When will your period stop after taking Regulon for the first time?

How does the drug affect the body?

The content of the article:

The composition of the oral contraceptive Regulon includes:

  • progestin;
  • desogestrel;
  • ethinyl estradiol.

Main destination:

  • prevention of unwanted pregnancy;
  • treatment of the menstrual cycle;
  • minimizing the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
  • uterine bleeding caused by improper functioning of the ovaries and unstable hormonal levels.

The pituitary gland in the female body is responsible for menstruation. When it is dysfunctional, the cycle becomes unstable. The active components of Regulon have a depressing effect on luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones produced by the pituitary gland. The phenomenon inhibits the process of egg maturation and creates a barrier to the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. Hormonal substances inhibit the functioning of the fallopian tubes, reducing the speed of movement of eggs.

A decrease in luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones slows down the formation and maturation of the egg, preventing the formation of the corpus luteum and rupture of the follicle. Moreover, the endometrium is formed in insufficient quantities. The thickness of the endometriosis layer before Regulon is 1 cm, and while taking the drug - no more than 4 mm.

Provided that the sperm and egg have passed all protective measures and fertilization has occurred, the fertilized egg is not able to strengthen in the uterine cavity. All this is due to the fact that the endometrium is not developed enough and does not allow the formation of the required number of vessels for nutrition and proper development of the fertilized egg.

Lack of menstrual flow

The main reason that there are no periods after stopping Regulon is pregnancy. The reproductive system begins to work with redoubled force, increasing the chances of conception. If there is a delay in menstruation, and the test is negative, the doctor may consider other reasons for this phenomenon.

  • Amenorrhea, menopause. It can occur against the background of improper functioning of the endocrine system, both in women on the threshold of menopause and in patients of childbearing age.
  • Myoma, polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Oncology.
  • infections of the genitourinary system.

If a week has passed since taking the last Regulon tablet and your period does not start, you need to consult a doctor; self-medication is prohibited.

Menstrual irregularities when using the drug

When taking hormonal medications, the body's reaction may vary significantly depending on individual characteristics. Therefore, menstruation may not occur immediately.

In the first 90 days from the start of taking the medication, disturbances in the cycle may be observed, as the body must adapt to the intake of new hormonal substances. After habituation, functioning continues as usual. If menstruation after Regulon does not appear within 10 days, you must consult a gynecologist. The reasons for the lack of bleeding may be different:

  • the onset of pregnancy;
  • eating disorder;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • stressful, depressive conditions;
  • intoxication, vomiting or loss of stool after taking the pills.

See also: What can cause a delay in menstruation other than pregnancy?

The delay is possible due to changes in the concentration of hormones in the blood, which occurs during pregnancy or during the body’s recovery from stress. The onset of unwanted pregnancy occurs due to incorrect and untimely administration of medication.

In case of pancreatic dysfunction, the drug can provoke intoxication in a woman’s body, accompanied by vomiting and loose stools. Consequently, the hormonal agent does not spread through the blood. Failure to absorb the medication occurs only if 30 to 40 minutes have passed after taking the tablet before signs of intoxication appear, and it lasts 24 hours.

Women and girls with low weight often turn to gynecologists with the problem of disrupted cycles. Fertilization for this reason does not occur due to the body’s inability to provide the embryo with vitamins and other nutrients required for the full development of the child.

Regulon: instructions and dosage regimen

You need to start drinking Regulon on the first day of your period and take it for 21 days. This is followed by a seven-day break, during which a menstrual-like reaction is observed. On the eighth day, you need to resume taking the drug, even if the bleeding has not stopped yet.

You can switch to Regulon from another contraceptive drug the next day after completing the 28-day course of the previous drug or after taking a seven-day break.

In the postpartum period, you can take Regulon 3 weeks after birth only if the woman is not breastfeeding.

If a woman forgets to take a pill, but less than 12 hours have passed, she should take the next pill as soon as possible, and then take the pills at the usual time.

Important! If more than 12 hours have passed since the moment when the pill should have been taken, then the contraceptive effect is no longer guaranteed. If you miss a pill at 1-2 weeks of the cycle, you need to take two pills, and then continue taking the drug regularly, while using a condom for 7 days. And if a pill is missed in the 3rd week of the cycle, then 1 missed pill is taken and there is no seven-day break in this cycle.

After stopping the drug, how does the body behave?

In order to determine why there is a delay after stopping Regulon, it is important to understand the principle of hormone production before and after using the medication.

After taking the drug, the body needs to readjust. The ovaries and adrenal glands rest during the intake of hormonal substances, therefore, the production of hormones is significantly reduced. The authorities responsible for this type of activity need time to restore their work. It is for this reason that absence of menstruation is possible for 30–60 days.

In addition to disruption of the menstrual cycle, Regulon acts as a provocateur of other changes in the body:

  • hair loss, lack of natural shine, becoming thin and brittle;
  • the appearance of dryness, peeling and itching on the skin.

Menstruation varies greatly in the amount of blood loss and timing. For example, if before taking Regulon, menstruation lasted 3 days, then after that the time reaches up to 7 days.

See also: Period started 10 days earlier

With prolonged suppression, the pituitary gland begins to work in the same mode as after discontinuation of the drug. Not receiving the required amount of hormonal substances, the pituitary gland begins to stimulate additional production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. This improves the functioning of the ovaries. With this type of work, the likelihood of getting pregnant increases, thereby the medication can cure some types of infertility.

How do periods change when taking Regulon?

The first menstruation that begins after taking 1 tablet of Regulon will proceed as usual, and then scanty spotting is possible for 2-3 cycles. During this time, your period may start a little earlier or later. Within three months, the female body adapts to the new level of sex hormones in the blood. Three months later:

  • the menstrual cycle stabilizes: menstruation will come from the 23rd to the 28th day of the cycle;
  • discharge becomes less abundant and longer lasting;
  • PMS symptoms disappear;
  • pain syndrome is relieved.

When taking Regulon, menstruation begins during a seven-day break, when the concentration of hormones in the blood drops. In the first three months, while using the drug, the duration of menstruation may be reduced to 2-3 days. In the future, after adaptation, when taking Regulon, menstruation lasts from 3 to 5 days.

Menstruation when taking contraceptives, including Regulon, becomes scanty and does not contain mucous inclusions. These changes occur under the influence of the main components of the drug. Ethinyl estradiol replaces natural estrogen in a woman’s body and since its concentration is lower than what is normal in a woman, it does not ensure proper proliferation of the endometrium.

Heavy bleeding is a side effect of Regulon and can occur in the first three months, when the menstrual cycle has not yet established. Prolonged, heavy periods of bright red color indicate breakthrough bleeding. This pathology can occur due to an insufficient dose of ethinyl estradiol in the drug, or, for example, when missing another pill, or if a woman stops drinking Regulon. It is possible that the concentration of ethinyl estradiol is reduced due to impaired absorption of the drug due to vomiting or diarrhea.

Breakthrough bleeding, in addition, may indicate pathological conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and polyps.

Note! Smoking has an anti-estrogenic effect to some extent, which means it can also cause bleeding.

Minor brown discharge can normally be observed at the beginning and end of menstruation. Brown discharge and clots do not stop for a long time in such pathological conditions as:

  • hormonal imbalance, including during the formation of the menstrual cycle or during menopause;
  • endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia, polyps;
  • cervical erosion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • anorexia.

When taking Regulon, brown discharge is considered one of the side effects of the drug. They occur against the background of suppression of the ovaries and due to an increase in the level of platelets in the blood.

Most often, when taking Regulon, menstruation does not stop and lasts more than 7 days in the first three months, which is again due to the restructuring of the body. The lack of estrogen component affects the fact that bleeding does not stop in time.

A delay in menstruation when taking Regulon is possible in the first three months during the period of adaptation of the female body to the drug. If you do not have your period while taking Regulon, you must take a pregnancy test. If the result is negative, you can continue taking the drug. A certain percentage of women may lose their periods, and this is normal when taking Regulon. This may be due to developed endometrial atrophy.

Opinion of gynecologists

Menstruation did not come for 10–12 days after taking Regulon, what should I do? See a doctor immediately, as all experts advise. In order to exclude or confirm fertilization, it is recommended to take a pregnancy test before visiting a gynecologist.

At your appointment, the doctor will order tests and, based on the results, prescribe treatment. The main research methods include:

  • survey about taking the drug, the woman’s sex life;
  • obstetric examination;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • laboratory blood test for hormones.

A delay in menstruation after Regulon occurs for various reasons. It is necessary to stop taking the drug strictly according to the schedule to reduce the formation of negative consequences. After stopping oral contraceptives, you should prepare for strong changes in the body. When taken correctly, the menstrual cycle is restored within 2 months.

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Cancellation of Regulon: rules for cancellation and restoration of the female cycle

To finish taking the drug, you need to finish all the tablets from the package, completing the next menstrual cycle. Abrupt withdrawal of Regulon in the middle of the cycle is undesirable, but is allowed if such alarming symptoms occur as:

  • high blood pressure;
  • leg pain;
  • dyspnea;
  • jaundice;
  • skin itching;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • nausea or vomiting.

After 3-4 months of taking Regulon, a woman’s body recovers very quickly. After finishing the last package of the drug, you can plan a pregnancy without taking a break.

If a woman took the drug for 6 months or more, then it will take 2-3 months to restore reproductive function. Due to long-term use of the contraceptive, the endometrium wears out (atrophies). Under such conditions, implantation of a fertilized egg is less likely.

After long-term use of Regulon for 5-15 years, careful withdrawal of the drug is necessary with a gradual reduction in the dose of hormones, under the guidance of a gynecologist.

Note! Taking Regulon leads to a deficiency of folic acid, so after stopping the drug it is necessary to replenish the reserves of this vitamin.

Regulon is a hormonal contraceptive used for routine contraception. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, the drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and reduces the severity of PMS symptoms. However, in some cases it is necessary to stop taking the drug:

  • if a woman wants to get pregnant;
  • if a woman is not sexually active;
  • if you become concerned about the side effects of Regulon;
  • if additional barrier contraception is necessary;
  • if a woman becomes pregnant while taking Regulon.

Medical indications for stopping birth control pills:

  • liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • varicose veins;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • diseases of the organ of vision;
  • upcoming operations.

After giving up the contraceptive within 2-3 months, the woman’s reproductive function is restored, that is, the connection between the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus, pituitary gland and ovaries is restored. Gradually, the ovaries begin to function: the egg matures in them, ovulation occurs, and then, if pregnancy does not occur, , the corpus luteum remains. This whole process is accompanied by the release of its own hormones.

A healthy woman who took the drug for the purpose of contraception should not have negative consequences after stopping it. But each woman is individual, and you cannot be absolutely sure that there will be no side effects. The speed of resumption of ovulation processes after stopping taking the contraceptive depends on the properties of the drug , the woman’s age and health status, and most importantly, the duration of taking the drug.

What to do

When a girl is completely satisfied with the chosen contraceptive, and she has slight brown discharge in the middle of her cycle, she will wonder what can be done to get rid of it. Unfortunately, doctors say that until the adaptation period is completed, it is impossible to influence the frequency of occurrence of the symptom in any way.

Since biological fluid can irritate the delicate skin of the genital organs, it is necessary to observe the rules of intimate hygiene and perform the washing procedure at least twice a day. Thanks to this, you can prevent allergies, redness, itching and burning.

It is imperative to visit your gynecologist if such a symptom is detected. It can be noted that even with absolute reproductive health, a woman is recommended to visit a doctor at least once a year and undergo a preventive examination.

During the first 3 months from the moment you start taking Regulon, you don’t have to go to the doctor. The reason for the visit is definitely heavy bleeding and aching pain in the lower abdomen. If discharge begins after this time, it may be necessary to adjust the therapeutic regimen, as well as check for the likelihood of developing the disease.

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