When can you plan a pregnancy after taking Escapelle?

The article describes the effect of the drug Escapelle. How and when is it better to plan a pregnancy after taking pills with a strong hormonal effect on a woman’s body? Is this dangerous for health?

Planning a pregnancy is a prerequisite for happy motherhood. However, in some situations, during unprotected sexual intercourse, there is a risk of pregnancy. In such cases, emergency contraception is used; the drug Escapelle, an analogue of Postinor, is often used. But is it possible to get pregnant after such emergency contraception, what is worth remembering?

Features of taking Escapel

Indications for use of Escapella are unplanned possible pregnancy.
It is worth remembering that the emergency effect of the drug persists for the first 72 hours after unprotected sex. Efficiency in the first 3 days is 84%, which cannot guarantee 100% results. However, the earlier the pill was taken, the greater the likelihood of terminating an unplanned pregnancy at the stage of egg implantation. The effectiveness of the product, according to the instructions, is maintained if the tablet is taken once per menstrual cycle in the first half of the preovulatory period. At this moment there is the greatest likelihood of fertilization. If ovulation has taken place, then there is no reason to use the product during a regular menstrual cycle.

Possible contraindications are associated with exposure to the synthetic hormone progestogen or levonorgestrel. Contraindicated:

  • pregnant women;
  • during lactation;
  • with severe renal failure;
  • with individual sensitivity to components.

There is no systematic use due to the fact that the use of the drug is emergency and only if necessary. When using Escapel more often than once a year, menstruation fails and the functioning of the adrenal glands is disrupted.

What cannot be combined with

However, the medication must be taken not only quickly, but also correctly.

. The blister contains 1.5 g of levonorgestrel, which must be taken after making sure there are no contraindications. In addition, it is necessary to determine whether drugs from the list of Escapelle blockers are used.

The dynamics of inclusion in the metabolism and bioavailability of progestogen can be negatively affected by the following medications:

Where to apply for a contraceptive injection?

Contraceptive injections are given intramuscularly, usually in the buttock or arm, by a trained professional such as a pharmacist, nurse, nurse, or doctor.
The safest thing to do is to use a condom for all sexual intercourse during the month you miss your contraceptive injection date and wait until your cycle adjusts to take the first dose of the injection on the first day of your period. The contraceptive injection can be used without pause for an indefinite period of time, but a medical assessment is indispensable before dosing begins. Some gynecologists say that the maximum period for continuing the use of contraceptive injections is 2 years, after which there is a break to avoid complete dysregulation of the menstrual cycle, excessive fluid retention, skin defects and normal bleeding.

In addition, levonorgestrel is poorly absorbed by the body in case of Crohn's disease or other problems in the gastrointestinal tract


Is it possible to get pregnant after Escapelle?

Conception after taking Escapel occurs only in a few cases:

  1. at the time of taking the drug, the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus has taken place;
  2. in the first three hours after taking the pill, the woman vomited, which reduces the likelihood of exposure to the active substance;
  3. Immediately after taking the pill, another unprotected sexual intercourse occurred.

Since the drug is taken once a year, the likelihood of conception while using it is impossible. If a woman has unstable menstruation or late ovulation, then before taking it you should consult a doctor.

A woman who becomes pregnant after Escapelle makes a decision on whether to preserve or interrupt the fertilization that has already taken place. If you decide to keep the child, you need to consult a gynecologist. In some cases, pregnancy proceeds normally, however, the risk of uterine tone and placental abruption remains.

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, then taking a large dosage of the drug on her own is strictly prohibited. An excessive dose of the hormone causes severe bleeding, intoxication and other undesirable effects on the entire body.

The use of radical contraception only in emergency cases, there is no systematic use, and therefore discontinuation of the drug is not necessary. It is worth remembering that Escapelle is not an abortifacient, and therefore cannot be used to replace a medical abortion.

Escapelle: side effects

One of the main side effects from escapelle can be considered menstrual irregularities. This includes, first of all, a delay in menstruation. After taking the drug, acyclic discharge may be observed. They look like scanty periods, but in fact they are not. In the next cycle, periods after escapelle usually return to normal. You should not worry if there is no discharge after taking the drug. It all depends on the individual reaction of the body. In some cases, it can be done without any discharge.

Consequences of the escapade:

  • Allergic skin rashes, itching, urticaria, swelling
  • Increased fatigue, headaches, anxiety
  • Chest pain in the lower abdomen, similar to premenstrual syndrome
  • Menstrual irregularities and acyclic discharge
  • Nausea, digestive problems

Escapelle should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the active ingredient, levonorgestrel, if you have liver failure, or lactose intolerance. The drug should not be taken under 16 years of age.

There is no need to be afraid of side effects of the drug. Compared to many other contraceptives, escapelle is considered a mild remedy. This does not negate its effectiveness. Side effects are associated with the temporary effect of hormones contained in the drug on the body.

In addition to regular oral contraceptives, which contain a small dose of hormones and are taken monthly, there are emergency contraceptives. One of these drugs is Escapelle, the effects of which are rarely observed in women due to their mild effect on the reproductive system compared to analogues. Doctors' advice includes minimal use of such medications.

Pregnancy after taking Escapelle: are there any risks?

Situations that lead to the need to use radical contraception are different. However, if pregnancy occurs even after taking the pill and a decision is made to continue it, then it is important to remember:

  • there is a possibility of developing hormonal imbalance, which will require correction with medications;
  • there remains a risk of uterine tone, which often provokes premature birth;
  • there is a possibility of placental abruption.

But in most cases, women who become pregnant after taking a hormonal drug tolerate pregnancy well.

The reasons why emergency contraception is used are varied. However, it is worth remembering the risks and dangerous moments. A woman using contraceptives with a high content of levonorgestrel causes harm to the body. Therefore, it is better to take care of correct and timely contraception, which reduces the likelihood of unplanned pregnancy without health risks.

Feedback on using Escapelle

Those who have used these drugs have different reviews of Escapelle and the consequences that arise after taking it. Some ladies did not observe any special changes in themselves, except for the delay before the first critical days. Some suffered a cyclic failure for several months. Someone in the councils notes the occurrence of a side effect. But there are also reviews from women who observed long-term and irregular periodic rhythms.

Escapelle is a hormonal drug and is used in emergency cases to prevent pregnancy. It contains a synthetic analogue of progesterone, the dosage of which is significantly higher than the amount in contraceptives recommended for regular use.

Gynecologist - online consultations

Hello, please tell me. I had an unprotected PA and then the next day I drank escapelle. Immediately after drinking, my husband and I decided that we still had to give birth. After which there was an unprotected PA three times. But after 5 days bleeding began. Does it rule out pregnancy? Or is this just a side effect after the escapelle? If the pregnancy still continues, what is the likelihood that the effect of the escapelle will not affect the development of the baby?

Hello, Most likely the pregnancy did not survive. But nevertheless, after three weeks, get tested using a pregnancy test. If the pregnancy still persists (which is unlikely), then everything should be fine, since in the first days the embryo is not associated with the mother’s body and develops independently, due to reserves in the egg.

Hello. I have been taking Logest for a couple of years. Everything was always fine. 14.07.15 there was intimacy. It was day 20 tablets from the blister pack. 15.07. I drank the last one before the 7-day break (as expected). And on 16.07 in the morning I started feeling dizzy and slightly nauseous. The withdrawal bleeding began as expected on July 18. But the nausea and dizziness did not go away. And it seems like “goosebumps” are running in the nipple area. (I had this happen during pregnancy - 12 years ago). Until 14.07 there was no intimacy for 4 months - the husband would have.

Hello! My husband and I want a child, we had a miscarriage from our first boyfriend, we had a scraping done, is it possible to get pregnant after scraping on a chair? And what is the probability of pregnancy two days before ovulation?

Good day. I take OK Logest. The other day I caught a cold, the doctor prescribed amoxiclav. I was warned that this antibiotic reduces the contraceptive effect of Logest. However, my husband and I still had unprotected sexual intercourse (interrupted, ejaculation


Features of the impact of Escapelle

Escapelle contains levonorgestrel, the exact mechanism of action of which is not yet well understood. Its concentration in each tablet is 1500 mcg, and in regular birth control pills it is only 30 mcg. Such a comparison, of course, is not in Escapelle’s favor and the consequences, taking into account the individuality of each female body, may be different.

Levonorgestrel, once in the stomach, is absorbed into the blood and acts on the ovaries and uterus as follows:

  • interferes with the ovulation process;
  • reduces the likelihood of fertilization;
  • rebuilds the endometrium so that the introduction of the fertilized egg into its wall becomes impossible.

Mechanism of action of Escapel

The consequences of taking Escapel are comparable to a blow that causes hormonal stress. A one-time intake of a huge dose of Escapel forces the function of the reproductive system to work in an unusual mode, and a day after such stimulation a decline occurs. It is clear that these surges and declines do not pass without a trace and as a result, some failures and various consequences are possible.

The action of the drug Escapelle and its effect on the menstrual cycle.

Hello! Please tell me I took the Escapelle tablet, and after 6 days I started bleeding. Is this bleeding counted as menstruation or is it the same cycle that I had and will it stay that way?

Levonorgestrel provides the contraceptive effect of the drug by inhibiting ovulation if sexual intercourse took place in the preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, i.e. during the period of greatest likelihood of fertilization.

In addition, it has a pronounced gestagenic effect, causing regression of endometrial proliferation, which prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg if fertilization does occur. That is, in essence, levonorgestrel provides an abortifacient effect.

At the same time, by creating unfavorable conditions for egg implantation, the drug disrupts the structure of the inner layer of the uterine surface (endometrium) and promotes its rejection.

The nature of menstruation and the pattern of the menstrual cycle after taking Escapel in most cases depends on the day of taking the drug relative to the phase of the menstrual cycle.

As a rule, the appearance of uterine bleeding a few days after taking Escapel or another levonorgestrel-containing drug indicates the greatest contraceptive activity that has developed under the influence of this drug and is characteristic of the second phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, postovulatory.

Taking the drug at the beginning of the menstrual cycle helps slow down the process of egg maturation, and therefore lengthens the menstrual cycle.

However, the effect of hormonal drugs on the female body is purely


How does Escapelle work?

Taking the pill is an effective method of emergency protection against pregnancy. The tablets contain a synthetic hormone - progestogen.

(a substance close to progesterone). This component is also known as levonorgestrel. The action of Escapel is aimed at suppressing the synthesis of estrogen.

Benefits of contraceptive injections

Because injectable contraception is always a single, monthly, or quarterly dosing, you don't have to remember to take your birth control pill every day; Reduce the intensity of menstrual cramps; Prevents various female diseases such as endometrial and ovarian cancer, cysts, uterine fibroids and breast diseases; It fights anemia as it stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Disadvantages of the contraceptive injection

Thus, if a woman suffers from unpleasant side effects, there is nothing she can do except wait until the contraceptive effect wears off;
Fertility uncertainty: After stopping the injection, the woman may not be fertile again immediately and may take 6 months to 1 year to become pregnant; This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. The truth is that no contraception of any kind has the ability to increase body fat. Thus, the mechanism of action of this drug causes a shift in the hormonal balance in the female body and leads to significant difficulty in conception. Escapelle also makes the cervical mucus thicker, which prevents sperm from moving through it.

In addition, there is a failure in the formation of the endometrial layer and a slowdown in the release of the egg from the follicle

. All together prevents the blastocyst from forming and gaining a foothold in the uterus. This is the operating principle of Escapelle.

When should I start using a contraceptive injection?

What they do is increase fluid retention and swelling, as well as appetite, causing the woman to eat more and therefore gain more weight.
If this is your first time taking a contraceptive injection, you should take it on the first day of your period. If you have already taken a monthly injection, the next date should be 30 days after the date of the first dose or always applied on the same date each month. If you took the quarterly injection, count 90 days from the first date to take your next dose.

Pregnancy after Postinor

Postinor is a so-called emergency contraception drug that is taken after unprotected sexual intercourse has taken place. It allows you to prevent the onset of an unwanted pregnancy or interrupt it at the earliest stage of conception, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus. But for freedom from the multiple problems and hassles that the birth of a child brings, you will have to pay a high price.

Even if not immediately, the consequences of taking Postinor will almost certainly manifest themselves, perhaps after several months or even years, and this cannot be ignored.

Many girls claim that they do not experience any side effects of this drug. However, assessing whether this is actually the case is quite difficult and not always possible. The instructions for the drug indicate that it can cause the following problems with women's health:

To a greater extent, these side effects of the drug occur with long-term or frequent use of Postinor, but can also occur with a single dose. That is why in many countries of the world Postinor is prohibited for use and sale in pharmacies. According to our instructions, it cannot be used by women who have problems with the kidneys, liver and biliary tract,


Consequences after taking the drug

The most common consequence after taking Escapel is menstrual irregularity, manifested in its irregularity. Painful periods are recorded, with a delay until complete cessation; ovulation may be absent. But these consequences are excluded if Escapelle is taken for its intended purpose, strictly following the instructions.

Indications for use

Indications for its use are:

  • rape, unprotected contact;
  • case of a broken condom;
  • missing a regular birth control pill.

Escapelle can be drunk at any time of the day, regardless of food. Doctors' advice dictates that no more than 72 hours should pass after dangerous sex. The sooner it gets inside, the lower the risk of conception. Taking it during the first day guarantees avoidance of fertilization in 95% of cases, and with each passing hour the effectiveness decreases.

Impact result

In situations with a positive outcome, periods are delayed by 5-7 days or less. The risk of violations is minimal and next month the cyclical process becomes the same. But the consequences of adopting Escapelle are not at all rosy. Then critical days come late or begin on days 2-5 and repeat after 1-2 weeks.

Considering the risk of consequences after Escapelle, reviews and advice from doctors agree on a very important point. You only need to use one Escapel pill once per cycle.

The intake of a large concentration of levonorgestrel causes the endometrial layer, which is not yet ready for this process, to be shed prematurely, causing uterine bleeding, which requires treatment in a hospital. And frequent use leads to depletion of the ovaries. They slow down or completely stop their work, which is then very difficult to restore.


Like any medicine, Escapelle has contraindications; it cannot be used for the following conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • girls under 16 years of age, since the reproductive function that has not yet been formalized can be completely undermined.

Side effects

Adverse reactions when taking Escapel, confirmed by reviews from doctors, include:

  • cycle disruption;
  • nausea, vomiting, stool upset;
  • breast engorgement and tenderness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • headache;
  • increased fatigue;
  • allergic reactions.

Pregnancy after escapelle

Your goal is not clear. If you want to get pregnant, why did you take a post-coital contraceptive? Your bleeding may also not be your period, but a consequence of taking the drug. If you conceive within a short period of time after taking Escapelle, no pathologies should arise in the child.

If you want a child, then why did you take the escapelle at all? Of course, you can plan a pregnancy now, but first prepare your body. Therefore, I advise you to start taking a complex vitamin with a high content of folic acid.

Escapelle is taken in case of emergency after an unprotected procedure in order to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. This drug is quickly eliminated from the body, and its strongest effect is observed only in the first hours after administration. If you want to conceive a child after your first period arrives, you can do it with confidence!

You can safely try to get pregnant on the 3rd day after taking Escapelle; by this time the medicine is practically eliminated from the body. The only thing I can’t understand is why you want to get pregnant if you are taking Escapelle to prevent unnecessary pregnancy before planning.


Side effects

There are situations in every woman’s life when conventional contraception is impossible or has not given results, and a possible pregnancy is not included in her immediate plans.

In such moments, you need to act quickly, and for this you need to know about emergency contraception methods, because, in addition to the positive aspects, such means also have a number of unforeseen reactions that should be taken into account.

The drug Escapelle, instructions for use of which are included in each package, talks about the effectiveness of the product and possible side effects. These include:

  • individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the intestines and stomach (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system.

The patient may experience various allergic reactions: itchy rashes and redness on the skin of the face and body, swelling of the nasal and oral mucosa, Quincke's edema. Headaches, dizziness and loss of coordination of movement also occur.

From the reproductive system, bleeding is noted after Escapelle, not associated with menstrual flow.

IMPORTANT!!! It is possible to reduce the occurrence and manifestation of side effects if the patient leads a healthy lifestyle, eats well and devotes time to physical activity.

According to the developers of the drug, its effectiveness is 97%. Only in three percent of cases did pregnancy occur. This usually happened in those women who took Escapelle after the time required for the desired effect to occur, i.e. after 90 hours. Also, unforeseen side effects include a delay in menstruation by one or two weeks, too much discharge during menstruation, and in the first days it is bright scarlet blood interspersed with mucus.

IMPORTANT!!! Delay after Escapelle occurred in a small portion of patients (no more than 14% of respondents), but disorders of the digestive system occurred in more than 52% of girls.

Pregnancy after birth control pills

The vast majority of all women taking birth control pills still plan to become pregnant in the future, and possibly more than once. Therefore, the question of the likelihood of conceiving a child after stopping OCs arises quite often. And maybe more than one: is it possible to get pregnant after taking birth control pills, how quickly, what are the chances, risks, nuances, and so on.

In the instructions, probably, for any modern oral contraceptive you will find a notice that pregnancy is possible in the next cycle after stopping the pills. But everything is not so clear...

In general, there is a rather peculiar connection between birth control pills and pregnancy, because various hormonal contraceptives are taken both to prevent possible conception, and vice versa - to speed it up.

The active ingredients of the contraceptive drug inhibit the functions of the ovaries, and they temporarily stop ovulating. The ovaries can remain in this dormant state for quite a long time, but after discontinuation of oral contraceptives they gradually recover and often work with double zeal, which gynecologists use for some forms of infertility. That is, in some cases when a woman fails to get pregnant, she may be prescribed birth control pills. Usually the course is 2-4 months, and immediately after stopping the OC, pregnancy occurs in most cases. Sometimes it is necessary to carry out several such courses: 3 months of taking pills - 2 months break. This approach (the so-called rebound effect) helps to resume ovulation.

But for contraceptive purposes, we take pills for much longer than several months. Does the length of time you take hormonal medications affect your ability to get pregnant in the future? Different experts answer this question differently.



The action of escapelle is based on the fact that it prevents the enlargement of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity and causes it to stop producing secretions, which are necessary to maintain pregnancy. The drug is taken once and in a large dose, so the uterus becomes unsuitable for implantation of an embryo into it and pregnancy does not occur. However, a sharp hormonal surge and a lack of hormone supply in the future can lead to rejection of the mucous membrane, which is accompanied by severe uterine bleeding. In some cases, a woman requires hospital care.

How it works and side effects. The morning after the pill without medical contraindications, if it is not taken again. This is a well tolerated drug. The pituitary gland and hypothalamus secrete hormones that act on the ovary and stimulate the growth of one of its follicles.

They also change the consistency of cervical mucus, which becomes clear and receptive to sperm. The cervix also softens when it is fertile. The menstrual cycle lasts, on average, 28 days. Ovulation, which occurs in the middle of each cycle, lasts 36 hours. If the egg does not fertilize, it disintegrates and is resorbed. If there is no fertilization, bleeding occurs.

Some girls often use escapelle and are calm about bleeding. But frequent unsystematic bleeding contributes to the development of iron deficiency anemia, which is difficult to cure, and also weakens the body.

Constant use of the drug causes depletion of the ovaries, as a result of which they produce an insufficient amount of natural female hormones. The secretion of progesterone and estrogen decreases, resulting in disruption of the menstrual cycle and infertility. Ovulation does not always occur, and sometimes it disappears completely. Sometimes menstruation may stop altogether. This condition is called amenorrhea, in which it is impossible to become pregnant and give birth to a child. But if the changes are not permanent, reproductive function can be restored. This will require long-term treatment under medical supervision.

If the blastocysts weren't alive, what were they going to realize? If a person does not start with fertilization, it will never begin. We call doctors, pharmacists and all healthcare workers a reflection. And this is regardless of any religious feelings a person may have. Is Birth Control Controlling You?

Types of contraceptive injections

Take all your doubts right here and make your choice! There are two types of contraceptive injections: monthly, which protects a woman from pregnancy for one month, and quarterly, taken every three months. Monthly injection against contraception. . The monthly contraceptive injection consists of synthetic female hormones - estrogen and progesterone, the same hormones that make up the vast majority of birth control pills, which are the same ones women make during pregnancy.

Escapelle is contraindicated in adolescents under sixteen years of age; at this age it is especially dangerous and can adversely affect the reproductive system. In some cases, the drug is used after the rape of girls, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor. It is strictly forbidden for women with menstrual irregularities to take escapelle. The drug can be used only in the most extreme cases and as prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, the woman faces infertility.

Its mechanism of functioning is to send information to the brain that the woman is already pregnant, so there is no ovulation. It also works by thickening the cervical mucus so that sperm cannot pass through it and reach the uterus. The monthly contraceptive injection should be taken every 30 days, even if you haven't had any bleeding or bleeding before that period, which is completely normal!

Is it possible to use Postinor or Escapelle to terminate pregnancy?

Quarterly contraceptive injection. . Quarterly contraceptives consist only of a synthetic hormone, progesterone, which is slowly released towards the uterus, acting to suppress ovulation and modify the cervical mucus and endometrium, making it thicker so that sperm cannot cross it and reach the uterus, and also prevent possible nesting.

An unwanted pregnancy is definitely not a gift, especially if it can happen through negligence or accident.

Recently, cases of unwanted pregnancy have become more frequent among minors.

However, there are medical treatments that can prevent such severe consequences with a high degree of probability.

It is through these mechanisms that a quarterly injection of contraceptives, when administered correctly, is one of the safest ways to avoid pregnancy. The biggest advantage over a quarterly injection of contraceptives is that you get protection for three months straight and don't have to worry about taking a new injection every month.

What are the best contraceptive injections?

A quarterly injection of contraceptives does not guarantee complete absence of bleeding for three months. There may be bleeding at any time, which does not mean the injection is weak or you can get pregnant from it. The best injectable contraceptives you can find on the market.

One of these drugs is Escapelle.

What happens to a woman’s body and how quickly the medicine works, we will talk about this later in the article.

The drug "Escapelle": gynecologist reviews, instructions and side effects

The drug is white or almost white tablets, flat, engraved G00. This is a hormonal drug, each tablet contains 1.5 milligrams of levonorgestrel (synthetic progestogen). In addition, they contain starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, talc, lactose monohydrate.

This is a post-coital contraceptive that is used in emergencies. By its action, it inhibits the ovulation process, thereby providing protection against pregnancy. Additionally, the drug prevents the growth of the uterine mucosa and makes cervical mucus more viscous. This is necessary to impede the progress of sperm.

For some reason I'm so


Effect on the body

Escapelle is an analogue of the female hormone progesterone. One tablet contains 1.5 mg of active ingredient. Such a large dosage entails a hormonal surge, after which it is quite difficult for the body to recover. However, in emergency cases, this dose is needed to prevent pregnancy.

What are the side effects of emergency birth control pills? You are likely to feel nauseous after taking emergency birth control pills; There are even women who vomit. You may also have a headache, fatigue or dizziness, lower abdominal pain, or breast tenderness. If you feel any discomfort, it should happen within a day or two. Some women also find that the pill causes unexpected bleeding; it is not dangerous and should return to normal in the next menstrual period.

Escapelle suppresses the production of estrogen, so that unwanted pregnancy does not occur. The drug is recommended only in special cases, for example, after rape. Escapelle is sold by prescription and is prescribed only by a doctor. Only he can determine whether a woman needs this remedy. It is worth remembering that the drug has side effects and contraindications.

A study comparing levonorgestrel and ulipral acetate found generally similar side effects for the two drugs. Research shows that taking two 25 mg tablets one hour before using emergency contraceptive pills significantly reduces the risk of nausea by 27% and the risk of vomiting by 64%. However, this medicine doubles the chance of you becoming drowsy.

If you vomit within one hour of taking a dose of any type of birth control pill, some health care providers recommend repeating the dose if your body is unable to absorb all the hormones contained in the drug. For a more detailed and up-to-date academic review of the medical and social science literature on emergency contraception, including side effects, click here.

Systematic use of escapelle is unacceptable, as this will lead to depletion of the ovaries. It is very difficult to recover from this, most likely the woman will no longer be able to get pregnant. It is important to understand that any medications intended to prevent pregnancy should be used only after consultation with a doctor. They can be beneficial and also cause serious consequences.

Know the morning after pill and its side effects. An emergency situation must have medical direction. If this happens inappropriately, it can have long-term consequences. It should be used sparingly. Its frequent use can not only reduce the effectiveness of the method, but also change ovulation patterns - preventing it or delaying it, making it difficult to calculate fertile days.

It should be prescribed by a doctor as the purpose is to know why it is being used. The idea is to do this only once - twice at most - and that's in the next month. It is counter-intuitive to use it frequently as it should be understood as an emergency. If used only once, the natural behavior of the ovaries is temporarily disordered and the next cycle is corrected again.

Pregnancy after Escapelle

Well, everything is trivial, the condom broke and right on the very days of ovulation (((, within three hours after that I drank escapelle, now there are two days of delay and three pregnancy tests (from different manufacturers) with a positive result.

I made an appointment, but, unfortunately for me, my doctor is simply in demand, and I will only see her on February 4th (((. Pregnancy is expected from January 4th (it couldn’t have happened earlier - that’s for sure)

Is it possible that only your personal doctor can diagnose your pregnancy and its development? I'm shocked! Or do you have one medical facility for the entire collective farm?

What's the point of diagnosing now? You need to at least look at the development of hCG and do an ultrasound, but what’s the point of doing an ultrasound for three or four weeks? (correct me if wrong)

I’m scared to go to another doctor; good gynecologists don’t come across very often. you know how many things you can hear right away, even an invitation to an abortion, which may or may not be done.

Yes, I can’t say that I was very unlucky. Of course, not quite on time, but in general there is nothing particularly stopping me from leaving this pregnancy (if it exists at all). Just to at least roughly estimate what I can expect in the next two weeks

Maybe your friends have a trusted specialist? So go see him, and then he’ll come to you in turn, in any case, a few opinions won’t hurt

Miranda24, yeah, I was already thinking about this. But everyone in my area goes to their own district, if it gets really bad, then you’ll have to get there somehow, probably

in any laboratory, take an hCG test several days apart - you will immediately understand whether there is a pregnancy and whether it is developing. But the doctor can tell you about the extra-label one - I don’t understand why you even started talking about it? This doesn’t happen that often

I started talking about her because I took Escapelle, which in theory should not give a fertilized egg (e

Planning a pregnancy is a rather serious and very relevant topic. Modern women plan their studies, careers, and especially the birth of children. Thanks to the achievements of modern pharmacology, this is not difficult to do; it is quite correct to take contraceptives regularly. In special cases, when unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred and you are not planning a pregnancy, it is optimal to use emergency contraceptives, for example, Escapelle, which should be taken no later than three days after sex.

How to understand that Escapelle has worked?

Many people are concerned about the question: how do you know that the drug has worked? Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to determine before the onset of menstruation.

. Some believe that an indirect symptom of preventing pregnancy is bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, or heaviness in the chest. However, this is the “work” of a hormonal surge in the body and does not directly indicate resistance to conception.

However, there is no need to worry too much - the probability of blastocyst implantation and its development is about 1%. However, the medicine may not work if


Levonorgestrel should only be taken again if there is severe vomiting.

, which occurred within 3 hours of taking the first pill.

A double dose of hormones will not enhance the contraceptive effect, but will deal a blow to the woman’s body.

General description of Escapelle

A drug based on levonorgestrel is today considered one of the most effective and safe emergency contraceptives. It is produced in the form of tablets. Please note that the package contains one pill.

Escapelle is suitable exclusively for emergency contraception when unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred or the method of protection used has proven ineffective.

Attention: it is strictly forbidden to use a contraceptive as a permanent means of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The active substance, levonorgestrel, is completely absorbed in the digestive tract in a short time. Its absolute bioavailability is 100%. In this case, the peak content of the active component is observed two hours after taking the tablet.

A positive result after using the product is achieved in 85% of cases. Thus, answering the question whether it is possible to get pregnant after Escapelle, it is correct to say that this probability still remains at 15%.

Metabolic processes take place in the liver. The drug is excreted by the kidneys and intestines in the form of inactive metabolites along with urine and feces.

The active synthetic substance - levonorgestrel - imitates one of the female reproductive hormones - progesterone. Entering the body in a fixed dose, levonorgestrel has a special effect on the ovulation process and prevents fertilization if sexual intercourse took place in the phase of the menstrual cycle preceding ovulation, when the likelihood of conception is highest.

Levonorgestrel also acts in a special way on the endometrial mucosa, preventing the attachment of a fertilized egg.

Important: if you took Escapel much later than the period indicated in the annotation, then there is a high probability that the fertilization process has already begun and the drug will not have the desired effect. In addition, remember that drinking alcohol reduces the effect of most contraceptives.

A small part of levonorgestrel is excreted in breast milk, so it is advisable to stop breastfeeding while using the drug. At the same time, the indicated single dose of Escapel does not have a significant effect on the factors of hemostasis, metabolism and lipids.

Important: levonorgestrel negatively affects the process of conception only in the menstrual cycle in which you used it as an emergency contraceptive drug.

After one or two menstruation after taking Escapel, you can plan a pregnancy. The ovulatory cycle is restored and the egg is again ready for fertilization. To create a favorable environment for conception, gynecologists recommend that planning couples start taking complex vitamins for pregnant women or folic acid.

Contraindications for the use of Escapelle

The use of the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • if the body is hypersensitive to it;
  • in severe forms of liver dysfunction;
  • in case of malabsorption in the intestine;
  • persons under 18 years of age.

In the reviews, girls write that timely use of the drug helped achieve the desired result, but disruptions in the menstrual cycle are possible.
Studying the reviews of girls who took this drug, it is clear that they are all concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after escapelle and how this will affect the health of the future baby. And, although the effect of the drug has not yet been fully studied, experts say that it does not affect the development of the fetus and does not cause miscarriage.

Features of using the product

To achieve the desired result, it is optimal to take Escapelle orally once within 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Food intake and the day of the menstrual cycle do not matter in this case. For better absorption, the tablet should be taken with plenty of purified water.

Attention: if vomiting occurs after taking Escapelle, you should take another tablet.

After using this product, it is important to use topical barrier contraceptives before the next menstruation. In the future, there are no restrictions on the regular use of oral contraceptives.

It is quite natural that taking such a drug can cause some changes in a woman’s body. So, the most common side effect is a delay of menstruation up to 3-5 days. As a rule, this is normal. However, if the delay after Escapelle lasts longer, you should exclude the possibility of pregnancy, including ectopic, and go to see a gynecologist.

We recommend that you find out what harm chips in a pregnant woman’s diet can cause.

Read: what thyroid diseases can occur during pregnancy.

In addition, in some cases the following side effects are observed:

  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • increased fatigue;
  • allergic manifestations – urticaria, skin itching;
  • very rarely Quincke's edema, dysmenorrhea.

If one or more symptoms are detected, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

There are direct restrictions on the use of Escapel as an emergency oral contraceptive:

  • It is strictly forbidden to take pills during pregnancy, since the drug does not have an abortifacient effect;
  • lactation period;
  • individual sensitivity to levonorgestrel;
  • lactose intolerance or deficiency;
  • malabsorption syndrome;
  • acute form of liver failure;
  • Crohn's disease.

We recommend that you find out what flux is and why it is dangerous for pregnant women.

Efficiency of reception

Due to the fairly rapid mechanism of pregnancy, you need to understand how long it takes for Escapelle to act. Therefore, you need to take the drug no later than 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected coitus

. Over time, the effectiveness of the pills decreases and the likelihood that pregnancy will take shape increases. Therefore, there are limits to the relationship between time and probability of conception after taking the pill:

From what day is the contraceptive injection effective?

Remember that you must take the injection even if you are not menstruating. Make sure you are not pregnant before taking the injections. The effectiveness of the contraceptive injection is guaranteed even from the end of the first month you took the dose, so it is recommended to use condoms during sex for at least the first month after application.

Anti-contraceptive injection, menstruation and exhaustion

Most contraceptive injections tend to cause quite a bit of headache when it comes to periods and leaks. Even if you take a contraceptive injection that completely turns off your periods, bleeding may occur due to weak leakage, can come on any day of the cycle and can have different colors such as pink or brownish, and lasts from 2 to 7 days. Confused with menstruation.

  • the first 24 hours - up to 99% chance of avoiding conception;
  • 24-48 hours - already 85%;
  • 48-72 - less than 58%.

After the blastocyst is fixed in the uterus, Escapelle has no effect on it, i.e. It is impossible to perform a home abortion in the early stages using it.

Taking the drug after the 72-hour mark is ineffective

, although there is data on the permissibility of using the pill after 96 hours. However, its effectiveness will be less than 58%.

In what cases should you not take Escapelle and Postinor?

But don't worry. Avoidance of bleeding does not indicate that the contraceptive injection was unsuccessful, it is only a side effect. Your period may also not arrive on the expected days even if you are not pregnant, and this is where the biggest fears and doubts arise, but know that this is completely normal for those using birth control injections.

Why doesn't Escapelle rule out pregnancy?

Due to these factors, the contraceptive injection is not sold as well as birth control pills, but it can still be considered a safe option for protecting a woman from pregnancy. However, you need to be careful because bleeding of the shoot can be caused by other factors such as stress, diseases in the uterus, excessive physical stress or weight bearing.

Why doesn't Escapelle rule out pregnancy?

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Escapel? At the beginning of the article we already touched on this issue. Let's take a closer look at the reasons why pregnancy can still occur.

So, first of all, it is important to observe the timing within which you should take the tablet, and also remember the need for a repeat dose if vomiting begins.

To minimize the risk of negative effects on the body and not provoke serious hormonal disruptions, it is permissible to use Escapelle no more than once every 3-6 months.

The principle of action of the medicine

An unplanned pregnancy is rarely included in the plans of modern representatives of the fairer sex. And although emergency contraception (Escapelle and analogues) are pharmacological agents that do not have the most positive effect on the functioning of the female body, many patients prefer their use to a possible abortion.

IMPORTANT!!! These drugs are prohibited from being taken as the main method of contraception; they are designed for one-time and rare use. Taking such tablets more than once a month is strictly prohibited.

When deciding on the use of Escapel and analogues, you need to take into account that such drugs can prevent pregnancy, but they cannot protect you from infection with infectious diseases that affect the reproductive and urinary systems.

How does this remedy work? Penetrating into the blood, levonorgestrel slows down the action of hormones responsible for the release of the egg from the follicle, but this effect is only possible if unprotected sexual intercourse took place before ovulation. The active substance also affects the uterine epithelium: it changes and does not allow the fertilized egg (if fertilization does occur) to attach to the walls of the uterus, i.e., it promotes chorion rejection.

The next substance that changes under the influence of levonorgestrel is the mucus in the cervical canal (in the cervix). It becomes thicker, which helps to retain sperm, reducing their activity and preventing penetration into the uterus and fallopian tubes.

If the drug was taken after the egg met the sperm, and the fertilized egg had time to attach to the walls of the uterus, taking Escapel will be ineffective, because this drug is not able to terminate the pregnancy.

The effect of the drug begins two hours after the tablet is taken. The breakdown of the remaining drug occurs in the liver, and within 24 hours the components of the drug leave the body naturally.

Indications for use

According to WHO, the only indication for taking Escapel is to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

This may happen if:

  • the woman was subjected to violence;
  • the intrauterine device is damaged or displaced;
  • the barrier contraceptive is damaged;
  • there was an error in taking oral contraceptives, etc.

The main active ingredient, levonorgestrel, is an artificially created component, and therefore does not have a negative effect on the natural synthesis of male hormones in the endocrine system. And due to the fact that the drug is in the woman’s body for 24 hours (which in pharmacology is considered a long period), it is almost completely absorbed by the body.


Patients seeking help from emergency contraception are concerned about other issues in addition to the effectiveness of the drug. This:

  • health risks;
  • use of medication during lactation;
  • the impact of Escapelle on the unborn baby;
  • repeated use of the drug;
  • need for specialist consultation.

According to doctors, the medicine, if taken according to the instructions and in the dose recommended by experts, does not harm the patient’s health. Various side effects are possible, but they disappear after taking symptomatic medications or on their own the next day.

The drug is safe for nursing mothers, because its concentration in breast milk is very small and cannot harm the baby. However, it is better to take a short break from feeding for up to six hours and express breast milk first.

The effect of the medicine is one-time, i.e. if, a couple of days after taking the pills, another unprotected sexual intercourse occurs, you should not count on the help of the medicine already taken. You will need to take other measures to prevent pregnancy, but you should avoid taking medications containing levonorgestrel.

Where can I buy?

Escapelle can be purchased at any pharmacy and is available with a prescription. The cost varies from 230 to 420 rubles.

Analogues have approximately the same cost.

Emergency contraception, like any other medication, requires consultation with a specialist. This is also necessary in cases where a woman has chronic illnesses, or is undergoing drug treatment to fight any disease. The action of some pharmaceuticals can reduce the effectiveness of Escapel or make it completely useless. However, consulting a doctor is not always possible - unprotected sexual intercourse can occur on vacation, out of town or on weekends, when the expected consultation “steals” precious time. In these circumstances, taking the medicine is possible after carefully studying the instructions for the medicine. And after the cessation of menstruation, you should definitely go to an appointment with a gynecologist.


Among women who have used this product, there are many reviews about the effectiveness of the drug.

“Escapel is a fairly well-known means of emergency contraception. I’ll say right away that I don’t have a very good attitude towards such contraception, but it can still help as an ambulance in emergency situations. The faster you take it, the more effective it is. I usually keep a pill at home. Previously, my husband and I protected ourselves with oral contraceptives, that is, as usual, the burden of protection lies with the woman. I was happy with almost everything about oral contraceptives, except for the drop in libido. Really, what's sex if you don't want anything? Therefore, I decided to abandon the constant use of oral contraceptives, demanding that my husband take some part in solving the problem) In general, solutions were found, but there may still be misfires, and sometimes I still, when it seemed to me that something - it could have gotten in... I decide to take an “emergency” pill. Of course, this happens rarely, for example, once every six months. Of course, it should be noted that the dosage of hormones in the tablet is high. There is also a high probability of side effects. I had light spotting and then a shift in my cycle. Also, once, on the contrary, the period did not come on time, it came two weeks later... So then you have to guess on the coffee grounds, but it’s better to buy a pregnancy test to be sure, so that there are no doubts later.

Of course, I categorically do not recommend using Escapelle for regular use. I recommend it, but only for use once a year, not more often.”

“In the life of every girl, a similar embarrassment can occur, be it a broken condom, the “failure” of a partner (unsuccessful PPA), etc. and, as a consequence, the risk of an unwanted pregnancy. We all know that no one will take care of our health except ourselves. And “men shouldn’t give birth...” (as the famous Russian proverb says). In any case, if a similar unforeseen and unfortunate situation happened to you girls and pregnancy is a reason for frustration rather than joy for you, you need to think about the consequences (and possible abortion) and play it safe. Emergency contraception comes to the rescue in such cases. I’ll tell you about myself: the same embarrassment happened with a condom falling off. Escapelle came to my aid. This is a more modern drug when compared with Postinor. And it is increasingly recommended for emergency contraception as a safer option. Escapelle provides an innovative way to prevent unwanted pregnancy with just 1 tablet taken in the first 3 days (72 hours) after unprotected intercourse. The mechanism of action of Escapel is based on natural contraceptive effects:
• Delays egg maturation and ovulation. • Prevents the fertilized egg from attaching to the inner surface of the uterus. The effectiveness and safety of 1.5 mg levonorgestrel has been proven by WHO.
Again about myself: I had no side effects, including untimely arrival of menstruation or pain in the lower abdomen. Everything went great. You take 1 tablet, wash it down with water and that’s it.”

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