Does toxicosis during pregnancy affect the gender of the child?

After the test shows a double line and the gynecologist confirms the pregnancy, the woman begins to wonder who will be born to her.
The sex of the child is most accurately determined by ultrasound starting from the 12th week. But early on, mistakes are sometimes possible. Although there are situations when the child turns his back to the ultrasound specialist, and there is no opportunity to examine the genitals until the end of pregnancy. For our grandmothers, medical examination was not available. Therefore, signs arose to determine who to expect: a boy or a girl. The shape of the abdomen, the appearance of age spots, taste preferences, the well-being of the expectant mother and many other nuances of the course of pregnancy were taken into account. Let's try to figure out how much truth there is in this.

Why is gender determination needed?

The zeal of expectant mothers is explained by a number of reasons. Many women and their loved ones want to prepare everything for their unborn child in advance. This refers to the color of clothes, bedding, choice of toys, and sometimes even the design of the children's room. Therefore, the traditional pink or blue color is an extremely important question for such mothers. For many of them, the process of determining gender is interesting. Do ultrasound data, folk signs, the shape and position of the abdomen coincide in this matter?

For some mothers, gender determination is important in choosing a child's name. Some women are guided by the names of authoritative or respected relatives, close and dear people, others - by the church calendar.

For the third category of pregnant women, it is important to know the gender of the unborn baby in order to communicate with him in the womb. So, mothers sing songs to girls, tell them about some feminine tricks, jewelry, and boys - about daddy’s hobbies and worries, sometimes even from the womb they orient them towards some kind of sport. So, some mothers want to see their future sons as football players or gymnasts and watch TV, enthusiastically telling their baby about this or that athlete. Today this is a normal practice of communicating with a child in the prenatal period.

However, all expectant mothers need to know that no method of determining sex provides a 100% guarantee of accuracy. Therefore, the priority for every woman should not be determining the sex of the baby, but his health. This means carefully monitoring your health every day and paying attention to its changes.

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Signs of pregnancy with a boy

Signs of pregnancy with a boy and a girl are a popular topic of conversation among women. After all, you want to immediately choose a name for your unborn child, imagine him as a small, funny, charming toddler with rosy cheeks, in a funny blue or green overalls with cars or in a beautiful bright dress with bows and cherries.

Also, when pregnancy has occurred, the signs of a boy or a girl must be taken into account from a practical point of view, in order to stock up on things suitable in color and style in advance, purchase a stroller and other household items. For this purpose, there are various folk signs about the gender of the child, which are difficult to justify logically, but, to the surprise of all generations of expectant mothers, they often come true. Perhaps because the probability of a “hit” is rather high - 50%. Here are the most popular of them. So, what are the signs of pregnancy with a boy, and what do doctors think about them?

Physical and mental health

1. Your state of health changes as follows.

The palms feel dry. Gives you a fever. Headaches appear. Feet get cold more often. There is increased activity of hair growth on the extremities. This is explained by the fact that during pregnancy with a boy, a woman’s body produces more male sex hormones. However, doctors assure that in most cases, women do not experience any hair growth in the lips, legs, or bikini area, since, regardless of gender When a child is born, the amount of the hormone estrogen increases. On the contrary, unwanted hair may disappear completely before childbirth. And subjective sensations in the form of dry skin and thermoregulation disorders are very common and are associated with changes in metabolism. It makes you feel hot for about the same reason. In addition, almost all expectant mothers in the first weeks of pregnancy periodically rise in body temperature to 37.2-37.4 degrees. Headaches can be associated with a decrease or, conversely, an increase in blood pressure. If a woman does not suffer from migraines, then she definitely needs to measure her blood pressure when a headache occurs. If it turns out to be low, which is not uncommon in the first trimester, you can drink a mug of tea or coffee and do light physical activity. If, on the contrary, it is high, you need to urgently consult a doctor!

2. Signs of pregnancy with a boy in the early stages - absence of nausea and vomiting.

That is, toxicosis. Maybe you are right. Doctors have not yet determined the nature of toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. Some say that this is due to the age of the mother, others with her psychological state. But the women themselves are sure that these are the real signs of pregnancy with a boy, while with a girl, the expectant mother, on the contrary, suffers from toxicosis for a long time.

3. A pregnant woman craves meat dishes, cheese and something sour.

Here everything is clear where this sign came from. Men must have great physical strength. And this is impossible without consuming protein products, which include meat, cheese and other animal products. Sour - this speaks of severity of character. Well, sweets are for girls.

4. The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy with a boy is pointed, the waist is visible when viewed from the back.

Doctors are definitely against this sign. The shape of the abdomen depends on the length of pregnancy, the size of the fetus, the size of the woman's pelvis, and the position of the baby in the uterus. If it lies across, then there is no talk of any waist. If, as expected, it is longitudinal, then the waist can be visible from the back, but only in a fairly slender expectant mother.

5. A woman becomes more beautiful and attractive.

Here, much depends not on the gender of the child being carried, but on the woman herself, or rather, on how carefully she monitors her beauty. Some expectant mothers try to dress fashionably, continue to get their nails done, don’t go out without makeup, and use stretch mark creams. And others forget about themselves, eat a lot, wear large clothes.

6. The expectant mother is in a good mood almost every day if she is carrying a boy.

Yes, this is undeniable, especially if she and her husband wanted to give birth to a guy.

7. A boy’s heart, unlike a girl’s heart, beats less than 140 beats per minute.

By the way, many gynecologists are sure of this. Heartbeat is determined using obstetric stethoscopes, ultrasound and CTG. But if it is less than 120 beats per minute, this is already a pathology.

Folk signs of gender determination

Our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers never knew who would be born to them until the baby’s first cry. But, nevertheless, there were signs by which they determined the gender of the unborn child. After all, it is always important for every man to have an heir, and women sought to meet their husband’s hopes. These signs have reached our time. But their accuracy is highly questionable.

Thus, when a woman’s taste preferences change during pregnancy, the sex of the unborn child is determined. If she regularly craves meat and sausage, pickles and herring, then she should probably expect a boy. When a woman is drawn to ice cream and candy, chocolate and condensed milk, then such changes in taste indicate the birth of a daughter.

Often, changes in the face and skin of the expectant mother, the appearance of pimples and rashes, and age spots are also associated with the birth of a girl. Allegedly, the daughter takes away her mother’s beauty. And if a woman becomes prettier during pregnancy, then this is associated with the birth of a son.

Often, expectant mothers complain about increased hair growth. A mustache appears above the upper lip, hair begins to grow on the legs and abdomen. In some women, they darken or become thicker. This phenomenon is considered a sign of the birth of a boy.

Modern methods for determining the sex of a baby

The desire to find out the sex of the baby in advance is dictated not only by curiosity. When preparing a dowry for a baby, this is very necessary information. And choosing a name is a difficult task that requires responsibility and time.

The expectant mother is very concerned about how to understand whether it is a boy or a girl. Modern gynecology answers this question with the help of ultrasound.

Carrying out an ultrasound

The gender of the future person is determined at conception. External sexual characteristics begin to form at the 12th week. This coincides with the timing of the first planned ultrasound, which is scheduled once every three months. But not a single doctor will dare to guarantee to indicate the sex of the baby at such an early stage - the fetus is too small.

Folk signs

In the pre-ultrasound era, the issue of having a son or daughter worried parents no less. And generations of women have accumulated a considerable arsenal of signs - a boy or a girl in mother’s belly.

Some signs are confirmed from a medical point of view, some make doctors smile, but it works!

Appearance of a pregnant woman

The differences between pregnancy with a boy or a girl affect the mother’s appearance:

  • Belly shape . When carrying a son, the belly looks like a cucumber and sticks out forward. The belly does not extend wide, so the waist is even noticeable from the back. Gynecologists refute the sign, proving that the shape of the abdomen is determined by the position of the fetus, its size, and gestational age.
  • Belly stripe . If a straight line is clearly visible on the stomach, then a little son is growing in it.
  • Breast swelling . If the right breast enlarges more than the left, then there is a high probability of having a boy.
  • Change in nipple color. Signs of having a boy include darkening of the nipples and the area around them.
  • Changing the amount of hair . It is believed that when a mother is pregnant, the hair on her arms and legs begins to grow more actively. But doctors are against such a sign, arguing that during pregnancy, regardless of the sex of the child, the production of estrogen, a hormone that negatively affects the growth of unwanted hair, increases.
  • The tip of the nose becomes sharper . This sign will definitely come true if the mother of the future hero loses weight. True, this is problematic during pregnancy, but there is a sign. There is also a version with a blurry nose.
  • A woman's attractiveness increases. This is a long-standing and persistent belief - a woman bearing a son “blooms” and becomes prettier every day. On the contrary, if a woman loses some part of her beauty, for example, age spots appear, she is expecting a daughter. As people say, he shares his beauty with his daughter.

In any case, pregnancy is not a reason to give up on your appearance. Both son and daughter deserve a beautiful, well-groomed mother. And the expectant mother, seeing a beauty in the mirror, will maintain a good mood, which is so necessary for both her and the baby.

2. Health status

Long-term observations confirm that the gender of the little man growing in the stomach affects a woman’s well-being. It is believed that pregnancy with a boy is more comfortable and easier for a woman.

Although not all mothers of sons will agree with this, nevertheless, there are such folk signs for a boy:

  • Frequent headaches, dizziness . Grandmothers claim that this is for the birth of a boy. The expectant mother should definitely pay attention to her blood pressure. It is necessary to monitor it throughout pregnancy, and even more so during headaches. Consulting a doctor won't hurt either.
  • Violation of thermoregulation . This is how doctors formulate the feeling that people say “felt a fever.” Such discomfort can be caused by hormonal changes in the female body.
  • Feet often get cold . The reason may be the same changes in the physiology of the expectant mother.
  • Swelling in the legs appears more often when expecting sons.
  • Dry palms . According to doctors, it is caused by a lack of vitamins.
  • Increased libido. It is believed that this indicates the birth of a guy.
  • Moderate toxicosis. Morning sickness and other signs of toxicosis are not as pronounced, and toxicosis lasts less than when carrying a girl.


The vagaries and mood swings of pregnant women are legendary. Experienced dads roll their eyes when talking about their suffering, and future fathers turn pale and smoke nervously from these stories.

So, popular wisdom claims that a woman expecting a son does not irritate her beloved husband, since she maintains peace of mind and is always in a good mood.

Hence another sign - the future father also becomes prettier while waiting for his son. Of course, in such comfortable conditions!

Change in taste

Another reason for long men’s stories is the food preferences of expectant mothers. It’s difficult to exaggerate here; the culinary needs of pregnant women are a different story. But they can also be used to determine the sex of the baby.

Features of pregnancy with a boy are a good appetite and a passion for salty and sour foods. A woman will choose foods rich in protein: meat, cheese, fish, cottage cheese. But she is not attracted to sweets.

5. Fetal activity

Pregnancy with a boy is determined by verified observations of his behavior in the mother’s belly. Gynecologists also agree with the popular wisdom that boys’ hearts beat a little less frequently than girls’.

After the 20th week, 130-140 clear beats per minute are typical for a boy. In girls, this figure is closer to 150, and their heartbeat is not as rhythmic.

Another observation is that guys are more active and prefer to tinker on the right side of the abdomen. So listen to where the tiny heels are knocking.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a child by toxicosis?

You should know that the causes of toxicosis are not fully understood today. Scientists don't know exactly what causes it.

A study was conducted in Stockholm involving pregnant women suffering from severe toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy. Toxicosis at this stage, by the way, occurs in 30% of women. During the study, 4,000 expectant mothers suffering from toxicosis were monitored. These women gave birth to 56% of girls and 44% of boys on time. The numbers suggest that early toxicosis cannot be considered a sign of the future birth of a girl. After all, there is no such significant predominance in the numbers that would indicate a trend. That is, toxicosis does not affect the gender of the unborn baby.

Many women endure pregnancy without toxicosis. How then to determine the gender of the child? Different female bodies react differently to pregnancy, and on forums you can read numerous reviews that women have given birth to boys with early toxicosis. There are also reviews that sons were born with a constant craving for sweets during pregnancy. That is, signs are signs, and the main thing is that the child is healthy.

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

The belly is growing forward towards the boy!

Fans of forecasts, when making their guesses, most often rely on the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. This is one of the most common and “reliable” folk signs.

It consists of the following: if a woman has a “sharp”, “cucumber” belly, directed forward and her pregnancy is not visible from the back, then she will have a boy. If the belly is “encircling”, spherical, protruding on the sides too, then she should prepare for the appearance of a girl.

However, it should be noted that this sign does not always “work”. There are no exact statistics on this matter, and the reasons for this phenomenon are also not of interest to scientists. But according to the experience of many women who have given birth, errors in such “diagnosis” happen all the time.

Almost from the very moment of conception, the expectant mother wants to find out who has settled in her tummy - a boy or a girl. Today, the most accurate method for determining the sex of an unborn baby is ultrasound. But sometimes it makes mistakes, and sometimes the baby “shows its character” and categorically refuses to show its “identification signs.” And I don’t want to wait the whole 16 weeks when such a diagnosis becomes possible. That’s why all sorts of folk signs and grandmother’s beliefs come into play. And one of them says that toxicosis and the sex of the child are interconnected.

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This belief has been known for a very long time. Allegedly, two women cannot get along with each other. Therefore, the girl “fights” with her mother, giving her attacks of nausea and other “joys” of toxicosis. The boy, on the contrary, shows himself as a gentleman and does not want to cause trouble for his mother, and therefore feels good.

What does science say?

Let's try to figure out whether there is any scientific basis for this point of view. If a woman has toxicosis, will she have a boy or a girl? It turns out that research on this topic was conducted in Stockholm. Scientists at the Karolinska Institute have suggested that toxicosis depends on the level of the hormone hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman. The more it is, the more pronounced the toxicosis. At the same time, they found that hCG is elevated in those women who are expecting a girl. If we take both of these factors into account, we can say that toxicosis and the gender of the child are indeed related to each other. Some observations were made to confirm this. The result surprised the scientists somewhat. They studied women with severe toxicosis. As a result, 56% gave birth to girls, and 44% to future men. That is, the gap is not so large as to say for sure that it is possible to unambiguously determine the sex of a child by toxicosis.

On the other hand, the reasons why this condition, which is so unpleasant for the expectant mother, occurs are not precisely defined. After all, this can be caused not only by human chorionic gonadotropin, but also by changes in the functioning of the digestive tract, stretching of the uterus, and hormonal changes. And each body reacts to all changes individually. Therefore, it is hardly possible to connect toxicosis and the gender of the child.

What do mothers themselves think?

There is also no clear opinion among women. Every pregnancy goes differently. Someone, through personal example, was convinced of the authenticity of this folk sign. Some mothers of girls suffered from severe toxicosis, while mothers of boys were safely relieved of this condition. However, there are other examples. Thus, many girls during intrauterine development did not cause their mothers the slightest trouble, while the boys were “mischievous” with might and main, forcing the pregnant woman to spend many hours in the bathroom.

And if we once again connect science to this issue, we can say that only 30% of pregnant women suffer from severe toxicosis. But this does not mean that boys are born in 70% of cases. Therefore, it is probably hardly possible to say that toxicosis and the gender of the child are inextricably linked.

From the very early stages of pregnancy, every expectant mother is extremely interested in who “lives” in her tummy. Some dream of a boy, others of a girl.

Since ancient times, before the invention of the omniscient ultrasound machine, there have been many signs, beliefs and signs regarding the gender of the unborn child. Severe toxicosis has also always been a reason to try to predict who will be born - a boy or a girl.

It is believed that toxicosis during pregnancy with a girl is observed more often, can last longer, and often exhausts the expectant mother. Many mothers who gave birth to girls complained about the inability to eat anything in the morning throughout the first trimester. But this is not an absolute rule.

Toxicosis in a boy is usually either much shorter or absent altogether.

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But toxicosis often occurs during pregnancy with a boy, and a complete absence of toxicosis during pregnancy with a girl. Many women who have given birth note some relationship between the child’s blood type and toxicosis. According to their observations, severe toxicosis occurs in different blood groups of the mother and fetus, but with the same Rh factor. That is, this is not a Rh conflict between mother and fetus.

Also, many women noted that the first pregnancy occurs more often with less toxicosis than the second. This fact is difficult to relate to anything.

What else will the myths about toxicosis tell you?

There are a number of other signs associated with toxicosis. It is believed that toxicosis in a girl is caused by an intrauterine conflict between the expectant mother and daughter - allegedly, they simply cannot get along side by side. If, as such, toxicosis does not manifest itself, then it will be a boy. This is based on the assumption that boys, even before birth, show their gallantry and do not cause trouble for the expectant mother.

However, it is worth noting that severe toxicosis itself occurs in only 30% of pregnant women, and this does not mean that the remaining 70% will give birth to boys. This assumption is more a coincidence than a pattern.

However, scientists at the University of California tried to prove the relationship between toxicosis and the gender of the child. They observed more than 4,000 expectant mothers with toxicosis and found that 56% of them had girls, and 44% had boys. But is it worth taking into account indicators that are so close to each other? – The rounded probability is still 50:50, which is already a regularity. But the scientists decided not to stop there.

Based on all of the above, it is obvious that the method of determining the sex of the unborn child based on the nature of the mother’s toxicosis cannot be considered reliable.

After the test shows a double line and the gynecologist confirms the pregnancy, the woman begins to wonder who will be born to her. The sex of the child is most accurately determined by ultrasound starting from the 12th week. But early on, mistakes are sometimes possible. Although there are situations when the child turns his back to the ultrasound specialist, and there is no opportunity to examine the genitals until the end of pregnancy.

For our grandmothers, medical examination was not available. Therefore, signs arose to determine who to expect: a boy or a girl. The shape of the abdomen, the appearance of age spots, taste preferences, the well-being of the expectant mother and many other nuances of the course of pregnancy were taken into account. Let's try to figure out how much truth there is in this.

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