How to use beaver jet for women

Castoreum, or beaver stream, is a unique healing substance that is found inside the special pear-shaped glands of the river beaver. These glands are present only in this representative of the animal world, and both females and males have them.

Castoreum has a wide range of therapeutic effects on the human body. It very effectively fights various diseases and increases the body's immune defense. Let's take a closer look at the beaver stream, its use for women, what diseases can the fair sex get rid of thanks to this remedy?

Features of the impact of a beaver jet on the body

Beaver musk, as it is popularly called, is a brown dense mass with a pronounced musky aroma, which is produced by special glands of river beavers. The healing power of this substance lies in the content of more than 50 types of biologically active components. This is due to the fact that the beavers’ diet contains a whole list of medicinal plants, their total number is more than 150 species, which contribute to recovery from various kinds of pathological processes in the human body.

Castoreum has a number of advantages over other types of medications:

  • has a general strengthening effect on the body;
  • helps get rid of inflammatory processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on nerve cells and the endocrine system of the body;
  • helps increase blood circulation;
  • prevents processes leading to the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • has a beneficial effect on the genital system of both men and women.

Beaver stream for gynecological diseases is used by a huge number of women who have already appreciated the healing properties of this natural product.

Reviews from patients who used beaver stream to treat a particular disease say that after using the miracle remedy, they got rid of both the underlying disease and other pathological processes that existed in their body.

An additional effect of beaver musk, which women especially notice when using it, is skin rejuvenation.

Beaver stream is used by the female half of humanity for the development of the following gynecological diseases:

  • formed thrush;
  • from an inflammatory process localized in the bladder;
  • from candidiasis;
  • from such a serious illness as infertility;
  • as well as from painful symptoms in the chest area;
  • in order to completely get rid of cervical erosion and other diseases associated with the female reproductive system.

Also, with the help of this natural remedy, the symptoms that appear during menopause (menopause) are reduced.

It is recommended to use beaver musk in the presence of the following pathological processes:

  • for strokes;
  • with coronary heart disease;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • with respiratory and pulmonary pathological changes;
  • with hepatitis A and hepatitis B;
  • for various blood diseases;
  • for tuberculosis and furunculosis;
  • as well as for various gynecological and urological problems, such as mastopathy or prostatitis.

Beaver musk is able to restore the general condition of the patient in the postoperative period in a short time. And when using drops in the eyes, visual acuity increases. When using a drip stream into the ears, the condition of the auditory nerve improves and the perception of sounds (hearing) increases. In most cases, beaver stream replaces the use of antibiotic drugs.

In order to simply raise the level of the body's immune defense, you need to take 20 drops of castoreum tincture once a day. You can drink the remedy with sweet tea or coffee. A patient who uses a tincture of beaver jet for preventive purposes will be distinguished by extraordinary endurance, a positive attitude towards life and an unusually youthful appearance.

What does castoreum treat?

The range of indications (what diseases the animal product treats) is extremely wide. The product is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

Traditional medicine experts recommend its use for a number of pathologies:

  1. Disorders of the genitourinary system.
  2. Violation of potency.
  3. Deterioration in sperm quality and sperm activity.
  4. Loss of flexibility of vascular walls.
  5. High cholesterol levels.
  6. Slower recovery after surgery and injury.
  7. Decreased immunity and associated health problems.
  8. Hormonal imbalance.
  9. Lack of or impaired absorption of calcium in the body.
  10. Peptic ulcer disease.
  11. Metabolic disorders.

Specific diseases that beaver stream can help alleviate or cure:

  • complications of stroke, incl. paralysis;
  • ischemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • hepatitis;
  • inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammation of the sinuses, incl. chronic;
  • infections (bacterial and viral) of the respiratory tract;
  • herpes, incl. recurrent;
  • non-healing wounds;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid and pancreas;
  • otitis;
  • sciatica.

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The natural remedy fights obesity well, being one of the most powerful natural regulators of metabolic processes. Indications for use include liver disease, urethritis, cystitis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Castoreum promotes blood clotting, prevents thrombosis, treats atherosclerosis, and reduces the risk of stroke.

During the cold season, it strengthens the immune system, preventing complications of the flu.

Treatment of thrush with beaver jet

Beaver musk, or castoreum, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, so it is often used in gynecology to treat vaginal and urogenital infectious diseases, such as thrush, or candidiasis. How to take beaver musk for thrush?

To treat thrush, you need to dilute 2 teaspoons of beaver musk tincture in a glass of clean boiled water. Then moisten a gauze swab in the resulting solution. A moistened tampon must be inserted into the vagina before going to bed in the evening. Thrush, in its normal course, should go away after the first use of beaver musk. If the symptoms do not go away, the procedure must be repeated.

In addition, urogenital infections can be treated with ointments. In order to prepare the ointment, you need to take Vaseline (1 tablespoon) and mix it with a small amount of powdered musk. The resulting ointment is applied in a thick layer to the affected area of ​​the external genitalia, covered with a sterile bandage, and underwear made of dense material is put on to secure the compress as tightly as possible. This method is also very effective in combating urogenital infections.

The choice of a specific type of use of beaver musk depends on the location of the infection and its causative agent.

Important! The use of alcohol tincture will promote rapid recovery, thanks to the drying and restorative effect of castoreum alcohol tincture. Ointments are best used for diseases, the appearance of which is not associated with bacteriological microorganisms.

If a disease such as endometriosis occurs, then it is recommended to use beaver musk tincture. You need to drink one teaspoon of the tincture 3-4 times a day before meals, for 30 days. After 30 days, the dosage should be reduced to 5 drops of tincture. It is necessary to continue taking the natural elixir until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

Homemade medicine

If you decide to improve your health with the help of a beaver stream, you don’t have to buy ready-made medicine at the pharmacy. Especially if you are not sure of suitable storage conditions and proper transportation.


For the treatment of herpes, sinus inflammation and skin diseases, an ointment containing beaver stream as the main active component is suitable. The product is also recommended for the treatment and prevention of joint diseases. Its composition, in addition to beaver musk, includes propolis or badger fat.

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How to prepare ointment at home? It is not difficult. Melt 1/2 cup of fat (propolis) in a water bath, add 1/4 cup of dried beaver stream powder. Leave in a water bath for 15 minutes. Refrigerate.


Let's see how to prepare beaver stream infused with alcohol and how to take it. To do this, you will need dry powder - you can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself (dry the gland and grate it).

The most popular traditional medicine recipe for making a tincture is as follows. Pour 100 g of powder into a dark glass jar, pour 1/2 liter of alcohol. The medicine can be prepared with both vodka and alcohol.

If you are preparing a tincture with alcohol, dilute it with distilled water to 40-50%. Vodka must be pure and of high quality, without additives.

  • How long to infuse the future medicine? In a closed jar, the infusion period is 30-40 days.
  • How to infuse a healing remedy correctly? The temperature should be constant and not exceed 20°C. Shake the contents every few days. After infusion is complete, there is no need to strain, the medicine is ready for use.

The tincture has a characteristic smell and taste, so taking it may cause nausea. To minimize the aftertaste, take the chicory medicine with a drink or black coffee (without milk!).

The video clearly shows how to prepare the tincture.

How to prepare beaver stream tincture

The glands of the river beaver must first be dried in a place protected from sunlight, usually within 30 days. Then the hardened glands need to be grated to form a powder. One hundred grams of this powder must be mixed with 700 ml. pure 70% alcohol and leave in a dark, cool place for one month. Every second and third day, the infusion must be shaken well. After 30 days, you should get a strong cognac-colored infusion, which can already be used to restore health.

Attention! Pregnant women are not recommended to take beaver stream tincture. Taking this substance during pregnancy can cause premature birth or cause miscarriage. It is better to wait for natural delivery, after which it will be possible to begin treating existing pathological processes with beaver musk, but breastfeeding is not recommended.

How to purchase a quality product?

As you can see, the process of preparing homemade medicines from beaver stream is relatively easy.

A more difficult question is how to purchase high-quality raw materials for this? When buying second hand, you will not receive a guarantee of naturalness, and you risk getting “something” of rather dubious origin.

Therefore, you should buy raw materials for improving the health of the body exclusively from hunters (ideally, friends), or on farms that breed beavers.

The seller must present documents required by law, including a certificate guaranteeing the quality and safety of the product. It is good if the necessary papers are accompanied by a list indicating the percentage of the main substance, compliance or deviation from the norm of all components present in the glands.

Warnings and contraindications

Along with the medicinal properties of beaver stream, when consuming, take into account contraindications. The product is not recommended for pregnant women, people with bacterial diseases of the genitourinary system, STDs, and adrenal gland diseases.

Due to increased sexual function, the drug may be harmful in some heart disorders.

Do not drink it with alcohol - the beaver stream increases the penetration of harmful substances into the blood, which can lead to intoxication. Be sure to follow the dose; exceeding the amount taken is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

How to use beaver stream for women to overcome infertility

If spouses living together have regular sex life with each other, but are unable to conceive a child within 12-15 months, then such a couple is considered to be infertile. Undoubtedly, women in this case very often have a question: “Is it possible to get rid of this disease and give birth to a healthy child after this?”

To be treated for infertility, infertility, it is necessary to follow a set of measures aimed at restoring reproduction. The best effect can be achieved if this complex includes the use of candles, the main active ingredient of which is beaver musk.

Restoration of reproduction can be achieved only with six-monthly use of drugs developed on the basis of beaver stream.

It is important to remember that after two or three weeks of taking beaver musk, it will not be possible to see the desired effect of infertility treatment. Only after taking castoreum for six months will the chances of conceiving a baby be increased.

In addition, during infertility treatment, thanks to the healing properties of beaver stream, the body's immune defense system will be increased in both partners. And also the general state of health will improve, and this wonderful feeling of lightness will not leave patients, even after beaver musk is no longer taken.

Beaver stream use for infertility

In order to cure infertility, you need to take 15 grams of powdered beaver musk twice a day daily. The duration of use is 6 months, after which you need to give the body a rest for one month. Only after rest can you try to conceive a child. It is possible that pregnancy will occur immediately. In this case, you will need to immediately stop using beaver musk, as it can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and the long-awaited baby.

But, if this does not happen and pregnancy does not occur, then the course of treatment must be repeated.

Most people suffering from infertility take additional measures to increase their chances of conceiving:

  • quit smoking;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • maintain proper diet, sleep and outdoor exercise.

In addition, to increase the possibility of getting pregnant, it is recommended for both spouses to take beaver stream. Especially in cases where the diagnosis of infertility cannot be determined. The problem itself may lie in the state of reproduction of both women and men. Using a beaver jet, you can overcome infertility, conceive, carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

From female infertility

Every year the percentage of couples who cannot have children increases. A couple can be called infertile if pregnancy does not occur within a year during sexual activity. There are many such couples. The reasons are different: unfavorable climate, constant stress and others. Traditional medicine does not always help, and then people turn to folk remedies to treat infertility.

Alternative medicine experts say that treating infertility is a long process that requires regular use of beaver jets. Moreover, if you are simultaneously treated in the usual way and take beaver musk, then the chances of success will increase, and the general condition of the future parents will also improve.

The main thing to remember is that castoreum is a product that requires long-term use. This means that the results will appear in months, not in a day or a week.

If the product is not used in its pure form, but, for example, as an extract, then the healing properties do not go away; they remain in any case. Therefore, you can use various tinctures, extracts, extracts and others, because the result will be the same.

It is popularly believed that musk has no contraindications, but experts recommend undergoing a preliminary examination before starting to take it. After all, there is always a risk of an allergic and adverse reaction.

Additional benefits of using beaver jets for older women

Women who have reached the “Balzac age”, after taking a tincture of beaver jet, will be able to regain all the delights of life, including intimate life. Taking the drug will also help:

  • get rid of the feeling of fatigue;
  • strengthen the nervous system, which will reduce the level of nervous irritability, due to which the woman will become calmer, maintaining emotional and mental balance;
  • improve mental activity;
  • increase physical capabilities;
  • strengthen the body's immune defense system.

It is worth noting that the use of a beaver jet provokes the active production of testosterone in women, which by its nature is a male hormone. But, thanks to the production of this hormone, a woman becomes charged with vital energy, younger, more active and happier.

Contraindications for the use of beaver stream include only the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding of the baby. As well as individual intolerance to musky substances. Side effects include only rare headaches.


Beaver stream is very often used to treat various gynecological ailments in women. The main diseases that castorium will help get rid of are:

  • hormonal imbalance, accompanied by irregular menstrual cycles, increased irritability, mood swings, weight gain, poor sleep and other symptoms;
  • cystitis;
  • an inflammatory process that occurs in the area of ​​the Bartholin gland as a result of the penetration of various types of bacteria and viruses into the body;
  • pathological growth of the inner layer of the uterine wall beyond its boundaries;
  • inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus;
  • benign change in the mammary glands;
  • tumor neoplasms in the uterus with a different number of nodes;
  • a benign tumor located on the ovary and filled with a liquid or semi-liquid substance;
  • tumor adenomatous growth that occurs on the glands of the human body;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa;
  • diseases of the genital organs that are infectious in nature;
  • infertility;
  • increases a woman's sexual activity;
  • eliminates symptoms characteristic of menopause.

The number of couples who cannot have a child is increasing daily. The diagnosis of infertility is established when pregnancy does not occur over a long period of time with regular sexual intercourse. There are a huge number of reasons why conception does not occur. At first, the patient is referred to specialists and traditional medicine is used. In cases where it does not help, traditional methods of infertility therapy come to the rescue.

Experts in the field of alternative medicine inform their patients that infertility therapy will take a lot of time, during which time it is necessary to constantly use a beaver jet. In addition, in the case of complex use of castorium and other medicines, the chances of achieving the desired pregnancy increase significantly. Based on this, we can conclude that you need to use the beaver jet over a long period of time, so the results of improvements will be noticeable in a few months, and not days or weeks.

Using the product in its pure form or as an extract will bring the same results. Due to the fact that all derivatives of this product retain the same healing properties.

Before using beaver musk, it is recommended to consult a qualified specialist, and also undergo an examination to identify allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

To prevent the occurrence, as well as treat gynecological diseases, it is often necessary to use at least one liter of castorium infusion. Since the price of this product is not very cheap, you can prepare the tincture yourself to save money.


This product cannot always be purchased at a pharmacy, but it can be ordered online without any problems. Pharmacies have ready-made medicinal preparations that contain beaver musk. The most frequently purchased are Castokrin and Kasolin. The average price for these medications ranges from 900 to 1,500 rubles. The cost of castorium tincture is approximately 700-800 rubles per package. If you prepare the infusion yourself, one gram of beaver stream can be purchased for 50 rubles.

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