Pink discharge before, instead of, a week before menstruation, with delay, pale pink, causes

Pink discharge before menstruation

Pink discharge before menstruation, what is this phenomenon, is it a symptom of a disease, do you need to see a doctor urgently? The so-called spotting is very scanty brown or pink vaginal discharge, a common reason for visiting a gynecologist. It is believed that this should not be the case. But still, sometimes this is a variant of the norm. Let's look at several situations.

When planning a pregnancy

Women who have a high probability of conceiving in a given menstrual cycle think about whether pink discharge before menstruation is a sign of pregnancy or not. This symptom does not exist. On the contrary, if a woman has such manifestations, then they are most likely a threat of termination of pregnancy in a very early stage. When an interesting situation can only be identified using a blood test.

But the daub can also occur outside of conception. So, if you have a question about whether you can be pregnant if you have pink discharge before your period, but the test is negative, take a blood test for hCG. It will show the correct result 10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse, that is, before the onset of missed menstruation. But home tests, even the latest, modern ones, are not always so accurate. They are recommended to be used only from the first day of missed menstruation.

Endometriosis, uterine fibroids and endometrial hyperplasia

When pink discharge appears before or after menstruation, women who more or less understand gynecology are afraid of these particular pathologies. But this may also be a variant of the norm. If the spot appears 1-2 days before your period, most likely everything is fine. But even if 3-4 days in advance, this is not a reason to urgently go to the gynecologist. Only if this situation repeats from cycle to cycle. Then it probably makes sense to do an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Although in this way endometriosis can only be assumed. The main symptom of any endometrial pathology is infertility and (or) heavy menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding and pain. If all this is not there, then there is hardly any need to worry.

Uterine fibroids, which can cause intermenstrual bleeding, are clearly visible on ultrasound. In some cases, if the tumor is large or it grows into the uterine cavity, it makes sense to remove it, and then the unpleasant symptoms go away.

If pink spotting before menstruation bothers you, and in general the menstrual cycle is not particularly regular, it makes sense to take oral contraceptives. This is one of the best and safest means for stopping the spread of endometriosis and generally improving a woman’s well-being by reducing blood loss.

What else could be the problem?

Less commonly, the reasons why pink discharge before menstruation are due to cervical pathology and (or infection). Therefore, a woman who consults a doctor undergoes gynecological smears for flora, main infectious pathogens and cytology (PAP test). Depending on the results of smears, treatment tactics are chosen. It should be remembered that the cervix may normally bleed a little after taking smears, this does not mean that treatment is required, there is erosion, etc.

Sometimes pale pink or light pink discharge in women before menstruation is a sign of chronic endometritis. If it is suspected, the doctor takes menstrual blood for analysis (culture).

Many women fear that spotting may be a sign of an oncological process. Yes, sometimes this happens, but much less frequently than the common reasons we mentioned above. Even the unpleasant smell of discharge often does not indicate oncology, but rather ordinary vaginal dysbiosis (vaginosis). So, don't panic. If the symptom persists, causes inconvenience, or anxiety, contact a gynecologist, he will help you.

Reason to see a doctor

Normal mucous discharge during menstruation should not have a specific odor or color. They are transparent, scanty, and their volume does not exceed 3-4 ml. When there is a lot of mucus and large blood clots come out at the end of menstruation, there is pain and discomfort, this may mean that there are serious disorders in the body that require consultation with a doctor.

First, the specialist will carry out the necessary diagnostic measures (gynecological examination, blood tests, smears for flora, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, etc.), and depending on the detected cause of mucous discharge, hormonal therapy, antifungal drugs, vitamins or additional physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed . Timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will quickly return the consistency of menstrual flow to normal.

Periods with mucus are a dangerous symptom that jeopardizes the main function of every woman - giving birth to healthy children. The article contains relevant thematic information that will allow you to understand in detail the causes and treatment of mucous menstruation.

Pink leucorrhoea, as a normal option

Throughout the menstrual cycle, secretion changes in consistency, color and other characteristics due to the unequal ratio of sex hormones in the body: estrogen and progesterone. Vaginal discharge may be light, yellowish, creamy, or pinkish in color. Their color is determined by the individual characteristics of the lady’s body, the microflora of her vagina and the level of blood clotting. Bloody discharge not associated with the menstrual cycle can also appear while taking hormonal medications.

The main criteria by which one can distinguish normal vaginal secretion from pathological one are the absence of foreign inclusions, unpleasant odor, greenish clots and foam.

Pinkish discharge before menstruation is considered normal in the following cases:

  1. Appears less than 4 days before menstruation. In this phase, the endometrium of the uterus becomes very loose and begins to gradually peel off. Physical activity, taking hormonal medications, and stressful situations can provoke a change in the shade of vaginal mucus before menstruation. The brightness of the discharge depends on the number of damaged vessels and the ability of blood to clot. Full menstruation begins at the moment when the endometrium is completely shed.
  2. Puberty. In adolescents, a pink tint of secretion may appear several days before menstruation or occur instead of heavy bleeding. Pink discharge instead of menstruation in adolescents is normal, since it can take up to 2 years from the moment the first lochia appears until the first egg fully matures.
  3. Weak contractility of the uterus. Normally, pink discharge should not appear 5-7 days after menstruation. In women with insufficient contractility of the genital organ, the symptom may continue after the end of menstruation. The remaining remains of the endometrium, mixing with vaginal secretions, acquire pale pink shades.
  4. Ovulation (occurs from 10 to 22 days of the cycle). In rare cases, several ovulations are observed in one cycle. Vaginal mucus acquires a pink tint due to rupture of the blood vessels of the follicle.
  5. Microcracks in the mucous membranes of the vagina due to insufficient production of lubrication during sexual intercourse. Women over 40-45 years of age are susceptible to the problem, since they produce less physiological lubricant. If a woman constantly bleeds after sex, then she should use lubricants.
  6. Use of an intrauterine device. After the intervention, cycle recovery occurs within 3-6 months.
  7. A common cause of spotting in the middle of the cycle is early pregnancy. After fertilization, the egg moves through the fallopian tubes into the cavity of the reproductive organ. The fertilized egg can injure the fallopian tubes and cause abdominal pain and mild pink leucorrhoea. A woman may notice the same sign in herself at the time of implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. The condition provokes minor damage to the blood vessels of the endometrium. It’s worse if brown-pink discharge appears before your period. The secreted mucus signals that the embryo was unable to attach to the uterine cavity and came out.

If brown spotting appears 1 week or more before your period, you should consult a doctor. He will prescribe the woman a set of laboratory and instrumental tests and determine why the sudden change in the cycle occurred.

When mucus during periods is not normal

Having periods like snot is a good reason to seek qualified help. Pathological discharge may indicate the development of cysts, polyps, endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

Pink impurities or colorless mucus during menstruation are signs of pregnancy. The fact of a delay in subsequent menstruation is a sign of a hidden spontaneous miscarriage or pathological pregnancy (ectopic). Urgent inspection required.

Common causes of mucus during periods:

  • Congenital anomalies of the structure of the uterus (bends, displacements, septa);
  • The woman’s body does not accept certain contraceptives (birth control pills, intrauterine device);
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Proliferation of the endometrial layer of the uterus;
  • Consequences of abortion or the postpartum period.

Let us consider the factors causing the pathological condition in more detail.

Hormonal disorders

All processes in the female body have a direct or indirect effect on the reproductive system. Its work is regulated by the concentration of sex hormones. Changes in hormonal levels lead to serious disruptions and the development of chronic diseases.

The number differs depending on the living conditions and age of the woman. Changing the quantity entails violations. There is a proliferation of the inner layer - the endometrium. This has the effect of increasing the menstrual cycle and the appearance of heavy discharge.

Active production of hormones leads to the appearance of mucus and clots. Rare “impurities” exclude anxiety. But the presence of accompanying symptoms - dizziness, discomfort, sudden mood swings, general weakness - indicates the onset of hormonal imbalance.

Do not delay your visit to the endocrinologist and gynecologist. Timely diagnosis and treatment minimizes the risk of menstruation.

Specifics of intrauterine contraception

The spiral look is popular among many girls. It is installed in the uterine cavity and acts as a protective barrier against unwanted conception. One of the side effects of this contraceptive is thick, heavy periods with a high mucus content. If a woman has high blood clotting, the process only gets worse.

Dangerous symptoms that require immediate medical attention are a significant amount of mucus, blood clots up to 4 cm in diameter, and pain.

Birth control pills can also negatively affect your periods. After ingestion, the blood becomes scarlet in color and is accompanied by copious mucus. Urgent consultation with a doctor is required.


The disease is typical for women of the reproductive organ. The endometrial layer grows and gradually peels off. The tissue can penetrate the vagina, kidneys, abdominal cavity, cervix and other organs.

Menstruation takes on a slimy appearance and is accompanied by severe pain. The duration of the cycle exceeds the norm of 7 days, it begins and ends with spotting dark discharge. Another option is “scanty” periods mixed with mucus.

Congenital anomalies of the uterine structure

At the stage of intrauterine development, the uterus may acquire an irregular shape. Defects are expressed in the presence of internal partitions, bends of the organ to one side, and displacement of location. This causes stagnation of blood in the cavity and an abnormal cycle.

The waiting time for menstruation with this problem significantly exceeds the norm; a large percentage of mucus accumulates over a long period. The only solution to the problem is radical - surgical intervention.

Pregnancy and postpartum period

In the initial stages of pregnancy, an increase in the proportion of mucous secretions and bloody spots, which are accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, threaten spontaneous miscarriage. Emergency hospitalization required.

In the third trimester, the mucus plug comes off - this is the first harbinger of the upcoming birth. A small amount of blood may be released along with mucus due to microtears of the edges of the internal pharynx. These phenomena indicate the body’s planned preparation for childbirth. It is recommended to go to the hospital for constant monitoring by doctors.

During the postpartum period, heavy discharge with a gradual decrease in fluid volume may be observed. This is a normal recovery process for the body. Danger factors at this stage are the remains of the placenta in the uterus. Only surgery can solve this problem.

Infectious diseases

If menstruation is accompanied by mucous patches, itching and burning is felt, and there is discharge - this indicates the active phase of infectious inflammation.

  • Gonorrhea;
  • Trichomoneasis;
  • Candidiasis;
  • Colpitis.

A diagnosis can be made and further treatment can be prescribed only on the basis of tests (preliminary smears of the vaginal microflora). Regular diagnostics are the key to long-term preservation of women’s health.

Remember that advanced and chronic forms of the disease are often the main cause of infertility. Don't close your eyes to the problem and don't deprive yourself of the joy of motherhood.

Pathological causes of manifestation

The appearance of pink spotting before menstruation is a sign of ectopic pregnancy, in which the embryo attaches to the fallopian tubes or ovaries. In such a situation, the embryo will die before reaching the uterine cavity. A pink, watery secretion occurs when chorionic detachment occurs. Bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen intensify when the fallopian tubes rupture.

The problem is also observed in regressing pregnancies, in which early fetal death is observed. The condition is not accompanied by discomfort, since the pregnant woman does not experience uterine contractions. The only symptom by which pathology can be suspected is reddish discharge before the onset of menstruation. They appear at least three and maximum four weeks after the death of the embryo.

The onset of a miscarriage can cause light pink discharge before menstruation. If a hematoma forms in a timely manner, the fetus will remain alive. If you cannot stop the bleeding, there is a high probability of losing the baby. Pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor.

Other common causes of premature menstruation include:

  1. Serious hormonal imbalances in the body caused by taking medications and dysfunction of the thyroid gland. In the latter case, pinkish discharge will appear against a background of other serious disorders - the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, deterioration of skin condition, and gain of extra pounds. It is not possible to cope with hormonal imbalances caused by internal factors without the help of a doctor.
  2. Endometriosis. With the disease, endometrial clots appear in the uterine cavity, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and abdominal organs. Because of this, bleeding will be observed not only during menstruation, but before and after it. A characteristic sign of endometriosis is a noticeable prolongation of the cycle. The gynecologist will be able to detect the pathology and prescribe appropriate treatment after an ultrasound. Other accompanying symptoms of endometriosis: abdominal pain, severe symptoms of PMS, uterine cramps.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The problem develops when an infection enters the vagina (chlamydia, gonococci). Advanced stages of salpingoophoritis and adnexitis are accompanied by bloody discharge.
  4. Sexually transmitted infectious diseases. With a fungal infection, a white coating can be seen on the surface of the mucous membranes, under which there are red dots (damaged capillaries of blood vessels). Pathogenic flora destroys their structure and leads to minor bleeding from the vagina. A characteristic sign of a fungal infection is an unpleasant odor of discharge and itching of the genital tract. With a bacterial infection, the secretion acquires a thick consistency and dark shades.
  5. Another pathological cause of pale pink discharge before menstruation is neoplasms in the reproductive system. The initial stages of benign and cancerous tumors are not accompanied by severe symptoms. As the tumors grow, pink leucorrhoea appears before or after menstruation.
  6. Due to hormonal imbalances in a woman’s reproductive system, fibroids, a benign neoplasm, can develop. The pathology is characterized by irregular menstruation and bleeding not related to the cycle. Patients note an increase in abdominal volume and a decrease in body weight.
  7. A polyp is a growth of endometrial tissue. It has its own nerve endings and is easily injured by inaccurate sexual intercourse or the use of vaginal suppositories and pills. Benign tumors are dangerous because with constant trauma they can degenerate into oncology. Malignant tumors do not make themselves felt for a long time and are very difficult to treat in the final stages of development. Pink, red or brownish discharge that does not correspond to the cycle is the only sign of a disorder.

Day of appearance of discharge

Vaginal discharge that appears 2 days before the expected menstruation is associated with the gradual detachment of the endometrium. This is normal. Loosening of the uterine mucosa occurs 3 days before menstruation and at this time the endometrium can slowly be shed. This symptom is one of the physiological features. A cause for concern should be a brownish daub, which indicates inflammatory processes and miscarriage.

An alarming sign is pink discharge a week before your period. The main causes of the symptom:

  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis;
  • taking inappropriate hormonal medications;
  • a sharp change in hormonal levels;
  • damage to the ovaries by a bacterial or fungal infection.

Pale pink secretion in the middle of the cycle is usually associated with ovulation. The blood resulting from the rupture of the follicle mixes with the vaginal secretion and gives it a reddish tint. The symptom may also be associated with gynecological disorders: endometriosis, cervical erosion.

An alarming sign indicating the beginning of the decline of a woman’s reproductive function is pink spotting instead of menstruation or a delay in menstruation for the second or third month.

Other factors that provoke the symptom:

  • taking potent drugs;
  • infection of the genital organs;
  • malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

If a pregnancy test shows a negative result during a symptom, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Pink spotting instead of menstruation during pregnancy is a common symptom due to partial endometrial detachment and implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

Why is there mucous discharge?

Menstruation with mucus begins at puberty and stops at menopause. Discharge can be observed in girls 9–10 years old. This is due to the beginning of the functioning of the ovaries. As the cycle matures and becomes established, the process normalizes.

The formation of mucus during menstruation is necessary for the female body. It protects the vagina from pathogenic microorganisms, infections and dryness. A transparent secretion that does not cause discomfort is proof of the proper functioning of the ovaries.

In addition, during ovulation, mucus is involved in maintaining the viability of sperm and promotes their advancement into the uterine cavity. Up to 2–4 ml of secretion is usually released per day, but the structure, consistency and volume may vary depending on the phase of the cycle.

Mucus lumps on the 1st–2nd day of menstruation

Mucus with blood, as well as the appearance of small lumps and clots are not considered pathology.

In the first 2–3 days of menstruation, spotting of a pink or brownish hue is observed. At this time, the uterus is preparing for cleansing. Then the endometrium detaches, and closer to the middle of menstruation, the secretion includes the maximum volume of blood, clots, mucus and lumps


Mucus after the 3rd day of menstruation

A decrease in the abundance of mucus during menstruation is observed after the third day. There are fewer thick particles, bloody streaks interspersed with clots. The color of the mucus can change from white-transparent to yellowish.

By the end of menstruation, the discharge becomes scanty, it may have some, but there should be no foreign clots or lumps in the secretion.

Causes of pink discharge before menstruation

Vaginal secretion is a prerequisite for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Normally, the discharge is light; its shade may differ slightly due to the physiological characteristics of each woman. During menstruation, they naturally turn red and are invisible against the background of menstrual blood. The volume and color of the secreted secretion in gynecology is used as one of the diagnostic signs of normal function or the development of pathological processes.

Sometimes women notice pink discharge before, after, or in the middle of their period. This may indicate different processes in the body, so such signs should not be ignored. Why does mucus change color? There are enough reasons for this, some are considered the norm, others talk about problems of the reproductive system. Let's consider all the reasons (normal and abnormal) for such color changes.

Features of discharge

All women, from the moment of maturation until the complete attenuation of childbearing function, are faced with discharge. Physiologically, their appearance is due to the work of the secretion glands. The volume of mucus changes slightly during the menstrual cycle, this is due to the hormonal regulation of reproductive function. Sometimes, a few days before your period, the secretion may change its color slightly. The reasons for this phenomenon are different, as is the shade of mucus secreted.

Minor color deviations and an increase in volume most often indicate normal processes; in women they do not cause alarm. But with the development of pathology, such changes cannot be ignored. What does pink discharge mean? What causes them to appear and is it dangerous? To accurately answer these questions, you should find out which sign is considered normal and which indicates functional impairment. In gynecology, this issue is well studied, as is the cause-and-effect relationship of changes in the color of mucus produced. This information will be useful in order to promptly contact a specialized specialist at the first alarming deviations from the norm.

How to restore the normal appearance of menstruation

The first dangerous signs of pathological processes require an immediate trip to the antenatal clinic. Even if the amount of mucus is normal, it is recommended to undergo examination by a specialist.

Proven therapy methods are used to treat and restore the normal appearance of menstruation. Drugs are prescribed individually for each patient. Correct use and strict adherence to the recommendations will restore the appearance of menstruation, and also prevent the development of serious illnesses. The duration of treatment depends on the complexity of the diagnosis.

Popular therapies:

  • Correction of endocrine disorders by taking hormones;
  • Antifungal therapy aimed at relieving the inflammatory process in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Formation of a correct lifestyle - healthy eating, adequate sleep, moderate physical activity;
  • A course of vitaminization and immunity enhancement;
  • Additional procedures (prescribed according to indications) - massage, physiotherapy, acupuncture.

If irregularities in the consistency of discharge appear due to a sudden change or weight gain, adjustment and revision of the entire daily diet is required. Fibroids and other tumors that affect menstruation must be removed. After the operation, the process will normalize and stabilize.

Traditional therapy methods are allowed to be used only after mandatory consultation with the attending physician. Home recipes are not a remedy, but only an addition to a course of antibiotics. Wormwood is considered an effective remedy for restoring women's health. White-green grass will even out the cycle, regulate frequency, reduce intensity and duration.

Remember that self-medication can cause irreparable harm. Carefully monitor your own health and consult a doctor if you notice the first symptoms. A negligent attitude towards oneself leads to pathologies and illnesses. Don't turn a blind eye to existing problems.

Menstruation with mucus does not cause discomfort to women, but many are afraid of their appearance and consider it a sign of ill health. In fact, the formation of mucus is a natural process and very important for the proper functioning of the female reproductive system.

Women can monitor their health based on their menstrual cycle. During this period, changes occur daily in the body. Often they are invisible. In this case, you can not worry and live in your usual rhythm. But when the regularity, duration, nature or composition of the discharge is disrupted, such manifestations cannot be ignored.

Mucus in menstruation is formed throughout the entire cycle. There should be no such discharge before menstruation. It is acceptable for a small amount of clear secretion to appear a few days before and during menstrual periods. A moderate volume characterizes the beginning of menstruation and does not pose a threat to health.

There is no need to worry if your menstruation is normal, your period is on schedule, does not cause discomfort, and the mucus secreted is clear.

Causes for concern should be painful periods, an increase in their duration and volume of discharge, as well as cases when the mucus changes color and acquires. This indicates the presence of invisible problems and pathologies of the uterus.

Normal causes of pink secretion

Pink discharge before menstruation is considered normal in several cases. Slight coloration (pinkish discharge) of the secretion is due to various reasons. Their appearance is possible at any time of the menstrual cycle.

Even if pale pink discharge is observed 5 days before menstruation or a week before menstruation, but does not cause pain or a significant increase in volume, this is typical for natural processes. There are several explanations for this phenomenon. It could be:

  1. Cleansing the endometrium. The upper layer of the endometrium grows at the moment the egg matures; if there is no fertilization, it is rejected by the body during menstruation. Preparing for this process may result in pink discharge.
  2. Ovulation occurred later. Usually the follicle in which the egg is located ruptures; minor bleeding from this process is considered normal; it is the blood that can color the mucus, resulting in color changes in the secretion. By the way, the same explanation may be for the appearance of light pink discharge two weeks before the start of menstruation, i.e. somewhere in the middle of the cycle. Sometimes ovulation occurs twice, then at the end of the cycle the secretion will be more abundant and colored, bloating, problems with stool and minor nagging pain will be noted.
  3. Contraception. If a spiral or hormonal drugs are used as contraceptives, a small volume of weakly colored secretion before menstruation may indicate normal adaptation of the body to a foreign body in the uterus. Or a reaction to changes in hormonal levels due to taking medications. If symptoms do not disappear within 3 months, you should visit a gynecologist and think about changing your method of contraception.
  4. Mechanical damage. Intense sex can cause damage to blood vessels, which leads to staining of both the lubricant itself (its amount increases during sex) and the secretion. This happens at any time of the cycle, immediately after menstruation, in the middle or shortly before it begins.
  5. Delay. There can be many reasons for a missed period (other than pregnancy) (stress, heavy workload, sudden climate change, strict diet, etc.). The body is preparing for the start of menstruation, but the process is slightly delayed, and the surface layer of the endometrium is already beginning to be rejected.
  6. Pregnancy. Pink mucus as a symptom of fertilization may appear if:
  • the fertilized egg has attached to the uterus, and small vessels may bleed slightly. This means that pregnancy has occurred, a couple of days before menstruation, color changes may appear, but menstruation itself does not come;
  • pregnancy began, but for various reasons it was disrupted: in this case, the mucous contents before menstruation may be not only light pink, but darker (even brown);
  • Light pink discharge during pregnancy may occur instead of the usual menstruation, but this indicates problems with the reproductive system.

Pathological causes

Pink discharge before menstruation can be caused by pathological processes in the body as a whole or directly in the reproductive organs.

  1. Hormonal imbalances. In girls, the hormonal background changes slightly during the menstrual cycle, this is due to the peculiarity of the functioning of the entire reproductive system. Fertility is a complex mechanism that is controlled by various hormones. Failure of hormonal regulation leads to the development of gynecological homogeneous diseases. Against this background, colored discharge may appear any day before your period. The same symptoms may occur if we are talking about diseases of the thyroid gland.
  2. Gynecological pathologies. The list of diseases in which abnormally colored secretion is released in large volumes is quite large. Such discharge outside of menstruation is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (pungent odor, itching). This indicates diseases such as:
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • hormone-dependent diseases of the reproductive system;
  • tumors (benign and malignant);
  • endometriosis or erosion.

Pink (or darker) discharge in large quantities, with an unpleasant odor, is a serious reason to contact a specialist. If they appear a few days before menstruation or constantly in the middle of the cycle, then the pathological process in the body is most likely sluggish. If pink discharge appears regularly before your period, then consulting a gynecologist will help identify the cause of such anomalies.

It is important to understand that some gynecological diseases may be asymptomatic in the initial stages, and menstruation comes on time. Women do not notice any abnormalities in themselves and consider themselves healthy. Even if the appearance of pinkish discharge before menstruation is irregular, a visit to the gynecologist is necessary. There are many pathological causes of microbleedings (namely, they give the secretion its color); it is better to carry out an early diagnosis. If abnormal discharge outside the menstrual cycle appears constantly and is accompanied by at least one symptom (itching, unpleasant odor, the presence of blood streaks or clots, pain, etc.), then a gynecological examination is required immediately.

Congenital anomalies

Even during the intrauterine development of the uterus, a woman can receive the following anomalies:

  • Bend;
  • Bias;
  • Irregular shape;
  • Partitions in the uterine cavity.

Such congenital “imperfections” often lead to stagnation of blood in the internal space, and this, in turn, provokes menstruation with mucus or clots. In such cases, menstruation is most often very painful, prolonged, and the discharge is thick and profuse.

If a woman has a congenital anomaly, then it will be possible to correct it and get rid of menstruation with mucus only after surgical intervention.


Another reason for periods with mucus is intrauterine protection against pregnancy or contraception. Many girls, in order to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, turn to a gynecologist to have a device placed in the internal cavity of the uterus.

This is certainly a reliable and convenient method of contraception. But it also has many disadvantages. One of them is menstruation with an admixture of mucus and the presence of clots, as well as a large amount of blood. For those women who suffer from increased blood clotting, the situation is significantly aggravated.

If you notice periods that are too thick with mucus, flow profusely and resemble beef liver in appearance, and are accompanied by pain, then you cannot postpone a visit to the gynecologist.

It is worth noting that some girls, after taking birth control pills, may experience scarlet discharge with mucus during menstruation. In this case, consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Riot of hormones

Almost all processes in the female body responsible for reproductive function depend on the amount of hormones. The concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood of women is not constant and varies from cycle to cycle.

If a woman does not have serious illnesses, then regulation of endocrine processes occurs independently and quite effectively. But unfortunately, a “failure” can happen at any time.

It often happens that under the influence of hormones, the functioning of the uterus malfunctions. This leads to periods that are too long and heavy, and may contain mucus and clots. If such “impurities” rarely occur during menstruation, then there is no reason to sound the alarm.

But if you experience symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, pain and mood swings, then this may indicate a hormonal imbalance. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the endocrinologist. A specialist will be able to easily identify any abnormalities in the body’s functioning and prescribe the necessary treatment.

In the absence of the above symptoms, most likely, the next menstruation will be without lumpy impurities. Keep an eye on this.


Inflammatory processes in the body, as well as the amount of hormones in the blood, cause a disease such as endometriosis. The disease is observed only in women of reproductive age and is characterized by proliferation of the endometrial layer of the uterus. It can grow so large that it penetrates the vagina, kidneys and other internal organs of women.

Endometriosis also affects your periods. The discharge takes on a mucous appearance and is accompanied by severe pain. Menstruation lasts 7 or more days for such women, and can begin and end with heavy spotting. Some women call this “daub” scanty periods mixed with mucus.

By contacting an experienced gynecologist, you can get rid of this pathology by taking a course of medications.

What is normal discharge before menstruation?

Mucous discharge, light or almost transparent, in a small volume is the result of the natural functioning of the reproductive system of the female body. The normal processes of egg maturation, its passage through the fallopian tubes, follicle rupture, and the release of an unfertilized egg from the body are controlled by hormones. Minor cycle disruptions can lead to an increase in the volume of discharge and a pink coloration of the secretion.

It should be understood that this phenomenon is the result of the appearance of a small amount of blood that mixes with the secretion. We examined the normal and abnormal causes of such processes. Moreover, we can talk about their appearance either 2 days or 10 days before the start of menstruation. Let's look at what spotting pink discharge is considered normal:

  • pinkish discharge is insignificant;
  • have a “smearing” character;
  • begin a day or two before menstruation or appear in the middle of the cycle;
  • there is no unpleasant odor, itching or other alarming symptoms.

However, this problem should be discussed with a gynecologist in order to identify and, if possible, eliminate it.

What to do

Since colored discharge before menstruation can have a variety of reasons, the etiology of its origin should first be determined. This can only be done with the help of a gynecologist, who will examine you and, if necessary, prescribe tests. Perhaps it’s all about the individual characteristics of menstruation, or you need to change the method of contraception, etc.

If we are talking about normal reasons, then it will be enough to follow the doctor’s recommendations. If a pathology is detected, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Perhaps the periodic appearance of discharge before menstruation is associated with problems with pregnancy (it occurs, but the fertilized egg is not retained in the uterus and breaks down). After determining the cause, further tactics depend on the results obtained.

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