Psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus. Why is a polyp in the uterus dangerous?

Physical health is very closely interconnected with mental organization. Various experiences can directly influence the development of a particular condition and even become its cause. The psychosomatics of polyps in the uterus is evidence of this. A woman's physiology is in constant contact with her emotional state. And dissatisfaction with oneself, one’s appearance, character traits, and achievements can provoke the development of real pathologies. Therefore, in order to prevent or cure a disease, it is important to assess its psycho-emotional component.

Endometrial polyp psychosomatics

Some pathologies appear due to psychological problems.
This is especially true for women, since girls are more sensitive natures. They take a lot to heart and withdraw into themselves. It is the inability to let your emotions out that most often causes the development of psychosomatic diseases. This is a fairly common occurrence. A striking example is a polyp in the uterus.

We will consider the psychosomatics of this pathology later in the article.

What is psychosomatics?

What is hidden under this concept? Psychosomatics is a science that combines medicine and psychology. She studies the influence of psychological factors on human health.

Research has been ongoing for several years, and scientists have concluded that many diseases develop against the background of a disorder of the nervous system.

Women are more sensual beings, which is why they are more likely to develop psychosomatic illnesses.

Psychosomatics of gynecological problems

The female body is very vulnerable and reacts acutely to various stresses and troubles. As a result, his sexual functions are primarily affected. Gynecological problems are often associated with a psychological factor. When diagnosing a disease, a woman first of all looks for causes in the external environment, but in fact they lie in her head and are called psychosomatics.


The psychosomatics of this disease originates from the female essence of procreation. Or rather, the wrong perception of it. If a girl does not have a family and children until a certain age, then she is reproached for this. And if she has already passed 30, then many perceive her as an inferior creature.

In view of this, the young woman develops psychosomatic problems that arise from misunderstanding on the part of society and loved ones, an inferiority complex, and a negative attitude towards herself. As a result, psychosomatic uterine fibroids develop.

The same condition occurs due to a negative attitude towards the male sex. For example, due to an unsuccessful communication experience, rude attitude from a husband, a complex of a bad wife or mother.

At an older age, it may be resentment towards one’s own children. This is especially observed in women who are too power-hungry, who drive children into a corner with their authority, which leads to their early departure from the family or to broken destinies.

These negative emotions accumulate in the uterus and are manifested by the growth of fibroids.

Ovarian cyst

Very often, emancipated women who try to stand on the same level as men suffer from ovarian cysts.

With frequent stress, the adrenal glands begin to produce androgens (male hormones) in large quantities. This circumstance leads to dysfunction of the uterine appendages.

The psychosomatics of cystic formations explains this phenomenon as follows: it is a bag in which it is not liquid that accumulates, but a person’s negative emotions.

Polyp in the uterus

Before moving on to the psychosomatics of a polyp on the cervix, it is necessary to become familiar with the physiological causes. First things first.

Reasons for the appearance of a polyp in the uterus of a physiological plan

The causes and psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus have not been fully studied. There is an assumption that the culprit is a malfunction in the woman’s hormonal background, when there is an increase in estrogen. Another assumption is inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.

The predisposing factors are:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • violation of contraceptive rules;
  • previous intrauterine surgical interventions;
  • incomplete separation of the placenta during childbirth;
  • previous miscarriages or abortions;
  • sexual infections;
  • decreased immunity;
  • stressful situations.

Danger of a polyp in the uterus

Why is this pathology dangerous? The risk is that under certain conditions there is a possibility of developing cancer.

Louise Hay

Psychosomatics of polyps in the uterus according to Louise Hay is to eliminate the problem empirically. She studied the experiences of many people who got rid of the problem through psychological knowledge.

Louise Hay's theory of recovery consists of the following steps:

  1. Think about the cause of the disease, negative thoughts that interfere with recovery.
  2. Say out loud your wish to get rid of the disease, do this several times a day.
  3. Once again, speak clearly and distinctly about your desire to restore your health.
  4. As soon as you remember your illness, carry out the previous steps again.

Don't hold a grudge against men and don't resist your femininity. Even if your past sexual experience was unsuccessful, remember your partner with joy. Only love and harmony can restore health.

What diseases can contribute to their formation?

The fact that almost any disease can cause complications on the body is no secret. Doctors have long announced that failure to promptly treat certain diseases can lead to other complications. If we talk about polyps, their occurrence may be associated with the following diseases:

  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • biliary cirrhosis of the liver;
  • cholecystitis.

If any of these diseases are present, the patient must make an appointment with professionals at least several times a year and undergo an ultrasound examination, since only this diagnostic method is effective and can accurately confirm the presence of polyps.

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Is it possible to cure the cause of papillomas only by psychological methods?

You will help yourself in treating papillomavirus if you accept grievances as experience and change your life for the better. Don't neglect medical help. The treatment works comprehensively. It is impossible to defeat viral agents with the power of thought alone; in severe forms, oncogenic types, medications are required. But medicine will not work without faith in healing.

Do not refuse the destruction of papillomas caused by psychosomatics, it will help maintain health and life. Transformations negatively affect the body’s defenses, work simultaneously with an infectious disease specialist or psychotherapist. If the patient denies the disease, relatives must insist on visiting a doctor

Don't forget to show love and attention

Every person faces stressful situations that, as a result, undermine their health and psychological state.

It is important to survive any misfortune with success and hope for the future; the body will respond with gratitude. People suffering from the appearance of papillomatosis have their own specifics

They can become depressed for a long time and react with stress to any unimportant situations. Love for yourself and others helps you survive trouble and break out of the shackles of illness.

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For prevention purposes, it is important to remember the psychological reasons for the appearance of polyps. If you know them, you can do everything to avoid this. Maintaining a good mood, self-love, harmony in relationships, comprehensive self-realization in life is the key to women's health. It is necessary to stop living according to the principles of “should” and “should”. Pay more attention to your desires and abilities.

The state of the human body directly depends on its psycho-emotional balance.

Method of “Spiritual Integration”

You can tell a person as much as you want about what he is wrong about. Everything will be useless until the underlying trauma or blockage leading to certain external reactions and manifestations is identified and healed.

The causes of these traumas and emotional charges are not even always found in this person's life. Legs can also grow from previous incarnations.

The method of “Spiritual Integration” allows you to look there, transform any traumatic event, take the necessary resources and integrate them into a person’s current life.

Then there is definitely a chance to get real changes on the external plane, to change thinking stereotypes and behavior patterns.

And, as a result, the disease goes away, because the nutritious psychological environment that fed it for many years disappears.

Psychosomatics of endometrial polyp

This is the most common diagnosis associated with the formation of polyps. Therefore, let us consider it in more detail, first of all, from a metaphysical point of view.

Liz Burbo in the book “Your body says: “Love yourself!” writes: “Since the womb is the first home in the world for the child, any disturbances associated with it should be correlated with hospitality, hearth, home and refuge. When a woman is unable to bear children due to uterine disease, her body tells her that deep down she wants to have a child, but fear overpowers this desire and creates a physical blockage in the body.”

In addition, if a woman embodies new ideas without allowing them to mature and blames herself for female failure, she can also get various female diseases, including polyps.

Psychosomatics, the causes of which can be quite deep and not always lie on the surface, of course, is primary here

But it is important to understand why a person gives such emotional and behavioral reactions and what is behind it

To solve this kind of problem, a high-quality diagnostic and transformational methodology is required. And she is.

Is it possible to heal on your own?

Louise Hay tried to convey all her knowledge about the causes of disease, collected during her work as a lecturer and consultant for the Church of the Science of Reason with many visitors, in the little blue book “Heal Your Body.” This book was printed back in 1974 in only five thousand copies. In this small brochure of twelve pages, Hay for the first time tried to create a table of correspondence between certain diseases and the hidden emotional problems that lead to them.

Twelve years later, in 1986, an updated and expanded table of diseases was presented in Hey’s new book, published under the title “Heal Yourself.” This book instantly became a bestseller, and even today it enjoys enduring popularity among readers from all over the world. Other options for reading this book are also available: audiobook and video. What is the book “Heal Yourself” about?


Psychosomatic problems of endometrial polyps in the uterus arise due to disagreements with the husband, sexual dissatisfaction or other psychological problems. If we talk about traditional medicine, the doctor will prescribe surgical removal of tumors. But after a certain time, the growths will appear again. After this, a decision is often made to remove the uterus to avoid the occurrence of cancerous tumors. The resulting erosion is cauterized, driving the disease inside, but not completely solving the problem.

To avoid such disastrous consequences, you need to know how to behave correctly:

  1. Learn to forgive, especially your husband and previous partners.
  2. Don't you dare feel sorry for yourself.
  3. Forget what remorse is.
  4. Set goals for yourself and strive for them.

This position is supported by a doctor with many years of experience, Valery Sinelnikov. He believes that psychoanalysis and homeopathy can get rid of all kinds of diseases. You should change negative thoughts to bright and positive ones. If you constantly work on your subconscious, you can achieve a long and happy life.

Speaking about the psychosomatics of a polyp in the uterus, it is worth understanding that it does not exclude medical intervention in a woman’s body. Because nothing can replace traditional medicine. But simultaneously with conservative or surgical therapy, it is necessary to change your attitude towards life. Only such a tandem will lead to a complete cure.

Women's diseases indicate that a woman does not accept herself or a certain aspect of her personality, appearance, or body. Perhaps she is not satisfied with her weight or position in society, or perhaps her behavior pattern with men. One way or another, the woman is convinced that she cannot change the situation, and therefore suffers even more. Each disease has its own additional psychological basis. Let's take a closer look at the problem of polyps in the uterus.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Stuffy nose

Louise Hay points out that nasal congestion signals that a person does not realize his importance.

According to Liz Burbo, since the nose is a respiratory organ, and breathing ensures life, a stuffy nose indicates a person’s inability to live a full life. Such a person suppresses his feelings out of fear of suffering or feeling the suffering of a loved one.

The psychologist believes that a stuffy nose may also indicate that a person “cannot stand” some person or situation in life. So, she found that this problem with the nose occurs in situations where a person is afraid of injustice.

Sometimes, as Burbo writes, a person “smells” something bad, and he develops distrust and fear. This also affects the functionality of the nose.

Observations by a psychologist have shown that problems with the nose and nasopharynx begin during seasons when people are forced to spend a lot of time with each other in a limited space. That is, as she argues, runny nose and other ailments in this case reflect problems of social adaptation.

B. Baginski and S. Shalila write that since a closed nose limits a person’s exchange with the outside world, problems with the nose indicate that a person wants to withdraw. This may be due to the fact that a person wants to avoid conflicts, or the burden of life has become unbearable for him.

V. Sinelnikov believes that a stuffy nose reflects a lack of recognition of one’s own worth. For example, the doctor writes that one of the psychological reasons for nasal congestion in men may be doubt in their masculinity.

In general, we can conclude that nasal congestion is often found in people who are not confident in themselves, who feel insignificant, who underestimate their self-esteem and suppress themselves. Such people have a strong feeling that they are not recognized. They feel unable to express themselves fully and reveal their abilities, so they begin to feel worthless.

Runny nose

According to Louise Hay, the basis of a runny nose is a request for help, as well as suppressed crying.


From a psychosomatic point of view, formations of the mucous membrane are regarded as unshed tears, an unspent stress resource.

Such women may have grievances against life, men, and poor financial situation. Women usually do not understand why their lives do not work out in terms of motherhood and a stable, stable marriage.

Psychologists advise to forgive all hidden grievances, not to hatch plans for revenge, to suppress cruelty and harshness in relationships with loved ones or strangers.

Psychology explains all ailments:

  • nervous disorders;
  • attracting unpleasant emotions that affect not only the quality of life, but also the woman’s health.

How quickly do polyps grow and why do they form again?

The size of polypous structures can vary, but rarely exceed 10 mm.

At first, the neoplasm does not cause much trouble, but under the influence of certain factors, the polyp can continue to develop. The danger lies not in size, but in the tendency for cells to transform into cancer.

Biologically, the tissues play a compensatory role and re-transform the removed polyp with a new transformation of the pathological tissue. Therefore, in many cases there is a need for re-treatment.

Liz Burbo

She advocates the idea of ​​the metaphysics of diseases, that is, a blockage inside a woman prevents her from getting rid of diseases. Including polyps in the uterus. Liz Burbo calls for harmony of body, spirit and mind. Every illness is a signal that something needs to be changed in life.

A woman's womb is the birthplace of new life. All diseases associated with this organ (polyps, cysts, fibroids, erosion, etc.) are considered the result of emotional experiences.

This may include:

  1. Fear of having a baby.
  2. Guilt towards your child, born or unborn.
  3. Ideas that could not be implemented.
  4. The feeling that you are a bad mother, wife, daughter, etc.

What to do in this case? When the causes of the disease are determined, it is necessary to change the attitude towards them and towards life in general.

Mental blocking is as follows:

  1. Develop your feminine side, and then a worthy man will appear in your life.
  2. Believe in yourself, become the director of your life.
  3. Leave fears and guilt behind.


Psychosomatics of polyps requires an integrated approach to treatment. First of all, you need to seek help from a gynecologist who will assess the condition and determine the possible risks of developing the disease. At the same time, consultations with a psychologist are scheduled who will help you find harmony with your inner world and teach you how to adequately work with stressors.

Psychosomatic therapy may include the following methods:

  • Yoga. Yoga exercises contain motivational and relaxing components that help cope with stress and emotional overstrain. Breathing exercises relax not only the muscles, but also the mind, and can be practiced daily at home.
  • Medicines. If severe stress is present, antidepressants and other sedatives may be indicated.
  • Hypnosis. It is performed only by a professional, and if the patient trusts this specialist. This method allows you to find the psychological causes of illnesses in the subconscious and helps you learn to manage anger and fear.
  • Cognitive-behavioral adjustment. Using techniques to help you respond adequately to stressors and control your behavior in unpleasant or unfamiliar situations. This technique allows you to perceive the world here and now, to carefully and consciously “look at yourself from the outside,” which is very important in the process of an emotional outburst.

The state of mind can both improve and worsen the overall health of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the soul and one cannot neglect its desires. Normalizing peace of mind is important not only in treating the disease, but also in preventing the manifestation of the disease and the occurrence of relapse. When in a stressful situation, you must always remember that strong feelings can bring not only temporary feelings of anger or disappointment, but also very real problems with physical health. Therefore, maintaining calm is an important factor for promoting health, good mood and longevity.

What does the location of the tumor indicate?

Each organ and part of the body has its own psychosomatic meaning

Based on this, it will be important for the psychotherapist where exactly the malignant neoplasm develops

  • Breast cancer - female or maternal unfulfillment, guilt in front of children, a feeling of strong shame for children, despair, depression due to the inability to control children or loved ones, loss of a husband. It often develops in women who perform several roles in the family: they are mothers, wives, cooks, nurses, and the main money earners. Resentment develops towards loved ones because, in the woman’s own opinion, they do not know how to be grateful enough for her self-sacrifice, because she has not taken her own interests into account for a long time.
  • Stomach and intestinal cancer is a dead-end option in which a person cannot “digest” situations, other people, information. He usually refuses the help of loved ones and tightly closes off his own experiences. Resentment and self-aggression are directed inwards, without a way out - oncology of the digestive organs develops. Rectal cancer often develops in pathologically greedy people who do not know how to give anything.
  • Brain cancer – great stubbornness, inertia, refusal to change your old behavior patterns to new ones, rejection of the new, fear of the future. It often develops in selfish people who concentrate very much on themselves and take offense at others for lack of proper attention to their person.
  • Liver cancer – lack of love, care, finances, recognition, communication. Resentment towards those who have this accumulates for a long time. It develops most often in envious people.
  • A lung tumor is a resentment towards relatives because of their callousness or indifference. It develops in very disappointed people who no longer want to accept anything new from the external world, who do not want to “breathe in” life itself.
  • Skin cancer is a resentment and anger towards the whole world and all the people in it, since they seem to the patient to be a source of danger. It seems to him that everything around him threatens him, he is defenseless. It develops mainly in suspicious people with an anxiety disorder and severe “childish” attitudes about the aggression of the world, which were instilled by their parents.
  • Oncological diseases of the blood are a consequence of deep total depression, lack of joy, severe problems in the family with relatives and friends. It often develops in those who are very offended by their relatives.
  • Thyroid cancer is a disease of offended, but very kind and defenseless people who do not understand why others did not appreciate their kindness and gullibility, why they were deceived or betrayed.
  • Malignant gynecological processes are a sign of a woman’s denial of her femininity, resentment towards men, dissatisfaction with her sex life (cancer of the cervix, uterus itself, ovaries - often a consequence of hatred of herself, of her partner, rejection of her sexuality, disgust).
  • Prostate cancer is a consequence of men’s failures with women, a voluntary internal rejection of close relationships due to mistrust and hostility. This type of oncology is often called the “cuckold” disease (resentment at a woman’s betrayal, her leaving and anger, along with a feeling of one’s own inferiority).

The location of the tumor will tell the specialist in which area of ​​a person’s life to look for the root cause that so detrimentally suppressed his immunity.

Why are they dangerous?

It is almost impossible to identify this deviation on your own, since polyps do not manifest themselves at all. But if they begin to grow, this can cause internal inflammatory processes, in addition, the wall of the organ itself can become deformed. If bile begins to stagnate, the level of bilirubin in the blood will gradually begin to increase, and this can lead to toxic damage to the brain. When diagnosing this pathology, it is necessary to select competent treatment, and the patient will also need to undergo periodic ultrasound examinations to monitor the growth of tumors. Only a specialist will tell you what to do if a polyp forms on the gallbladder after examination and making an accurate diagnosis. If the attack is detected at an early stage, it can be eliminated by taking medications, and if the diameter of the growth exceeds 5–6 mm, surgical treatment will be required. The appearance of such neoplasms really poses a threat to health and can even provoke oncological complications, so it would be much wiser not to treat them, but simply to prevent their occurrence.

Dysplasia: psychosomatics

Psychologists have noticed that this disease is more common in women with low self-esteem who are not confident in themselves and their attractiveness. They do not accept femininity and are sometimes rude

Metaphysical factors of female diseases are also associated with avoidance of intimacy. Thus, the disease has its own secondary benefits for them

If a problem arises in a girl who has not given birth, it is worth paying attention to whether she is ready to become a mother. Perhaps on a conscious level she wants this, but on a subconscious level she is afraid

  • Grind the green part of the celandine and put it in a liter jar until it is half full, compact it tightly. Pour boiling water over the herb to the top edge of the jar. To cover with a lid. After the broth reaches room temperature, strain it. Use for douching (the whole liter at a time). There are contraindications!
  • Mix calendula flowers (20 g) with olive oil (200 ml) and place in a dark place for 7-10 days. Strain. Use as tampons for 15 days.
  • Mix propolis (10 g) with 200 g of melted butter. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain. Spread on tampons and insert into the vagina for 30 minutes for 10 days.

Traditional medicine often helps to get rid of diseases. But it is worth remembering that the main cause of all our problems is in the head. Psychosomatics speaks about this. Cervical dysplasia, like other diseases, will go away forever only if you work through its psychological causes!

Ways to Heal

Take responsibility for your life. We ourselves create situations in our lives, we ourselves attract people into it. You yourself chose an unworthy man, you yourself allow yourself to be treated poorly. Yes, perhaps you are doing this unconsciously, this is the difficulty of treatment - you need to work with the subconscious.

Recognize and accept the fact that you were born in a female body. This is not an accident. Moreover, according to psychosomatics, we ourselves choose the body in which we are born. Remember how you wanted to be realized in this world, what experience you wanted to gain and what you wanted to do when you chose this body.

Realize yourself as a woman:

  • Develop feminine qualities: poise, tenderness, gentleness, kindness, acceptance.
  • Don't forget about the harmony of male and female energy. To do this, learn flexibility and, if necessary, show masculine qualities: determination, determination, toughness, will.

Maintain a balance of masculine and feminine, allowing feminine traits to dominate a little. But be careful! For example, it is believed that girls can be forgiven for being touchy. And if you think about it, it becomes clear that the basis of resentment is aggression. And this is a masculine property. This means that resentment does not make a girl look good.

What else can you do to heal:

  1. Let go of grudges against your mother and father. Accept their characteristics and understand that at that time they could not have acted differently. They lived the way they could and wanted. They didn't wish you harm.
  2. Understand that you need forgiveness more than they do. After all, while you are harboring a grudge, the entire weight of the past lies only on your shoulders. It's time to let go of the past, let love, kindness and gratitude into your life.

Psychosomatic treatment methods

Louise Hay herself suffered from women's health problems and was diagnosed with uterine cancer. But the woman was able to overcome the disease, and told the whole world about her method. Stages of healing according to Louise Hay:

  1. Determine the psychosomatic cause of the disease and negative attitude.
  2. Choose an affirmation, repeat it several times a day, pronounce your desire to get rid of the disease.
  3. Speak out loud about your desire to restore your health.
  4. Every time you remember the illness, return to the first three points.

The main causes of female diseases are resentment towards men (men) and rejection of sexuality and female attractiveness. Refusal of femininity may be associated with resentment towards the mother (“I will not be like her”). It is important to understand who you are offended by, let go of the past and allow yourself to enjoy the present.

How does psychosomatics explain the appearance of polyps in the uterus?

Polyps in the uterus appear when the mucous membrane grows. These can be single or multiple formations. Polyps are benign and malignant in nature.

Cancer can develop inside them, causing growth. Formations larger than 18 mm in diameter must be removed and examined for histology. Therefore, any endometrial abnormalities require observation and treatment.

Psychosomatics of polyps in the uterus is important

Psychological causes of the disease

Factors in the development of polyps in the uterus have not been fully studied. Doctors make only assumptions about what affects the abnormal development of the reproductive organ.

The main problem of modern life is the increased level of stress. The nervous system wears out, reducing the body's protective function. Weakened immunity makes us vulnerable to constant attacks from viruses and bacteria. Therefore, neoplasms arise in organs whose functions are impaired.

Polyps in the uterus can be treated using traditional methods for a long time. Surgery does not provide a lifelong cure. The patterns of development of these formations directly depend on the emotional state.

Psychosomatics of diseases helps traditional medicine cure pathology by eliminating the causes. Psychological problems of a woman negatively affect the reproductive system.

The lack of regular sex life leads to a deterioration in the condition of the entire body.

Louise Hay

Her method of fighting disease was derived empirically. Louise Hay used the knowledge of psychology and the experience of many people who got rid of various diseases.

The main tenets of her theory of recovery:

  1. Determine the cause of the disease and the negative thoughts that prevent you from being healthy.
  2. Repeat out loud several times a day about your desire to get rid of the disease.
  3. Talk about your desire to restore your health.
  4. When remembering the illness, repeat the points described above.

The causes of diseases of the female reproductive system are considered to be resentment towards men and rejection of femininity. You need to forget past negative impressions and forgive the offenders. Guilt over sexual experience provokes the formation of polyps in the uterus. You need to be happy about your relationship with your sexual partner. Love and harmony give health.


Unresolved problems with the husband, quarrels and disagreements lead to the formation of polyps in the uterus. Traditional medicine practices surgical intervention in the female body.

But after a while, neoplasms appear in a different place. Then doctors recommend removing the reproductive organ to avoid cancer. Cauterizing cervical erosion does not solve the health problem.

It is driven inside, and after treatment of this pathology, diseases of the uterus occur.

For recovery you need:

  • learn to forgive your husband and former sexual partners;
  • stop feeling sorry for yourself;
  • get rid of remorse.
  • Define goals for yourself and implement them.

Doctor Valery Sinelnikov uses a combination of homeopathy and psychology to treat diseases. He recommends changing your negative thoughts to positive ones. Constant work with the subconscious leads to a healthy and happy life.

Psychologists help to explore the psychosomatic patterns of the disease and understand oneself. Further recovery depends on the desire to improve.

What famous psychologists say

Psychosomatic polyps: conflicts in relationships with men, problems in sexual life, denial of femininity. Let's look at the causes of polyps through the theories of psychosomatic psychologists.


According to Sinelnikov’s theory, polyps in the uterus arise for the following reasons: conflicts, quarrels, disagreements, resentments, unresolved problems in relationships with a partner.

  • forgive yourself, your husband or another man against whom you still have a grudge;
  • stop feeling sorry for yourself;
  • get rid of feelings of guilt and pangs of conscience;
  • find a purpose in life and follow it.

Louise Hay

According to Louise Hay, the cause of polyps is a feeling of guilt for sexual activity. Why it can arise: lack of love and harmony in a relationship with a man, an internal prohibition from parents on sexual activity, a feeling of guilt for the first bad experience or other unpleasant memories associated with sex. Healing Affirmation: “I feel at home in my body. My talent is all-encompassing."

Liz Burbo

The womb is a symbol of the origin of life. Any problems with her indicate emotional problems, an inability to fully live and enjoy every day.

What can cause endometrial polyps of the uterus:

  • fear and reluctance to have a child;
  • feeling of guilt towards the child;
  • worries about unrealized potential, ideas, desires;
  • perception of oneself as a bad daughter, wife, mother.

What to do: develop femininity, believe in yourself, accept and love yourself. It is important to get rid of grievances, fears and guilt from the past. From now on, only you control your life.


According to the theory of V. Zhikarentsev, the uterus personifies the center of creativity and creation, including creativity and self-realization as a woman. Affirmation for healing: “I am at home in my body.”

Psychosomatics: polyps in the uterus

Polyps are multiple formations on the lining of the uterus. May be benign or malignant. Any neoplasms require medical supervision and treatment. Polyps larger than 18 mm must be surgically removed.

Psychology believes that the reason for the development of polyposis is a woman’s unshed tears and a feeling of self-pity. She constantly suffers in relationships with men, she is offended, cheated on, betrayed. At the same time, the woman herself does not understand why she is treated this way. She doesn't understand why she can't be a good mother and a happy wife. All she can do is feel sorry for herself and cry silently.

The victim mentality is formed during childhood, but changes can occur during adolescence or adulthood. What precedes the development of psychosomatics:

  • problems with gender identity;
  • conflicts with parents or one of them;
  • lack of love, attention, care;
  • fear of pregnancy;
  • dependent relationships in which the woman suffered humiliation;
  • denial of femininity;
  • overprotection and excessive control from parents or a man from a previous relationship;
  • negative attitude towards pregnancy and children.


When the leg of the polyp is twisted, pain occurs. Along with this, bleeding or unusual vaginal discharge may occur. As the polyp grows, pain also occurs. Sometimes there is pain during menstruation or there is a cycle disorder. The disease has no other signs and symptoms.

It is important! Symptoms of the disease do not make themselves felt for a long time or are unclear, mild in nature. Pathology is often diagnosed during preventive examinations by a gynecologist.

Therefore, it is important to visit a doctor regularly (1-2 times a year, provided there are no chronic diseases or any symptoms).

Causes of polyps

Stress is the main reason. Due to mental stress and fatigue, the overall immunity of the body is reduced, which makes other systems and organs vulnerable to the effects of bacteria, viruses and fungi. But which system will suffer depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Psychosomatics will tell you about more precise reasons.


The psychological causes of endometriosis can begin in childhood, or they can develop in adulthood.

They are associated with gender identification, relationships with parents, communication with others, readiness to become pregnant, and the general psycho-emotional state. Psychological causes of endometriosis:

  • denial of one's femininity;
  • lack of mother's attention in childhood;
  • lack of paternal education;
  • strict control from parents or husband;
  • strongly negative attitude towards pregnancy.

Important! The psycho-emotional state of women greatly affects the functioning of the reproductive system, so you need to take care of yourself and avoid stressful situations.

Endometrial polyp psychosomatics

Some pathologies appear due to psychological problems. This is especially true for women, since girls are more sensitive natures. They take a lot to heart and withdraw into themselves.

It is the inability to let your emotions out that most often causes the development of psychosomatic diseases. This is a fairly common occurrence. A striking example is a polyp in the uterus.

We will consider the psychosomatics of this pathology later in the article.


The psychosomatics of this disease originates from the female essence of procreation. Or rather, the wrong perception of it. If a girl does not have a family and children until a certain age, then she is reproached for this. And if she has already passed 30, then many perceive her as an inferior creature.

In view of this, the young woman develops psychosomatic problems that arise from misunderstanding on the part of society and loved ones, an inferiority complex, and a negative attitude towards herself. As a result, psychosomatic uterine fibroids develop.

The same condition occurs due to a negative attitude towards the male sex. For example, due to an unsuccessful communication experience, rude attitude from a husband, a complex of a bad wife or mother.

These negative emotions accumulate in the uterus and are manifested by the growth of fibroids.


The main problem with this disease is that it is very difficult to diagnose. Not only does it practically not reveal itself in any way and does not cause discomfort to its owner, but its symptoms are very similar to the development of many other diseases. Therefore, specialists and the patient very often discover a neoplasm when it is in a critical condition and has already become malignant. If we talk about specific symptoms, this may be accompanied by:

Discomfort in the abdomen

  • discomfort and tingling in the right upper abdomen (usually increases several times after eating). This happens due to the fact that a polyp that has grown on the wall of the gallbladder simply does not allow bile to come out, and it begins to stagnate;
  • constant bitter taste in the mouth;
  • increased gas formation;
  • nausea and vomiting with bile;
  • increased body temperature (in the late afternoon) and general weakness;
  • sudden weight loss with the same diet.

All these symptoms can indeed appear in other diseases; it is impossible to make a specific diagnosis after a visual examination or based on the patient’s complaints. The only thing that can confirm the presence of growths on the walls of the gallbladder is an ultrasound examination.

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