Drugs for male infertility - features of use

“How to treat male infertility?” – this question is one of the most pressing for the stronger half of humanity. Doctors of medical sciences and experienced doctors have been conducting heated discussions for several years about the effectiveness of specific treatment methods and the use of individual medications. Today, to cope with such a problem as infertility in men, surgical and conservative treatment methods are widely used. It all depends on the nature of the pathology.


This strongest drug among a number of man-made drugs helps with delayed puberty. In addition to its main purpose, it has an anabolic effect on the body from the first day of administration. Men taking this drug note a rapid improvement even in their health. They note that the beard and mustache grow faster, and the voice becomes much rougher.

In the fight against problems of the reproductive system, the medication increases the level of libido and potency, in addition, it radically changes sexual behavior to a dominant one. Thanks to testosterone, which is part of the drug, rapid absorption into the body and the appearance of a positive result are guaranteed. The effect of the drug lasts for a month; the doctor prescribes the duration of its use individually as needed.

The medicine should never be used without consulting a doctor regarding dosage. So, in case of overdose, skin problems may occur. Some people experience dizziness. To eliminate the side effects of the drug, it is enough to change the dose consumed per day to a smaller one.

Additional drugs

  • This group includes drugs that affect the immune system and replenish the lack of vitamins in the body:
  • adaptogens – Testis-compositum and Kudesan;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • herbal remedies – Speman, Viardot, Tribestan.

The clinical effectiveness of drugs in this group has not been proven, but it is worth taking products that contain zinc and vitamin E, since these substances play a significant role in the formation of sperm.


This medicine will help in solving the problem of secondary infertility and with a variety of sexually transmitted diseases, ranging from syphilis to gonorrhea.

During the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, Pyrogenal confidently fights the causative agent of the disease. It's no secret that gonorrhea often occurs without visible symptoms, and the patient infects all his partners without even realizing it. This drug has no equal today.

To start treatment with Pyrogenal, it is enough to administer one injection intramuscularly.

Important! Despite the fact that this drug works great in tandem with other anti-fertility drugs, it is strictly forbidden to mix it in the same syringe with another active ingredient.

The uniqueness of Pyrogenal as a remedy for infertility lies in the fact that there are no analogues for active ingredients in medicine today.

Available in the form of suppositories and administered rectally, as well as in the form of a solution for injection intramuscularly. Injections are given once a day. The full course of injections ranges from 10 to 30 days.


Modern medicine allows you to select the optimal treatment regimen for male infertility.
If male infertility is caused by obstruction, as well as

In some cases of secretory infertility, surgical treatment is performed:

- for varicocele - ligation, ligation or sclerotization of veins;

- for cryptochrism - surgery for prolapse of the testicles (it is advisable to perform it in childhood);

- for inguinal hernia - hernioplasty (hernia removal);

- for obstructive azoospermia - operations aimed at restoring the patency of the vas deferens.

Reviews about surgical treatment

Tatyana: “In my youth, my husband was diagnosed with varicocele, but then for some reason they decided not to have the operation. And now we can’t get pregnant. Based on the spermogram results, a diagnosis of cryptozoospermia was made. The doctor said it was just because of varicocele.”

Diana: “My husband has obstructive azoospermia. We were looking for a clinic with a strong not only andrologist, but also an embryologist. My husband underwent surgery to restore patency, but to no avail. Three years later, we decided to have a second operation, but this time abroad. I know that surgical andrology is highly praised in Singapore.”

Julia: “We tried to get pregnant for a long time, but it didn’t work. As it turned out, the reason was the husband’s inguinal hernia, which was compressing the testicle. We found this out after a spermogram and examination by a surgeon. The hernia was removed, but, as I understand, this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the ducts, otherwise the consequences will be even worse.”

Other medications for male infertility

The cause of infertility may be obvious and determined through testing. However, it is often carefully veiled, and it is extremely difficult to understand what caused infertility. A man may have all indicators normal, but conception does not occur. Understanding what was the true symptom or whether a complex of factors is to blame is not an easy task. In addition to deviations in sperm production and its quantity in the ejaculate, there are a number of other deviations:

  • hormonal dysfunction, which leads to endocrine infertility,
  • inflammatory processes,
  • injuries,
  • secondary factors: poor diet, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, lack of regular sexual intercourse, previous diseases (acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, follicular tonsillitis), long-term use of antibiotics.

If the initial tests show problems with hormones, or all sperm parameters are normal, the patient must take new blood samples from an endocrinologist, who, in turn, will prescribe the necessary drug.

When talking with attending physicians, it is recommended to mention previous diseases that, one way or another, are not indicated in the medical history and are not recorded in the patient’s hospital record. This will speed up both the process and the quality of treatment.

Thus, it is obvious that there is no miracle pill for male infertility, and infertility treatment must be approached in a comprehensive manner. It is necessary to exclude any possible causes of the disease and, if the causes are not known for certain, several strategies for curing the disease will have to be combined.

Methods for diagnosing infertility in men

The diagnostic algorithm for suspected problems with conception includes:

  • examination for infectious diseases of the genitourinary system - smear from the urethra, bacterial culture of seminal fluid, examination of prostate secretions;
  • analysis for the presence of antisperm antibodies;
  • study of the level of sex hormones in the blood;
  • general clinical examination - general blood and urine analysis, fasting glucose level test;
  • biochemical screening - lipid profile, liver and kidney tests;
  • genetic testing for hidden mutations;
  • Ultrasound scanning of the pelvic organs and scrotum.

If neoplastic processes, anatomical abnormalities and other organic diseases are suspected, patients are recommended to undergo computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

Infertility associated with the endocrine system

For infertility associated with problems in the endocrine system, hormonal medications are used that can replenish missing hormones or stimulate the production of new ones in the patient’s weakened body.

Not only a lack of hormones, but also their excess can affect the ability to conceive a baby.

Among patients seeking help, the most common problem is an excess of female hormones in the body. This is why men gain excess weight. To effectively solve the problem, it is enough to take a set of medications directed against estrogen and consolidate the result. Modern means that have proven themselves are the aromatase inhibitors Letrozole and Exemestane. These drugs are widely used in bodybuilding.

Surprisingly, sex hormones are the most ineffective in the fight against male impotence, which goes against the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe treatment of infertility in many patients.

Drug therapy for the disease

When treating infertility in men, drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor after an appropriate examination.
It is absolutely forbidden to use traditional medicine or self-medicate, believing the advertising campaign of this or that drug; this can lead to negative, sometimes irreversible, consequences for men’s health. Most often, medication is used to eliminate this problem. Doctors note that to achieve results it will be necessary to take a fairly long course. Sperm mature in the male body within sixty-five days. The course of therapy should continue throughout this time. The drugs should be re-taken after seven months. Only after this can the results obtained be summed up.

In parallel with this, one should not forget about the complete exclusion of harmful external factors. They can also have a negative effect on the human body. A man must regulate his sleep and rest schedule, eat well, and cure all diseases. Regular sex life plays an important role.

A woman can only become pregnant in the middle of her menstrual cycle, so she should not have repeated sexual intercourse during these days. They can negatively affect the process due to an increased risk of sperm leakage. It is advisable to position the woman after intercourse so that her pelvis is slightly elevated.

If a man knows that his sperm is of poor quality, then on all subsequent days it is necessary to use a condom as a precautionary measure. This is due to the fact that the woman’s body begins to produce antibodies to bad sperm, which can lead to immune infertility. This is why experts recommend practicing unprotected sex only on ovulation days.

Particular attention should be paid to nutrition. Food must contain all the necessary minerals and trace elements. In this case, a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates must be achieved. Fish, nuts, cottage cheese, and caviar have a positive effect on the male body. Vegetable oil must also be present in a man's diet. Don't forget to eat fruits and vegetables.

Infertility can be caused by the presence of infectious diseases in the body and incorrect functioning of the immune system. If they are, then a thorough course of treatment should be carried out. Surgical intervention cannot be avoided if a varicocele is diagnosed. The operation is also required for all men who suffer from obstruction of the vas deferens.

In order to get rid of infertility, a man must follow the following rules daily:

  1. Diet and proper nutrition. Please note that being overweight or underweight can negatively affect the quality of sperm.
  2. Bad habits. You should try to completely eliminate smoking and drinking alcohol from your daily life.
  3. Systematic sex life.
  4. A man’s body should be exposed to a sufficient amount of physical activity.
  5. Underwear must be of good quality. At the same time, swimming trunks should not overtighten or overheat the testicles.
  6. Try to completely protect yourself from stress.
  7. It is strictly not recommended to visit baths and saunas.

We invite you to read: Azithromycin for prostatitis: treatment regimen and reviews
All drugs against infertility in men are based on immunocorrective agents. They are used to stimulate spermatogenesis. In some cases, you will also need to take antibiotics or hormonal medications. Your doctor may prescribe medications to increase testosterone and anti-estrogen levels.

The drug Pentoxifylline is used to restore normal blood supply to the testicles. To increase the volume of ejaculate, you should take alpha-blockers. Taking vitamins is of particular importance in treatment. Today, there are many of them that are used to restore the normal functioning of the reproductive system.

The drug "Pro Formula" replenishes the balance of zinc, a substance that plays a huge role in the life of sperm.

Drug treatment is carried out through the use of the following medications:

  1. Antiestrogens: choriogonadotropin, tamoxifen.
  2. Androgens: testenate, testosterone propionate.
  3. Immunostimulants: pyrogenal, tactivin.
  4. Angioprotectors: pentoxifylline.
  5. Sexual function is corrected with the help of Adriol, Himcolin, Tentex.
  6. Biogenic tablets Raveron, solcoseryl.
  7. Chemotherapeutic agents.

In addition to individual courses of therapy, joint treatment of the couple is used. In this case, the drug Pergonal is prescribed, which has a selective effect on the hormonal levels of men and women. For women, Pergonal restores the pathology of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the production of hormones. For men, the drug increases the volume and quality of sperm.

The second best effect on couples is Menogon. It is prescribed in combination with hCG for women, since Menogon promotes the maturation of follicles and the production of estrogens. Menogon acts on the male body as follows: the quality and volume of ejaculate increases, testosterone is produced in the required quantities.

The drug Menotropin is prescribed in case of failure of ovulation in women and lack of sperm in men. The medicine regulates hormonal levels, acting selectively on the male and female body.

Inflammatory processes

Often, patients who turn to doctors do not even suspect the presence of hidden inflammatory processes in their bodies. However, this is a very serious problem. For example, inflammation of the prostate can cause infertility in 80% of cases, according to statistics. Foci of infection may be dormant, but their influence will be felt.

If we are dealing with sexually transmitted infections, it is worth resorting to courses of treatment with antibiotics and narrowly targeted antibacterial agents to eliminate microbes, bacteria and stop inflammatory processes.

Doctors, as a rule, prescribe a good antibacterial drug or a broad-spectrum antibiotic. If doctors are confident that there is a strong focus of inflammation, a stronger and more targeted antibiotic can be chosen, specifically against a specific infection.

Situations when you should consult a doctor

In case of women:

You should visit your doctor if you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for at least one year.

It is also necessary to visit a doctor in the following situations:

  • If you already have known fertility problems.
  • If you are aged 35-40 and have been trying to get pregnant for 6 months or longer.
  • Irregular menstrual cycles.
  • If you already have endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • One of the spouses underwent treatment for cancer.

In the case of men:

  • Low sperm count.
  • If you already have inguinal and scrotal surgery.
  • Small testicle or loss of sexual desires.
  • One of the spouses underwent treatment for cancer.

Brief overview of popular fertility drugs

Every married couple can face the problem of infertility. Female infertility is manifested in the inability to conceive and bear a child; male infertility largely depends on low-quality sperm or lack of libido. After a thorough examination of the causes of the pathological condition, doctors prescribe drugs for infertility. Let's look at the most effective medications.

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