I'm on my period for 8 days and my stomach hurts

Period lasts more than 9 days

Every woman's menstrual cycle is unique. The average duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days. But when spotting lasts for 9 days or more, this is a signal of changes in the body. Representatives of the fairer sex should know when such changes develop into pathology.

A period lasting 9 days is not considered normal.

Duration of menstrual bleeding

The period of bleeding varies from woman to woman. It depends on various factors:

  1. Genetic predisposition. If the grandmother and mother have a menstrual period of 8 to 10 days, then the daughter will inherit the same cycle. This situation cannot be treated. In such women, prolonged menstruation is normal.
  2. Individual structure of the body. This takes into account the length of the cervix, the structure of the reproductive system, blood clotting, and so on. These criteria determine the period of critical days.
  3. Disturbed diet and rest. Every body needs a balanced diet and rest. During a diet or heavy workload, do not forget to follow these simple rules. This way you can avoid additional health problems.
  4. Frequent physical activity. Exercising has a positive effect on your health, but do not overload your body. Such a shake-up will have a bad effect on women's health.
  5. Neuroses and stress. An increase in the duration of bleeding is a consequence of constant mental experiences.

If a woman suddenly has an increase in the quantity, quality and duration of her critical days, then this is a good reason to visit a gynecologist . The doctor will determine the causes of pathological changes and prescribe adequate treatment.

An increase in the duration of critical days is a reason to consult a gynecologist

Long menstruation as a normal option

The onset of a girl's first period marks the beginning of serious changes in her body. Over the next 2–3 years, the cycle will gradually return to normal. During this period, the duration and intensity of bleeding varies. But gradually the body will return to normal on its own.

Sometimes a woman is faced with the concept of an irregular cycle, when menstruation occurs differently each time. In such cases, the reasons for the changes are known, and the lady knows how to react. If your cycle is regular and bleeding continues for more than 9 days, consult a gynecologist.

Heavy, prolonged periods develop into bleeding. If the causes are not established and this process is not stopped, the consequences for a woman’s health will become irreversible.

Doctors identify conditions in which long periods are considered normal:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Many women live with periods that last 9 days or more. They lead a normal lifestyle, and this does not affect their livelihoods in any way.
  2. The period after an abortion. This procedure involves prolonged bleeding. The doctor warns the patient about this. He will tell you when to worry if your period is late.
  3. Taking hormonal contraceptives. This includes oral contraceptives, intrauterine devices and other devices. Possible prolonged bleeding must be indicated in the instructions for the drug.
  4. Menopause. If a woman has a pathological menopause, then such conditions do not go beyond the norm.
  5. Bleeding after childbirth. This is a natural cleansing of the uterus from the remnants of the placenta and other membranes. When everything is completed, the bleeding gradually fades and disappears.

In other cases, long periods will be a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Bleeding after childbirth is normal.

Causes of long periods

If menstruation lasts longer than expected and the woman is caught by surprise, then she should establish the cause of the changes. Often such phenomena are a sign of more serious pathologies.

Doctors identify several factors that can provoke prolonged periods:

  1. Problems with the hormonal system.
  2. Poor blood clotting.
  3. Weak vessel walls.
  4. The need to clean the uterus.

These factors provoke various pathologies. Long periods indicate the presence and progression of diseases. Conditions that cause prolonged pathological vaginal bleeding:

  • Chronic anemia. This disease indicates the presence of other pathologies. Menstruation does not stop in such cases for more than 9 days. This natural process requires additional research to find out and get rid of the cause of the bleeding.
  • Thyroid gland dysfunction. This organ regulates the production of hormones that affect the functioning of the reproductive system. If there are too many or too few hormones, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and bleeding becomes more intense or weakens. An endocrinologist will tell you what tests and studies need to be done to get rid of the problem.

The functioning of the endocrine system is often disrupted in those women who consume a lot of caffeine, alcohol or smoke. Poor nutrition is also part of the complex of reasons that have a bad effect on the thyroid gland.

  • Various diseases of the genital organs. Inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages provoke prolonged bleeding. With adenomyosis, the muscle layer of the uterus becomes inflamed due to the growth of the endometrium into it. This pathology affects the nature of menstruation, which lasts more than 9 days.

Polyps of the inner layer of the uterus prevent menstrual bleeding from ending on time. This hormone-dependent disease is detected by a doctor during an examination. If you get rid of polyps, long periods will also stop.

Benign formations in the uterus also affect the duration of critical days. Fibroids grow slowly, but the main sign of the presence of this pathology is painful and prolonged periods. Only a doctor can help you get rid of such a tumor; you should contact him at the first signs of the disease.

Some women have their periods for more than 9 days over a long period. This should not be taken lightly. After all, uterine cancer begins with such symptoms.

Malfunction of the ovaries, cysts and other formations prolong the period of menstrual bleeding. The causes of such conditions may also lie in the development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Sexually transmitted diseases are also accompanied by disruption of the menstrual cycle. If you seek qualified help in time, the doctor will help remove the unpleasant symptoms and causes of the disease.

  • Weight. Lack or excess of kilograms directly affects the quality and quantity of monthly bleeding. Adipose tissue helps synthesize the sex hormone estrogen in a woman’s body. It is responsible for regulating the menstrual cycle. If the patient is overweight, then her periods take longer than expected. Reducing body weight by at least 12–15% will eliminate the problem.


Doctors explain the increase in the duration of menstruation by physiological processes. Young ladies whose cycle has not yet established themselves and whose menstruation lasts 10 or 14 days should not worry. Such pathologies are observed for three to five years. We recommend that you contact a gynecologist for consultation on day 15.

Postpartum bleeding is normal. During this period, the remnants of the placenta are removed from the woman’s body and the uterine cavity is cleansed. After getting rid of blood clots, all discharge stops. After artificial termination of pregnancy, the same changes occur. After a miscarriage or ectopic fertilization, an increase in ichor secretions is also noted.

Before or during menopause, changes in the duration of menstruation are also noted. Transformations in the hormonal background of women affect the duration and intensity of discharge. If bleeding continues for more than 15 days, then on day 16 you should seek medical help.

Taking hormonal medications or introducing mechanical contraceptive implants affects the duration and intensity of the discharge. Oral contraceptives cause long, spotting periods. After installing the spiral, the amount of ichor increases.

The reasons for the increase in the duration of menstruation to 14 days are external factors that surround a woman in the modern world:

  • stress and depression;
  • strong physical activity;
  • fatigue;
  • strict diets and poor nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • excess weight.

It should also be taken into account that the menstrual cycle is significantly affected by sharp fluctuations in body weight - weight gain, then weight loss, and then back again.”

Physical activity should be moderate, then it will not disrupt the menstrual cycle

Changes in the endocrine system lead to hormonal imbalance. Dangerous pathologies in the thyroid gland affect the duration of menstruation. If bleeding continues for more than 14 days, then on day 15 we recommend going to a consultation with an endocrinologist. Early diagnosis will save you from later problems.

Poor blood clotting is also one of the reasons for prolonged discharge. Lack of vitamin K or changes in the liver, oncology or decreased hemoglobin levels affect the duration of menstruation. Often patients are not aware of hidden genetic abnormalities that appear with age.

The cause of long periods is inflammatory or infectious gynecological diseases:

  • dysfunction of the ovaries;
  • benign and oncological formations in the uterus;
  • adenomyosis;
  • myoma;
  • endometriosis.

The presence of a sexually transmitted disease also affects the duration of discharge. Even if you are confident in your partner, doctors recommend getting tested to clarify the diagnosis. The sooner treatment begins, the fewer complications there will be.

Adenomyosis affects the length of menstruation


Normalization of the menstrual cycle

The key to a woman’s excellent health and the duration of her periods is a good blood supply to the organs in the pelvis. If everything in the body works smoothly and without failures, then your health and mood are always good.

If the doctor has not found any obvious reasons for long periods, the patient is advised to bring the cycle back to normal naturally. This includes recommendations on the correct daily routine. In the daily cycle, the fair sex should not forget about proper nutrition. Include more vegetables and fruits, dairy products in your diet.

Patients are also advised to spend more time in the fresh air and give the body light physical activity. Exercising and walking prevent congestion in the pelvis.

Try to avoid stress and depression. If all the problems have piled up all together, develop a technique for overcoming nervous tension. There is always a way out of any situation, and feeding the body with negative emotions will only aggravate the problem.

If heavy, long periods occur without obvious reasons, then alternative medicine will help stop them. People have been using nettle infusion for a long time. To prepare it, take a spoonful of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water. You can drink about half a liter of infusion per day.

Traditional medicine uses anti-bleeding drugs that increase the blood's ability to clot. If long periods are a symptom of another disease, then the doctor first eliminates the pathology, after which the bleeding should stop.

The duration of critical days depends on many factors. Sometimes the causes of this pathology indicate existing, more serious health problems. A woman should not neglect consulting a specialist if her periods take a long time. Early diagnosis of the disease simplifies treatment and recovery of the body.

Menstruation 6, 7, 8, 9 days, reasons for long periods, what to do

The structure of the reproductive system of every woman is very complex and a failure in its functioning can be influenced by a fairly large number of various factors. Therefore, in order to answer the question why menstruation lasts 7, 8 or even 9 days, it is necessary to understand what the norm for the duration of the menstrual cycle exists, how long menstruation should or can last. If a woman’s menstruation lasts more than 1 week, if her period lasts 9 or 10 days, all this can be not only a consequence of a pathological cause (disease), but also be symptoms of a physiological, not so dangerous problem.

Of course, normally, menstruation should not last more than 1 week. If your period lasts more than 7, 8 or 9 days, this can be considered a deviation from the norm. But why menstruation is delayed, why menstruation lasts longer than usual, all this is detailed later in the article.

What to do if your period lasts more than a week?

If your period is longer than expected, the woman should undergo an examination. It includes an examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound, a blood test for hormones and other diagnostic methods depending on the suspected disease. As first aid, the doctor will most likely prescribe a hemostatic agent, since severe blood loss can provoke iron deficiency anemia. For these purposes the following are used:

  • the drug “Vikasol” is an analogue of vitamin K that improves blood clotting (used if the cause of the problem is a deficiency of nutrients);
  • the remedy “Ditsinon”, used for heavy discharge and uterine bleeding;
  • medicine “Etamzilat”, which stimulates platelet production.

Traditional medicine also involves the use of other groups of medications:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • promoting uterine contraction;
  • containing synthetic analogues of female hormones;
  • restoring the balance of vitamins and minerals.

To stop bleeding, you can use folk remedies. These include nettle tea or tincture of birch buds (100 g per 500 ml of vodka). For heavy, long periods, eating soaked flaxseeds, crushed watermelon seeds or juice squeezed from plantain leaves will help.

If menstruation lasts more than 7 days and this is associated with a stressful state, the woman needs to resort to the use of mild sedatives (Tenoten, Sedofyton, etc.). Decoctions of mint, yarrow and tincture of valerian have similar properties.

Periods take a long time - when is this normal?

What reasons for long and prolonged periods can be considered normal? Heredity can become the main factor in how many days menstruation will be normal. If the mother and grandmother had their periods on average for 4-7 days, then the daughter’s menstruation is very likely to be within these limits. Taking hormonal contraceptives can affect the menstrual cycle and the duration of the menstrual cycle. The use of an intrauterine device, implants as mechanical and barrier contraceptives can affect how many days a woman will have her period.

What other physiological or non-dangerous reasons can provoke long periods? Sometimes medications, especially their long-term use, can cause long and prolonged periods, menstrual irregularities, and other health problems. Especially often, heavy periods last more than 6, 7, 8 or 10 days when a woman takes medications for a long time that affect blood clotting. Rough or too active sexual contact, sexual intercourse for too long, all this can affect the monthly cycle.

Permissible deviations of discharge after menstruation

Many ladies have noted that their periods have ended, but continue to be brown for two days. This phenomenon is physiological if the woman takes oral contraceptives (OC). Brown or pink spotting can be observed up to 2-3 months after starting medication or undergoing an intervention to install an intrauterine device. Medicines affect a woman’s hormonal cycle and its duration. If the drugs are chosen correctly, the symptom will disappear after a few months.

Pathological causes of menstruation 7, 8, 9 and 10 days

A very important question remains: what diseases can there be, if menstruation lasts more than 1 week, more than 8, 9 or 10 days, which of these diseases can be considered dangerous?

The most common pathology that provokes long periods is endometriosis. This disease is characterized by a pathological process of excessive growth of the mucous layer of the uterus. What does this mean? With endometriosis, the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to actively grow and gradually form additional cavities. And during menstruation, the mucous membrane is torn off and comes out, which is why menstruation lasts much longer than usual.

There are a large number of factors that cannot be classified as diseases, but which affect the duration of menstruation. These are stress, nervous strain, prolonged emotional stress on the body, weak and inelastic walls of blood vessels in the woman’s genital area, and hormonal imbalances. Sometimes the reason that periods take too long is the need for internal cleaning of the uterine cavity.

The duration of menstruation is 8, 9 days, is this normal? Of course not. Because such symptoms may appear due to poor blood clotting, or be a consequence of anemia or chronic anemia. A number of gynecological diseases can provoke long menstruation, for example, inflammatory diseases. Diseases of the endocrine system are often accompanied by menstrual irregularities in women of different ages. A benign or malignant formation can produce heavy and prolonged periods, which sometimes, in terms of intensity, can be equated to uterine bleeding.

Abdominal pain, unpleasant odor from menstrual discharge

What does pain in the abdomen mean, in the lower right or left abdomen, if menstruation lasts for a long time? Pain in the lower abdomen and prolonged discharge may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs. Often, abdominal pain begins due to the fact that, against the background of long periods, blood accumulates in the uterine cavity and clots gradually form. The inflammatory process and its symptoms, when menstruation does not end for 6, 7, 8, 8 or 10 days, can appear not only in the uterine cavity, but also in its appendages.

Pathological causes of spotting

The situation when your period has already ended, but continues to smear brown is a clear sign of pathological changes in the body. The development of the problem is influenced by both exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) factors. The first category of reasons includes:

  1. Injuries. Abnormal secretion appears as a result of strong mechanical impact on the lower abdomen. Bleeding after menstruation often occurs due to inaccurate sexual intercourse. Another cause of the symptom is the use of vaginal tablets or suppositories.
  2. Stressful situations. Bloody stains on women's underwear are observed after emotional shocks. Physical overstrain associated with a rigid work rhythm or participation in men's sports (weightlifting, arm wrestling, etc.).
  3. Problems with the cycle are associated with a woman’s constant overwork as a result of an overly active lifestyle or insufficient rest. In this case, eliminating external negative factors will allow you to get rid of the problem. If your period has passed, and after 3 days you start to smear, then this signals internal problems in the body. Among them are:
  4. Short duration of menstruation. The condition is caused by hereditary factors. If the girl’s closest relatives experienced short menstruation, then most likely she will also experience proyomenorrhea. In such cases, the time interval between bleeding decreases from 28–36 days (normal) to 2–3 weeks. The condition is caused by insufficient production of female sex hormones.
  5. Endometriosis is another common reason for bleeding after menstruation. As a result of abnormal processes, the menstrual cycle lengthens. If a lady has been bleeding for 4-5 days, then due to the disease they will last at least another 3 days. With the disease, menstruation occurs with mucus.
  6. Venereal diseases. If, after contact with a carrier of the infection, a woman notices spotting on her underwear, this means that she has become infected. Sexually transmitted diseases are characterized by a hidden nature of their course, so leucorrhoea is usually applied not immediately after menstruation, but on the 7th–8th day of the cycle. Discharge with an unpleasant odor after menstruation indicates the development of pathogenic microflora in the vagina.
  7. Endometrial hyperplasia is a disease in which spotting secretion is observed after regulation. Hyperplasia is characterized by slight and heavy discharge, depending on the severity of the pathology. In the latter case, the mucus collects in clots. The situation requires immediate medical attention.
  8. Myoma, fibroma, sarcoma. My period has ended, but I continue to smear blood due to the growth of the tumor. In oncology, the symptom is additionally accompanied by acute pain, an unpleasant odor of secretion (due to the decomposition of healthy cells), and a general deterioration in well-being (nausea, weakness, constant fatigue). Large tumors compress the blood vessels of the affected organ (or neighboring systems), which leads to the appearance of bloody leucorrhoea from the vagina.
  9. Ovulation is a natural reason why spotting occurs after the menstrual cycle. Usually the symptom appears on the 10th–22nd day of the cycle. The condition cannot be called pathological, since it occurs as a result of rupture of the membranes of the follicle in which the egg is located. Bleeding lasts 1–2 days and ends on its own after ovulation.

Treatment of menstruation, what to do if menstruation lasts a very long time?

If a woman does not know the reason why her period lasts so long, more than 10 days, then she should definitely seek help from a gynecologist on the 11th day. And if there is itching in the perineum, if there is an unpleasant odor from the discharge, if it itches in the external genital area, if there is mucus, blood clots or mucus in the discharge, all these are symptoms for which you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Dition is a very effective hemostatic agent that is used when there is very heavy discharge or uterine bleeding. Etamsylate - reduces blood loss and stimulates an increase in the formation of thromboplastin. Why can’t you take medications on your own to treat heavy periods and menstruation on 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 days? Each drug or tablet has many contraindications. Treatment of the cause of the pathology should be carried out after an accurate diagnosis has been made. Self-treatment of the problem often comes down to the banal elimination of symptoms, which means simply stopping menstruation. But if painful and problematic periods are not treated, then the symptoms in the form of long periods may recur.

What to do if your period does not stop for more than 1 week? If your periods are still taking a long time, it is better to consult a specialist, because... Without a comprehensive diagnosis, even an experienced specialist doctor will not always be able to make a diagnosis. In addition to a gynecological examination, the doctor usually prescribes an ultrasound of the pelvic organs (ultrasound). Most often, doctors check the quality of blood clotting, check for hormonal imbalance, and check for the presence of inflammatory diseases. Such a comprehensive diagnosis is necessary due to the fact that many types of diseases have similar symptoms, which is why it is not always possible to determine an accurate diagnosis without diagnostics.

What to do

If your period lasts for more than a week, then on the 10th day we recommend that you immediately consult a doctor. Timely diagnosis identifies possible pathologies at an early stage. If changes are detected, the professional will prescribe a treatment regimen and prescribe medications. It is forbidden to engage in independent therapy, since relief of symptoms will lead to complications.

Bleeding can go on for quite a long time if it is not stopped, and this fact is in no way a good thing for a woman’s health.”

On the 10th day of menstruation, it is recommended to reduce the amount of discharge. As first aid, special hemostatic drugs are taken.

  1. Vikasol. It is an analogue of vitamin K and improves the quality of blood clotting. If no changes occur within 24 hours, then the reason is not a lack of minerals.
  2. Etamzilat. Normalizes vascular permeability, helps the formation of thromboplastin and reduces the intensity of blood secretion.
  3. Diction. A powerful hemostatic agent that helps with intense discharge.

What medications can stop long periods, what pills to take?

Not all women know what to do if their periods do not stop for more than 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 days. If the doctor sees the need to stop uterine bleeding, strong and heavy periods, he may prescribe hemostatic drugs to improve blood clotting. Sometimes drugs are useful that help normalize uterine contractions and have a restorative effect on the walls of blood vessels. As an additional treatment for very heavy and prolonged menstruation, the doctor may prescribe vitamin and mineral complexes and preparations with a high iron content. Sometimes doctors prescribe hormone therapy.

What to do if your period takes a very long time, how to stop the bleeding?

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Treatment before visiting a gynecologist

If a woman is unable to see a doctor soon, she should try to stop the bleeding on her own. However, not all representatives of the fairer sex know what to do if their periods are long and heavy, and there are problems with blood clotting. In such a situation, coagulants should be taken. Aminocaproic acid is considered one of the effective agents in this group.

If the bleeding is caused by the recent installation of an IUD, the woman can take medicine to stop capillary bleeding: Dicynone, Tranexam.

If your period lasts more than 7 days, you can use traditional medicine recipes. One of the most effective remedies for stopping bleeding is nettle tea. It is recommended to drink it in a volume not exceeding 2 liters per day. In addition, you can use soaked raw flaxseeds, a drink made from knotweed, freshly squeezed plantain juice, and crushed watermelon seeds.

You cannot ignore situations when menstruation lasts a long time (does not end on the seventh or ninth day). Even if menstruation started and then stopped, the woman should still see a gynecologist in order to eliminate the risk of developing dangerous pathologies. A timely visit to the doctor is the key to a speedy recovery, normalization of the menstrual cycle and maintenance of reproductive health.


What does it mean if menstruation lasts 10 days or more?

Normally, the menstrual cycle is a slight bleeding from the genitals, which occurs at intervals of 21–35 days and lasts 3–6 days.

In this way, the uterus is cleansed of mucous, liquid and other substances that would be useful in case of pregnancy. But since conception has not occurred, the reproductive organ is cleansed and rejects bloody clots.

Each woman's cycle is individual, but when menstruation lasts more than 10 days, it always causes concern. Today we will talk about in what cases hypermenorrhea is normal and when you should be wary if the “critical days” are prolonged.

Physiological causes of long periods

When studying the causes of prolonged menstruation, which occurs for about 10 days or more, it is immediately necessary to pay attention to the natural factors that cause such a deviation. If a woman feels normal and the bleeding is not associated with an illness, treatment is not required.

Let's look at why menstruation lasts 10 days from the point of view of healthy physiology:

  • Age. In girls, menarche primes the reproductive system for procreation. In the first year after the first menstruation, the cycle is just establishing itself, so the regularity of bleeding will improve later. In adult women over 40 years of age, hypermenorrhea is also explained by hormonal changes in the body - menopause is coming soon.
  • Oral use of hormonal contraceptives. If the doctor does not associate menstruation for 10 days with pathology, it means that the body is reacting to the drug in this way and over time the cycle will be adjusted.
  • Artificial termination of pregnancy. The first time after an abortion, periods may take a long time.
  • Childbirth. After the birth of a child, the hormonal system is rebuilt, the uterus is cleansed. As a result, mommy faces hypermenorrhea.
  • Heredity. If a girl with an established menstrual cycle has periods of 10 days, she needs to find out how things are with her close relatives - mother, sister, aunt. You can talk to grandma. If women of the same family are prone to prolonged regular bleeding, this will be the norm.

When is long periods normal?

In medicine, it is generally accepted that normal periods last from 3 to 6 days.
If menstruation lasts more than 7 days, then this indicates existing violations. Exceptions to the rule (absence of pathology during long menstruation) can be several conditions:

  • heredity (cannot be treated, since it is normal for this organism);
  • post-abortion menstruation (also the norm for artificial termination of pregnancy);
  • taking hormonal contraceptives or using mechanical contraceptives (IUD and other implants);
  • menopause;
  • the first six months after the appearance of menstruation;
  • postpartum bleeding (considered normal). Uterine bleeding after childbirth is associated with a woman’s anemia or with the remains of clots in the internal cavity of the uterus. Heavy bleeding helps remove blood clots and parts of the placenta. After cleaning the uterine cavity, the bleeding weakens and stops.

If you have not had an abortion, have not had an IUD inserted and are not taking contraceptives, if your menstruation began more than a year ago and your age is not older than 50 years (when menopause is possible), if you have heavy and long periods, you should definitely consult a doctor. Corrective intervention by an experienced gynecologist will also help after abortion, during menopause or while taking hormonal drugs (contraception).

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