If your period comes every 10-14 days, what are the reasons?

Menstrual irregularities are a phenomenon that quite often becomes a cause of anxiety for many women. If at a young age the instability of menstruation is caused by the formation of the body and the formation of the menstrual cycle, then at a more mature age we can safely talk about pathologies that need to be diagnosed and eliminated in time.

Some women find themselves in a situation where their periods come every 2 weeks. If we take into account that the menstrual cycle, depending on the individual characteristics of women, lasts from 21 to 35 days, then menstruation can occur right in the middle of the cycle. Such a disruption in the functioning of the body can be caused by serious factors.

Subtle mechanism of the body

There are certain norm limits that you should focus on. Their limits vary and depend entirely on the individual organism. The frequency of the cycle should fall within the range of 21 to 35 days, and 3-7 days of these should be menstrual bleeding.

But there are women whose cycle is outside the norm or, conversely, too short. At the same time, they feel great and do not complain about women’s health - no one has canceled their uniqueness.

But can it be considered normal for the cycle to repeat itself every two weeks? In principle, periods and their frequency can change, it all depends on the woman’s health and life situation. But menstruation every 10 days or two weeks is an alarm bell. Especially if this repeats several cycles in a row, you need to urgently look for the reasons.

In fact, any changes are a reflection of the body’s reaction to external or internal influences. This means that even though menstrual periodicity is a clear mechanism, it can still change even in the healthiest women.

It should not be excluded that the uniqueness of the body’s response to various influences may be different in each case. For example, for one representative of the fair half, a little stress can become a source of premature menstruation, while for another, a severe depressive state cannot cause a malfunction of the reproductive system.

Another factor in the violation may be a phenomenon. True, it has not been fully studied and proven, but such situations do occur.

A group of women living together for a long time has approximately the same menstrual cycle for everyone. So to speak, periods adapt to each other.

When should you consult a doctor?

There are times when it is not necessary to go to the doctor because your periods come too often. For example, when we are talking about a growing up girl. What happens to the body as it grows is quite normal.

If a woman suspects that frequent menstruation is caused by the use of hormonal drugs, then she should contact the specialist who prescribed their use within the next few days and inform him about cycle disorders.

In other cases, when it comes to unscheduled menstruation, you should contact a gynecologist to get examined. It is important to understand that if you identify in time the presence of a problem leading to changes in the menstrual cycle, then almost any of them can be eliminated quite quickly.


Setup time

Unfortunately or fortunately, the menstrual cycle is not always stable. And rightfully, the most irregular periods are considered to be the first few years from the beginning of menstruation and the last three years before the end (menopause).

Such failures are exclusively physiological in origin.

The reproductive system of a young girl needs to mature gradually. And since the body is a complex mechanism, the setup time increases. Therefore, it is not surprising when menstruation occurs once every 2–4 months or after 10 days, menstrual flow appears again. But such menstruation is not regular.

A girl’s first period does not mean that the system is fully formed and ready for healthy functioning (although there are exceptions).

Some sources compare the reproductive system to an orchestra; their playing must be smoothed out so that the piece sounds as pleasing to the ear as possible. However, this sound requires time to tune in and adapt to the work of other instruments.

The reproductive function also deals with setting up the harmonious functioning of the entire system. As a rule, everything is restored within 6-24 months.

The same fuss only in reverse, when the reproductive system fades, occurs in the period before menopause.

These two stages are destined to play a role in the life of every woman. Everything is natural and natural.

Other natural processes

As has already become clear, any organism has fine tuning that is easy to knock down. And it’s good that nature took care of people and made it possible to foresee the problem if you carefully monitor your body.

If your period comes every 14 days, this is an alarm signal from the body. And quite often, the cause of the problem is banal female actions:

  • Taking oral contraceptives. In some cases, the system must adapt to a new regime and within 2-3 months everything should stabilize and return to normal.
  • Use of an intrauterine device. The body also needs one month to get used to new living conditions. In such cases, discharge may appear in the first cycle and then disappear. If this does not happen, the drug must be removed to prevent the appearance of pathologies inside the organ.
  • Another pleasant reason for menstruation two weeks after the previous one is ovulation. In rare cases, it causes small, scanty bleeding.
  • Or it could be implantation. It is characterized by small drops of blood from the vagina. And if there was unprotected sexual intercourse or the girl can assume that conception has occurred, it is worth taking a pregnancy test, but not much later, when there is a delay.


Why you get your period every week can be determined for sure by performing a certain set of examinations. The main ones include :

  • examination of the cervix and vagina in gynecological speculums;
  • cytological examination, if necessary - cervical biopsy;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • hysteroscopy or laparoscopy;
  • diagnostic curettage is the most common procedure for pathological discharge from the uterine cavity;
  • examination for hormones, sexually transmitted infections.

Serious pathologies

In addition to the listed reasons, when menstruation occurs every two weeks, there are reasons associated with pathological processes in a woman’s body.

Let's look at the most dangerous sources:

  • Miscarriage. In such cases, they say that the embryo failed to attach to the wall of the uterus and came out with bleeding.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. Then the bleeding should be accompanied by increasing pain.
  • Uterine fibroids. Although it is a benign tumor, nevertheless, a woman is at risk, because it can develop into a malignant tumor.
  • Various inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Endometriosis, cervical erosion and polyps. Since their growth is concentrated inside the uterus, any abnormalities can trigger menstruation in the middle of the cycle.
  • Adenomyosis is a pathology of the uterus in which the endometrium grows into the muscular layer of this organ. Bleeding every two weeks is one of the symptoms of this disease.
  • Problems associated with blood clotting.
  • Hormonal imbalances. These problems can very likely cause your period to come for the second time in a month. Failures in this case can be caused by various reasons. For example, the body does not produce progesterone in sufficient quantities, and it is associated with the process of reflecting the endometrium. The result is repeated menstrual bleeding.
  • Quite often, abortion or childbirth become sources of hormonal imbalance. After such “interventions,” it takes time to balance the hormone levels.
  • Uterine cancer. Malignant tumors cause brown bleeding, and an additional sign may be watery vaginal discharge. If a woman experiences such symptoms, she should immediately consult a doctor for a full examination.

What affects cycle disruption?

  1. Use of oral contraception. A woman who starts taking the pill may experience a situation where her period comes every 2 weeks.
  2. Hormonal disorders. With hormonal imbalances, the menstrual cycle may become unstable. The causes of such a disorder of the body can be inflammation of the genital organs, childbirth and abortion. All this can provoke hormonal imbalance.
  3. Formation of a cycle. In the first 2 years after the start of menstruation, girls may have periods every two weeks. The reasons for this lie in the development of the body, so there is no need to worry about cycle disruption at this age.
  4. Childbearing function. During ovulation or during implantation of the embryo in the uterus, a woman may notice spotting, which can often be mistaken for menstruation. Such bleeding sometimes occurs precisely in the middle of the cycle.

Preventive measures

Of course, it is unrealistic to foresee all circumstances that could disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system. However, by following the recommendations, you can significantly reduce the risk of women’s health problems.

If all organs work like a “watch,” your periods will arrive on time, and not ahead of schedule or with delays.

What is required from a girl:

  • Follow all hygiene rules;
  • Undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist every six months;
  • Visit a mammologist once a year;
  • Try to avoid stressful situations as much as possible;
  • Before taking any hormonal drug, consult your doctor;
  • Monitor the menstrual cycle and if an alarming signal is detected, discuss it with a gynecologist.

Why did my period start 14 days after the previous one?

Women who closely monitor their own health are wary of any changes in their periods. They are especially frightened by the resumption of menstruation 14 days after the end of the previous one.

Menstruation should be regular, and irregular periods are a cause for concern.

What factors disrupt the normal course of the menstrual cycle?

Doctors identify a huge number of factors due to which menstruation may begin two weeks after the previous one. Most of them are not dangerous to women's health. They can be called a completely natural phenomenon. The menstrual cycle often changes due to:

  • Taking oral contraceptives. Girls are increasingly choosing this option for protection against unwanted pregnancy. Sooner or later, almost every one of them faces the problem of the onset of menstruation in two weeks.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body. The cycle becomes unstable and it is difficult for women to predict the onset of the next period. This usually occurs due to inflammatory processes in the genitals or due to abortion. Hormonal imbalances also occur after childbirth.
  • Pregnancy. In the early stages, women mistake other bleeding for menstruation that began in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, this occurs due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterus.
  • Cycle formation. The first two years, menstruation is irregular. Therefore, it can begin at any time, regardless of whether the bleeding starts again after 14 days or more.

Not a single woman is immune from such phenomena. If the cycle starts again on the 14th day, then do not worry too much. This is caused by harmless factors and soon everything will return to normal.

Hormonal imbalances due to abortion disrupt the monthly cycle

The main reason for the start of menstruation after two weeks

The resumption of the cycle after a couple of weeks in most cases occurs due to various inflammatory processes in the genital area.

Based on such bleeding, a woman may suspect that she has a disease that has not previously manifested itself. This symptom indicates the formation of polyps in the uterus, fibroids, adenomas or tumors. There are not so few options.

Only a qualified doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

If premature menstruation is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, the woman should immediately consult a specialist.

Most girls try not to pay attention to this, which is why they miss the opportunity for timely treatment.

Women also try to do without the help of a gynecologist if the disrupted cycle goes away without any pain or cramps. This greatly harms their own health.

Why can menstruation start prematurely?

What other reasons can cause the menstrual cycle to be disrupted? Why do my periods come again 14 days after the end of the last one? The answer to these difficult questions will be the following factors:

  • Being in stressful situations. It has long been known that constant unrest negatively affects a person’s overall health. After emotional overload, women note a change in their usual cycle. Within a day you can notice scanty bleeding. But they quickly pass as soon as she gets out of a stressful situation.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland. The cycle can change due to disturbances in the functioning of this part of our body. If the gland stops secreting the normal amount of hormones, reproductive function fails. Due to this, after 14 days a woman can experience early menstruation.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. This condition is very dangerous for a woman, as it can be difficult to identify. Such a pregnancy develops in the same way as a normal one. But as the woman grows, she begins to experience severe discomfort in the genital area. And bleeding, which can occur a couple of weeks after the end of menstruation, will be caused by tissue damage and rupture.
  • Overwork and poor sleep. The most common reason due to which, after a few days, unnatural bleeding begins. An unpleasant phenomenon is the body’s reaction to such shocks.

Having familiarized yourself with the reasons for disruption of the normal cycle, you can understand that premature menstruation does not bode well. Almost always it indicates a malfunction in the functioning of one or another organ.

In this case, bleeding after fourteen days is considered as a symptom. And the sooner a woman starts to worry about this, the more effective her treatment will be.

Lack of sleep and overwork can trigger the process of premature periods

Methods for solving the problem

After the completion of the cycle, women expect a new menstruation in an average of 28 days. If something is wrong with the body, bleeding will begin much earlier.

Girls who are at the stage of growing up do not need to worry about this again. Their cycle can end and begin on any day over the next two years. Everything will return to normal. In other cases, consultation with a specialist will be required.

A woman will only be able to avoid a lengthy examination due to the fact that her cycle is severely disrupted if this is caused by taking hormonal drugs. It will be enough to discuss the problem with your doctor and ask him to prescribe other remedies.

If a woman’s cycle should have normalized long ago, and she is not taking any hormonal medications, then she is worried about premature menstruation after fourteen days due to illness. In this case, an examination and a series of complex tests are required to help determine the reason for the change in the cycle.

Women should know exactly what day their periods start and end. This is the only way to understand whether the cycle is normal or if there are problems with it. It is quite difficult to find out otherwise.

In addition, it is not for nothing that the gynecologist is first of all interested in how long her cycle lasts, and on what day her last menstruation was.

Such questions need to be answered accurately so that the doctor can identify problems with the patient’s women’s health.

Sometimes a woman herself can understand the reason why her cycle was disrupted, and its beginning was postponed to a completely different day. It is enough to simply remember whether she had a cold or was very worried about an important event.

Perhaps the change in the cycle occurred due to constant lack of sleep and poor diet. To return everything to normal, you just need to monitor your own health more closely over the next few days.

It is recommended to provide yourself with adequate rest, which will allow the problem to evaporate. But still, it won’t hurt to make an appointment with your gynecologist the next day after the strange bleeding starts. A visit to a specialist will not be superfluous.

In addition, a consultation with a doctor will help you understand whether there are real reasons for concern caused by this trouble or not.

Source: https://vrachlady.ru/mesyachnye/cherez-14-dnej-posle-predydushchih.html

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