Is it possible to go to the bathhouse while on your period?

The female body regularly changes and rebuilds. The purpose of the fairer sex is to bear and give birth to offspring. However, the modern world works differently. Nowadays women give birth to the desired number of children. In the remaining cycles (when conception has not occurred), they get their periods.

One of the questions frequently asked to doctors is: is it possible to go to the bathhouse during menstruation? You can get the answer after reading the article. You will find out what this kind of entertainment entails. You will also get acquainted with the main opinions of specialists and women on this matter.

Menstruation: a little theory

Before you find out what a bath during menstruation leads to, it is worth learning about the process of such bleeding. Menstruation in the fairer sex occurs regularly (monthly). The average cycle of a modern woman is 28 calendar days. However, doctors say that the norm can vary from three to five weeks.

During the entire cycle, the inner layer of the uterus is transformed. This is how the body prepares itself to perform its main function - conception and subsequent bearing of a baby. However, fertilization may not take place. In this case, a change in hormonal levels begins and rejection of the overgrown mucous membrane begins. Outwardly, it looks like bleeding from the genital tract. It lasts from 3 to 7 days. Moreover, in the first days the discharge can be quite abundant.

Bath and steam room

Currently, in almost every locality there are all kinds of saunas, baths and steam rooms. Also, some people independently build such places of use for themselves.

A bathhouse is a room in which the ambient temperature reaches 90-100 degrees. During her visit, the skin and pores are cleansed. When carrying out special manipulations, the procedure can acquire an anti-cellulite and fat-burning character. This is especially true among representatives of the fairer sex.

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during menstruation?

It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Doctors insist that it is better to avoid such procedures during bleeding. However, there are experts who report the benefits of steam rooms for women.

The opinions of the fairer sex also differ. Many women talk about going to the bathhouse during menstruation. Such ladies do not react in any way to changes in temperature. Other people have a negative attitude towards this combination. Many of them experienced all the consequences of such a vacation.

Infection of the body

Many doctors recommend that women postpone their trip to the bathhouse due to the possible introduction of unpleasant infections. During menstruation, the position of the uterus changes slightly, and it opens from the inside, and the microflora, during this period, does not protect its condition from the entry of unwanted bacteria. Bloody discharge is an excellent environment to support the life of bacteria and promote their proliferation. And, as we know, in places where steam is generated there are often swimming pools, which, in turn, are the distributors of these unpleasant infections.

To avoid infection when visiting a swimming pool, pond or bathhouse, use tampons. They play the role of a so-called barrier and prevent negative infections from entering the uterine cavity. But it is worth remembering that a tampon can be used for 4-6 hours, otherwise its protective function is lost, and it itself becomes a source of infection.

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Impact on the body: double load

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during your period? As you already know, during menstruation the body is cleansed of the accumulated mucous layer. Also, while in the steam room, the pores on the body open and expel waste and toxins. When a woman sweats under the influence of high temperatures, her body cleanses itself. However, this does not happen as locally as during menstruation. It would seem that the body is cleansing in both cases. They can probably be combined.

But everything is far from so simple. When these two factors are combined, a severe burden on the body occurs. First of all, the body loses a large amount of fluid. Doctors say that there is a possibility of dehydration after such manipulations.

Doctors' opinion on visiting the sauna during menstruation

We all know what happens in the body during menstruation. Menstruation is a special period during which a woman may feel unwell and unwell. It's all due to increased hormonal levels. Often women complain of pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and other unpleasant manifestations of menstruation.

Almost all gynecologists say that a bath and menstruation are incompatible concepts, so during this period it is better to refrain from exposure to steam and high temperatures. The same gynecologists claim that after visiting a steam room, the duration of menstruation can be prolonged, and sometimes bleeding begins altogether. Along with this, there are also arguments in favor, the most significant of which is that under the influence of high temperatures, a woman can get rid of gynecological ailments, especially of an inflammatory nature. According to experts, this is not at all the case.

Opinion of gynecologists

Is it possible to steam during menstruation? What do women's doctors think about this? Gynecologists strongly do not advise the fairer sex to visit the bathhouse and sauna during menstruation. Such procedures may cause severe bleeding. It will have to be treated with medications. In particularly severe situations, surgery may be necessary. Surely any representative of the fairer sex will not want to end up on the operating table after a steam room.

This complication can arise for a simple reason. During the visit to the steam room, the whole body heats up. Under the influence of high temperatures, blood vessels and the smallest capillaries expand. As a result, blood circulation increases and the fluid thins out. If there are open wounds, they may bleed more. All this leads to the fact that normal menstruation develops into bleeding, which is fraught with anemia and other health problems.

Beware of infection

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during your period? Doctors do not advise visiting saunas and steam rooms during menstruation for the reason that there is a high probability of infection. During menstruation, the uterus changes somewhat internally. It becomes like a gaping wound, which is not protected by normal microflora (as happens in the absence of menstruation). If a woman visits a public place, in particular a bathhouse, an infection may develop. Most saunas have a swimming pool. It is there that many bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms multiply, just waiting for the right opportunity to settle in the human body.

Modern personal care products are quite unique. Women can use tampons. These devices are made of sterile cotton wool, they protect against leakage and create a barrier to infection entering the uterus. However, doctors remind that keeping a tampon in a woman’s body for more than 3-4 hours becomes a threat in itself. After all, then bacteria begin to form inside. Doctors assure that a tampon is not a way out of this situation. This remedy is not able to protect you from infection 100 percent.

Benefits of the procedure

In some cases, a bath during menstruation may be beneficial. “Is it possible to steam?” you ask. Doctors say that it is not recommended to be very active. However, representatives of the fairer sex who suffer from irregular cycles will benefit from the heating procedure.

If you belong to the group of people who often complain about scanty and short periods, and also have problems with the endometrium, then feel free to go to the steam room. However, the temperature in such a room should not exceed 80 degrees. It is preferable to gradually warm the body. First stand near the door, then sit on the floor. Only after this can you be placed on the upper shelves. In this case, the total stay time should not be more than 15 minutes. The reverse change in temperature should also be gradual. Do not dive into snow or cold pools.

The benefits of baths for the female reproductive system

If gynecologists are opposed to visiting the steam room during menstruation, then visits to the sauna during the rest of the cycle, in their opinion, are only welcome. The bath has a positive effect on the female reproductive system, namely:

When visiting a bathhouse during your period, always listen carefully to your body.
  • relieves nervous and muscle tension;
  • tissues and ligaments become more elastic under the influence of temperature;
  • the immune system is strengthened - the body builds a natural “defense” against viruses and pathogenic bacteria that provoke pathologies of the genital organs;
  • active blood circulation helps improve the functioning of the adrenal glands, ovaries, and pituitary gland, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the genital organs and the hormonal system as a whole. In the future, a woman will experience a “critical period” much more comfortably;
  • as practice shows, women who regularly go to the sauna give birth faster and easier, they have virtually no complications after childbirth;
  • When visiting a bathhouse, the production of endorphins is stimulated, mood and overall well-being improve.

Women's health requires a careful and attentive attitude towards oneself. If you are unsure whether to go to the sauna before the start of a critical period, during menstruation, or after it has ended, consult your doctor.


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Menarche: girls' first menstruation

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during your period? If we are talking about a girl who experienced bleeding for the first time, then the answer will be strictly negative. It is at this moment that the female body begins its hormonal changes. It is not yet known what the girl’s menstruation will be like (short, painful, heavy, and so on). You should not interfere with the body’s functioning with heat loads.

Safe visiting period

Women's health is very fragile and you must be very attentive to yourself in order to preserve it as much as possible. Does this mean that on critical days you should just lie down and do nothing? Definitely not, but you should do everything possible to avoid harming your reproductive health.

If doctors do not advise going to the bathhouse on critical days, then it is better not to do this. In addition, if you are planning a conception and tracking the days of your ovulation, then during the release of the egg and two days before and after this event, you should refrain from going to the bathhouse.

Menstruation is a time when a woman should allow herself to rest and feel sorry for herself, allow yourself this, do not expose your body to unnecessary stress, there are many other days on the calendar on which you can go to the bathhouse - choose them.

Aesthetic side and feelings of a woman

Is it possible for women to take a steam bath during menstruation? Of course, such conditions are not fatal. However, a woman’s well-being can suffer greatly from such manipulations. There is also an aesthetic side to this issue. How will a woman feel in a bathhouse during menstruation? To begin with, such manipulations are simply inconvenient. After all, a representative of the fairer sex will have to regularly visit a secluded place to change hygiene products. In addition, your hands will not always be sterile.

Also, during menstruation, some women experience severe pain. If you have any ailments, then exclude even the thought of a bath. Stay at home and postpone such manipulations for a few days. It is worth noting that the use of painkillers while visiting the bathhouse can greatly aggravate your well-being.

When is it permissible to take a steam bath?

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse during menstruation? You should not refuse to go to the steam room if your periods are painless. Only in this case can you find benefits from such a pastime. In the bathhouse, toxins will “go away” and the body will get rid of excess fluid. Hot steam can somewhat reduce painful spasms.

After visiting the bathhouse, your mood will certainly rise and improve, fatigue and negative emotions will go away. And this is exactly what is needed during critical days. And also during bath procedures, the functioning of the pituitary gland and ovaries improves, new strength and vigor appear.

If there are cramps in the lower abdomen or internal genital organs, a poultice of sand, salt, oats or flaxseed will help. But here it is important not to overdo it - you need to know when to stop in everything.

Health problems: contraindications for women to visit the bathhouse

The bath has a strong effect on the heart and blood vessels. If you have varicose veins, heart failure, high blood pressure, or hemorrhoids, you should avoid bathing during menstruation. All these diseases can worsen due to increased stress on the body.

It is also strictly forbidden for women with cancer to steam bath. Especially if the tumor is found in the reproductive organs (uterus, ovaries, cervical canal, and so on). At the same time, doctors prohibit such patients from taking a bath not only during the period of bleeding. Experts advise completely avoiding any heat stress, including tanning under the sun's rays.

Doctors' opinions on bath procedures during menstruation

To answer the question about the possibility of visiting a sauna during menstruation, it is enough to pay attention to the physiological processes occurring in the body in the sauna and on menstrual periods.

Bath procedures contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, and, as a result, increased blood flow in the body. That is why gynecologists pay attention to the fact that, given the risks, you don’t have to go to the bathhouse before your period. For the same reason, you should not take a bath during your period.

You should also limit your visits to saunas during the first three days of menstruation. At this time, even a short visit to the steam room can provoke severe bleeding, which you will not be able to cope with on your own.

Menstruation in many women is accompanied by low blood pressure and a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood. Most representatives of the fair sex with such “aggravating” factors are at risk for loss of consciousness.

A visit to the steam room followed by a swim in the pool can cause fainting due to a sharp temperature change.

Among the doctors who are against visiting the sauna during menstruation are cardiologists. The reason for this is the load on the cardiovascular system while in the steam room.

There is a common belief that one visit to the steam room is equivalent to running 3 km in a straight line. Such stress on the body is strictly contraindicated in the first days of menstruation.

Read about whether you can go to a solarium during your period by following the link.

Based on the opinion of experts, we can identify a number of pathologies in which it is strictly prohibited to take a steam bath during menstruation:

  • the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • anemia;
  • sexually transmitted diseases and other pathologies of the reproductive system; hypotension;
  • surgical intervention on the organs of the reproductive system (we are talking about operations or abortions that took place within a month before the intended visit to the bathhouse);
  • vaginal dysbiosis.

Doctors agree that a violation of the vaginal microflora is a contraindication to visiting a sauna, swimming pool or open water during menstruation. The fact is that a tampon or menstrual cup does not guarantee one hundred percent protection against the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the vagina.

During menstruation, the uterus is a bleeding wound; the already weakened microflora is unable to resist harmful pathogens. After visiting public bathing places, the usual imbalance of lacto- and bifidobacteria can result in serious complications for the reproductive organs for a woman.

Wrapping Up: Final Recommendations

Is it possible to go to the bathhouse before your period? Can! If you have no contraindications to such thermal loads. When bleeding has already begun, you should refuse the bath. This way you can save yourself from many troubles.

If you do decide to go to the steam room, then carefully monitor your well-being. Drink more fluids, eliminate alcohol. Avoid extreme temperature changes and contact a specialist if you feel the slightest discomfort. I wish you good health and a pleasant holiday!

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