What are the best ways to get your period ahead of schedule? Traditional recipes and medications

Acceleration of menstruation: is it safe for health?

Girls who want to know what to do to get their period early should understand whether it is safe. It is necessary to take any measures to call for critical days only after consultation with a specialist who will help determine the causes of menstrual irregularities.

You can force your periods to speed up. Usually this is resorted to if the cycle has shifted by more than 7 days. As a rule, this happens if the body is exposed to stress or mechanical stress.

The need to speed up the onset of menstruation by a couple of days often arises among women before vacation, when they are planning a trip to the seaside. If there are several days left before the onset of menstruation, then in the absence of gynecological pathologies, measures can be taken to forcibly induce monthly bleeding.

Before proceeding with artificial cycle correction, it is important to assess the possible risks. Consequences that may occur when interfering with a natural physiological process:

  1. Hormonal disbalance.
  2. Uterine bleeding.
  3. Infertility.
  4. Dysmenorrhea (painful periods).
  5. Failure of the menstrual cycle.

In some cases, such intervention can be fatal. But if you take precautions, possible risks can be avoided. Now let's talk about how to speed up the arrival of your period.

Is it possible to induce menstruation ahead of schedule?

If a girl is sexually active, before choosing a way to speed up the onset of her period, she should make sure that she is not pregnant.

When a fertilized egg develops in the uterus, deliberately causing bleeding can negatively affect the embryo and make the pregnancy abnormal.

A small examination will help to establish gestation in the early stages even before the delay:

  • Home test.
  • Blood test for hCG.
  • Ultrasound of the internal genital organs.

If the test is negative and the doctor confirms the absence of pregnancy, you can immediately ask your gynecologist how to get your period early. Further, the desired goal will be achieved through the use of medications or folk remedies.

There are also other options that women have tried:

  1. Taking oral contraceptives (uncontrolled use disrupts the functioning of the hormonal system).
  2. Increased physical activity (increased activity creates additional stress for the body and affects hormonal status).
  3. A hydromassage bath with a stay in hot water for half an hour (increases blood flow to the pelvic organs).
  4. Intensive consumption of vitamins A, E, C after steaming your feet in hot water (dangerous for the development of hypervitaminosis).
  5. Increasing the number of sexual intercourses (regular sex life is the most pleasant method for premature onset of menstruation).

Traditional medicine suggests using medicinal herbs for premature menstruation. Many plants are poisonous and, if dosages are not observed, cause allergies or intoxication. It is better to discuss the safety of a particular remedy, be it pharmaceutical or folk, with a specialist.


How to stimulate menstruation when delayed

Women interested in the question of how to speed up the onset of menstruation should know what helps stimulate uterine contractions.

If there is a delay, it is necessary to take a pregnancy test. If it is negative, then corrective measures can be taken and menstruation can be initiated a few days earlier. You can speed up your periods in the following ways:

  1. Taking hormonal drugs.
  2. Stop taking oral contraceptives.
  3. Hot bath/shower.
  4. Sports exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  5. Lumbar massage.
  6. Sex.
  7. Medicinal fees.
  8. Eating salty and spicy foods.

Healthy girls who are sexually active rarely experience prolonged absence of menstruation, since regular orgasm promotes uterine contractions. And this speeds up the arrival of critical days.

Traditional methods also help speed up the onset of menstruation. For example, you can induce menstruation by taking a decoction of parsley.

To delay menstruation

These methods are not as safe as the previous ones; it is best to discuss this issue with a gynecologist.

  1. Parsley decoction. To do this, pour a bunch of parsley with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for three hours. This decoction should be taken half a glass in the morning and evening, for 3-4 days before the scheduled start of menstruation.
  2. Lentil soup. Warm lentil soup can delay your period if you eat it on an empty stomach every day for a week. This method is very safe, so it’s definitely worth trying.
  3. Lemon. Due to the high content of vitamin C, it is recommended to eat one or two lemons a day, a couple of days before the start of your period.
  4. Starvation. This is certainly a very dangerous method, but effective.

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If you really need it, you can try hormonal medications, but a preliminary consultation with a gynecologist is a must.

If changes in the schedule of critical days are needed for an important date with a guy, we advise you to read an article about sex during menstruation and evaluate all the pros and cons.

Find more useful information at

Approaching menstruation using hormones

Let's talk about how to speed up your periods with medication so that they go faster. Prescribing medications on your own is highly discouraged.

Hormonal medications help menstruation begin. Taking large doses of these medications is contraindicated.

The most popular medications that help bring your periods closer are Pulsatilla and Duphaston.


Inducing menstrual bleeding is very easy with this medicine. It is enough to take the capsule 1 time. It needs to be placed under the tongue.

In case of a 10-day delay, you will need to take Pulsatilla for 2-3 days, 2 capsules.

Pregnant women are contraindicated to use this medicine.

When the cycle normalizes, you cannot stop taking the medication. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to drink capsules for 1–2 days from the beginning of menstruation.

The simultaneous use of hormonal medications and alcohol is unacceptable.


Doctors advise taking Duphaston in the second half of the cycle, then the onset of menstruation will not take long.

In order for menstruation to begin earlier and hormonal functioning to be completely normalized, it is recommended to take this medicine for 1–2 months.

Pregnant women should not drink Duphaston.

Hormonal agents

Hormonal drugs that artificially increase progesterone levels and then sharply reduce them can speed up the onset of menstruation.

It can be:

  1. Oral contraceptives based on hormones. The tablets contain progestins and estrogens in different dosages. Take them 1 piece per day for 3 weeks. After completing the course, hormone levels drop sharply and menstrual bleeding begins. But this method is only suitable for those women who have been using this type of contraception for at least 3 months;
  2. Progesterone. Injections are made intramuscularly with a 1% or 2.5% solution. These manipulations are used to induce menstruation if it is delayed, followed by hormonal or other types of treatment;
  3. Progesterone-based drugs. These include Duphaston, Norkolut, Utrozhestan. These drugs are used for treatment, so do not overuse them. Take 2 times a day, 1 tablet of any of the drugs described above for 5 days. Menstruation occurs two days after the end of the course;
  4. Postinor is a means of emergency contraception. It contains a large dose of hormones. Use may cause prolonged and heavy bleeding. First, take one tablet, and 12 hours later the second. The result is expected in three days.

How to speed up your period without medication

You can bring your period closer not only with medication. To ensure that your critical days come early, it is recommended to take a hot bath. Ascorbic acid also helps speed up the onset of menstruation by several days.

There are several other ways to get your period to start earlier.

  1. Physical exercise. To prevent your monthly cycle from going astray, you need to regularly strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  2. Alcohol. As you know, alcoholic drinks dilate blood vessels, and this brings menstruation closer.
  3. Warmer. You need to apply it to the lower abdomen. The effect of using a heating pad is no worse than that of a hot shower/bath.
  4. Good time. Psycho-emotional tension and stress provoke a delay in menstruation. If you surround yourself with pleasant people and positive emotions, the cycle will be normalized.
  5. Lemon. Eating this citrus fruit will help speed up the onset of menstruation. It gives the same effect as ascorbic acid.

What's worth knowing?

When choosing a way to make your period pass and end faster, it is worth remembering that menstruation is a natural process of any female body and it is not recommended to interfere with its normal course.

Once menstruation has begun, it is almost impossible to stop the process immediately. Often, the desire for menstruation to pass and end faster is associated with a woman’s natural desire to eliminate painful sensations and speed up the end of the abundance of discharge.

You should not immediately look for miracle drugs and traditional medicine recipes, since with the normalization of your lifestyle, the menstrual cycle and its duration are regulated.

The following will help reduce the pain of your cycle and shorten its duration:

  • active lifestyle with exercises, visits to the fitness room, walking;
  • regular sex life;
  • ensuring a balanced diet, avoiding the use of strict diets.

Scientists have proven that in women who strictly limit themselves in the volume and caloric content of food intake, the period of menstruation is increased by 2 days.

How to reduce the duration of menstruation

If there is a need to get “in shape” faster and speed up your periods, you need to take measures aimed at reducing their duration. However, in this case, it is important to take into account the consequences that such a cycle adjustment may lead to. Therefore, before interfering in any way with natural physiological processes, it is recommended to consult a specialist.


The passage of menstruation can be controlled with the help of medications. Tablets with a hemostatic effect:

  • Ascorutin. It is recommended to use the medicine during long periods. Its action is aimed at strengthening blood vessels, and this shortens the duration of menstruation. These tablets should be taken on the 4th day of menstruation.
  • Vikasol. The action of this drug is aimed at increasing the rate of blood clotting. It should be taken on the 2nd day of menstruation.
  • Vitamin E. Helps increase the amount of blood released during menstruation. But at the same time it affects the reduction in the duration of menstruation.

You can also correct your cycle using hormonal contraceptive medications. Regardless of the choice of medication, you should carefully read the attached instructions before taking it.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies help to correct the onset and duration of menstruation at home. But before taking a decoction of medicinal herbs, you should remember the precautions.

So, to speed up menstruation:

  1. Parsley decoction. An excellent remedy to stimulate the arrival of menstruation. To prepare a healing drink, add boiling water to the herb and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered and cooled. This medicine must be taken on an empty stomach. A glass of decoction should be drunk at one time.
  2. Nettle infusion. This medicinal herb helps speed up the completion of critical days and normalize the cycle. It needs to be poured with boiling water, then left for 15 minutes. The cooled liquid must be filtered. Drink this medicine 3 times a day, 5 spoons.
  3. Infusion from shepherd's purse. Dry grass is poured with hot water and infused for 40 minutes. The medicine is taken on the 2nd day of menstruation in small sips.

If you have any diseases associated with dysfunction of internal organs, adjusting the duration of menstruation using traditional methods is contraindicated.

Features of the regulation of the menstrual cycle

A woman’s monthly or menstrual cycle is a very complex multi-stage system, regulated by a huge number of factors. The first starting point is the brain, namely the hypothalamus. There, special mediators are produced - gonadoliberins. Entering another part of the brain - the pineal gland or pituitary gland, gonadoliberins give it the command to produce hormones of the second level of regulation of the menstrual cycle - FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone).

These two hormones affect the ovary, follicle maturation, corpus luteum function, and the release of estrogen and progesterone. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of FSH and estrogens, follicle growth and development of the uterine mucosa occur. In the second phase of the cycle, LH and progesterone dominate, promoting the maturation of the uterine mucosa, the accumulation of nutrients in it and preparation for the implantation of the embryo.

Menstruation, namely the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium) and spotting, marks the end of the second phase of the cycle and is associated with a drop in progesterone levels.


Most of the methods discussed above to induce menstruation are safe and do not pose risks for healthy adults.

However, it is important to purchase herbal supplements from reputable suppliers, since government regulatory agencies do not regulate their quality. Additionally, they should not be taken by people who are allergic to herbal remedies.

Hormonal contraception is not suitable for everyone. They may also cause side effects. In rare cases, birth control pills increase the risk of blood clots, stroke, and heart attack. Smokers and women over 35 years of age are at higher risk of developing such problems. Women who wish to take hormonal contraception should discuss their individual risk factors with their doctor.


Inducing your period at home can create many problems. This is due to the contraindications of the drugs and traditional recipes used.

When using available means during a delay, it is important to consider a number of contraindications:

When should you see a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if you regularly miss your periods.

The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days, although cycles lasting 24 to 38 days are also considered normal.

A doctor should be consulted if menstrual periods are regularly absent or if the normal menstrual cycle is significantly disrupted. The specialist also needs to talk about significant changes in the nature of menstrual bleeding.

Women taking birth control pills should seek emergency medical help immediately if they experience the following symptoms:

  • severe abdominal pain;
  • severe headache;
  • chest pain or shortness of breath;
  • pain, redness or swelling in the lower legs.

Women who want to use hormonal contraception to manage their menstrual cycle should ask their doctor about the correct use of specific contraceptives, since the method of use differs between different methods and even different pills.

When should you worry?

Often attempts to speed up the end of menstruation are associated with excessively large volumes of discharge or a prolonged period. In such situations, you need to understand what is normal for the female body and what is a sign of pathological changes. Normal reads:

  • the volume of discharge for the entire cycle is 40-50 grams;
  • The duration of discharge is from 3 to 7 days.

If your period does not end within 1 week or the amount of bleeding exceeds the norm, you should consult a doctor. Such failures may indicate gynecological diseases - endometriosis, fibroids, polyps.

About ways to stop heavy bleeding during menstruation >>

Without timely action, excessive blood loss can cause low blood pressure, oxygen starvation, heart attack or stroke.

To solve problems of this kind, medications will most likely be prescribed, the independent use of which is fraught with complications.

Why don't you have your period but the test is negative?

When a girl begins to be sexually active, the issue of lack of menstruation becomes especially acute. In this case, there may be many reasons for this phenomenon, and every woman should know them in order to react in time and take action.


There is no point in dismissing the possibility of pregnancy with a negative test without undergoing diagnostics. Therefore, you need to undergo an ultrasound examination and take tests that will confirm or refute your assumption.

An experienced gynecologist, by visual examination of the genital organs, even without tests, will be able to determine the onset of pregnancy in the first weeks.

Changes in diet or climate conditions

If there are changes in diet or eating patterns, a shift in the menstrual cycle is also likely.

This happens especially often when using various strict diets. From the lack of incoming food that is familiar to the body, the body experiences stress, which manifests itself in the form of absence or disturbances in the frequency of menstruation.

Climatic conditions or time zone changes also affect the functioning of the body - it undergoes adaptation.

If menstruation is absent precisely for these reasons, there is nothing wrong with that. When the body fully gets used to the new conditions, the cycle should be restored.

Hormonal disbalance

The complexly organized female body can react to some kind of hormonal imbalance.

All processes of the reproductive system occur under the influence of the main hormones - progesterone and estrogen. Failure can lead not only to disruption of the menstrual cycle, but even cause some diseases.

Diseases leading to delayed menstruation

  • A cyst of one of the ovaries can be manifested not only by a change in cycle or complete absence of menstruation, but also by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. If the cyst is follicular, then it can resolve on its own in two to three months and the cycle will be restored. If the pain does not go away and the cycle is not restored within two to four months, a doctor’s consultation is necessary, since rupture of the cyst can lead to very unpleasant consequences;
  • Inflammatory processes in the ovaries or fallopian tubes, resulting from infectious diseases or hypothermia, can also manifest as painful sensations and lack of menstruation;
  • Primary or secondary amenorrhea. The absence of menstruation throughout life is called primary. If menstruation is absent for three months or more, this is secondary amenorrhea, the cause of which may lie in the pathology of the structure of the genital organs or their changes under the influence of inflammatory processes;
  • Tumor formations in one of the parts of the reproductive system manifest themselves with the same symptoms;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases have a great impact on the functioning of the genital organs - they may well cause menstrual disorders;
  • Diseases that contribute to a delay in menstruation include disorders of the endocrine system.

Underweight or overweight

Excess weight or excessive thinness very often causes disruptions in the frequency of menstruation. These cases can also be attributed to hormonal disorders, since excess weight provokes the appearance of an excess of estrogen.

Lack of weight means a weakened body and inhibition in all its functions. In these cases, normalizing weight will lead to restoration of the cycle.

Stressful situations and heavy physical activity

These factors have a great influence on the adequate functioning of the reproductive system. Stress includes not only psychological trauma, but also emotional overload, inadequate sleep, and chronic moral fatigue.

Excessive physical activity - heavy lifting, excessive sports activities, chronic physical fatigue of the body.

Reaction to drugs

Any hormonal, including contraceptive, anti-inflammatory, anabolic, psychotropic and other medications can affect the functioning of the reproductive system and cause a delay or complete absence of menstruation.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to contact a specialist regarding the replacement or complete withdrawal of a particular drug.


At the age of 40-45 years, every woman experiences a decrease in reproductive function, which can lead to irregular menstruation. This is a completely normal condition.

Delayed menstruation can occur for a number of other reasons:

  • artificial or spontaneous termination of pregnancy;
  • intoxication of the body with toxic substances;
  • emergency contraception;
  • heredity, etc.
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