazole. There are some contraindications, including hypersensitivity and the first trimester of pregnancy. In the second and third trimester it is also used with great caution. Some women develop the following side effects:

  • Redness of the mucous membrane;
  • Irritation;
  • Rash and hives;
  • Itching.

For acute thrush, suppositories are administered for 3-5 days, once a day at night, and if the disease is chronic, the course is extended to 10 days. The advantage of Livarol is its rapid therapeutic effect. They are most often prescribed when the diagnosis is made for the first time. With each subsequent use, candida resistance to candles develops.


These suppositories are developed on the basis of Itraconazole and are prescribed by doctors in case of resistance to other drugs. They are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, and then used with caution. Also, they should not be used if you are lactation or hypersensitive to Itraconazole. The course of treatment lasts from seven days, sometimes it is continued for two weeks. These suppositories for thrush have a clear advantage: they are effective when the fungus is resistant to other drugs.

McMiror complex

Combines Nifuratel and Nystatin, approved for use by pregnant women. Side effects such as itching and skin rash occur extremely rarely. Contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity. The course of treatment with this kit lasts 8 days.


In addition to Clotrimazole, there are several options for suppositories for thrush with the same active ingredient:

  • Antifungol;
  • Candide B6;
  • Kanesten;
  • Yenamazole 100;
  • Kandibene;
  • Candizol.

Attention: the drug is strictly prohibited in the first trimester and during lactation.

The course lasts 6 days. When using Clotrimazole, some side effects may develop, including burning, headache, itching, increased urination, vaginal discharge, pain during intimacy.

Ginesol 7

Miconazole is the active ingredient. In addition to pregnancy and lactation, there are other contraindications - diabetes, herpes, liver dysfunction. If the doctor still prescribes Ginezol 7 to a nursing mother, then the baby is switched to formula for the duration of treatment. The course lasts 6-7 days. Drinking alcohol during treatment with these suppositories for thrush is strictly not recommended. The spectrum of activity is quite wide, and the suppositories do not cause dysbacteriosis.


The active ingredient in these suppositories for thrush is Pimafucin, which is popular today. It is approved for use at any stage of pregnancy and may cause only mild irritation in some women. The disadvantage is low effectiveness in advanced cases.


There are many combination drugs with Nystatin. Such suppositories effectively cope with thrush, but they have to be used twice a day, and the course lasts a long time. They are a good alternative to other medications in cases of recurrent thrush, since candida does not develop resistance to this active substance. Nevertheless, Nystatin is not recommended for pregnant women; its use threatens dysbacteriosis.

Iodoxide, Betadine

Candles can be used during menstruation. Effective for acute and chronic thrush. The course is developed depending on the clinical features of the disease. Such candles have contraindications:

  • Thyroid adenoma;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Individual sensitivity.


These are suppositories with Fenticonazole. They cannot be used during pregnancy, menstruation, or lactation. The product is quite effective, but the dosage is selected exclusively by a specialist.

For additional advice, you can always contact our specialists. To find out how to act in your situation, simply visit our website.

Pregnancy and suppositories for thrush

Against the background of a physiological decrease in immunity, constant stress and hormonal changes, pregnant women often develop thrush. But treating the disease during this delicate period is much more difficult. Not every medicine can be used by expectant mothers, even if we are talking about gentle suppositories for thrush. It is permissible, on the recommendation of a doctor, to take the following medications:

  • Suppositories with Natamycin (Pimafucin and Primafungin) can be used during all three trimesters;
  • In the second third trimester, gynecologists usually prescribe Nystatin to patients (its effectiveness is low), Clotrimazole (it is very advisable to use it), Borax in glycerin, Gino-Pevaril, Pimafucin.
  • Some gynecologists prefer to prescribe Terzhinan to expectant mothers. It is a combination drug and contains a group of active ingredients (Nystatin, Ternidazole, Neomycin, Prednisolone). The instructions contain a warning: Terzhinan is recommended to be prescribed only if the risk to the fetus and mother is less than the benefit. Side effects are due to the fact that Prednisolone, one of the main components, is hormonal.

Pimafucin for thrush in men

It is reliably known that genital mycosis affects not only women, but also members of the stronger sex. Candidal balanoposthitis, or male thrush, occurs under the influence of active reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida. The disease is characterized by inflammation of the head of the penis and the surrounding foreskin. An antifungal antibiotic eliminates the negative manifestations of mycotic lesions and promotes the death of pathogenic agents.

The active component of the drug is natamycin. This substance belongs to the group of polyenes - antimycotic agents of natural origin. The antibiotic natamycin is effective against yeast-like fungi and dermatophytes. In addition to the main substance, Pimafucin contains auxiliary components. The final composition of the drug depends on the intended form of its release:

  • Pimafucin 100 mg n20 tablets, enteric-coated;
  • Pimafucin cream (ointment), tube 30 g.

Quantitative content of the substance in 1 tablet (mg)

White beeswax

Cellulose acetate phthalate

Quantitative content of the substance in 1 g (mg)

Wax based on cetyl esters

The active substance Pimafucin irreversibly binds to the sterols of fungal membranes, disrupting their structure. The Natamycin molecule, penetrating the cell membrane of the pathogen, forms many small tubules through which the uncontrolled movement of water and electrolytes then occurs. Against the background of these processes, the fungus loses resistance to negative external influences and dies. Natamycin is not able to penetrate into the systemic bloodstream through the mucous membranes, skin, and gastrointestinal tract - the drug has an exclusively local effect on the affected area.

The medication is intended for the treatment of fungal diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to natamycin. The use of one or another form of the drug is determined by the intensity of the clinical manifestations of infection and the localization of the infectious focus. Pimafucin tablets are used for systemic treatment of intestinal candidiasis and external genitalia in men, while natamycin ointment (cream) is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • dermatomycosis;
  • skin candidiasis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • fungal infection of the urethra.

Directions for use and dosage

The drug in the form of an ointment (cream) eliminates the external manifestations of mycosis in the form of inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. In most cases, this dosage form is used to treat the initial stages of male candidiasis. In advanced cases, local treatment of the affected area is supplemented by taking tablets. In this case, the treatment regimen and duration are determined by the urologist individually for each patient.

The instructions for the antifungal drug indicate that in order to eliminate the symptoms of balanoposthitis, you should cover the head of the penis with the product one to several times a day. Medical practice shows that to achieve the greatest effect, Pimafucin ointment for men should be applied in a thin layer to previously cleansed skin three times a day. With all this, the instructions recommend carrying out treatment until the symptoms completely disappear, after which, in order to prevent relapse, extend the course of treatment for another two days.

Regardless of the dosage form of the drug, the duration of therapy with Pimafucin is 1-2 weeks. At the same time, men who have sexual intercourse during treatment do not need to avoid intimacy. In such cases, doctors usually recommend using barrier-type contraception (condoms). Despite this, experts still advise treating thrush for both sexual partners.

The use of this dosage form is aimed at the systemic fight against male candidiasis. The pills have a toxic effect on the liver, so they must be used strictly in accordance with the regimen prescribed by the doctor. According to the instructions, the daily dosage of the drug for advanced candidiasis in men is 4 tablets. In a situation where the clinical manifestations of candidiasis are mild, it is recommended to take two pills per day. Anti-thrush pills for men should be taken for at least 10 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Pimafucin should not be used by persons with hypersensitivity to its constituent components. Judging by the reviews, serious side effects do not occur while taking this medication. The instructions indicate that in the first days of using the tablets, the appearance of nausea and diarrhea cannot be ruled out. If these conditions occur, you should not stop taking the medication. These syndromes usually go away on their own within two days. Local use of the drug may cause irritation, which also does not require symptomatic treatment and discontinuation of the course.

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