Is it possible to place Polygynax suppositories during menstruation?

Polygynax is a combination drug used for the treatment of inflammatory gynecological diseases. The medicine is produced pharmaceutically in the form of suppositories and is intended for topical use. In this connection, patients often ask whether Polygynax can be used during menstruation.

Composition of the drug

Among the main components of the medicine, it is important to highlight the antibiotics nystatin, polymyxin, neomycin. They neutralize inflammation and eliminate pain in the genital area. The safety of the drug is due to its gentle effect on the vaginal microflora, while maintaining an active fight against pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug belongs to the antibacterial category. It is effective at the stage of abnormal activity of pathogenic infections, bacteria and fungi, which occurs precisely at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The gentle effect on the vaginal mucosa when using vaginal suppositories is due to the presence of dimethylpolysiloxane in the composition. It is this component that nourishes and envelops the mucous layer of the vagina, followed by deep penetration of the substance inside.

Polygynax suppositories for menstruation

April 16th, I'm already 21 weeks pregnant. Why did I decide to start keeping a diary? I don’t know, I’ve never had such a desire before, maybe because I didn’t have any special abilities for writing, or maybe I always didn’t have enough time. For some reason, this night I woke up from another nightmare at 3 a.m., as usual, after that I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time, different thoughts were spinning in my head, and then I thought, why don’t I start writing down my feelings, thoughts, sensations.....after all, I’m pregnant This is my first and I have never experienced such feelings in my life, and it is not known whether something like this will ever happen to me again... And then, in 10 years, it will still be interesting to remember. And I firmly decided that I would definitely start in the morning! It’s a pity that I didn’t start writing down my feelings earlier, from the very beginning, when I saw these long-awaited 2 stripes in front of me!!! So, I’ll start with the fact that after many attempts to get pregnant, 1 day before my period, namely December 23, I decided to take a pregnancy test, although somewhere in my subconscious I thought that all this was useless, there would still be 1 line, and there would be no pregnancy It can’t, because I had thrush for a couple of weeks, and I took a couple of Flucostat tablets, and also used Polygynax suppositories, and according to the basal temperature chart, it was not clear whether I ovulated or not. But nevertheless, the legs went to the pharmacy on their own. I bought a test, or rather a couple)). I did the test after work... and what a miracle!!! 2 weak stripes began to appear!!! What feelings did I experience at that moment? Impossible to put into words. It was something unreal, delight, at the same time with fear, for some reason I started to cry, I couldn’t believe my eyes!!! There was no one at home, and I really wanted to share this with my loved one, and I called my mother in tears. Mom was pleasantly surprised and said that she didn’t really believe in any tests, it was better to go to the hospital. Then my husband came home from work. I told him that I think I’m pregnant. He didn’t really react; he rather didn’t believe the test and asked to do more just in case. The next day, early in the morning, I decided to try a second time. This time the second stripe was already more noticeable, now I knew for sure that I was pregnant!!! I whispered in my sleeping husband’s ear that I had 2 stripes, he muttered that it was good and “snored” further. Of course, I expected a completely different reaction from him, but at that moment I didn’t care, because I knew that the baby was very desirable for both of us and I was in seventh heaven! After I came down from heaven a little, I began to remember that I was not leading a very healthy lifestyle: I was being treated for thrush, a week ago friends came and we got drunk on champagne, surfing the Internet, reading various articles, a fear of ectopic pregnancy appeared, etc. .d.… general, I began to worry and worry about this. In general, I signed up for an ultrasound to quickly find out if everything was going well for me. The ultrasound was scheduled for December 29th. All day my thoughts were only about how to quickly finish work and go to the hospital. I was terribly worried! And here is the conclusion: pregnancy is 3-4 weeks, a fertilized egg with a diameter of 5 mm was discovered in the uterus! My joy knew no bounds!!! I immediately called my husband and told him that he would soon become a dad. It’s a pity I didn’t see his face at that moment, but I think he was also very happy. My pregnancy was going quite well, I was terribly hungry for salty foods, I didn’t feel sick in the morning, the only thing was that I was very tired and really wanted to sleep. But this didn’t bother me very much, because the most important thing was that a small pea was growing and developing in my stomach! I registered with the housing complex around the 9th week. By that time I had gained a little weight and weighed 55.5 kg. I told the doctor about thrush, she reassured me, said that during this period the embryo is not yet connected to the mother in any way, and the medications I was treated with for it should not affect the development of the baby. The housing complex gave me a bunch of referrals to different specialists, including for another ultrasound. At 12 weeks, gross pathologies of the fetus are determined, its growth is measured, its position in the uterus is monitored, etc. I don’t know why, but I was worried again before the ultrasound. I was afraid that something was wrong with the baby (most likely these worries were associated with taking pills for thrush, I was afraid that some kind of pathology would be discovered). But it turned out that everything was fine at 11.5 weeks. I had an ultrasound. And I saw my little one for the first time!!! I heard his heart beating, 162 beats per minute. The doctor said it was normal. Then the doctor showed him himself. Thank God the arms, legs, and head were in place! Even the fingers and toes were already formed. Then I could barely see the internal organs, stomach, spleen, etc. He was so tiny - only 57 mm. Well, in general, I had an amazing feeling! Of course, I would like to know his gender, but in such a short time it was impossible. My husband really wants a son, but to be honest, I don’t care, the main thing is that the baby is healthy. At this stage it is still a mystery to us. Every day I went to the mirror and looked at my stomach, it seemed to me that it was not growing at all. And I really wanted him to grow up quickly, so that he would become noticeable. Every evening I put my hand on my stomach, listened to the slightest movements in my stomach, and I felt the first swaying at 14 weeks. Although I read that expectant mothers begin to feel the baby’s movements around 18-20 weeks. Well, I don’t know what it was, but I wanted to believe that it was my baby moving. Lately my eyesight has deteriorated greatly. My diagnosis: myopia, retinal dystrophy of both eyes. With this diagnosis, I was forbidden to give birth naturally. Therefore, at approximately 14 weeks, I underwent laser coagulation to strengthen the retina. In March, it became completely difficult for me to work because of the intense work with the computer, and the management, as often happens, did not meet me, they were not going to transfer me to an easier job, so from March 12 I decided to go on sick leave for a week and a half. Then the residential complex gave me sick leave for another 2 weeks, as a result, my sick leave smoothly flowed into another vacation, which I was incredibly happy about! And now I’m on a long-awaited vacation! My vacation plans were grandiose! In one month I wanted to have time to renovate a small room and hallway! Insert a window, install new doors, hang wallpaper and make a floor. But of course these were just dreams. There was only enough money for a window and doors))) I will have to put off wallpapering, laying the floor and buying the necessary furniture for maternity leave.

Operating principle

Due to the localization of the product on the walls of the vagina, the medicine continues to fight inflammatory diseases and does not come out along with the bloody discharge of menstruation. In addition to relieving inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane, the effectiveness of treatment is due to the elimination of itching and the cessation of uncharacteristic discharge with an unpleasant odor. The prescription of the medication and the duration of the treatment course are carried out by the gynecologist after examinations.

Thanks to the components of the drug and its properties, the effectiveness of treatment with vaginal suppositories is maintained during menstruation.

Therapy during menstruation

As a rule, doctors do not advise stopping the treatment of inflammatory diseases caused by infectious causes, and the period of menstruation is no exception. In other words, it is possible to carry out therapy using the drug Polygynax during menstruation. Compared to drugs of a similar group, the effectiveness of Polygynax is not affected by blood loss that occurs during menstruation.

However, there are reasons why Polygynax can be used during menstruation:

  • Rejection of endometrial tissue creates conditions favorable for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • The risk of infection spreading from the vagina to other organs of the reproductive system (for example, the ovaries or uterus) increases significantly.
  • Menstruation can cause exacerbation of hidden inflammatory foci, which until this moment had no symptomatic manifestations.
  • The period of critical days is favorable for the treatment of vaginal microflora.

Having considered all these reasons, we can conclude that disease therapy with Polygynax is an effective way to combat a variety of sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

If the patient refuses to continue treatment, then the symptoms of the disease may intensify in the future and become intractable. Interrupting the drug can also significantly reduce its effectiveness, and in some cases, not bring any result at all.


It is recommended to use Polygynax when diagnosing infectious lesions in the genital area. Candles are used in diagnostics:

  • vulvovaginitis (inflammatory processes in the vulva with subsequent irritation of the vaginal mucosa);
  • mixed vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, provoked by various reasons, for example, infectious processes);
  • cervicovaginitis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa);
  • fungal vaginitis (candidiasis, thrush).

The effect of using the medicine for any other infectious and inflammatory diseases can only be determined by the attending gynecologist.

Since Polygynax acts directly on pathogenic bacteria, in their absence it can affect the condition of the vaginal microflora.

It cannot always be used as a preventive measure. Before your appointment, you should consult and undergo an examination.

How to use candles?

Any medicine must be taken according to the regimen prescribed by the doctor. Even if you feel significant relief, expressed in the absence of itching and inflammation, the course must be completed. Usually it is 6–12 days. Packages are available with 6 or 12 capsules.

Suppositories are used at night, and you must not forget to use a sanitary pad, since the contents of the capsule, when triggered, flow out, taking with it the destroyed pathogenic microflora. A daily sanitary pad will be sufficient to collect this fluid.

The treatment will be more successful if you use cotton underwear during the course. It is not recommended to delay the use of suppositories when menstruation occurs. There will be no harm from them, but if you stop treatment, the thrush may return. Just don’t combine tampons and Polygynax capsules with each other; it’s better to use sanitary pads.

During the period of treatment for thrush, it is better to avoid sexual contact altogether. This is especially true for protected sex, since Polygynax can contribute to the violation of the integrity of barrier contraceptives.

Candida, the causative agent of the disease, is a conditionally pathogenic fungus. Normally, it is present on the mucous membranes of the body, but in small quantities. Healthy microflora should prevail. When it is suppressed due to some external factors, candida begins to reproduce uncontrollably, which leads to cheesy discharge, itching, and inflammatory processes.

It becomes difficult for the body to fight the raging pathogenic environment, and then drug intervention is required. It comes down to helping the body overcome the disease and suppress harmful microflora. If you take too long a course of treatment, the body will become addicted to Polygynax and will not fight the disease itself.

If the course of treatment is stopped early, then thrush may return. If the doctor has prescribed a course of 12 capsules, then this recommendation must be strictly followed. A course of 6 capsules is preventive and can also be prescribed by a doctor to prevent the onset of the disease. But there are cases when it is impossible to take Polygynax.

The production of vaginal capsules has been established, located in France. Research by specialists has shown that suppositories prevent the emergence of new infectious diseases and help suppress the activity of old ones during the menstrual cycle - natural hormonal changes. Polygynax neutralizes the actions of pathogenic agents with the help of its antiviral components. The consequence of this is that new pathogens do not have the opportunity to penetrate deep into the human body.

Before starting to use this pharmaceutical drug, a face-to-face consultation with a gynecologist is important. The instructions indicate that you need to take Polygynax one capsule per day for 10-12 days. It is important to adhere to exactly this dosage for preventive purposes before gynecological manipulations. Exceeding the dosage is extremely undesirable for the reason that the components of the drug act not only on pathogenic organisms, but also on beneficial bacteria of the vagina, thereby disturbing the microflora. Compliance with the dosage prevents a detrimental effect on the general condition.

Medicine price

  • individual intolerance;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

In the second and third trimesters, treatment with suppositories is allowed if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the fetus. If it is necessary to use this medicine during lactation, stop breastfeeding.

The cost of French pharmacological development varies from 300 to 800 rubles. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the prices for candles in various cities of Russia.

CityPrice for Polygynax
Moscow800 rubles
Arkhangelsk500 rubles
Astrakhan350 rubles
Blagoveshchensk450 rubles
Vladivostok650 rubles
Volgograd400 rubles
Voronezh500 rubles
Ekaterinburg400 rubles

Polygynax is not recommended to be taken together with spermicidal contraceptives due to the fact that the latter may lose their effectiveness when combined. Store in a dry place at temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius. It is permissible to extend the course of treatment only with the approval of the gynecologist, to prevent the emergence of resistance of some microorganisms to the active components.

Suppositories as a dosage form

Suppositories (suppositories) are considered one of the dosage forms of medications and consist of a base (which gives the shape of a candle) and a medicinal substance. A characteristic feature of suppositories is their ability to remain solid at room temperature and melt to a liquid state at body temperature. According to the method of administration, suppositories are divided into 3 groups:

  • rectal - inserted through the anus into the rectum and can be shaped like a cigar, cone or pointed cylinder;
  • vaginal - inserted into the vagina and come in the form of balls, egg-shaped or cone-shaped;
  • sticks - are inserted into the cervix, ureter, external auditory canal, and so on.

The advantage of suppositories is that the drug enters the blood quickly (after 30 minutes about 50%, after 1 hour - 100%), bypassing the digestive tract, without being destroyed in the liver. In addition, suppositories that are administered vaginally, in addition to their generalized effect, have a local effect on the site of damage. When using suppositories, there are practically no allergic reactions, and the administration of suppositories itself is quite simple and painless.

In the treatment of ESM, several groups of vaginal medications are used, each of which has its own therapeutic effect:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibacterial;
  • birth control contraceptives;
  • antiseptic.

Against cervical erosion, only one group of suppositories or several medications with different spectrum of action can be used at once.

What does Polygynax look like and work?

It would be wrong to position the drug as a suppository for thrush: its release form is capsules. But they are used in exactly the same way - by inserting into the vagina to the maximum possible depth. Externally, it is an oval capsule the size of a large bean, flesh-colored.

Under the influence of the vaginal environment, the membrane decomposes and the drug enters the mucous membrane, beginning to act on the microflora. The viscosity of the medicinal substance is such that it gradually works throughout the night.

During this time, the active substances kill harmful microbes or suppress the proliferation of fungi. The action is complex. Colonies of the candida fungus, the main causative agent of thrush, die.

The first of them poses a threat to candida, and the other two pose a threat to bacteria: gram-positive and gram-negative. The complex effect serves to ensure the high effectiveness of the drug.

The cost of Polygynax is relatively low, but it is not as convenient to use as tablets or drops. At the same time, there are cheaper suppositories, such as nystatin, for example. You don't need to be a doctor to understand why it is worse than a capsule product. After its use, residual effects caused by recent inflammation are felt.

When Polygynax is used for thrush, then after influencing the cause of the disease, it begins to eliminate the consequences with the help of the fourth component - dimethylpolysiloxane, presented in the form of a gel.

This enveloping substance reduces itching, promotes better nutrition and tissue regeneration. The sensations after using even a single capsule indicate that the treatment has had an effect. For sustainable results, you need to complete the entire course.

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