Polygynax - suppositories for thrush during menstruation and pregnancy

Local treatment for thrush is the most effective method of combating the disease. This is explained by the gentle effect of the drug on the body, the absence of systemic side effects when used correctly, and the rapid elimination of symptoms of local inflammation. Polygynax occupies one of the leading places among medicines for the fight against candidiasis and its manifestations.

Description of the disease

Thrush in women is a common inflammatory disease of the mucous tissues of the genital organs, which occurs due to excessive growth of Candida fungi. This pathological condition is provoked by many factors: stress, weakness of the body, failure to comply with hygiene rules, taking medications, using certain types of cosmetics, etc. At the same time, the changed environment in the vagina becomes favorable for the development of pathogens, which cause inflammation of the mucous tissues of the genitals. As a result, a whole complex of symptoms appears: redness of the genital organs, their swelling, burning, white discharge and granular consistency, itching.

To diagnose the disease, a routine examination by a gynecologist is used, as well as taking an analysis of the discharge of the genital organs.

After making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a set of medications, among which the leading position is occupied by a drug for local action on the source of inflammation. Polygynax suppositories for thrush often become a recommended medicine in gynecology.

Drug analogues

If for some reason it is not possible to use Polygynax in the treatment of breast milk, then the doctor will prescribe an analogue that has exactly the same therapeutic effect. As analogues, you can use such tools as:

  • "Terzhinan."
  • "Nystatin"
  • "Milagin."
  • "Cernvugid."
  • "Natamycin."
  • The cost of analogues largely depends on the country of origin, the form of release, as well as the number of vaginal suppositories in the package. In addition, the price of a drug is largely influenced by the active components that make up the drug.

    It is worth considering that each analogue of Polygynax has its own treatment regimen and restrictions on its use, which is why only a qualified specialist should select the medicine.

    To determine which is better than Polygynax or Terzhinan for thrush, you need to compare these drugs. Terzhinan suppositories contain antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antifungal components. This medicine has a suppressive effect on pathogens that provoke the proliferation of sexually transmitted infections. In addition, the drug reduces the intensity of inflammation, reducing itching, pain and redness.

    When using Terzhinan, it is necessary to treat the infection in the sexual partner. Despite the fact that the drug can be used during menstruation, it is recommended to wear cotton underwear. Also, do not use tampons and avoid hypothermia. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the treating doctor individually for each patient. It is generally used for 20 days. During pregnancy and lactation you need to use it very carefully.

    Polygynax contains antibiotics and antifungal components. The pharmacological properties of this medicine largely depend on the main components. They have a bacteriostatic effect, namely they suppress the proliferation of bacteria. Polygynax suppositories should be used strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

    Comparing both of these drugs, it is impossible to say for sure which one is better. However, it is worth noting that Terzhinan vaginal suppositories help much better with trichomoniasis and gardnerellosis. What helps best with thrush largely depends on the characteristics of the body.

    Composition and principle of action of the drug

    This remedy is effective due to its complex composition, which allows you to eliminate the cause of candidiasis and its symptoms. The medicine is presented in the form of capsules for intravaginal administration.

    Based on the instructions for Polygynax suppositories for thrush, the main components of the drug are:

    • Neomycin and polymyxin B sulfates (35,000 IU each) are antibiotics that provide a wide range of effects on gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, eliminating their negative impact on the female genital organs. Inactive against fungi.
    • Nystatin (100,000 IU) is an effective antifungal agent. It affects all types of fungi that cause thrush, destroying them at the cellular level, changing their internal metabolism.
    • Dimethylpolysiloxane is an auxiliary element in the form of a gel that prolongs the effect and improves the absorption of essential drugs. Envelops damaged areas, improves nutrition in mucous tissues, relieves symptoms.

    The combined composition helps to successfully fight genital diseases caused not only by yeast, but also by bacterial and mixed infections, allowing the use of Polygynax as a prophylactic agent or to combat recurrent diseases.


    The drug has a local bactericidal and antimycotic effect, improves the trophism of the vaginal mucosa. Substances are not absorbed into the blood when administered intravaginally.

    Activity spectrum:

    • Staphylococcus aureus;
    • enterococci;
    • enterobacteria;
    • coli;
    • hemophilus influenzae;
    • Klebsiella pneumonia;
    • Koch's wand;
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
    • Ureaplasma urealiticum.

    Polygynax will not be effective for cervicitis in situations where the cause of the inflammatory process is streptococci and anaerobes, since they have a high level of resistance and are resistant to active substances.

    Thanks to nystatin, you can get rid of diseases that are fungal in nature (candida, cryptococci, histoplasma).

    Method of use

    The instructions for suppositories for thrush Polygynax state that the duration of the course is 12 days, for preventive measures - 6 days. Suppositories are placed once a day after taking hygiene procedures. It is preferable to carry out treatment at night so that the active substance is better absorbed into the mucous tissues.

    The suppository needs to be released from the packaging and placed deep in the vagina in a lying position. Relief of symptoms occurs within a few days, but do not interrupt therapy, the course must be completed to the end. With untreated thrush, there is a high risk of relapse. For the same reason, treatment continues during the period of menstrual flow.

    What is uterine erosion?

    Cervical erosion is damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, causing irritation and redness.

    It can manifest itself and occur without symptoms - therefore, only a systematic examination by a gynecologist can promptly identify and stop the development of this disease.

    After 21 years, erosion becomes a pathology that needs to be treated. There is a treatment option with surgitron, a precision device that provides the required depth of dissection without affecting healthy tissue.

    Usually, when an irritated area on the cervix is ​​detected, the gynecologist diagnoses “erosion,” since this is the most common disease of the cervix.

    But the symptoms of erosion can hide a number of other diseases, including cancer, so it is very important to undergo diagnostics.

    The causes of this disease are many, and the consequences are different, so you need to trust doctors and not self-medicate.

    • enterobacter aerogenes;

    Features of application

    When treating, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of using suppositories.

    • Polygynax for thrush may reduce the effect of contraceptives , possibly compromising the integrity of barrier methods of contraception. Spermicides are also undesirable for use during treatment, as they reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
    • Therapy must be carried out for both partners, it is possible to stop sexual relations for the period of treatment. Otherwise, there is a high risk of recurrence of the disease.
    • It is unacceptable to take breaks in treatment ; if this does happen, treatment should be resumed as soon as possible at the usual dosage.
    • The duration of the course should not be exceeded or repeated frequently, otherwise this may provoke resistance of microorganisms to the medicinal substances of the drug, as well as cause systemic side effects.

    Polygynax during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, many women have a tendency to recurrent thrush. This is due to a natural hormonal imbalance, which leads to increased yeast activity. Many drugs are prohibited for use during this period, and topical medications provide only temporary relief. Complete cure occurs after the natural normalization of hormonal imbalance.

    However, Polygynax suppositories for thrush during pregnancy are prescribed quite often, excluding the first trimester, when use is undesirable due to the effect of the drug on fetal formation. Use is carried out strictly on the recommendation of a doctor, as a rule, in a standard dosage and usual regimen.

    When breastfeeding, the use of the drug should be avoided.


    As stated in the instructions for use, Polygynax suppositories have a minimum of restrictions on intake. The drug is not prescribed if there is an individual intolerance to its components. It is not recommended to use this remedy for women in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, in order to avoid negative effects on the child.

    Contraindications include renal failure, since excessive use of this drug can worsen a woman’s well-being. During the entire course of therapy you should refrain from drinking alcohol.


    Polygynax suppositories have proven themselves well in the pharmaceutical market for the fight against thrush and other infectious diseases of the genital area. There are a number of advantages of this combined product:

    • convenient release form . The candles are soft to the touch and do not cause any difficulties when placing,
    • an integrated approach to treatment , which helps eliminate diseases caused by various pathogens. For the same reason, Polygynax for thrush is effective in the treatment of recurrent forms of the disease and in cases where there is no effect from taking other medications,
    • performance . Completely eliminates symptoms after 2-3 days of use,
    • minimal number of side effects. Being a drug for local use, it does not cause a negative systemic effect on the body,
    • is prescribed for rehabilitation in preparation for gynecological operations and manipulations, which significantly reduces the risk of complications,
    • it is possible to use Polygynax during pregnancy .

    Side effects

    Polygynax, when used correctly, is easily tolerated. Side effects are rare and are often associated with a local allergic reaction to the drug. In this case, the following symptoms occur: rash in the genital area, redness, swelling, burning sensation after inserting the suppository.

    If the dosage rate is increased, the duration of the course is exceeded, or it is repeated frequently, negative systemic manifestations may occur, especially in persons with renal failure. This is explained by the effect of aminoglycosides on the body, which manifests itself in impaired renal function and hearing loss. But these complications are extremely rare when substances of this group are used topically. If side effects develop, you should seek medical help.


    This drug receives many positive characteristics from both doctors and their patients. Reviews of Polygynax suppositories for thrush note its effectiveness, speed of action and the absence of negative side effects. Some women indicate a burning sensation after inserting a suppository. Often the drug is prescribed for sanitation before childbirth or other manipulations in gynecology. In some cases, women note an unsatisfactory treatment result or a relapse of the disease, but this occurred due to an interruption of the course.

    Patients often wonder what is better for thrush - Terzhinan or Polygynax. Both drugs have proven high effectiveness. They are combined; in the fight against candidiasis, the main effect is exerted by nystatin, which is part of these drugs. It is this substance that has a detrimental effect on the cell membranes of yeast colonies and fungi. Aminoglycosides are also components of these drugs. Therefore, their operating principle is similar. But terzhinan is supplemented with a glucocorticosteroid, which makes its anti-inflammatory properties stronger. Polygynax contains a special gel that promotes better absorption of medicinal substances and tissue regeneration. In the reviews, women note that Polygynax wins in terms of ease of use. Terzhinan is inconvenient due to the solid form of vaginal tablets; they must be soaked in water before use. It is also noted that local reactions when taking Polygynax are much milder. Terzhinan in some cases caused an unbearable burning sensation after placing the candle. The duration of therapy when taking Polygynax for thrush is shorter (12 days), while with Terzhinan it is 20 days. In any case, the drug should be prescribed by a doctor to avoid the negative consequences of self-medication.

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