How can oregano help with delayed menstruation?

The healing properties of oregano

The rich chemical composition of oregano is worth taking a closer look at this inconspicuous-looking plant. The inconspicuous fragrant herb contains more than a hundred biologically active substances , including:

  • thymol;
  • linalool;
  • carvacrol;
  • camphene;
  • terpinene;
  • original;
  • sabinene;
  • Caryophyllene.

In folk medicine, motherwort has been used as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, warming, and choleretic agent for hundreds of years. Oregano can be classified as a universal plant, since it has long been used to treat many different ailments:

  1. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract , oregano normalizes its functioning, improves digestion, stimulates the production of enzymes, suppresses fermentation processes and relieves increased gas formation and constipation. Thanks to its choleretic properties, the load on the pancreas is reduced. The plant is a regulator of lipid metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, appetite, and helps control weight.
  2. Oregano is effective for kidney and bladder diseases , as it has a mild diuretic effect. Thanks to thymol in the composition, it removes toxins, helping to relieve the load on the kidneys. Used to treat cystitis and urethritis.
  3. Improves well-being in the initial stages of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Thanks to its ability to reduce lipid and cholesterol levels, it cleans blood vessels, improves blood circulation, eliminates spasms, and returns blood pressure to normal.
  4. The anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties of the plant are not as powerful as those of St. John's wort or thyme, but in complex therapy they give excellent results in the treatment of bronchitis and ARVI.
  5. Oregano is an effective sedative for hysteria, neurosis and nervous excitability. The unique herbaceous-spicy aroma of oregano liberates, eliminates complexes, and increases self-esteem.

Why oregano is useful for women - medicinal properties and contraindications

→ Medicinal herbs → Oregano

Medicinal properties of the herb

Oregano grows everywhere: in glades, in forests. Tea with this plant is very popular. Another name for the herb is motherwort, oregano. It is widely used in folk medicine.

Why oregano is beneficial for women:

  • removes toxins from the body, promotes weight loss;
  • enhances hair growth;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • improves well-being during menopause;
  • relieves pain during menstruation;
  • calms, acts as a sleeping pill.

Its benefits are due to its composition:

  • complex of vitamins;
  • phytohormones;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • phenol;
  • microelements.

Oil is more often used than dried herb. It has bactericidal and antiviral effects. It is used to treat infections, remove parasites and skin fungus.

Important! Oregano oil decomposes in light, so it should be stored in a dark glass bottle away from the sun.

Oregano has antibacterial, diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diaphoretic, and wound-healing properties. Decoctions and infusions are used in medicine.

What diseases does it help with?

The use of the plant as a medicine is possible only with the permission of a doctor. This is especially true for gynecological diseases.

Oregano helps in the treatment of:

  • nervous diseases, stress;
  • respiratory tract diseases (asthma, bronchitis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • skin diseases;
  • inflammation of the gums (including helping to relieve toothache);
  • ARVI.

To treat diseases, not only grass (dried or fresh) is taken, but also oil. It can be prepared at home: grind fresh flowers in an enamel bowl until paste-like. For 1.5 kg of raw materials, take 2 tbsp. l.

salt, transfer to a 3 liter jar, fill to the brim with unrefined vegetable oil, close and place in the sun for 4 weeks. Place in a warm room at night. After 28 days, strain the oil, pour it into a convenient container and can be used.

Use during pregnancy

Can pregnant women eat oregano? Taking it during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that the plant promotes intense contraction of the uterus.

It can cause premature birth or termination of pregnancy. But after the birth of a baby, tea with oregano is very useful, as it calms the nerves and increases lactation.

In addition, the herb has an antibacterial effect, which reduces the risk of infectious diseases for mother and baby.

Important! For maximum effectiveness, drink tea in small sips and warm, not hot.

In gynecology

In gynecology, various recipes are used. Let's look at them in more detail.

For menstrual irregularities

2 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over the chopped herbs and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, strain, drink 1/3 glass three times a day.

Many women suffer from menstrual pain, cycle irregularities, or heavy bleeding. Oregano decoction will help cope with these symptoms.

It is known that during menstrual periods women become too irritable. Oregano will help you calm down and set you in a positive mood.

For female diseases

The following fee will help:

  • 1 tbsp. l. sweet clover;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oregano flowers;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon balm and 4 tbsp. l. white nettle flowers.

Mix the collection thoroughly. 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture and leave overnight. Drink ¾ glass before meals. The collection has a strong diuretic effect, so it is recommended to eat baked potatoes with the skin on an empty stomach in the morning.

Important! During menstruation, the infusion should not be consumed.

To improve reproductive function

If a woman cannot get pregnant, it is recommended to use a collection of oregano and knotweed. They are mixed in equal parts. 2 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture and leave overnight. Treatment regimen: drink for 21 days, break for 10 days. When menstruation ends, after 5 days start drinking again and for three days in the evenings place jars (7 pieces) on the lower abdomen.

The procedure lasts 15–20 minutes. Contraindications are gynecological diseases, tumors, precancerous pathologies. Without consulting a doctor, placing cups on any area of ​​the body (especially the stomach) is strictly prohibited.

For mastopathy

If lumps appear in the chest, you need to chew the leaves of the motherwort, moistening them generously with saliva. Then chew the same amount of rye bread. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the chest at night.

During such treatment, it is necessary to take Apilak (bee milk) 1 tablet before meals. Before using folk remedies, you need to undergo an examination and rule out a malignant formation in the mammary gland.

For inflammation

Baths with oregano will also help for women's health. You should take a warm bath and cover the lower part of your body with grass. Take baths 1-2 times a day for 15 minutes.

Douching solution

In gynecology, the motherboard is used for douching. Colpitis and vaginal itching are treated with such procedures. For this, 2 tsp. The infusion should be poured into 200 ml of clean warm water and douched.

In cosmetology

The benefits of motherboard are also known in cosmetology. So, the decoction is used to rinse hair. After this procedure, they become shiny and grow faster. Oregano tincture helps get rid of boils and purulent acne. It is used as lotions. The infusion is very beneficial for the skin. 2 tbsp. l. The herbs should be poured with a glass of hot water and left for half an hour.

Important! It is better not to use boiling water when preparing the infusion, as it destroys the medicinal properties of the plant.

Effect on facial skin:

  • strengthens capillaries;
  • renews skin cells, rejuvenates;
  • relieves irritation;
  • tightens pores.

Moisten a cotton pad with the infusion and wipe your face. You can wash your face with it morning and evening or freeze it and wipe your face with ice cubes. This helps maintain youthful skin.

Important! The infusion is stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Action on hair:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • restores hair structure;
  • fights excess fat;
  • treats dandruff.

You should stir the infusion with water and rinse your hair. There is no need to wash it off.

The use of oregano in gynecology

The use of oregano is of particular importance in the treatment of female diseases, since this medicinal plant contains phytoestrogens - substances that can compensate for the lack of sex hormones.

The healing herb is used to treat the following pathologies:

  • amenorrhea or delayed menstruation;
  • lack of breast milk or delayed development of the mammary glands in girls during puberty;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system (cervicitis, colpitis).

Mother's decoction has been used by representatives of the fair sex for hundreds of years to normalize the menstrual cycle when it is delayed and eliminate PMS symptoms such as tearfulness, nervousness, and pain. In addition, the use of oregano reduces the duration of critical days .

It is important to note the ability of oregano to normalize the psycho-emotional state of a woman during PMS.

Its warming properties stimulate contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, thereby improving blood circulation in the pelvis. The medicinal plant helps to smooth out the menstrual cycle and reduce the volume of discharge. A strong infusion of mother tea can cause the onset of menstruation in the shortest possible time.

Famous folk remedy - oregano for menstruation

Many women experience various menstrual irregularities. In addition to medications, folk remedies are widely used to solve such problems, including oregano for menstruation.

Failure of the reproductive system in patients can occur due to various reasons, so the selection of treatment must be strictly individual. It is not always recommended to use this medicinal plant to restore the cycle, especially since oregano has quite a lot of contraindications.

Features and medicinal effect of the plant

The perennial herb grows in many countries around the world, and some national pharmacological committees finance its crops. Such interest in this plant is due to its composition and medicinal properties.

In addition, the medicinal effect of drinks prepared with oregano is possible due to the presence of flavonoids, phytoncides, large amounts of microelements and vitamins C and B. Such a medicinal cocktail distinguishes this perennial herb from most plants used in folk medicine.

Many patients believe that oregano herb is mainly used for menstruation. However, the spectrum of action of the healing plant is quite wide. Experts use herbal decoctions for the following pathologies:

  • Thanks to its composition, the healing perennial herb stabilizes a woman’s immune system, enhancing metabolism and promoting the elimination of waste products.
  • Excellent results have been obtained by including oregano infusions in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The herb relieves inflammation in gastritis, enterocolitis, and diseases of the esophagus. A positive effect of medicinal drinking on high acidity in patients has been noted.
  • Quite often, this plant is used to treat neuroses and other diseases of the central nervous system. This became possible due to the presence of soothing components in the medicinal herb.
  • Oregano is also used for various colds, as it has pronounced expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.

This is not a complete list of diseases of the fair sex for which the natural remedy in question is prescribed. However, the perennial herb has received increased demand due to its healing effect for problems with the internal genital organs of women.

Women successfully use folk remedies based on this plant to stabilize the menstrual cycle. But oregano has proven itself best for delayed periods.

We recommend reading the article about how many days a period can be late. From it you will learn about the reasons for a long delay, the resumption of the cycle after childbirth, and the consequences of delayed menstruation.

Oregano herb in gynecology: pros and cons

Doctors at the antenatal clinic have several simple rules that indicate a normal menstrual cycle in a patient:

  • Menstruation should be regular and last a certain number of days in a healthy woman. Typically, experts believe that critical days normally last from 3 to 7 days.
  • Menstruation should not cause severe pain, and a woman’s overall performance should not drop sharply. Mild pain in the lower abdomen is possible in the first 1 - 2 days of the process.
  • Blood loss should not exceed 200 - 250 milliliters. At the same time, blood counts, as a rule, remain normal due to the compensatory forces of the female body.
  • A clear cyclicity of both phases of the menstrual cycle is considered important. If a woman’s entire period takes 28 days, then it should remain that way throughout her life.

Use of the plant for problems with menstruation

Due to its composition, the herb affects the muscles of the uterus, causing its contractions and stimulating the excretion of blood and mucus. Nettle also has similar properties, but experts abandoned this plant because it affects the blood coagulation system.

The effect of oregano is milder; it does not interfere with the biochemistry of the female body. No serious impact of the plant in question on the hormonal levels of patients during menstruation was revealed.

In addition to stimulating menstruation, medicinal drinks from this perennial herb are successfully used to relieve pain during menstrual periods. Under the influence of oregano, periods become longer, but not as abundant, which has a beneficial effect on the woman’s well-being.

Progesterone is known to reduce endorphins during uterine bleeding. This process significantly affects the woman’s nervous state. Thanks to decoctions based on medicinal herbs, it is possible to stabilize the functioning of the central nervous system in patients. The beneficial substances contained in the medicinal plant are flavonoids, they can calm and relax the patient during this difficult period for her.

For example, oregano for scanty periods is included in most medicinal complexes used by both official medicine and traditional healers. The plant helps restore the clarity of the menstrual cycle, unless of course this problem is related to hormonal pathology.

Watch the video about delayed menstruation:

For whom is oregano prohibited?

Gynecologists warn their patients that self-medication for various problems of the menstrual cycle can cause serious disruption in the functioning of the entire reproductive system of a woman. And independent use of medicinal drinks from this herb is also contraindicated.

In folk medicine, the fact that oregano causes menstruation is widely used. Often women use these properties of the plant to shift the start of their menstrual periods for various reasons.

This is a rather dangerous activity, since under the influence of the medicinal plant in question, menstruation will not only begin earlier, but will also be much more abundant and longer. Such a condition can pose a direct threat to the life and health of the patient.

The use of oregano herb for the treatment of various extragenital pathologies during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. The probability of termination of pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage in such cases is more than 70%.

However, doctors warn women that using decoctions and infusions based on this medicinal herb to try to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy can lead to severe uterine bleeding and the development of shock in a woman.

Several folk recipes for menstrual irregularities

Having figured out whether oregano causes menstruation, I also want to know the recipes for its preparation. If a patient has problems with delaying the onset of her period, she can be recommended the following option for preparing a medicinal drug:

  • An infusion based on medicinal herbs is widely used. In this case, 100 grams of dry plant are poured into 2 bottles of vodka and infused in a dark, cool place for 14 days. It is recommended to shake the contents of the bottle periodically. After the end of the preparation period, the resulting mixture is filtered and taken in equal parts 3-4 times 20 minutes before meals.

For menstrual irregularities, traditional medicine advises women to use a healing herbal decoction:

  • Oregano, lemon balm, calendula and celery are mixed in equal proportions. 100 grams of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water in a volume of up to 1 liter and infused for 1 hour. A thermos is best suited for this purpose. The resulting drink is consumed up to 5 times a day, 100 grams per dose.

The following folk medicinal decoction, created on the basis of several components, has a similar effect on the female body:

  • 150 grams of dry oregano and tansy herbs are mixed with 50 grams of dry wormwood and 100 grams of crushed quinoa. All this is poured into 1.5 liters of boiling water, simmered over low heat for 20 minutes and cooled to room temperature. The resulting decoction perfectly helps with menstrual irregularities in patients, if you drink it 150 grams 4 times a day. It is recommended to start treatment 4 - 5 days before the expected start of the critical days.

Since it is clear how oregano works during menstruation, how to brew it correctly is also an important question. Recommendations for preparing decoctions can be obtained by reviewing the recipe for a drink to relieve pain during menstruation:

  • If you have such problems, it is suggested to take 50 grams of dry grass and pour 500 grams of boiling water. The procedure is best carried out in a thermos. The drink is infused for 40 minutes, after which it is taken in equal proportions several times a day, but preferably before meals.

We recommend reading the article about menstruation with hyperplasia. From it you will learn about the effect of the disease on the cycle and menstruation, the reasons for delay, heavy and scanty discharge.

Traditional medicine offers patients a large selection of oregano-based recipes to normalize the menstrual cycle. However, any experiments with health can end disastrously.

Before starting to take any medicine, manufactured or folk, that affects the strength and timing of menstruation, you should definitely consult your doctor. Amateur intervention in a woman’s reproductive function is fraught with serious complications.



Oregano is strictly not recommended for use at any stage of pregnancy. The plant causes involuntary contractile movements of the uterus, which in the vast majority of cases cause miscarriage. The abortifacient effect of using this herb is extremely strong, so women planning to conceive a child should refrain from taking it. However, these warnings apply to the use of concentrated decoction or infusion. A pinch of dried oregano herb as part of a meat dish is not dangerous for the unborn child.

Before starting to use oregano, you should consult a doctor - gynecologist or herbalist. Herbal medicine is a complete method of treatment, which has its own nuances. Do not think that the use of medicinal herbs is harmless to the body. Before taking oregano, you should check your hormone levels and determine the exact cause of delayed menstruation. Otherwise, you can cause a serious hormonal disorder and worsen the problem.

The use of oregano to restore the menstrual cycle

There are several folk recipes for using motherboards for the problem of irregular periods.

  1. Half a glass of strong oregano decoction (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water) in its pure form is taken half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. It is used for delayed periods and to relieve unpleasant symptoms of PMS.
  2. A mixture of oregano, calendula and wormwood in equal proportions is brewed with boiling water and taken to normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve pain in the lower abdomen. It is recommended to use a small amount of wormwood, as it has a specific bitter taste. A bonus from using this herbal collection is its antiparasitic effect.
  3. A strong decoction of motherwort with mint and lemon balm has pronounced sedative properties and is used to reduce anxiety and combat insomnia.
  4. The following collection helps not only with a delay in menstruation, but also with a general loss of strength. To prepare, you will need to take oregano and St. John's wort in equal proportions or 1:2. The last component is rightfully considered a remedy for any disease, has a general strengthening property and increases the body's defenses. When dysfunction of the ovaries is accompanied by a general weakening of the immune system, in the absence of contraindications, oregano with St. John's wort can be taken for a long time instead of regular tea.

How to drink oregano to induce menstruation if you are late

Quite often, women experience delays in their menstrual cycle. In the arsenals of traditional medicine there are methods that help induce menstruation. The effectiveness of these methods depends more on the individual characteristics of the body of a particular woman. In addition, they can sometimes pose a health hazard.

In particular, nettle is sometimes used to induce menstruation, but its use can cause blood thickening, and therefore cannot be used for a long time.

Oregano also helps to resume menstruation. At the pharmacy you can buy bags of this herb and prepare a strong infusion from this medicinal raw material. And now in more detail about the use of oregano for delayed periods.

Oregano is well known in folk medicine in many countries, as it grows throughout Europe, Russia and the Mediterranean, and is even cultivated in the USA. This is a very popular medicinal plant. Oregano contains up to 28% essential oil, which includes carvacrol, garanyl acetate, and free alcohols.

For the production of medicinal preparations, leafy tops of grass with flowers collected at the beginning of flowering are used. Oregano is a perennial herbaceous plant with straight stems, pointed leaves covered with delicate hairs on the underside, and small purple-pink flowers collected in a spreading panicle. The fruits are dry, four-nutty. Blooms in July-September.

Judging by the records of Aristotle, Columella, and Pliny the Elder, oregano has been known since ancient times.

Folk recipes, the use of which helps not only to induce menstruation, but also to stabilize their cycle, contain oregano.

For example, take a tablespoon of this herb and pour half a liter of boiling water. Wrap the container, leave the herb for forty minutes, strain. Take a glass three times a day.

Another recipe requires ten grams of dry oregano herb, poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, filter and consume two tablespoons four times a day.

Oregano contraindications for delayed menstruation

A serious contraindication for the use of oregano is pregnancy. Of course, not every delay means that you are pregnant, in that case I would have given birth 20 times already, but the risks are still high.

Taking oregano during pregnancy can cause miscarriage. Perhaps it is these properties of oregano that underlie its use as a means to induce menstruation.

And pregnant women should not be treated with oregano, as it has an abortifacient effect!

But even if your period is late, oregano can be dangerous. With its use, bleeding can significantly increase with subsequent complications. Weigh everything well before using oregano preparations.

Before starting period juggling games, you should consult your doctor.

If there is no pregnancy, then the delayed condition may indicate ovarian dysfunction, adnexitis, infectious or endocrine diseases, and other health difficulties.

Stress, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency can affect the delay of menstruation. Self-activity here is rather harmful. It is definitely better to contact your gynecologist with questions.

But still, here are folk remedies using oregano, used for menstrual irregularities, in particular for scanty or disappearing menstruation:

Oregano, tansy, three tablespoons each, a tablespoon of wormwood, four tablespoons each of lovage and quinoa. Any component can be replaced with horsetail. Take three tablespoons of the mixture per liter of boiling water. Take half a glass six times a day.

For the same purposes, use a mixture: two tablespoons of oregano and red clover, a tablespoon of calendula, three tablespoons of celery, calamus, and lemon balm. Three tablespoons of the mixture are needed per liter of boiling water. Drink half a glass six times a day.

Pour the oregano herb with alcohol or vodka (1:10). Let sit in a warm place for a week or a week and a half, shake from time to time. Filter. Take thirty drops three times a day in the absence of menstruation, rare and/or scanty menstruation.

The following composition will reduce pain during menstruation:

Place two tablespoons of oregano poured into two glasses of boiling water in a thermos. Use three times half an hour before meals. The alcohol tincture is prepared in the proportion of 10 grams of herb per 150 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol. Keep for ten days in a dark place at room temperature. Take forty drops three times a day.

Oregano has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. It should also be used during menopause to calm the nervous system, insomnia...

Delayed menstruation is a fairly common problem with many causes. It can be eliminated not only with medications, but also with folk remedies. So, oregano during menstruation helps to normalize the cycle. However, it should be understood that we are talking about hormonal imbalance, so before using any folk remedy you should consult a specialist.

General description and medicinal properties

Oregano is a perennial herb that is widely used in folk medicine. The medicinal effect is explained by the presence of a large amount of phytoncides, flavonoids, vitamins and microelements.

The composition also contains substances that are beneficial for the female body, so this herb is often used to solve problems associated with delayed menstruation.

Folk remedies based on oregano are used for:

  • improving women's immunity;
  • activation of metabolism;
  • treatment of gastrointestinal problems;
  • therapy of neuroses and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • eliminating problems with the internal genital organs.

Before using oregano for gynecological purposes, you should pay attention to the fact that there are a number of contraindications. The main contraindication is pregnancy, since decoctions based on this herb can cause miscarriage.

Using oregano when delayed can be dangerous, as there is a risk of heavy bleeding. Therefore, before using a folk remedy to solve a gynecological problem, you should consult a specialist. Initially, you need to establish the reason for the delay of critical days.

It may indicate not only pregnancy, but also the presence of diseases such as adnexitis, endocrine pathologies or ovarian dysfunction. The reason for the absence of menstruation may be frequent stress and lack of vitamins in the body.

Self-medication can lead to serious hormonal dysfunction.

Features of the use of oregano

The medicinal herb affects the muscles of the uterus, thereby activating its contractions, as well as stimulating blood discharge. Nettle also has such properties, but oregano has a milder effect, without disturbing the biochemistry of the female body.

Drinks based on this herb are used not only to activate menstruation, but also to relieve pain during menstruation.

When using the decoction, periods become not only longer in duration, but also less painful.

Due to the fact that the composition contains progesterone, which reduces the amount of endorphins during menstrual periods, a woman’s nervous state becomes more stable.

Medicinal moods can also be used to treat chronic diseases in the female genital organs. Oregano is included in many medicines that are taken for scanty menstrual flow. The plant also helps to normalize the cycle, of course, if its failure was not caused by a hormonal imbalance.

Effective folk recipes

Most often, women prefer oregano tea. To prepare it you need to take 2-3 pinches of dried herb and brew it like a simple tea. You can drink 2-3 cups of this drink per day. You can add milk or sugar to it. This tea is recommended for women during early menopause. The drink will help prolong the activity of the ovaries.


Reviews from women

I used motherboard before the birth of children due to frequent delays in menstruation. It always helped, but the timing of the onset of menstruation varied – from 1 day to 9 days. I drank a decoction of dry herbs from a pharmacy and poured boiling water over it overnight. While taking it, my stomach felt less tight and my mood improved. When they started planning a child, I stopped using it because I knew about its ability to provoke a miscarriage. And after giving birth, everything improved on its own. I recommend this method.

Olga, 34 years old

I have suffered from irregular periods since I was a teenager. There were delays lasting a month. I was very worried about this. Doctors reassured me that the problem would go away over time. After I turned 20, they began to prescribe hormonal contraceptives, but I was afraid to use them. A friend advised me to take mother grass. I bought it at the pharmacy and started brewing it in the morning instead of tea. After three months of taking it, my cycle improved! True, in my case it is extended - 32 days, but I am still happy with the result. Natural remedies are better than hormonal pills.

Irina, 22 years old

I drink a strong decoction of oregano with mint to relieve PMS symptoms. Previously, my stomach began to pull five days before the arrival of my critical days, there were constant mood swings, I would lash out at my husband and even my colleagues. Any trifle could bring me to tears. Sedatives did not help. Taking a medicinal plant saved me from this horror.

Kira, 27 years old

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