Motherwort dosage during pregnancy. Safe use of motherwort during pregnancy

Calmness and tranquility are important conditions for the normal course of pregnancy. However, in nine months it is impossible to avoid nervous shocks and stress. After all, the expectant mother is responsible not only for her health, but also for the well-being of the child under her heart. Therefore, a nervous condition is inherent in almost every pregnant woman.

In this case, you need to think about replenishing your pharmacy supplies, and better yet, with natural and pregnancy-safe products. And here many doctors will agree that motherwort is what you need.

Current question: can motherwort be used during pregnancy?

Indeed, in some cases, gynecologists allow women in an “interesting” position to take medications containing a medicinal plant. As a rule, indications for this include insufficiently effective blood circulation, severe attacks of nausea, and colic in the abdominal area associated with excessive accumulation of gases.

Also, this group of drugs is often prescribed for gestosis and uterine hypertonicity. In this case, the type of drug and dosage directly depend on the problems and condition of the patient.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a specialist before you start taking medications or herbal teas:

  • For example, plant decoctions are optimal for improving the functionality of the nervous system;
  • Tablet forms often contain other ingredients that may be undesirable during pregnancy. Because of this, they are allowed to be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • If you need to relieve irritability and anxiety, and toxicosis does not allow you to drink motherwort infusion, you can use the dried herb, placing it on the windowsill or hiding it under the pillow. Even the smell of Leonúrus has a calming effect;
  • Motherwort tincture is often contraindicated during pregnancy as it contains alcohol.

Why does motherwort extract or decoction help ease pregnancy? It turns out that an unstable emotional state in the early stages can lead to increased contractile activity of the muscle tissue of the uterus. The sedative qualities of the plant can reduce the strength of contractions and make them less frequent, which helps prevent the threat of spontaneous abortion.

Motherwort preparations have the same effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. They quickly relieve vascular spasms and make it possible to normalize the number of heart contractions. It is worth considering that this reduces blood pressure slightly.

Benefits for expectant mothers

The healing properties of motherwort are due to its rich chemical composition and special effect on the functioning of the nervous system and blood vessels. In addition to the presence of some vitamin substances and minerals, the leaves and stems of the herb are rich in flavonoids and tannins, saponins, essential and fatty oils, organic acids and glycosides. Whether motherwort will be useful or whether it will harm a woman depends on how correctly it is used.

Motherwort has a general tonic effect and affects the immune system. It has long been noted that women who take motherwort become more resistant to viruses, infections and colds. But motherwort is valued not even for this, but for the fact that it gently and delicately helps to calm down, relieve excess impulses and excitement of the nervous system.

Women in an interesting position are always more anxious, more susceptible to depression, anxiety, and anxiety, and therefore motherwort is recommended to ease the experience of stressful situations for expectant mothers.

It is recommended for insomnia and general anxiety. All women know very well how common problems with sleep and emotional state are during pregnancy. In the meantime, there is nothing more beneficial for the baby than the calmness and tranquility of his mother, her sufficient sleep in terms of time and quality.

Motherwort has a small but stable diuretic effect, which can be considered useful in solving the problem of edema. The herb has an anticonvulsant effect and may be recommended for women suffering from epilepsy. For colds and coughs, there is a slight mucolytic effect that promotes faster removal of mucus from the bronchi.

Motherwort has a slight analgesic effect and can relieve headaches; its effect is considered beneficial for the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

For women during pregnancy, motherwort preparations or herbal raw materials can be recommended for high blood pressure and instability of blood pressure, manifested in its fluctuations. The herb also has a uterotonic effect, that is, it helps prevent bleeding.

The sedative properties of motherwort are also used when there is a threat of miscarriage; women are prescribed it to eliminate psychological stress and to comprehensively reduce the tone of the uterus. It is also believed that this medicinal plant can help improve digestion, relieve nausea and bloating.

In the later stages, given the general effect of the plant on the nervous system, motherwort in decoction, tea or tablets is not recommended to be taken only by women who are at risk of post-term pregnancy.

How to take motherwort during pregnancy: dosage and course duration

Expectant mothers are recommended to take decoctions and herbal teas prepared with motherwort for 30 days.

However, it all depends on the characteristics of the woman’s condition and the nuances of the pregnancy:

  1. If your doctor has given permission to use motherwort extract during pregnancy, drink 15-20 drops of it no more than 3-4 times a day. It is best to drink the extract before meals;
  2. The tablet form of 0.014 g is used one hour before meals. Drink 3-4 tablets a day, one at a time;
  3. 70% tincture is rarely prescribed. The dosage in this case involves the use of an individual regimen;
  4. Ready-made pharmacological preparations may include ingredients such as magnesium and vitamin B, which enhance the effectiveness of the product;
  5. Ready-made herbal teas are brewed one bag at a time and drunk on an empty stomach.

It should be remembered that this medicinal plant has contraindications for use and its use is not recommended for some groups of people.

Analogs of Motherwort

Valerian is a natural drug that has a similar effect. The drug has a calming effect, improves heart function, increasing the flow of oxygen to it. Valerian is available in the form of herbal raw materials, infusion and tablets. The medication is prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy; in later stages it can be used after consultation with a doctor.

Hawthorn is another natural analogue of Motherwort. The drug is available in the form of tablets, infusion and dry extract. The drug inhibits the central nervous system, expands the lumen of the arteries, improves heart function, and lowers blood pressure. Hawthorn is not recommended for use while pregnant, but can be used according to indications.

Melissa is a medicinal plant that has a calming, antimicrobial, and antidepressant effect. During pregnancy, it is recommended to relieve symptoms of early toxicosis. Melissa is available in the form of tea, aromatic water, essential oil and dry extract. The medication is approved for use during the entire period of pregnancy.

Mint is a natural medicine used for nausea and vomiting, dyspeptic disorders, increased excitability, and nervousness. The drug is available in the form of tea, dry extract, tablets. In the absence of contraindications, mint is allowed for use in all trimesters of pregnancy.

Glycine is a nootropic drug whose active component is the amino acid of the same name. The drug acts in the brain, inhibiting the passage of nerve impulses in it. Glycine is indicated for the treatment of neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, encephalopathies, ischemic stroke and other lesions of the central nervous system. The medication is approved for use from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Who should not use motherwort during pregnancy: contraindications

First of all, you should make sure that the drug does not cause allergies. In addition, the list of contraindications includes:

  • hypotension;
  • low heart rate;
  • acute or chronic gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • inflammatory process in the gallbladder;
  • stomach ulcer.

It is also undesirable to take motherwort preparations if a pregnant woman is exposed to open sunlight for a long time. If one of the above contraindications is present, it is better to use another sedative to improve the condition during pregnancy.

Composition and action of Motherwort

The active component of the drug is Motherwort herb extract.
It consists of various substances: flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, bitterness, vitamin C, mineral salts. Motherwort has been known since ancient times and is actively used in folk medicine. The most famous property of the drug is its calming effect. It is achieved by inhibiting impulses in the central nervous system. Motherwort improves mood, relieves excessive excitability and nervousness, and has a positive effect on sleep.

The drug affects the smooth muscles of blood vessels, expanding their lumen. Due to this effect, the medication causes a drop in blood pressure and an improvement in microcirculation. Motherwort has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. It slows the pulse, but increases the force of myocardial contractions, which causes an improvement in systemic blood flow.

The drug has a positive effect on the entire metabolism. It improves the breakdown of fats, the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates. The medicine also reduces the amount of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, which prevents diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Useful properties of motherwort:

The drug has antispasmodic activity - it causes muscle relaxation. Due to this, the drug can be used to treat pathologies of hollow organs - the stomach, intestines, uterus, ureters, gallbladder and biliary tract. The drug helps to strengthen the functioning of the kidneys and increase their filtering function. Thanks to this effect Motherwort removes excess fluid from the body, relieves massive swelling


The drug also has a general strengthening effect - it stimulates the production of protective antibodies and promotes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug improves the regenerative abilities of the skin, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns.

When used internally, Motherwort is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, then it enters the liver, where it is metabolized into metabolic products. The drug is completely eliminated from the body three days after the last dose.

Which remedy is more effective during pregnancy: motherwort or valerian?

It is impossible to determine how effective this or that remedy will be without knowing exactly the causes of the ailment. Valerian is usually prescribed for tachycardia, migraine, insomnia, increased excitability and decreased functionality of the digestive tract.

The tablet form is most preferred. You should take the tablets with water, 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, based on your doctor’s recommendations.

Valerian tincture, like motherwort, is prepared using alcohol. Therefore, it is prescribed in extreme cases.

Indications for use

Motherwort is prescribed at any stage of pregnancy. Two species of this plant are used in medicine: the hearty Leonurus cardiaca and the five-lobed Leonurus quinquelobatus. The herb of the plant is used for medicinal purposes.

Most often, this herbal medicine is prescribed as a sedative. According to some data, motherwort is 2–3 times more effective than valerian preparations during pregnancy. This medicinal plant also helps normalize the digestive tract, improving bile secretion and having a diuretic effect.

Motherwort is prescribed during early pregnancy for the following indications:

  • emotional excitability, stress;
  • tachycardia;
  • slight increase in blood pressure;
  • insomnia;
  • prevention of vascular disorders;
  • periodic increase in uterine tone;
  • prevention and reduction of manifestations of toxicosis or gestosis.

Motherwort is prescribed during the second and third trimester of pregnancy for the same indications.

Despite the relative safety of this medicinal plant, only a doctor should decide whether the drug can be taken during pregnancy. He needs to assess the general condition of the pregnant woman.

Constant uterine tone and late gestosis are very dangerous; this condition requires serious treatment and constant medical supervision.

Top 10 drugs from the pharmacy

A sedative for pregnant women (1-3 trimesters are characterized by stress on the body) must be selected only by the attending physician. Starting to take the drug on your own is risky, because, despite the fact that medications for women carrying a baby are safe, there is a risk of developing allergies if you are individually intolerant to the components in the composition.

Most gynecologists give preference to drugs created on a plant basis, which have no contraindications or undesirable effects.


This is a safe drug that is prescribed even to newborns and pregnant women. It is produced in the form of tablets containing the main component with the substance of the same name. With its help, it is possible to quickly normalize a woman’s psycho-emotional state, adjust sleep, and remove depression and mood swings. The drug can be taken in any trimester.

Pregnant women are recommended to take no more than 2 tablets per day - one in the morning and one in the evening. The duration of therapy is about 2 weeks, but if necessary, treatment can be extended to a month.

Taking pills regularly helps:

  • reduce anxiety;
  • ensure sound and healthy sleep;
  • improve mental functioning of the brain;
  • increase your patience.

Despite the fact that the drug is considered completely safe, it still has some contraindications for use:

  • high likelihood of developing allergies;
  • if the pregnant woman’s history indicates that she is hypotensive;
  • if there are disturbances in blood flow in the brain.

During numerous studies, no adverse effects were identified; in rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur. The average price of the drug in Russian pharmacies varies within 50 rubles.

Motherwort Forte

Sedative for pregnant women 1st trimester or any other period Motherwort is an effective herbal preparation with a sedative effect. It is produced in tablet form and contains motherwort herb extract as the main component.

After just a few days of taking it, women note that they have:

  • blood pressure normalized;
  • sleep became sound and calm;
  • symptoms of indigestion disappear;
  • relieves tension and normalizes the reproductive organ.

Take the drug 1 tablet twice a day for a month.

Motherwort Forte consists of natural ingredients, but still it has a number of contraindications, for example, it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy if a woman has worsened stomach ailments: gastritis, ulcers. It is also not taken if you have an individual sensitivity to the main components.

During the studies, no adverse effects were identified from taking it. The average cost of the drug in Russian pharmacies varies within 100 rubles.


A sedative for pregnant women (the 2nd trimester is characterized by a change in eating habits) Novo-Passit has a quick effect due to its unique composition.

Each tablet, namely in this form the medicine is produced, contains:

  • Valerian. It helps relieve tone from the smooth muscles of the digestive and genitourinary systems, has a sedative effect on the nervous system, helps normalize blood pressure, and dilates blood vessels.
  • Hawthorn. It has been recommended for decades to treat stress, depression and central nervous system disorders. Therefore, it is prescribed for hypertension, arrhythmia, and atherosclerosis.
  • Melissa. This is a most effective remedy with a calming effect. It has a sleeping pill, analgesic and sedative effect.
  • Hop cones. They help restore and strengthen the central nervous system, improve sleep, and help cope with depression.
  • St. John's wort. With its help, you can improve your psycho-emotional state in a short time, making it easy to cope with apathy, anxiety and fears.
  • Passionflower. It has a mild sedative effect and helps quickly eliminate feelings of anxiety.
  • Black elderberry. Strengthens the immune system, relieves headaches.

You need to take Novo-Passit in the first trimester ½ tablet twice a day, and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester the dose is doubled. The course is individual. The drug should not be prescribed if you are particularly sensitive to the substances in the composition or if you are allergic to glucose. The average price of a medicine is 250 rubles.


Sedative for pregnant women (the 1st trimester is characterized by toxicosis) Persen is a herbal phyto-medicine that has a sedative and hypnotic effect.

The manufacturer included water-ethanol extracts of medicinal plants:

  • Valerian root. It has a sedative effect and helps relieve symptoms such as fatigue, irritability and insomnia.
  • Melissa. It has sedative properties and relieves spasms.
  • Mint. It helps enhance the sedative effect of lemon balm and valerian.

The drug is available in several forms and each form has its own administration:

  • Pills. They have a mild calming effect and are indicated for moderate agitation, since their composition contains a reduced concentration of valerian root. Take 1 tablet three times a day. Admission within 2 weeks.
  • Forte capsules. They contain an increased dose of the main components; during pregnancy they are prescribed only in cases of severe overexcitation of the nervous system. 1 capsule twice a day for up to 3 weeks.
  • Cardio capsules. They contain additional components: extracts of hawthorn and passionflower. They are prescribed to pregnant women to relieve insomnia and stabilize blood pressure. 2 capsules per day for 6 weeks.
  • Night capsules. The composition included passionflower extract, which has a pronounced hypnotic effect. It is prescribed for insomnia. 1 capsule 1 time per day for two weeks.

You cannot prescribe medicine in several cases:

  • special intolerance to components from the composition;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • severe hypotension;
  • asthma;
  • depression;
  • lesions of the gastric mucosa;
  • dysfunction of bile excretion pathways.

If you do not follow the recommendations for use and exceed the dose, then undesirable symptoms may appear: heartburn, nausea, drowsiness, depression, dizziness.

The average cost of the drug varies between 120-300 rubles.

Magne B6

The medicine is produced in tablet form and the active components in it are magnesium lactate dihydrate and pyridoxine hydrochloride. These two substances take an active part in metabolic processes, stimulate the normal functioning of the nervous system, positively affecting the psycho-emotional state.

It is prescribed to pregnant women in case of increased irritability, insomnia, and fatigue.

You should take the medicine 2 tablets up to 3 times a day. The course is long, some women are prescribed to drink them throughout pregnancy.

The drug is not prescribed in case of fructose intolerance and allergies. Among the undesirable manifestations, intoxication is more often observed if a woman has renal failure.

The average price of the drug varies within 600 rubles.


This is the name of the drug, which is available in tablet form and contains valerian extract, which has a moderate sedative effect. The medicine has a slow but effective calming effect on the nervous system.

Valerian is prescribed to women in cases of insomnia, unstable nervous system, migraines, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Sedatives for pregnant women (the 1st trimester requires special care with medications) are recommended only for the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and only after the approval of the attending physician. Take 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day. The course is about 2 weeks.

You should not take Valerian tablets if you are intolerant to lactose or fructose. If the dosage is exceeded, the following symptoms may be observed: muscle weakness, lethargy, constipation, skin rash. The average price of the drug is within 50 rubles.


This is an anti-anxiety drug, available in the form of tablets, which contain purified antibodies to a specific brain protein S-100.

After the medicine enters the body:

  • has a sedative effect;
  • removes signs of anxiety;
  • has an antidepressant effect;
  • helps to cope more easily with psycho-emotional stress;
  • improves memory and stimulates mental activity.

Take the drug 1-2 tablets up to 3 times a day, the course should not exceed 30 days. It is not advisable to take Tenoten in the first trimester of pregnancy, but there are no restrictions on the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

You cannot prescribe the medicine if you are particularly sensitive to the components of the composition, or if you are intolerant to glucose and galactose.


During the studies, no undesirable manifestations were identified; in rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur. The average price of the drug varies within 250 rubles.


This medicine is based on magnesium and its main function is to normalize the functioning of the heart and nervous system. The drug is available in powder form, which must be diluted in water before taking. Each sachet contains up to 300 mg of magnesium, which is the daily requirement for the microelement. That is why you should take the drug once a day. The course of treatment is at least 1 month.

This drug effectively fights insomnia, increased fatigue and causeless anxiety.

In addition, numerous observations have proven that the drug helps:

  • reduce the tone of the uterus;
  • improve blood circulation in the vessels of the placenta;
  • regulate bowel functions;
  • increase the resistance of fetal tissues to hypoxia.

You should not take the drug if you are particularly sensitive to magnesium, severe renal failure, myasthenia gravis, or hypermagnesemia.

Exceeding the dose may cause unpleasant symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • discomfort in the abdominal area.

The average cost of the drug varies within 800 rubles.


This is a combined homeopathic preparation, which contains only natural components of plant and animal origin: cuttlefish bursa, Ignacy bitters, scabies nosode, phosphoric acid, potassium bromide and valerian-zinc salt.

It is thanks to this unique composition that the tablets, and it is in this form that the medicine is produced, have an anticonvulsant, antidepressant and sedative effect. The medicine also normalizes sleep.

The medicine should be taken sublingually - put under the tongue and wait for it to completely dissolve. The dosage and course are selected individually.

The drug is not prescribed in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition. No undesirable manifestations were identified during numerous studies. The price of the medicine in Russian pharmacies varies between 400 rubles.


This is an antidepressant produced by an American company that can be taken by pregnant women, but with extreme caution and only if the woman has a diagnosis of a mental disorder, manifested in the form of long-term depression, obsessions and anxiety. The drug is available in tablet form and contains sertraline as the main component.

You should take 1 tablet per day, 25 mg of the main component. The course is individual.

You cannot prescribe the medicine if you are intolerant of the active component, in the presence of manic syndrome, while taking it with monoamine oxidase and certain types of antipsychotics, or during breastfeeding.

If the recommendations are not followed, undesirable symptoms may appear: nausea, diarrhea, decreased libido.

The cost of the drug varies on average within 1000 rubles.

Sedatives during pregnancy should be selected by a specialist. The thing is that some drugs can be completely safe in the 2-3rd trimester, but in the first they will cause serious harm to the fetus. In addition, they should be taken only if they really help eliminate the symptoms of irritability.

Sedatives for pregnant women

Doctors recommend avoiding taking medications during this period of a woman’s life. However, if a nervous condition really threatens the health of the fetus and mother, then taking a small amount of sedatives is not harmful. However, not all drugs and folk remedies are suitable for expectant mothers. There are medications that are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. But what is possible?

Most likely, the doctor will advise you to first drink infusions and teas made from herbs, for example, chamomile, linden, hawthorn, lemon balm or motherwort.

How beneficial or harmful is motherwort? Is it possible to drink motherwort tincture during pregnancy?

Beneficial features

The composition of motherwort extract is really useful. The drug can be used during pregnancy in the absence of individual intolerance to the drug. It is recommended to consult a doctor, but in most cases, motherwort can be taken.

Impact on the human body:

  • dilation of blood vessels, strengthening of the heart;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • neutralization of nausea;
  • calming the nervous system and pulse;
  • pain relief.

Reference! Motherwort is valued primarily for its positive effect on the nervous system. But it can also stop bleeding, relieve spasms and skin irritation.

In addition, motherwort removes excess water from the body, which is important during pregnancy due to frequent edema. The product also relieves irritability and relieves insomnia. Doctors recommend taking it with increased uterine tone to prevent miscarriage and premature birth.

Pregnant women often feel nervous due to hormonal imbalance. Often women worry about trifles and become sensitive to others. Therefore, motherwort is recommended to them as a safe means of calming the nerves.

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