What drugs can be used to treat thrush in women and men at the same time?
When a couple faces a candidiasis problem, the weaker half is usually to blame.
Alas, the female body is more prone to the pathological development of fungus. In representatives of the stronger sex, the disease may not manifest itself, but doctors strongly advise treating thrush in men and women at the same time. Otherwise, the infection will become cyclical: returning from an infected partner to a recovered one. There is no universal therapeutic regimen or cure.
They are determined based on the results of examination and questioning of patients, analysis of flora and characteristics of the course of the disease.
Traditional methods of treatment
Similar methods of treating candidiasis are popular among young men, boys and men. They are effective and there are no side effects. They act in combination with drug treatment. It is worth knowing that the methods cause harm to the body if prepared and used incorrectly, protect yourself by visiting a doctor.
An excellent plant for treating thrush in men is ordinary chamomile. Its components have effective properties that act on the fungus and can eliminate thrush in a short period of time. Pour five tablespoons of boiling water, wait until the solution cools to the desired temperature, and treat the infected areas with it.
Calendula has proven to be a powerful medicinal product. For half a liter of hot water you need two tablespoons of calendula. Let it brew for forty minutes, the solution is ready.
Thrush in women and men: principles of joint therapy
It is important to understand that candidiasis is not a classic STD, such as gonorrhea. Yeast fungi in small quantities are one of the components of the microbiocenosis of the urogenital system of a healthy person. Under favorable conditions, the colony grows, and the first manifestations of the disease appear: hyperemia of the mucous membranes, curdled discharge, burning, itching. However, choosing medications for thrush on your own is unacceptable for both women and men.
If you suspect it is necessary to act according to the algorithm.
- Visit a doctor: dermatovenerologist, therapist or specialists (gynecologist and andrologist).
- Abstain from sexual intercourse for several days, then take a smear, culture or PCR test.
- Get an appointment.
- Treat yourself strictly following the recommendations.
- Re-take tests to obtain confirmation of a successful therapeutic result.
- Don't forget about prevention.
It is better for men and women not to experiment with folk remedies for thrush. The likelihood of completely getting rid of fungus with the help of herbs, soda, iodine and other miraculous methods is negligible. But there is a high risk of burning or drying out the mucous membrane, “driving” the disease inside, transferring it from the acute stage to the chronic one.
Causes of thrush infection
Most often, infection occurs through unprotected sexual contact.
Other causes of thrush:
- violation of diet and nutrition,
- swimming in open waters,
- decreased immunity level (stress, sudden climate change, etc.),
- pregnancy (especially the last trimester),
- taking broad spectrum antibiotics,
- diabetes,
- a number of other reasons...
A common misconception is that wearing tight underwear causes thrush - this is not true.
Comprehensive treatment of thrush for men and women: drugs
Effective treatment involves several elements:
- systemic effects on the fungal colony, as a rule, tablets are prescribed for oral administration;
- use of local funds;
- restoration of healthy microflora of the affected areas;
- immunotherapy;
- relapse prevention.
Careful and consistent implementation of all stages is the key to a complete, if not quick, recovery.
Doctors consider the best anti-thrush tablets for men and women to be antimycotics of the triazole category (based on fluconazole or itraconazole). The same active ingredients are presented by pharmaceutical manufacturers in other forms, such as injection solution, gel, vaginal suppositories, syrup.
The dosage and duration of the course of drugs are adjusted based on the dynamics and clinical picture of the fungal infection.
So, Fluconazole tablets (Diflucan, Mikosist, Fucis) are prescribed to both partners 150 mg. Multiplicity of receptions:
- mild form of candidiasis - one-time use;
- with a pronounced clinical picture - twice (with a time interval of 72 hours);
- recurrent thrush - three times.
Itraconazole (Itracon, Itrazol capsules) is recommended for chronic infection. Dosage options:
- 400 mg divided into 2 times a day;
- 600 mg (200 mg per dose) for 3 days.
In parallel, local treatment is carried out:
- men are recommended to lubricate the affected area with Ketocanozol ointment or treat it with fluconazole preparations;
- women are prescribed vaginal suppositories/tablets with a fungistatic/fungicidal effect.
To maintain immunity, vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Centrum) are used. The microflora is restored with the help of probiotics (Bifidumbacterin).
Triazoles are a popular, but not the only medicinal group of antimycotics. An alternative is nystatin, polyene antibiotics. Instead of suppositories and the use of creams, it is sometimes (rarely) recommended to wipe the genitals with Chlorhexidine, water procedures with the addition of antiseptic solutions or herbs.
Often only one of the partners goes to the doctor, but this scenario is unacceptable. Firstly, medications for thrush for men and women differ in the form of release, if we consider local use of the drug, which means it is necessary to adjust the dosage. Secondly, the disease progresses in different ways; when drawing up a plan, the symptomatic component must be taken into account.
Treatment for hepatitis B
Acute or chronic thrush after childbirth, the signs of which cannot always be noticed on your own, must be cured.
Only a specialist can provide reliable and high-quality therapy. After all, often subclinical forms are a kind of marker of the presence of another pathology, for example, glucose tolerance. Before starting therapy, you should undergo at least a minimal examination. It includes:
- complete blood count, glucose level test;
- smears on vaginal flora, and also preferably PRC;
- bacteriological culture for the most common sexually transmitted infections.
If necessary, the list can be expanded.
Treating mom
It is often not enough to use only suppositories for thrush after childbirth; it is advisable to carry out systemic antifungal, immunostimulating treatment. You should also take into account whether the woman is breastfeeding; the range of drugs in this case is much narrower.
For a single episode of acute candidiasis, it is enough to take oral medications. Fluconazole (Flucostat, Diflucan, Mycosist and others) is effective, but it passes into breast milk in large quantities, so other medications should be used during lactation. If necessary, you can replace it with nystatin, but even for this it is recommended to temporarily stop breastfeeding.
During lactation, even an acute episode of thrush is best treated with suppositories. It is safe to use ginesol, pimafucin, terzhinan.
The treatment of chronic vaginal candidiasis should be treated more carefully; several courses are often necessary, which depends on the duration, severity of manifestations and the presence of concomitant pathology.
In this case, systemic treatment must be combined with local treatment, and immunostimulating drugs must also be used.
For example, you can consider the following scheme (also allowed during lactation):
- Terzhinan, one suppository at night for 10 days for three cycles in the second phase.
- Courses with interferon rectally for 5 - 7 days in the first phase of the cycle.
- Preparations based on lactobacilli systemically for at least 2 - 3 months, for example, Linex or Bioflor (two tablespoons three times a day).
But each case should be considered individually.
Should my husband be treated and how?
Candida colpitis is not a sexually transmitted infection, but the fungus from the vaginal mucosa, of course, gets onto the man’s penis and can contribute to the development of unpleasant sensations for him. But even in their absence, it is better to carry out preventive treatment of thrush. For this, a single dose of 150 mg of fluconazole will be sufficient; you can combine this with the use of nystatin ointment if it has itching, burning, white plaque, etc.
Simultaneous treatment of thrush in women and men: effective drugs
During intimacy, candidiasis is transmitted from a woman to her partner. For this reason, it will not be possible to get rid of the disease by treating only one infected person. During sexual intercourse, the fungus will re-enter the body. You can find out how to treat thrush in women and men from a gynecologist. Self-medication can lead to the development of serious pathological processes.
Should my partner be treated for thrush?
Candidiasis is a sexually transmitted infection. For this reason, prevention of thrush in men is carried out if a woman is sick. The disease in representatives of the stronger sex can occur in an acute and latent form.
In the acute course of the disease, a characteristic clinical picture appears, in which itching, redness and discharge are noted. Such problems with thrush force a man to seek help from a doctor.
The latent form of candidiasis balanoposthitis poses an even greater danger. If a man does not realize that he is a carrier of the infection, then during sexual contact he infects his partner. This causes a fungal disease in a woman and its frequent relapses.
Treatment of a partner for thrush is not advisable, but mandatory. A man and a woman must undergo therapy at the same time. During this period, it is necessary to avoid intimacy or use a condom during sexual intercourse.
If a wife has thrush, her husband also needs to be treated because the disease can cause serious complications for him:
- erosions on the genitals;
- suppression of sexual desire;
- urethritis;
- infertility.
The danger of self-medication
Effective treatment is possible with the correct diagnosis.
The patient’s desire to independently and quickly cure thrush permanently often does not lead to a successful outcome. By self-medicating without consulting a doctor, it is impossible to cure thrush once and for all, because without proper diagnosis it is impossible to establish the true cause of the unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the course of the disease is not always the same. In some cases, candidiasis develops without obvious signs (without heavy discharge). Then there is a risk of confusing a fungal disease with another disease that requires treatment with antibiotics. Taking antibacterial drugs without indications greatly aggravates the condition of a patient with thrush.
Incorrectly selected treatment threatens the transition of the disease from the acute to the chronic stage.
How does thrush occur in men?
Thrush manifests itself differently in women and men. Often in representatives of the stronger sex the disease is asymptomatic and does not make itself felt in any way.
In some cases, the following symptoms of thrush in men are noted:
- hyperemia of the head of the penis and foreskin;
- discomfort in the genital area;
- accumulation of white plaque on the head of the penis.
Thrush appears only when the immune system is suppressed, when the male body cannot resist a fungal infection.
Symptoms of male thrush
Candidiasis is a common occurrence for women. Every representative of the fairer sex has encountered thrush at least once in her life. Men are less susceptible to this disease due to the absence of monthly hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy, and a vulnerable nervous system.
Male candidiasis develops against a background of reduced immunity. In other cases, the body itself copes with pathogens by suppressing the growth of fungi. With weak immunity, thrush begins to progress, but is expressed in different ways.
In most cases, candidiasis in men is asymptomatic, or discomfort is felt, which is not properly addressed. Such symptoms are dangerous due to mutual infection. A wife is being treated for thrush, and the husband, not knowing about its existence in his body, again infects his wife with candidiasis.
Only in some cases, thrush in men manifests itself with pronounced symptoms, causing you to worry about your health and seek help from specialists.
The main symptoms of male candidiasis:
- redness of the head of the genital organ;
- itching, irritation;
- burning sensation when urine enters;
- discomfort during sexual intercourse;
- pain at the end of urination;
- white cheesy coating on the head of the penis, with a sour smell;
- peeling of the skin;
- swelling of the foreskin.
Unpleasant symptoms intensify in the evening, do not disappear after water procedures, and the burning sensation intensifies upon contact with soap products.
Where do Candida fungi live and where to start treatment?
Candida fungi, like many other microorganisms, are able to live peacefully in the human body. They are found in the intestines, mouth, vagina and genitals. With a sharp decrease in protective functions, their number increases significantly and candidiasis develops.
Treatment of a fungal infection, regardless of the gender of the infected person, is carried out according to the following scheme:
- tests are taken;
- microflora and acidity of mucous membranes are restored;
- immunity is strengthened;
- treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out;
- fungal activity is suppressed.
It is extremely important at the initial stage of treatment to eliminate irritating factors that contribute to the rapid development and proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. During this period, you need to stop taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics, give up bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
Candidiasis - causes
Candidiasis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. These are imperfect deuteromycetes (anascosporous fungi). The main causative agents of candidiasis are Candida albicans, Candida non-albicans and Candida tropicalis.
Normally, Candida albicans is an opportunistic microorganism and is part of the natural microflora of the intestines and vagina.
In patients with immunodeficiency, candidiasis can occur in a generalized form, leading to ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, impaired renal function, the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation, and candidal sepsis.
Most people become infected with Candida fungi in utero (the fungus can be found in amniotic fluid, umbilical cord membranes), during the passage of the mother's birth canal, or in the first year of life.
With normal immunity, as well as in the absence of disruption of the natural microflora, the Candida fungus does not cause inflammatory processes and does not lead to the development of candidiasis (thrush).
Risk factors for candidiasis
Risk factors for the development of candidiasis are:
- disruption of the natural microflora of the oral cavity, intestines, genitourinary tract, vagina;
- decreased immunity;
- vaginal dryness in women;
- frequent douching;
- the use of aggressive powders when washing clothes;
- the patient has diabetes mellitus (often manifested by recurrent chronic candidiasis);
- pregnancy;
- taking cytostatic or antibacterial drugs, glucocorticoids, immunosuppressants;
- menstruation (in women, vaginal candidiasis often worsens before menstruation).
The most common cause of the development of vaginal candidiasis in women is the use of antibacterial drugs (especially penicillins). Taking antibiotics leads to disruption of the natural microflora of the vagina and the development of candidiasis.
Long-term use of antibacterial drugs can also provoke the development of intestinal and oral candidiasis.
Children often develop oral thrush if the mother takes antibiotics while breastfeeding. Also, oral candidiasis can be observed in premature babies or with insufficient sterilization of pacifiers. If candidiasis develops during artificial feeding, the issue of transferring the child to another formula should be considered.
Candidiasis in men, accompanied by the development of balanoposthitis, can occur after sexual contact with a partner with acute vaginal candidiasis. Genital candidiasis in men is often accompanied by other sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis).
Candidiasis of the skin, recurrent candidiasis of the oral cavity and urogenital tract often develop against the background of diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the higher the blood sugar level, the more severe candidiasis occurs.
Generalized candidiasis (candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract, candidal sepsis) develops against the background of severe immunodeficiency (including those caused by HIV).
How to treat your partner for thrush
Treatment of thrush in both partners is carried out simultaneously. Depending on the degree of development of candidiasis, the doctor selects the optimal course of therapy. First of all, the causes of the disease are eliminated and systemic and local medications are prescribed.
Treatment of thrush in women and men is as follows:
- Strict adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene. The cheesy coating is systematically removed, and the genitals are washed at least twice a day.
- Baths with the addition of antiseptic agents.
- Application of fungistatic or fungicidal ointments.
- Use of antifungal antibiotics.
- Treatment of concomitant diseases.
An advanced form of candidiasis is treated with systemic drugs. The choice of medication, its dosage and duration of administration should be determined by the doctor.
Self-medication is strictly prohibited. An incorrectly selected therapeutic course can lead to the development of serious complications and the disease becoming chronic. This will make it much more difficult to cope with candidiasis.
Folk remedies for male thrush
It is advisable to use it as an additional remedy as part of complex therapy or at the initial stage of thrush with mild manifestations of fungal infection.
- Tea tree oil . The product relieves inflammation, irritation, itching, and swelling. Restores the skin, stops the growth of pathogenic microflora. To prepare the medicine, dissolve 10 drops of oil in 500 ml of warm water. Moisten cotton wool or a bandage, treat the genitals, apply a compress for 20 minutes. The procedure is done twice a day after water procedures.
- Garlic. A natural antibiotic that helps stop the growth of fungi and strengthens local and general immunity. Men who love spicy dishes are recommended to eat raw garlic along with salads and first courses. A tincture is prepared to treat the genital organ. Fill the glass halfway with garlic cloves and add cold water. They insist for a day. Wipe the head of the genital organ with a cotton swab soaked in the tincture 2 times a day. The duration of therapy is about a week.
Sea buckthorn oil . The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-edematous, antibacterial, antifungal effect. It also accelerates the regeneration of the skin, heals microcracks, wounds, and ulcers. Moisten the cotton wool and treat the genitals. Apply as a compress for 20 minutes. The disadvantage is stained underwear, the advantage is a quick therapeutic effect. The disappearance of painful symptoms is observed after the first use.- Soda . Add 1 teaspoon of soda and salt to 500 ml of warm water. Carry out washing.
- Chamomile decoction . This universal medicinal plant has many beneficial properties. It perfectly fights inflammation, relieves swelling, irritation, and resists the development of painful microflora. Brew a steep decoction. At 2 tbsp. spoons of dry potion 200 ml of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for at least half an hour. Moisten the uterus and wipe the genitals. You can make healing baths by immersing your penis in a bowl of broth for 20 minutes.
It is necessary to start treating thrush in a husband with a progressive form of candidiasis in his wife, even if there are no obvious signs of the disease. In this case, 1 tablet of any professional drug will get rid of the disease, ointment for 2 days, a folk remedy without obvious signs of candidiasis is not used, or is used after sexual intercourse as a prophylaxis.
https://webmolochnica.ru/lechenie-molochnicy-u-muzhchin-zhenschin-preparaty.html https://venerologia03.ru/molochnitsa/lechenie-kandidoza-u-oboih-partnerov.html https://mrgribok.ru/ molochnitsa/u-zheny-molochnitsa-kak-lechit-muzha.html
The best medications in tablet form used in the treatment of thrush of both partners are considered to be medications from the triazole category. The active ingredient in them may be fluconazole or itraconazole. Based on these active ingredients, medications are also produced in the form of gel, vaginal tablets and solution. Antifungal drugs in this group are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. A person cannot independently select the dosage and determine the duration of therapy without the help of a specialist.
The importance of simultaneous treatment of thrush in women and men
Treatment of thrush in women and men should be carried out simultaneously. Otherwise, the disease will return immediately after the therapy, especially if in one of the partners the pathogenic Candida fungus that causes the disease is not destroyed. The difficulty in curing thrush is that most people stop taking the prescribed medications as soon as the symptoms disappear, which is completely wrong. It is necessary to treat thrush with a full course until tests show the absence of the pathogen.
To determine the presence of candidiasis, you will need to take a scraping and send it for further research to a laboratory to identify pathogenic microflora.
The main goal of laboratory diagnostics is to determine the presence of candida fungus. If the diagnosis is carried out in women, then the diagnosis of thrush is established only when there is a large number of yeast-like fungi, as well as additional symptoms of vaginal dysbiosis.
Candidiasis in men is diagnosed when there is a small number of fungi, which indicates the presence of infection. Severe symptoms will allow the urologist to conduct a more detailed examination.
Which doctor should I contact?
If symptoms appear that indicate candidiasis, a woman should consult a gynecologist, and a man should consult a urologist.
Features of treatment
Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease. Most people mistakenly classify it as a sexually transmitted disease due to the similarity of the symptomatic picture. Why do you need to treat thrush at the same time? A woman infected with a pathogenic fungus can pass it on to her husband. In representatives of the stronger sex, thrush may not show pronounced symptoms, but the husband can again infect his wife. The rules for treating the disease, regardless of the patient’s gender, are as follows:
- pass medical tests;
- restore microclimate and acidity on the mucous membrane;
- normalize the protective functions of the immune system;
- treat concomitant diseases.
During the treatment of thrush, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that provoke the rapid proliferation of the pathogenic fungus - stop taking hormonal drugs and antibiotics, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, and if possible, you should also stop smoking.
It is strictly forbidden to treat the disease on your own. Even in cases where signs of the disease do not appear for the first time, both partners still need to be tested. It is strictly forbidden to try to remove white plaque from the mucous membranes, as this can injure them and cause infection, and the process itself will be very painful.
Only a doctor can prescribe any drugs for the treatment of Candida fungus; for this, it is necessary to take a test to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drugs.
Causes and symptoms of the disease
The main cause of male thrush is sexual contact with an infected partner. Causes of thrush in men also include stress, emotional stress, alcohol abuse, poor diet and excess weight.
Influencing factors are also:
- a sharp decrease in the body's resistance;
- sexual diseases;
- violation of acid-base balance;
- non-standard humidity of the mucous membrane;
- dysbacteriosis;
- malignant formations;
- disruptions of the endocrine system.
- increased levels of glucose in a man’s urine;
- scars, ulcers, lesions on the genital organ;
- prolonged exposure to very low temperatures;
- prolonged use of antibiotics;
- hypovitaminosis;
- mechanical and chemical damage.
The first signs of thrush in men are:
- Inflammation of the foreskin;
- Pain during sexual intercourse and ejaculation;
- Severe pain when urinating;
- A thread-like whitish coating on the head of the penis;
- Constant feeling of itching, burning in the genital area;
- Painful retraction of the head;
- Red rash on infected skin areas;
- Nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
- Sourish smell;
- Increased libido due to irritation of the affected area and the nerve endings located on it;
- Insomnia accompanied by irritability;
- Poor concentration;
- Depressive state.
The cause of thrush can be balanitis or balanoposthitis, when it develops simultaneously with sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).
Drug therapy
Treatment of candidiasis has a special approach and requires proper personal hygiene, since neglect of these factors causes relapse.
Girls who are faced with the problem for the first time prefer to trust friends or advertising, choosing medications for the treatment of thrush on their own. Despite the high effectiveness of most remedies, the disease may soon return again if complex therapy, including taking pills and diet, is not carried out. Only an integrated approach can give a positive result and simultaneous treatment of both partners.
In women, in most cases, topical medications are prescribed to combat candidiasis. Their advantage over other forms of medicines (tablets, capsules) is that they very quickly relieve the symptoms of thrush - itching and burning. But these products (ointments and creams) have a number of significant disadvantages. These medications can only be used outside of menstruation. Treating mucous membranes with ointments or creams is a rather unpleasant procedure that can bring pain and discomfort to a woman.
Causal factors provoking the development of male candidiasis
You can cure thrush in a man at home, but first you need to consult a specialist. Only a doctor, based on the examination, can prescribe the correct and effective drug: cream, ointment, tablets.
The development of the disease in a man can be caused by the following:
- They change the physiological status of the mucous membrane covering the penis.
- They change the general physiological status of the entire male body.
Reasons that change the physiological status of the mucous membrane include:
- Changes in the mucosal environment in an acidic direction. An acidic environment has a beneficial effect on the activity and reproduction of any pathogenic cells, including fungi.
- Constant, increased humidity in the genital area.
- Presence of sugar in urine.
- The presence of any narrowings, depressions, bedsores, scar formations and ulcerative surfaces.
Reasons that change the physiological status of the male body include:
- Uncontrolled antibiotic therapy. Such treatment always ends in dysbacteriosis. As a result, the number of lactobacilli necessary to inhibit the activity of fungi drops sharply, and Candida fungi begin to actively multiply, increasing their strain.
- Disturbances in the concentration of biologically active substances (hormones). In men, hormonal imbalance is most often associated with endocrine pathologies or diabetes mellitus.
- Weakening of the immune system. If the immune system works correctly, then the components of humoral and cellular immunity prevent the antigenic attack of fungi of the genus Candida. Viral and infectious processes, severe concomitant pathologies, parasitic invasion, and vitamin deficiency weaken the immune status. In addition, long-term treatment with drugs: glucocorticoids, chemotherapy drugs can provoke immunodeficiency. Ionizing radiation also weakens the immune system.
- Venereal diseases.
Specifics of treatment in men
Treatment of a partner for thrush is recommended to begin immediately as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed in the wife, without waiting for the first signs of the disease to appear. A guy whose girlfriend gets thrush, not finding any symptoms, will mistakenly believe that he is not infected, and further sexual contacts will lead to the woman suffering from the disease again and again, despite the therapy.
Treatment of candida fungus in men should also be carried out comprehensively and prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can aggravate the situation and lead to unpleasant consequences. Depending on the presence or absence of a symptomatic picture, drugs for internal use and local spectrum agents are prescribed. In case of symptoms such as itching and burning of the penis, discomfort during sex, inflammation of the glans, the following are prescribed:
- Econazole;
- Nizoral;
- Miconazole;
- Isoconazole
A man must use medications for the entire course, the duration of which is prescribed by a specialist. Premature interruption of the course of treatment is fraught with relapse, which occurs under the influence of factors such as stress, colds, and poisoning of the body.
What to take, what list of medications (tablets and capsules) will be prescribed depends on the results of tests that will show the extent of the spread of Candida fungus. Oral medications are prescribed equally to both partners - Diflucan, Nizoral, Pimafuncin. Antibiotics are prescribed only as a last resort.
If thrush has been treated, but after sexual intercourse, manifestations of the disease recur, it is necessary to carry out immunostimulating therapy. It is recommended to abstain from intimacy during the therapy period. In order to avoid relapses in a married couple, it is better to begin resuming sexual activity after passing tests confirming the elimination of the pathogenic microorganism.
Frequent errors in treatment
Therapeutic therapy is necessary for both partners.
If treatment does not help, there is one of the reasons:
- Insensitivity of the fungus to a specific prescribed drug.
- Incorrect diagnosis - the disease was confused with an STI, a woman's disease.
- Thrush is not a primary disease, but manifests itself as a symptom of another disease - diabetes mellitus, ovarian dysfunction, tuberculosis.
- Completing an incomplete course of treatment, stopping therapy immediately after the symptoms disappear.
- Therapy for only one sexual partner.
- Continue sexual intercourse during treatment.
To get rid of candidiasis forever, it is important to remember that it is impossible to cure thrush in one day, especially in its chronic stage. There are medications that relieve symptoms with one tablet, but to achieve maximum effect you need to complete the full course of treatment in order to forget about thrush for a long time.