Why have I not had my period for 2 months, but the pregnancy test is negative, what to do if there is a long delay?

Almost every representative of the fair sex has experienced a delay in menstruation at least once in her life. Usually, the absence of regular menstruation is associated with the conception of a child. However, when a pharmacy pregnancy test shows a negative result, the woman begins to worry about her own health.

Particular concern is a delay in menstruation for a month or longer. Why no menstruation, but a negative pregnancy test?

Possible reasons for long delay

Many factors can influence menstrual irregularities, so you need to contact a gynecologist and find out who, based on the reasons, will determine how to restore normal functioning of the genital organs. Most often, menstrual cycle imbalance occurs for the following reasons:

  • Disturbances in the normal functioning of the cervix, ovaries and diseases of the female organs (oncology, cysts, endometriosis and fibroids).
  • Metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances or improper physical development (mainly in adolescence).
  • Frequent stress and increased physical activity that affect the female body.
  • Abortion or pregnancy.

Symptoms indicating pregnancy

Ultrasound examination will help to most accurately establish pregnancy in the early stages. An ultrasound machine can determine the exact location of the fertilized egg, its size and possible developmental problems. However, various symptoms also indicate the presence of pregnancy:

  • Nausea. The most severe discomfort occurs in the morning and after meals. This phenomenon is caused by processes associated with the growth of new life inside the uterus.
  • Dizziness. Occurs with sudden movements or emotional stress. However, many women do not feel this symptom.
  • Drowsiness and weakness. Some expectant mothers have difficulty getting out of bed and can sleep up to 12 hours a day, but still not get enough sleep, since immune defense decreases in the first trimester of pregnancy. The immune response is aimed at preventing the mother’s body from rejecting the fetus.

  • Scanty spotting a week after the date of expected conception. A small amount of blood is released when the embryo attaches to the uterus.
  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.
  • Increased sense of smell. The reaction to rich odors is a consequence of changes in brain function and hormonal changes.
  • Change of taste preferences.
  • Emotional instability.

What to do if the delay is 2 months and the test is negative?

If there have been no periods for more than two months, and the pregnancy test is negative, then this is due to the fact that serious changes or hormonal dysfunctions are occurring in the woman’s body.

In a woman, this may be due to frequent abortions or miscarriages that disrupt the cervix and its normal functioning. If you have a cold in the ovaries and other genital organs, menstruation may disappear for 2 months, or even more, it depends on the characteristics of the body and age.

If a girl’s periods have just begun and have not become constant, then the delay may be due to the fact that the genital organs are being rebuilt along with an active hormonal process, on which full physical development depends. There are many reasons for dysfunction, but mainly the following are considered pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the ovaries, cysts and other disorders.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland and uterus.
  • Hypothalamus, pituitary gland and other ailments.
  • Kidney disease, as a result of which blood discharge does not occur.

If there is no pregnancy, but menstruation does not begin within 2 months, then the reasons for this may be diseases of the system or temporary changes in organs, which may not always be dangerous.

Most often, such changes are successful, and lunar days become permanent, although initially they may be accompanied by pain, nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant sensations. In other cases, such disorders can pose a threat and, over time, disrupt the sexual functions of women, this is due to the fact that the diseases progress and cause pathological dangerous disorders.

Therefore, it is not recommended to immediately panic or take up treatment on your own, because if you do this without consulting a gynecologist, you can aggravate the process and ensure the progression of the disease.

Menstrual cycle - what is it?

Menstruation is a continuous process in the female body. When they occur, hormonal changes occur. Thanks to this, the reproductive function of the female body is ensured.

The onset of the first menstruation in girls occurs when they reach the age of 10-15 years. When your period does not arrive within the specified period, you need to visit a doctor who will help eliminate the possibility of developing pathology.

The onset and course of menstruation is controlled by the hypothalamic-pituitary complex of the brain. These areas are responsible for the synthesis of important hormones that affect the ovaries and other female organs.

They promote the maturation of follicles, from which eggs ready for fertilization emerge. If pregnancy does not occur, certain types of processes begin to develop in the female body, which leads to menstrual bleeding.

The duration of menstruation is always counted from the first day of the start of menstruation. Usually it lasts from 21 to 35 days. In some cases, delays occur, which are characterized by delays in the onset of critical days by no more than five days. This is quite normal.

Every second woman has encountered similar cases, which can occur in healthy women 1 or 2 times a year.

If you have irregular periods or longer delays, you should be tested to determine the reasons why this is happening. We must not forget that for teenagers, when menstruation has just begun, this is not a problem.

It will take 1-2 years to establish a cycle. Irregular menstruation during this period is not a pathology.

What other factors affect the delay?

An inconsistent menstrual cycle can be influenced by other factors, which in their own way pose dangers and disorders of the reproductive system of girls and women. Such factors may include:

  • Poor nutrition and unstable diet, which caused anorexia and metabolic disorders. If you eat fatty, spicy and sweet foods for a long time, your periods may be accompanied by pain or disappear altogether as a result of improper metabolism.
  • Frequent stress, psychological disorders and hysterics, as a result of which nervousness increases, and hormonal disruptions can occur that negatively affect the woman’s reproductive system.
  • Intense physical overload and a sedentary lifestyle, which can disrupt metabolism and carbohydrate-salt balance.
  • Frequent use of antibiotics and other medications that can interfere with the functioning of the kidneys, blood circulation and ovaries (especially if the drugs are not prescribed by a doctor or there are contraindications and allergic reactions).
  • The diseases are caused by an infection that could be acquired sexually (as a result of sexual intercourse or the use of bathing procedures during menstruation).
  • Adverse weather conditions, psychological state and climate, as a result of which the body may react incorrectly or take a long time to adapt.


The timing for which you can get a “+” is incredibly worrying for women. Especially those who are actively planning a pregnancy. To correctly determine the period, let's first decide from what period we need to count the days. Many people think that they can count from the day after conception. And this would be an ideal option if humanity learned to determine the exact day of a person’s conception.

The thing is that sperm can live in the genital tract for up to 3-4 days without losing the ability to fertilize, and sexual intercourse for this amount of time before ovulation, during ovulation and within 24 hours after it can equally be decisive. That is, the day of sexual intercourse and the day of conception are sometimes very different days.

Therefore, it is customary to consider the period of the second half of the cycle from ovulation. For women, it usually occurs on a day that can be easily calculated by subtracting 14 days from the duration of the cycle. Of course, the result will be a very approximate date, and real ovulation can occur either earlier or later, but in any case the error will be small.

The days in which planners measure the waiting time are abbreviated as DPO (days after ovulation). And if we count them, we can decide when to start doing home testing.

  • 1-3 DPO - the embryo moves along the oviduct, it has not yet reached the uterus. If at this stage anything interferes with its progress, an ectopic pregnancy may occur. The level of hCG in the body of pregnant and non-pregnant women, and even in men at this time, is absolutely the same - it does not exceed the average minimum standard values ​​(from 0 to 5 mIU/ml).
  • 4-5 DPO - the embryo is in the uterine cavity. It hasn't attached yet. Under the influence of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum (temporary, let us remember, the gland), the endometrial layer grows and enlarges so that the task of implantation for a new life is facilitated.
  • 6-9 DPO - implantation is possible at any time during this period. It lasts 40 hours and includes two stages: adhesion (sticking of the fertilized egg to the inner wall of the uterus) and invasion (immersion into the endometrial layer). At the end of 40 hours from the beginning of adhesion, the chorionic villi produce the first, still insignificant portion of chorionic gonadotropic hormone.
  • Days 10-13 DPO - the first rise in hCG levels. Around this time (24, 25, 26 days of the cycle or just DC) you can do a blood test. With 25 DC you can do ultra-sensitive tests (5-10 sensitivity units), and with 27 DC you can do tests with high sensitivity (15-20 units).
  • At 14-15 DPO, you can use tests with the usual average sensitivity.

On the 21st day of the cycle, it is also too early to do tests, because it is during this period that implantation is expected to take place, and the level of human chorionic gonadotropin will be low, even if conception was quite successful.

Before menstruation, sensitive test systems can show 2 stripes, but there is a much higher chance of getting weakly positive results or even negative ones, especially if ovulation is delayed by several days, and conception and implantation occurred later than expected.

Take this into account if during the current cycle you were nervous, flew on an airplane, changed time and climate zones, if no later than 2-3 months ago you stopped taking oral contraceptives, which you previously used for protection. All this can affect the timing of ovulation, and it can be either early or late (late is a more common variant of ovulatory phase disorder).

Considering that in different cases the amount of human chorionic gonadotropic hormone can differ dramatically from existing tables, norms and general ideas about the rate of its growth, manufacturers of test systems recommend doing tests no earlier than from the first day of missed menstruation or 2 days after the delay. By this time, hormone levels are usually elevated in all pregnant women.

Manufacturers do not provide any guarantees of accuracy for test results prior to the delay. It is believed that 5 days before menstruation (on the 23rd day of the cycle with a 28-day cycle), the accuracy does not exceed 50%. But with each subsequent day it grows, and already 3 days before the expected menstruation (on the 25th day of the cycle) it exceeds 85%, and the day before the delay begins it approaches 90%.

Summarizing all of the above, you should remember that the first home tests can be done at the earliest from 11-12 DPO, and blood can be tested in the laboratory at 10 DPO.

What is the danger of a delay and is it necessary to see a doctor?

Irregular lunar days and delay can be dangerous and will negatively affect the health of a woman’s reproductive system, so contacting a gynecologist and undergoing an examination is a mandatory procedure. If the second month is delayed and the reason is not really known, this may result in:

  • The development and progression of diseases (cysts, oncology, fibroids and pituitary gland), which can disrupt the functioning of the genital organs and the body as a whole.
  • Intense pain and other unpleasant symptoms that arise as a result of the development of diseases and dysfunctions of the genital organs.
  • Disruption of the uterus and ovaries, resulting in infertility and other pathologies.
  • Hormonal disruptions and improper functioning of the genital organs, as a result of which metabolism is disrupted and defective physical maturation occurs (especially in adolescence).

There can be a lot of negative consequences, so contacting a gynecologist, getting a consultation and undergoing an examination will be a mandatory procedure, during which preventive measures and further treatment can be prescribed.

Positive test and some white discharge as a sign of pregnancy

Unpleasant, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen can signal conception even before the onset of menstruation. Ovulation occurs approximately from the second decade of the cycle and is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of minor discharge and an increase in temperature. It will take 1 to 2 weeks for the egg to move through the fallopian tubes from the moment of fertilization.

The egg reaching the uterus and attaching to its wall causes these sensations 2-4 days before the expected period. During implantation, it takes root and slightly damages the epithelium, which may cause bleeding. In essence, a foreign body is implanted into the uterus, from which it, by contracting, tries to get rid of it, which causes pain.

These sensations are often mistaken for premenstrual syndrome

Painful sensations only cause suspicion. Additional confirmation will be the absence of menstruation and the appearance of 2 stripes during testing. If the pain does not stop, perhaps the uterus continues to fight with the egg, sometimes ending in miscarriage. This is another reason not to put off visiting a doctor, especially if the cramping pain radiates to the lower back and is accompanied by bleeding.

Monitor the regularity of your cycle, pay attention to the appearance of pain. Timely diagnosis and competent intervention will help maintain health and give birth to a strong baby.

The egg reaching the uterus and attaching to its wall causes these sensations 2-4 days before the expected period. During implantation, it takes root and slightly damages the epithelium, which may cause bleeding. In essence, a foreign body is implanted into the uterus, from which it, by contracting, tries to get rid of it, which causes pain.

What to do if there is a delay of 2 months or more?

A delay can occur for various reasons and factors, so, first of all, you need to find out what this is connected with and what to do in such a situation. Based on these reasons, gynecologists prescribe treatment and prevention, which will be individual for each woman. Therefore, first of all it is necessary:

  1. Visit a gynecologist, consult with him and undergo an examination that will help you understand the true cause of the delay.
  2. Stop using medications and antibiotics that negatively affect the genitals and hormonal development in general (especially without the prescription of specialists).
  3. Give up bad habits, alcohol, smoking and drugs that inhibit the normal functioning of a woman’s reproductive system and the body as a whole.
  4. Follow all the instructions of the gynecologist and methods of prevention that are prescribed for the purpose of a speedy recovery and normalization of the functioning of the reproductive system of women and girls.

This determines how much diseases of various types will progress and how quickly the functioning of the reproductive system will normalize.


Preventive measures and treatment

Preventive measures and treatment for imbalance of lunar days are available; for this you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe individual methods for restoring the functioning of the reproductive system for each person. The list of preventive measures and treatment includes:

  • Use of special medications and antibiotics (if prescribed by a gynecologist).
  • Quitting alcohol, smoking and drugs (especially if there are diseases of the genital organs, uterus, ovaries, etc.).
  • Restoring a proper diet and following the diet prescribed by a specialist (mainly eat healthy foods, fruits, vegetables and herbal teas).
  • Surgery or operation to remove tumors, cysts and other inflammatory processes that have formed on the cervix and ovaries.

Diagnostic methods

When the delay is 10 days, the tests are negative and there are no obvious symptoms, the following measures should be taken:

  • carry out several repeated tests after a few days;
  • take a laboratory test for hCG - human chorionic gonadotropin;
  • undergo an appropriate gynecological examination.

In any case, if there was a delay of ten days, and then your period began, this is sufficient reason to consult a doctor

It is important to know that hCG levels are affected not only by conception, but also by various diseases, for example, tumors of the genital organs, kidneys

Before taking the test to determine the level of hCG, it is necessary to stop taking any medications for several days, since they can distort the reliability of the result. It is advisable to carry out the analysis on the seventh day of the delay, since the results from the first days will not be accurate, and the procedure will have to be repeated after a week.

Another reason for not getting your period on time is ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the test result will be negative. Only a gynecologist after an ultrasound examination can confirm or deny an abnormal pregnancy. With symptoms such as intense back pain radiating to the leg, spasms in the appendages, nausea, malaise, fever and pressure changes, medical attention is required immediately.

Is it necessary to follow the treatment?

Treatment and prevention in this case are necessary, especially if the cycle is disrupted due to any disease. Experts prescribe individual treatment for each person, so you need to contact a gynecologist and follow all his recommendations.

If menstruation is not restored, there is a risk that the female reproductive organs may continue to be disrupted, provoking the development of serious complications and diseases.

It is worth considering that cycle disorders can develop into serious chronic diseases and ailments, which will result in frequent hormonal disruptions. Therefore, the sooner you contact a gynecologist, the sooner preventive measures will be prescribed.

Anatomical disorders

Cycle failure and prolonged absence of menstruation can be caused by various anatomical disorders in the body.

Sheehan syndrome

If, after resolution of pregnancy, scanty, irregular and painful menstruation is observed every month, then the development of Sheehan syndrome can be suspected. The disorder occurs due to the death of pituitary cells. This process is provoked by severe blood loss during childbirth.

In this condition, women do not have periods for 2 months, after which minor discharge appears. If no therapeutic measures are taken, serious complications may result.

Empty sella syndrome

The sella turcica is a depression filled with the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the activity of the endocrine glands. During various pathological processes, cerebrospinal fluid enters a peculiar hole, and the pituitary gland is compressed. Against this background, menstruation does not occur for 3 months and may stop completely.

With the development of empty sella syndrome, even in cases where there were no health problems before, the following symptoms are observed:

  • headache;
  • reproductive dysfunction;
  • blurred vision;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increase in body weight.


This condition is characterized by an increase in prolactin levels in the blood. As a result, women do not have periods for 3 months and experience the following symptoms:

  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • male pattern hair growth;
  • production of colostrum or milk;
  • acne;
  • increase in body weight.
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