Instructions for using a condom - how to use it correctly?

The instructions for using a condom, included in a box of condoms, are rarely read, despite the fact that it describes the procedure for the correct use of contraceptives. The inability to use condoms correctly leads to negative consequences, as well as unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

Experts say that a young man who does not have the skill to use a condom experiences embarrassment and awkwardness, which affects his mental and physical state. Contraceptives help to avoid dangerous, risky situations that are undesirable for both partners.

How to choose and use a condom correctly

Correct use of a condom makes sexual intercourse pleasant, painless and safe. Using a well-chosen means of protection is much more convenient: it will only bring positive sensations during sex. For complete protection against sexually transmitted diseases and against unwanted pregnancy, you should approach your choice fully armed. The main criteria for selecting a barrier type contraceptive:

  1. Type of condom. Modern contraceptives are divided into products for oral, anal, and traditional sex.
  2. Size. Most products are produced in a length of 18 cm; if a man has other indicators, he should choose the appropriate condom size. This information can be found on the packaging or in the instructions.
  3. Material. Modern manufacturers make products from natural latex - it is safe for men and women. More expensive protective equipment, for example from Japan, is made from polyurethane. They are distinguished by their minimum thickness.
  4. Thickness. For anal sex, you should choose options of 0.09 mm, and for traditional sex, options from 0.03 to 0.06 mm are suitable.

It is also important to pay attention to the presence and composition of the lubricant. Often it is made natural, close to the natural composition of female lubricant, so allergies should not occur.


A thin and seamless condom was invented by chemist Julius Fromm from natural latex; it is extracted from the sap of the Hevea rubber tree. Thanks to condoms, you can protect your self and your partner from sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy. A smaller percentage of condoms are made from guts and real leather, and there is much less demand for them due to their high price. As an experiment, they tried to produce condoms from artificial polymers, but the condoms did not live up to their expectations, they are not so viscous and their big disadvantage is that they are prone to breaking quickly. Therefore, most condoms began to be made from latex. The condom contains 93% latex, the rest is stabilizers and vulcanizers, they are responsible for strength and ductility.

Instructions for using a condom

Correct use of a condom begins with reading its instructions. If you are using a contraceptive for the first time, it is important to learn more about how to use a condom (from opening the pack to disposing of the product).

How to open a condom

When the pack of contraception is in your hands, it is better to first inspect it from all sides, checking for integrity. After this, you can carefully tear the film covering the cardboard box and remove the products in individual packages.

To open an individual pack, you need to make a tear along the edge of the serrated surface with your hands, after which you can use the product. Each pack contains such an edge, so there is no need to use scissors, a blade or other sharp objects. In addition, you should not tear the pack with your teeth either - this can harm the integrity. It is not recommended to open the product with greasy hands - this will cause deterioration of the lubricant and you should not use such a product.

Which side to put on the condom

There should be no difficulties in this matter, because putting on a condom always happens from the front side, the back side should be inside and adjacent to the skin of the genital organ. A few tips to determine the back and front sides:

  • the tip will look up with the front side - it is with the inner part that you need to apply it to the penis;
  • the pressure ring will be on the front side - when put on it will be on the outside.

Once it has been determined which side to put on the condom, you can proceed to use.

How to quickly put on a condom

When events unfold quickly and there is no time for romantic retreats, it is very important to spend a short period of time putting on a contraceptive. To do this, you need to know a few rules for using a condom at a fast pace:

  1. The protective equipment must be at hand. It is important to prepare it in advance and put it in your bag so that you can quickly use it if necessary.
  2. It is better for the man to open the pack himself and quickly put on the product. To do this, you need to open the package by tearing its side. Then use your fingers to pinch the air in the reservoir and gently spread the latex over the penis.
  3. It is important to make sure that the pressure ring is at the base of the penis and fits snugly.

The instructions for a condom usually fully describe all the steps for using it, so you can read it in advance on the Internet. You can learn more about this from the video:

How to remove a condom correctly

When sexual intercourse is completed, it is necessary to correctly pull out and remove the condom from the penis. There are also several nuances here:

  • it is necessary to remove the penis from the vagina immediately after ejaculation;
  • if you wait until the penis becomes soft, there is a risk of accidentally removing the condom and allowing sperm to enter the woman’s body;
  • when removing, the genital organ should be slightly lowered: you need to grab the pressure ring with one hand, the tip with the other hand, and carefully pull off the condom;
  • before removing the condom, you need to inspect it for integrity;
  • It is better to wrap the used contraceptive in paper or a napkin and throw it in the trash.

First experience

The first sex, the first night of love is one of the most important events in life. At this moment, feelings and physical relaxation are very important, so using such a contraceptive is suitable for the first time.

When doing this for the first time, a man often doubts himself and is afraid of early ejaculation. Anesthetic agents could solve the problem, but their use will require certain skills and experience. In addition, the effect of an anesthetic is individual and it will be difficult to understand how they will affect the sensations of a particular man, so making a decision about using a protective agent for the first sex must take into account many features.

Advantages and disadvantages

Both advantages and disadvantages of anesthetic agents can be identified. Among the advantages are:

  • easy to use;
  • can increase the duration of sexual contact by 40%;
  • suitable and help solve the problem in 90-95% of cases.

Now there are many methods of contraception. Among them are a cervical cap, a diaphragm, a special spiral, and combined oral condoms. For emergency protection, various hormonal drugs are used. Among the disadvantages of condoms are:

  • the product must be put on in order to prevent the ingress of lubricant;
  • There are often situations when young people do not ejaculate at all;
  • sometimes young people feel partial numbness of the genital organ;
  • with constant and frequent use, sexual desire may disappear;
  • Many people may develop allergies or intolerance to anesthesia;
  • after stopping use, the problem of early ejaculation does not disappear, but returns again.

Common mistakes when using a condom

Some couples do not pay attention to some of the nuances indicated in this material: this is what causes pregnancy and infection with sexually transmitted diseases. The most common mistakes when using a condom:

  • opening the package with sharp objects or teeth;
  • inattention when checking products for integrity;
  • putting on during sexual intercourse, and not before it begins;
  • lack of free space on the drive;
  • air in the tip;
  • putting on with the wrong side out;
  • incomplete deployment of the contraceptive on the penis.

It would be useful to get tested for sexually transmitted infections if the integrity of the product was violated during sexual intercourse.

Protection level 8

Provided that condoms are regularly used, rubber products are a preventive measure against sexually transmitted infections. Many studies have confirmed the likelihood of transmitting STDs using regular condom use is from 0 to 5%. Most people have recently become convinced that a condom does not protect against HIV infection. Since microscopic pores have recently been discovered in latex, through which infection can supposedly penetrate.

If the rubber product is sealed, then it will not allow liquid and certainly infection to pass through. Scientists from Europe decided to conduct the experiment; for 22 months they observed couples in which one partner was infected with HIV infection. Of the 124 couples, none became infected. Now we can safely say that constant use of a condom can protect against HIV infection.

Precautionary measures

To avoid mistakes and use condoms correctly, manufacturers insist on the following precautions:

  1. Select a product of the right size from the required material.
  2. Store the packaging correctly.
  3. Use open contraception correctly.
  4. Minimize the risk of the condom slipping or breaking.

If after sexual intercourse for several days a woman or man develops strange symptoms in the form of itching, irritation and discharge from the genitals, you should contact a laboratory for testing.

Four stages

  1. Carefully open the package with the condom, make sure that the product is intact and without damage.
  2. Make sure you put it on the correct way. To do this, slightly unroll the condom lengthwise (the rolled edges should roll out easily).
  3. As you place it on your penis, squeeze the tip of the condom with one hand to remove excess air. At the same time, with your other hand, completely unroll the condom along its entire length. Try not to touch it with your nails so as not to damage it.
  4. After the condom has been used, remove it by holding it by the base and tie the lower part into a knot.

Pretty simple, right?

If you still doubt whether you have put on the condom correctly, take the time to read the instructions. It is included with each package. Additional knowledge about contraception will not hurt, besides, different things happen in life. So we suggest you find out the answers to frequently asked questions so that an extreme situation does not take you by surprise.

Storage rules3

Knowing how to use a condom correctly will save you from many problems. But it is also important to know how to store contraceptives:

  1. Carry condoms only in a pocket that will protect the elastic from constant kinks. A jeans pocket definitely won't fit.
  2. Do not expose the packaging to direct sunlight, as the condom will lose strength due to overheating and is almost 100% likely to break during use.
  3. Do not use the elastic if more than five years have passed since it was manufactured.

How to choose the right condom

A condom is a sheath made of various materials that is placed on a man's penis. It should protect the couple from unwanted conception and sexually transmitted diseases.

If product No. 2 did not fail at the most crucial moment, it must be chosen correctly:

  1. The condominium must be from a good, trusted company.
  2. It is best to buy condoms from pharmacies. There is the most optimal storage mode and at least some guarantee that the goods were handled with care.
  3. When purchasing, determine the expiration date of the product. It should be with a large margin.
  4. It is best to choose condoms in square packages. Thanks to this shape of the container, they are stored inside without deformation. This is very important for latex.
  5. The packaging should not be damaged or scuffed.

Much depends on storage conditions at home. Condoms should never be left in the sun or in the glove compartment of a car. It is better to set aside a cool, dry, shaded place for them. It should be located away from the battery and sharp objects.

Protection with large decorative inserts (balls, spikes) may not be suitable for protection against unwanted pregnancy. It is only suitable for putting on a condom as an element of sexual play, and then changing it to a more reliable option.

But that's not all: the condom must fit in size. Before you go shopping, you need to measure your erect penis.

For most young men, the penis has standard sizes - from 13 to 16 cm. In such cases, standard models, of which there are plenty on sale, are quite suitable. Otherwise, you will have to select protection individually. But many manufacturers now specially produce a series of large-sized condoms. All data is indicated in the markings, not only length, but also width. In addition, you should pay attention to reviews. Just like clothing, condoms can run small.

What to do before putting it on

Before using a condom, you need to figure out how to do it correctly. Especially if it is a new model that has not been encountered before. For some thin products it is difficult to determine the correct side. But this issue can be easily resolved: the bulge of the sperm receptacle should protrude outward. When putting it on, you need to pinch it with your fingers.

Each box containing product No. 2 contains instructions. It is necessary to take a little time and familiarize yourself with the text that the manufacturers so carefully compiled. For clarity, there are pictures on how to put them on.

Sometimes men, especially older ones, try to attribute erection problems to the effects of a condom. But this is fundamentally wrong. Most likely, the partner is experiencing some other problems or is trying to get away from the mandatory use of protection during sexual intercourse.

What men need to know: erection problems can be caused by narcotic and psychotropic substances, immunosuppressants, some medications (for gout, diabetes, hypertension), and anabolic steroids.

If everything is in order with your health, then before intimacy you need to take out condoms and put them nearby, so that you can easily reach them at the right time.

While there is time, it is better to check the integrity of the package by lightly squeezing it with your fingers. If there is damage, air will begin to escape.

You should also purchase lubricant in advance. If the condom is latex, then it must be water-based.

Open the sachet with the protective agent immediately before sexual intercourse. This must be done carefully, without using teeth or scissors.


It can be worn standing, lying down, sitting. An experienced partner can happily take on this role, giving the man additional pleasant sensations.

Everything is quite simple: one hand holds and squeezes the sperm receptacle, and the second rolls the latex along the shaft of the penis. As a sexual game, this can be done with 4 hands.

There is also a popular method of dressing with your mouth. He is considered very sexy. But it’s not worth the risk, as your partner could inhale the thin latex and die.

How to wear

Manufacturers have long developed rules for putting on a condom. In order not to become a father from one awkward move, they should be observed. But first, the protective bag must be opened by pulling one of the corners.

At what point

Putting on the protection must be done at the moment when the man feels that he is reaching a high level of arousal. Before the start of sexual intercourse.

The unpacked condom is placed on the head of the penis, while the tip of the product is clamped. There should be no air left there; that’s where the sperm will accumulate.

Sometimes it is not clear which side to wear the product. If this was done incorrectly, it will be impossible to unfold it over the penis. In this case, it simply turns over to the other side.

Then it is carefully rolled out along the entire shaft of the penis.

Safety precautions

During sexual intercourse you should be careful and careful.

Safety rules for use:

  1. The sperm reservoir must be left in place in any case. Otherwise, the product may burst.
  2. Care must be taken not to damage the latex with sharp manicures, piercings or jewelry.
  3. Sometimes they practice pulling on a condom with their mouth. This can be deadly as it is light and can be inadvertently inhaled.
  4. You cannot use several condoms (male and female) at once. If they rub against each other, they can easily tear.

A condom is a strictly disposable product. After use, it is immediately thrown away. Also, if there are several partners, then you need to take a new one for each.


Before inserting the penis into the vagina, apply a little lubricant to the surface of the condom. Thanks to this, it will not be damaged during friction.

It is also advisable to periodically check during sex to ensure that the protection remains intact. Especially after vigorous movements.

Also, if partners practice different types of sex (oral, anal, traditional), change the condom after each of them.

Basic mistakes

Despite the primitiveness of the condom, many still manage to use it incorrectly.

The following mistakes are usually made:

  1. Missing the expiration date.
  2. Using products from unknown companies or without information on the packaging.
  3. Some men believe that rubber can only be used immediately before ejaculation. But in such cases it is useless. It will not protect you from infections or unwanted conception.
  4. The penis is not erect enough when they try to put a condom on it.
  5. Instead of the necessary lubrication, creams and oils are used. This cannot be done with latex products. They are destroying it.
  6. They try to pull the condom all the way, although it is necessary to leave room for the sperm. The rubber can break in two cases: when the rubber is under too much tension or during ejaculation.
  7. They take it out late, after the tension in the penis has subsided.

If the condom is removed after some time has passed since ejaculation, there is a risk that the protection will remain in the partner. In this case, she will have to contact a gynecologist to have it removed.

Situations that can lead to pregnancy

According to statistics, condoms protect against pregnancy by only 89–90%. What can cause the remaining 10% of cases?

Condom tears inside the vagina

This can happen if sex was too active, and the condom was of poor quality, expired, or damaged. Unfortunately, it is impossible to notice this immediately, and part of the sperm flows into the partner’s vagina.

Of course, this is not a 100 percent chance of pregnancy, but the possibility exists. In this case, use emergency contraception.

Condom bought in a bad place

There is a high probability that a cheap condom is made of low-quality materials, its shelf life has come to an end, and the storage rules were not followed.

This causes a loss of elasticity and strength of the product, which is why it can tear during sex or fly off due to poor fastening and loose fit to the genital organ.

Useful tips

Many men are interested in how to quickly put on protection. Only regular training in compliance with the instructions will help. It’s better to lime a few packs of condoms and hone your technique. But then, at the most crucial moment, this skill will not let you down.

Sometimes the erection drops while getting dressed. There is nothing wrong with this, she will recover quickly. You need to wait a little and prepare a new condom. The old one will have to be thrown away.

A condom is an extremely necessary intimate item. In order to be able to take it with you even on trips and outdoors, it is recommended to wrap the package in soft knitted fabric. In this case, the risk of damage will be minimized.

Condoms come in different shapes and structures. You can always choose the right one. If your partner is allergic to latex, then you can choose a different material.

Putting on a condom can be a game, especially if the other partner is shy. Additional stimulation will help.

Protective equipment should always be purchased in excess.

Not your size2

It’s sad, but not everyone knows that condoms come in different sizes, and this nuance needs to be given special importance. It’s not enough to tell the salesperson “Pack of condoms” at the store checkout; she doesn’t know your size and is unlikely to ask.

You also cannot embellish your physiological data, no matter how much you might want the cashier to look at you in surprise. Take the size that suits you, because a condom that is too small will break, and a condom that is too large will slip off. Safety comes first!

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