Is it possible to use Klion D suppositories during menstruation?

"Klion-D" is a local combination drug for the treatment of infectious pathologies of the female reproductive system. Klion-D tablets are administered directly into the vagina, where they have antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal effects, destroying protozoan microorganisms, such as Trichomonas. Due to the specific clinical action, the drug is used to treat vaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis. How to use the drug correctly, can Klion-D be used during menstruation?

Composition and release form

The manufacturer produces the drug “Klion-D” in the form of vaginal tablets, packaged in a blister of 10 pieces. The tablets are white, oval-shaped with a pointed end for better insertion into the vagina.

Each tablet contains two main components:

  • metronidazole – 100 mg;
  • miconazole – 100 mg.

Additional components: sodium lauryl sulfate, colloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, tartaric acid, sodium bicarbonate, crospovidone, sodium carboxymethyl starch, hypromellose and lactose monohydrate.

Klion D candles, what are they and what are they used for?

Klion D is considered one of the most effective treatments for genitourinary tract infections.
The drug, produced in the form of vaginal tablets with a pointed end, which facilitates the process of introducing the drug into the vagina, has a powerful antifungal and antibacterial effect, which allows you to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in the shortest possible time. The main active ingredient of the drug is metronidazole, which is characterized by high penetration into tissue cells: it is instantly absorbed into the blood and spread throughout the body, reaching, among other things, the spinal cord and brain. Most of the active substance (80%) is eliminated from the body during urination, and the secreted liquid acquires a characteristic brownish tint. The remaining 20% ​​is excreted through the rectum.

In addition to metronidazole, Klion D contains miconazole, which tends to accumulate in the body, so the drug is not recommended for use by women with metabolic disorders, diabetes, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers.

Vaginal tablets "Klion-D": what are they used for?

Before answering the important question for many women about whether it is allowed to use Klion-D during menstruation, let’s figure out what the drug is intended for. It is considered the most effective remedy in the treatment of genitourinary tract infections. Thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it helps eliminate all symptoms of pathologies of the female reproductive system in the shortest possible time.

One of the active substances of the drug is metronidazole, which is characterized by a high degree of penetration into tissue cells: it is quickly absorbed into the circulatory system and spread throughout the body, reaching the spinal cord and brain.

Another active component of the drug is miconazole, which has the ability to accumulate in the body, which is why the drug is not allowed to be used by women with pathologies such as diabetes, pregnant or breastfeeding women.

What are Klion D candles?

Klion D suppositories are a local drug. With its help, women are treated for genital infections, in particular trichomoniasis and candidiasis. This drug is available in the form of vaginal tablets that must be inserted into the vagina. Fights microorganisms that cause disease. Antibacterial and antifungal candles. This medicine is produced by the world famous Hungarian pharmaceutical company GEDEON RICHTER. In pharmacies, Klion D suppositories are sold in packages containing 10 oval, white tablets with a pointed end, on one side of which there is an engraving “100”.

This drug contains a substance called metronidazole. It is very quickly absorbed into the blood, penetrates into breast milk, and through the placenta reaches the fetus in pregnant women; it also penetrates the spinal cord and brain. About 60 to 80% of the substance is eliminated from the body by the kidneys during urination, and the urine may be reddish or brown in color. The remaining 20 to 40% are excreted from the body in feces through the intestines. Another substance in the drug that also has an active effect on the body is miconazole, but it is almost not absorbed into the blood and remains in the body for a long time.

"Klion-D": indications for use

The drug "Klion-D" effectively fights various pathogens of the genitourinary system, among which the following microorganisms can be noted:

  • Candida;
  • vaginal amoeba;
  • clostridia;
  • prevotella;
  • gardnerella;
  • Trichomonas;
  • guardia;
  • Vilonella;
  • peptococcus;
  • peptostreptococcus;
  • eubacteria;
  • fusobacteria;
  • bacteroides.

The main advantage of the drug is that it has a selective effect. Its two main components effectively fight infectious agents, without having a negative effect on the beneficial bacteria that live in a woman’s vagina. It is thanks to this solution that an imbalance in the vaginal flora can be avoided. The instructions for use of the drug “Klion-D” tell everything in detail about the indications. If in doubt, you can consult a doctor.

Treatment regimen with Klion-D tablets

When using Klion-D, you need to follow a certain procedure:

  • first wash with warm water using baby soap or intimate hygiene gel;
  • wash your hands with soap;
  • remove the tablet from the blister and moisten it slightly with warm water;
  • lie on the bed and insert the tablet with your finger as deep as possible into the vagina; It is advisable to do the procedure at night.

The duration of treatment is 10 days, 1 tablet is administered daily, before bedtime. If the drug is used in conjunction with oral medications that contain metronidazole, an overdose cannot be ruled out, so it is advisable to consult a specialist before starting treatment.

Klion D during breastfeeding?

Doctors unanimously say that under no circumstances should you combine breastfeeding with the use of this medication. Why? Yes, for the reason that the substances that Klion D vaginal suppositories contain penetrate into the blood, and from the blood into breast milk, and with milk these substances enter the child’s body. This leads to the conclusion that the drug should not be taken simultaneously with breastfeeding. If the use of tablets during this period cannot be avoided, then it is better to stop breastfeeding the baby while the mother is undergoing treatment. After the course of treatment has been completed, two days after using the last vaginal tablet, you can resume breastfeeding.

Use of "Klion-D" during menstruation

The instructions for Klion-D indicate that the drug is very effective in treating many infections of the female reproductive system and any interruption during therapy can lead to negative results. What to do if, during a serious thrush and the start of treatment with the drug, menstruation begins? Is it advisable to continue therapy or is it better to take a break?

Klion-D suppositories can be easily used during menstruation, because they do not have a serious effect on a woman’s hormonal levels and do not in any way affect blood clotting. But it is worth remembering that the strength of their effect on the vaginal flora is reduced several times, since the main component can be washed out along with the blood flow during menstruation.

Based on the above, there are no contraindications to the use of Klion-D during menstruation, but it is worth remembering that the effect of therapy will no longer be so lasting. Therefore, it is better to start treatment after menstruation or in the interval between one and the other.

Klion D during pregnancy

For up to twelve weeks, the use of Klion D suppositories is contraindicated, since metronidazole, which is included in its composition, is absorbed into the blood and penetrates through the placenta to the fetus. You can use the drug from the thirteenth to the fortieth week of pregnancy, but if possible, it is better to avoid it. It should be used only after all possible risks and all intended therapeutic effects have been weighed. Although there is no exact information about whether the drug is harmful to the unborn child. The experiments were carried out only on mice; experiments have not been carried out on pregnant women and are unlikely to ever be carried out. As a result of the experiments, it was revealed that if pregnant rats and mice were administered the drug and the dosage was appropriate to their bodies, then no negative effect on the fetus was detected, but when mice and rats were administered the same dose of the drug as a person receives, it was found that the drug has a toxic effect on the fetus.

Undesirable manifestations from the use of "Klion-D"

When taking Klion-D during menstruation and between them, women's concentration may weaken; this is due to the effect of the drug on the central nervous system. During treatment, it is better not to engage in activities that require quick reaction or concentration, such as driving a car or working on an assembly line.

In addition, women who use Klion-D during menstruation may experience other side effects:

  • abnormal vaginal discharge;
  • itching and burning of the genitals;
  • discomfort.

Especially often, women experience discharge, which can be completely transparent and with a slight odor or with thick whitish flakes. Some patients experienced orange or brown discharge mixed with blood. If there is blood in the discharge, this may indicate that the vaginal walls have been injured, and this can happen due to a severe inflammatory process. If such discharge appears, then under no circumstances should you stop the therapeutic process. Discharge may continue for two weeks after treatment.

Discharge, itching, burning, pain are normal when treated with Klion-D suppositories. These symptoms may appear both on the first day of treatment and subsequently.

Any undesirable manifestations should not serve as a reason to interrupt the course of treatment; the symptoms are not dangerous and go away on their own very quickly.

Klion D suppositories - instructions for use during menstruation

When using the drug, it is recommended to follow the following procedure:

  • Wash with warm water using baby soap or intimate hygiene gel.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Remove the tablet from the blister and moisten it with warm boiled water.
  • Insert the tablet as deeply as possible into the vagina using your finger (this is easiest to do while lying down).

The course of treatment with Klion D is 10 days. The daily dosage of the drug is 1 tablet before bedtime. In order to increase the effectiveness of treatment, patients are sometimes prescribed oral administration of Klion D or Metronidazole (1 tablet 2 times a day for 10 days), but the decision to prescribe additional drugs should be made solely by the attending physician based on the results of tests and examination of a particular patient.

Oral use of Klion D or Metronidazole not authorized by a doctor can lead to an overdose of drugs, which will inevitably affect the woman’s well-being.

It should be noted that the partner of a woman undergoing treatment with Klion D also needs to be checked for the presence of infectious agents, since in the absence of timely treatment, the risk of reinfection of the partner increases. If both partners followed the recommendations of their doctors, but no effect is observed from taking Klion D or Metronidazole, it is necessary to undergo testing for the susceptibility of fungi and pathogenic bacteria to the active substances of the drugs. If the tests confirm the immunity of the infectious agents, the doctor will prescribe another medicine. During menstruation, one often feels nauseous, sometimes just very sick; such symptoms can only be normal if they have been observed for many years and the patient has visited a gynecologist, who has not found any problems with the woman’s health.

The causes of nausea during menstruation and feelings of nausea are numerous, and if such symptoms are often repeated or nausea during menstruation has just begun to appear, then it is imperative to find out the cause of the nausea and come to an appointment with your gynecologist.

Who is not recommended to use the drug?

It is worth remembering that the use of Klion-D during menstruation and in the interval between them may be contraindicated for women who have problems with blood clotting, as well as for the following pathologies:

  • epilepsy;
  • liver diseases;
  • suffered a stroke and heart attack.

The drug is not recommended for use by adolescents under 12 years of age. Also, the tablets are contraindicated for those who have special sensitivity to the components of the drug.

It is worth remembering that it is better to start taking any medication only after consulting a doctor. This is the only way to avoid unwanted manifestations and protect yourself from serious side effects.


During menstruation, Klion-D tablets should be used one at a time and inserted directly into the vagina at night. For any fungal disease, even if it occurs in an advanced form, the dose is 1 tablet. intravaginally. If you use the drug in this way, an overdose will not occur. But there have been cases when women whose symptoms were very pronounced independently decided to use an additional oral tablet. It is in these cases that an overdose can occur. In this case, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • diarrhea;
  • itching on the skin;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • convulsions;
  • decrease in leukocytes in the blood.

If any of the symptoms appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

We have already figured out the important question for many women about whether it is possible to delay menstruation after Klion-D, and now it’s worth talking about whether it is allowed to take other drugs during therapy.

  1. Suppositories can be used in combination with antibacterial agents and sulfonamides, which are introduced into the body through the mouth, intravenously or intramuscularly.
  2. It is not recommended to use suppositories together with Disulfiram, as confusion may occur. Experts also do not recommend using them together with the muscle relaxant Vicuronium Bromide.
  3. The drug enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants, such as Warfarin, Dicumarin, Thrombostop. As a result of this, a pronounced increase in prothrombin time is possible, which means that the dose needs to be adjusted. Medicines designed to enhance microsomal oxidation in the liver promote rapid elimination of metronidazole from the body, which ultimately reduces the effect of using the tablets.
  4. Cimetidine reduces the rate of elimination of metronidazole from the body, which means that the severity of undesirable manifestations may increase.
  5. Vaginal tablets "Klion-D" help to increase lithium in the blood plasma, which is why it is important to reduce the dosage of lithium medications during therapy or stop taking them for a while.
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