Discharge with the smell of sour milk during pregnancy. Unpleasant odor during early pregnancy: a sign of pregnancy or pathology. Can odor occur after sex?

Normal female discharge

Some amount of vaginal discharge is normal. Their abundance is determined by the characteristics of each woman’s body.

Such secretions have the following properties:

  • they are transparent, sometimes slightly cloudy;
  • look like mucus or in jelly-like form;
  • do not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the volume of liquid is insignificant;
  • they do not have the inherent property of irritating the vaginal mucosa;
  • there is no itching, burning, pain or discomfort in the labia area and inside the vagina.

Periods when there may be normal but heavy discharge:

  • during sexual arousal and intercourse, to protect the vaginal walls from strong friction;
  • ovulation occurring in the middle of the cycle;
  • during pregnancy, increasing towards later stages (due to a large amount of hormones produced);
  • lactation;
  • in stressful situations (changes in climate conditions);
  • when taking certain medications (taking oral contraceptives);
  • during puberty in girls.

If all of the above does not characterize a specific case, then the conversation is about an unusual situation.

How to get rid of unpleasant body odor during pregnancy?

The following eight rules will help remove an unpleasant odor, or at least reduce its intensity:

  1. Take a shower twice a day - morning and evening. Wash behind the ears, armpits, hamstrings and feet with a mild antibacterial soap. This will help destroy pathogenic bacteria that cause unpleasant odors.
  2. Use antiperspirant. It's best if it's a hard stick.
  3. If you sweat a lot, use talc or baby body powder.
  4. Wash your hair whenever it gets dirty. The sebum secreted by the scalp also has an unpleasant odor. To prolong the effect of freshly washed hair, use dry shampoo. And to give your hair a pleasant aroma, spray your comb with your favorite perfume and then comb your hair.
  5. Shave or trim your underarm and pubic hair. Foul-smelling bacteria tend to accumulate in areas with dense vegetation.
  6. Review your wardrobe and eliminate all synthetic items. Give preference to light, natural and breathable fabrics.
  7. More on the topic

    Does the smell of urine change during pregnancy?

    Unpleasant odor in the intimate area after childbirth

    Discharge after childbirth with an unpleasant odor

    What does the color of urine indicate during pregnancy, and what should it be normally?

    Dark urine during pregnancy

  8. Reduce your consumption of certain foods. Onions, garlic, smoked meat and fish, eaten in unlimited quantities, can be the root cause of unpleasant body odor. Replace them with more neutral and useful analogues.
  9. Watch your drinking regime. Drink at least 1.5 liters of pure still water per day. It will flush your body of toxins.

Important! Fragrances contained in some cosmetics can cause bouts of toxicosis. Before using them, consult your doctor.

Unusual female discharge

Leucorrhoea is a discharge from the vagina, which is often accompanied by skin irritation, redness, itching and burning. There may be no symptoms.

  • different in color (greenish, yellow, bloody, gray, pink);
  • curdled, foamy or jelly-like consistency;
  • with or without smell.

Diseases that accompany leucorrhoea:

  • sexual infections;
  • menopause;
  • inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • allergic reactions.

A foreign body can also cause such a reaction in the body, signaling that inflammation may have begun.

Liquid leucorrhoea characterizes diseases affecting the fallopian tubes or vagina, and mucous membranes - cervical ones. The appearance of pus gives a signal about inflammatory processes. It is much more serious if there is an admixture of blood. This suggests a possible tumor.

Pathological discharge accompanies diseases, sometimes very serious ones, and a prolonged trip to the doctor only aggravates the situation.

Thick discharge after ovulation

The presence of discharge after ovulation is a common phenomenon.

However, you should pay attention to:

  • consistency;
  • compound;
  • smell.

White or translucent discharge is considered normal. They should have a consistency similar to egg white. The duration of discharge is about 5-7 days.

Abundant white discharge accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor may indicate the onset of a pathological process. White mucus with a grayish-green tint signals the progress of inflammation. Usually in this case the discharge is abundant and has a sour odor. Unbearable itching is considered a serious signal. This suggests that the inflammatory process is very active. The mucous membrane of the external genital organs is interrupted by microcracks. She's swelling. Additionally, redness may be observed.

The above symptoms indicate the onset of candidiasis. In this case, off-white discharge may continue a week after ovulation. Their consistency may resemble a curd-sour mass or mucus. The pathology is caused by the activity of fungi of the genus candida. Once they enter a woman’s body, they begin to actively multiply. Usually the immune system suppresses them. However, if it is weakened, this leads to the appearance of thrush.

When faced with thick white discharge after ovulation, you need to pay attention to the situations that preceded its appearance. So, if this happens during sexual intercourse or a few hours after it, this is considered normal

An increase in the amount of white vaginal discharge does not indicate the course of the pathological process

It is important to pay attention to your own sensations and smell. If there is no pain, the appearance of leucorrhoea should not be a cause for concern.

White mucus may also indicate:

  • hormonal disorders before menopause;
  • about the development of menopause. During this period, the secretion may indicate the presence of gynecological diseases.
  • reproductive period. During sexual intercourse, white discharge acts as a lubricant, which protects the mucous membrane from damage and irritation.

Particular attention should be paid to the volume of secretions after ovulation. If the discharge is scanty, this may indicate the presence of disorders

The smell of female discharge, classification

Leucorrhoea has not only a different color, but also a different smell, and accordingly, the reasons for its occurrence will be different. They are classified in the following order:

Fishy smell

A possible cause is dysbacteriosis of the vaginal microflora; accompanied by discomfort and severe itching; if left untreated, it leads to inflammation of the internal organs of the reproductive system.

Smell of garlic or onion

The aroma of garlic or onions suggests a malnutrition or weakened immune system. It is much more serious if the cause is a fungal disease.

The smell of rotten meat

If it smells like rotten meat, then gardnerella may have entered your body. Leucorrhoea in this case has a grayish color. At first, bacteria settle on the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls, then, if left untreated, they affect the genitourinary system, which can lead to serious consequences.

Urine smell

Unpleasant urine odor can be a consequence of stress. Extra pounds can also cause such discharge. The pressure of the weight in the peritoneum causes a small amount of urine to enter.

Sour smell

A sour vaginal odor often accompanies thrush. Caused by candida fungi, it can lead to the development of vulvovaginitis. Additional symptoms: itching, redness, burning, cheesy discharge.

Acetone smell

An acetone aroma is a clear sign of diabetes. The body naturally removes accumulated ketone bodies. They mix with body fluids, including vaginal secretions.

The smell of iron

The smell of iron comes from blood mixed with secretions. This is what the vagina smells like during menstruation, but it can also signal erosion of the cervix.

It is worth immediately determining what secret the vagina secretes so that you can understand its origin. Treatment should only be carried out by a doctor.

Methods of instrumental and laboratory diagnostics

A vaginal flora smear will help identify the cause of poor discharge

If pathological discharge appears in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. Delay can lead to serious complications.

First of all, the doctor conducts an examination using a gynecological speculum to assess the condition of the cervix, vaginal mucosa and the nature of the discharge. In some cases, this helps to identify deviations.

The examination also helps to obtain reliable information about the nature and intensity of the discharge, since a woman cannot always characterize it correctly. An ultrasound examination is also prescribed in cases where the doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy or its fading.

It is not always possible to establish an accurate diagnosis using instrumental diagnostics. For this purpose, a number of laboratory tests are prescribed. These include:

  1. Bacterial culture. It is carried out using a smear from the vaginal walls. The method helps to establish the state of the microflora and identify the presence of bacteria. They can be the causative agent of many diseases. The procedure is standard during pregnancy and is prescribed at the first visit to the doctor, and then two weeks before the expected birth. The procedure can be prescribed at any time if indicated and is completely safe.
  2. Test for the presence of STDs. It is prescribed three times during pregnancy, and if there are certain indications, it is carried out at any stage. For research, blood is taken from a vein.

Based on laboratory tests, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and carries out treatment in accordance with the disease.

Vaginal discharge by color

Almost all unusual leucorrhoea is accompanied by a not very pleasant odor, which, again, can be caused by inflammatory processes. Basically, this is a curdled discharge mixed with pus.

Brown discharge

Discharge of a light, brownish hue is possible if a woman forgets about personal hygiene. As a result, the acidic environment of the vagina changes, and the discharge acquires a characteristic color and unpleasant odor.

This shade of leucorrhoea is characteristic during the onset of menstruation and after it, and also occurs against the background of hormonal changes.

Almost black color in combination with pain in the lower pelvic area is very dangerous, and you need to urgently check for the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. If noticeable drops of blood or pus are added to all this, then perhaps this is caused by one of the types of endometrial inflammation.

Pink discharge

Leucorrhoea of ​​a pale pink color accompanies injury or pathology of the walls of the vagina or uterus, inflammation. Inflammatory processes are usually caused by sexually transmitted infections, after unsafe sexual intercourse, from an infected partner. These include:

The appearance of pink leucorrhoea, coinciding with the onset of menstruation, suggests a frozen or ectopic pregnancy. The threat of miscarriage is also accompanied by discharge of this color. This usually happens in the early stages, so take a pregnancy test.

Green discharge

This shade is associated with an increased level of leukocytes in the blood and accompanies inflammation of the genitourinary system.

A “fishy” smell occurs due to vaginal dysbiosis and such an unpleasant disease as gonorrhea. Trichomonas, the bacteria that cause trichomoniasis, may also be responsible for this odor and color. Another reason is cervical erosion.

If after the process of defecation the amount of discharge increases, it is viscous and thick, then perhaps we are talking about cervicitis. Most likely, it began to progress, releasing pus.

In addition to green leucorrhoea, the following may be observed:

  • severe nagging pain;
  • general fatigue;
  • dizziness;
  • elevated body temperature.

Yellow discharge

A frequent sign of pathologies and inflammation. Bacterial vaginitis is one of the variants of the formation of yellow leucorrhoea with a rotten odor. Colpitis and salpingitis are frequent friends of yellowish leucorrhoea.

All this can be caused by gynecological diseases caused by viruses or bacteria.

Gonorrhea is characterized by yellowish-green leucorrhoea. Patients experience itching and difficulty urinating. A woman experiences similar symptoms with trichomoniasis. Interspersed with pus can be due to chlamydia. Pain experienced during sexual intercourse may increase every day.

Gray discharge

Curdled white leucorrhoea with a gray tint is a possible symptom of the well-known thrush. Redness, noticeable to the naked eye, burning sensation and an irresistible desire to scratch the affected area of ​​the labia are a clear sign of an advanced disease. At the same time, a sour aroma from the vagina also appears.

All unpleasant-smelling discharge coming from a woman’s vagina is the result of the activity of hostile, often infectious, bacteria and microbes. The latter emit gases, decomposing nutrients, which causes the unbearable “smell” of rotten eggs or fish.

What is the norm?

It is pointless to talk to the same woman about the rate of secretion at one time or another. Why? Yes, simply because as pregnancy progresses, the nature of the mucus secreted also changes.

1-4 week

In the early stages, before a missed period, a woman most likely does not yet know about her interesting situation. However, her body is already in full swing preparing for the full bearing of the baby. Changes in the secretion that is released from the woman’s genital tract are also not ignored.

As mentioned above, due to the successful process of conception, the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases and hormonal changes occur. These changes explain the fact that a woman has an unusual feeling of excessive moisture on her underwear.

As for the admixture of blood, is this normal?

Of course, the presence of blood should alert a woman at any stage. But there are exceptions. For example, this situation can be considered a variant of the norm when a baby is implanted into the uterine cavity, when implantation bleeding occurs. Many women report scant smears on the days when their periods usually arrive.

The formation of a mucus plug also changes the nature of the discharge, making it more abundant and whitish.

Thus, at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks, the secretion is considered normal to be whitish, yellowish and transparent, possibly with a small amount of blood.

5-6 week

At this time, light discharge of a transparent or slightly whitish color is considered normal. Another option indicates pathological changes. Bloody discharge is considered dangerous at this stage and cannot be normal.

week 7

This seven-day period is characterized by the presence of watery secretions in large quantities, which can frighten a woman. But no need to worry again!

8-12 weeks

At weeks 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, the secretion still has a transparent or whitish color, comes out in moderate quantities, and a slight sour smell may be noted.

How else is this period different?

Due to the softening of the vaginal mucosa, it becomes more susceptible to mechanical stress. Therefore, after sex or a medical examination, slight spotting may occur. However, please note that it is quite insignificant! Otherwise, we may be talking about the threat of miscarriage, because this period is considered one of the most dangerous during pregnancy.

13 -25 week

Further, starting from weeks 13-15, the production of estrogen in the body of the expectant mother increases. This event is associated with the liquefaction of the secretion and its increased production. A woman has to change her daily routine more and more often, and the constant feeling of humidity is in no hurry to leave her. In general, up to 23-25 ​​weeks, the nature of the discharge remains the same.

26-36 weeks

At this time, the body begins its leisurely preparation for an imminent birth. The discharge still remains watery and light, with a sour smell. Starting from the 28th week, the secretion thickens a little and becomes not as watery as before.

36-40 week

In the later stages, there are 2 types of secretion:

  • like a whitish thick yolk;
  • copious and watery.

The first talk about preparing the cervix for the imminent process of delivery.

Is there discharge on the pad, like snot?

A mucous viscous suspension prepares the birth canal; it usually appears several weeks before the “X” day. Also, under the influence of hormones, the consistency of the mucus plug gradually liquefies, and it comes out. Additionally, you can observe streaks of blood in the mucous clot, which is not dangerous. Their presence indicates a rupture of small capillaries when the plug moves away from the loose walls of the cervix.

Immediately before birth, a dense clot of white, yellowish or brown mucus with blood streaks appears. It may come out all at once or gradually over several days.

The second type of discharge may indicate the discharge of amniotic fluid. A long anhydrous period (more than 12 hours) is dangerous for the baby’s life, so you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately after the expected rupture of amniotic fluid!

If you suspect a water leak, it is best to contact your doctor. If you can’t get an appointment in the next few hours, then use a special test pad that will dispel your doubts

Discharge associated with sexual intercourse

Lubrication during arousal and during sex is common. If discharge accompanied by an unpleasant odor occurs immediately or on the day following the day of sexual intercourse, then the vagina carries out a “cleaning”, getting rid of foreign particles or sperm. They pass quickly without affecting the woman’s health.

Bloody impurities secreted during or after sexual intercourse notify a woman that she may have cervical erosion.

The appearance of leucorrhoea of ​​other colors listed earlier, after a couple of weeks from the day of sexual intercourse, indicates a clinical picture of a venereal disease. The sooner a woman consults a doctor, the easier the treatment will be.

Watery and mucous discharge during pregnancy

Transparent or whitish watery discharge can be either an absolute norm or a pathological change, and from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, leakage of amniotic fluid cannot be ruled out.

You can refute or confirm the diagnosis using special test pads for determining water leakage, which are sold at the pharmacy, or you can conduct an amnio test in the hospital where you are registered or in a private clinic.

Amniotic fluid has a slightly sweetish specific odor and a yellowish tint; according to this description, it can be assumed that amniotic fluid is leaking and can promptly prevent the development of negative consequences for the baby.

Odorless mucous discharge is normal. 1.5-2 weeks before birth, the mucous plug, which closed the entrance to the uterus from the penetration of infections, comes off, and on the eve of birth, amniotic fluid is also poured out (about 0.5 liters at a time).

As a rule, with erosion of the cervix, the mucous plug comes off with blood streaks shortly before birth, as the uterine cervix is ​​injured. This is not dangerous for the health of the woman and child, but the doctor should still be informed about it.

Which specialist should I contact if I have unusual discharge?

Any woman should know which doctor to make an appointment with in a particular case. The main thing is to come for help in time if problems with the genitourinary system arise. Here the dependent factor is symptoms.

If leucorrhoea with an unusual odor begins after sex with a sexual partner, a burning sensation is felt during the process and the amount of secretion increases, then it is worth going to an appointment with a venereologist. You should also go to him if you have pain when urinating or the appearance of pus from the urethra. A specialist will issue a referral for tests on suspicion of a sexually transmitted disease.

You can immediately contact the antenatal clinic, where you will be examined and referred to a specialist. A gynecologist will take care of you if leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor has developed against the background of a violation of the physiological processes of the body. For example, hormonal or menstrual disorders, various inflammations, tumors. If you have secretions with an odor during pregnancy, visit the gynecologist with whom you are registered.

Reasons for odor changes during pregnancy

The main factor provoking a change in smell is a powerful hormonal storm that does not subside for 9 months. At the beginning of pregnancy, hormones are produced for the normal development of the fetus, then to prepare the woman for childbirth and lactation. The body does not have time to adapt to some, before the production of others increases. The situation is aggravated by changes in diet and the emergence of new eating habits during pregnancy. As well as decreased physical activity and weight gain.


Incidence of the population with diseases transmitted primarily through sexual contact, fungal, skin diseases and scabies (thousand people)

Gonococcal infection60,654,552,042,734,3
Mycosis of feet and hands220,6206,4191,5190,4180,9

According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat) for 2015.


Regular washing and douching will only mask the unpleasant odor from the vagina, but will not eliminate the cause itself. However, prevention and personal hygiene should not be underestimated.

To prevent the frequency of such phenomena, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • visit the bathroom in the morning and evening;
  • use cosmetics intended for intimate hygiene (they are sold in pharmacies and specialized stores and contain medicinal herbs);
  • buy cotton underwear, because... synthetics unnecessarily irritate the skin;
  • change your underwear regularly;
  • Avoid constantly wearing tight-fitting clothes. The skin must breathe, otherwise an environment favorable for pathogenic bacteria will be formed;
  • as soon as irritation or itching is noticed, it is recommended to stop taking a hot bath for a while, as well as alcoholic beverages and junk food;
  • During water procedures, wash with movements towards the anus, and not away from it. Otherwise, there is a high probability of introducing bacteria from the rectum into the vagina;
  • after defecation, for hygiene purposes, if possible, use a bidet;
  • Visit a gynecologist regularly: once every six months or once a month if you have chronic diseases.

Treatment and prognosis

Therapy for the presence of discharge in the early stages of gestation is carried out depending on the cause of its appearance. Treatment can be carried out at home under the supervision of a doctor, but if the life and health of the baby is threatened, hospitalization is necessary.

In case of infectious lesions, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist and follow all recommendations. The woman is prescribed suppositories, ointments and creams that are permitted during pregnancy.

All medications and folk remedies must be approved by a doctor!

In cases where thrush is diagnosed in the early stages, the use of Natamycin suppositories is indicated. For chlamydia, complex therapy is prescribed with the help of antibacterial drugs, enzymes and immunomodulators. If gardnerellosis is diagnosed, the doctor prescribes antimicrobial agents in the form of ointments and suppositories.

Treatment in a hospital is carried out when diseases are identified that can lead to the development of serious consequences, such as gonorrhea. Lack of therapy leads to damage to the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. The child may subsequently experience dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.

The goals of treatment for gonorrhea are to reduce the risk of complications and relieve inflammation. The woman is prescribed medications in the form of injections and tablets, as well as physiotherapeutic methods.

Discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester is one of the important indicators of women's health.

By their nature, one can determine the presence of various changes that occur in the body of the expectant mother. That is why it is important to carefully monitor their character and, if dangerous signs appear, contact a specialist.

Timely treatment of infectious diseases is the key to successful recovery and avoiding the development of complications. The prognosis for detachment of the ovum and other disorders depends on how quickly medical care was provided. In most cases, it is possible to save the baby's life.

What diseases are associated with unpleasant odor?

The unpleasant smell of discharge should alert a woman, but not frighten her. The fact is that such a phenomenon is not always a sign of pathology, but may indicate metabolic disorders, and may also be associated with increased functioning of the glandular system.

As for diseases, the following ailments can cause an unpleasant smell of discharge during pregnancy:

  1. Dysbiosis. The process of imbalance between pathogenic and beneficial bacteria in the reproductive system is called vaginal dysbiosis. As a result, a comfortable atmosphere is created for the increased proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Candidiasis. The disease, also called thrush, causes white discharge with a sour odor during pregnancy. Needs treatment, but only under the supervision of a doctor, because not all medications can be taken while pregnant.
  3. Bacterial vaginosis. Gardnerella infection occurs, after which the discharge often smells like spoiled fish. It may be present in the body and not bother you, and during pregnancy the disease often worsens.
  4. Systematic inflammatory processes. In some situations, chronic inflammation is observed in the reproductive system, which can occur unnoticed, accompanied by only slight vaginal secretion with a barely noticeable odor.

It is also worth noting that certain factors may increase the predisposition to vaginal discharge with an uncharacteristic odor:

  • violation of hygiene of the intimate area;
  • inappropriate hygiene products;
  • improper washing;
  • very frequent douching;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • diseases of the genital organs.

It is very important to find out the cause of the unpleasant odor, because this is the only way to provide effective therapy. It is impossible to show indifference in such a situation, because the pathology can intensify, harming the health of not only the mother, but also the child.

What discharge is considered normal?

One of the signs of women's health is watery, slightly viscous discharge with a pleasant sour-milk odor, colorless or with a milky, yellowish, light beige tint. Scanty after menstruation, more abundant during and after ovulation, but even then their daily volume does not exceed what fits in a teaspoon.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in the life of every woman, which is accompanied by a restructuring of her entire hormonal background. At this time, you need to take care of your intimate health especially carefully. There is more liquid discharge due to the fact that plasma is mixed with it - a wise body, taking care of the baby’s nutrition, increases blood flow in the genitals. Ideally, they are transparent or milky in color, with very little or no odor.

It's important to remember: vaginal discharge is completely natural and normal. They flow naturally on their own: women do not put any effort into it. The release of discharge should not be accompanied by any painful sensations or pungent odor. The slightest itching, burning, or pain when urinating cannot be tolerated: turning a blind eye to them is unacceptable! All these signs, even if the sour smell of the discharge is not so obvious, indicate female ill health.

Effect of urine on secretion

Often, a woman may attribute the smell of urine to vaginal secretion. Mucus can easily mix with droplets of urine, so it seems that it is the mark on the panty liner that emits this or that odor. Normal for pregnancy is a sweetish aroma of urine, which may contain echoes of medications taken, especially vitamin complexes. The food you eat also affects it, but not too significantly. As for violations, they are indicated by the following signs:

The main options for vaginal odor during pregnancy

It’s not just brown discharge or blood clots that can frighten a woman. During pregnancy, any change makes you worry, so it is worthwhile to accurately understand the possible odors of secretion and their possible causes.

"Like a fish"

This “stench” is a sign of dysbiosis. A woman may also suffer from itching and burning of the external genitalia. It is important to go to the hospital in time, because vaginal dysbiosis can provoke inflammatory processes that significantly complicate the process of bearing a fetus.

"Smells like urine"

There is no threat to the baby or mother in this situation. Simply due to stress, excess weight or emotional instability, fluid leaks from the bladder. It turns out that the discharge does not smell like urine, but simply contains small drops of it. This problem can be eliminated by seeking help from a gynecologist and urologist.

"Rotten smell"

May indicate one of the varieties of bacterial vaginosis, which is caused by the bacterium gardnerella. Among the main symptoms are moderate vaginal secretion of a dirty white hue, accompanied by a rotten odor. Its source is proteolytic enzymes, which, under the influence of vaginal proteins, decompose into sources of “rotten meat”. As for treatment, gardnerellosis is eliminated in the same way as standard vaginosis.


A sour smell may be due to candidiasis. With thrush, fungal infections actively multiply in the vagina, which also provoke cheesy vaginal secretion. Candidiasis during pregnancy should be treated only under the supervision of a doctor, because some medications can harm the baby. But the situation cannot be ignored, because the infection can be transmitted to the baby during childbirth. Therefore, the presence of white secretion with a sour odor cannot be the norm.

"Sweet aroma"

The feeling of sweetness from the vagina is not a pathology in the early stages, as it can be a consequence of a woman eating a large amount of fruit. It is important to remember that it is sweet fruits, and not sweets and baked goods, that cause the sweetish aroma of secretion. In any case, it doesn’t hurt to take a smear to check for infections and bacteria.

As for late pregnancy, yellowish and brown discharge with a sweet aroma may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. Here it is imperative to quickly go to the hospital in order to eliminate negative risks to the child’s health in time.

"Smells like onions"

If the discharge smells like onions, then the pregnant woman may have fungal diseases. It is worth noting that most often the sensation of onions intensifies after sexual intercourse or in a stressful situation. This requires a comprehensive study to determine the exact therapy.

"Smells like sperm"

If this is not associated with recent sexual intercourse, it may indicate disturbances in the vaginal microflora. If the aroma changes without irritating the vaginal mucosa, then there is no cause for concern. But still, the microflora needs to be adjusted, otherwise the problem can greatly worsen and develop into serious disorders.

"Smells like garlic"

Very often, such an aroma can be associated with a large amount of this product in a woman’s diet. It may also indicate bacterial vaginosis, when, against the background of a low level of lactobacilli, the risk of an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms increases. In this situation, yellow or brown discharge does not occur, but a cloudy, thick secretion is noted, the amount of which can be quite large.

"I can feel the iron"

Very often, iron is felt when bloody or brown discharge appears. In this case, everything is connected with the presence of drops of blood in the secretion, which can occur with implantation bleeding or cervical erosion. In addition, the characteristic aroma may intensify after sexual intercourse.

Discharge with a sour odor

I am 23 years old, there is a young man with whom we have an intimate relationship. After sexual intercourse, I began to notice copious discharge from the genital tract, with an unpleasant sour odor. My boyfriend claims that such discharge with a sour odor is normal. I am very worried that this may be a manifestation of a sexually transmitted infection. I made an appointment with the doctor only in 2 days. Please tell us what can cause a sour smell from the vagina? How to treat it?

Normally, vaginal discharge is transparent or whitish in small quantities. An increase in the amount of vaginal discharge can be observed during ovulation, pregnancy, or sexual arousal of a woman - this is the norm. Such changes do not cause discomfort to the woman and do not cause irritation of the skin around the genitals.

A sour-smelling discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis, or thrush. Disruption of the normal vaginal microflora occurs in the following situations:

  • Active proliferation of yeast-like fungus;
  • Too careful hygiene of the external genitalia, as a result of disruption of the bacterial flora;
  • Insufficiently careful observance of personal intimate hygiene of the external genitalia;
  • Venereal infections;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners;
  • Uncontrolled long-term use of antibiotics and contraceptives.

Stress, pregnancy and hormonal disorders in a woman’s body can also upset the balance of normal and pathogenic microflora of the vagina. The smell from the vagina with bacterial vaginosis (vaginal dysbiosis) becomes sharp, unpleasant, and fishy.

With the active proliferation of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, the discharge becomes abundant, thick, curdled, with a characteristic sour odor.

Reasons for the development of thrush and the appearance of discharge:

  • Wearing tight underwear made of synthetic fabrics;
  • Decreased general immunity of a woman;
  • Frequent change of sexual partners;
  • Abuse of coffee, strong tea, spices and spicy foods.

The odor from the vagina is normally specific and weakly expressed. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after identifying the cause that led to the appearance of a sour odor from the vagina. To do this, smears are taken from the woman for bacteriological culture, with the help of which the causative agent of the inflammatory process is determined.

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You can get a consultation with a gynecologist at one of the clinics of the Health Protection network. Call and make an appointment!

Leucorrhoea is one of the most common symptoms of gynecological diseases, associated with a quantitative or qualitative change in the secretion of the genital organs.

Causes of discharge: inflammatory processes, infections, injuries, tumors of various locations. The nature of leucorrhoea is determined by its origin (tubal, uterine and vaginal leucorrhoea is liquid, cervical leucorrhoea is mucous). An admixture of pus usually indicates an inflammatory process, and blood - the development of a tumor.

Leucorrhoea often appears with various gynecological (for example, adnexitis, vaginitis, colpitis) and other diseases. Abnormal discharge can occur due to prolapse of the vaginal walls, ruptures of the perineum, douching with concentrated antiseptic solutions, long-term use of chemical contraceptives, congestion in the pelvic organs caused by constipation and a sedentary lifestyle, and violation of personal hygiene rules.

Pathological discharge from the female genital organs is a characteristic symptom of a disease of the reproductive system or a general disease of the body.

Tentatively, leucorrhoea may indicate the nature of the pathological process, for example:

  • yellow, yellow-green discharge occurs with gonorrhea;
  • liquid yellow, foamy - with trichomoniasis;
  • white, crumbly - with thrush.

The most common causes of impaired secretion are inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, tumors of the genital organs, foreign bodies in the vagina, tendrils of intrauterine devices, contraceptive caps, pessaries, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual dysfunction, interrupted coitus, masturbation, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, cystitis, urethritis, long-term use of chemical contraception, a sedentary lifestyle that causes congestion in the pelvic organs, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially genital hygiene, etc. Leucorrhoea, regardless of the individual reaction to them , negatively affect a woman’s nervous system, leading to maceration of oozing, decreased libido, and sometimes to infertility.

Changes in the color, clarity, consistency, or odor of vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of certain diseases or conditions:

Red, bloody, brown vaginal discharge

Red vaginal discharge indicates the presence of blood in the secretion. Most often, they appear a few days before menstruation (then turn into heavy discharge characteristic of menstruation) and can persist for several days after the cessation of menstruation. If the bleeding is not heavy and approximately coincides with menstruation, then there is no need to worry. In women wearing an IUD, every month, a few days before menstruation, light spotting may appear from the vagina.

Often, bloody leucorrhoea has a brown or even blackish tint, the occurrence of which is associated with the oxidation and destruction of blood in the vagina.

If there is very little blood in the discharge, then it acquires a pink or brownish tint (spotting). Usually normal (perimenstrual spotting) does not have an unpleasant odor.

Rarely, slight vaginal bleeding may occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle (bleeding during ovulation) or in women wearing the IUD or taking oral contraceptives (the lower the dose of estrogen hormones, the heavier the bleeding). If blood appears while taking contraceptives or wearing an intrauterine device, you should consult a gynecologist.

More or less profuse bloody leucorrhoea, not associated with menstruation, almost always indicates the presence of disease. Most often, red discharge is observed with:

  • Cervical erosions or cancer (red or pink discharge that gets worse after intercourse)
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Adenomyosis (endometriosis)

If you experience bleeding from the vagina that is not associated with menstruation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

More abundant single (and sudden) bleeding can be caused by spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy. With an ectopic pregnancy, bleeding can be very heavy and prolonged, and it can be confused with menstruation. If, against the background of bloody discharge, possible signs of pregnancy are detected, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Read more about uterine bleeding

Whitish, white, or yellow vaginal discharge

Whitish or yellow vaginal discharge is characteristic of various genital tract infections. The whitish or yellow color (less often green or gray) of leucorrhoea is usually associated with the presence of a large number of microbes and leukocytes (purulent discharge).

Purulent (white, gray, greenish) vaginal discharge

Purulent (white, gray, greenish) leucorrhoea is observed with trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, thrush and some other infections. Typically, purulent discharge from the genital tract is accompanied by more or less severe itching and a feeling of discomfort in the genital area. Often the discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

In pregnant women, normal vaginal discharge towards the end of pregnancy may become quite viscous and whitish in color - this is normal, and there is no need to worry if there are no other signs of illness.

Foamy, curdled, thick vaginal discharge

A change in the consistency of vaginal secretions is also a sign of illness. Normal vaginal discharge, as mentioned above, should be quite thin and mucus-like. Foamy or white, curdled leucorrhoea is most often a sign of infection.

Vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor

The appearance of an unpleasant odor (most often such discharge is purulent or cheesy) is also a sign of infection. Unpleasant odor (fishy odor, rotten odor, sour odor) is associated with the activity of pathogenic microbes that decompose nutrients and release gases with an unpleasant odor.

Vaginal discharge before and after sex

When sexually aroused, the glands of the vaginal vestibule in women begin to actively produce so-called vaginal lubrication. Therefore, the presence of liquid transparent discharge immediately before or during sex is normal.

The appearance of thick, copious discharge (possibly with an unpleasant odor) immediately after sex (or on the second day) may be associated with the cleansing of sperm from the vagina (this is possible if sexual intercourse was complete, the man had an orgasm and did not use a condom). As a rule, such discharge stops quickly.

The appearance of bloody vaginal discharge during or immediately after sexual intercourse may indicate the presence of cervical erosion.

The appearance of white, yellow, greenish gray or purulent leucorrhoea a few days or weeks after sex may indicate the development of an infection.

Leucorrhoea in infectious diseases

Vaginal discharge is a common symptom of several sexually transmitted diseases in women, most of which are sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Vaginal discharge due to trichomoniasis

Vaginitis with trichomoniasis is manifested by abundant foamy leucorrhoea, often with an unpleasant odor . Long-term (chronic) vaginitis is accompanied by thick white or yellow leucorrhoea. As a rule, discharge from urogenital trichomoniasis is combined with unbearable itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia. The diagnosis of urogenital trichomoniasis is never made on the basis of symptoms alone; to make a diagnosis of trichomoniasis, the following studies must be performed:

Examination under a microscope of a native (unstained) vaginal smear. Examination under a microscope of a vaginal smear stained with special dyes. A cultural research method is the cultivation of colonies of microorganisms obtained from the vagina on special nutrient media, followed by the study of the resulting cultures. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a research method based on the study of the genetic material of Trichomonas vaginalis.

Vaginal discharge due to bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common condition that causes foul-smelling discharge. The cause of the development of bacterial vaginosis is the excessive growth of bacteria on the vaginal mucosa, which are normally present inside in small quantities (synonymous with vaginal dysbiosis). These bacteria include: Gardenerella vaginalis, Bacteroides, Peptococci, etc. Women with bacterial vaginosis develop white discharge with an unpleasant “fishy” odor (fishy odor). As with trichomoniasis, the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis cannot be made based on symptoms alone. Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is based on the following research methods:

pH-metry. Normally, the vagina has an acidic environment, while with bacterial vaginosis the environment becomes alkaline. Examination under a microscope of unstained smears from the vagina. Examination under a microscope of smears from the vagina, stained with special dyes. When a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis is made, the attending physician prescribes treatment.

Vaginal discharge due to vaginal candidiasis (thrush)

Urogenital candidiasis (thrush) is an inflammatory disease of the genital organs in women and men, caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Women with candidiasis (thrush) develop a thick white vaginal discharge (specific curdled discharge) with a sour or bready odor. Other symptoms of urogenital candidiasis in women are discomfort and itching in the genital area, often accompanied by cramps and pain when urinating. Diagnosis of thrush is carried out on the basis of the following studies:

Examination under a microscope of native (unstained) smears from the vagina. Examination under a microscope of stained smears from the vagina. Mycological examination - identifying the type of fungus that caused thrush.

Self-medication of the above infectious diseases of the genital area is not recommended. Often the cause of leucorrhoea can be several infections at once , for example a combination of bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. In such cases, treatment should be carried out according to special schemes and determined only by the attending physician based on the test results obtained.

Discharge before and after menstruation

Normally, discharge before menstruation intensifies, becomes thicker, and may acquire a yellowish tint. Brown discharge is also normal a day or two before menstruation and immediately after the end of menstruation, if this discharge is associated with menstruation. Excessive brown leucorrhoea long before or after menstruation can be associated with diseases such as endometriosis, endometritis, endocervicitis, etc.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Vaginal discharge in early pregnancy

Vaginal discharge may be heavier than usual in early pregnancy, but this is normal as long as it remains clear, does not have an unpleasant odor, and is not accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or pain in the genital area.

The appearance of brown or bloody vaginal discharge in early pregnancy may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

Purulent or whitish, white vaginal discharge in early pregnancy may indicate an infection.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with sauerkraut and millet

Vaginal discharge in late pregnancy

During mid-pregnancy and later stages, normal discharge may become more viscous and thick. Sudden brown or bloody discharge may indicate an incipient miscarriage or premature labor, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor if blood is detected. Brown vaginal discharge during pregnancy may indicate minor bleeding from the vessels of the cervix and also require examination by a doctor.

Discharge after childbirth

During the week after childbirth, regardless of whether the birth occurred naturally or there was a cesarean section, profuse bloody discharge similar to menstruation - lochia - is observed, over time their quantity decreases, there may be an admixture of ichor in the blood - this is normal if they do not have an unpleasant odor and no severe abdominal pain. Normally, lochia persists for up to 3 weeks, maximum 4 weeks after birth. For longer discharge, you should consult a gynecologist.

Treatment for vaginal discharge

Treatment of leucorrhoea with folk remedies

Only a few folk remedies are applicable in the treatment of vaginal discharge, but only in combination with traditional medicines. Thus, in the treatment of recurrent (repeating repeatedly) candidiasis (thrush), an infusion of calendula officinalis (marigold) is used for douching between the use of vaginal tablets or suppositories.

Treatment of leucorrhoea with folk remedies according to folk recipes is dangerous because the undiagnosed (undefined) disease that caused this discharge becomes chronic, its symptoms are erased, diagnosis of the disease becomes very difficult, and treatment becomes more complicated (treatment is longer and requires the use of more stronger drugs).

Before prescribing any folk recipes, you need to know your exact diagnosis and take into account the contraindications of the folk remedies used.

Which doctor should I contact if I have unusual vaginal discharge?

If leucorrhoea appears from the genitals, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Articles for doctors on diagnosing vaginal discharge

Diagnostic methods

If you have such a problem, you should not be embarrassed to visit a doctor, because an unpleasant odor can indicate serious disorders in the body that are dangerous for both the woman and her child. You may need:

  • Give a smear. The results of the analysis will reflect the composition of bacteria, identify the number of pathogenic microbes, and also accurately determine the cause of discomfort.
  • Urinalysis and bacterial culture. This is necessary to ensure that the infection, if present, does not spread further.

First of all, a woman needs to contact a gynecologist, who will prescribe the necessary tests and examination.

Normal indicators

Normally, vaginal secretions during pregnancy in the first trimester begin to change in the first days after conception. After fertilization, the egg stimulates the corpus luteum of the ovaries to produce progesterone. This hormone, together with other pregnancy hormones, will ensure the normal course of bearing the baby until 35-36 weeks. Under the influence of progesterone, the following occurs:

  • attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus;
  • relaxation of its muscle layer;
  • fluid retention in the body;
  • growth and stretching of the uterus;
  • production of mucus by the epithelium of the uterus and vaginal mucosa.

Mucus is secreted inside the uterus to better attach the egg to the walls of the uterus. It is sticky and viscous. Therefore, an increase in the amount of normal, clear or milky-white discharge after intercourse can serve as a sign of pregnancy.

Thanks to progesterone, viscous mucus is formed, the main task of which is to close the cervical canal from the outside world. In this way, the uterus and the new life that has arisen will be reliably protected from infections. Therefore, the appearance of abundant, viscous, transparent secretion at the beginning of the period is a natural and normal process. It may have a light milky or yellowish tint. In this case, the woman does not experience any discomfort.

As pregnancy progresses, the amount of progesterone also increases. The amount of secretion increases proportionally. From 10-12 weeks, the placenta begins to produce hormones. Estrogen levels increase. Under its influence, vascular permeability increases. More fluid accumulates in the cavities, in particular in the vagina.

Important! Discharge in the first trimester under the influence of estrogen becomes more fluid and abundant.

Many women are confused by so much vaginal secretion. After all, sometimes you have to change your underwear two or three times a day. Abundant secretion may be normal. However, leakage of amniotic fluid and the infectious nature of increased discharge should be excluded. If nothing bothers the pregnant woman, there is no pain in the lower abdomen, itching, burning, or unpleasant odor, then there is no cause for alarm.

Towards the end of the period, the amount of progesterone begins to decrease, and the amount of estrogen increases slightly. If in the second trimester hormonal changes occurred smoothly, then in the third trimester the body quickly restructures in preparation for future childbirth.

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