New generation birth control pills after 40 years

Hormone therapy allows women to maintain youth and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or menopause. The most important effect of taking such medications is reducing the risk of dangerous diseases, including cancer. Taking hormonal pills for women after 40 years of age should only be done under the supervision of a doctor. Medicines should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor, as they are not universal. Before prescribing the drug, the doctor must send the woman to the laboratory to check the level of essential hormones using a blood test.

Why are the tablets so good?

Tablets are the most common dosage form, familiar and understandable to women. When used correctly, tablet contraceptives are highly effective, safe and tolerable. For 50 years, hormone pills have been studied and improved - the doses of hormones they contain have been reduced, which has led to fewer side effects. And today it turns out that modern pills have amazing additional properties not related to contraception:

  1. Have a good cosmetic effect on the skin, hair, nails; Currently, the concept of beauty - contraception has appeared. When a lady over 40 experiences “harmony of hormones,” she is beautiful, feminine, and her quality of life improves.
  2. Reduce the likelihood of undergoing surgery for ectopic pregnancy and uterine fibroids.
  3. Prevents the appearance of ovarian cysts.
  4. Protects against cancer of the uterus, ovaries and rectum. Moreover, the “protective” effect appears after 3-6 months of use and lasts up to 20 years after stopping taking hormonal pills.
  5. Reduce the risk of developing benign breast diseases by 40%, especially in women who take modern COCs for a long time.
  6. Reduce the likelihood of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs by 50-80%.
  7. Under the influence of hormonal pills, the menstrual cycle is restored and blood loss is reduced.
  8. They have a positive effect on bone density and mineral metabolism, which is important for forty-year-old women; fractures occur less frequently.

Hormonal tablets have a therapeutic effect for the following diseases:

  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • adenomyosis;
  • endometrial polyps.

Modern hormonal contraceptives are divided into two large groups:

  • Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) contain the 2 main female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. They can be monophasic or three-phase.
  • Progestin oral contraceptives (contain only progesterone).

Birth control pills imitate the cyclic fluctuations of hormones in the female body, thereby blocking the release of pituitary hormones, which makes the process of ovulation impossible. The egg simply does not leave the ovary and pregnancy does not occur.

Features of age 40+ and female contraception

After about 40–45 years, women begin premenopause - a period of life when the body naturally prepares for menopause: the body is rebuilt, its activity begins to gradually fade away. Global changes affect the functioning of both the reproductive and endocrine systems. And this, in turn, inevitably leads to temporary (sometimes sharp and dangerous) hormonal imbalances. They may be accompanied by:

  • changes in the menstrual cycle - the number of ovulations decreases, and the time between them increases,
  • heavy sweating,
  • frequent mood changes,
  • depression and nervousness,
  • fatigue,
  • a sharp increase in temperature or pressure,
  • flushing of blood (hyperemia) in certain parts of the body,
  • periodic chest pain,
  • decreased libido,
  • vaginal dryness,
  • frequent urination.

It is also sad that disruptions of the endocrine system affect the entire body. Therefore, during premenopause, problems with excess weight often appear. Some people experience severe deterioration of their skin and nails, while others experience large amounts of hair loss. Less often, they begin to grow on the face or chest - this is also one of the results of hormonal imbalance. As bones approach 50 years of age, they become more fragile and susceptible to the development of osteoporosis. And in general, a woman is more vulnerable to various diseases, especially in the “female” part: during menopause, the vaginal microflora worsens, increasing the risk of infections, erosion, tumors and other pathologies of the uterus.

The onset of premenopause varies from person to person, and its duration on average is about 1–1.5 years. But the symptoms accompanying menopause can persist for several years.

In order not to worsen the course of menopause and smooth out its symptoms, doctors often prescribe hormonal contraceptives. They normalize the functioning of the endocrine system, replenishing the lack of hormones. In addition, they are used to prevent the growth of fibroids (benign tumors) and treat specifically female diseases. But not all hormonal pills are suitable for taking after 40. An unsuitable contraceptive will only “shake up” the hormonal balance, so preference is given to low-dose drugs. As for choosing among other contraceptives, attention is first paid to the safety of the product.

What birth control pills can women take after 40 years of age?

Preference should be given to monophasic hormonal drugs with constant daily doses of estrogen and gestagen. For this type of drug, all tablets in the package have the same color and the concentration of hormones in each tablet is the same.

The search for new drugs follows the path of reducing the dose of hormones. Therefore, the best birth control pills after 40 years will be low-dose and micro-dose COCs.

Low-dose hormonal contraceptives (contain 30 mg estrogen):

  • "Rigevidon";
  • "Midiana";
  • "Lindynet 30";
  • "Yarina";
  • "Marvelon";
  • "Regulon";
  • "Silhouette".

Microdosed (contains 20 mg estrogen):

  • "Novinet";
  • "Lindynet 20";
  • "Mersilon";
  • "Jess";

The most promising pills for women over 40 years of age are microdosed monophasic hormonal preparations, which have virtually no adverse metabolic effects on the female body.

Why are phytoestrogens needed for women?

It is at the age of 40-50 that most representatives of the fair sex experience menopause and changes in the hormonal system. Most people experience menopause, and there are many problems associated with it. This applies to the quality of sexual life, as well as rapid aging. During this period, the skin becomes flabby, dries out quickly, and there is insufficient lubrication during sexual intercourse.

All this is caused by a lack of estrogen. In our country, many women are afraid of taking hormonal drugs and try in every possible way to stop using them. Yes, indeed, some gynecologists prescribe hormonal drugs to alleviate a woman’s suffering and make the onset of menopause milder, level out sweating, fever, hot flashes and mood changes.

The fact is that phytoestrogens for women over 40 years old can affect the condition of not only the skin, genital area, but also other organs. It is noted that due to a lack of estrogen in women, calcium absorption deteriorates, so osteoporosis may occur. What is associated with brittle bones. Among the most well-known phytoestrogens are those found in medicinal herbs and foods.

At the doctor's appointment

What modern tablets should you pay attention to?

Modern hormonal contraceptive pills contain a natural analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen - estradiol valerate. It is safe for health. It is especially indicated for those women who are still afraid of taking “hormones”. Estradiol valerate does not change a woman's hormonal levels.

A representative of the new generation of tablets is the drug “Qlaira”. It can be safely recommended to women over 40 years old. This COC can also be used to treat uterine bleeding, which often occurs in women of the older age group.

Why take hormones in pills?

A modern woman wants to be young, desirable, attractive even when her age has exceeded 40. Old age and its companions - decrepitude, loss of activity, age-related diseases - are not in fashion now. Today, hormone-containing drugs are used to combat them. What problems do they solve? Female hormones in tablets have the following effects:

  • eliminate the deficiency of sex hormones, which means they prolong youth;
  • maintain skin elasticity and firmness, reduce the rate of wrinkles;
  • prevent the development of obesity;
  • female hormones in tablets after 50 years reduce the risk of developing diabetes, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis (which leads to excessive fragility of bones);
  • eliminate diseases caused by atrophy of the vaginal mucosa; itching and dryness in this place;
  • are an element of the treatment of chronic cystitis associated with atrophy of the bladder mucosa;
  • eliminate the problem of frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • tablets - female hormones during menopause significantly alleviate the condition, restore performance and good health (reduce the number of hot flashes, reduce sweating);
  • are a preventive measure against the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and stroke.

Progestin hormonal agents

Estrogens are excluded from their composition. They contain only one hormone - progesterone. This eliminates possible side effects of estrogen.

From the group of gestagenic drugs, 40-year-old women can use:

  • "Charosette";
  • "Microlute";
  • "Laktinet".

They contain the hormone progesterone in minimal dosages and have a “mild”, gentle effect on the female body. Safe when used in women over 40 years of age who smoke, suffer from arterial hypertension, and in patients with cardiovascular diseases and thrombophilic complications.

Progestin-based contraceptive drugs are taken continuously, without breaks, 1 tablet daily at the same time. They require even more careful adherence to the dosage regimen than COCs; deviations of no more than 2 hours are allowed.


But my gynecologist refused to put in an IUD. She is a practicing surgeon and sees many terrible side effects from the IUD, especially in women over 40. OCs and large doses of hormones are also poorly tolerated. All that remains is the condom.

Anonymous (forum guest)

What's the difference between low-dose or high-dose contraceptives? Hormones are hormones. I don’t want to combine either 1 or 2 hormones... this is a strong interference in my body, just like the IUD. And, again, it makes no difference whether you set it at 40 or 20 years old. Why don’t men put anything on themselves and don’t take hormones? All these pills are not that well studied. Many women suffer from the consequences of taking them. Therefore, I think that at the age of 40 you need to choose condoms or sterilization (yours or your partner’s).


I have been using oral contraceptives for over 20 years. Now 55, no menopause yet. By the way, there are different pills; the doctor selects them after studying hormone tests and a mandatory examination. Properly selected OCs solve many women’s health problems and delay menopause. Therefore, it is better to find a good gynecologist rather than looking for advice on the Internet.

Anonymous (forum guest)

Hormonal contraception can support health during the difficult period of perimenopause. Even though the new generation of products are relatively safe, hormones are justified only in cases of real need. And they are chosen strictly individually. If you have contraindications, you will have to turn your attention to something else.


How long can women take the pill after 40 years of age?

There is a unique myth that you need to “take a break” from birth control pills. This statement is fundamentally incorrect. On the contrary, recently prolonged dosage regimens, or extended regimens, which are used for up to 6 months or more, have become increasingly popular. Hormone-based contraceptives can be used for as long as there is a need for protection against pregnancy. It has been proven that it is necessary to use COCs for another two years after the last menstruation.

What can replace hormonal drugs?

Although safe female hormones have already been developed in tablets that can cause minimal side effects, not all women agree to such treatment. How then can one compensate for the age-related deficiency of hormones in order to live a full life even during menopause? You can try to balance your diet. It should include seafood, cabbage, soy, rhubarb, and legumes. Rowan and sage fruits can supply female hormones to the body.

Some recommend taking hormones containing plant origin. They were found in hops, lemon balm, St. John's wort, and oregano. They are harmless, but doctors question the effectiveness of such drugs.

Pharmacists are developing new drugs that can delay old age and alleviate the condition of women. Why are patients so afraid of such treatment? There is a prejudice that taking them can negatively affect character, increase weight and even cause cancer. In fact, modern hormonal drugs do not have such a detrimental effect on the body and help bring weight back to normal. But the safety of their use directly depends on how correctly the drug is selected and prescribed.

Features of taking hormones

Any hormonal medications must be taken in doses and in a timely manner. The approximate period for taking most hormones is 3 weeks. Then there is a pause for the period of menstruation (about 7 days). At this time, it is necessary to monitor your health. If you experience pain in the head or discharge, it is recommended to immediately stop taking hormonal pills.

For women who have frequent sexual activity, it is important to remember that the simultaneous use of hormonal contraceptives and antibiotics significantly reduces the effectiveness of the former. In such cases, a protected act using condoms and various lubricants and vaginal gels is necessary.

Taking phytoestrogens as part of hormone therapy

It is known that some plant species are capable of producing hormones. Such plants include black cohosh. It contains phytoestrogens, which are beneficial for women over 45 years of age. The hormonal drug “Qi-Klim” was created based on black cohosh. It is available in both tablet and ointment form.

The phytoestrogens included in this drug have the following effects:

  • smooth out the manifestations of menopause;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • relieve pain during menopause;
  • improve skin condition;
  • increase sexual desire;
  • reduce the process of wrinkles and age spots on the skin.

Phytoestrogens act as an estrogen substitute. In this case, hormone therapy will be safer than taking strong drugs. "Qi-Klim" is a relatively safe remedy. Side effects may include allergies and digestive problems. Most often, the product acts as a supplement. Not recommended for use by women with malignant tumors.

Progesterone – gestagen deficiency is no longer a threat!

Today, age-related deficiency of the female hormone progestogen can also be compensated for by pills. During menopause, female hormones are produced by the ovaries in very small quantities. Therefore, a drug such as Progesterone (and its analogs Geston, Ginlutin, Lutein, Progestin, Lucorten) will effectively replace the work of the ovaries.

Replacement therapy can also be carried out with Duphaston and Utrozhestan. These remedies are indicated not only for pregnant women: they are also prescribed after removal of the ovaries, for amenorrhea, fibrocystic mastopathy and to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

It is not recommended to use medications with gestagens for those who suffer from renal and liver failure, hypertension, bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis or thrombosis. Serious contraindications are diabetes, migraine and epilepsy.

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