Pink blood began to flow. Why pink discharge occurs in women: natural causes and pathology. Blood of a different color in various living creatures

Menstruation is a physiological process during which the protective layer of the uterine cavity (endometrium) is rejected and removed from the body with the help of bloody discharge. On menstruation days, a red or brownish liquid is released from the vagina, but sometimes it happens that a woman notices pink discharge instead of menstruation. This phenomenon may indicate both natural processes in the body and the progression of dangerous diseases.

In this article we will try to understand what symptoms indicate that you need to immediately visit a doctor, what reasons can provoke unstable discharge, and what secretion during regulation is considered normal.

Normal menstruation

Discharge during menstruation contains particles of the endometrial mucous layer, which tends to renew itself monthly, secretory fluid, an unfertilized egg and other small particles from the vagina and uterus. At the moment when all these elements are removed from the female body, small capillaries break naturally and, thanks to this, blood during menstruation also comes out of the vagina, which colors the liquid substance red or pale brown.

If pink discharge appears before or after menstruation and is spotty in nature, then this can be considered normal. But then, when they are displayed instead of normal regulators, this indicates the presence of pathology and you should visit a consultation with a qualified doctor who will confirm or refute unpleasant suspicions.

Treatment tactics

Treatment methods for pinkish discharge instead of menstruation will depend on the cause of its appearance. Pregnant women are registered with a gynecologist and given their first screening. This is necessary in order to promptly identify any abnormalities in fetal development and prevent miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is a direct indication for surgical intervention. The fertilized egg cannot develop outside the uterine cavity, including in the fallopian tubes.

Hormonal imbalances are eliminated by taking appropriate medications in a course. The doctor will be able to choose the appropriate drugs only after studying a blood test for hormones. In a situation where hormonal imbalance occurs due to poor nutrition or physical exhaustion, the doctor gives patients recommendations on normalizing their daily routine and adjusting their diet.

What menstrual disorders are possible?

Normal periods last 4-7 days and have an average intensity (each woman is individual and the norm may be different). But if the nature of the discharge, its color, duration or abundance changes sharply, then this indicates the presence of one of the following violations.

  • Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual flow for 3 or more months. Occurs with the progression of dangerous diseases, frequent emotional shocks, sudden weight loss, etc.
  • Hypermenorrhea - the duration of critical days remains normal, but the discharge becomes excessively abundant.
  • Menorrhagia is prolonged periods (more than two weeks) combined with intense discharge.
  • Oligomenorrhea - too short period of critical days (less than three days).
  • Hypomenorrhea is the timely appearance of regula with excessively scanty discharge.

These are the main problems with menstruation, but in addition to them, you should consult a doctor if:

  • too long (more than 36 days) or short (less than 21 days) menstrual cycle;
  • if the monthly cycle changes by more than 3-5 days;
  • menstruation is accompanied by abdominal pain, which is difficult to relieve with ordinary painkillers.

As a rule, such disruptions in the body indicate the presence of a dangerous gynecological disease, which, if treated inappropriately, can provoke serious consequences.

Why are there thin and light periods?

Menstruation is a period of cleansing of the uterus, accompanied by small or copious amounts of bloody discharge. Blood occurs due to rupture of small vessels.

The color of the liquid varies from dark (black, scarlet, brown) to light (white, transparent, pink) shades.

Liquid menstruation usually has light shades, which are included in the group of exceptions: they occur throughout the full cycle or selectively.

Features of light periods

The blood is full of red blood cells. During the cleansing of the uterus, the corpuscles mix with mucus. A lack of blood cells and excessive mucus excretion sometimes changes the color of the liquid, so the concept of “light regula” is a term of exclusively colloquial vocabulary.

Pathological causes

The external distinctive feature of menstruation is color. The shade determines the negative impact on health and narrows the range of pathologies. Pay attention to diseases of the endocrine, genitourinary, cardiovascular systems, viral, bacterial, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, premature termination of pregnancy.

Fungal infectionCandidiasisCurdled discharge; itching
Complete or partial destruction of the cervical epitheliumErosionWatery leucorrhoea
Inflammation of the superficial layer of the inner mucous membrane of the uterusEndometritisThin periods like water at the beginning and at the end of menstruation
Venereal infectious diseaseChlamydiaSour odor, watery secretion
Inflammation of the external part of the female genital organsVulvitis
Changes in vaginal microfloraBacterial vaginosis

Changes not only in color, but also in smell, duration, and volume of menstrual blood are symptoms of physiological and pathological changes.

Signs of trouble:

HueLight periods during the full menstrual cycle
VolumeAbundant or scanty
Clots2–3 (cm)
Cycle FeaturesFrequent crashes; less than 3 weeks or more than 35 weeks
Other symptomsItching; dryness; increased body temperature; nagging pain in the lower abdomen; pale skin

This section provides general information about light periods. standard for all types of discharge. But each species has a number of unique characteristics.


Watery periods depend on the functioning of the genitourinary system, which causes fluid to appear in the blood:

  • during sexual arousal;
  • during the preovulation period;
  • as a result of increased blood flow before menstruation;
  • after water enters the vagina.

Water instead of menstruation, coming out throughout the entire cycle (or regularly) with a sour smell is a sign of a disease of the genitourinary system.

White liquid period

Creamy, odorless consistency is a distinctive feature of leucorrhoea. The moment of discharge is the period before the onset of menstruation. Leucorrhoea does not indicate pathology when there is no itching or burning.

Curdled leucorrhoea is evidence of decreased immunity and a fungal infection.

Copious mucous discharge occurs during pregnancy. A protective plug is created in the cervix, which prevents infection from entering the uterus.

Pink discharge

If there is a threat of miscarriage, mucus along with blood comes out. Menstruation with mucus is characterized by a pink color. Pink discharge during gestation may precede a miscarriage. Find out whether a miscarriage can occur during menstruation from the article at the link.

This shade is the norm for the first and last days of menstruation. The discharge appears no more than two days before the critical days, after which standard regulations appear.

If pink liquid appears in the middle of regulation or lasts more than two days, pay attention to the functioning of the endocrine system. Unstable hormonal levels are the cause of changes in the color of menstrual flow.

Liquid blood is light in color due to:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • disruption of the endocrine glands;
  • failure of insulin production;
  • use of hormonal drugs, intrauterine device;
  • the formation of menopause.

Pink blood during menstruation is a sign of vaginal microtrauma or blood clots entering the uterine or vaginal mucosa. Rough sexual intercourse is the reason for the first, raising the pelvis above the head (gymnastics, yoga) is the reason for the second.

Isolation of ichor instead of critical days

Evidence of heavy pregnancy is pink or yellow liquid (ichor) on the days of expected menstruation. A small amount of blood in the form of a translucent pink liquid does not indicate pathology in the following cases:

  1. The egg has been fertilized.
  2. The female reproductive cell enters the uterus.
  3. The egg secretes complex protein molecules (enzymes).
  4. The fetus implants and small capillaries break.

Discharge during the day is normal. An increase in duration is a sign of a possible miscarriage. Menstruation is like water with blood and very often signals a miscarriage.

When is treatment required?

The physiological cause of liquid menstruation does not disrupt the functional rhythm of the body and does not require medical intervention. When the nature of the symptoms indicates a pathological basis for the disorder, you should consult a doctor, take a referral for tests, and undergo a series of procedures to make a diagnosis.

DoctorsAnalyzesDiagnostic methods
GynecologistUrineHCG (during pregnancy)
EndocrinologistProgesteroneGynecological examination

If a problem is identified, you need to follow the steps of complex therapy:

  1. Taking antibiotics.
  2. Use of antibacterial hygiene products.
  3. Local therapy for local elimination of discharge.

To maintain pregnancy when ichor appears and to prevent reproductive function (if there is no pregnancy, but menstruation is pink), the following is prescribed:

  • drugs to normalize progesterone levels - Duphaston, Utrozhestan;
  • therapy with pain-relieving droppers with magnesium (normalizes blood pressure; relaxes blood vessels and muscles; accelerates
  • removal of fluid from the body);
  • infusions of valerian (stress aggravates pathology).

Treatment depends on which organ system is affected. Endocrinology prescribes medications to normalize increased or decreased hormonal levels. Cardiology uses drugs to improve blood circulation. Gynecology is rich in antibacterial drugs.

It is important to control indicators of volume, color, and smell, since some secretions pass themselves off as regulators without being such.

If deviations from the norm recur in the next month, self-diagnosis is ineffective.

Local or complex diagnostics are recommended as prescribed by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, or cardiologist, since liquid regulators disrupt the functioning of the genitourinary, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems.


Safe causes of discharge

Pink periods may indicate the following normal conditions of the body:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • ovulation, which occurred in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • the imminent onset of critical days;
  • the use of certain types of drugs that contain hormonal elements;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • incorrect selection of contraceptives.

If a girl independently chose birth control pills or an IUD, then the unnatural color of the secreted fluid may indicate that these methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy are not suitable for her body.

Abnormal pink secretion can also be explained if conception has occurred. This condition suggests that during the usual critical days, the fertilized egg was fixed in the endometrium, and the contracting uterus removed secretory fluid from the body along with a small amount of blood, which appeared when the protective layer was damaged.

Hormone therapy is also one of the common causes of abnormal discharge. This phenomenon is explained by changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body. This condition is considered safe if pink discharge is not accompanied by unfavorable symptoms (severe pain, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, dizziness, sharp deterioration in general condition)

If menstrual fluid of an abnormal color is present for a long period and, at the same time, becomes more intense, then this may be a serious disorder affecting the woman’s reproductive function. In such a situation, it is recommended to immediately visit the gynecological office.

Scarlet blood during menstruation, liquid or light discharge, other deviations in color and consistency

Menstrual bleeding is a sign of normal functioning of the reproductive system of women of fertile age.

The nature of menstruation can change for various reasons, and even in one woman, in different cycles the bleeding can be scarlet or light pink, thin and watery or thick.

Is scarlet blood during menstruation normal or pathological? The color of menstruation can indicate the presence of reproductive diseases.

What should a normal period be like?

When assessing the nature of the regulation, attention is paid to the following parameters: duration, abundance, color, smell, presence of foreign impurities in the discharge. Knowing what menstrual bleeding should be like normally, a woman can independently monitor whether everything is in order with the organs of the reproductive system. Is red blood normal during menstruation, or should I go to the hospital?

Discharge color

The main component of menstrual flow is blood. The color of your period changes depending on the day of your cycle. On days 1-2 of menstruation, the discharge may be bright scarlet in color - this is what fresh blood that has not yet coagulated looks like. There is a slight smell of iron and dampness. You can see what a normal red period looks like in the photo above.

Starting from the 3rd day of menstruation, the discharge darkens. They become dark red, beet-colored, and brownish. This is what clotted blood normally looks like. Towards the end of the regimen, on days 5-6, the discharge darkens and acquires a brown tint.

Blood consistency

In addition to blood, menstruation includes the remains of a dead egg and endometrial tissue, which are rejected at the end of the cycle. If you figure out what menstruation is and why they appear, it will become clear that normally their consistency should not be uniform.

After ovulation, the endometrium actively grows under the influence of progesterone. If fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone, regresses, the endometriotic tissue dies and is rejected - this is menstruation.

Do not worry if the discharge contains dense, dark red, scarlet or burgundy clots. Firstly, these could be particles of coagulated blood, and secondly, perhaps this is endometrial tissue.

Other characteristics

Also, when assessing menstruation, the following characteristics are considered:

  • Duration. Normally, menstrual bleeding lasts from 4 to 8 days.
  • Abundance. There is a gradation into spotting, scanty, medium, heavy and very heavy discharge. The amount of blood is individual for each woman; it can vary and depends on external circumstances, the use of oral contraceptives, and the emotional state. On average, a woman loses 50-200 ml of blood in one cycle.
  • Regularity. Menstruation should occur every menstrual cycle, the average duration of which is 28 days; individual range can be from 23 to 35 days. A delay or the onset of menstruation 3-4 days earlier is not considered a pathology by gynecologists.

Possible deviations from the norm and their causes

By changes in color, consistency, smell, abundance, duration, one can suspect the presence of pathologies, for example, infectious and inflammatory ailments of the reproductive sphere. Often a problem is indicated by a delay in regulation. Why do deviations from normal menstruation occur, and how can you tell if something is wrong with your periods?

Scarlet blood, pink, light and other colors of menstrual discharge

What determines the change in color of menstrual blood? Causes of scarlet color and other shades of menstruation:

  • Scarlet menstruation. If in the first 2 days bright red blood is considered normal, then scarlet-colored periods throughout the entire menstrual period may indicate pathologies. This often indicates clotting problems. If your periods are scarlet and heavy, then it may not be menstruation, but uterine bleeding caused by endometriosis, malignant or benign formations.
  • Pink periods. Pink, spotting periods are usually very scanty. This may be a sign of pregnancy when, instead of menstruation, a woman experiences implantation bleeding - the release of a small amount of light blood when the embryo is implanted into the endometrium. This blood mixes with thick cervical mucus and gives your period a pink color.
  • Dark brown and black color. Such discharge indicates stagnant processes in the reproductive organs. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity and does not immediately come out. Black discharge can be a sign of endometriosis, hormonal pathologies, polyps, tumors blocking the cervical canal.

Excessively thin or thick discharge

In the first days of menstruation, liquid discharge is normal. Too thin periods without clots indicate that they contain little menstrual blood and a lot of mucus from the cervical canal and vagina.

Watery, pale periods may indicate clotting problems.

Too thin and light periods indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or hormonal imbalance, characterized by increased mucus production.

Thick, dark discharge containing many clots is often a consequence of endometriosis. In addition, they may indicate a hypercoagulable state, which is observed with long-term use of oral contraceptives, poor lifestyle, and obesity.

Scanty and heavy menstruation

Possible causes of scanty periods:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • corpus luteum deficiency, too low amount of progesterone;
  • exhaustion of the body - pathology is often observed with anorexia.

If there is heavy bleeding, a woman is forced to change hygiene products (pads, tampons) every 2 hours. Long-term discharge that lasts more than 9-10 days is especially dangerous. Reasons for heavy periods:

  • endometriosis;
  • uterine bleeding due to injuries, malignant tumors;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • heavy physical activity during regulation.

Other deviations

What else should you pay attention to when there are changes in menstrual bleeding? Signs of pathology:

  • Plasters of pus. Purulent, yellow-green clots during the cycle or at another period of the cycle indicate the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. This is often how sexually transmitted diseases manifest themselves - gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis.
  • Unpleasant smell. Musty blood always has an unpleasant odor, but during menstruation this can be solved by timely replacement of hygiene products and washing. If, despite hygiene, a putrid, sweetish odor emanates from the genitals, this indicates the proliferation of bacteria and infectious processes.
  • Delay of menstruation. If the pregnancy test is negative, delay may be a sign of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, hormonal imbalance, anemia, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

If you have any symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor?

Not all deviations from the norm are dangerous to a woman’s health. Some of them, for example, a slight delay, an increase in the duration of discharge, heavier bleeding, its scarlet or pink color, can be caused by:

  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • emotional stress;
  • acclimatization;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • installation of an intrauterine device;
  • recent abortion.

In what cases should you consult a doctor? Alarming symptoms:

  • the presence of pus in the discharge;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, lower back;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bleeding that lasts more than 10 days;
  • absence of menstruation for more than 1.5 months with a negative pregnancy test.

How to bring menstrual flow back to normal?

Normalization of menstrual flow depends on the reason that caused the malfunction in the body. Only a gynecologist can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment; sometimes a consultation with an endocrinologist is required. Therapeutic tactics:

  • for inflammatory and infectious diseases, including STIs, antibiotics are prescribed;
  • with heavy, prolonged bleeding, a woman may develop anemia, so doctors prescribe iron-containing drugs;
  • hormonal imbalance is brought back to normal with the help of hormonal drugs; conventional oral contraceptives often help;
  • endometriosis is treated with OCs, and large endometriotic tumors are removed surgically.

If the color, consistency or smell of menstrual blood changes, a woman should pay special attention to personal hygiene. Hot baths are prohibited; you need to wash yourself in the shower and dry yourself with a separate towel for the intimate area. During this period, you need to reduce physical activity and eat more iron-containing foods.


Hazardous factors

If pink discharge was discovered instead of menstruation, which bothers the girl for a long time, is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms and is profuse, then such an unnatural phenomenon, as a rule, indicates the following dangerous pathologies:

  • the presence of myomatous nodes in the uterus;
  • endometriosis or endometritis;
  • dysplasia or erosion of the uterine cervix;
  • hormonal disorders caused by improper use of contraceptives;
  • progression of dangerous diseases of the reproductive system that are infectious in nature;
  • the presence of benign or malignant tumor neoplasms.

With such unfavorable conditions of the body, severe pain in the lower abdomen, foul odor from the vagina, deterioration in performance, constant weakness and drowsiness are often observed.

If such manifestations occur, you should contact the nearest medical facility for proper specialist help.

Why does pink discharge appear during pregnancy?

While the fertilized egg is implanted into the wall of the uterus (fixed), slight pink discharge is often observed. They may look like mucus or be like water. Normally, these discharges should not be observed for longer than a day. They are often accompanied by minor pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen. If such symptoms persist for more than a day, this is a reason to consult a doctor. They may indicate the presence of pregnancy pathologies or signal the onset of spontaneous abortion. The sooner appropriate medical intervention is performed, the greater the chance of saving the developing fetus.

Also during pregnancy, blood supply to the uterus increases significantly. Therefore, pink discharge often appears due to high capillary permeability. After certain medical procedures (ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor, gynecological examination) or after sex, this symptom will be observed.


On the first day after detecting minor irregularities, you should responsibly approach the process of normalizing your menstrual cycle. There are several preventative recommendations for this.

  • Give preference to a proper and balanced diet. Minimize the consumption of sweets and starchy foods. Also exclude fatty, salty and spicy foods. Try to eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible that contain useful vitamin elements.
  • Visit the gynecological office at least twice every 12 months.
  • Get rid of bad habits (do not drink alcoholic beverages and stop smoking tobacco products).
  • Do not deplete your body with improper diets and excessive physical activity.
  • Follow the rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Avoid unprotected sex and promiscuity.
  • Use only high-quality contraceptive methods.

By adhering to the recommendations described above, you can prevent the development of pathologies at the initial stage of their development.

Different color of blood during menstruation: what does it mean?

Brownish discharge can be present even in completely healthy women. They usually appear shortly before the approaching menstruation, as well as after it. Such a daub does not need treatment.

Brown discharge and pain are a reason to consult a doctor

Sometimes girls who take hormonal contraceptive medications encounter this phenomenon. It is also considered normal when brown discharge is a consequence of insufficient lubrication during sexual intercourse.

Brown color may indicate existing abnormalities. In this case, the condition is characterized by a painful sensation in the lower abdomen. The temperature rises and there is a fever. There is itching of varying intensity in the vagina.

Brown discharge needs treatment and is the result of:

  • erosion;
  • malignant process;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • endometritis.

Black discharge causes the most distress. Worries are not always justified. During menstruation, a sufficient volume of old blood accumulates, which has not had time to be released physiologically.

Black discharge is also not always a sign of a problem if it goes away after 3 days

Even before it comes out, the blood has time to come into contact with oxygen, which promotes oxidation. It is for this reason that the discharge becomes dark in color. Usually everything returns to normal by the 3rd–4th day of menstruation.

Pathology may be indicated by a blackish discharge that has not disappeared by the 3rd day. In this case, menstruation usually comes out in clots. It is also important to pay attention to your well-being.

You should be wary of a situation where the discharge has always been red, and then suddenly turns black. Often such periods occur against the background of:

  • stretching of the uterus after pregnancy;
  • the presence of benign neoplasms;
  • endocrine pathological processes;
  • endometriosis.

Pathological conditions are usually accompanied by additional negative signs. The patient's condition is deteriorating. An immediate visit to a doctor is required for diagnosis.

Sometimes black discharge indicates the presence of formations in the uterus

Brown spotting of all shades during menstruation is a sign of “old blood”: it was red, but simply oxidized due to the fact that the discharge was not too abundant and it took a long time to leave the uterus.

Brown blood may be due to:

  • the beginning and end of menstruation
  • lochia
  • pregnancy (a sign of stopped bleeding: urgently need to see a doctor!)
  • frozen pregnancy (you must urgently consult a doctor)

When a symptom is normal

Menarche is a consequence of hormonal changes that occur in the body of a teenage girl. 2–3 years before their appearance, the ovaries, under the influence of pituitary hormones, begin to produce estrogens.

Sex hormones influence the growth and development of the uterus and contribute to the formation of secondary sexual characteristics - female-type hair growth, enlargement of the mammary glands.

Cyclic changes in hormone levels lead to the rejection of the functional mucous layer of the uterus and the appearance of the first menstruation.

In the first year after menarche, the menstrual cycle is irregular. The next period may appear only after 2-3 months; the girl should not worry about such long breaks. How long should the first menstruation last? It can last 1–2 days, instead of the usual 3–5, like in an adult fertile woman.

Menarche is usually very scanty and appears as small spots on the underwear. Due to hormonal changes, their color may differ from the usual. Menarche are usually brown, dark red or burgundy in color.

The blood itself should not have a light pink tint. Normal shades of menstruation include:

  • scarlet;
  • Dark red;
  • brown.

Menstruation should not be accompanied by burning and itching. Pain should be absent or moderate in severity. Blood should not be black. This symptom requires an urgent visit to the doctor.

Normally, periods come at regular intervals.

Normally, menstruation is regular and comes at the same time. The duration of critical days should not exceed 7 days. The volume of discharge is 150 ml for the entire period of menstruation.

Often, pink periods require a visit to the doctor, since they are a manifestation of an existing pathology. The physiological causes of this symptom are presented in the table.

In teenagersAnother year after the onset of menarche, disruptions are observed. This is due to the fact that the hormonal balance is just being established. Light discharge should not be accompanied by a strong deterioration in health.
After 40Light menstruation after 40 years may indicate the onset of menopause. In this case, the symptom is accompanied by other signs: • increased body weight; • failures of menstruation; • long delays; • decreased libido; • the appearance of new wrinkles; • weakness; • drowsiness. Menopause is not a pathology and does not require treatment. Only if symptoms are severe will a woman be recommended hormone replacement therapy.

Light red discharge at the very beginning of menstruation is considered normal. The color may become darker in the evening or the next day.

The discharge should be red

2Dark red blood

Dark red blood often occurs after you wake up or move around after sitting or lying down for a long time

A dark color may mean that the blood has simply been in the uterus for a long time, but not long enough to oxidize and turn brown.

That’s why women’s blood often darkens towards the end of menstruation, when the amount of bleeding decreases.

Dark red color of blood is characteristic of:

  • last days of menstruation
  • lochia

Infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia can cause bleeding between periods

When bleeding, the amount of discharge exceeds 70 ml. This can be recognized by the need to change the pad more than 4 times a day. The need for a shift can arise every hour. The discharge contains a large number of clots.

The pathological condition is accompanied by poor health. There is severe fatigue and weakness. The painful feeling is localized in the lower abdomen. Anemia appears. You should immediately consult a doctor if the following pathological signs appear:

  • paleness of the skin;
  • active hair loss;
  • brittle nails.

Bleeding can also be suspected if your period comes early.

If you see blood before the approximate start date of your period, it makes sense to see a doctor.

During pregnancy, bleeding may or may not be a cause for concern. Sometimes this can be a sign of a miscarriage, sometimes not: every case is unique, so you should see your doctor whenever you experience any bleeding during pregnancy.

Another cause of heavy bleeding during menstruation or other phases of the menstrual cycle can be polyps or fibrosis. These benign growths can cause these symptoms, as well as pressure and pain.

Any unusual discharge (unusual structure, smell, or occurring at an unusual time) may be signs of infections and sexually transmitted diseases. Take care of your health, you only have one and remember: it is easier and easier to treat any disease if treatment is started as early as possible after it is discovered!

Most often, a light shade of blood indicates the need to visit a doctor. Often the symptom is pathological in nature. The disorder may occur when the intrauterine device grows in, if one is installed in the vagina.

Another probable reason is oncological processes. In this case, menstruation is watery and in volume exceeds the accepted norm. The discharge has an unpleasant odor.

Benign formations are accompanied by copious discharge. There is obvious discomfort. There is pain during sex. After an abortion, light critical days indicate that particles of the fertilized egg still remain in the uterus. Gradually, the discharge may acquire a bright color.

For any deviations, you should visit a gynecologist

Any illness requires consulting a doctor. Ignoring any changes is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, complications will occur.

If light blood comes instead of normal menstruation, the possibility of pregnancy should not be ruled out. Diagnostics needed to rule out:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • risk of miscarriage.

In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus. The condition requires urgent hospitalization. The woman is prescribed surgery. If the operation does not occur on time, the risk of death increases.

You can recognize the course of an ectopic pregnancy by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • decreased performance;
  • intense vomiting;
  • sharp pain in the abdomen;

With an ectopic pregnancy, a girl may feel sharp pain in the abdomen

  • bowel dysfunction;
  • headache.

At first, there are no pathological symptoms. Then the condition worsens greatly. We urgently need to call an ambulance. An ectopic pregnancy, like a regular one, can be confirmed using a special test.

3Bright red blood

Bright red blood often occurs at the beginning of menstruation, when bleeding is most intense.

The color of the blood may be the same throughout the entire period of menstrual bleeding or become darker towards the end.

Bright red blood color may also be due to:

  • infections - for example, with chlamydia or gonorrhea, there is bleeding between menstruation; if you see bleeding before the expected onset of menstruation, it is better to consult a gynecologist for advice.
  • pregnancy - if you are pregnant and notice bloody discharge, you should consult your doctor to rule out a miscarriage, pathology or infection.
  • polyps and fibrosis - these non-carcinogenic neoplasms can cause intense periods or bleeding in other phases of the menstrual cycle, as well as cause a feeling of pressure inside and pain; consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

4Pink color of blood

Menstrual blood may be pink at the beginning or end of your period, especially if you have spotting

A light shade most likely means that the blood has simply mixed with cervical secretions, simply making the color of the blood less intense.

Pink and light red blood colors can also be associated with:

  • postpartum bleeding (lochia)
  • low estrogen levels
  • bloody spotting in the middle of the cycle during ovulation
  • miscarriage
  • bloody discharge after fertilization of the egg

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

It is necessary to carefully monitor women's health. Any alarming changes must be noticed and eliminated in a timely manner. Light menstruation requires consulting a doctor in the following cases:

  • more than 35 or less than 20 days have passed between periods;
  • menstruation is scanty or, on the contrary, abundant and lasts more than 7 days;
  • a large number of clots are observed;
  • failures in the cycle are regular;
  • menstruation remains light until the end;
  • the discharge smells like rotten fish;
  • additionally there is itching and dryness.

The listed signs are pathological. Even one symptom is a good reason to see a doctor.


When blood mixes with cervical discharge, it can also have an orange tint, so the reasons for the appearance of blood of this color are the same as those for pink and light red discharge.

Orange blood color may also be due to:

  • spotting after fertilization of the egg - some women notice orange or light red and pink spotting soon after fertilization or 10-14 days after fertilization. This does not happen to all women, but if you notice spotting that does not develop into menstruation, then it makes sense to take a pregnancy test.
  • Infections – Any unusual color of discharge may be a sign of a bacterial infection or STD.

What diagnostics

The cause of the appearance of light blood during menstruation can only be determined through comprehensive diagnostics. The patient is referred to:

  • Ultrasound for a general examination of the reproductive organs;
  • blood test to assess hormonal levels;
  • colposcopy to identify possible malignant processes;
  • a vaginal smear to confirm or refute a probable infectious process;
  • histology for scraping.

If necessary, other examinations may be prescribed, but only based on individual characteristics.


Gray blood color may be due to:

  • infections - this shade may mean you have a bacterial infection. Other signs of infection include fever, pain, foul odor and itching.
  • miscarriage - if you are pregnant, this color of discharge may be associated with a miscarriage.

What treatment

Treatment is also chosen privately. Self-medication is prohibited. Depending on the main diagnosis, the girl may be recommended:

  • hormonal medications;
  • antibiotics;
  • antifungal medicine;
  • surgical intervention;

Treatment is often done with antibiotics

  • radiation or chemical therapy.

What kind of prevention

As a preventive measure it is recommended:

  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • use contraception when having sex with an untested partner;
  • Healthy food;
  • avoid severe stress and hypothermia, as well as excessive physical activity;
  • give up bad habits;
  • take any medications only in consultation with your doctor;
  • Visit a gynecologist annually for preventative care.

The recommendations listed above help to avoid many problems that lead to disturbances in the cycle and nature of discharge.


Pink secret and delay

Pink discharge with a delay in menstruation can be explained by the conception that has occurred, but if there is no menstruation and the test is negative, then this phenomenon indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body. Some of the reasons for light vaginal secretions may be inappropriate diets, constant stress, depression, severe overexertion and a lack of useful vitamin elements in the female body. These causes of pink discharge are safe and when the normal state stabilizes, the color of menstruation is restored.

More severe conditions can also provoke an unnatural appearance of secretory fluid. These could be infectious diseases, gynecological diseases, ectopic pregnancy or manifestations of pelvic cancer. In such cases, you should immediately visit a doctor who will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and prescribe highly effective treatment.

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