Candles with celandine: instructions for use

Indications for the use of suppositories with celandine “K”:

  • hemorrhoids, fissures;
  • neoplasms, malignant and benign;
  • fibroids, uterine fibroids in women
  • prostate adenoma in men;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • adnexitis, colpitis, vaginitis;
  • bleeding from the genitals, female cycle disorders, PMS;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • diseases of the kidneys, bladder, genitourinary tract (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis);

Pharmacological properties of suppositories “K”

The medicinal properties of celandine have been known for a very long time and modern clinical studies have not only confirmed them, but also discovered new properties that provide wide possibilities for using suppositories with celandine to obtain the desired effect. Candles “K” have a positive effect:

  1. Relieves pain, spasms;
  2. Prevents the emergence of new tumors and the growth of existing ones;
  3. Prevents the development of metastases, removes free radicals;
  4. Enhance the healing of wounds of various etymologies;
  5. Is a choleretic agent;
  6. Normalize intestinal function;
  7. They have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect;
  8. Normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  9. Increases the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  10. Normalize the female cycle, relieve symptoms of PMS.

The use of “K” suppositories with celandine for ovarian cysts, uterine erosion, dysplasia, uterine fibroids.

Providing an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, suppositories eliminate the cause of the disease and accompanying symptoms: bleeding, cramps, pain, intermenstrual discharge.

“K” suppositories have a beneficial effect on female reproductive function and are often included in complex treatment for infertility of various origins.

The use of suppositories for prostatitis (in men), cystitis, and kidney diseases.

“K” suppositories are successfully used to treat diseases associated with the urinary system. The therapeutic effect is due to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In advanced forms, complex therapy is necessary.

Candles "K" for hemorrhoids, fissures and intestinal polyps

Proctologists also often recommend “K” suppositories to their patients as a wound-healing, antitumor and antiseptic agent. Suppositories relieve irritation, heal cracks, prevent the development of inflammation in nodes, the formation of papillomas, fight infections and have a pronounced disinfectant effect.

Celandine to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms

In medicine, hemorrhoids are the stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum, leading to their enlargement and the appearance of hemorrhoids. Depending on the severity, the main symptoms of the disease are:

  • pain and itching in the anus;
  • bleeding;
  • formations in the form of cones.

Even minor inconveniences caused by incipient hemorrhoids require contacting a specialist. At this stage, the doctor will prescribe drug treatment, which may include both traditional medicine and herbal medicine. Celandine for hemorrhoids is a time-tested remedy.

This is largely due to the composition of the plant, which includes organic acids, tannins, alkaloids, essential oils and vitamins A and C. All of them have pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antipruritic properties.

Thus, the use of celandine for hemorrhoids allows you to achieve the following results:

  • pain and spasms are eliminated;
  • infectious processes are eliminated;
  • swelling and inflammation of tissues in the anal area are relieved;
  • healing of wounds and cracks of hemorrhoidal veins and rectum occurs.

Despite their high effectiveness, suppositories with celandine and other preparations based on it are not recommended for use by people suffering from a number of diseases, including:

  • angina pectoris;
  • epilepsy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • decompensation of the cardiovascular system, etc.

Suppositories with celandine for hemorrhoids are often used in folk medicine. It is believed that this remedy effectively disinfects bleeding varicose veins, relieves pain and inflammation, accelerates healing and increases protective functions.

For internal hemorrhoids, 1 suppository is administered per day. The scheme of use involves 10 days of treatment and 5 days of break. It is necessary to repeat 3 approaches, that is, use 30 suppositories per course.

Suppositories with celandine are also prescribed after surgical treatment of hemorrhoids. In this case, they are combined with antibacterial drugs and venotonics. The duration of rehabilitation therapy is determined individually; it depends on the type of surgery and the severity of hemorrhoids.

Composition of suppositories "K"

The suppositories contain 100% natural ingredients that have gone through several stages of purification:

  • celandine, the main active ingredient with antitumor, analgesic, regenerating, antimicrobial effects;
  • wormwood, has a choleretic, diuretic, anticonvulsant effect;
  • tansy, has an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory effect, is used as an antispasmodic agent;
  • oak bark, has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effects;
  • Buckthorn bark normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and has a laxative effect.

Method of using candles “K”

Rectal application: before introducing suppositories with celandine, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema or empty the intestines naturally. The course is 10-20 days, 1 suppository 2 times a day.

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, suppositories “K” should be administered intravaginally. After administration, it is recommended to remain in a supine position for 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment is 20 days, 1 suppository 1-2 times a day.

When treating ovarian cysts, suppositories with celandine should be used rectally for 20-30 days, 1 suppository an hour before bedtime.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be increased or repeated after a 7-day break.

Suppositories with celandine in gynecology: indications and prohibitions

Celandine is one of the widespread medicinal herbs used to treat female inflammatory pathologies. The plant, unlike many similar medications, acts gently and relieves painful spasms.

Suppositories with celandine are a drug of natural origin used for the treatment of uterine fibroids, vaginal bleeding, and tubal obstruction.

In addition to this dosage form, the herb is used in the form of douching, medicinal baths, tinctures and decoctions.

general characteristics

Herbalists are confident that there is no plant that cannot be used in medicine. Celandine is often used in gynecology due to its healing components. Vaginal suppositories based on it are used to treat female diseases of various etiologies.

Plant extract candles are made through a condensation process. Due to this method of obtaining raw materials, it is possible to preserve all the pharmacological properties of the drug. In addition to the base component, these drugs contain oily esters, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, and organic acids.

Pharmacies sell suppositories for vaginal use for gynecological diseases, which can be purchased without a prescription.

Doctors identify the following trade names for anti-inflammatory celandine suppositories: “Econika”, “Avicenna”, “Fitomax”, “Phoenix”, “K” . These medications effectively eliminate lesions without causing harm to health.

Before starting use, you should carefully study the instructions and consult your doctor for possible contraindications.

pharmachologic effect

It is recommended to use the plant in this dosage form due to its pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effect. A remedy that restores immunity and normalizes metabolic processes is prescribed in the following situations:

  • uterine fibroids;
  • cystitis;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes in the appendages;
  • gallstones;
  • hemorrhoids and anal fissures;
  • polyposis, benign and malignant tumors in the pelvic organs;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • reduction of cramps and pain during the menstrual cycle;
  • restoration of reproductive function during complex treatment of infertility.

The following pharmacological properties of celandine suppositories are distinguished: anti-radiation, slowing down metastasis, antispasmodic, sedative, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, antifungal.

Treatment with celandine

Disease statistics indicate that every third woman has an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since a reliable diagnosis is required based on laboratory and instrumental studies.

The use of celandine in folk medicine is not limited to one dosage form, since the treatment of gynecological diseases requires an integrated approach.

In combination with antibiotics, the action of the plant will be aimed at preventing the formation of adhesions and cysts, destroying pathogenic microflora, and eliminating foci of inflammation.

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the identified pathology and its severity.

Uterine fibroids

Benign tumors that form in the myometrium account for 21% of common gynecological diseases.

The danger of fibroids is that they are asymptomatic in the initial stages of development, so regular preventive examinations are of particular importance.

Patients and doctors speak positively about Avicenna suppositories with celandine as the number one pharmaceutical drug in the fight against tumor processes.

To prevent the growth of uterine fibroids into malignant carcinoma, hormonal drugs are prescribed, the effect of which can be supplemented with a proven folk remedy. To do this, add 30 drops of fresh medicinal herb root juice to a glass of milk, and drink the resulting mixture 30 minutes before meals for 5-7 days.

In severe fibroids, vaginal bleeding is present. In such situations, there is no time to prepare a tincture and you can use a simple method: brew tea with celandine. It must be remembered that it is permissible to take 500 ml of herbal drink per day, otherwise there will be problems with the functioning of the digestive tract.

Herbalists claim that celandine can be used to effectively treat cancer tumors in the uterus.

Doctors insist that generally accepted medical technologies must be used to treat malignant tumors.

Since the effectiveness of home recipes for treating carcinoma has not been confirmed, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics in a medical facility and consult with an oncologist about the possibility of using herbal medicine.


Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, caused by the yeast-like fungus Candida, cause significant discomfort and disrupt the usual way of life. Since cheesy white discharge can bother not only women, but also girls, traditional medicine recipes that have a less aggressive effect on the body are widespread.

When diagnosing thrush, celandine is recommended for douching. This manipulation means washing the vagina with a herbal antifungal solution.

The procedure is carried out using a medical bulb or an Esmarch mug. The duration of celandine therapy for candidiasis should be monitored by the attending physician and depends on the degree of development of the infectious pathology.

To do this, use the ground parts of the jaundice grass.

According to the recipe for douching, you need to brew the leaves in 500 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse. The resulting volume is enough for two procedures. Before manipulation, disinfect the syringe tip and rinse with boiled water.

Before inserting the medicinal bulb, apply a small amount of Vaseline to it so as not to damage the soft tissue. The duration of the manipulation does not exceed 10 minutes, after its completion the patient should lie on her back. With thrush, a woman is recommended to wash herself with celandine twice a day.

Gynecologists recommend that the manipulation also be carried out on the sexual partner in order to exclude recurrent outbreaks of the disease.

To prepare a herbal decoction, add 2 tablespoons of dry herb to 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. In combination with douching, washing will help clean the vaginal mucosa and prevent the spread of yeast-like fungus.

Ovarian cyst

Irregular painful periods, pain and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen may indicate the presence of benign neoplasms. In this case we are talking about an ovarian cyst. In the absence of adequate therapy, the clinical picture worsens and aggressive surgical intervention is required.

In the early stages of the disease, home therapy can be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor.

For the treatment of ovarian cysts, herbalists recommend using suppositories based on celandine due to its pronounced anti-inflammatory properties and rapid regeneration of mucous membranes.

Using suppositories is simple and convenient. Before the procedure, you must thoroughly wash the external genitalia and insert the medicinal cone into the vagina.

The general course of therapy is 20 days, but before using celandine in this form, absolute contraindications must be excluded: epilepsy, bronchial or allergic asthma, neurological disorders. According to doctors, douching with Avicenna No. 1 tea will help speed up the achievement of a healing effect and get rid of ovarian cysts.


At every second examination by a gynecologist, a violation of the integrity of the cervical epithelium is detected. Doctors are divided on the advisability of treating this condition. Possible complications include infertility and tissue degeneration into a malignant neoplasm, so ignoring the pathology is dangerous.

If erosion is detected, douching is contraindicated, since this procedure increases damage to the uterine epithelium. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of suppositories prepared on the basis of celandine, the duration of erosion therapy does not exceed one month.

To do this, you need to make a water infusion in the proportions of 3 tablespoons of herb per 1 liter of liquid. After boiling and straining, the extract is ready for use: you need to moisten a tampon and insert it into the vagina. The procedure is carried out twice a day until the symptoms of the pathology completely disappear.


Cervical erosion often occurs against the background of menopause, which occurs in every woman aged 45-55 years. This period is characterized by the decline of sexual function and endocrine changes.

To treat menopausal neurosis and improve women's health, you need to mix jaundice, yarrow, chamomile in equal proportions and pour a glass of boiling water. After steeping for an hour, drink the mixture in small sips throughout the day. The course lasts 2 weeks, and after a break it can be repeated.

According to patient reviews, this recipe is also effective for severe hot flashes that women suffer from during menopause.

For female diseases such as cervical erosion and thrush, patients are also recommended to drink herbal tea, but we must remember that the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract acts as an absolute contraindication.


According to statistics, in 10-12% of women of childbearing age, when visiting a gynecologist, a proliferation of cells in the inner lining of the uterus outside of it is detected. The disease is accompanied by menorrhagia (bleeding), cramps in the lower abdomen, nausea, headaches, and difficulty urinating.

Endometriosis can be cured with celandine, which reduces inflammation and attacks of spasms and prevents degeneration into a malignant tumor.

For therapy, a herbal decoction is used according to the following recipe: pour 30 g of dry herb with 200 ml of boiling water for 2-3 hours. After careful straining, 30 minutes before meals you need to drink 50 ml of tincture, and the total course of therapy is 10 days.

Herbalists recommend using fresh celandine for tumors of various locations and endometriosis of the uterus.

According to the recipe, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Patients take the prepared decoction 3 times a day, 30 ml before meals.

According to this recipe, the plant acts very gently and does not irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Treatment with celandine in gynecology is also carried out using sitz baths. This method of therapy is not only convenient and simple, but is accessible to everyone.

You need to make a medicinal mixture: 2 parts warthog, field violet, nivaria flowers, 5 parts sage leaves, 3 parts oregano. Pour boiling water over the herbal mixture and leave for one hour.

After straining, the decoction is added to the bath, which patients take for 10-15 minutes twice a day.


Considering that celandine in nature is a dangerous plant containing toxic substances, it is necessary to use “K” candles with celandine strictly following the instructions. Use is prohibited when:

  • epileptic and other diseases of the central nervous system, which are characterized by seizures and convulsive states;
  • neurological pathologies;
  • bronchial asthma, allergies in the acute stage;
  • intolerance to suppository components;
  • pregnancy at any stage, breastfeeding;
  • age up to 14 years.
Volume:10 suppositories in 1 package.
Shelf life:1 year.
Manufacturer:LLC "Matteria Bio Profi Center"

Where to buy suppositories “K” with celandine?

Please note that “K” candles are very rare in the assortment of pharmacies. Without any problems and at any time, you can order candles with celandine “K” at a low price on the website of our online store. You can also buy “K” candles and other herbal suppositories in the Moscow herbal pharmacy chain “Russian Roots”.

When purchasing candles with celandine in a network of herbal pharmacies or on our website, we guarantee a certified drug at a competitive price! Delivery is made by courier in Moscow and the region, and to other regions - by Russian Post.

We recommend - ASD-2 suppositories (candles) have a complex effect on the body, enhancing its protective properties.

Attention! All materials published on our website are protected by copyright. When re-publishing, attribution and a link to the original source are required.

Celandine: medicinal properties and contraindications

Like any pharmaceutical product, these suppositories have contraindications.
First of all, there is the possibility of an allergic reaction when using suppositories (hives, swelling, rash, etc.). As soon as you feel worse, stop treatment and go to the hospital. If you suffer from seizures, asthma, have low blood pressure, may fall into a neurotic state, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are under 14 years old, then you should not use suppositories with celandine.

Before buying this product, even despite all the reviews and attractive price, consult your doctor. The cause of side effects can be not only your current state of health, but also the medications you are currently taking, the interaction of which with suppositories can give an unexpected result.

Recipes for making your own medications should be obtained from your doctor. There is no need to use the experience of your friends, since you can prepare a rather dangerous medicine. Celandine is a deciduous flowering plant.

It has long been valued for its medicinal qualities. Externally, celandine resembles a small shrub with green oval leaves and yellow flowers. A distinctive feature of the plant is the yellowish juice released when the stem is damaged. The medicinal properties of celandine can confidently include:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • antispasmodic;
  • wound healing;
  • antitumor;
  • choleretic and diuretic.

The herbal medicine contains at least 20 alkaloids, essential oils, vitamins, saponins, succinic and malic acids, antioxidants and flavonoids. The use of celandine and preparations based on it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with heart disease and low blood pressure, as well as children and hypersensitive patients.

If you want to make candles with celandine yourself, you should strictly adhere to the dosages described by your doctor, since this plant is poisonous. Large doses of herbal medicine can provoke central nervous system depression, paralysis, heart failure and other unpleasant consequences.

To make your own suppositories, it is better to use a plant extract. It is mixed with a fatty base (paraffin or oils). Let us remind you that the dosage of the active substance is always selected individually (depending on the disease).

As an alternative to the extract, you can take a decoction made from dried celandine herb. This method of preparation is considered safer, since less celandine enters the patient’s body.

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