Methods for determining the sex of an unborn child based on the monthly cycle

12/04/2018 Category: Pregnancy Course Author: Irina Rudenko

Planning a pregnancy is not an easy and responsible task, because everyone wants the baby to be born strong and healthy. Sometimes serious medical conditions force future parents to worry about what gender their baby will be: some genetic diseases are transmitted only to a boy or a girl, and if such a problem arises, you should consult a doctor. There are several non-clinical methods that help influence the gender of the unborn baby.

  • Japanese technique
  • Chinese technique
  • Planning the sex of the child by blood renewal

    Baby gender planning calculators

Methods for calculating the sex of a child

The existing methods for determining the gender of a child can be divided into two groups:

  • scientific, that is, approved by doctors (ultrasound, as well as when conducting tests for genetic pathologies, for example, during the amniocentesis procedure);
  • folk, that is, unscientific, proven over the years with more or less success, but not deserving the absolute approval of doctors.

Sooner or later, all parents are puzzled by the question of who will be born: a boy or a girl.

Method for predicting the baby's gender based on ovulation in the last cycle

This method cannot be classified as exclusively folk or amateurish, since it is based on the physiology of the female body, that is, it has a scientific basis. Although you cannot completely trust it as scientific: calculations may have errors associated with the individual characteristics of women’s health. The method is used to calculate the baby’s sex in advance and is based on calculating the timing of ovulation based on the dates of the monthly cycle.

The table shows the approximate days of the onset of ovulation for monthly cycles of different lengths

The ovulation technique is based on the fact that conception occurs only at a certain time, and signals about its changes are reflected in the woman’s body (increase in breast volume, pain in the lower abdomen, increased libido, etc.). But you can calculate the date of ovulation based on the timing of the monthly cycle: the release of the egg from the ovary is planned for its middle, plus/minus 2-3 days. For example, with a 28-day monthly cycle, the expected release of the egg will occur on the 14th day, that is, one day of the week after the start of menstruation, and the ovulation period will be from the 11th to the 16th day. The ovulation method is based on the fact that carriers of the “X” chromosomes, that is, girls, are slow, but more persistent, therefore, once in the vagina, they are able to maintain their vitality for up to 3 days (according to some studies - up to 7 days), waiting for ovulation. But the male chromosomes, that is, the X chromosomes, are very nimble, but they do not retain their vitality for very long. Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs 2-3 days before the release of the egg from the ovary, the advantage will be on the side of the girl, and if it is on the day of ovulation, then the likelihood of adding a boy to the family increases. Thus, to implement this calculation method, it is important to know the date of ovulation, and therefore the start and end dates of menstruation.

The timing of the last menstruation is important for calculating the date of conception, which is the basis for most methods for early determination of the baby’s sex

How to determine the day of ovulation in the monthly cycle

In addition to the mathematical calculation of the ovulation period, there are three more methods that also rely on the start date of the last monthly cycle.

  1. Special tests for ovulation. They can be bought at the pharmacy. They are carried out daily until the appearance of a distinct second stripe, that is, an increase in luteinizing hormone, indicating day X, starting from the date obtained as a result of calculations of the approximate onset of ovulation. To do this, subtract 17 from the average number of days of the cycle, for example, with a 28-day cycle it will be the 11th day, and with a 34-day cycle it will be the 17th day.
  2. Measuring basal temperature. Every morning, a woman measures the temperature in the rectum, vagina or mouth. If in the first half of the cycle the readings are around 37º, during the period of ovulation the temperature drops by 0.3º, and at the time the egg is released it rises again to 37º. If the graph is represented as a bird with open wings, then the day of ovulation is the beak of this “feathered bird”.
  3. Tracking follicle development using ultrasound. Conducted by a doctor in a medical facility.

Video: ovulation method of sex planning - the opinion of a gynecologist

Online calculator - operating principle

Today, calculators are offered to determine the sex of a child by the date of conception, most often working according to the algorithms described in the first section.

They allow you to enter your characteristics and receive ready-made calendars for the coming months, where the optimal dates for conception will be marked. If you specify a gender prediction, the cells will be colored pink for a higher probability of getting a girl, or lilac for a boy.

Ovulation calendar with baby gender prediction

Our calendar takes into account the following data for calculation:

  • cycle length;
  • number of days of menstruation;
  • the beginning of the last menstruation;
  • enable gender prediction;
  • for how many months to perform the calculation.

Calculation of the child's gender based on the last two dates of menstruation

There is also a second method of calculation - based on the last two dates of menstruation. It is suitable for women who do not follow rhythms and do not have such information. It is worth considering that in such a situation, a calculator for determining the sex of a child by date of conception will not always give an up-to-date result. This is due to the possibility of a discrepancy between the latest readings and the usual ones that occurred previously.

After checking your parameters, we get the following parameters marked on the calendar:

  • three dates when it is possible to conceive a daughter, the last of which falls one day before the cell’s “birth” day;
  • the day of ovulation, when there is a maximum chance of getting a son;
  • two days, when you can also count on a boy - one day before and the next after leaving the cage.

The calculator calculates the sex of the child based on the difference between the X and Y chromosomes.
As you can see, the calculator calculates the sex of the child based on the date of conception, taking into account the scientific methods known to us regarding the vital activity of cells with different types of chromosomes. Of course, you need to understand that the act on the eve of ovulation is not always productive. After all, sperm Y may die before the cell exits, and then the opposite result will occur. If you conceive after the cell has appeared, you may not get pregnant at all. This is due to the lifespan of the egg. She lives for about a day, and therefore may die by the time the sperm enter the genital tract.

As for conceiving a daughter, the first date will most likely not bring any effect. After all, X-type sperm will not always be able to last 4 days until a female cell appears. Their lifespan is different for everyone and can reach up to 5 days, but the standard parameter that occurs in most cases is 3 days.

Therefore, even if you receive a forecast for the sex of your child based on the date of conception online, you should not follow it blindly, but take into account your knowledge on this topic.

How to calculate the baby's gender based on the date of the last menstruation

As for folk methods of determining the sex of a baby, there are about a dozen different calculators, schemes based on the start and end dates of the last menstruation and determining the date of ovulation, which is considered the date of conception of the baby. One of these is calculating the sex of the child based on the date of the last menstruation. This method is based on the relationship between the woman’s age and the month of her last menstruation. The formula for calculation looks like this: the serial number of the month + the number of complete years of the woman on this date + one. If the result is an even number, it will be a girl, if it is an odd number, it will be a boy.

My last menstruation before conception was on May 9, that is, the 5th month, at which time I had already celebrated my 31st birthday. We get: 5 + 31 + 1 = 37. I really have a son.

Most non-scientific methods for calculating the sex of an unborn child require the date of conception, that is, the day of ovulation

Table: advantages and disadvantages of determining gender by date of last menstruation

  • no tests are needed;
  • painlessness;
  • simple formula without complicated tables;
  • You can predict the sex of the child by calculating the month for fertilization in advance.
  • low reliability (despite the large number of coincidences, these are more likely accidents rather than proven patterns);
  • if the pregnancy is multiple, this calculation does not apply;
  • gender is formed under the influence of a genetic factor, the entire sphere of influence of which is beyond the power of even scientists.

This is interesting. The Chinese and Japanese, who carefully monitor the demographic situation in their countries and have forced restrictions on the number of children in families, since, starting with the second baby, parents pay a large tax, pay great attention to the choice of the sex of the future baby. Therefore, scientists from Japan are actively developing a theory according to which the gender of the child can be predicted by the age when the expectant mother had her first menstrual bleeding: the earlier this happened, the greater the chance that it will be a girl. So, for example, if menstruation began at 10 years old, then with a 53% probability a little princess will be born, if at 12 years old, then 50/50, and if at 14, then 53% remains on the boy’s side. I fell into the category where the probability of a boy or a girl is determined by 50/50.

Reviews of the method of calculating gender based on the date of the last menstruation

Some women with great enthusiasm carried out calculations both for their children and for the children of all their friends and acquaintances:

As a very skeptical person, I tested it myself on all my friends - IT WORKS!

Katyushka's mother

I have a son (everything came together).


The fact that determining gender based on the dates of menstruation preceding conception is not a highly reliable method is also evidenced by reviews from mothers.

Didn't match: two should be girls)

Business lady

There is also a category of women who are convinced that such calculations are nothing more than coincidences, if, of course, there are such coincidences.

My opinion: all this is nonsense, and all coincidences are coincidences and nothing more.


According to signs

There are many folk signs that can indicate the gender of the unborn baby. Some of them are so absurd that they defy any logical explanation. One of these signs concerns the appearance of mommy. If a pregnant woman’s hair becomes thinner, falls out or becomes dull, pimples and acne break out on her face, and she loses her attractiveness, they say that she will be a girl, as if the daughter, while in the womb, takes away her beauty. A boy cannot influence a pregnant woman’s appearance so dramatically. Doctors say that it is impossible to find out gender by such a sign, because the hormonal status of a woman during pregnancy can change in different ways, and the condition of the hair and skin depends on the hormonal background.

Some people keep a conception calendar, while others try to determine gender by the shape of the belly. It is believed that a low and sharp belly indicates a little son “living” in it, while a round and large one speaks of a daughter. There are enough signs regarding pregnancy, but do they work? Practice shows that the truthfulness of signs is considered an ordinary coincidence.

Calculation of parental blood renewal

The technique is based on the fact that human blood is systematically renewed: for women - every 36 months, that is, after three years, for men - every 48 months, that is, after four years. According to calculations, the baby will be born with the gender of the parent whose blood turned out to be “fresh” at the time of fertilization of the egg.


  1. We add three years to the mother’s year of birth and four to the father’s, up to the year the baby was conceived.
  2. Whose blood is younger by the day of conception, that is, approximately in the middle of the last monthly cycle, will have a baby of that gender.

You can also enter the initial data (dates of birth of parents and conception of the baby) into an online calculator and trust the program.

Important: if in the life of the parents there were cases associated with blood loss, then the objectivity of the results of calculating the sex of the baby based on blood renewal is reduced.

One of the methods for determining the sex of the baby is based on the timing of blood renewal in mom and dad, as well as on the date of conception

Reviews about the technique

For many families, the method of calculating gender based on the timing of blood renewal gave correct results.

My mother introduced me to the method of determining the sex of an unborn child using blood renewal. For many years, she has been counting on all her loved ones. And I have never made a mistake. It’s a pity, we were counting on a second daughter)


I got it!!!


My test results showed a girl, that is, they turned out to be erroneous.

Moon calendar

As you know, the moon has a strong influence on the life of all living things, including the gender of the unborn child. Astrologers believe that gender can be determined by zodiac signs. There are six female and the same number of male zodiac signs. To determine the sex of the baby, you need to look at the lunar calendar and find out the lunar phase. If the Moon is in Aries, Gemini, Libra or Leo, Aquarius or Sagittarius, then there will be a boy. The remaining zodiac signs indicate the birth of a girl.

In addition, the lunar calendar recommends the most favorable days for conception - these are 24, 17, 7, 3 and 2 lunar days. But when making calculations, it is worth especially taking into account the discrepancies in the days when sexual intercourse took place and when conception occurred. These dates may vary slightly.

Budyansky method

Another way to calculate who will be born, taking into account the monthly cycle, was developed by the Budiansky teaching spouses, who, based on research by scientists at the American private Johns Hopkins University and an analysis of the biographies of their students, formulated the conclusion that in each cycle the egg secretes a certain substance that attracts The X chromosome (even, “female cycles”), and in certain cases, the Y chromosome (odd, “male cycles”). You can tell who it will be - a girl or a boy, based on the cycle in which conception occurred. The determination of whether a woman’s cycle is even or odd is directly dependent on whether she was conceived in a male or female state. Moreover, if the expectant mother was conceived in an even-numbered month, she can only conceive babies in even-numbered months, and boys in odd-numbered months. And, conversely, if a woman was conceived in an odd month, then she will have princesses in odd months, and princes in even months. To use this method, it is important to know exactly the date of your last period, since it will be used to determine the day the baby was conceived.

You can find out the gender of your unborn baby using the Budyansky table

Method for calculating flooring for even or odd cycles

To predict the sex of the baby you will need:


  1. We start with determining whether a woman is even or odd. From the month of birth we subtract 38 weeks (that is, 8 months). This will be the date the woman is expected to conceive. And again I’m experimenting on myself: I was born on November 10, the approximate date of conception is February 23.
  2. We determine from the table whether the month of the future mother’s conception date is even or odd, focusing on the even or odd number of the year of birth. It's an even month for me.
  3. The conception of my child was in May, the fifth month, that is, odd. So, according to the Budyansky formula, I have a boy - everything is correct.

For those who prefer to trust online calculators, calculations using the Budyansky method can be done here.

However, for me personally the results were not the same.

Reviews about the Budyansky method

As practice shows, the technique cannot say for sure who will be born: a son or a daughter.

According to this method, I should have two girls, but the youngest is a son!


I have the same 2 pregnancies.


It’s all bullshit, it worked out well with my first daughter, but my second daughter is definitely a boy according to all tables! My mother should also have me as a boy, and my brother as a girl!

Naty I am twice a granny

I wrote to Budyansky, he counted for me and confirmed that I was even, and my son was odd, and that’s all. If he claims that it is necessary to count according to the last menstruation, then it turns out that I have a girl, but with a real pregnancy he answered that, most likely, there will be a boy, but since the cycle is irregular, 26–28 days, perhaps there will be a girl, as something like that)))) 50/50 in short, point to the sky, as they say))

Ekaterina Shestitko

How does a child’s gender develop?

Conception occurs through the fusion of sperm with a female cell. Both cells contain genetic biomaterial containing chromosomes, which are responsible for how the sex of the child is formed. Our body contains female (X) and male (Y) sex chromosomes. Future mothers have two X chromosomes in their genotype, i.e. XX, while the male genotype is represented by one X and one Y chromosome - XY. If the baby can receive only the female type of chromosome from the mother, then the father has the ability to give both chromosomes. The outcome will depend on how the genetic material is separated and which chromosome the sperm that fertilizes the cell will carry. Therefore, children can turn out to be either male or female. There is a huge difference between male and female chromosomes.

  • Sex X chromosomes weigh more and contain more genetic information than male chromosomes. The sperm, if present, has greater vitality, is able to move longer and can more easily tolerate the unfavorable acidic vaginal environment. But at the same time, such sperm is heavier, so it moves somewhat slower, but fertilization is more likely.
  • The Y chromosome weighs less and is smaller in size, and accordingly carries less genetic material, so male sex chromosomes are lighter and more mobile, but at the same time they are more vulnerable. Therefore, Y chromosomes quickly lose motor activity and die.

How to plan the sex of a child before conception? If a couple wants to give birth to a boy, then it is necessary to provide the sperm with the Y chromosome with the most comfortable conditions for successful fertilization of the female cell. If you want a daughter, then you need to do the opposite - create difficult conditions for sperm to survive, then only the strongest, but slow ones, with the female X chromosome, will be able to survive to meet the cell.

Freiman-Dobrotin method

A method requiring arithmetic calculations using six tables. The technique was proposed by software engineer M. Freiman, who formalized the principle of predicting the sex of a baby, taking it from various folk beliefs on this topic. Professor S. Dobrotin subsequently checked these data at the Gorky Maternity Hospital, and in 99 cases out of 100 the theory was confirmed. Calculations are made for both mother and father. But in both cases, you need to know the period of conception of the child, that is, you cannot do without the date of the last menstruation here.


  1. We start with calculations for dad. We find in table No. 1 the intersection of the year of his birth and the date of conception of the baby. Write down the number.
  2. Further, for each table we also fix the number at the intersection of two columns.
  3. We add the numbers and get the final coefficient.
  4. We practice the same steps, but for mom. Please note that the data in tables No. 4, 5, 6 for men and women are the same.
  5. We compare the odds: whoever has more “wins”, that is, if dad has a boy, if mom has a girl.

Calculations can also be made using an online calculator using the Freiman-Dobrotin method.

According to my spreadsheet calculations, the result coincided with reality: a boy. But according to the online calculator - no, it showed a girl.

Photo gallery: tables for men and women for calculations using the Freiman-Dobrotin method

We determine the number at the intersection of the mother’s year of birth and the date of conception of the baby

We determine the mother’s usual or leap year of birth, as well as how many days are in the month of her birth

We determine the number at the intersection of the year of birth of the father and the date of conception of the baby

We determine the normal or leap year of the father’s birth, as well as how many days are in the month of his birth

We calculate the results for both parents

Gender test

There is such an invention as gender tests, which are of American origin. Calculating the sex of this test is carried out in the same way as determining pregnancy, only the result will indicate the specific sex of the fetus, which can be determined starting from 8 weeks of gestation. There are many varieties of such test strips, which vary in price, but the principle of their operation is the same. You need to dip the strip into a portion of urine and look at the result - a bright blue or pink stripe, indicating the specific gender of the baby.

Practice shows that at different stages of gestation the results for the same woman differ. Reviews from women say that these test strips show the correct values ​​only in half of the cases. But even without a test, the chances of having a female or male baby are 50/50.

Chinese table

Another way to calculate the sex of a baby is to use a Chinese table found about 700 years ago in one of the temples near Beijing. The principle of its operation does not have any scientific explanation; all data was verified by the centuries-old experience of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, because the first use of the method dates back to the 12th century. And since then, many Chinese monarchs have been able to calculate the gender of their heirs. To use the Chinese table, you do not need to perform mathematical calculations.


  1. We determine the woman’s age at the time of conception and the month of fertilization.
  2. We find the first value in the left column, and then look horizontally at the month when fertilization occurred. We determine the number at the intersection - the expected gender of the baby will be indicated in the box.

    Using the Chinese table you can plan the gender of your baby

This is interesting. To calculate the sex of the child in advance, we choose who we want: a boy or a girl, and mark all the months where the chances of achieving what we want are highest. These will be the best months to conceive. All that remains is to choose those that also coincide with ovulation.

Reviews about the Chinese method

As practice shows, the average reliability results using the method are 50 to 50.

According to the table, it showed a girl) but the baby was a boy!))) and it was the same with my friends!)


It happened both times for me))))


Although there are some surprising coincidences.

The other day my mother-in-law printed out an ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of an unborn child. She handed it over with the words that you have a girl, but for a boy to be born - see the table. Well, my husband and I “thanked” her, so to speak, for her concern and abandoned this table safely. Then this piece of paper with a table caught our eye, and my husband and I decided to check it out as a joke. The result really impressed us: 100% coincidence among all our friends and acquaintances, not excluding ourselves.


I don't believe in these tables. But my boys agreed.


There are also options when parents, even those who are skeptical about the technique, still check it.

My boys matched this very sign!!! ))) I really want to score, get her out of my head, but if later I get a boy again (and again matches the table), I will worry that I didn’t use the opportunity to get a girl. Therefore, I decided, at least just in case, to take it into account when conceiving, even if it was just for peace of mind...

Biutiful (Olga)

Japanese table

According to the ancient Japanese method, to calculate gender, you will need to determine the “family number”: the number located at the intersection of the birth months of the father and mother.


  1. We find the family number in the first row of table No. 1.

    First you need to determine the family number

  2. We determine in the column of this number the month of conception according to table No. 2.

    Indicate the month of conception of the baby

  3. Moving along this line to the center, we look at the probability of the birth of a boy or a girl: which side has more crosses, that option is more likely.

Reviews about calculations using the Japanese calendar

As in the previous method, the Japanese table does not give a 100% hit.

The older one - it worked out, the younger one - it didn’t work out.


My first boy didn’t match, but the second one did. Now he shows the girl. Let's see.


The first child is a son, and according to the table, a daughter, the second is the same.


Reliability of the method for calculating gender based on the monthly cycle

Doctors who are skeptical about all kinds of folk methods of diagnosis, arithmetic methods for determining the sex of a baby, as well as tables are quite tolerant: their use does not harm either the health of the baby or the mother. Unless, of course, the result obtained causes a nervous breakdown, for example, when a woman already has four girls, and calculations show that the long-awaited fifth child does not plan to be a boy at all.

At the same time, gynecologists unanimously agree that any (!) method of calculating the sex of a baby is suitable only for those women who have a regular monthly cycle.

This is interesting. To determine the sex of the unborn child, you can also use a method not related to the monthly cycle: by the blood type of the parents.

The gender of the child does not play any role, the main thing is that development proceeds correctly

Why does the time of conception affect the gender of the child?

The emergence of various methods for early determination of the sex of a child is no coincidence. Although most of them have no scientific basis and doctors are skeptical about them, statistics confirm the justification for their use. Depending on the age of a man and even the time of year, the properties of sperm change, and fertilization of an egg carried out during a specific period of a woman’s menstrual cycle will give different results . The influence of all these factors formed the basis for the creation of the following folk methods.

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