Is it possible to use Polygynax suppositories during menstruation?

Girls, they prescribed Polygynax for cirrvicitis and vaginitis. I took the suppositories for 12 days. The delay is already 5 days. I don't know what to think! There was no PA during the candles. Always use a condom before candles. Run for the test or what? It feels like the suppositories did not relieve the symptoms, but multiplied them. Who had this happen? experts

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Semikolennykh Nadezhda Vladimirovna

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Veronica Viktorovna Dobroselskaya

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Wrzecinska Eva

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Antakova Lyubov Nikolaevna

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Tiselskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna

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Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

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Nekrasova Natalia

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Anastasia Sergeevna Shikhaleeva

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Volkov Roman Leonidovich

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Sokol Larisa Ivanovna

Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site

Girls, they prescribed Polygynax for cirrvicitis and vaginitis. I took the suppositories for 12 days. The delay is already 5 days. I don't know what to think! There was no PA during the candles. Always use a condom before candles. Run for the test or what? It feels like the suppositories did not relieve the symptoms, but multiplied them. Who had this happen?

I thought I was the only one... I was worried about why I had a delay, because... My period came earlier, but not later. I suspected that after the candles... Is this normal?

I thought I was the only one... I was worried about why I had a delay, because... My period came earlier, but not later. I suspected that after the candles... Is this normal?

I’m also 5 days late, before this they always arrived on time. did you get your period?

I was also treated for 12 days with Polygynax suppositories. Delay 3 days. Before this, they always started 2-3 days earlier. The test is negative.

I was also treated for 12 days with Polygynax suppositories. Delay 3 days. Before this, they always started 2-3 days earlier. The test is negative.

Tell me please, who started menstruating? I have been delayed for 15 days after taking suppositories! There was no PA, I’m not pregnant, I’m already afraid. There are periodic symptoms of PMS, the stomach begins to hurt and irritability appears. I think they’re about to start, but 15 days have already passed, I don’t know what to do.


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Online publication “WOMAN.RU” (Zhenshchina.RU)

Certificate of registration of mass media EL No. FS77-65950, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) on June 10, 2016. 16+

Founder: Limited Liability Company "Hirst Shkulev Publishing"

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day.

Due to the fact that thrush is a fairly common disease, it “gathers” many questions around itself, in particular about how thrush affects menstruation, can there be a delay in menstruation due to thrush? Let's try to figure it out and answer your questions.

The relationship between menstruation and thrush

Everyone knows perfectly well what menstruation is - it is regular bleeding that occurs as a result of non-fertilization of the egg and rejection of the epithelium. Normally, the menstrual cycle (the one that begins on the first day of menstruation and ends on the last day before the onset of the next one) ranges from 21 to 35 days.

Composition of the drug

The drug contains three active ingredients:

  • Nystatin.
  • Neomycin and polymyxin sulfates.

Nystatin in Polygynax inhibits the activity of Candida microorganisms. The last two active components are antibiotics that effectively help eliminate both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. At the same time, antibiotics do not have a noticeable effect on anaerobic microorganisms and streptococci.

The drug has a multidirectional effect on the body :

  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Antifungal action.
  • Increasing the level of metabolic processes in the vaginal mucosa.

The advantages of the medication include:

  • Uniform distribution of active ingredients.
  • Minimal penetration of active substances into the bloodstream.
  • Significant active action against many pathogenic organisms.

How to use?

It is important not only to insert the vaginal suppository on time, but also to insert it correctly. Therefore, a woman should follow the following recommendations if she uses Polygynax during menstruation:

  1. The duration of therapy should not exceed 12 days, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms become resistant to the active components.
  2. It is better to use the product in the evening just before bed. If possible, capsules should be inserted in a supine position.
  3. It is worth cleaning the vagina and hands with warm water without using gel, soap or other intimate hygiene products.
  4. The ideal depth at which the suppository is applied is the length of the index finger.
  5. If you place the capsule incorrectly, there is a risk of substances leaking out along with blood and daily secretions.
  6. It is better to avoid tampons, giving preference to hypoallergenic, odorless pads. Even with optimal administration of the product, some components leave the vagina.
  7. It is advisable to abandon latex caps and condoms, which cause undesirable effects on the mucous membrane, until the end of the course.

Indications for use

Many gynecologists prescribe Polygynax suppositories to their patients during menstruation if inflammatory or infectious diseases are diagnosed. In this case, the pathology must be caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug. Such microorganisms include:

  • Inflammatory processes of the vagina that do not have specific symptoms.
  • Fungal vulvitis. It is an inflammation of the external genitourinary organs of a woman: the clitoris, labia majora and minora, pubis and vaginal vestibule. With fungal inflammation, other areas are often affected: the perineum and the inner surface of the thigh. Fungal vulvitis occurs when infected discharge from the uterine canal gets into the mucous membrane.
  • Mixed form of vaginitis. Among all inflammatory diseases, vaginitis takes a leading place, and the number of cases is constantly increasing. According to statistics, every third woman suffers from mixed vaginitis. Most often, such inflammatory processes are caused by chlamydia, tuberculous mycobacteria, gonococcus and trichomonas, myco- and ureaplasmas. The main feature of the mixed form of vaginitis is the presence of a concomitant infectious load in addition to specific pathogens of the disease.
  • Inflammation of the vulva and vaginal mucosa. Vulvovaginitis is most often observed in girls and older women. It is less common in women of childbearing age. In this case, the patient may be bothered by pain, itching and burning in the genital area. Vulvovaginitis usually develops as a result of pinworm activity. The chronic form of the disease in girls can subsequently lead to fusion of the labia minora, which can negatively affect sexual life in the future.
  • Candidal colpitis (thrush). Candidal vaginitis (candidiasis) is an infectious infection of the genital organs caused by fungi of the genus Candida. In women, the main affected area is the mucous membrane. During pregnancy, this pathology can pose additional threats.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the cervix (cervicitis). In such cases, inflammation is localized on the inside or outside of the cervix. This pathology is extremely undesirable during pregnancy, since there is a high probability of its spread to the fetus. It should be said that treatment of the disease during this period is difficult due to the negative effects of antibiotics on the fetus.

The drug is also used in the prevention of complications in infectious pathologies in the following cases:

  • Carrying out intrauterine diagnostics.
  • Purpose of the diathermoagulation procedure in the period before it and after heat treatment.
  • Performing surgery before the procedure.
  • Delivery soon.

The antibacterial agent Polygynax is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, its use is allowed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The potential benefit must outweigh the possible negative risks to the fetus.

If it is impossible to refuse to use the drug during lactation, the woman should stop feeding the baby.

Before treating the patient, it is recommended to perform smear tests to exclude drug-resistant microorganisms. Otherwise, the therapy will not bring a positive effect, and the disease may become chronic.

Contraindications for use

Like any medication, Polygynax has its own contraindications. It should be remembered that the medication blocks the activity of local contraceptives, and this can subsequently lead to unwanted pregnancy.

In addition, use of the drug increases the risk of damage to latex condoms.

The drug is also not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • First trimester of pregnancy.
  • Lactation period.
  • Individual intolerance to the components included in the drug.

If symptoms of intolerance to the drug appear, you should immediately stop using it. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is evidence that Polygynax or medications of a similar composition should be excluded from the course of treatment.

Side effects during treatment

The use of Polygynax in some cases may be accompanied by side effects, which include:

  • Discomfort in the genital area (burning and itching).
  • The appearance of irritation in the vaginal area.
  • Allergic reactions, manifested in the form of skin rashes.

If any side effects occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. After examining the patient, the gynecologist will decide what further actions need to be taken. It may be necessary to replace the medication with a safer analogue and adjust the treatment regimen.

Therapy during menstruation

As a rule, doctors do not advise stopping the treatment of inflammatory diseases caused by infectious causes, and the period of menstruation is no exception. In other words, it is possible to carry out therapy using the drug Polygynax during menstruation. Compared to drugs of a similar group, the effectiveness of Polygynax is not affected by blood loss that occurs during menstruation.

However, there are reasons why Polygynax can be used during menstruation:

  • Rejection of endometrial tissue creates conditions favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The risk of infection spreading from the vagina to other organs of the reproductive system (for example, the ovaries or uterus) increases significantly.
  • Menstruation can cause exacerbation of hidden inflammatory foci, which until this moment had no symptomatic manifestations.
  • The period of critical days is favorable for the treatment of vaginal microflora.

Having considered all these reasons, we can conclude that disease therapy with Polygynax is an effective way to combat a variety of sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

If the patient refuses to continue treatment, then the symptoms of the disease may intensify in the future and become intractable. Interrupting the drug can also significantly reduce its effectiveness, and in some cases, not bring any result at all.

Polygynax delay of menstruation

Girls, they prescribed Polygynax for cirrvicitis and vaginitis.
I took the suppositories for 12 days. The delay is already 5 days. I don't know what to think! There was no PA during the candles. Always use a condom before candles. Run for the test or what? It feels like the suppositories did not relieve the symptoms, but multiplied them. Who had this happen? experts

Find out the opinion of an expert on your topic

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Mishurov Sergey Valentinovich

Psychologist, Consultant Sexologist. Specialist from the site

Antakova Lyubov Nikolaevna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Zaletova Oksana

Psychologist, Gestalt consultant. Specialist from the site

Svetlana Chernyshova

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Anastasia Sergeevna Shikhaleeva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Semikolennykh Nadezhda Vladimirovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Veronica Viktorovna Dobroselskaya

Psychologist, Weight correction. Specialist from the site

Wrzecinska Eva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Girls, they prescribed Polygynax for cirrvicitis and vaginitis. I took the suppositories for 12 days. The delay is already 5 days. I don't know what to think! There was no PA during the candles. Always use a condom before candles. Run for the test or what? It feels like the suppositories did not relieve the symptoms, but multiplied them.

Who had this happen?

I thought I was the only one... I was worried about why I had a delay, because... My period came earlier, but not later. I suspected that after the candles... Is this normal?

I thought I was the only one... I was worried about why I had a delay, because... My period came earlier, but not later. I suspected that after the candles... Is this normal?

I’m also 5 days late, before this they always arrived on time. did you get your period?

I was also treated for 12 days with Polygynax suppositories. Delay 3 days. Before this, they always started 2-3 days earlier. The test is negative.

I was also treated for 12 days with Polygynax suppositories. Delay 3 days. Before this, they always started 2-3 days earlier. The test is negative.

Tell me please, who started menstruating? I have been delayed for 15 days after taking suppositories! There was no PA, I’m not pregnant, I’m already afraid. There are periodic symptoms of PMS, the stomach begins to hurt and irritability appears. I think they’re about to start, but 15 days have already passed, I don’t know what to do.


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Forum: health

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Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Hirst Shkulev Publishing LLC

Online publication “WOMAN.RU” (Zhenshchina.RU)

Certificate of registration of mass media EL No. FS77-65950, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) on June 10, 2016. 16+

Founder: Limited Liability Company "Hirst Shkulev Publishing"

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Most vaginal capsules and tablets are not recommended for use during menstruation. The use of Polygynax during menstruation is allowed, but the woman must administer the product correctly, following the instructions. Find out how to use the medication correctly, as well as the main advantages of such therapy during menstrual periods.

The drug has three active components:

The first two substances represent a group of antibiotics that are effective in eliminating gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The exceptions are streptococci and anaerobic microorganisms. Nystatin in Polygynax helps with thrush by acting on Candida fungi.


Possibility of cycle disruption

The list of side effects does not include the possibility of loop failure. But it should be remembered that the medication is an antibiotic, which means it can affect a woman’s body in the following way:

  • Increasing the duration between menstruation. In this case, the time period for using the product can be 35 days or more.
  • Reducing the cycle period.
  • The appearance of scanty or heavy bleeding during the menstrual period.

But usually women do not encounter delays, but a temporary shift in the beginning of their menstrual periods. It should also be noted that the absence of bleeding during menstruation can be caused by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

General information

A delay in menstruation is considered to be a disruption in the menstrual cycle in which menstrual bleeding does not occur at the expected time. A delay in menstruation not exceeding 5-7 days is not regarded as a pathology. Options for delaying menstruation include such menstrual cycle disorders as oligomenorrhea, opsomenorrhea and amenorrhea, which are manifested by a decrease in menstrual bleeding. A delay in menstruation can be observed at different age periods of a woman’s life: during puberty, during the reproductive phase, during premenopause and can be caused by physiological or pathological reasons.

Natural, physiological reasons for the delay of menstruation are explained in the puberty period during the formation of the menstrual cycle, when for 1-1.5 years menstruation can be irregular. In women of reproductive age, a delay in menstruation is natural during pregnancy and lactation. During the premenopausal period, menstrual function gradually fades away, changes occur in the rhythm and duration of menstruation, and delays in menstruation are replaced by their complete cessation.

All other options for delayed menstruation, exceeding 5-7 days, are not explained by natural phenomena; in such cases, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is required. A woman’s menstrual cycle is a subtle mechanism that maintains reproductive function and reflects any deviations in general health. Therefore, to better understand the causes and mechanisms of delayed menstruation, it is necessary to clearly understand what is normal and abnormal in the characteristics of the menstrual cycle.

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