Is it possible to exercise on a treadmill during menstruation?

What are the dangers of running during menstruation: doctors' opinion

Running is an excellent activity that helps support the figure for every representative of the fair sex. Girls who adhere to a healthy lifestyle are often interested in: is it possible to run during menstruation? This article will help you understand the effect of physical activity on the female body during the menstrual period and find out what opinion experts have on this matter.

Running during menstruation: for or against

Women visit swimming pools, fitness centers, sports activities and stadiums. For active women, running is part of their full day, which not everyone can give up during menstruation.

A healthy lifestyle has now become fashionable, and girls are also trying to take care of their figure.

The question of whether it is possible to run during menstruation interests almost every second girl.

Now many are trying:

  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle;
  • eat properly, observing imbalances;
  • exercise to keep your body beautiful and fit.

During menstruation, natural processes in the female body are disrupted. Subsequently, changes that occur in the hormonal background worsen the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also increase blood pressure. You may feel weak and have a slow reaction time. Also, many women these days feel depressed, out of mood, stress and depression appear.

Of course, it’s up to the girl herself to decide whether to run or not during her period, but we shouldn’t forget about the medical aspect of this issue. Therefore, there is no clear answer to this question.

Only each of us makes a decision. But if you experience symptoms that prevent you from jogging, you should wait.

Is it possible to run if you start your period?

Menstruation is a natural process for every woman’s body, which is accompanied by the following symptoms: headaches, pain in the lower abdomen, and general malaise. In addition, a woman may feel depressed and have an increased heart rate. The reason for this condition is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells in a woman’s blood. A woman’s body is less enriched with oxygen, so endurance during physical exercise decreases, and a female representative gets tired much faster.

It is not necessary to stop running during menstrual periods; you just need to adjust the load.

Doctors' opinion

Medical scientists have long studied the effect of physical activity on the course of menstruation and tried to find out whether it is possible to run during menstruation. The experiments carried out gave reason to believe that jogging is not only not prohibited, but is even useful for women during menstrual periods. This opinion is based on the following facts:

  1. The ability of such loads to eliminate pain and cramps in the lower abdomen has been proven.
  2. Moderate jogging speeds up the body's metabolism and promotes the production of a hormone such as endorphin.
  3. Thanks to running, the body of the fair half of humanity is cleansed faster during menstruation, due to which there is a possibility of reducing the duration of critical days.
  4. Slow jogging during menstruation helps improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and relieve tension.

Running during menstruation once a day will not harm your health if the woman monitors the pace (do not increase the speed too sharply), pay attention to the landscape and do not step on various bumps. These rules are necessary.

It is recommended to reduce the intensity of training and its duration by reducing jogging distances and exercise time to one hour per day.

Running at the beginning of critical days

Most often, women are concerned about whether they can run on the first day of their period. In the first 1–2 days of menstruation, doctors advise refraining from physical exercise, due to the fact that the women’s body is significantly weakened during this period. It is recommended to play sports no earlier than on the 3rd day if the woman feels better.

The reason why you should not run during menstruation is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, as a result of which there is a possibility of disruption of the process of endometrial separation.

During the premenstrual period, sports are also allowed.

The only negative consequence of running during menstruation may be an increase in the amount of bleeding. In order to cope with this problem, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Use personal hygiene products with a high level of protection against possible leaks. These can be pads or tampons that have a gel base.
  2. You need to run in comfortable and loose clothing.
  3. It is important not to forget about water procedures on menstruation days. After all, water is a source of energy, relaxing and giving strength.
  4. If you are unable to take a shower, use various gels and wipes designed for feminine intimate hygiene. It is important to choose such products of high quality and only natural ones.
  5. During menstruation, you need to do physical activity without going to the pool or sauna.
  6. After training, do not forget to praise yourself for the work done. But it is better to exclude the encouragement of sweet and fatty foods. You can eat dried fruits or fresh fruits and vegetables, you can also drink sweet tea with honey or sugar. These foods help restore the body and give it energy for the whole day.

Choose for yourself when it is more convenient and comfortable to start training (in the morning or evening), because this is a matter of individual preference. Consider whether it will be possible to take a shower at the end of your workout and be on time for work if you prefer morning jogging.

What are the benefits of running

Running is useful on any day, because thanks to it the body is actively enriched with oxygen, its endurance increases, metabolic processes intensify, and immunity increases. Running during menstruation relieves bad mood and depression, since the body triggers the active production of endorphin, the hormone of joy. If the doctor does not prohibit physical activity on special days, then you can train, independently determining the degree of intensity and duration of physical activity.

Talk to your doctor about exercising during your period.

To ensure that running during menstruation has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, you should follow the tips presented in the table.

Running rulesDescription
Warm-upYou definitely need to stretch your legs, especially your knee and pelvic joints, your back, and do a little stretching. During menstruation, a woman's body swells and the ligaments and muscles temporarily lose their elasticity. Therefore, to avoid tears and sprains, you should warm up your body.
TimeYou can run for no longer than 40 minutes during menstruation. This way the body will not have time to become overtired.
RhythmYou should not run at high intensity during your period. Only jogging is allowed.
ClothThe suit must be made from natural fabrics and be appropriate for the season to prevent overheating of the body or, conversely, hypothermia.

To make running enjoyable in the first days of the menstrual cycle, you should eat a high-quality, balanced diet throughout the month and completely eliminate the consumption of sugar. It is important that your diet contains foods rich in iron. Also, for women's health, proper functioning of the reproductive system and painless periods, you need to eat 25-30 grams of unsaturated fats every day. These include nuts, avocados, any vegetable oil, olives, and seeds.

Be sure to drink up to two liters of clean water daily so that the blood does not thicken, toxins are removed from the body, and the cardiovascular system works properly.

When running is contraindicated

To find out whether it is possible to run during menstruation, as well as the individual reason for the ban on exercise, you need to visit a gynecologist before starting training. This will help prevent possible negative consequences.

Running exercises should be stopped if during this period a woman is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe and sharp pain in the female genital area (this may be the cause of a disease of the reproductive system);
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • headaches in which a woman feels like she might faint;
  • copious discharge (this can contribute to large amounts of blood loss).

When a female representative notices the above symptoms, she should immediately visit a gynecologist and undergo a specialized examination.

The listed symptoms may indicate the presence of diseases of the reproductive system that are inflammatory or infectious in nature.

It is recommended that teenage girls also refrain from physical activity and physical education lessons. Indeed, in this case, physical work can disrupt the process of establishing the cycle, which occurs between the ages of 9 and 15 years.

Sports and periods

Many modern girls and women are concerned about this question: is it possible to run during menstruation?

Currently, sport (and a healthy lifestyle in general) is very popular. Therefore, representatives of the fairer sex are happy to visit gyms, sports grounds, stadiums, or go for regular jogs in the park. There are more and more such girls and women every year.

However, during menstruation, due to hormonal changes, there is a risk of disruption of the cardiovascular system in the body. Increased blood pressure may also occur, muscles may lose tone, and reactions may become slower. Also, representatives of the fairer sex during this period may feel depressed, stressed...

There are many different opinions about whether you should run during your period, because you should give up training. Proponents of physical activity insist that there is no need to skip workouts. Others, on the contrary, argue that all training should be stopped during this period. Which of them is right and what are these reasons related to?

Physiological processes in the female body

To decide whether it is advisable to run during your period, you must consider your medical conditions.

You should first consult an experienced gynecologist if you intend to continue training during menstruation. This is explained by the fact that individual women may experience a variety of pathologies that interfere with sports activities during menstruation.

These pathologies are:

  • acute and intense pain in the genital area during “critical days.”
  • headache, very severe, as well as dizziness, a feeling that you might faint.
  • The discharge is very copious (major blood loss).

If you experience at least one of the above symptoms, it is better to stop running during your “critical days.” And to establish the reasons why such pathologies appeared.

At the same time, if your periods pass almost unnoticed without heavy discharge, severe pain and poor health, then you don’t have to change your usual way of life.

You should, perhaps, only slightly reduce physical activity, since during physical activity blood circulation is especially intense, including in the area of ​​the organs responsible for the reproductive system. And since blood loss occurs during menstruation, oxygen starvation may occur, dizziness, and the girl may feel weak.

Load limitation

Interestingly, some medical studies have shown that not too intense sports exercises (we emphasize – in a light form) during “critical days” can have an extremely positive effect on the process of menstruation itself.

Types of such small physical exercises include, for example, jogging.

However, we must not forget: since heavy blood loss occurs during menstruation, the body's resources are limited. You definitely shouldn't overload them. So all runners during their period should reduce physical activity, pace, intensity of training, as well as distance and time to cover the distance.

What exercises can replace jogging?

If you feel inconvenience and discomfort when running, you should abstain from it during your period. You can replace running with other types of physical activity.

The following types of activities may be alternatives:

  1. Morning work-out. It will help keep the body in good shape, however, it should be carried out in a shortened version and exclude power loads. Find out if you can pump up your abs while on your period.
  2. Fast walking (sports). This sport is less intense than running and is great for burning extra calories.
  3. Yoga class. Thanks to a set of such exercises, all major muscle groups are strengthened, and the general condition of the body during menstruation improves.
  4. Moderate and light stretching. Helps relieve pain during menstruation.

Taking into account the information presented above, we can conclude that running during menstruation should be done with extreme caution. If there are no special contraindications from doctors, and the girl does not feel any particular discomfort from this type of activity during menstruation, there is no need to interrupt classes. To feel good after running, you need to follow the recommendations of doctors. Always remember that a woman’s health should come first!

Alternative types of loads

If you feel severe discomfort while jogging, you should refrain from it. But you don’t have to give up physical activity completely. You can choose classes with minimal intensity. So, light cardio training can only have a beneficial effect. Of course, ideally, you should consult with a trainer who can help you choose the optimal load and safe exercises.

You can pay attention to the following types of activities:

  • Race walking . Less intense than running, but also great for burning calories.
  • Lightweight morning exercises. It should be shorter than usual. Also exclude strength training and abdominal exercises.
  • Yoga . The most gentle practice that helps strengthen different muscle groups, promotes massage of internal organs and helps ensure a positive effect on the body as a whole.
  • Stretching . Helps relieve pain and tones muscles. But it should be light and moderate.

Remember that no weight-bearing exercises are allowed during menstruation.

Is it possible to run while on your period? Doctors' advice

Is it possible to run during menstruation? This is practically a topical problem. The fight against extra pounds has brought thousands of women into sports. Physical activity helps not only improve your figure, but also maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regardless of what sport you choose, be it fitness, yoga, running, gym or athletics, every woman has individual characteristics of her body. So, someone can exercise every day in the morning, while others devote a couple of evenings a week to exercise.

Each of the ladies at least once asked the question “Is it possible to run during menstruation?” The opinions of practitioners and theorists on this matter differ greatly. In this article, we will look at how physical activity affects our body during critical days and what is the opinion of experts.

Medical aspects

If you decide not to cancel your regular morning jogging due to the onset of your period, we recommend that you first consult your gynecologist for advice.

The fact is that specifically in your case, there may be various gynecological pathologies that prevent you from playing sports on “critical days.”

Such reasons are usually:

  1. Intense and acute pain in the genitals during menstrual bleeding;
  2. Severe headache, dizziness, lightheadedness;
  3. Abundant menstrual discharge, which leads to significant blood loss.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates the presence of some pathologies, and therefore it is worth temporarily stopping running to determine their causes.

If the course of menstruation does not cause anything like this, no change in the usual rhythm of life is required. Some medical experts only recommend slightly reducing the level of stress.

This is due to the fact that when engaging in physical exercise, the intensity of blood circulation in the internal organs of the body increases, including those responsible for reproductive function. And due to some of its shortcomings (associated with blood loss during menstruation), oxygen starvation may affect: weakness and dizziness may appear.

What happens in the body during menstruation

So, we all know that once a month a woman gets her period. The duration and symptoms of this physiological process are purely individual. Is it possible to run when you are on your period? This is a personal question.

The prerequisite for the appearance of menstruation is the body’s preparation of the egg for conception; due to the fact that fertilization has not occurred, the level of hormones in the blood decreases. As a result, the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium) decreases, which causes delamination and rejection of the mucous membrane that has grown over the month. Clots of the membrane come out along with the blood.

Thus, critical days are the period when the female body is cleansed of the overgrown endometrium. During rejection, new layers of mucous begin to grow in the uterus; this process occurs before the start of a new cycle. Due to blood loss in the body, the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells decreases. It turns out that the internal organs experience a lack of oxygen, hence weakness and pain.

Physical exercise, on the contrary, helps enrich the blood with oxygen, so sports helps get rid of illness. However, you should consult with specialists about whether you can run during your period.

Changes in the body during menstruation

The content of the article:

Every girl who takes care of her health should definitely know what menstruation is and what changes occur in the body during this process. This is necessary in order to promptly notice any failure or deviation from the norm and promptly consult a doctor if necessary. In this case, she will not worry about the question of whether it is possible to run during the onset of painful periods.

Menstruation is a physiological process in a woman’s body. Every month a new egg matures, the uterus prepares for pregnancy. During this period, you should listen to your body. But if fertilization does not occur, the egg and endometrium (tissue covering the uterine cavity) die. As a result of endometrial rejection, blood vessels are exposed on the uterine mucosa and bleeding begins. Be especially attentive to your body's signals during this period. If you feel unwell, consult a gynecologist.

During menstruation, a woman loses up to 250 ml of blood. Such a large loss of blood naturally affects the woman’s condition. As a rule, this manifests itself in the form of fatigue, dizziness or just headaches.

Another symptom that often accompanies menstrual periods is pain in the lower abdomen. This is directly related to an increase in the level of prostaglandins (chemicals produced by the uterine tissue) in the blood. It is thanks to them that the uterus contracts, which is why the pain appears.

But the absence of pain during menstruation is also absolutely normal. It all depends on the level of prostaglandins, and besides, everyone has a different pain threshold. Regardless of whether there is pain or not, you need to avoid physical activity.

Medical research

Scientists, of course, have repeatedly studied this problem. Scientific experiments have shown that sport is not only harmless, but also beneficial for women during menstrual periods. Thus, it has been proven that certain exercises can reduce pain and spasms.

Movement and exercise help speed up metabolism and the production of endorphins. Some sets of exercises help the body cleanse itself more quickly, so the number of days of menstruation may be reduced.

Is it possible to run while on your period? The answer is definitely yes. At the same time, it is important to behave wisely: you do not need to increase the pace too sharply and step on stumps or bumps. Even such minor movements are dangerous during such a period.

By the way, during this period water is retained in the body, so additional discomfort may occur.


As already mentioned, running is useful in any condition and even on critical days. Among all sports, scientists have singled out this one. With the answer to the question “Is it possible to run during menstruation?” we have already decided. Now let’s look at what is so beneficial about running.

So, running can maintain muscle tone throughout the body. When jogging, the muscles of the legs, feet and core are involved. Also, while running, the lungs and heart work intensively. People who regularly exercise know that even 15 minutes of morning exercise gives them a boost of energy for the whole day. When running, a lot of calories are consumed, so an innocent chocolate bar or bun will not linger on your waist.

However, you should not force yourself to exercise when you are feeling unwell. The same statement applies to girls who go to school. To the question “Is it possible to run during menstruation in physical education?” The answer is rather negative. After all, school classes require certain physical activity and compliance with standards that are acceptable for the normal state of the child. An individual approach in this case will not be a way out of the situation.

Class schedule

Some women mark the dates of their periods and this is very convenient. This time is accompanied by profuse sweating and constant influxes of secretions. Who else but you yourself can better determine whether you can run on the first day of your period. After all, everyone has different discharge, some cannot move freely on the first day, and for others this peak occurs on the second day. On the first day, you can shorten the training time, reduce the pace and intensity of running.

What are the contraindications?

Another important point that you need to pay attention to when deciding whether you can run during your period is your well-being. Factors such as heavy discharge, severe dizziness and pain, nausea, indicate that you should not exercise. There is no consensus, but the best advisor in this case is your body.

There are a number of exercises that do not need to be done during “critical” days. These include: abdominal pumping, stretching, intense leg swings, strength training and others.

As for running, you need to postpone speed races and obstacle courses for a while.

Speed ​​walking can be a good alternative to running. This exercise targets the same muscle groups.

Is it possible to run and exercise during menstruation?

Jogging daily is a good habit. It improves health and helps maintain normal weight. But in order not to harm yourself, you need to know whether you can run during your period, because stress on the body during this period should be avoided. These days you should exercise sparingly. It is best to consult a gynecologist. The correct load will help alleviate the symptoms of critical days.

What can replace running?

If the gynecologist has prohibited running during menstruation or the woman herself has decided to limit herself, but does not want to relax her muscles, it is recommended to resort to other types of sports activities these days. This can be a simple set of exercises using dumbbells and fitness bands. A prerequisite is to exclude exercises involving the abdominal muscles.

Yoga is also great because it not only helps maintain tone, but also helps harmonize a woman’s internal state, which is especially important during menstruation.

This video will tell you about the features of training on critical days:

If there is no fluid retention in the limbs, stretching will be a good replacement for running. It promotes a surge of energy, enriches cells with oxygen, helps maintain muscle tone and relaxes muscles clogged by running, resulting in the formation of a beautiful relief.

Exercising during menstruation

Sport has a positive effect on the body , making it healthier. While jogging, almost all muscle groups work, calories are burned and endurance is trained. But many women do not know whether it is possible to run during their period.

According to doctors, moderate exercise can only bring benefits to the body. It helps reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation and reduces its duration. You can also get rid of pain with the help of sports activities. To do this you need to jog. Training should be short-term and without heavy load. Doctors' recommendations for running during menstruation:

  1. Hygiene products should be comfortable and made from natural materials. Thinking about leaks and blood stains on clothes will not bring any benefit to a woman's workout.
  2. Long runs should be postponed until the end of the critical days.
  3. Clothing should be as comfortable as possible and absorb moisture well. Sportswear that restricts movement is not suitable.
  4. During menstruation, it is more beneficial to exercise in clean air, so it is better to go for a jog in a public garden or park. It is advisable to postpone exercise on the treadmill until another time.
  5. Maintaining good hygiene is very important. Immediately after running during menstruation, you need to take a shower, otherwise pathogenic bacteria may enter the vagina. These days, the reproductive system is most susceptible to infections.
  6. After a run, you should not limit yourself to food (this rule does not apply to junk food). You can eat your favorite dessert or fruit. You also cannot do without meat and fish - they will help fill the body with useful substances. If you fast after exercise, you may lose consciousness.

If you feel nauseous, weak or dizzy while running, you should immediately end the workout and return home.

Running during your period

Evolutionarily, menstruation is not a disease, but a normal physiological phenomenon for a woman’s body. Walking and running during menstruation were historically the norm until quite recently. Like hard physical labor. But physical education teachers in schools prefer to exempt girls from their lessons during their menstrual period.

"Anxious" attitude towards girls

There really is an explanation for why you shouldn’t run during your period. But it only applies to girls during puberty and the establishment of a cycle. A regular menstrual cycle is established only 1-1.5 years after the first menstruation. High physical activity at this time can lead to the fact that the menstrual cycle will remain irregular in the future. Especially if the load was placed on the pelvic organs when running, cycling or long walks. In this case, menstruation will have to be “adjusted” artificially with the help of hormonal drugs. Physical education lessons with obligatory running as a warm-up are unlikely to lead to incorrect establishment of the cycle, but physical education teachers prefer to play it safe.

It is still not advisable for a girl to seriously engage in running during her period. Not only because of the establishing cycle, but also because at this time the body undergoes hormonal changes. Possible surges in blood pressure, decreased muscle tone, and dizziness. Sometimes the onset of menstruation is associated with severe pain in the ovaries, when you don’t even want to think about movement. And running at this time is simply impossible.

Full running sessions

If everything is more or less clear with the puberty period, then in adulthood, girls leading an active lifestyle really face the serious question of whether they can run during their periods. Previously, doctors, physical education teachers, and parents said that you shouldn’t run.

In fact, there are no direct contraindications for running and it all depends on the individual reaction of the body. Some girls not only cannot run on the first day of their period, but also generally experience difficulties with movement, but then they feel normal. Others experience problems throughout their period. Still others notice the beginning of the “red days” by their soiled linen. For some, the pain goes away just after exercise. Therefore, today’s ideas about whether it is possible to run on the first day of menstruation, as well as on subsequent days, already differ from the opinion of the mid-late 20th century. Doctors recommend focusing on your well-being.

While running is safe in most cases, doing abs during your period is really not recommended.

Running was a natural occurrence for a person on any day, but our ancestors did not engage in pumping the abs. But there are certain moments when running is really contraindicated for girls.

When not to run

Here again everything depends on the characteristics of the girl’s body. You should not run during your period if the following factors are present:

  • increased bleeding after jogging;
  • painful spasms intensify when running;
  • bad feeling;
  • dizziness;
  • tendency to pressure changes during menstruation;
  • diseases of the genitourinary organs.

In the latter case, you should not run at other times.

When jogging during menstruation, girls need to pay special attention to some points:

  • bleeding during exercise began to intensify, although before everything was normal;
  • the cycle began to be disrupted;
  • bleeding began to appear at inopportune times;
  • My periods have become too long compared to what they used to be.

In all these situations, changes cannot be attributed solely to physical activity during menstruation. If these signs appear, you should be examined by a doctor.

This is how various diseases of the genital organs can manifest themselves.

These diseases may otherwise be asymptomatic, revealing themselves only as abnormal menstrual bleeding. A full examination will reveal the cause.

Are there any benefits from running?

Girls shouldn't set records these days. How to train at the limit of your strength. But nothing prevents you from reducing your load a little and continuing jogging. Often, a light jog even leads to improved well-being:

  • when running, blood circulation increases and slight weakness and apathy caused by hormonal changes disappear;
  • thanks to massage of the pelvic organs while running, pain arising from placental abruption may disappear;
  • physical activity, especially running, promotes the production of endorphins - “hormones of joy” that improve mood;
  • due to deep breathing, oxygen starvation that occurs due to a drop in hemoglobin levels and vasoconstriction during menstruation is eliminated;
  • there is a distraction from the unpleasant sensations due to the need to monitor the route while running.

Thus, running during your menstrual period not only prevents you from getting out of shape, but can also help you not to focus solely on the pulling sensations in your lower abdomen.

It is common for the human brain to be distracted even from pain when a stronger stimulus appears.

For this reason, the absence of pain after a run may be due to a change in sensations and the need to observe the surrounding area. The brain is simply busy with other tasks.


Although you can run during your period, there are certain recommendations that make running easier and protect against unnecessary overload:

  • pads or tampons used when running should be of maximum absorbency;
  • You shouldn’t “rush for records.” At this time it is better to run for fun;
  • there is no need to try to run a longer distance than before your period;
  • It is better to choose sportswear for running from natural fabrics that absorb sweat well. However, this is also true on other days;
  • Swimming in open water is contraindicated at this time, even if it is usually part of a regular workout. It is also undesirable in the pool, as the girl may find herself in an awkward position;
  • If pain occurs while running, you should stop training and consult a doctor.

It's up to the girl to decide whether to choose a pad or a tampon for a run. Pads, even the softest ones, can come off and chafe. A tampon is more convenient in this regard. But today there is an opinion that sometimes a piece of a tampon can remain inside, which is why inflammation develops in the vagina. Here we can only advise you to use high-quality tampons and change them at least every 4 hours. In general, again, only the girl herself can decide whether she can use tampons or pads during her period while running. Both means have pros and cons.

Contraindications and restrictions

Some pathological processes in the female reproductive system may be asymptomatic. With them, physical activity is often contraindicated. Running in combination with menstruation and gynecological diseases can lead to complications. Before going for a run on critical days, it is recommended to consult a doctor. In addition, there are other reasons why you should not run during your period :

  • migraines and dizziness;
  • prolonged discharge in large volumes;
  • pain syndrome.

If these symptoms are often observed in a woman , she needs to examine the pelvic organs to find out the cause of deviations from the norm. Until a diagnosis is made, you should not run during your period, as running can only worsen the situation. Light and moderate loads are allowed until your health returns to normal.

Even if a girl feels well during her period, she should run at a slow pace and for short distances. It is forbidden to perform jumping, as it can cause discomfort and increased discharge. This is due to the fact that active physical activity stimulates blood circulation.

What to do if your stomach hurts after running?

It also happens that after running, your stomach hurts, like during menstruation, although menstruation has already ended or has not yet begun. This complaint is not uncommon among both enthusiastic female athletes and novice runners. The causes of painful syndrome in the abdominal area while running may be as follows:

  • Lack of a good warm-up or insufficiently active warm-up. Perhaps you did not prepare for running as you should: you did not stretch, warm up your muscles, or develop your joints. Because of this, your stomach may ache after a run. Especially if she is active.
  • Improper breathing while jogging. Inhaling and exhaling too frequently or, on the contrary, taking them too deep can cause pain when running. This happens due to spasm of the diaphragm. You should stop, catch your breath, and the pain in your stomach will go away.
  • You ate a hearty meal before training. Everyone knows that you shouldn’t eat too much before cardio exercise. A snack is necessary to provide the body with the energy necessary for running, but overeating is prohibited. A hearty breakfast or a hearty dinner eaten before a run can also cause stomach pain.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. Abdominal pain when running can be an alarming signal: you have some kind of illness. Consult your doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. It is not necessary that a disease will be found in you, but you will be calm that the cause of the pain is not so serious.
  • There is also an opinion: while running, the uterus becomes tense, and then begins to ache, like muscles after training. The pain in this case goes away on its own over time.
  • Full bladder. Pain in the lower abdomen may occur if you did not go to the toilet before running. A full bladder puts pressure on the uterus, and it gives an “alarm signal” through pain. This reason is rare, because with a full bladder you won’t really be able to run.

It is important

In any case, even if you are sure that the cause of the pain is not gynecological problems, visit a doctor. An extra examination of the female reproductive system will not hurt any girl. This is necessary: ​​pain in the lower abdomen after running can be a harbinger of infertility, cervical cancer, inflammation of the appendages or bladder.

Video. Is it possible to exercise during menstruation?

Training on critical days

Exercise during your period

Periods and workouts

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    Training on critical days

    Is it possible to train during menstrual periods? Yes you can! If you feel normal and your periods do not cause significant discomfort

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    Exercise during your period

    Is it possible to swim, exercise and play sports during your period?

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Training rules

Often physical activity causes discomfort during menstruation. At such moments, it is not necessary to completely give up jogging. It is enough to reduce the load a little. If the discharge is light, you can run on the first day of your period. Sports training will not lead to unpleasant consequences if you follow the following rules:

  1. When showering after running during menstruation, it is necessary to use a high-quality intimate hygiene product.
  2. It is not recommended to combine jogging with swimming in the pool.
  3. Diets are prohibited to avoid exhaustion of the body.
  4. You need to listen to your body during exercise. If a woman experiences pain or other unpleasant symptoms after running, she should consult a gynecologist.

It is worth paying attention to cardio training during menstruation . A training plan during menstruation should be drawn up by a trainer. Such training should include moderate loads and bring only benefits to the body. They can be carried out at home. During critical days, yoga, aerobics and light exercise are recommended.

Experts praise yoga the most because it strengthens the body, massages internal organs and improves health.

Sources: https://mesyachnye. expert/chto-mozhno-chto-nelzja/mozhno-li-begat-i-zanimatsja-sportom-vo-vremja-mesjachnyh

How to run correctly

Running during menstruation will not cause discomfort or deterioration in well-being if a woman adheres to a few simple rules:

  1. Choosing the right hygiene products, which include gel adsorbents for a high level of protection.
  2. You can run while on your period if you follow the rules of hygiene. After playing sports, be sure to take a shower using specialized gels for intimate hygiene.
  3. Do not combine running with swimming under any circumstances and follow a proper diet.
  4. While playing sports, you need to monitor your well-being - if deterioration is observed, it is better to reduce the load and consult your doctor.

If jogging causes discomfort during your period, you don't have to give up exercising completely. You can simply reduce the intensity of the load. Cardio exercises are especially effective. The trainer will help you choose the right, moderate exercises for the girl that do not harm the body, but, on the contrary, help improve well-being.

Exercises at home are quite relevant. Yoga, aerobics, regular morning exercises are the best option during menstruation. Experts say that yoga helps strengthen various muscle groups, acts like a massage on internal organs, and has a positive complex effect on the entire body.

If you follow simple rules, then when your period arrives you won’t have to give up running. Consultation with your doctor, a healthy diet and moderate exercise have a beneficial effect on women's health.

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