Klayra birth control pills - what is the difference from analogues?

Qlaira tablets are a contraceptive that not only helps in family planning, but also has a positive effect on the reproductive system as a whole.
The main feature of the drug is the presence of the hormone estradiol in the same chemical form in which it is found in the female body. This article describes in detail the drug itself, its properties, indications for use, side effects and analogues.

How to properly stop taking hormonal contraceptives?

Many women are very afraid of the consequences of stopping birth control pills and, despite the discomfort and desire to quit, continue to buy new packages of the drug.

As a rule, it is best to discontinue hormonal oral contraceptives after finishing taking the last pill from the pack, after which the woman should begin menstrual-like bleeding, or so-called withdrawal bleeding.

In order for the female body to respond as painlessly as possible to the withdrawal of drug treatment, certain rules should be followed:

  • Be sure to consult with a gynecologist (there are situations when canceling treatment is strictly contraindicated, as this will lead to a deterioration in the general condition);
  • Take tests to determine the level of sex hormones in the body;
  • Finishing the started pack - abruptly stopping the drug in the middle of the cycle - is a big stress for the reproductive system and the uterus will most likely react with heavy bleeding, there will be a kind of withdrawal effect.

It is important to understand that oral contraceptives are a hormonal drug and using them independently without prior examination and consultation with a doctor increases the risk of complications.

Cancellation of OK (oral contraceptives) in the middle of the cycle

Of course, it is advisable to finish the package of tablets to the end if you decide to stop using OCs and minimize negative reactions, but in some cases a woman urgently needs to stop taking it. Such situations include:

  • Suspicion of pregnancy;
  • Development of thrombosis;
  • Detection of malignant neoplasms;
  • Development of liver diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Arterial hypertension.

After abrupt withdrawal of the drug, a woman should be regularly examined by a gynecologist, since in such situations the risk of developing serious complications increases.


In 80% of women, the contraceptive was tolerated favorably by the body, but before you start using it, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the nature of the drug’s interaction with other medications, alcohol and smoking.

With other drugs

The process of breakdown and elimination of the active components of the drug can be accelerated by its combined use with medications such as Rifampicin, drugs based on St. John's wort extract, Carbamazepine, barbiturates, Rifabutin, Ritonavir, Phenytoin, Topiramate, Primidon, Bosentan.
If a woman needs to regularly take one of the listed medications, then using Qlaira for contraceptive or therapeutic purposes is not allowed. The effectiveness of the contraceptive is affected by its combined use with Erythromycin, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, Griseofulvin and weight loss products such as Xenical and Turboslim.

With alcohol

The combination of the hormonal components of the drug Qlaira and alcohol creates an excessive load on the liver, so combining a course of taking birth control pills with drinking alcohol is strictly contraindicated.

With smoking

The compatibility of Qlaira tablets and smoking is negative , since such a combination can dramatically increase the risk of blood clots and thromboembolic complications.

OC withdrawal syndrome: adverse effects

In the case when a woman was prescribed oral contraceptives for the treatment of diseases of the reproductive organs and the establishment of the menstrual cycle (fibroids, endometriosis, algodysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, etc.), the so-called withdrawal syndrome occurs when the drug is discontinued. In this case, signs of the disease may return and intensify.

During abrupt withdrawal of the drug, a woman may experience the following adverse reactions:

  • Development of persistent depression;
  • Skin rashes, acne;
  • Excessive hair growth;
  • Weakness and irritability;
  • Changes in sexual desire;
  • Development of breakthrough uterine bleeding;
  • Strengthening the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, as a result of which the patient’s hair becomes oily, acne and comedones appear on the skin;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

If more than six months have passed since discontinuation of the OC, and withdrawal symptoms persist, you should consult a gynecologist.

How long does it take for the body to recover after stopping contraceptives?

Gynecologists say that if a woman felt well before starting to use the pills and during their use and took the drug solely to protect against pregnancy, then 2-3 months after stopping the use the body will function as before, that is, a complete recovery will occur.

Pros and cons of OK Cleara

Any oral contraceptive has both advantages and disadvantages that should be considered before starting to take the medication.

Reliably protects against unplanned pregnancy

Reduces the intensity of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

Used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for endometriosis

Does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, so can only be used with a regular partner

They have an impressive list of contraindications

If the drug is not suitable for a woman, then she risks facing serious complications

What to do if there is no menstruation after stopping OK?

For 2-3 months after stopping use of the drug, a woman may notice a change in the menstrual cycle - shortening or lengthening it. A cycle duration of up to 36 days is considered normal and does not require any special treatment. In some cases, women may experience a delay in menstruation after stopping birth control pills, sometimes for 2-3 months. In most cases, this is the norm, since this period is required by the body to restore its strength and reproductive function. If menstruation is delayed due to OC discontinuation, the patient should definitely undergo an examination by a gynecologist to rule out pregnancy.

Hair loss after discontinuation of hormonal contraceptives

When discontinuing the pills, patients often notice increased hair loss, up to the formation of bald patches. This is caused by a sharp change in hormonal levels and the body needs time to restore the functioning of all organs and systems. In most cases, after a couple of months the condition of the hair follicles returns to normal, but if hair loss continues 2-3 months after stopping the drug, consultation with specialists is required.

Analogues of the contraceptive drug Qlaira

The combined contraceptive Klaira has the following analogues in composition and indications for use:

  1. Diecyclen. The drug contains a combination of dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Diecyclen is prescribed both for contraception and for the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system associated with an imbalance of sex hormones.
  2. Silhouette. The estrogen-progestin agent contains ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. The medication has an antiandrogenic effect, so it is used not only to protect against unplanned pregnancy, but also to treat androgen-dependent alopecia, seborrhea and acne.

If necessary, the doctor can replace Qlaira tablets with one of the listed analogues.

The list of Qlaira analogues by method of use and indications includes the following names of medicines:

  1. Femoston.
  2. Femoston mini.
  3. Angelique.

We recommend reading

  • How to get pregnant quickly after stopping birth control?
  • Does ovulation occur while taking birth control pills?
  • How to lose weight after taking birth control pills?

Cancellation of contraceptives before pregnancy

Many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant after stopping the OC and how long after they should plan to conceive. If a woman decides to plan a pregnancy and stops taking birth control pills, then the body needs time for the menstrual cycle to fully recover; for this you should wait 2-3 months. During the use of OCs, the ovaries were in a state of “sleep” for a long time, therefore it is recommended to wait a certain period for their physiological function to resume. Of course, conception can occur immediately after stopping the pills, but such a pregnancy will be at risk, since there is a high chance of spontaneous miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency in the expectant mother’s body.

When is conception possible after stopping OK?

Many women worry that after prolonged use of oral contraception, pregnancy becomes more difficult, but medical practice refutes this fact. On the contrary, for women with ovarian hypofunction, gynecologists prescribe the use of OCs for 2-3 months, after which they recommend planning a pregnancy, since the chances of successful conception increase significantly, in addition, the chances of conceiving twins increase. After stopping the pills and actively planning pregnancy, conception occurs safely within 3-4 months.

Irina Levchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the website Mirmam.pro

Source: mirmam.pro

Bleeding and discharge

During the first 3 to 4 packs of taking Qlaira, women may experience bleeding or

spotting on different days of the cycle. This is normal and there is no need to worry. Bleeding can be either severe or minor. If bleeding and spotting do not stop after drinking the 4th package of Qlaira, then taking the tablets must be stopped and

. If the bleeding is severe and bothers the woman, then the dose of hormones should be increased, which is done as follows: buy a second package of the drug and take two identical tablets a day - one in the morning and one in the evening.

Spotting can sometimes bother you in the middle of the cycle while using Qlaira, which is normal. Sometimes, instead of menstruation, spotting may also be observed, which should be considered as menstruation, since this situation can occur with hormonal pills.

If a woman had a normal cycle for some time on Qlaira, against the background of which bleeding developed, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to detect pregnancy or neoplasms.

Description of the drug

The active substance of Qlaira is estradiol valerate, which promotes the production of endogenous estrogens. The drug is available in the form of tablets enclosed in a blister. One blister contains 28 tablets: 17 light yellow, 5 scarlet, 2 white, red and dark yellow. All tablets, except those colored white, contain estradiol valerate. The drug also contains additional components: lactose, povidone 25, corn starch and magnesium stearate. White tablets consist only of additional substances.

Features of menstruation

When using a contraceptive, various menstrual irregularities may occur. Your period may become less frequent, appear at the wrong time, or be absent altogether. Let's look at how the body reacts to taking pills and what happens after they are discontinued.

When taking Qlaira

In the first 4 months of taking Qlaira, disruptions are observed in the menstrual cycle. Some patients notice spotting that appears on different days of the cycle, others talk about constantly appearing brownish discharge. All these manifestations are normal. At the beginning of using Qlaira, sometimes there are no periods at all, which is also considered the norm. However, if there are no periods within 2 cycles or during the cycle following drug discontinuation, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Deviations include severe bleeding or constant spotting after 3 months of using Qlaira.

After canceling Klaira

During the period after discontinuation of the contraceptive, women complain of the following symptoms:

  • strengthening the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • increase in the duration of menstrual bleeding;
  • heavy periods;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • uncontrollable mood swings;
  • delay of menstruation.

Complete stabilization of the cycle occurs 2-3 months after discontinuation of the drug. Short-term delays in menstruation still occur, but a woman can already think about purposefully planning a pregnancy. If menstruation has not started and conception occurred before the end of taking the drug, there is no cause for concern. The drug does not have a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

Doctors' answers

Hello, Elena! Birth control pill withdrawal syndrome can result in symptoms that were treated by the drug and sometimes new conditions. As a rule, the faster the OC is removed from the body, the more severe the withdrawal syndrome. If a woman abruptly stops taking birth control pills, bleeding may begin, severe pain will appear, and the cycle will be disrupted. In this case, the menstrual cycle will take much longer to recover. When asked whether it is possible not to finish taking birth control pills, you should give a positive answer only in case of serious health problems. That is, not finishing the pack is possible only in emergency cases. If a woman does not finish her pack of contraceptives, this means that the use of contraceptives was stopped suddenly, and this will inevitably cause withdrawal syndrome. Be healthy!


Good afternoon) Can you please tell me how long does withdrawal symptoms last? The doctor prescribed Janine without proper tests. I am 28 years old, I have only given birth, no abortions, I have never had any problems with my cycle, 28-30 days. Ovulation was very painful, as the doctor said, due to hormonal imbalance. For some time I was treated with duphaston and indomethacin suppositories. The candles were not good. Janine started drinking, it lasted me for 2 months and 10 days ((terrible depression began, tachycardia, headaches, libido disappeared completely and a lot of other things. 2 days after the withdrawal, my period came, of course. They passed. The condition became better after the withdrawal. But in the second halfway through the cycle it hit me again. Constant anxiety, fear, crying. I’m trying to control myself. To maintain it, until it goes away, I’m taking Afobazol. Thank you very much in advance for your answer)

Why did my period start after claira on day 4 if I cancel what will happen?

The modern pharmaceutical industry currently produces a huge variety of drugs that help prevent unwanted pregnancy. Many of them not only prevent fertilization of the egg by sperm, but also have a positive effect on the general condition of the female body. Such drugs include “Klayra”; reviews from women over 40 years old about the product are positive. Next, we will consider the instructions for use, contraindications and reviews.

What to do if you don't have your period?

The high proximity of Qlaira's composition to hormones that are naturally produced in the body reduces the risk of side effects. If after discontinuation of the drug there is a delay in menstruation, you should wait a little. As a rule, by the next cycle the situation has stabilized and menstruation begins to occur on time. At first, they may be more abundant and begin earlier, but after 2-3 months they return to the woman’s usual norm.

Source: www.OldLekar.ru

In what cases do women decide to stop taking OCs?

Cancellation of contraceptives usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • The family's financial situation improved, and she decided to be happy with the child.
  • Your personal life has collapsed, and now you don’t need to protect yourself. Love, at best, is only a dream.
  • You are afraid to take hormones for a long time.
  • Serious health problems have arisen.
  • You decide to switch to another type of contraception
  • Despite all precautions, pregnancy occurred

When may it be necessary to urgently stop taking OCs?

With a small amount of hormones, modern contraceptives are well tolerated by the female body. But you should know that if you have serious general diseases, your gynecologist may decide to stop taking the medications and offer you other methods of birth control.

Stopping birth control pills is necessary for the following health problems:

  • Liver diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Arterial hypertension
  • Lipid metabolism disorders
  • Varicose veins
  • Cancer diseases
  • Serious visual impairment
  • Intracavitary operations

Are there possible negative consequences when stopping OK?

The results of a study conducted at the departments of obstetrics and gynecology by the medical faculties of several medical universities are interesting.

The abolition of contraceptives sharply increases the activity of the ovaries. This hyperactivity causes many side effects. However, it can also be used for good. Modern OCs can sometimes be prescribed to speed up conception. Since the ovaries begin to work more actively after stopping birth control, this increases the chances of getting pregnant.

As has been established, discontinuation of OCs is accompanied by long-term troubles only if the drug is prescribed incorrectly. The selection of hormonal contraceptives should be made by a gynecologist strictly individually.

What happens in the body when you stop taking birth control?

As a result of stopping the intake of gestagens (progestins) with oral contraceptives, ovulation is disinhibited, and the gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland ceases to be inhibited. The production of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones increases.

How does reproductive function restore?

After stopping taking contraceptives, the following occurs:

  1. The secretory phase of the cycle (menstrual) is normalized.
  2. The restoration of temporary atrophic changes in the endometrium begins.
  3. The ability of the endometrium to implant a fertilized egg is restored.
  4. The chemistry of the vaginal environment changes.
  5. The viscosity of mucus (cervical) decreases. Consequently, it becomes easier for the sperm that get here to move.

While these changes are occurring in the body, there is a delay after discontinuation of contraceptives.

What are the consequences of stopping taking contraceptives?

If you were absolutely healthy before and while taking OK, after two, maximum, three months the body will begin to work as before. That is, before you quit birth control and after you did not notice any changes in your health. Healthy women are not in any danger from discontinuing OCs.

In cases where oral contraceptives were prescribed not only for contraception, but also for the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids, amenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, etc., stopping the drug may worsen previously untreated diseases. In this case, only your doctor can answer the question of how to stop taking birth control pills. Also, to restore normal functioning of the ovaries, it may be necessary to replace the drug.

For whom is it undesirable to stop using contraceptives?

For a number of women who take oral contraceptives for a long time, their cancellation may be completely undesirable.
This is due to various reasons: age characteristics, the possibility of exacerbation of certain diseases, as well as the type of drug. This natural remedy will 100% relieve pain during menstruation! If you guess what it is, you will get rid of it forever!

Therefore, before abandoning hormonal contraceptives, they should weigh everything carefully and consult their doctor, who will decide whether it is possible to stop taking contraceptives.

So, the following facts must be taken into account:

  1. Discontinuation of OCs in women with anemia will increase the amount of blood lost during menstruation
  2. Cancellation of OC reduces the viscosity of mucus, and this increases the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs
  3. Stopping OCs during menopause increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  4. Stopping OCs with antiandrogenic properties will increase hair growth on the face and body
  5. Cancellation of OCs deprives protection against ectopic pregnancy
  6. Cancellation of OCs may reduce sexual desire, because a woman will have a fear of an unplanned pregnancy

Typical symptoms of withdrawal: cycle failures

After you stop using contraceptives, you may notice some strange things. For example, the cycle may lengthen or, conversely, shorten. Let us remember that a regular cycle lasting from 21 to 36 days is considered normal.

Sometimes there is a delay after stopping birth control for two or three cycles. This time is used by the body to return to its natural mode of operation. Then the cycle becomes regular. If your cycle often went wrong in the past, after you stop taking OK, the disturbances may resume again.


When stopping birth control pills is done, the consequences may manifest in the form of abnormal vaginal bleeding. Moreover, they are unpredictable and can start at the most inopportune moment.

To prevent such drastic reactions, you can stop taking birth control pills only after waiting for your period. Those. The package must be drunk completely.

If your stomach hurts after stopping birth control

If the ovaries are too active, there may be pain in the lower abdomen after stopping birth control. They should go quickly. If the pain persists for a long time, you should consult a gynecologist. Its causes may be hypothermia or sexually transmitted infection, improper bowel function.

Other manifestations

If contraceptives are discontinued, the consequences almost always appear. After a long-term rest, a woman’s ovaries work more actively for several months than before taking OK. This temporary change in hormonal levels causes discomfort, which manifests itself differently in each woman.

Stopping birth control pills side effects:

  • Depression
  • Skin rashes
  • Delays
  • Increased menstruation
  • Malaise
  • Increased irritability
  • The work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is enhanced again
  • The appearance of comedones (blackheads on the face), acne
  • Sometimes, pain in the lower abdomen
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Loss of sexual desire

If the consequences of stopping birth control do not go away for more than six months, and the symptoms listed above interfere with your life, you should consult a gynecologist.

Is it really that dangerous?

If hormonal contraceptives are discontinued, the consequences are inevitable. Should you fear for your health if your body reacts quite sharply to stopping oral contraception? As such, this does not pose a serious threat to health and only causes a number of troubles.

Contraceptive withdrawal syndrome is the body's normal reaction to stopping the supply of a drug. Such conditions also occur when you stop taking many other conventional medications. For example, after stopping taking antihypertensive drugs, which helped maintain normal blood pressure for a long time, the pressure increases, when antianginal drugs are stopped, angina increases, etc.

Anything that happens after stopping birth control will go away if you start taking the OC again after 2-3 months. If you do not plan to take them again or the withdrawal syndrome from birth control pills lasts too long, your gynecologist will prescribe you suitable drugs or hormone-correcting agents.

When is the best time to get pregnant after stopping OC?

Normal ovulation after discontinuation of contraceptives is established after two to four months. At this time, it is better to wait to become pregnant. Although you need to understand that the period for the body to return to normal functioning greatly depends on the concentration of hormones in the drug and on the individual characteristics of your body.

The existing myth that taking hormonal drugs in the future will prevent a woman from becoming pregnant has not been confirmed by medical practice. On the contrary, very often women taking OCs experience an increased ability to conceive due to increased ovarian activity.

How to quit OK?

The question of how to cancel birth control pills without adverse reactions is of interest to many.

In order for a woman to properly stop taking birth control pills, we advise you to follow three rules:

  • Before you quit, consult your gynecologist to see if you can stop taking birth control pills at this time. Stopping taking birth control pills is done only after assessing your health, since OCs are often prescribed not only for contraception, but also for gentle correction of hormonal levels.
  • It is safe to stop taking birth control pills only after finishing the pack. If you abruptly stop taking birth control in the middle of your cycle, health problems cannot be avoided. Such a sudden cessation will cause a sharp hormonal imbalance and most likely provoke uterine bleeding. It is better not to experiment with your own body.
  • Stop taking birth control pills, strictly following the plan drawn up by your doctor, ensuring a gradual and safe interruption of birth control.

Do I need to take breaks while taking oral contraception?

Many women are interested in the question of how long it takes to stop taking birth control pills. This is due to the fact that the use of previously produced OCs had to be interrupted after two years. It was recommended to take a break for two to three months, and it was necessary to restore the functioning of the reproductive system. During this period, it was advised to use mechanical methods of contraception, which is not always convenient.

Modern drugs do not have such strict restrictions. New generation contraceptives can be taken continuously and without any harm for up to 35 years. They have very low hormone content. In addition, if we stop taking birth control pills and then start taking them again, we will create unnecessary stress on the endocrine system.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to stop taking birth control pills is ambiguous. It's possible, but why? Many women are prescribed OCs not only to protect against pregnancy, but also to correct the functioning of the endocrine system. Modern drugs can be taken for a long time without interruption, if there are no contraindications. However, twice a year a visit to a gynecologist and mammologist is required.

Only a gynecologist, having assessed the state of your endocrine system, can tell you how to stop taking birth control pills without serious consequences. He will draw up detailed instructions and give competent advice to avoid long-term discomfort.

Why shouldn’t you suddenly stop taking contraceptives?

Birth control pill withdrawal syndrome can result in symptoms that were treated by the drug and sometimes new conditions. As a rule, the faster the OC is removed from the body, the more severe the withdrawal syndrome.

If a woman abruptly stops taking birth control pills, bleeding may begin, severe pain will appear, and the cycle will be disrupted. In this case, the menstrual cycle will take much longer to recover. What happens if you don't finish the package?

When asked whether it is possible not to finish taking birth control pills, you should give a positive answer only in case of serious health problems: severe hypertension, constant headaches, various types of bleeding, dizziness and other complications. That is, not finishing the pack is possible only in emergency cases.

If a woman has not finished her pack of contraceptives, this means that the use of contraceptives has stopped suddenly, and this, as we have already said, will inevitably cause withdrawal syndrome. The remaining tablets must be taken for a certain time, gradually reducing the dose. Your doctor should calculate the reduction plan.

Is it possible to gain weight after stopping birth control?

The complaint that a woman has gained weight after stopping taking a contraceptive is very common. In fact, the reasons for this are completely different. If a woman has endocrine disorders, then weight gain is in no way connected with taking or stopping taking contraceptives. Perhaps this period coincided with other serious events. Anxiety and stress cause many women to eat uncontrollably.

Minor weight gain, on the other hand, can only occur when you start taking certain contraceptives. This happens due to the fact that they contribute to the retention of a small amount of water (no more than two liters). Therefore, when you stop taking the drug, you will not only not increase your body weight, but you can lose about the same 2 kg.

Therefore, before you stop taking birth control pills, you need to get the advice of your consulting gynecologist. His opinion should be decisive, since only a specialist, having assessed your condition, will be able to decide whether you should stop taking OCs, at what time it is best to do this, and offer an individual regimen. This will minimize the possibility of adverse reactions and will allow you to stop taking the drug correctly and without harm to your health.

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General information

One package of contraceptives is presented in the form of tablets of different colors and compositions. The blister contains 28 pieces , of which two are dark yellow, red and white, five are scarlet and 17 are light yellow.

All of them, except white ones, include estradiol valerate as the main substance. Each color tablet contains a different amount of this element. The auxiliary components are:

  • corn starch;
  • lactose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • povidone 25.

As for white tablets, they consist only of the listed additional components.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) can change the properties of cervical mucus and suppress ovulation. In addition to protecting against unplanned pregnancy, Qlaira has a positive effect on the course of the menstrual cycle: it reduces pain during menstruation and reduces the amount of bleeding. In addition, the drug is suitable for the prevention of ovarian cancer.

The shelf life of contraceptives is four years from the date of manufacture, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Keep the drug in a dry and cool place.
  2. The packaging must be sealed before use.
  3. Do not store tablets in the car, on the windowsill or in the bathroom (heat and humidity lead to the destruction of the components of the medication).

The cost of the contraceptive ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles per package. The price depends on the region of residence and the method of purchase (ordering from an online pharmacy may be cheaper than buying from a regular pharmacy).

What is the drug

The drug "Qlaira" is an oral combined low-dose contraceptive. The single-phase product is well tolerated by women and contains different dosages of hormones, which are represented by several types of tablets that differ in color. "Klayra" contains estrogenic and gestagenic elements. The package also contains a couple of inactive tablets, which allow you to take the product without interruption.

The contraceptive effect is due to the fact that ovulation is suppressed, the thickness of the cervical mucus increases, and the sensitivity of the endometrium of the reproductive organ to the blastocyst increases.

But “Klayra”, reviews of women over 40 years of age confirm this, not only acts as a contraceptive, but also helps reduce the intensity and duration of bleeding from the uterus, reduces unwanted manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and pain during menstruation. Taking a contraceptive can reduce the risk of developing certain gynecological pathologies and reduce the symptoms of hypertrichosis.

Instructions for use

One blister contains 28 tablets. The packaging indicates the procedure for taking them, compliance with which is mandatory. One tablet is taken daily at the prescribed time. The course cannot be interrupted, and after finishing the package, you must immediately start a new one.

Before you start using the product, it is important to read the following recommendations:

  1. If you have used COCs or other female contraceptives in the previous month, switching to this contraceptive will not cause any difficulties. Qlaira should be taken the next day after stopping previous medications.
  2. If you have not previously taken any contraceptives, you can start taking Qlaira on the first day of your period.
  3. If a woman has previously installed an IUD, then Qlaira should be used from the moment it is removed.
  4. After using the minipill, you can start taking this drug at any time.
  5. For abortions performed before 12 weeks, the medication is used on the day of the operation.
  6. After childbirth or abortion at a later stage, it is advisable to start taking Qlaira after 3-4 weeks.
  7. If long-term injections are used, the drug should be taken on the day when the next dose was supposed to be administered.
  8. If there is a fact of unprotected sexual intercourse, before taking birth control pills, you should make sure that there is no pregnancy.

The Qlaira contraceptive is intended for women of childbearing age, but is not suitable for girls with an established cycle.


Klaira can be purchased at a regular pharmacy or through an online store, with a doctor's prescription. When purchasing the drug, pay attention to the expiration date, which is 4 years from the date of manufacture. If the drug has expired, it should not be used.

The cost of Klaira may vary, as this is due to the costs of transportation, storage, as well as the markup policy of the retail pharmacy chain. Qlaira is produced by only one pharmaceutical company, so there is no difference between the more expensive and cheaper drug. The cost of a package of Klaira in various pharmacies ranges from 650 to 970 rubles.


This hormonal drug should be taken with extreme caution. Before you start using it, you need to familiarize yourself with a number of restrictions under which the use of Qlaira is impossible:

  1. The presence of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug.
  2. Liver formations of a malignant or benign nature, as well as the presence of severe liver diseases.
  3. Stroke and heart attack.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Migraines with accompanying neurological symptoms or a previous illness.
  6. Diabetes.
  7. Complicated pancreatitis.
  8. Thrombosis, thromboembolism, as well as conditions preceding them.
  9. Vaginal bleeding.
  10. Lactose deficiency or intolerance.
  11. Oncology or suspected disease.

It is prohibited for girls under 18 years of age to take Qlaira , as well as women with the following pathologies:

  • peripheral circulatory disorders;
  • hereditary angioedema;
  • diseases that arose or worsened during pregnancy;
  • hypertriglyceridemia;
  • obesity;
  • epilepsy.

If one of the above-mentioned abnormalities occurs while using Qlaira, you should stop taking the tablets and consult a doctor.

Taking Qlaira during menstruation

The presence of estradiol valerate in the drug together with dienogest preserves the necessary hormonal properties and also makes it impossible for the egg to ripen, which leads to a contraceptive effect. The uterine mucosa does not thicken, and this causes a decrease in menstruation. In addition, Qlaira increases blood viscosity, which also leads to a decrease in the volume of menstruation.

In the first months of taking Qlaira, body reactions such as vaginal spotting, increased menstruation, and the onset of menstruation at any period of the cycle are observed. At the stage of addiction to the drug, such deviations are acceptable and do not cause any harm. If after 3-4 months the condition has not returned to normal, you should contact a specialist.

But most often women experience a lack of menstruation while taking the medication. The most common cause of pathology is the presence of dienogest in Qlaira, which has a suppressive effect on the size of the endometrium. Women who had light discharge before taking contraceptives are especially susceptible to this phenomenon.

But there are other reasons for deviation:

  • intolerance to the drug, as well as non-compliance with the exact schedule for taking the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • using antibiotics simultaneously with birth control pills;
  • digestive system disorders;
  • the presence of gynecological problems.

Qlaira and menstruation: how to take the first package, when it starts to work, video tips and reviews

Modern pharmaceuticals offer women a huge number of products that can prevent pregnancy. Effective drugs not only prevent the fertilization of the egg, but also have a beneficial effect on the female body as a whole. Doctors include the contraceptive drug “Qlaira” as one of these effective means.

General information about the drug

The new generation contraceptive Qlaira is an effective hormonal contraceptive with virtually no side effects. Its main components are estradiol valerate (estrogen) and gestagen (dienogest). Thanks to hormones of natural origin, the drug is close to the group of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) drugs.

In addition to obtaining a contraceptive effect, Qlaira is intended for the following purposes:

  • elimination of menstrual irregularities;
  • minimizing the risk of cancer of the female reproductive system.

One Qlaira blister contains 28 tablets of different colors:

  1. Bright yellow – 3 pcs. containing 3 mg estrogen.
  2. Pink – 5 pcs., consist of 2 mg of estrogen and 2 mg of gestagen.
  3. Light yellow – 17 pcs., containing 3 mg of dienogest and 2 mg of estradiol valerate.
  4. Red – 2 pcs. with estrogen in the amount of 1 mg.
  5. White – 4 pcs., do not contain any hormones.

Each package of the drug is designed for 1 month cycle. You need to take 1 piece every day. at the same time. If the pill is not taken on time, you need to drink it soon. If, for some reason, vomiting occurs after use, you should take the tablet again.

Different colors of tablets help you avoid confusion about the days you take them. Taking the red pill increases hormone levels to induce menstruation. White pills are designed to restore hormonal levels, and while taking them, the onset of menstruation is expected. If the red ones fail to achieve their goal, menstruation does not come.

Why is it prescribed?

Zoely is a modern contraceptive drug. It contains estrogenic (1.5 mg estradiol hemihydrate) and progestin (2.5 mg nomegestrol acetate) components. One blister contains 24 active tablets and 4 inactive tablets with a placebo effect. It is this ratio that gives the most gentle hormonal effect on a woman’s body.

Zoely is a monophasic oral contraceptive. This means that the amount of its active substances in the blood during the entire time of administration is approximately the same and does not vary depending on the processes occurring in the body.

The estrogenic component included in the composition is almost identical to the natural one in its properties and chemical structure. During administration, its average concentration is maintained in the blood throughout the entire cycle.

The progestin component, nomegestrol acetate, in addition to its high similarity to progesterone in women, has antiandrogenic properties.

Therefore, it is preferable to prescribe it to girls with signs of increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood - excess hair growth (hirsutism), a tendency to acne, oily skin and others.

Taking Zoele will help normalize the concentrations of estrogens and androgens, eliminating the main symptoms of the pathological condition.

The main purpose of Zoely is to obtain a contraceptive effect. If taken correctly and following all recommendations, the likelihood of pregnancy is reduced to almost zero.


This effectiveness of the drug is due to its ability to suppress ovulation from the first day of use. Zoely also promotes thickening of cervical mucus and a special transformation of the endometrium.

All this prevents sperm from penetrating the egg.

Zoely is also preferable in the sense that when the drug is discontinued, ovulation resumes the next month in most women.

Menstruation after taking Zoely, as a rule, becomes less painful and not as heavy, if this bothered the woman before. The cycle itself also normalizes while taking the pills.

Watch the video about the action of contraceptives:

Features of menstruation when taking Qlaira

Initial use of Qlaira should begin on day 1 of the cycle. After completing the packaging, you must immediately begin the second one. Correct use of the contraceptive causes menstruation on the last two pills of the initial package, they end on the first two tablets of the next blister.

Taking this remedy suppresses ovulation and prevents the growth of the functional layer of the uterus, which is shed with menstruation in a normal cycle. This makes critical days painless and light.

In the first 3–4 cycles of taking the drug, the following phenomena may be observed:

Skipping a drug dose

The most common reason is forgetfulness. There is nothing to worry about if you missed a white pill. Then you just need to throw it away and consider that the reception has taken place, because it has no effect.

You should be more careful with other tablets. If the pass is less than 12 hours, then you just need to take the one you need as soon as the opportunity arises.

If more time has passed and the hour for taking the next pill is already approaching, then you need to take two at once, or one when you remember about the omission, and then another at the set time. Further appointments should be continued according to the usual schedule.

Therefore, it is recommended to use a condom for a certain period of time.

ColorNumber of days of protection
Dark yellowNot required
Pink9 days
Light yellow9 days
RedNot required

If for some reason a woman vomits within the first four hours after taking Qlaira, she must drink the medicine again from the next blister that corresponds to that day.

Canceling Qlaira...??? — Contraception — Babyblog.ru


Dash, it seems like you’re not a stupid girl, but you believe in fairy tales. Unplanned pregnancy is harmful to health. Contraceptives, on the contrary, preserve your eggs; at 40 you will have the same ovulatory reserve as at 25, unlike those whose ovaries will have worn out by then. The risk of ovarian and uterine cancer is reduced by almost 2 times when taking OCs, and this is the type of cancer that you will never detect in time.

Expensive? Buy cheaper. They certainly weren't cheaper when you started taking them, were they? The choice of contraceptives is huge, there are cheaper pills, but at first there may be a little more side effects - headaches, for example.

What's wrong with the thyroid gland? What are the hormone levels?

Olga I was on the site September 28, 2021, 13:36 Kazakhstan, Pavlodar

Sorry to interrupt, but you are mistaken in thinking that when you take OK, eggs are saved. The egg is also released every cycle, but its growth is inhibited and therefore ovulation does not occur (sometimes breakthrough ovulation occurs and even conception occurs, but since the endometrium is scanty, the child cannot attach).

Information taken from a natural family planning course I attended.

By the way, Dashulya, I also had problems with the thyroid gland after giving birth (and during it). And what’s interesting is that I’m already in my third cycle and ovulation is not happening... my cycles are irregular (before pregnancy everything was like clockwork). I’m now changing a lot in my diet and any day now I’ll find out if ovulation has happened. I use the symptothermal method of fertility recognition of the English modification of double confirmation. a woman has only about a week in her cycle when conception is possible. After ovulation, a woman is infertile up to M, but up to O it is more difficult to calculate infertile days, but it is also possible. I keep observation maps in a cycle and teach the method to those interested.

Fox Light I was on the site February 18, 09:00 Kazakhstan, Aktau

There are monocomponent and multicomponent ones. Just during lactation, I was prescribed a monocomponent. With it, the menstrual cycle does not begin, so all cells are preserved. And those who drink standard ok wait a week in the month for the onset of menstruation.

Olga I was on the site September 28, 2021, 13:36 Kazakhstan, Pavlodar

Do you know why COCs are more common now? (Where two components, in addition to progesterone, are also estrogens). Because estrogen is a woman’s beauty hormone and those who drink coke look better than those who drink only progesterone. In the natural cycle, during the estrogen phase, a woman blossoms: her eyes shine, her skin smoothes, her mood improves, and rejuvenation occurs. And with small dosages, a pitiful semblance of this occurs.

By the way, thanks to ok, cosmetic companies are thriving, since skin aging occurs faster. How many times am I convinced that where big money reigns, there is no benefit.

This is my opinion and if someone has a different opinion, you can argue endlessly. Let's better take time for ourselves and our loved ones!


Stopping taking Qlaira

After stopping the medication, a certain period of time must pass before the menstrual cycle returns to normal. During the period of use of Qlaira, the functioning of the ovary is constantly blocked, progesterone replaces dienogest, and the reproductive system works according to established rules. Manufacturers claim that restoration of the monthly cycle should occur within one or two months after stopping the drug. But in fact, complete normalization of the process takes up to six months.

If certain conditions occur, the contraceptive should be stopped immediately. These include:

  • frequency of migraine and its intensification;
  • the occurrence of hypertension that cannot be treated;
  • cases of exacerbation of chronic liver diseases ;
  • the appearance of angina or increased heart rate ;
  • the occurrence of severe cramps in the abdomen ;
  • insulin resistance and non-acceptance in diabetic patients ;
  • abnormal laboratory blood tests;
  • detection of ulcers, Crohn's disease, cholestatic jaundice .

"Klaira" - reviews of women after 40 years: side effects

No matter how good the drug “Klayra” is, it has undesirable manifestations:

  • gagging and feeling of nausea;
  • pain in the peritoneal area;
  • migraines and severe headaches;
  • breast enlargement and discomfort in this area;
  • weight gain;
  • accumulation of fluid in tissues;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • depression;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • lack of attraction to the opposite sex;
  • skin reactions: spots, rashes;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • gallstones.


I'm already on my third pack. Prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of endometriosis. I don’t observe any side effects, but menstruation has decreased: not as heavy as usual.

Ekaterina, 35 years old

I used this contraceptive during a period when pregnancy was inappropriate: third year of university, two part-time jobs, eternal lack of sleep and uncertainty with my boyfriend. I've been using Claira for about a year. I didn’t experience any side effects, but in the first two months there were some ambiguities with my menstrual periods: they seemed to exist, but at the same time their severity remained weak. And then everything returned to normal. After stopping birth control, she became pregnant five months later.

Marina, 24 years old

Klaira is not the first contraceptive drug that I tried, but I still settled on it. I have been taking the pills for seven months. I liked the presence of clear and organized instructions for use: everything is clear and clear, there is a calendar so as not to get confused. The only thing that alarmed me was the lack of menstruation in the first month of taking it. But then the regime was restored. Overall, I am satisfied with the contraceptive.

Victoria, 38 years old

Qlaira for endometriosis

The basis for the use of Qlaira for the treatment of endometriosis is the presence in its composition of dienogest - progesterone, which has good effectiveness in suppressing foci of pathological growth of the endometrium. However, along with dienogest, Qlaira contains the estrogen hormone, which, on the contrary, will lead to an increase in endometriosis. Therefore, it is better to opt for a specialized drug intended for the treatment of endometriosis - Visanne.

A number of women and gynecologists have used Qlaira to treat endometriosis with positive results. However, such empirical experience is not a basis for trying to make Klaira a panacea for the disease. If endometriosis is not advanced, then Qlaira can be used to treat this pathology. However, if there is no effect from Qlaira in the treatment of endometriosis within 6 months, it is necessary to use other methods of therapy. Read more about endometriosis

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