Therapeutic pads and tampons (herbal, anionic, etc.)

Types of herbal pads

The most popular are several brands:

  • Fu-shu;
  • Ji Mei Shu;
  • Vinalai;
  • Tianshi.

Fu-shu and Ji Mei Shu pads contain dozens of medicinal herbs. These types of feminine hygiene products contain silver ions. Vinalay and Tienshi anion pads are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the female genital area.

The new items are made in the form of familiar sanitary pads, only shorter and thinner. They are comfortable, follow the curves of the body and are not visible under underwear.

Since 2014, improved anionic models “Vinalight” have appeared on the market. Anions destroy viruses and microbes. New products do not cause allergies or adverse reactions and allow the female body to breathe.

Fact. All brands listed are approved by the Chinese Health Protection Program.

Other types of herbal pads are still little known in Russia.

The healing properties of Chinese pads

Currently, a large number of products have been created to combat gynecological problems, the most common are medications for internal use, suppositories and lotions.

Unfortunately, traditional medicines have several significant disadvantages. 1. Constant fluctuations in the level of the drug in the blood. ". Irritation of the gastrointestinal tract 3. Part of the drug is destroyed by the liver (first pass effect), which reduces the therapeutic effect and requires frequent use or increased dosages of the drug.

Unlike our traditional methods of treating Zimeishu Ji Mei Shu pads:

  1. normalize the functions of the pelvic and perineal organs;
  2. have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. antibacterial and antiviral effects;
  4. contribute to the normalization of local tissue immunity of the pelvic and perineal organs;
  5. have a healing effect;
  6. help stop itching and eliminate dampness;
  7. contribute to the normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  8. restore the microflora of a woman’s external genitalia.

The use of Ji Mei Shu promotes a continuous supply of medicinal components throughout the entire period of use of the pad.

Impact principle

The composition of panty liners has a positive effect on the female body. Herbal components penetrate through the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. The active substances of plants that evaporate under the influence of body heat are also very useful. Their individual components accumulate in the skin.

Silver ions help treat many gynecological diseases. They suppress bacteria and viruses, destroy the membranes of foreign cells. They are also used for disorders of the urinary system. They have antiviral, healing, anti-inflammatory effects, and increase immunity. Protection against sexually transmitted diseases has not been proven.

Chinese pads for the treatment of female diseases are safe; they are made only from disinfected materials of good quality.

Advice. Each patient should consult a physician before using the product for medicinal purposes.


Chinese medicinal pads JI MEI SHU are used for:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs of bacterial, fungal, viral etiology
  2. Menstrual cycle disorders (primary and secondary amenorrhea, algomenorrhea, oligo- and polymenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, etc.);
  3. Secondary infertility (acquired disease);
  4. Itching and irritation of the external genitalia;
  5. Discharge from the genital tract with a bad odor;
  6. Postoperative period after medical abortion and childbirth;
  7. Erosion and pseudo-erosion of the cervix;
  8. Endometriosis (a common gynecological disease in which endometrial cells (the inner layer of the uterine wall) grow beyond this layer. Develops in women of reproductive age);
  9. In complex therapy of mastopathy;
  10. Hemorrhoidal disease;
  11. Anal fissures;
  12. For acute and chronic prostatitis;
  13. Endocrine system disorders;
  14. Decreased local immunity.

Chinese medicinal pads: basic properties

The medicinal product has instructions for use, which indicate the following properties:

  • regulation of the menstrual cycle;
  • stimulation of immunity;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • improvement of the microflora of the genital organs;
  • normalization of the activity of the reproductive system organs.

The effectiveness will be noticeable only with regular use of a new product from China.

Anion pads are women's assistants in maintaining personal hygiene. They reliably protect against infections during menstruation and after surgical interventions. They are used to prevent cancer. The anionic product normalizes hormonal levels in the body and promotes rejuvenation.

The products consist of 7 layers:

  • anion chip;
  • absorbent polymer;
  • thermostable layer;
  • sticky strip.

The top layer and mid-layers are made from fine, ultra-soft cotton. Each part performs its function, and all together reliably and effectively care for the woman’s body.

Result after use

The first couple of hours of wearing pads with the therapeutic effect of Ji Mei Shu may feel a slight chill and tingling sensation. These feelings of discomfort will stop after 3-6 hours from the start of active use. In just a few days (or maybe earlier), itching, inflammation, swelling, and symptoms of inflammatory diseases will disappear. After using Zimeishu for a long time, you will notice that:

  • candidiasis, infections of viral and bacterial etiology will disappear;
  • the menstrual cycle is normalized;
  • pain during menstruation will completely disappear;
  • post-traumatic childbirth and the postoperative period will not be very difficult;
  • the endometrium will decrease;
  • cracks will heal;
  • symptoms of hemorrhoids will disappear;
  • the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems, as well as the pelvic organs, will improve.

Regular use will help cure infertility, but the result is highly individual.

In what cases can it be used

Each organism is individual. The treatment of any disease should be treated responsibly. This also applies to ailments of the female genital area.

According to the instructions, Chinese panty liners are recommended for use in the following cases:

  • inflammatory diseases of female organs;
  • cervical erosion;
  • cystitis;
  • anal fissures;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • decreased sex drive.

Diseases in an advanced stage of development cannot be treated with this remedy alone. A gynecologist will prescribe complex therapy.

Fact. Self-medication can be harmful.

Instructions for use

Therapeutic herbal pads for female diseases should be used correctly to achieve a positive effect. The integrity of individual packaging must not be compromised. The product is used immediately after opening to avoid evaporation of active substances.

The pad is glued to your underwear every day. Its main part should cover the problem area.

At the beginning of use, a slight burning or cold sensation may occur. If these symptoms last more than 6 hours, then further use is inappropriate.

The therapeutic effect of one product continues throughout the day. To combat an acute illness, it is better to change two pads a day as an aid. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.

There are 10 pads in one package. Instructions are included in Russian and English.

Chinese medicinal herbal pads Fu shu

Chinese medicinal pads have a healing effect, which means they are ideal for treating cystitis and other female diseases at home. They are very easy to use, just attach them to your underwear and your body heat will do the rest. When treating diseases of the pelvic organs with folk remedies, such as Fu shu pads, extracts of medicinal herbs and silver ions, under the influence of natural body temperature, begin to evaporate from the surface of the product, activating the natural defenses of our body. The course of treatment lasts from three weeks to a month. If necessary, it can be repeated without fear for your health, because Fu shu does not contain any chemicals, only the naturalness bestowed by nature.

Some nuances

A slight burning and tingling sensation should not be a cause for concern. This indicates the beginning of a therapeutic effect on the body.

The duration of the course is determined by the presence of herbs in the composition. Treatment with Chinese pads is not addictive.

For prostatitis, men can also use feminine pads.

Chinese gaskets: reviews

Medical products from China have found many fans in Russia. However, reviews from gynecologists are different. Many of them believe that herbal pads are good for preventive purposes, but for serious diseases they are ineffective. There are cases when more serious therapy or surgery is needed.

Feedback from women is also different. The negative ones include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • product delamination;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • minimal therapeutic effect or its absence.

Many people are allergic to herbs, and large amounts of them in medicinal products from China increase the risk of intolerance. Reactions to new plant species can be unpredictable.

Some women report the inconvenience of wearing a pad all day. The contents form a lump and there is a need for additional replacement during the day. Some people don't like the pungent medicinal smell.

Some customers praise the new Chinese product, and are especially happy to use anionic products. They note good results in the treatment of cervical erosion, thrush, endometriosis and other diseases of the female reproductive and urinary system. Many reviews talk about the positive impact of panty liners on menstruation.

Chinese herbal medicinal pads ZI MEI SHU (ZIMEISHU) - reviews

The only disadvantage of such gaskets is their high cost, even with MI. Our distributors sell them at several times higher prices than on foreign websites. I purchased them on ALI. YES, they sell that there too))

Since I had already switched to similar pads, I decided to purchase them only via the Internet, since they were cheaper.

I have already written a review on LOVE MOON pads, but I wrote it when I was just starting to use them. Almost a year has already passed and I can say for sure that I can’t, I don’t want to, I won’t switch to cheap regular ones like Olweis. And this is not because of their “therapeutic” effect, which is what they have, but they are simply very soft, comfortable, do not sweat or sweat, excuse me, even in the heat, there are no rustling or other troubles, you can change them once a day, if there is enough time, of course.

These pads came to me very quickly, probably within 2 weeks. They cost about 700 rubles. for 2 packs. There are only 10 of them in one box. Of course, not enough.

pack of 10 pieces

Unlike love moons, these are immediately declared as medicinal, with herbs and even silver ions! Well, I can't check this. Therefore, only by the effect can you find out.

Now, in order.

Where to buy:

from distributors, in IM, on sites like Ali, Ebay. The cost will vary, but don’t think that if you buy a pack for 100-200 rubles. you will get the original, don't even dream about it. Miser pays twice.

what they look like:

The packaging is white and red, everything is written in Chinese, and each pad has an individual wrapper. BUT after opening it, you must immediately use it as written, otherwise the beneficial substances will evaporate or something like that.


: angelica chinensis, sarsaparilla naked, cnidium Monnier, Amur velvet, etc. + silver ions.

how to use: use only! 3 days before the CD, and 4 days after the CD. You can use one pad for up to 24 hours. So that's 1 piece per day. You need to wear it at night too, in order to achieve a good result. The treatment period is at least 1 pack, i.e. 10 pieces. Ideally they write 30 - 40 days.


menstruation and pregnancy.

At what age can they be used:

I didn’t find information about this, but girls should hardly use them before starting CD, but there is definitely no upper limit, because it helps older people very well against many diseases. But personally, I don’t know of such examples, although it certainly won’t get worse.

what are they used for:

These are not just daily pads, but they also have a healing effect. Here, for example, from the site:

- itching of the external genitalia caused by fungal diseases. (a la goodbye thrush!),

- eczema of the external genitalia.

- diseases of the pelvic organs.

— adhesive processes in the OMT.

- PMS.

- menstrual cycle disorders.

- vaginitis.

- infertility (yes, no matter how it sounds, love moon also has this effect, and even friends had problems conceiving, and after using the pads pregnancy came, mb, this is a coincidence, But here you also need to know why exactly it is difficult to get pregnant, there are processes that slow down this process, and, apparently, miraculous pads help cope with this problem).

— erosion, mastopathy, prostatitis, etc.

They can even be used by men, since they also have problems with intimate places.

effect and sensations: within an hour or even two there will be a slight burning sensation or chill in the area of ​​application, this is a normal effect, there is no point in running to the doctor and panicking. All this will pass. Most likely, the “useful composition” of the gasket begins to take effect. The aroma is very similar to natural, the smell is very pronounced.

So, let me summarize. I buy pads only for myself, and only because I feel much more comfortable with them than with regular ones. I solve my existing health problems exclusively in hospitals, and not with the help of miracle pads! If there are small problems, then gaskets help me. All the properties of the pads stated on the site, as well as in my review, do not guarantee help for any specific individual (oh, so many synonyms). They helped me in some mild cases, I won’t hide it. But please, do not give a damn about your health, but seek help from doctors!

I recommend it for prevention!

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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