Terzhinan suppositories for thrush. Instructions for use, indications, composition, price

An effective remedy for thrush is available in tablet form. The drug is inserted into the woman's vagina and, with regular use, promotes complete recovery.

The elongated tablets are beige in color and have a special marking: the letter T on each side of the tablet. You can purchase this product in packs of 6 or 10 candles each.

Terzhinan candles. The main indication for use is the treatment and prevention of thrush

Terzhinan for thrush: how to use and will there be an effect?

Unbearable, sometimes intensifying itching, discharge resembling grains of curd, swelling of the mucous membrane - these are manifestations of thrush, a disease with which almost every woman is familiar.
Treatment of thrush with Terzhinan, produced by the French pharmaceutical company Sofartex, gives quick results, relieving unpleasant symptoms on the second day. Thrush does not belong to the category of dangerous diseases, but it causes a lot of inconvenience to a woman and, in the absence of timely and adequate treatment, can cause complications. The disease is transmitted through hygiene items, underwear, and sexual intercourse. The development of infection is facilitated by long-term use of antibacterial drugs, a decrease in general or local immunity, and metabolic disorders in certain diseases (such as diabetes or hypothyroidism).

The disease can be treated with oral medications, but they cause a lot of side effects and negatively affect the liver. The drug Terzhinan treats thrush without disturbing the general condition of the body, since it acts directly in the area of ​​infection.


The drug against thrush Terzhinan helps to quickly get rid of sexually transmitted infections of various etiologies:

  • vaginitis, mixed colpitis;
  • when affected by Trichomonas, bacteria, fungi;
  • thrush at all stages;
  • for chronic vaginal dysbiosis, vaginosis.

The effectiveness of using Terzhinan suppositories for thrush is 98%, as written in the instructions. The product can be used in conjunction with antibiotics. In addition, the medicine allows you to quickly get rid of thrush before or after surgical procedures, which include:

  • introduction of a spiral;
  • abortion;
  • diagnostics of the fallopian tubes and uterus using a special device inserted into the genital cavity;
  • cauterization of cervical erosion;
  • surgical interventions in the genital tract or pelvic area.

There is no point in delaying the treatment of sexual diseases, as this can result in complications, including infertility.

Properties and composition, release form

Terzhinan is a drug that contains 2 antibiotics, antifungal, anti-inflammatory components and a substance that relieves itching. Its active components determine the therapeutic properties of the drug, which consist in suppressing pathogenic bacterial flora, neutralizing fungus, and eliminating burning sensation in the vagina.


  • nystatin – antifungal component (effective against Candida fungus);
  • ternidazole – an antibacterial component for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • prednisolone is a steroid hormonal substance with anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antipruritic effects;
  • neomycin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

The release form of Terzhinan is classified as a vaginal suppository, but the drug is more like a tablet. There are blisters on sale containing 6 or 10 pieces, packed in a cardboard box.


Terzhinan is ineffective against streptococcal bacterial infection, so there is no point in using it. In addition, you need to check for the fungus’ resistance to ternidazole and nystatin; if resistance is detected, you need to find other suppositories.

Negative reactions of the body to the tablets are limited to redness and itching. In rare cases, burning and irritation may occur after the first procedure. If adverse reactions occur, the suppositories are replaced with an analogue.

Terzhinan can be used only after consulting a doctor and examination to reduce the risk of adverse reactions. If you are allergic to the components of suppositories, it is unacceptable to include them in the therapeutic course.

During treatment, it is recommended to regularly visit a specialist to determine whether Terzhinan helps with thrush, or if you should choose another medicine.

Instructions for use Terzhinan for thrush

If the instructions for use are followed correctly, Terzhinan begins to act on the second or third day, depending on the stage at which the infection is. The drug is convenient for independent use, maintains the acid-base balance at an optimal level and serves as protection for the mucous membrane.

Prescribed for:

  • vaginal candidiasis caused by the yeast fungus Candida;
  • vaginitis of bacterial etiology and mixed type;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • preventive measures before gynecological operations;
  • sanitation of the birth canal before childbirth;
  • restoration of the mucosa after treatment of cervical erosion;
  • to prevent inflammation due to the introduction of an intrauterine device.

Terzhinan suppository is administered once a day, preferably before bedtime. When used in the middle of the day, you need to lie down for about 30 minutes to allow the tablet to completely dissolve. Before use, the candle should be immersed in warm water for half a minute. The course of use of the medicine is 10 days for the treatment of inflammatory processes and disturbances of the vaginal microflora; therapy for thrush and trichomoniasis lasts up to 20 days.

Thrush after Terzhinan in most cases goes away quickly; with good immunity and compliance with hygiene rules, it may not recur for many years. But, unfortunately, it most likely will not be possible to eliminate it forever, since the disease can be caused by various reasons.

Why is the microflora disrupted after thrush?

Thrush increases the overall level of dysbiosis.
This leads to the fact that the microflora does not perform functions that protect the female reproductive system. Microflora maintains the acidic environment of the vagina. Protects against the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Enhances protein synthesis.

The entry of viruses and bacteria into the genitals leads to an active state of blood cells. After thrush, the vaginal microflora retains pathogenic bacteria for a long time. They block the normal functioning of the vaginal system.

Contraindications and side effects, where to buy?

Terzhinan is not prescribed to children and is indicated only after reaching 16 years of age.

The only contraindication to the use of the drug is individual intolerance to all or one of its components. In such cases, allergic manifestations occur in the form of swelling, hives, and redness. If such symptoms appear, you should stop therapy and consult a doctor for advice.

When the suppository is first introduced, severe itching and burning in the vagina is possible, but with each subsequent use these phenomena will weaken.

You can continue to use candles during menstruation; during these days, many women experience increased symptoms of the disease. If suppositories are prescribed for thrush during pregnancy, Terzhinan will also be a good choice, but they need to be treated under the strict supervision of the treating gynecologist. There is no need to stop treatment while breastfeeding, since the drug acts locally and does not pass into breast milk.

Along with therapy for thrush, a strict diet is prescribed. Foods and dishes that feed pathogenic microorganisms that cause disease are excluded from the diet. These are primarily easily digestible carbohydrates - flour and confectionery products, sugar, chocolate, sweet carbonated drinks. When the disease occurs, the skin must breathe, so the use of panty liners and synthetic underwear is unacceptable. Briefs should be worn from natural cotton and ironed after each wash with a very hot iron.

How to take the pills

You need to take Terzhinan for thrush according to the following regimen: 1 tablet every day. The doctor decides how many days the treatment lasts, but for women suffering from a chronic form of candidiasis, suppositories will need to be administered for 10 days.

The tablets are dry, so before use they need to be slightly moistened with warm water, and then inserted deep into the vagina and take a horizontal position. Carry out the procedure before going to bed to avoid the candle falling out or leaking out in an already dissolved state.

Side effects in women after using the drug are rare; a burning sensation and irritation of the intimate area may occur.

If the condition does not improve for a long time, then it is necessary to adjust the treatment with a doctor. Women experience a decrease in itching and burning after one (maximum three) Terzhinan suppository. And if the pills do not bring results, you will need to undergo a re-examination or combine the drug with other medications to treat candidiasis.

Reviews about the treatment of thrush with Terzhinan, price

The advantages of the product include ease of use, high efficiency, wide spectrum of action, and affordable cost. The price of Terzhinan in different pharmacies ranges from 300-380 rubles (6 pieces), and 420-450 rubles (10 pieces).

Disadvantage: the first few tablets cause severe burning and discomfort in the vagina in some patients.

There are currently no analogues or generics of the drug.

Reviews about the use of Terzhinan for thrush are ambiguous - some women are dissatisfied with the effect of the product, others cannot find words of admiration.

A few reviews:

Katerina, Ryazan: early in pregnancy she was diagnosed with thrush. Because of the terrible itching, I could not leave the house for a long time. The doctor prescribed Terzhinan plus a strict diet and personal hygiene. I don’t know what helped, but the symptoms went away after three days. I completed the course of treatment, as the doctor said. The disease has not returned for two years now.

Zinaida, Perm: Terzhinan was prescribed to me by a gynecologist after I came to him with complaints of itching and discomfort in the vagina. The first experience was terrible, everything inside burned and burned unbearably. After a few minutes I felt better, then the burning sensation was not so strong, and by the end of the treatment there was no discomfort at all.

Alexandra. Moscow: Terzhinan suppositories perfectly relieve swelling, inflammation and itching. This is the second time I have been treated with it. About two years have passed since the first one. I hope that this time I will get rid of candidiasis for a long time.

Terzhinan suppositories for thrush. Instructions for use, indications, composition, price

An effective remedy for thrush is available in tablet form. The drug is inserted into the woman's vagina and, with regular use, promotes complete recovery.

The elongated tablets are beige in color and have a special marking: the letter T on each side of the tablet. You can purchase this product in packs of 6 or 10 candles each.

Terzhinan candles. The main indication for use is the treatment and prevention of thrush

Is it possible to continue therapy when menstruation occurs?

It is important to remember that Terzhinan suppositories indications for use do not exclude the use of the drug during the menstrual cycle . Gynecologists do not recommend using Terzhinan if the woman experiences significant discomfort during the administration and effect of the medication.

Read the popular site article: Clotrimazole ointment, suppositories - instructions for use for women

Composition and release form of the drug

Terzhinan suppositories contain the following healing substances::

  • ternidazole , which has a trichomonacid effect;
  • neomycin , which penetrates the bacterial cell membrane well;
  • prednisolone drug;
  • nystatin , which has an antifungal effect;
  • oils of clove flowers and fragrant geranium.

When there are indications for the use of Terzhinan suppositories, doctors pay attention to the need to quickly solve gynecological problems that have arisen.

The essential oils included in the drug promote rapid dissolution of the tablet and rapid penetration into mucous membranes affected by bacteria.

Among the auxiliary components it is worth noting: starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium, lactose and a little purified water.

Indications for use of vaginal tablets

Gynecologists note that among the indications for the use of Terzhinan suppositories are infectious diseases that lead to inflammation of the vagina due to the body’s sensitivity to the effects of harmful bacteria.

The following types of vaginitis are treated with suppositories:

  • bacterial vaginitis, which appears under the influence of staphylococci, Proteus, dangerous Shigella, E. coli or infectious Trichomonas;
  • fungal type of vaginitis caused by the presence of yeast-like fungi Candida in the body;
  • vaginitis, which is characterized by mixed vaginal flora.

Terzhinan suppositories are effective for thrush. and treatment of vaginitis caused by Trichomonas

It is important to remember that in addition to treatment with the drug, it is possible to carry out effective prevention of vaginitis.

Experts recommend taking a preventive course for the following indications:

  1. Terzhinan in suppositories is indicated for use before certain types of surgical interventions.
  2. Before a planned termination of pregnancy or childbirth.
  3. Before and after interventions involving the installation of an intrauterine device.
  4. Before and after treatment of erosions of the vaginal mucosa.
  5. Before diagnostic hysterography.
  6. Before various manipulations involving the penetration of medical instruments into the vagina.

Spectrum of action of Terzhinan suppositories

The spectrum of action of the drug is quite wide. It is recommended to be used both as the main treatment component and for preventive purposes.

Instructions and application features

Experts recommend using the drug before bedtime. If this condition is not met for some reason, you can use the remedy at another time. The most important rule to apply:


Available in the form of candles. The active substance is lactobacilli and lactic acid. Restores the acid level of the vagina. Destroys bacteria that parasitize the uterus.

Complex treatment is prescribed with Vagikal drops. The course lasts from 10 to 14 days. 1 suppository is administered 3 times a day or as recommended by a gynecologist.

It is also used 7 days before conception, if suppositories were previously used to restore microflora after treatment of thrush. Contraindicated for pregnant women and minor girls. Compatible with antibiotics.

It is not recommended to take if you have diseases of the uterus or intestines. The drug is available with a doctor's prescription.

Is it possible to use suppositories during pregnancy and lactation?

The use of the drug according to its instructions during pregnancy is not excluded, but is possible only under the supervision of a treating specialist.

However, you need to know that the tablets are not recommended for use during the 1st trimester. Suppositories are used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester for identified inflammatory processes affecting the vaginal mucosa.

The drug is also used during lactation. The penetration of active substances into breast milk is excluded.

Analogues of Terzhinan vaginal suppositories

The effective drug Terzhinan has no absolute analogues . The spectrum of action of the drug is so wide that not all recognized analogues can cope with genital tract infections that are treated with Terzhinan.

Despite this, the price of the drug is quite high compared to some analogues, and therefore, sometimes women may choose the latter.

Among the drugs that can replace Terzhinan, the following drugs can be used:

  1. Meratin combi - the active ingredients of the drug are nystatin and prednisolone. Used for the treatment of vaginitis of various etiologies, sanitation of the vagina before childbirth and various surgical interventions.
  2. Quite often in gynecological practice the drug Neotrizol . It is recommended for use for bacterial vaginitis, trichomonas, before and after cauterization of erosions that occur on the cervix.
  3. Flucostat has long proven itself to be a positive solution to the problem of thrush .
  4. has a wider spectrum of action compared to Terzhinan . They treat vulvovaginitis and damage to the body by various fungi. It is used to treat not only gynecological problems, but also lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and skin.
  5. One of the analogues is Polygynax . Helps eliminate itching and has an antimicrobial effect on the vaginal flora.
  6. Clotrimazole is a good remedy for thrush . Available in the form of suppositories, as well as ointments and tablets. It has a pronounced antifungal effect on the affected mucous membranes.

Common medications for treating thrush

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of Terzhinan is complex; the medicinal substances in its composition act differently on some microorganisms, thereby ensuring a more reliable positive treatment result.

  1. Nystatin (a polyene derivative) has the ability to increase the permeability of the cell walls of the Candida fungus by integrating into the membrane at the molecular level. Transport of electrolytes into the fungal cell leads to its destruction and dissolution.
  2. Ternidazole (an imidazole derivative) inhibits the synthesis of ergosterols, specific lipids from which the cell membrane of fungi and other microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) is formed. Inferiority of cell walls causes cell death.
  3. Neomycin (an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group) inhibits the synthesis of proteins, the functional building blocks of the cell, including its DNA, as a result, the reproduction of bacteria becomes impossible.
  4. Prednisolone (glucocorticosteroid) has a strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, reduces the permeability of vascular walls, due to which redness, swelling, and discomfort caused by waste products of bacteria and fungi quickly disappear.

Thanks to the combined action of the complex of substances, Terzhinan is 85–90% effective and has a pronounced:

  • antifungal;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiprotozoal effect.

Other components of the drug (lactose monohydrate, clove oil, geranium) maintain an optimal level of acidity (pH) of the vagina and promote rapid restoration of epithelial cells.

Prices for Terzhinan candles

The drug Terzhinan is considered a rather expensive remedy for thrush. Some analogues have a lower price. But thanks to its good therapeutic effects, the purchase of this drug is always justified.

You can buy candles at an average price of 360-390 rubles per pack of 6 tablets. 10 pieces of healing suppositories cost approximately 420-450 rubles.

On the Internet you can find many positive reviews from patients who cured thrush using Terzhinan. Among the main advantages are the ease of use and rapid effective action of the drug.

The drug is highly praised by young mothers who have encountered an unpleasant disease during pregnancy. Thrush often occurs during pregnancy; it can be caused by serious hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Terzhinan is recognized as an effective drug that has no negative effects on the body and quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Be healthy!

Analogs, price

Terzhinan can be purchased at a pharmacy chain or through an online store. The medicine is produced in France by Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati, so its price is at least 400 rubles.

There is no 100% analogue of Terzhinan with a similar composition, but there are a number of drugs with similar properties:

  • Clotrimazole is used to treat skin pathologies due to fungal infection. It is also used in the treatment of thrush and has one contraindication - an allergy to the components. Its price does not exceed 100 rubles.
  • Pimafucin is also prescribed instead of Terzhinan as an effective remedy against fungal infections of the skin. The advantage of the medicine is the variety of release forms: cream, tablets and vaginal suppositories. Pimafucin helps with vulvitis, intestinal candidiasis, vaginitis and thrush. The cost of vaginal tablets ranges from 270 to 300 rubles.
  • Polygynax fights fungi and bacteria thanks to a combination of neomycin, nystatin and polymyxin. It has a single release form in the form of capsules. It is prescribed for the treatment of vaginitis, thrush and for the prevention of diseases of the reproductive system in women. Vaginal capsules cost about 300 rubles.

Thrush is one of the most common genital diseases in women of all ages. In order not to contract pathology, you should follow the rules of hygiene, lead a healthy lifestyle and not get carried away by casual relationships.

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