After hysteroscopy, the lower abdomen and lower back hurt

Pain syndrome after hysteroscopy

The hysteroscopy method is used by gynecologists to examine the uterine cavity.
The procedure involves inserting a hysteroscope into the uterine cavity to visually examine the condition of the internal surface of the organ. The hysteroscope is equipped with a camera that allows the doctor to obtain the necessary diagnostic data. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which ensures painless insertion of the hysteroscope into the uterus.

A disadvantage of the study is the possibility of pain after hysteroscopy.

Hysteroscopy is widely used in clinical practice

Purpose of hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy does not always have only a diagnostic purpose. The examination is carried out in the following cases:

  1. The need for minor surgical operations.
  2. Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.
  3. Preparatory period for in vitro fertilization (IVF).
  4. Diagnosis of uterine diseases.

Causes of pain

Why does my lower abdomen ache after the procedure? How many days does the pain persist? The fact is that before introducing the hysteroscope, the doctor dilates the cervix using special instruments.

This process is quite painful, which is why general anesthesia is used. Before the examination, the organ itself is expanded by introducing liquid or gas. Therefore, after the intervention, the organ contracts, which can also lead to pain.

As a rule, pain after the procedure persists for 3-4 days.

Pain after hysteroscopy in the lower abdomen can be observed for several days

In addition to the contractile activity of the uterus, the cause of pain after hysteroscopy is an inflammatory process.

Inflammation can develop in the uterus or fallopian tubes. In this situation, in addition to pain, vaginal discharge and fever may appear. The discharge most often has an unpleasant odor and an unusual color - yellow, yellowish-gray, brownish with a greenish tint. Body temperature rises to febrile levels - 38-39°C.

If after hysteroscopy the lower abdomen hurts for more than four to five days, you should consult a gynecologist.

The presence of pain for a long time may indicate the occurrence of complications. In the case of diagnostic testing, complications practically do not arise.

However, only a doctor can exclude undesirable consequences after examination and carrying out the necessary tests.

The pain syndrome may be accompanied by bleeding similar to menstruation. This is considered normal if curettage of the uterine mucosa was performed during hysteroscopy. However, spotting can be considered normal for 5-6 days. Longer discharge is also a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

Prevention of complications

In order to prevent possible complications accompanied by pain, it is necessary to properly prepare for the study. Preparation for hysteroscopy includes a number of activities:

  • consultation with a therapist and, if necessary, other specialists;
  • immediately before the procedure - examination by an anesthesiologist to decide on the method of pain relief;
  • ECG;
  • if necessary, colposcopy;
  • laboratory tests of urine and blood;
  • blood clotting control;
  • blood chemistry;
  • smear for cytology from the cervix;
  • study of vaginal microflora.

Since the intervention, in most cases, is performed under general anesthesia, eating is strictly prohibited on the day of the examination.

In addition, bowel preparation is necessary to reduce the risk of developing flatulence on the day of surgery. For this purpose, a special diet is prescribed:

  • The diet should be followed for 3-4 days before hysteroscopy.
  • The diet should not include foods that increase the production of intestinal gases.
  • On the eve of the examination, lunch should be light, and dinner should be avoided completely.
  • It is advisable to do a cleansing enema in the evening and morning before the procedure.
  • On the day of the test, you should not drink liquids or smoke.

Pain treatment

To reduce pain, the patient may be prescribed analgesics

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe treatment that will eliminate the pain. If there are no signs of inflammation, treatment in this case is symptomatic.

To relieve pain, medications from the group of antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine) and analgesics (Tempalgin, Ketorol, Ibuprofen), or combination drugs are prescribed - Novigan, Nurofen Long, Tempalgin and others.

In cases with the development of the inflammatory process, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated. Treatment in this case takes a longer time and requires careful medical supervision.

Contraindications to the procedure

The study has contraindications. These include:

  • active inflammatory process in the pelvic organs;
  • oncological pathology of the cervix;
  • pregnancy period (with the exception of a pathological course requiring emergency intervention);
  • violation of the blood clotting process;
  • severe somatic diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • infectious diseases in the acute period;
  • cervical stenosis.

In the above cases, hysteroscopy is not performed, as it may be complicated by adverse consequences.


Hysteroscopy: rules for the postoperative period

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive method of surgical intervention in the organs of the reproductive system. It is used for diagnostic purposes and in the treatment of gynecological pathologies. Sometimes complications occur after hysteroscopy. To prevent such consequences from appearing, you must follow all medical recommendations.

Types of hysteroscopy of the uterus

Depending on the purpose for which hysteroscopy is performed, it is divided into the following types:

  • diagnostic. During the study, it is possible to determine the degree of enlargement of the uterus, study the condition of the endometrium and identify various pathologies;
  • surgical During the examination of the organ, the affected tissue is excised. Such manipulations can be carried out when identifying polyps, endometriosis, fibroids and other diseases of the uterus;
  • control. Prescribed after a certain period after the start of therapy. In this way, it is possible to determine the degree of effectiveness of treatment and, if necessary, make adjustments;
  • office.

Regardless of the purpose of the study, after it is carried out the body needs time to recover.


The study is carried out to identify myomatous nodes, polyps and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. In this case, a hysteroscope of minimal diameter is inserted into the vagina.

Among the advantages of this method it is worth highlighting the following:

  • mucous membranes are practically not damaged;
  • general anesthesia is not required, thereby reducing the risk of complications caused by the use of anesthesia;
  • hospitalization is not necessary;
  • the duration of the procedure does not exceed half an hour;
  • The operation was tolerated quite well.


The procedure is indicated for endometriosis. With the development of this disease, the endometrium grows abnormally. It is possible to stop the pathological process by removing the uterine layer. The operation is also used to remove polyps, fibroids, adhesions and septa in the uterus.

Often during the rehabilitation period, women have stomach pain, but gradually the pain syndrome subsides. Bloody discharge also appears, which completely disappears after a week and a half.


A hysteroscope is used during the examination. With its help, it is possible to determine what changes have occurred in the cervical canal and uterus after surgery and therapy. Thanks to monitoring the condition of the organ, it is possible to promptly identify complications after hysteroscopy and eliminate them.

Office hysteroscopy

Office hysteroscopy is considered the simplest. It is carried out on an outpatient basis. An endometrial biopsy is often performed.

The risk of complications is minimized. Only minor pain and bleeding appear after hysteroscopy, gradually decreasing in volume.

Indications for use

There are a number of indications for hysteroscopy. Among them the following stand out:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • the appearance of spotting after menopause;
  • adenomyosis;
  • myoma;
  • endometrial cancer;
  • synechiae inside the uterus;
  • abnormalities of organ development;
  • miscarriage;
  • infertility;
  • complications in the postpartum period;
  • preparation for in vitro fertilization;
  • assessment of the effectiveness of drug therapy;
  • remnants of the fertilized egg in the organ after abortion.


There are certain contraindications in the presence of which the operation is not performed:

  • infectious diseases occurring in acute form;
  • inflammatory process in the genital organs;
  • desired intrauterine pregnancy;
  • cervical cancer;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • atresia of the cervical canal;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • profuse bleeding in the reproductive organ.

If such problems exist, the study is not carried out. This is due to the fact that if manipulations are performed, the risk of complications increases significantly.

Postoperative period

Rehabilitation after hysteroscopy is conventionally divided into two stages. At the first stage, the integrity of the mucous membranes is restored and their functioning is normalized.

During this time, the uterine mucosa completely heals, and the tissue of the cervical canal regenerates. Often, at the initial stage of recovery, a woman experiences pain in the abdominal area.

They are most pronounced in the first few hours after the operation.

After 2–3 weeks, the damaged tissues are completely restored, and the second stage of rehabilitation begins. Now a new endometrium is beginning to form, with a normal structure and characteristic functional features.

Painful sensations

Minor, nagging pain is not considered a deviation from the norm. As a rule, the pain syndrome is localized in the lower abdomen and lower back. After a couple of days, the discomfort disappears. Their appearance is caused by tissue damage as a result of removal of a myomatous node, polyp, or other manipulations.

If a woman’s pain threshold is low, then the discomfort becomes more pronounced. In this case, they resort to the use of painkillers.

A cause for concern is unbearable pain and fever after hysteroscopy. The appearance of signs of intoxication should also alert you. In this case, in order to eliminate possible complications, you should immediately seek help from a medical institution.

Vaginal discharge

Bloody discharge is observed for several days after the operation. They appear due to damage to the mucous membranes of the organ with instruments. After 2–3 days, the discharge is insignificant and bloody. They disappear completely after a week and a half.

The presence of ichor for such a long time is explained by the expansion of the organ cavity during the study and the penetration of fluid into the vessels. Severe bleeding should not be observed. Their appearance is a reason for urgent contact with a gynecologist.

Menstrual cycle

The timing of the arrival of the regula after hysteroscopy largely depends on the purpose of the study. If a diagnostic procedure was carried out, then the appearance of menstrual blood should be expected on the usual days.

The cycle failure in this case is minor. Your period may be late by just a few days. The explanation for this is quite simple.

The uterine cavity is practically not damaged, and recovery is much faster.

Therapeutic hysteroscopy with curettage has a more serious effect on the body. A missed period may last longer. In this case, the first day of the cycle should be considered the date of the operation. Accordingly, the arrival of the regulator is expected after 30 days.

It is extremely important to monitor the nature of the first menstrual flow. If their consistency, volume or color has changed, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics after hysteroscopy are prescribed to prevent complications. During this period, the mucous membranes are damaged and not protected from infection, and as a result of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, an inflammatory process begins.

Sometimes additional antibiotic therapy is used before the procedure. Often a three-day course of treatment is prescribed after hysteroscopy has been performed. Then they begin to restore hormonal levels. For this purpose, the drug Duphaston is prescribed.

Possible complications

As a result of the study, complications are sometimes observed. Among the early consequences after surgery are the following:

  • inflammation of the uterus and peritoneum. Pelvioperitonitis and endometritis are considered the most common complications;
  • hemolysis inside blood vessels;
  • bleeding. Its appearance is due to the fact that during the operation the tissues of the uterus are injured, and large blood vessels may be damaged.

Later consequences include:

  • hematometer. This is a pathological condition in which blood accumulates in the reproductive organ due to spasm of the cervical canal;
  • deformation of the organ cavity;
  • exacerbation of chronic inflammation;
  • re-growth of removed tumors.

Damage to the vagina and uterine lining increases the risk of developing a bacterial infection. In this case, pain occurs in the lower abdomen and uncharacteristic discharge appears.

Pregnancy after hysteroscopy

There are certain recommendations for pregnancy after hysteroscopy, adhering to which the recovery process will proceed much faster.

During the first month, a woman needs sexual rest. This is primarily due to the fact that the organ at this moment is not protected from negative influences from the outside.

A sexually transmitted infection can penetrate the uterine cavity, and the condition will significantly worsen.

In addition, during the first week and a half, spotting from the vagina is observed. It also makes intimacy impossible. The woman’s well-being during this period is deteriorating.

Pregnancy after eliminating the pathology in the uterine cavity is possible. Doctors recommend thinking about conceiving no earlier than three months after surgery.

Recommendations for recovery

Normally, the recovery period lasts about a month. After curettage and hysteroscopy, you must strictly adhere to the following recommendations during this time:

  • don't have sex. In addition to the fact that this will cause pain, there is also a risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the organ cavity;
  • do not swim in open bodies of water, pools, or even take a bath. Only showers are allowed;
  • refuse to visit saunas and baths;
  • do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene and wash yourself at least twice a day;
  • take antibiotics, strictly adhering to the regimen chosen by the doctor;
  • measure body temperature twice during the day;
  • avoid excessive physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • do not use tampons. Preference should be given to pads and changed every 3-4 hours. Blood is a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacteria;
  • organize your diet correctly. It is extremely important that the menu contains a sufficient amount of vegetables, dairy products and fruits;
  • systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist;
  • ensure timely emptying of the bladder.

Despite the fact that hysteroscopy is considered a minimally invasive operation, the risk of complications still exists. A woman must properly prepare for this procedure and strictly follow all medical recommendations after it. Due to this, the occurrence of undesirable consequences is observed much less frequently.


Recommendations for recovery

Normally, the recovery period lasts about a month. After curettage and hysteroscopy, you must strictly adhere to the following recommendations during this time:

  • don't have sex. In addition to the fact that this will cause pain, there is also a risk of pathogenic microorganisms entering the organ cavity;
  • do not swim in open bodies of water, pools, or even take a bath. Only showers are allowed;
  • refuse to visit saunas and baths;
  • do not neglect the rules of intimate hygiene and wash yourself at least twice a day;
  • take antibiotics, strictly adhering to the regimen chosen by the doctor;
  • measure body temperature twice during the day;
  • avoid excessive physical activity and heavy lifting;
  • do not use tampons. Preference should be given to pads and changed every 3-4 hours. Blood is a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of bacteria;
  • organize your diet correctly. It is extremely important that the menu contains a sufficient amount of vegetables, dairy products and fruits;
  • systematically undergo examination by a gynecologist;
  • ensure timely emptying of the bladder.

Despite the fact that hysteroscopy is considered a minimally invasive operation, the risk of complications still exists. A woman must properly prepare for this procedure and strictly follow all medical recommendations after it. Due to this, the occurrence of undesirable consequences is observed much less frequently.

Often women worry about whether it is painful to have a hysteroscopy, and how uncomfortable the procedure can be with or without anesthesia. Few people think about the fact that the stomach can hurt after hysteroscopy. Meanwhile, postoperative pain occurs much more often than during manipulation. The causes of their occurrence can be both physiological and pathological.

Stomach hurts after hysteroscopy

July 23, 01:12

Discharge after hysteroscopy

Good day to all! I immediately apologize if I am not writing to this community... I have the following problem: three days ago I had a hysteroscopy, a polyp and an overgrown endometrium (hyperplasia) were removed.

For two days everything was fine, there was scanty blood discharge. But today (March 31) I suddenly began to bleed, as if I was on my period, and my stomach hurts, as usual with my period...

Although according to the schedule they were supposed to start on March 2-3, and my doctor told me that there would be a slight daub.. But the fact that... Read more →

What happens after hysteroscopy: pain, menstruation, what is possible and what is not, complications

One of the modern diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in gynecology is hysteroscopy.

This operation allows you to examine the uterus, identify and, if necessary, promptly remove pathology, and in many cases determine the causes of infertility.

The doctor decides whether to perform hysteroscopy, based on the indications and contraindications for this procedure, but the last word, of course, remains with the patient Read more →

After Hysteroscopy, stomach bleeds and hurts

Girls, as always, I’m here for advice.


Consequences of the procedure

Despite the fact that hysteroscopy is considered a gentle method of treatment, complications also develop with its use. After this, the consequences are as follows:

  • Perforation of the uterus
  • Bleeding
  • Side effect of anesthesia
  • Endometritis

Consequences in the form of uterine perforation rarely occur; most often, such a complication arises due to the low qualifications of the doctor, as a result of perforation of the uterine wall with a hysteroscope.

Consequences in the form of bleeding occur due to various causes and factors; if heavy discharge occurs, a woman should urgently consult a doctor.

Consequences in the form of endometritis or inflammation of the uterus arise due to an infection introduced during the procedure, due to an inflammatory process that was not treated before the procedure.

Consequences in the form of a hematometer develop due to uterine spasm during the procedure.

Also, a complication after the procedure is considered to be an incompletely removed polyp, a myomatous node, which is rare.

After hysteroscopy, stomach pain: pulling in the lower abdomen and lower back

Often women worry about whether it is painful to have a hysteroscopy, and how uncomfortable the procedure can be with or without anesthesia. Few people think about the fact that the stomach can hurt after hysteroscopy. Meanwhile, postoperative pain occurs much more often than during manipulation. The causes of their occurrence can be both physiological and pathological.

Why does pain occur after hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is a low-traumatic procedure that uses a special device with a miniature camera and surgical manipulators. This operation allows you to examine the uterus from the inside, record pathological changes and, if necessary, eliminate them. It is used to remove the intrauterine septum, polyps, and small fibroids.

The procedure, despite the fact that it is minimally invasive, still leads to minor injury to the mucous membranes of the cervix and uterine cavity. It is because of this that pain most often occurs after hysteroscopy. The mechanism of pain is quite simple.

Even a small “scratch” on the endometrium provokes the release of specific substances into the blood that cause spasm of smooth muscles. This is how the body tries to prevent possible blood loss: the more tense the muscle fibers are, the less blood flows to them.

Good to know! It is the spasm in 70-80% of cases that causes discomfort, radiating to the groin, lower back, and sometimes to the perineum.

Pain occurs due to contraction of the uterus after stretching it with liquid or gas, which is used to improve visibility inside the uterus. After the examination is completed, the gas or liquid is pumped out, and the walls of the uterus gradually return to normal volumes.

The abdomen after hysteroscopy may hurt to varying degrees. If a diagnostic procedure was performed, the discomfort may be milder, practically no different from pain during menstruation.

If a therapeutic procedure was carried out, the pain can be intense, since the injury to the mucous membrane lining the uterus is always more extensive.

How dangerous the pain is can be judged by its location.

Lower abdominal pain

According to statistics, mild or moderate intensity abdominal pain occurs in the majority of women who have undergone hysteroscopy.

Normally, they are localized in the suprapubic region and can spread to the iliac regions. The character is nagging or aching. In the absence of pathological processes, they subside on their own within 2-3 days.

To weaken them, it is enough to take any over-the-counter NSAIDs (ibuprofen, nurofen, etc.).

If after hysteroscopy of the uterus the pain persists for longer than 3-5 days, is cramping in nature, and spreads to the upper abdomen, the patient should consult a doctor for advice. The accompanying symptoms should cause particular concern:

  • even a slight increase in body temperature;
  • discharge of yellowish or greenish mucus from the genital tract;
  • unpleasant odor from the genitals;
  • general deterioration of health, fever.

Such signs may indicate the beginning of an infectious process. They require immediate hospitalization of the patient in a gynecological hospital.

Lower back pain

Discomfort in the lumbar region appears mainly in patients who have undergone hysteroscopy with curettage. The spread of nagging or aching pain to the sacrum and back is considered normal if the discomfort persists for no longer than 3 days and is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood from the genital tract.

If nagging pain persists for more than 5 days or is accompanied by a spasm similar to contractions, possible complications such as infection, inflammation or stagnation of blood in the uterus are likely. Also, similar symptoms occur if a large blood clot has formed in the organ cavity. Such phenomena require urgent medical attention.

Breast pain

Pain in the mammary glands after hysteroscopy is normal only if it was observed before the procedure as a consequence of premenstrual syndrome. If it was not there before the operation, the problem may be a change in hormonal levels.

Important! Hysteroscopy itself has virtually no effect on the body’s ability to synthesize female sex hormones. Hormonal changes can be triggered by medications prescribed by the doctor to eliminate gynecological problems.

If a patient has chest pain, but the discomfort is localized behind the breastbone and not in the glands, there is a possibility that gas from the uterus entered the upper abdominal cavity during the procedure.

The condition is not considered dangerous to health, but if the intensity of pain increases, tachycardia, shortness of breath and clouding of consciousness appear, you should consult the doctor who performed the operation or call an ambulance.

Pain in the ovarian area

As a rule, the ovaries always react even to diagnostic procedures with minor pain.

If hysteroscopy involved a serious intervention with injury to the mucous membranes, a woman in 90% of cases will experience nagging pain in the ovaries.

Normally, it lasts no longer than 3-5 days, does not tend to intensify and is not accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.

In addition to physiological causes, pain in the ovaries can have a pathological origin. This usually happens when hygiene and sanitary standards are not observed during and after hysteroscopy.

An inflammatory reaction or infection is possible in the uterine cavity, which, unfortunately, very quickly spreads to the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The pathology is supported by an increase in the volume of mucous transparent secretions, an unpleasant odor from them and an increase in temperature.

The discomfort may intensify and turn into intense cramping pain. The situation requires urgent intervention from a gynecologist.

How long does your stomach hurt after hysteroscopy?

The persistence of physiological pain after hysteroscopy is observed no longer than 3-5 days after the study. A complete absence of pain from the first day is also normal after this procedure, and only indicates the patient’s low sensitivity to pain. A sudden increase in discomfort or persistence of pain for 5 or more days should alert you.

Note! The more extensive and traumatic the intervention during hysteroscopy, the longer the pain may persist. It is worth talking with the gynecologist who performed the operation about how long it can normally be observed in individual cases.

Prevention and treatment of pain after hysteroresectoscopy

After hysteroscopy, women are recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen and their analogues. They will help cope with intense pain in the first days and prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Pain treatment can also be carried out using antispasmodics. The choice of remedy should be entrusted to a gynecologist.

To prevent complications after examinations of the uterine cavity, after hysteroscopy the patient should observe personal hygiene and sexual rest for 7-10 days.

It should be borne in mind that in the first days, spasms and pain can be provoked by failure to adhere to the diet: the accumulation of gases and feces in the intestines can compress the uterus, to which the organ will react with a spasm. Therefore, in the first 3 days it is recommended to eat small portions.

You should remove foods that can cause gas from the menu: legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, spices and alcohol.


Prevention and treatment of pain after hysteroresectoscopy

After hysteroscopy, women are recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Ibuprofen, Nurofen and their analogues. They will help cope with intense pain in the first days and prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Pain treatment can also be carried out using antispasmodics. The choice of remedy should be entrusted to a gynecologist.

To prevent complications after examinations of the uterine cavity, after hysteroscopy the patient should observe personal hygiene and sexual rest for 7-10 days. It should be borne in mind that in the first days, spasms and pain can be provoked by failure to adhere to the diet: the accumulation of gases and feces in the intestines can compress the uterus, to which the organ will react with a spasm. Therefore, in the first 3 days it is recommended to eat small portions. You should remove foods that can cause gas from the menu: legumes, fresh vegetables and fruits, spices and alcohol.

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive method of surgical intervention in the organs of the reproductive system. It is used for diagnostic purposes and in the treatment of gynecological pathologies. Sometimes complications occur after hysteroscopy. To prevent such consequences from appearing, you must follow all medical recommendations.

Sensations and pain after hysteroscopy. Doctors' recommendations

How is the recovery going, is discharge and pain normal after hysteroscopy? After hysteroscopy, office or surgical, recovery is required. During the procedure, the vagina is dilated, the cervical canal is fixed with forceps and probing is performed - all this carries the risk of injury.

There are signs that are a normal response of the body to intervention. There are pathological changes that require going to the doctor. Let's differentiate which symptoms are natural and which indicate illness.

Everything is okay

Soreness . It is felt in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual pain. Firstly, these may be the consequences of cervical dilatation, and secondly, the introduction of liquids and gases (for diagnostic purposes). After the procedure, the organ contracts, which resembles spasms during menstrual periods. Pain after hysteroscopy goes away within 1-2 days.

Bleeding . Minor spotting occurs in all patients.

Blood after diagnostic hysteroscopy occurs due to microdamage to the uterine tissue during the examination. During surgical manipulation, due to the removal of formations, bleeding is more intense.

Normally, the discharge lasts no more than two weeks (it all depends on the amount of tissue removed and the severity of the operation).

Menstrual cycle . The diagnostic test does not damage the tissue, so critical days come on time, only a slight delay of 2-3 days is possible. Removing tumors or curettage are more serious things. You can expect menstruation one month after surgery.

Nausea . Normal in the first minutes after surgery when using non-modern anesthesia. These symptoms are the body's reaction to anesthesia.

Slight temperature . During surgery, an increase in body temperature to 37.5 is considered acceptable. After a day, the indicators should return to normal. The office type of intervention does not give a temperature.

Need an ambulance

Heavy bleeding . Do you change large pads every 1-2 hours? Noticed blood clots? Seek medical attention. Intense bleeding after hysteroscopy indicates complications.

Heat . If the thermometer shows above 37.5 °C, the inflammatory process has begun. Don't lower the temperature yourself. Antipyretic drugs will help only temporarily and will give inflammation a head start.


Let's talk about how to take care of yourself after it.

  • Medicines . Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed once or in a course of up to 5 days. Doctors are playing it safe and want to prevent the inflammatory process. Gentle antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate any risk of infection.
  • Hygiene . For the first 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to wash yourself twice a day, using delicate products. Clean the external genitalia and surrounding skin. When washing, move from top to bottom, from the entrance to the vagina to the anus - this way there is less risk of infection.
  • Observation . Monitor your temperature during the first week after the procedure - measure it twice a day (morning, evening). Pay attention to the nature of the discharge - its color, abundance.

Temporarily prohibited

  • Warming procedures. Hot bath, solarium, bathhouse and sauna are prohibited for the first 2 weeks. They increase blood circulation and can cause bleeding and inflammation.
  • Exercise stress.
    For the first 14 days, it is contraindicated to play sports and lift weights over 5 kg. Return to physical activity gradually, loading your body moderately.
  • Swimming.
    Pool classes are excluded for 2 weeks. The cervix must recover to fulfill its protective function. Also refrain from water activities on lakes and seas.
  • Sexual contacts. Sexual rest for the first 14 days is necessary to avoid inflammation and allow the mucous membrane to recover.
  • Vaginal products. Stop using sanitary tampons and vaginal products (suppositories, ointments) for 3 weeks.


Hysteroscopy is considered a mini-operation. But even minor surgery has risks. There may be errors on the part of the medical staff, reactions due to the characteristics of the body, infections due to the patient’s failure to comply with recommendations.

  • Bleeding and injury. They occur both during and after surgery.
  • At the site of damaged areas, adhesions may form - partitions of connective tissue.
  • Inflammation.

Hysteroscopy is not an absolutely harmless procedure. But the likelihood of complications is low. To minimize risks, carefully choose a doctor and a clinic with modern equipment.


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