Sage for ovulation: how will it help and how to take it?

Sage is considered a panacea for a variety of ailments, including hormonal imbalances and menstrual cramps.

The active substances contained in sage help regulate sweating and blood clotting processes. It contains antispasmodic oils and tannins used to relieve cramps or dysmenorrhea and excessive bleeding. Sage helps prevent the formation of blood clots, making it effective in slowing down heavy menstrual bleeding.

For scanty periods, sage will help improve your cycle, eliminate blockages in blood vessels, which often cause a small amount of discharge, and also relieve pain. Along the way, the use of this medicinal plant in its various forms will relieve dizziness, mental irritation, and food cravings during menstruation.

There are several ways to use sage for menstruation.

- Decoction. Boil several (3-5 pieces) sage leaves for 10-15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water.

To make the broth more saturated, let it brew for about 5 minutes. This may make it taste bitter, but a weaker decoction may not provide the desired therapeutic effect. Strain the broth through a metal strainer to remove leaves. The decoction can be consumed in its pure form, adding honey or lemon to it, or diluting it with your favorite juice.

— Sage baths. Boil 10-15 fresh sage leaves in 2 liters of water for 15 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a bathtub with warm water. Just half an hour spent in a sage bath will help the body relax and reduce pain.

- Massage Oil. Cramps and severe pain in the lower abdomen are frequent companions of the menstrual period. Using sage massage oil can relieve your condition.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 10−15 drops of sage essential oil.

Mix ingredients in a glass or ceramic bowl. Dip your fingers in the mixture and massage your lower abdomen several times a day. To relax your muscles after a massage, use a warm compress.

— Tincture of sage. Instead of wasting time on boiling and straining sage leaves, you can buy a ready-made tincture at the pharmacy. Just like the decoction, it is added to tea and used while bathing.

Like any traditional medicine, you should take sage carefully, after consulting with your doctor first. Pregnant and nursing mothers are prohibited from using this medicinal plant!

Sage is known not only for its pleasant aroma when added to tea, but for its many health benefits. It is used for various problems, including gynecology. Sage during menstruation is indicated for stabilizing the cycle, which contributes not only to their clear arrival, but also to the improvement of the reproductive organs.

Healing properties of the herb

Since ancient times, sage has been recommended to prolong youth and preserve vitality. Now there is a scientific explanation for its healing qualities, obtained thanks to accumulated information about the composition of the plant. Sage contains components that have a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs and nervous system, the main of which are:

  • essential oil;
  • acetic and other organic acids;
  • alkaloids, resins and phytoncides;
  • vitamins P and PP, as well as group B;
  • borneol and camphor.

This is by no means the entire list of beneficial substances found in the plant. But the main thing that convinces women to drink sage during menstruation is the presence of natural estrogens in it. These substances help regulate the body's natural balance, bringing it back to normal.

What is useful for women

Since ancient times, sage has been recommended to prolong youth and preserve vitality. Now there is a scientific explanation for its healing qualities, obtained thanks to accumulated information about the composition of the plant. Sage contains components that have a beneficial effect on the reproductive organs and nervous system, the main of which are:

  • essential oil;
  • acetic and other organic acids;
  • alkaloids, resins and phytoncides;
  • vitamins P and PP, as well as group B;
  • borneol and camphor.

This is by no means the entire list of beneficial substances found in the plant. But the main thing that convinces women to drink sage during menstruation is the presence of natural estrogens in it. These substances help regulate the body's natural balance, bringing it back to normal.

The herb helps with painful periods and eliminates PMS. Recommended for women over 35 years old for the purpose of rejuvenation. For this purpose, it is recommended to take a rejuvenating monthly course 3 times a year.

Sage is a natural phytohormone. Its advantage is that it contains large quantities of substances similar to female hormones - estrogens. Taking the decoction orally will increase their level and restore normal hormonal levels. After all, for the reproductive organs to function properly, estrogen must always be normal.

Using sage for conception gives a whole range of positive effects on a woman’s body:

  • the follicle becomes large and strong;
  • ovarian function improves;
  • there is a regular female cycle;
  • the pain of menstruation decreases;
  • the endometrium thickens;
  • inflammation is eliminated.

As you can see, many problems are eliminated. In turn, a regular monthly cycle, good ovarian function, a large and strong follicle give hope for conception. In a word, sage, supplementing the female body with natural estrogens, normalizes and improves the ovulation process. If the menstrual cycle is unstable, or the follicle is underdeveloped, it will not occur.

Thanks to the thickened endometrium, implantation of a fertilized egg occurs easier. And in the future there is no threat of miscarriage. Scientific medicine has confirmed the positive effect of the herb on the endometrium.

Sage is a plant with a healing effect and a distinct aroma. The plant is rich in phytohormones, which help female hormonal levels to fully recover, which is important for conceiving a child. In addition, sage has a unique ability to treat female infertility. The herb also has antifungal, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory activity in the female genital area.

The plant is able to relieve menstrual pain and improve ovarian activity, restore the female cycle and eliminate inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. The infusion of the herb has a beneficial effect on the endometrial structure and restores follicular growth, and also helps women become pregnant.

The healing properties of the herb Salvia officinalis are due to the high content of phytohormones and antioxidants. The flavonoids, phenolic compounds, rosmarinic acid, and vitamins contained in the plant have a complex effect on the problems that arise in the female body.

This plant has a beneficial effect on women's health

Drinks prepared on its basis have a beneficial effect on women's health in general. They neutralize oxidative processes in organs, rejuvenate the reproductive system, and activate the work of the main systems in the body. The properties of asthenia are given in the table.

Purposepharmachologic effect
Infertility treatmentIt is recommended to use sage for conception to regulate hormonal levels and increase estrogen levels. Optimal conditions are created for the passage of sperm through the genital tract and implantation of the blastocyst into the uterine cavity.
Relief of menopause symptomsSystematic intake of decoctions and infusions significantly alleviates the symptoms characteristic of the menopause period: • reduces the intensity and frequency of hot flashes, night sweats; • reduces dryness and irritation of the vaginal mucosa; • increases sexual desire (libido); • improves the emotional state of a woman.
Stimulation of ovulationExperts recommend drinking sage for conception for women in the first half of the cycle. Phytoestrogens increase follicle growth and stimulate ovulation.
Treatment of hypoplasiaUnder the influence of estrogen, the endometrium thickens significantly in the premenstrual phase, preparing for embryo implantation. If the level of the hormone is low in the body, the inner lining begins to thin out, increasing the likelihood of miscarriage. Properly prescribed use of sage for conception improves blood supply to the uterus, which quickly restores its normal state.
Menstrual irregularitiesFailure of menstruation is provoked by a decrease in the production of steroid sex hormones, the formation of follicles in the ovaries does not occur. Regulating the cycle increases the likelihood of successful fertilization.
Inflammation of the genital organsThe cause of female infertility can be diseases of the genital area and extragenital pathologies. Endocervitis and cervical erosion change the composition of the cervical mucus, which prevents the penetration of male germ cells into the uterine cavity. Baths and douching with sage for conception effectively relieve inflammation, which causes the absence of pregnancy.

Due to the content of many beneficial substances, sage is actively used in alternative medicine. Herbal preparations based on it are used as alternative methods of treatment for the following purposes:

  • Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Used as a natural antibiotic to suppress pathogenic microflora. Prevents inflammation of various etiologies. Actively used for diseases of the respiratory system, oral cavity, all types of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and genitourinary system.

Sage has a beneficial effect on skin condition

  • The sedative effect relieves nervous tension, fights insomnia, and blocks panic attacks. Helps women during menopause cope with increased irritability, nervousness, and depression.
  • Increases concentration, improves cerebral circulation, develops long-term memory.
  • Sage leaves are used in cosmetology to treat acne, skin rejuvenation, strengthening and hair growth.
  • Recommended for treatment of certain types of infertility. Specialists perform procedures using complexes of sage and linden herbs for conception and restoration of ovulatory cycles.

How does sage affect the cycle, features of menstruation

Disorders of menstrual function can be of a different nature and arise due to many factors. The most important of them is a violation in the maturation of the female reproductive cell. Its exit from the follicle and then its reverse development provide the body with sufficient doses of sex hormones.

Sage, thanks to phytoestrogens, stimulates the normal functioning of the ovaries, hence the production of eggs.

The plant will be useful in most cases of menstrual disorders, as it has a complex effect on the reproductive system:

  • For scanty periods, sage is indicated to stimulate the development of the endometrium. Difficulties in forming its normal thickness arise due to estrogen deficiency. The grass, in addition to the substances it contains, similar to those produced by the body, makes the ovaries work more actively. The endometrium thickens due to the restoration of the balance of estrogens and gestagens. Menstruation returns to normal.
  • For painful periods, the plant is also prescribed, as it has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves muscle spasms. Sage decoction reduces the concentration of prostaglandins that cause abdominal pain during menstruation. This helps reduce the activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus. Its ability to stabilize the central nervous system not only balances hormonal levels, but also reduces susceptibility to pain.
  • When menstruation is delayed, the plant is also used with great effectiveness. Actually, most women are interested in whether sage can cause menstruation. It is useful in this case if the delay is caused by insufficiency of the first phase of the cycle or stress. In the first case, the plant increases the production of FSH and LH, as it stimulates the development of the follicle. In the second, it helps the nervous system to independently normalize hormonal balance.
  • With heavy menstruation, the plant can also help out, no matter how strange it may sound, given its effect on scanty periods. An excessive amount of discharge is observed with an excess of progesterone in the second phase of the period. This causes abnormal thickening of the endometrium and its uneven development. The plant eliminates disharmony of substances of this nature. This particular effect contains the answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink sage during menstruation. If there is precisely a problem of abnormally intense discharge, then this is what should be done. But the amount of decoction should be very small.
  • The plant successfully fights the symptoms of PMS, reducing their intensity. Before and at the beginning of critical days, women may be disturbed by strong emotions that arise out of nowhere, which do not contribute to normal well-being. Sage calms nerves and reduces anxiety. Another symptom of PMS is increased oiliness of the skin and hair. Using sage decoction internally also copes with this. It also helps to concentrate attention on the right things, helps improve memory, which makes critical days much easier.

Benefits of the plant in gynecology

To understand why sage is useful, you need to consider its composition and properties. The use of this plant in gynecological practice is associated with a large number of hemostatic and tanning substances. Experts appreciate the ability of sage to eliminate inflammation of the mucous membranes without harming the body.

The herb sage has found application in gynecology due to the presence of a plant analogue of estrogen, which performs the following functions in a woman’s body:

  • stimulates the functioning of the ovaries;
  • increases the density of endometrial epithelial tissue and the likelihood of normal follicle maturation;
  • improves the menstrual cycle;
  • reduces sweating, nervousness, frequency and intensity of hot flashes during menopause;
  • restores the balance of hormones, the process of supplying blood to the uterus and ovaries;
  • increases the chances of conception and sexual desire;
  • strengthens the immune system.

In addition to eliminating gynecological problems, medicinal sage can restore a woman to her former beauty and youth.


In the gynecological field, the ability of the herb to stop bleeding, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain is valued. The plant stabilizes menstruation, improves the general well-being of the fair sex during menopause, and is often used in the treatment of female infertility.


Sage leaves contain about 3% essential oils, which are famous for their bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the leaves are rich in camphor, B and P vitamins, vitamin C, nicotinic acid, alkaloids, tannins, and many other components.

The high level of female phytohormones makes sage useful for women.

The leaves help cope with frigidity and rejuvenate the body. And when taken for a long time, it strengthens the walls of the uterus, and thus promotes rapid conception and easy bearing of the fetus, even by those women who were previously diagnosed with infertility.


Sage oil, whose medicinal properties have been known since ancient times, is used to treat female diseases. Doctors called this plant “Women’s Herb” - the effect of sage on the female body is so effective, therefore its medicinal properties were widely used in gynecology.

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Sage oil is used to stop lactation, to relieve pain during menstruation, and to restore the cycle. It is effective against thrush and genital herpes, and during menopause, its use helps to smoothly pass this difficult period in women’s lives.

When treating gynecological diseases, it is recommended to use tampons soaked in a solution of sage oil.

For couples who did not have children, doctors recommended drinking sage decoctions and using its oil. After such therapy, the likelihood of conception increased many times over.


Sage seeds are often used to treat infertility because sage promotes conception. In this case, use an infusion of seeds. The product should not be taken in large doses or for a long time. An infusion of seeds can be used for conception by both men and women.

For women, it helps overcome frigidity and increases the body’s ability to conceive. In order to ensure the maximum effect of accelerating conception, it is recommended to combine sage with linden decoction.

Contraindications for use

Despite the availability of sage, you should not get too carried away with regulating an unstable cycle with it. Moreover, this cannot be done in the absence of specialist advice. After all, the plant has quite a lot of contraindications:

PregnancyIf you intend to use sage to induce menstruation, you should first make sure that it is not present. Otherwise, severe bleeding and premature termination will be ensured. And this will disrupt the balance of hormones even more.
LactationThe plant inhibits prolactin by stimulating estrogen production. This means that breast milk production will begin to decline. Sage has too strong an effect to be used in regulating menstrual function in a nursing mother.
Endometriosis, hyperplasia of the uterine mucosa, recovery after surgery for breast or reproductive organ cancer, polycystic disease, fibroidsThe pathologies are united by the fact that each occurs against the background of an increased amount of estrogen. And if the body receives them from sage, the general background will be further disrupted. And this can become a new incentive for the development of the disease.
Hypertension and severe hypotensionSage can affect blood vessels. An increase in their tone can cause a spasm, causing pressure surges in both directions.
Kidney pathologiesNatural estrogens can negatively affect adrenal function. This contributes to a different type of hormonal disorder than was originally present.
Thyroid diseasesThe organ also produces hormones. And if its functions are impaired, sage can become an additional contributing factor.
Intolerance to one of the componentsThere are a lot of them in sage; anyone can cause a negative reaction in the form of skin rashes, nausea, and cough.

To whom is the plant especially indicated?

The popularity of the plant is so high that many do not remember how it took root. Of course, the plant actually appeared before pharmacies. But it was from these institutions that his fame as a medicinal medicine began. First of all, its antibacterial properties are valued. Now sage is known in all its species diversity.

  • Sage infusion will help against inflammatory skin diseases, minor burns and frostbite. For medicinal purposes, gauze napkins soaked in sage infusion are useful;
  • Sage reduces sweating, including feverish sweating. When sage extract is taken, the sweating process stops quickly. The maximum duration of its action is 2-3 hours;
  • In folk medicine, the plant is included in combinations and mixtures of herbs that will help in the treatment of tuberculosis of the respiratory and thoracic systems, in laxatives and stomach preparations.

In addition, sage is indispensable for oral infections, psoriasis and eczema, hepatitis, and hypothyroidism. articular rheumatism and other diseases. It is recommended as a choleretic, astringent, analgesic, diuretic, and expectorant. Preparations based on this medicinal plant can be used for obesity and during menopause, as well as to improve mental activity.

Sage is widely known as a remedy for relieving infertility and increasing potency. In order to increase the chance of conception, it is recommended to use an infusion of seeds, which is especially effective in combination with linden.

For problems with conception, men can also use sage. Also, decoctions and tinctures can be useful for baldness, and for older people, sage preparations can be a real salvation: they improve memory and help get rid of senile hand tremors.

Sage tincture is a clear, greenish-brown liquid. It has a characteristic aroma and taste. How to cook it? It is necessary to use a ratio of 1:10 with 70% alcohol. Apply tincture for rinsing.

An infusion of sage leaf is prepared as follows: 10 g (2 tablespoons) of raw material in an enamel bowl is poured with 200 ml of hot boiled water, and then heated in water (boiling, in a water bath) for about 15 minutes. Cool at room temperature for more than half an hour, then strain. The raw material that remains must also be strained.

Before using the magical power of this medicinal plant, you should learn about contraindications for taking sage preparations.

These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation (the amount of milk may decrease);
  • epilepsy;
  • hypertension;
  • acute nephritis;
  • allergy;
  • amenorrhea;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • age up to 2 years.

An overdose can also lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of severe headaches and signs of general intoxication of the body. Therefore, caution must always be exercised.

Sage, of course, cannot be considered a miraculous elixir that can cure all diseases at once. However, it can significantly improve health, if, of course, it is used correctly. Now the question of whether you can drink sage has been given a detailed answer.

PregnancyIf you intend to use sage to induce menstruation, you should first make sure that it is not present. Otherwise, severe bleeding and premature termination will be ensured. And this will disrupt the balance of hormones even more.
LactationThe plant inhibits prolactin by stimulating estrogen production. This means that breast milk production will begin to decline. Sage has too strong an effect to be used in regulating menstrual function in a nursing mother.
Endometriosis, hyperplasia of the uterine mucosa, recovery after surgery for breast or reproductive organ cancer, polycystic disease, fibroidsThe pathologies are united by the fact that each occurs against the background of an increased amount of estrogen. And if the body receives them from sage, the general background will be further disrupted. And this can become a new incentive for the development of the disease.
Hypertension and severe hypotensionSage can affect blood vessels. An increase in their tone can cause a spasm, causing pressure surges in both directions.
Kidney pathologiesNatural estrogens can negatively affect adrenal function. This contributes to a different type of hormonal disorder than was originally present.
Thyroid diseasesThe organ also produces hormones. And if its functions are impaired, sage can become an additional contributing factor.
Intolerance to one of the componentsThere are a lot of them in sage; anyone can cause a negative reaction in the form of skin rashes, nausea, and cough.

Sage is a plant that has many medicinal properties. The main thing is that when taking it, the production of estrogen in the female body increases. She successfully treats female and male infertility.

Its beneficial properties were noted by ancient Greek and Roman physicians. Therefore, Hippocrates called it “sacred herb” because of its wide spectrum of action. Since then, sage has been used in medicine all over the world. Official medicine has only confirmed its healing properties.

Thanks to this composition, sage acts as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant and antifungal agent. Therefore, it is widely used for many diseases, for example, for sore throats, to improve the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and pneumonia. The plant is also used externally in the form of ointments and lotions for burns, psoriasis, purulent wounds, and skin fungus.

For conception, it is recommended to prepare sage in the form of a decoction or infusion. For infertility, traditional medicine offers not only sage leaves, but also seeds. In the summer season, the juice is squeezed out of a fresh plant, salted a little, and stored.

Douching with sage is prohibited during menstruation, after childbirth and abortion, as well as during acute inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Even if they are fungal or antibacterial in nature.

It is forbidden to take sage internally for more than 3 months in a row, and you cannot increase its dose on your own. Since it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. For menstruation, pregnancy and kidney inflammation, nephritis and epilepsy, sage is not used.

This herb cannot be used uncontrollably. An overdose may cause allergic reactions. It is necessary to strictly monitor dosage regimens, because it is prohibited to use during pregnancy, as it reduces progesterone levels.

The birth of a baby is a great happiness for a woman. But in today's world there are many women who cannot get pregnant. Sometimes, in order to get pregnant, constant visits to the gynecologist's office are required, which do not always give effective results.

That’s when the couple decide to resort to traditional medicine. They begin to drink various medicinal herbs, which from time immemorial have proven themselves to be very effective remedies.

Scientific research confirms that drinking sage when planning pregnancy is very beneficial. It contains a large amount of plant estrogens.

Undoubtedly, any plant used in folk medicine has both its positive and negative sides. This herb is not as safe as it might seem at first glance and you need to take it very carefully, taking into account the condition of your body.

Before starting treatment, you should make sure that there are no contraindications.

The use of sage negatively affects a woman’s health when:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • the presence of a benign tumor - fibroids;
  • inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, endometritis;
  • low levels of the hormone progesterone in the female body;
  • normal development of follicles in the female body, which is proven through ultrasound monitoring;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • carrying a baby;
  • lactation;
  • acute kidney inflammation;
  • negative reaction of the body to taking sage, due to its individual characteristics.

Before using sage when planning pregnancy, it is imperative to establish the level of hormones in the blood through a special hormonal analysis, so as not to harm your body.

Pay special attention to the content of hormones such as estradiol, progesterone, LH, FSH, testosterone, DHEA-S, TSH.

For a long time, sage has been used to prolong youth and maintain vitality. Today, there are scientific explanations for its healing properties, which were obtained based on the collected information about the composition of the herb.

Sage is rich in components that have a positive effect on the reproductive organs and nervous system. The key ones are: essential oil; acetic and other variations of organic acids; alkaloids, resins and phytoncides; vitamins P and PP, as well as group B; borneol and camphor.

However, this is not the entire list of healing components found in the grass. The most important factor convincing women to take sage during menstruation is the presence of natural estrogens in the plant. They help regulate the natural balance of the body, thereby restoring its normal state.

Among women, infertility treatment using a variety of folk remedies is quite common. Various infusions, herbal decoctions and mixtures, etc. are used. Sage, known for its particular benefits for the female body, is an effective aid for infertility. How to drink sage for conception, patterns of use and contraindications - all this is important to consider in order to avoid adverse consequences and the reverse effect of the herb.

  • To thicken the endometrial layer. Often, difficulties with conception arise due to the thinned endometrium, which lines the inner walls of the uterine body. When conception occurs, the vascular network in the endometrium increases, the number of glandular structures increases, which in the future will be woven into the formed placenta and will nourish the fetus. The thickness of the endometrial layer determines the degree of its nutritional and blood supply, which helps the embryo to take root in the uterine body. If a woman has a thin endometrial layer, then her menstruation is weak and not intense. To improve the quality and thickness of the endometrium, the herb sage is ideal because it helps increase estrogen levels, which helps endometrial tissue repair. To do this, it is recommended to brew the leaves of the plant and drink it as tea three times a day. Reception begins on the fifth day of the cycle and stops after 10 days;
  • To stimulate estrogen. About 25% of cases of female infertility are caused by ovulatory disorders, which are often present in women with irregular cycles. This often happens due to a hormonal deficiency of estrogen, a substance that has a follicle-stimulating effect and ensures the uninterrupted and regularity of the ovulatory period. If there is an excess of estrogen hormone in the female body, then the hormonal status is completely disrupted, the female cell matures prematurely and bursts, which prevents pregnancy. Therefore, during treatment with sage, it is necessary to periodically examine the hormonal background, i.e., the level of estrogen, and if it is in excess, stop taking the sage decoction. This is necessary so that sage helps and does not lead to the opposite effect.

Before taking the decoction, consultation with a doctor is required.

How to drink sage with an irregular cycle: recipes and rules of administration

You can induce menstruation with sage if you use one of the recipes after examination by a doctor:

  • 1 tbsp. l. Pour hot water over the ground plant. The liquid is first boiled before combining with the herb, then cooled to 80 degrees. Keep the infusion for 15 minutes, closing it with a tight lid. Drink it to normalize the delayed cycle, a third of a glass for breakfast, lunch and dinner half an hour before meals.
  • A stronger infusion is prepared from a similar amount of raw materials and liquid. But you need to keep it for 40 minutes. The dosage regimen is the same as with the previous remedy.
  • A sage decoction is made by taking 25 g of the crushed plant and placing it in 250 ml of boiling water. Put everything on the fire together for 10 minutes. Let it cool slightly, filter, then cool completely, only then accept. This amount must be consumed per day.

The proposed compositions are taken primarily orally. But if the cycle disorder is caused by an inflammatory gynecological disease, you can douche with a decoction of the plant.

We recommend reading the article about menstrual irregularities. From it you will learn about what is considered a deviation from the norm, the causes of the failure, diseases that contribute to the disorder, as well as treatment methods.

When menstruation is late, sage is taken according to a special regimen. It assumes 3 months of use. The result will not be immediate, but after 2 - 3 weeks. You should start drinking a decoction or infusion from the first half of the cycle, but after waiting for the end of menstruation. And you need to stop taking it before ovulation. The total time of use in each cycle will be no longer than 10 days. This will provide hormonal support to the reproductive system in releasing the follicle and stimulating the development of the endometrium.

If you drink the remedy in the luteal phase of the period, wanting to quickly get rid of the problem, you will notice a delay in menstruation after sage. A similar complication is likely if it is used in the absence of the main indication – estrogen deficiency.

If you need to reduce the amount of discharge, a weak infusion is taken from the 2nd - 3rd day of menstruation, 4 - 5 tbsp. l. in a day. This will bring their volume back to normal, but will not stop the release of the uterus from the old layer of mucous membrane.

The use of sage to stabilize the cycle should not be extended beyond 3 months, despite the good effect. The result will be there later, when the use of the plant is completed. And an overdose is dangerous due to the possibility of intoxication. If nausea and vomiting occur in the first days of taking it, it should be stopped immediately.

Many childless couples want to know how to take sage to conceive a child? After all, for centuries, and quite successfully, people have treated infertility with it. The grass has not lost its popularity even today. Therefore, it is important for men and women to know everything about this herb and how to use it correctly.

Every month, changes occur in a woman’s reproductive organs under the influence of hormonal levels, which are called the menstrual cycle. Normally it lasts 28 days and consists of 2 phases. Hormonal imbalance leads women to infertility. Their causes can be hereditary in nature, or caused by diseases of the reproductive organs. Sometimes other diseases, such as those of the thyroid gland, as well as external factors, also affect hormonal levels.

In such cases, women need treatment, and sometimes they just need to help the body regulate hormonal levels. Sage comes to the rescue for conception as one of the main helpers for many women who want to find the happiness of motherhood.

Is it possible to drink sage during menstruation?

Sage is considered a panacea for a variety of ailments, including hormonal imbalances and menstrual cramps.

The active substances contained in sage help regulate sweating and blood clotting processes. It contains antispasmodic oils and tannins used to relieve cramps or dysmenorrhea and excessive bleeding. Sage helps prevent the formation of blood clots, making it effective in slowing down heavy menstrual bleeding.

For scanty periods, sage will help improve your cycle, eliminate blockages in blood vessels, which often cause a small amount of discharge, and also relieve pain. Along the way, the use of this medicinal plant in its various forms will relieve dizziness, mental irritation, and food cravings during menstruation.

There are several ways to use sage for menstruation.

- Decoction. Boil several (3-5 pieces) sage leaves for 10-15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water.

To make the broth more saturated, let it brew for about 5 minutes. This may make it taste bitter, but a weaker decoction may not provide the desired therapeutic effect. Strain the broth through a metal strainer to remove leaves. The decoction can be consumed in its pure form, adding honey or lemon to it, or diluting it with your favorite juice.

— Sage baths. Boil 10-15 fresh sage leaves in 2 liters of water for 15 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a bathtub with warm water. Just half an hour spent in a sage bath will help the body relax and reduce pain.

- Massage Oil. Cramps and severe pain in the lower abdomen are frequent companions of the menstrual period. Using sage massage oil can relieve your condition.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 10−15 drops of sage essential oil.

Mix ingredients in a glass or ceramic bowl. Dip your fingers in the mixture and massage your lower abdomen several times a day. To relax your muscles after a massage, use a warm compress.

— Tincture of sage. Instead of wasting time on boiling and straining sage leaves, you can buy a ready-made tincture at the pharmacy. Just like the decoction, it is added to tea and used while bathing.

Like any traditional medicine, you should take sage carefully, after consulting with your doctor first. Pregnant and nursing mothers are prohibited from using this medicinal plant!

Sage is known not only for its pleasant aroma when added to tea, but for its many health benefits. It is used for various problems, including gynecology. Sage during menstruation is indicated for stabilizing the cycle, which contributes not only to their clear arrival, but also to the improvement of the reproductive organs.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation, and its duration is 13-14 days with a normal 28-day cycle. Under the influence of estrogens, follicles mature in the ovaries, among them one dominant one stands out, which increases in size to 14 mm. An egg is born in it.

Ovulation begins with the release of luteinizing hormone, the follicle bursts, releasing an egg ready for fertilization, which moves towards the uterus. This period lasts 3 days. Women who want to become pregnant have the opportunity to conceive. Namely, it must be used 3-4 days before ovulation, during it, and 1-2 days after it.

The second luteal phase begins with ovulation and ends with the onset of menstruation. It lasts 12-14 days, or exactly as long as the corpus luteum exists, which remains in place of the cracked follicle. This phase maintains the balance of estrogen and progesterone.

Sage and its uses

Sage is a plant that has many medicinal properties. The main thing is that when taking it, the production of estrogen in the female body increases. She successfully treats female and male infertility.

Its beneficial properties were noted by ancient Greek and Roman physicians. Therefore, Hippocrates called it “sacred herb” because of its wide spectrum of action. Since then, sage has been used in medicine all over the world. Official medicine has only confirmed its healing properties.

Sage leaves are rich in flavonoids, alkaloids, phytoncides, essential oils, tannins and other beneficial substances.

Thanks to this composition, sage acts as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, disinfectant and antifungal agent. Therefore, it is widely used for many diseases, for example, for sore throats, to improve the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and pneumonia. The plant is also used externally in the form of ointments and lotions for burns, psoriasis, purulent wounds, and skin fungus.

For conception, it is recommended to prepare sage in the form of a decoction or infusion. For infertility, traditional medicine offers not only sage leaves, but also seeds. In the summer season, the juice is squeezed out of a fresh plant, salted a little, and stored.

Chemical composition of sage

Sage owes its amazing properties to its composition. Its leaves and fruits contain alkaloids, resins and essential oils, flavonoids, organic acids, several types of vitamins and other substances.

There are a lot of phytohormones in sage, which in their action are most similar to estrogens - hormones of the female reproductive glands. The effect of phytohormones on the body has not yet been fully studied, but presumably they contribute to rejuvenation and increased fertility - the ability to conceive.

Useful properties of sage

The herb helps with painful periods and eliminates PMS. Recommended for women over 35 years old for the purpose of rejuvenation. For this purpose, it is recommended to take a rejuvenating monthly course 3 times a year.

Sage is a natural phytohormone. Its advantage is that it contains large quantities of substances similar to female hormones - estrogens. Taking the decoction orally will increase their level and restore normal hormonal levels. After all, for the reproductive organs to function properly, estrogen must always be normal. Its shortage, as well as its excess, will not bring any benefit, but only harm. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor estrogen levels, that is, to be under constant supervision by a doctor.

Using sage for conception gives a whole range of positive effects on a woman’s body:

  • the follicle becomes large and strong;
  • ovarian function improves;
  • there is a regular female cycle;
  • the pain of menstruation decreases;
  • the endometrium thickens;
  • inflammation is eliminated.

As you can see, many problems are eliminated. In turn, a regular monthly cycle, good ovarian function, a large and strong follicle give hope for conception. In a word, sage, supplementing the female body with natural estrogens, normalizes and improves the ovulation process. If the menstrual cycle is unstable, or the follicle is underdeveloped, it will not occur.

Thanks to the thickened endometrium, implantation of a fertilized egg occurs easier. And in the future there is no threat of miscarriage. Scientific medicine has confirmed the positive effect of the herb on the endometrium.

To ensure good conditions for the fertilized egg, it is necessary to start treatment in advance, even before planning a pregnancy.

Contraindications and precautions for use

There are quite a few contraindications for taking sage for conception. A doctor will help you identify them, so a natural remedy should be used for its intended purpose, and not solve this issue yourself. When not to take sage:

  • allergy to medicinal herbs;
  • increased estrogen levels in women and men;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • prostatitis;
  • kidney disease, accompanied by decreased filtration;
  • polycystic abdominal organs;
  • malignant tumors.

You should also stop taking sage if, during the course of treatment, your health worsens, your mood decreases, or nausea or vomiting occurs. Compatibility with hormonal medications should be checked with a doctor, but most often sage is poorly compatible with them. The same applies to means to increase potency in men.

Women should not take sage in the second phase of the cycle after ovulation - this can lead not to stabilization, but to disruption of the menstrual cycle and a deterioration in the woman’s well-being. It is extremely undesirable for men to combine sage and beer - this leads to excess estrogen and impaired male potency.

Sage is a natural and safe remedy for normalizing the menstrual cycle and stimulating conception when used correctly. It can also be useful for men, increasing their libido and preventing congestion in the genitals.

We bring to your attention a video in which a woman shares her experience of using sage to conceive a child:

Cooking sage

Sage herb, like seeds, can be bought in bags, or in 60 gram packages, or collected yourself. A decoction or infusion is made from this raw material.

The sage decoction is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon (or bag) of herbs.
  2. Fill with one (250 g) tbsp. boiling water
  3. Boil for one minute.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.

Prepare the sage infusion:

  1. Take 1 teaspoon of herb or seeds.
  2. Fill with one (250 g) tbsp. boiling water
  3. We insist for 2 hours. And infuse the seeds until they cool completely.

The decoction, like the infusion, must be stored in the refrigerator. The dosage of the herb can be increased to 1 tbsp. spoons. But for this you need to consult a doctor. Strain before use.

How to prepare a decoction and infusion

Decoction and infusion are the easiest herbal preparations to prepare. To prepare them you need only two ingredients - sage herb and boiling water at the rate of a glass of water per teaspoon of plant material.

Sage can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can collect it yourself and dry it, but this is not as easy as it seems.

To prepare the decoction you need:

  • to boil water;
  • Without removing from heat, add sage herb to boiling water;
  • boil the resulting mixture for about a minute;
  • leave in the same container for half an hour;
  • filter, after which the medicine is ready for use.

To prepare the infusion, do not put the herb in boiling water, but pour boiling water over it, like tea leaves, and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. After this, the medicine must be filtered. The effectiveness of the decoction and infusion is approximately the same. Sometimes it is suggested to increase the dosage of the herb, but this should be done in consultation with your doctor.

Sage regimens

How to drink sage for conception? Before using it, they undergo a gynecological examination, and with the help of ultrasound, the maturation of the egg is determined (by its size).

If the cause of infertility is established, the doctor will prescribe treatment. To normalize hormonal levels, sage will be prescribed, which will normalize hormonal levels. Your gynecologist will tell you whether it is possible to increase its dosage.

The correct way to take sage is:

  • start taking it immediately after the end of menstruation on the 3-4th day;
  • continue until the egg matures completely.

For example, with an ideal monthly cycle of 28 days, the medicine begins to be taken on the 4th day of the cycle and ends after 11-12 days. With a 21-day cycle, these will be days 4 to 10, respectively, with a 36-day cycle – days 4 to 17.

It is not recommended to take it during menstruation due to its hemostatic effect. They also do not take sage during and after ovulation, as it can cause uterine tone and prevent the fertilized egg from implanting into its wall.

External use of sage for douching can only be prescribed by a doctor. If you use it uncontrollably, you can disrupt the vaginal microflora or other problems may arise.

Dosage regimen for women

There are several regimens for taking sage for conception, depending on the type of pathology.

A suitable regimen must be chosen together with your doctor to get maximum results. Infusion and decoction of sage are taken orally, they can also be used for douching.

As a rule, the infusion and decoction are taken 50 ml four times a day, but other regimens are possible if the doctor deems it necessary. You need to take the medicine at regular intervals, preferably at the same hours. Regular use is the basis for effective treatment of hormonal diseases.

Anovulatory cycles

If a woman does not ovulate, but her periods come more or less regularly, the drug is taken from the first day of the cycle (the day of the start of menstruation) until the 11th or 12th day according to the above regimen. The course is repeated for 2 or 3 months, after which a blood test is performed to determine the level of estrogen and the next cycle of taking the herb is not carried out. If there is a positive result, but it is not enough, the course of treatment is repeated.

Irregular periods

If menstruation occurs irregularly, then the drug should be taken on the fifth day of the cycle. Usually at this point your period has ended or is close to ending. On the 11-12th day of the cycle, the intake is stopped. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 cycles, as in the previous case. The course of treatment lasts until menstruation stabilizes or the ineffectiveness of taking sage is determined.

Lack of menstruation

If a woman of reproductive age does not get her period, start taking sage on any convenient day, drink according to the above regimen for 11-12 days, then take a break of 2-3 weeks, then repeat. If menstruation occurs during treatment, the course begins again from the first day of the cycle.


This method is used for the treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the vagina. To do this, take a medicinal decoction or infusion at room temperature into a rubber bulb or syringe, carefully insert the tip into the vagina and inject the medicine in a gentle stream. First you need to wash your genitals.

Sage and hog queen

Sage and hogweed for conception are some of the most useful herbs for treating infertility. The first herb is used before ovulation, the second one begins to be used during the ovulation period. This combination gives a positive result.

The hog uterus is a reservoir of phytohormone (progesterone). It has a positive effect on ovulation, stimulates the female body, and promotes better consolidation of the fertilized egg. Also, this herb is used for many female diseases such as uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, adhesions, erosions and others. It has antitumor, immunostimulating and antispasmodic effects.

Before using this herb, you should consult your doctor to find out the dosage and rules for taking it.

Help for men

Sage is useful not only for women, but also for men. Its effect on the male body is as follows:

  • improved blood circulation in the scrotum and testicles;
  • elimination of stagnation;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • increased libido.

The infusion and decoction are prepared according to the same recipes as for women; it is recommended to take it three times a day at regular intervals. The course of treatment lasts exactly 7 days and must be repeated every month. There is no need to take breaks like women do. Courses of treatment are stopped after normalization of sexual life.

The medicine can be used simultaneously by both partners - this will help increase the effectiveness of infertility treatment. You should not prescribe this course of treatment yourself; you should do it as prescribed by your doctor.

Since sage contains phytoanalogues of estrogen, men should use it only when necessary, and when sex life is normal, do not use sage to maintain libido - it can be harmful.

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Men and sage treatment

Infertility in men can be caused by low testosterone levels. This affects the production of sperm, their activity and the sexuality of a man.

Therefore, to conceive a child, sage is also prescribed to men. Thanks to its therapeutic effect, testosterone production will increase. Testicular function will improve and congestion will be eliminated. The herb will have a positive effect on potency, and libido will increase several times.

And most importantly, this will lead to an increase in the number of active sperm, which will increase the chance of conceiving a child.


Douching with sage is prohibited during menstruation, after childbirth and abortion, as well as during acute inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs. Even if they are fungal or antibacterial in nature.

It is forbidden to take sage internally for more than 3 months in a row, and you cannot increase its dose on your own. Since it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes. For menstruation, pregnancy and kidney inflammation, nephritis and epilepsy, sage is not used.

This herb cannot be used uncontrollably. An overdose may cause allergic reactions. It is necessary to strictly monitor dosage regimens, because it is prohibited to use during pregnancy, as it reduces progesterone levels.

The birth of a baby is a great happiness for a woman. But in today's world there are many women who cannot get pregnant. Sometimes, in order to get pregnant, constant visits to the gynecologist's office are required, which do not always give effective results.

That’s when the couple decide to resort to traditional medicine. They begin to drink various medicinal herbs, which from time immemorial have proven themselves to be very effective remedies.

Scientific research confirms that drinking sage when planning pregnancy is very beneficial. It contains a large amount of plant estrogens.

When is it recommended to use

The process of restoring reproductive function is carried out depending on the diagnostic results and identified pathologies of the genital area. The main goal of therapy is aimed at the maturation of the follicle and the release of the egg towards the sperm.

A specialist develops a plan and diagram on how to drink sage correctly for conception. Strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations increases the likelihood of achieving a positive result.

When taking sage, strictly follow the recommendations of your gynecologist.

With a classic 28-day menstrual cycle, to increase estrogen levels, people start drinking grass from the 4th day of menstruation and end on the 12th day. The duration of treatment is no more than 3 months. Depending on the severity of the pathology, in some cases parallel douching with salvia decoction is prescribed twice a day, morning and evening.

Benefits of sage

Sage decoction has many healing functions:

  • it perfectly relieves inflammatory processes;
  • can stop bleeding;
  • serves as an expectorant and antimicrobial agent;
  • calms the central nervous system.

Such properties are due to the fact that the plant contains essential oils, tannins, phytoncides, alkaloids, vitamins, flavonoids and organic acids.

You can drink sage decoction for colds. It perfectly cleanses the larynx and trachea, normalizes intestinal motility and eliminates functional disorders of the nervous system.

Due to the content of natural estrogens, the decoction is often used to stabilize the hormonal levels of the female body.

A mildly expressed androgenic function of the plant was also noted. An infusion from the plant helps reduce milk production during breastfeeding.

What are the benefits of sage when planning pregnancy:

  • helps stabilize the menstrual cycle;
  • eliminating pain during menstruation;
  • the thickness of the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, becomes greater;
  • the work of the ovaries and the production of follicles are activated;
  • libido increases;
  • A woman's fertilization occurs much faster.

In addition, the plant is also used for vaginal douching to relieve the inflammatory process in it. Sage decoction eliminates harmful bacteria. Essential oil made from sage eliminates cracks in the nipples of a nursing woman.

How does sage work?

Sage herb is used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. This plant has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative effect, and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Such a wide spectrum of action determines an equally wide range of diseases for which it is used.

When used in women, sage exhibits another remarkable property - it increases the production of estrogens - female sex hormones that are responsible for the maturation and growth of the egg, its readiness for conception.

The mechanism of action is based on phytohormones - plant analogues of hormones. Those found in sage are similar in structure to human estrogens.

The impact of sage phytohormones on a woman’s body:

  • increased levels of estrogen in the blood;
  • stabilization of the menstrual cycle;
  • reduction of pain during menstruation;
  • regulation of oocyte maturation;
  • fight against inflammatory processes in the vagina and cervix.

Sage is most effective when there is a lack of estrogen. With their normal amount, the benefits of using this plant are much lower, and with a high level, it will only bring harm. Therefore, even convinced adherents of traditional medicine should consult a doctor before taking natural medicine.

Contraindications to the use of sage

Undoubtedly, any plant used in folk medicine has both its positive and negative sides. This herb is not as safe as it might seem at first glance and you need to take it very carefully, taking into account the condition of your body.

Before starting treatment, you should make sure that there are no contraindications.

The use of sage negatively affects a woman’s health when:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • the presence of a benign tumor - fibroids;
  • inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, endometritis;
  • low levels of the hormone progesterone in the female body;
  • normal development of follicles in the female body, which is proven through ultrasound monitoring;
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • carrying a baby;
  • lactation;
  • acute kidney inflammation;
  • negative reaction of the body to taking sage, due to its individual characteristics.

Before using sage when planning pregnancy, it is imperative to establish the level of hormones in the blood through a special hormonal analysis, so as not to harm your body.

Pay special attention to the content of hormones such as estradiol, progesterone, LH, FSH, testosterone, DHEA-S, TSH.

Hormonal levels and sage intake

A disease such as hypothyroidism will only get worse when taking sage. The healing properties of sage will turn against the female body, whose hormonal levels will be significantly distorted.

During pregnancy, taking sage reduces the amount of progesterone in the body, which can contribute to involuntary abortion.

When the content of the hormone progesterone in the female body is low and follicle growth is normal, the plant can contribute to the formation of cysts.

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