How to use geneferon suppositories during menstruation

Is it possible to use Genferon suppositories during menstruation?

Genferon is a medicine that is used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of the genital organs. The peculiarity of this drug is that it eliminates all viruses and infections without destroying the nutritional environment of the vagina. In order for the treatment to bring maximum effect, you need to know the specifics of using Genferon suppositories during menstruation.

Composition and medicinal effects

The drug has a universal composition, therefore it has a complex effect. It contains the following components:

Interferon activates the immune system. This component helps increase cellular resistance. The substance has a strong antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Interferon makes cells more resistant to viral attacks.

Taurine is needed to activate regeneration processes . The substance helps reduce erosion of the mucous membrane. This component is a good antioxidant. Anestezin is used to relieve inflammation, eliminate itching, burning and pain.

The drug has a fairly strong effect. Therefore, it is most often prescribed to treat the disease during an exacerbation period or when the pathology becomes chronic.

Indications and contraindications for use

The medicine is prescribed for the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. The most common diseases include the following:

  • urethritis;
  • thrush;
  • genital herpes;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • cervical erosions.

The drug is used only as prescribed by a doctor. It should be discontinued if the following contraindications are present:

  • allergic reaction;
  • pronounced changes in the number of leukocytes and platelets;
  • autoimmune diseases.

An absolute contraindication is intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

Composition of the drug and release form

In addition to the main component, the drug also contains additional ones.
Among them are taurine, anesthesin or benzocaine. Additional components allow the drug to take the appropriate form of suppositories. Quite often, the described remedy is prescribed in complex therapy. It can be used with antibacterial compounds, antimicrobial agents and other drugs. In gynecology, the medicine is prescribed for women of all ages. It can also be used for representatives of the fairer sex who are not sexually active. This is a unique feature of the drug. The abstract indicates the following indications for use:

  • chlamydia and toxoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasma and mycoplasma;
  • herpes virus of various localizations;
  • vaginal candidiasis and trichomoniasis;
  • cervical erosion and cervicitis;
  • adnexitis, metritis and salpingitis.

In some situations, the drug is used as a preventive procedure to increase the body's resistance. In addition, the medicine is also used to treat representatives of the stronger sex.

Use during menstruation

Treatment with Genferon involves long-term and continuous therapy. For inflammatory and infectious diseases, Genferon can be taken during menstruation. Scientists have proven that with the vaginal administration of suppositories during menstrual periods, their therapeutic effect increases. This can be explained by the fact that during menstrual bleeding, the female body is completely freed from dead cells, so the active substances work more efficiently.

However, if you insert Genferon suppositories during menstruation, there is a risk that the drug will simply come out with secretions. In this way, the entire daily dose of the medicine can be removed.

A negative factor is also a change in acidity in the vaginal environment. This leads to the fact that the medicinal effect of the suppositories is reduced. There is also a risk of developing an allergic reaction, itching and other unpleasant sensations. This manifestation is possible due to the fact that the secretions can mix with medicinal substances.

Most doctors claim that Genferon suppositories can be used during menstruation only when it is impossible to delay the start of therapy or the patient’s condition is severe, so treatment should be immediate. But it is best to wait until the end of the critical days, and only then start or continue treatment.

In case of heavy discharge, the antiviral and antibacterial effects are reduced. Genferon suppositories can be inserted during menstruation with scanty bleeding. The active substances have time to begin their effect before some of them are excreted.

In order not to interrupt therapy and get the maximum medicinal effect, suppositories for the period of critical days can be administered rectally rather than vaginally. Thus, the medicinal effect will be complex and effective. At the end of your period, you can switch to the usual method of administering the drug.

Method of using the medicine

Until the age of seven years, the medication for gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes is administered exclusively in a dose of 125 thousand IU of interferon rectally. For older age groups, the medicine is prescribed in an individual dosage, depending on the clinical manifestations and severity of the disease.

For infections of the urogenital tract, the drug is prescribed in a dose of 250 - 500 IU once a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, but usually does not exceed 10 days. If the inflammatory process is acute, then the drug is prescribed in the following scheme: at night, one suppository in a dose of 500 IU in the vagina and 1000 IU rectally.

The female body is designed in such a way that menstruation may begin during the treatment period. How to be in this case? Is it worth continuing the introduction of vaginal suppositories or does it make sense to postpone the correction for a while?

Doctors disagree on this matter. Some experts are confident that it is worth continuing treatment without interrupting menstruation. Other gynecologists are confident that the effectiveness of such correction is greatly reduced. In order not to lose the effect of the treatment already carried out, interrupting menstruation, it is worth continuing to administer the medicine rectally. Be sure to check with your doctor for this information.

Possible side effects

The risk of developing side effects is small, but still present. The most common symptoms include the following:

  • headache;
  • increase in body temperature to 37.1−37.9 °C;
  • sleep problems;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • constant feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • disturbances in the digestive tract.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen occurs because a large amount of blood flows into the vessels of the small pelvis. Negative manifestations can be eliminated by reducing the dosage of the drug or temporary withdrawal. In this case, it will be enough to stop using candles for 24-36 hours. If side effects do not go away but become more intense, you should consult a doctor. At the same time, it is recommended to drink as much clean and still water as possible. During therapy, you should not take alcohol, as it reduces the medicinal functions of interferon.

Genferon suppositories can be used during menstruation only if they are not heavy and therapy cannot be postponed until the end of the critical days. If there is heavy bleeding, the drug will be ineffective.

Use of the drug Genferon during menstruation

During menstruation, a woman may need emergency treatment. The use of Genferon during menstruation is a fairly pressing issue today. Elimination of many gynecological pathologies requires the use of local therapeutic agents. However, many women do not know what to do if the need for such treatment coincides with their menstrual process.

In some cases, the use of antiviral suppositories during menstruation is not contraindicated. Practice shows that such drugs are often prohibited for use during this special period for women. The above medication has a strong antiviral effect. Therefore, many women are interested in the question of whether Genferon suppositories can be used during menstruation.

Characteristics of the drug

Today, there are many medications that are widely used in gynecology. One of these antiviral agents is Genferon. This drug is considered an excellent immunomodulator. It consists of a combination of 2 active substances - interferon and taurine. This medicine is available in the form of a nasal spray, vaginal and rectal suppositories. The substance interferon is a high-quality antiviral agent and immunostimulant. Thanks to these properties, the drug Genferon is very active in the fight against pathologically dangerous bacteria.

During the use of this remedy, the production of leukocytes is activated in the very center of the infectious focus. Thanks to this, the body begins to cleanse itself of various bacteria and viruses. The main quality of a substance such as taurine is considered to be its ability to positively influence the process of tissue and cell restoration. It is also a good antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. Practice shows that most often the drug Genferon is used in the presence of such pathological manifestations:

  • the presence of thrush and vaginitis;
  • bartholinitis and cervicitis;
  • genital herpes;
  • cervical erosion;
  • urethritis and adnexitis;
  • colds and flu;
  • balanitis and prostatitis.

Experts note the fact that this medicine in spray form can be used by pregnant women and even children if necessary. It is highly not recommended to take this medication if the patient is allergic to the main components of the drug. Genferon is strictly prohibited for women with an autoimmune disease. One of the main side effects of this medicine may be the appearance of itching and rashes on the patient’s body.

Headache, decreased appetite and increased basal temperature are considered possible secondary effects when using Genferon in the form of vaginal or rectal suppositories. When using the drug in spray form, no side effects occur. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during treatment with this drug. This can significantly reduce the active effect of the drug.

Genferon and menstruation

There are a large number of infectious diseases in the world that are characterized by inflammatory processes.

According to statistics, female infections occupy a leading place among other gynecological problems and occur with a frequency of about 60%.

Microbiologists are developing new antimicrobial drugs that can fight viruses and infections, but their resistance remains stable.

The following factors are considered to be the causes of the spread of female infections:

  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • change of partners;
  • unprotected sexual contact.

The most common diseases of the vulva and the vagina itself are considered to be: thrush, vaginitis, cervicitis, genital herpes.

The drug Genferon and its constituent substances

Nowadays, the market offers a huge number of medications that can fight various infections, including viral diseases in gynecology.

One of these drugs that exhibits its antiviral properties is Genferon. The drug is deservedly considered one of the best immunomodulators. It contains only 2 active ingredients with an active antiviral effect - the protein interferon and the sulfonic acid taurine.

This type of drug is produced in several forms: as a nasal spray, rectal and vaginal suppositories.

Interferon, the active substance that is part of the drug, has a strong antimicrobial, antiviral, and immunostimulating effect. By its nature, interferon is a protein with similar properties to what body cells secrete when a viral invasion occurs. Cells, thanks to this protein, become resistant to the virus.

When the drug Genferon is used, the function of leukocyte production is activated in the center of the development of the infection. It is thanks to this function that the body is gradually cleansed of all kinds of bacterial and viral microorganisms.

The second active ingredient is taurine. By its nature, taurine is a sulfonic acid. It is formed in the body from the amino acid cysteine. Its main quality is considered to dynamically influence the process of cell and tissue restoration. It is an excellent antioxidant and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Use of the drug and side effects

In practice, Genferon is used when infections of the genitourinary system occur:

  • thrush and vulvovaginitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • genital herpes;
  • ESM (cervical erosion);
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis.

Many people wonder whether Genferon can be used for children and pregnant women? Experts answer in this regard that this medicine can be used by pregnant women and children if it is in the form of a spray.

It is not advisable to use Genferon if the patient is at risk of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. It is also prohibited for the female half of the population who suffer from autoimmune diseases.

The main manifestations of the side effects of Genferon are the appearance of itching and a red rash on a woman’s body.

Minor side effects that occur when taking the drug Genferon are:

  • severe headache;
  • decreased appetite;
  • significant increase in basal temperature;
  • chills;
  • increased fatigue;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • increased sweating.

When using the drug, it is very important not to drink alcohol, due to the fact that it can suppress the effect of the drug by reducing interferon function.

Genferon for the treatment of acute inflammatory diseases and infections is prescribed one suppository, twice a day. The drug is used daily for 10 days.

If the disease is chronic, treatment is prescribed for 3 months. The drug Genferon is used three times a week, but in the amount of one suppository.

Genferon suppositories during menstruation

Candles during menstruation

As a rule, treatment with suppositories is prescribed for a long period, sometimes as a means of continuous therapy. Treatment with suppositories may be compromised when a young woman begins her period. For various infectious diseases, as well as inflammatory processes, experts do not advise interrupting the treatment regimen, even during menstruation.

Is it possible to use Genferon suppositories during menstruation and what will be the effect of such treatment? It has been proven that when vaginal suppositories are used during menstruation, the therapeutic effect is enhanced. It is associated with the fact that when menstrual bleeding occurs, the reproductive system of the female body is cleansed of dead cells and tissues.

But there is another side to the coin, because if you use vaginal suppositories during menstruation, the effectiveness of the active substance may decrease due to the fact that the substance will simply come out along with blood discharge. In this case, the daily dose of the drug taken the day before may be washed away.

The medicinal substances will not work, and the therapeutic quality will be reduced.


Use during menstruation

There are times when a woman is forced to use vaginal suppositories as a continuous therapeutic agent. However, the above situation becomes more difficult if the girl is menstruating. For many infectious and inflammatory diseases, doctors do not recommend interrupting treatment even during critical days. Very often, the use of vaginal suppositories during menstruation can have a positive effect on the therapy process as a whole. This is due to the fact that during this special period for a woman, her reproductive system is completely renewed and cleansed of obsolete tissue.

However, practice shows that the use of vaginal suppositories during menstrual periods can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the treatment started. For example, when a medicine is injected, it may come out after a short period. This is due to the fact that discharge during the menstrual period can easily wash away the entire daily dose of the drug used from the vagina. The medicine will not have any effect and the quality of therapy will be very low. The fact that the acidity of the vagina changes during menstruation can negatively affect the effectiveness of the medications used. In this case, the relationship between the secretions and the main substances of the drug will provoke the appearance of itching and discomfort.

Experts note the fact that the use of vaginal suppositories during menstruation, as a rule, depends on the characteristics of each such medication. Gynecologists agree that Genferon during menstruation should be used only when very necessary. For example, if the woman’s health condition is quite serious. Otherwise, it is recommended to wait until the end of your period and then continue the course of treatment.

This is due to the fact that with heavy discharge, the antiviral and antibacterial effect of Genferon is greatly reduced. Subsequently, pathologically dangerous microorganisms will be able to quickly adapt to this remedy, and the effectiveness of treatment will decrease several times. In this case, it would be most correct to administer Genferon suppositories when your periods are quite scanty. Then the drug used will have time to work better.

About the drug

Genferon is an antiviral immunomodulatory drug that is available in three forms: nasal spray, vaginal tablets and rectal suppositories. If infectious bacteria have affected the female reproductive system, Genferon suppositories are considered the most effective form.

The composition of the drug includes three active components: interferon, anesthesin and taurine. The principle of action of interferon is aimed at producing local immune cells and increasing general immunity, thereby stopping the proliferation of infectious bacteria.

Anestesin reduces inflammation in the mucous tissue of the genital organs and stops the development of unpleasant symptoms - pain, severe itching and burning. Taurine accelerates the process of restoration of damaged mucous tissue and protects the epithelium from the negative influence of external factors.

The favorable result from the use of Genferon is ensured due to the fact that the active components that make up the drug are combined in the correct ratio and complement each other. Vaginal use of the medication stimulates the production of leukocytes, as a result of which the female body gets rid of harmful bacteria.

Reviews from doctors about the drug Genferon. Instructions for use

In the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract, medications with immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects are mandatory.

One of the most popular medications of this type is Genferon. It contains three active components - interferon, taurine, benzocaine, so the drug provides a complex effect and helps eliminate the symptoms of urogenital diseases in the shortest possible time.

Genferon is produced in the form of suppositories. Suppositories can be used both rectally and vaginally. The cost of the drug in pharmacies fluctuates greatly. If we take the average value, then for a package of 10 suppositories you will have to pay about 480 rubles. The medication is dispensed in pharmacies without a prescription. Genferon is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Biocad.

Genferon suppositories - instructions for use

The medication is an immunomodulatory complex of substances that has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, Genferon is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women.

The antiviral effect of the drug extends to a significant group of pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.

The immunomodulatory effect of suppositories is manifested due to the activation of immune defense components, ensuring the destruction of long-living bacteria that provoke chronic inflammation.

The components of the drug provide systemic and local action, activating certain elements of the immune system that act in the blood and on the mucous membranes.

When administered rectally, a systemic effect is achieved, making it possible to treat bacterial and viral diseases of the respiratory system with Genferon or provide prevention of many other pathologies by activating immune cells and generally strengthening the body's protective properties.

Interaction of the described product with other compounds

What will happen if you simultaneously use antibacterial drugs and Genferon suppositories (in gynecology)? Reviews from doctors report that this combination is quite acceptable. It’s even worth saying that this is how a variety of treatments are usually carried out. With this interaction, the effectiveness of the antiviral agent “Genferon” is enhanced.

Often during pregnancy, a woman takes vitamin complexes. Such compositions include the main substances - vitamin E and C. They can help enhance the immunomodulatory effect of the drug.

If a woman uses a variety of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (this is precisely the characteristic of most painkillers and antipyretics), then the effect of benzocaine may be enhanced.

When supplementing the correction with sulfonamines, it is necessary to take a break of 2-4 hours between medications. This is because benzocaine can reduce the effect of the described substances.


The main component of the drug is human interferon alpha 2B; in the drug it can be in a dosage of 250, 500 thousand or 1000 000 IU. Other active substances in the medication are:

  • aminosulfonic acid (0.01 g);
  • benzocaine or anesthesin (0.055 g).

Since the active components require a special environment for rapid penetration into the circulatory system and fixation on the mucous membrane of the vagina or rectum, the basis of the drug is solid fat. All active substances and other auxiliary components are evenly distributed in it, which include:

  • emulsifier T2;
  • dextran 60 thousand;
  • sodium hydrogen citrate;
  • macrogol 1500;
  • lemon acid;
  • purified water;
  • polysorbate 80.

be careful

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We hasten to warn you that most medications “treat” warts, papillomas, moles, etc. - this is a complete deception of marketers who make hundreds of percentage points on drugs whose effectiveness is zero. They do not cure the disease, but only mask the symptoms.

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The manufacturer notes that after using this drug, the functioning of the immune system improves: Genferon components activate the immune defense, which allows us to increase the protective properties of our body against pathogenic microorganisms that can provoke the development of chronic inflammatory pathologies.

Important! Many people don’t know: Is Genferon an antibiotic or not? This drug is not an antibiotic according to the radar data, but it is often prescribed by doctors for women and men who are already being treated with any antibiotics.

If we talk about why Genferon is prescribed vaginally and rectally for women, as well as rectally for men, then we can distinguish infectious pathologies of the urogenital system with developing inflammation.

There are many diseases in this category, for example the human papillomavirus, so before using a medication for prevention or treatment, you should consult a specialist.

According to the INN, the main substance of the drug is recombinant human interferon alpha-2b.


Indications and contraindications

It is advisable to use Genferon in the presence of the following infectious diseases:

  • thrush;
  • genital herpes;
  • urethritis;
  • vaginitis;
  • erosion of the uterine cervix;
  • cold infection;
  • flu.

In addition, gynecologists recommend that patients use Genferon if they have inflammation in the genitourinary system, in order to prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Each medication has its own contraindications.

Genferon is strictly forbidden to be used by patients who are allergic to the active components of the drug, as well as by women who have an increased number of leukocytes in the blood.

If there is an urgent need, the drug in the form of a spray can be used by pregnant girls and children. This fact is explained by the fact that Genferon in the form of a spray does not provoke the development of side symptoms.

Use of the drug and side effects

In practice, Genferon is used when infections of the genitourinary system occur:

  • thrush and vulvovaginitis;
  • cervicitis;
  • genital herpes;
  • ESM (cervical erosion);
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis.

Many people wonder whether Genferon can be used for children and pregnant women? Experts answer in this regard that this medicine can be used by pregnant women and children if it is in the form of a spray. It is not advisable to use Genferon if the patient is at risk of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. It is also prohibited for the female half of the population who suffer from autoimmune diseases. The main manifestations of the side effects of Genferon are the appearance of itching and a red rash on a woman’s body.

Side effects

In most cases, the side effects of Genferon appear if a woman drank alcohol during the course of medication. The main side symptoms include:

  1. Severe headaches.
  2. Increased body temperature.
  3. Deterioration in sleep quality due to regular insomnia, excessive sweating and bad dreams.
  4. The presence of pain in muscle tissue and joints.
  5. The development of an allergic reaction, which manifests itself as a skin rash, itching and burning in the external genital area.
  6. Discomfort in the abdominal area.
  7. Disorders of the digestive process, as a result of which a woman develops diarrhea.

Much less often, the cause of the development of side symptoms is a change in the number of immune cells and an increase in blood volume in the pelvic vessels. In this case, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or temporarily stop taking the drug.

Instructions for use

The standard daily dosage of Genferon is 2 vaginal suppositories, which must be inserted into the vagina every 12 hours. The duration of drug therapy is 10 days: this period is enough for the drug to destroy infectious microflora and increase local immunity.

Stopping the use of vaginal suppositories without significant reasons is strictly prohibited. A pause in drug treatment negatively affects its effectiveness, since the effect of the drug increases with each subsequent use.

In order to improve the beneficial effect of using suppositories, Genferon is recommended to be combined with vitamin complexes in the form of injections. A successful combination is also Genferon and herbal medicine.

While using suppositories, the patient is allowed to douche with a decoction based on oak bark and chamomile, which disinfects the mucous tissues of the genitals. In order to eliminate the symptoms of intoxication, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction daily.

Use on critical days

Treatment of infectious gynecological diseases involves continuous drug therapy. Quite often during the treatment course, a woman begins her critical days, which can negatively affect the effectiveness of the drug.

When asked whether it is possible to use candles during menstruation, doctors give a positive answer. Menstrual discharge is a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. During menstruation, Genferon prevents the development of infectious microflora and cleanses the reproductive system of dead tissue.

Despite the positive effect of suppositories on the menstrual cycle, their effectiveness is significantly reduced when used during menstruation. During critical days, acidity in the vagina increases, which causes the mechanism of action of the active components to stop.

Doctors do not recommend using suppositories if you have heavy menstrual flow: a large volume of blood can cause the drug to leak out. In addition, the use of suppositories during severe menstruation causes bacteria to adapt to the medication, as a result of which the therapy becomes ineffective.

Suppositories "Genferon" for menstruation

Female genital diseases interfere with a normal lifestyle, prevent you from fully enjoying a relationship with a man, and can even lead to infertility. There are many diseases in the world that are associated with the reproductive system. Some of them can be very dangerous and cause severe complications.

Infections occupy perhaps the first place among all female diseases. To prevent and treat them, Genferon is used during menstruation. This new generation drug is an excellent antimicrobial agent that copes with infections and viruses, but does not destroy the special environment in a woman’s vagina.

Genferon can be used during menstruation

There are a large number of infectious diseases in the world that are characterized by inflammatory processes.

According to statistics, female infections occupy a leading place among other gynecological problems and occur with a frequency of about 60%.

Microbiologists are developing new antimicrobial drugs that can fight viruses and infections, but their resistance remains stable.

The following factors are considered to be the causes of the spread of female infections:

  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • change of partners;
  • unprotected sexual contact.

The most common diseases of the vulva and the vagina itself are considered to be: thrush, vaginitis, cervicitis, genital herpes.

Genferon suppositories during menstruation

This drug is one of the most effective immuno-enhancing drugs. Despite the small amount of active ingredients, the product has an active antiviral effect. The most common are suppositories, but the drug is also available in the form of a nasal spray.

Genferon suppositories for menstruation are very effective, since they contain interferon. This active substance has antiviral, antimicrobial, and immunostimulating properties. Interferon strengthens cells and makes them resistant to various infections.

Despite the pronounced activity of the drug, you should think about what will happen from its menstrual use, i.e., whether Genferon can be used during menstruation. During the menstrual cycle, every woman's body undergoes great changes. First of all, its hormonal balance changes, and during the release of the egg, the body’s protective functions decrease several times.

It is during this period that a woman should be able to take care of herself and provide maximum protection to the body. But you should not use conventional medications for this, which can easily cause harm during this period.

If a woman has heavy periods, it is better not to use suppositories. During this period, the action of active interferon will not give the expected effect. But it is worth noting that in cases of severe exacerbations and some diseases, it is advisable to use the drug even during menstruation. You can also use the remedy if the bleeding is not heavy. During this period, you can also achieve good results.

The drug Genferon and its constituent substances

Nowadays, the market offers a huge number of medications that can fight various infections, including viral diseases in gynecology.

One of these drugs that exhibits its antiviral properties is Genferon. The drug is deservedly considered one of the best immunomodulators. It contains only 2 active ingredients with an active antiviral effect - the protein interferon and the sulfonic acid taurine.

This type of drug is produced in several forms: as a nasal spray, rectal and vaginal suppositories.

Interferon, the active substance that is part of the drug, has a strong antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.

How to use Genferon suppositories

The drug is very effective and can be used for various female diseases. Typically, this medicine is prescribed in two suppositories, which are inserted at intervals of 12 hours. Treatment should be continued for up to 10 days. During menstruation, the dosage is not reduced, and during use the drug effectively copes with viruses, bacteria, and improves immunity.

It is noteworthy that you can use Genferon suppositories during menstruation. During this period, the product reduces the possibility of the appearance of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. It is in the blood that bacteria multiply best. To avoid this, you can use a drug that will also reduce the possibility of inflammation in the mucosa.

The medicine can be combined with other pharmacological agents. For example, the drug works very well with vitamins A, B, C, which enhance its effect. You can also use herbal medicine, which helps improve human immunity and also has an antioxidant effect.

Rules for taking the drug

  • You should wash your hands and wear sterile gloves.
  • When used rectally, the suppository is inserted into the rectum with the sharp end first.
  • When administered vaginally, the suppository should be inserted into the vagina with the pointed end first. It is better to squat down, pushing the drug towards the cervix. After this, you need to lie on your back, bend your knees and lie there for 15-20 minutes.
  • The first candle is placed before bedtime, the second after 12 hours. During this period, the drug completely dissolves and begins to act.

If a woman is concerned about the question of whether it is possible to insert Genferon suppositories during menstruation, the answer is definitely positive. But if there is too much bleeding, you can also use the product rectally.


Reviews about the antiviral drug "Biocad" - "Genferon" - are mostly good. Doctors note that the main advantage of the drug is its uniqueness. Suppositories can be inserted into the vagina or rectally.

In recent years, this medication has been increasingly used for women. “Genferon” suppositories in gynecology also have positive reviews. It is about them that will be discussed further. You will learn the main points on using the drug.

Composition and type of medication

What are “Genferon” suppositories in gynecology? Reviews from doctors and instructions for use indicate that the medication is in the form of suppositories. The main component of the drug is interferon. It is worth noting that the dose of this substance may vary.

Often in pharmacies you can find “Genferon” in the form of 250, 500 and 1000 thousand IU. The manufacturer also produces the medicine in a reduced dosage – 125 thousand IU. This drug has the trade name "Genferon Light". In addition to interferon in the described amount, the medication contains taurine and anesthesin (benzocaine). As you already know, the product can be administered vaginally or rectally.

Release form and composition of the drug

The line of medications is represented by rectal and vaginal suppositories, made in the form of pointed cylinders with shallow depressions on the sections. Suppositories are made from a homogeneous white mass, which gives them a smooth structure. Available in packages of 5 or 10 suppositories with different concentrations of active substances: 125,000 and 250,000 IU.

Other forms of Genferon are sprays and drops that can quickly eliminate the symptoms of a viral infection. Most often, these medications are used to prevent ARVI. It has been noticed that the use of these drugs at the first manifestations of a cold prevents the further development of the disease by destroying the virus in the bud.

The main component of Genferon is interferon alpha 2B. It is an effective stimulating substance that enhances the body's protective functions. It is a potent drug, and therefore, for the treatment of the youngest patients, drugs with a concentration of 125 thousand are used, and for older patients - 250 thousand IU.

In addition to interferon, children's Genferon includes the following active components:

  • taurine;
  • benzocaine or anestesein.

The structure of medications also includes various excipients. When making suppositories, solid fat, dextran, macrogol, sodium hydrogen citrate, and water are used. The spray includes the following components: glycerol, polysorbate, potassium chloride, mint oil, etc.

Indications for use of the medicine

In what situations are Genferon suppositories used in gynecology? Reviews from doctors and annotations indicate the following situations. The drug is prescribed in the complex therapy of certain diseases in order to support the patient’s immunity. It can also be used as an independent antiviral agent. Among the indications are the following situations:

  • viral infections of the reproductive system in women, including herpes;
  • bacterial infections of the vagina and uterus;
  • mycoplasmosis and chlamydia;
  • ureaplasma and trichomoniasis;
  • vaginitis and vaginal candidiasis;
  • cervicitis and lesions of the vaginal mucosa (including cervical erosion);
  • papillomavirus infection and so on.

It is worth noting that reviews say the following about a drug such as Genferon suppositories (in gynecology): the medicine can also be used for prophylactic purposes. The instructions for use confirm this information.

Reviews about the drug

Since the drug Genferon Light is actively used in various fields of medicine, both doctors and patients actively share their opinions on the use of both Genferon Light itself and its analogues.

Doctors note that Genferon Light works well against many viral pathologies that, for example, Viferon cannot cope with.

However, doctors warn that you should not get too carried away with Genferon suppositories so that the body does not get used to them, although, according to the manufacturer, the use of suppositories does not affect the body’s production of its own interferon.

Since the drug is available without a prescription, often even when the first runny nose or first sneeze appears, patients run for Genferon Light for themselves or their children. Doctors note that the remedy “works best” according to indications, when there is really a need to help your immune system overcome the disease. In this case, doctors actively prescribe Genferon Light, because they are confident in its safety and effectiveness.

Genferon Light does not go unnoticed in pediatrics. There are a lot of positive reviews when Genferon Light helped children cope with ARVI better than Interferon and Amiksin, which are positioned as full-fledged analogues of the drug. Despite the proximity of Genferon Light to these drugs, it has, according to parents, a greater effect than other antiviral drugs.

As reviews show, Genferon Light is an effective remedy in the fight against viral infection in both adults and children.

Contraindications to the use of vaginal and rectal suppositories

In most cases, the antiviral drug "Genferon" has positive reviews from doctors. The medicine is not prescribed only to people who are hypersensitive to taurine and benzocaine. The medication rarely causes allergic reactions, which disappear on their own without additional treatment.

Interferon is a substance that is normally released by the human body during illness. It allows you to build immunity and protect a person. The composition of the described medicine contains exactly this substance. Therefore, there is usually no negative reaction to interferon.

Effect of the drug

The drug Genferon acts very effectively and in combination, as it has a universal composition. It includes the following components:

  • Interferon – corrects and stimulates the immune system. With the help of this component, you can increase cellular resistance and also reduce the proliferation of bacteria and viruses.
  • Taurine is able to stimulate body tissues to regenerate and restore their functions. It is very effective in treating mucosal erosion, as it helps reduce it.
  • Anestesin - a component that can reduce the inflammatory reaction in the mucosa. In addition, itching, burning and pain are reduced.

The remedy is also effective for various diseases. Among them:

  • Herpes virus that affects the reproductive system.
  • Inflammation caused by the ureaplasma group.
  • Chlamydial infections.
  • Bacterial vaginitis.
  • Erosion caused by infection.
  • Adnexitis.
  • Bartholinitis.
  • Cervicitis.
  • Salpingo-oophoritis.

An additional substance of the drug is benzocaine, which easily blocks pain impulses and has a good analgesic effect. Interestingly, the product is effective for pregnant women and children (over the age of six).

  • Severe allergic reactions to any of the components.
  • Marked changes in leukocyte and platelet counts in a clinical blood test.

To avoid side effects of Genferon, the drug should be used only under medical supervision. But you still need to remember that there are some side effects from taking it.

Patients may most often be concerned about the following:

  • headache;
  • bad dreams, insomnia, restless sleep;
  • temperature rise to 37.9°C;
  • high fatigue;
  • abnormal stool, nausea after eating, bloating;
  • muscle pain;
  • heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • various allergic reactions.

Negative feelings are associated with changes in immunity, but they can be eliminated by changing or reducing the dose. You can also stop the drug for a day and then reintroduce it. If you are menstruating, Genferon suppositories can be used during menstruation, but assess your body condition and adjust the dose.

Genferon suppositories - instructions for use in gynecology

Among the many immunomodulatory and antiviral agents, it is often quite difficult to choose the appropriate drug.

In order to make your choice, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with basic information about the properties of each medication, take into account the available side effects and contraindications. Below we will analyze drugs such as “Viferon” and “Genferon”.

When used rectally, interferon is absorbed into the blood, which has a systemic effect on the body: immunomodulatory and antiviral.

Let's figure out which is better - “Viferon” or “Genferon”.

Mechanism of action of Genferon

The pharmacological agent Genferon consists of alpha-2-interferon, anesthesin and taurine:

  1. Alpha-2-interferon – acts as a means to correct and stimulate the immune system. It provokes an increase in cellular immunity at the local level, and also helps to reduce the proliferation of viruses and bacteria by influencing them with immunoglobulin A.
  2. Anestezin is a local drug that reduces the inflammatory reaction in the mucous membranes of the genital tract. Its action significantly reduces pain, burning, and itching in various diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Taurine is a medicine that stimulates body tissues to regenerate and restore their function. This component is considered especially important in the treatment of mucosal erosions. Taurine helps to reduce the diameter of erosion and the growth of non-keratinizing epithelial tissue.

In the drug Genferon, the above components are in the correct ratio, so the drug quickly and effectively fights the cause of the disease, affecting the human immune system.

Side effects

With prolonged use of the medicine, or due to a tendency to allergic reactions, side symptoms may occur in the form of itching and burning in the anus. These symptoms are temporary and go away on their own without requiring treatment.

In rare cases, while using the medicine, weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue, chills, intense sweating, and increased body temperature may occur. If these signs occur, you must stop using the drug and report the presence of side symptoms to your doctor in order to replace the drug or adjust the dosage.

If a child’s body temperature increases due to the use of rectal suppositories, a single dose of the antipyretic drug Paracetamol is prescribed in a dosage of 1 tablet.

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

- A49.3 Infection caused by mycoplasma, unspecified - A56 Other chlamydial diseases, sexually transmitted - A59 Trichomoniasis - A60 Anogenital herpetic viral infection - A63.8 Other specified diseases, predominantly sexually transmitted - B37.3 Candidiasis of the vulva and vagina (N77 .1)- B97.

7 Papillomaviruses - N34 Urethritis and urethral syndrome - N41 Inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland - N48.1 Balanoposthitis - N48.6 Balanitis - N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis - N72 Inflammatory diseases of the cervix - N74.4 Inflammatory diseases of the female pelvic organs caused by chlamydia (A56. 1 )- N75.

9 Bartholin's gland disease, unspecified - N76 Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva - N86 Erosion and ectropion of the cervix

Composition and packaging

Vaginal (for pregnant women) and rectal suppositories in dosages of 125 thousand IU and 250 thousand IU, in individual cell packaging. The drug is available in quantities of 5 and 10 suppositories per box.

Active substances

  • alpha-2b interferon (rhIFN-α-2b) in the amount of 125 thousand or 250 thousand IU;
  • taurine (5 mg).

Additional components: “hard fat”, dextran, macrogol, polysorbate, T2 emulsifier, sodium hydrogen citrate, citric acid, purified water.

Operating principle

Genferon Light has antiviral and immunostimulating effects against viral pathogens.

The active ingredient in suppositories is an activator of the immune system, which improves its functioning during the period of illness, and also increases the body's resistance.

Thus, the cellular response to viral activity in the body is enhanced, as a result of which the immune response occurs faster.

Genferon suppositories during pregnancy

The instructions indicate the need to balance the benefits of treatment with the drug and the risk to the fetus if it is necessary to use Genferon. Although in most cases the use of the drug causes positive reviews during pregnancy.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy (13–40 weeks), use is indicated as part of multicomponent therapy for chlamydia, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, cytomegalovirus infection, mycoplasmosis, papillomavirus infection, bakvaginosis in the presence of symptoms of discomfort, itching and other sensations in the lower parts of the genitourinary tract.

Use in the second half of pregnancy is allowed if the benefits of the therapy outweigh the possible risk to the fetus.

Reviews about the drug "Viferon"

Patients most often leave positive reviews about these candles. They help well at the very beginning of the disease and prevent it from developing into a more serious form, improving well-being. The drug has a convenient release form for treating children and is easily tolerated.

Some patients note that the effect takes a long time, although it is certainly good. Among the disadvantages, it is noted that the drug will not help in the treatment of viral dermatoses if it is used as monotherapy. In addition, its price is quite high.

In general, the medicine is quite effective, but it is still not worth using it for every “sneeze”.

We figured out which is better - “Viferon” or “Genferon”.


Doctors' opinion

Genferon suppositories during menstruation are quite effective and can be used even during bleeding. Doctors also believe that the drug may take place during menstrual periods.

Doctors attribute this decision to the fact that when a woman experiences heavy bleeding, the effect of the drug is much reduced. In this case, the drug seems to help, but microorganisms and bacteria easily adapt to it and become more tenacious.

Scanty periods do not prevent the use of Genferon. In this case, the substance has time to begin to act and is not released so quickly in secretions.

Depending on the condition of the woman’s reproductive system, the dosage of the drug is prescribed. In addition, doctors recommend taking into account what form of candles a woman is most comfortable using. Rectal ones also work very well, can be used even during heavy bleeding and are safe. At the same time, doctors say that such suppositories have a systemic effect, but vaginal ones have a more pronounced local effect.

In any case, this drug is widely used and recommended by doctors. It will be a good therapy for many viral and infectious diseases.

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