What kind of suppositories can be used for thrush during menstruation?

Advantages and disadvantages

There are two types of suppositories - anal and vaginal. They are used to treat many gynecological diseases, such as candidiasis, etc. If rectal suppositories have been prescribed, the question of whether they can be used during menstruation disappears by itself. Another thing is vaginal suppositories, they have many advantages, but some cannot be used during menstrual periods.

It is important to read the instructions for use to ensure the effectiveness of the drug during menstruation. If there are no contraindications, you need to consult a doctor and feel free to start treatment. Vaginal suppositories are often used in medical practice and here's why:

  1. The active substances act locally, the body and all internal organs are not affected.
  2. No side effects - due to the fact that the suppositories are inserted into the vagina, the risk of side effects is minimal.
  3. The ability not to interrupt treatment even during menstruation - most suppositories are used on menstrual days. Therapeutic substances constantly reach the right place, kill bacteria and prevent them from multiplying.
  4. The quality of treatment improves - on critical days, the female body is actively renewed and gets rid of unnecessary tissue. If you use vaginal suppositories during menstruation, recovery will be faster.
  5. Easy to use - just insert the suppository into the vagina and wait for the effect. There is no need to take pills and keep track of time; the therapy is invisible to the woman, since suppositories are usually administered at night.

Despite all the advantages, suppositories, like any other medicine, have their disadvantages:

  • Possible contact of active substances with menstrual flow - on menstrual periods, the acidity of the vagina changes. Some drugs contain components that enter into a chemical reaction with secretion, causing itching, burning and other uncomfortable sensations;
  • Change in discharge - often treatment leads to a change in the nature and abundance of menstruation, which greatly worries the woman;
  • Washing off medicinal components - during critical days, the internal cavity of the uterus is renewed, which is why the active substances of the suppositories do not have time to act and are excreted along with the secretions. If an infection is detected in a patient, the bacteria are not eliminated, but remain in their place, which is why the disease can become chronic.

Having compared all the pros and cons, we can say that using suppositories is convenient. They gradually kill bacteria by acting locally. If there is an urgent need, treatment with suppositories during menstruation is acceptable, but usually therapy is prescribed at the beginning of the cycle.

Use during menstruation

As you can see, some suppositories for thrush lose their effectiveness, but there is a way out. Just choose a product that is resistant to rinsing. If the drug has already been prescribed, but menstruation has begun, Betadine will be a safe temporary replacement. In any case, it will not harm, and you will not have to interrupt treatment.

Note! It is impossible to treat thrush with Hexicon, Bifidumbacterin, Femilex suppositories. And it's not even about menstruation. These medications are useless in the fight against candidiasis. Read the instructions and see for yourself.

The use of vaginal tablets or suppositories during menstrual periods is no different from normal use. If someone tells you to douche first, don't listen. You can't douche these days.

How to place a candle correctly:

  1. Wash your external genitalia.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  3. Remove the candle from its packaging.
  4. Lie on your back, bend your legs.
  5. Carefully insert the suppository deeper.
  6. If you get dirty, run and wash your hands.
  7. Go back to bed and fall asleep.

Painkiller suppositories

A huge number of girls suffer from painful periods. The pain is difficult to endure, so during this period pain-relieving vaginal suppositories are used during menstruation.

Many of them have an anti-inflammatory effect, having a positive effect on the reproductive system. This fact is very important, since during menstruation all diseases worsen, causing maximum inconvenience.

On critical days you can use the following candles:

  1. Naproxen is a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory drug.
  2. Voltaren – eliminates heat, pain and inflammation.
  3. Indomethacin – relieves inflammation, soothes pain.
  4. Ketoprofen is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.
  5. Diclofenac - relieves swelling, relieves pain, treats gynecological diseases, resists the development of tumors.

The preparations contain substances that do not come into contact with secretions, due to which the effect is maximum. They are not washed off, act quickly and are well tolerated by the body.

Suppositories for thrush

Candidiasis or thrush is a common pathology caused by the Candida fungus. The disease worsens during menstruation, since at this time the microflora of the vagina changes due to hormonal changes and secretion. The fungus is activated, the woman feels unwell and uncomfortable. With candidiasis, many suppositories are washed out, as a result of which the fungus is not destroyed.

There are suppositories that still have a positive effect, and some of them cannot be used during menstruation, these are:

  • Terzhinan is a gentle remedy; it is often used to treat candidiasis during menstruation. The main advantage is that the active substances work better in a humid environment; even with heavy periods, you can continue therapy;
  • Pimafucin - the drug is not recommended for use on critical days. The components quickly turn into foam, which is easily removed with secretions. In addition, these suppositories during menstruation cause a side reaction in the form of severe itching;
  • Clotrimazole - during menstruation, suppositories increase the symptoms of candidiasis. Patients using suppositories complain of itching, and not necessarily due to thrush. The active substances are not washed off, but it is not advisable to use them during menstruation.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to discuss all the nuances with your doctor, otherwise adverse reactions may occur.

Rules are important, but not absolute

When asked whether it is possible to use suppositories during menstruation, doctors most often answer in the negative, because the composition of most local medicines does not allow them to be placed in an unfavorable environment:

  • blood discharge washes away the medicinal substance and removes it out. As a result, the dosage is significantly reduced, and the disease becomes chronic;
  • During menstruation, the acidity of the vagina changes, the components of the drug enter into a chemical reaction with the discharge. This is fraught with painful sensations, itching and disruption of the microflora, even if the effect of the suppositories should be reversed;
  • side effects of the drug can provoke an atypical course of menstruation and lead to errors in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

But there are times when urgent local treatment is required, and some medications are most useful at the beginning of the cycle. Does this mean that you have to put up with adverse events while using them? Of course not. The problem can be solved simply: there are drugs consisting of components that are not affected by moisture and acid, and even vice versa - in such conditions they act more actively.

Other drugs

Treatment during critical days requires a special approach; some drugs are effective, others only cause harm. You cannot choose your own treatment; only a doctor can determine the necessary therapy, based on the individual characteristics of the female body.

Description of vaginal suppositories that are allowed and undesirable during menstruation:

  1. Acylact - the drug restores microflora, promotes the saturation of beneficial bacteria, improves the functioning of the mucous membrane, and protects against the proliferation of pathological microorganisms. The substances are quickly eliminated, so the product is not recommended for use on menstrual days.
  2. Betadine - if the discharge is scanty, the drug is allowed during menstruation. The product disinfects, kills bacteria, no adverse reactions have been identified. The composition contains iodine, which is quickly absorbed, and glycerin, which is slowly washed out. If the secretion is abundant, the effect decreases.
  3. Hexicon - prescribed for vaginitis and cervicitis. Suppositories quickly dissolve and the therapeutic effect is lost.
  4. Depantol - starts regeneration and has an antiseptic effect. It makes no sense to use it on critical days, since the substances are quickly eliminated and the cells are not renewed.
  5. Genferon - the drug kills bacteria and viruses. For heavy periods, therapy is not recommended, since the components lose their healing power; during the period of using suppositories, pathogenic microorganisms adapt to their environment.

Many suppositories lose their activity during menstruation, so treatment is usually postponed to the beginning of the cycle. If urgent therapy is needed, the doctor selects the most effective drug based on the results of the studies.

Rules of use and introduction

Administration must be done carefully and in compliance with hygiene. During menstruation, the uterus is slightly open, so germs can easily penetrate inside and cause complications. The candle can be inserted only after the hands and perineum have been washed. The product is administered in a supine position, after which you need to lie down for 20 minutes so that the components have time to penetrate into the desired area.

Since the suppository is placed overnight, the procedure will not cause any difficulties. Open the package with the product only before use and with clean hands, you can take hygienic gloves. It is important to read the instructions carefully and consult a gynecologist before treatment. The rules of introduction are simple; any woman can cope with the procedure.

You can use candles only if the instructions do not indicate a contraindication in the form of menstruation. Sometimes the doctor prescribes not recommended suppositories even on critical days; the main thing is to strictly follow the doctor’s advice and not interrupt therapy.

How to enter

It is necessary to insert candles during menstruation very carefully, observing the rules of personal hygiene. It is necessary that an infection does not get into the vagina along with the drug. This may occur due to open access to his environment during menstruation. Before insertion, you must thoroughly wash your hands and perineum. The drug is administered while lying on your back, after which the woman lies for 20 minutes.

According to the instructions for use, different drugs have different effects on the body. It is better to discuss whether to use suppositories during menstruation or not with your doctor, who will tell you whether there can be a break in taking the drug or whether suppositories should be administered rectally, as well as the advisability of vaginal administration of a particular drug during menstruation.

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Good afternoon Is it possible to insert Lilyz Rose vaginal suppositories during menstruation? They cauterized me with Earlesia. Thank you!

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