Chinese medicinal tampons - what are they for and how to take them?

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My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts: Khalisat Suleymanova

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In gynecological medical practice, the following type of cyst treatment is often encountered - tampons. Today, many women struggle with the problem of tumors appearing in one or both ovaries. An ovarian cyst is very difficult to cure, but it is possible. Some folk remedies with tampons can help with treatment. The advantage of using them primarily is that they act locally on the source of inflammation, bypassing healthy organs and without injuring them.

Tampons are indicated at all stages of disease development, and even for preventive purposes. The most common in gynecology are:

  • Chinese herbal;
  • based on Dimexide;
  • with aloe and honey;
  • based on mumiyo.

Composition of Beautiful Life and Clean Point:

  • Bornean camphor is a Chinese medicinal plant designed to fight blood clots, inflammation, and dilate blood vessels.
  • Cushen - fights pathogens. Prevents the development of tumors.
  • Calamus Draco - to accelerate the healing of wounds, erosions, microcracks that occur as a result of inflammation.
  • Chinese lilac - has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial effects. In addition, it reduces temperature and relieves pain.
  • Y-shu - normalizes blood flow in the organs of the reproductive system,
  • Shi Chuan Tzu - reduces itching.

How to use Chinese herbal tampons

In online stores you can read the instructions for use. In total you need to put 6 tampons per course. A tampon is placed in the vagina in the absence of menstrual flow for a period of 3 days. After the specified time, the tampon is removed. Women note a putrid odor and the tampon will be in a state of disintegration. Next, a break of 2 days, then you need to put a tampon again. Special instructions: during treatment you should abstain from sexual activity.

Myths associated with Chinese herbal tampons:

  • Phytotampons treat all female diseases . Thrush, infertility, cysts, fibroids, etc. You yourself believe that a panacea (a cure for all diseases) has finally been found. This doesn't happen.
  • Herbal tampons are based on herbs and are therefore absolutely harmless . Medicinal herbs should be used wisely. Ignorant herbal treatment can cause harm, and oh, how much! And who said that the composition of this miracle remedy was created by specialists, if the product is not certified and is not sold in a pharmacy?
  • There are a lot of positive reviews on the Internet . Positive reviews are not a problem now. There are special exchanges on the Internet where each of you can write any reviews (both positive and negative, depending on what the customer needs). Sites with tampons offer to participate in referral programs, the essence of which is: the more goods you sell at a special discount, the more you earn.
  • There are many videos with reviews from gynecologists who advertise these Chinese suppositories. Imposter gynecologists are given away by memorized text, which is repeated from video to video by different “doctors.”
  • Cleansing effect on the face: after 3 days of using the tampon, “all the dirt” comes out . In fact, the main active ingredient of the Chinese ball is the essential oil “Barneol”, which causes a burn to the mucous membrane, which subsequently peels off, and the woman, seeing this, rejoices in the “cleansing”.
  • My friend used a Chinese tampon and nothing bad happened to her. Your friend has a strong immune system, which may have coped with a powerful attack, but no one knows what is happening in her body and when it will fail. After all, Chinese tampons trigger consequences that will be visible years later. More on this below.
  • Gynecologists are afraid of being left without work . Well, this is completely funny. Gynecologists have a lot of work. And you and your tampons are only adding more work to them.
  • If you experience side effects, this means you have received a counterfeit product and not a “certified” product. The only thing is that all these products are fake. In Russia, the product is uncertified, which = fake.
  • In China, medicine is very ancient , and an order of magnitude higher than ours. But for some reason in China they don’t treat with such phytotampons, but sell them to us. Get treatment and stay healthy!

Application of mumiyo

Tampons with mumiyo for ovarian cysts are a fairly common remedy. It is ideal for supporting hormonal levels and increasing heart efficiency. In addition, it also improves memory function, helps patients with Alzheimer's disease, has anti-aging properties, and helps patients with anemia.

INTERESTING fact: Burdock - medicinal properties and contraindications for diabetes

There are several recipes for use:

It is advisable to combine these tampons with tampons with sea buckthorn and honey.

What happens after using Chinese tampons?

When using Chinese tampons, dead vaginal mucosa comes out, since the tampons contain Barneol essential oil, which causes a burn to the mucous membrane. If you have ever had a burn, then you imagine that the burned area of ​​the mucous membrane undergoes necrosis and is rejected.

Plus the woman wears a tampon for three days. During this time, pathogenic bacteria actively multiply in an airless environment. In addition, burned dead mucosa is a good breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, you do not treat your disease, but acquire a new one. Which? Time will tell. Therefore, you should not rejoice at strange discharges; they will not bring you any “cleansing”.

I don’t want to intimidate, some women have good immunity, and thanks to it and compensatory mechanisms, you can get carried away without any consequences for the body. You may not develop the disease immediately, and your experiments on your body will come back to haunt you in a few years. Think about it, is it worth the risk? Or it’s better to trust common sense and your doctor.

Possible consequences of using phytotampons:

  • burn of the mucous membrane, up to ulcers,
  • thrush,
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system,
  • adhesive process,
  • infertility,
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • oncological diseases.

Development factors and how dangerous the disease is?

Erosion can appear even in girls, for example, against the background of vaginal dysbiosis. Most often it is asymptomatic, but can cause pale pink or red discharge. Erosion can be large or small.

There are true erosion and pseudo-erosion (ectopia) of the cervix. Pseudo-erosion is a pathology in which the cervical mucosa is not damaged, but there is a growth of non-standard tissue.

The presence of erosion on the cervix is ​​undesirable for a number of reasons. Like any other wound, it reduces the barrier functions of the mucosa. In addition, erosion at an advanced stage can cause cancer. The risk of such a complication increases among women every year due to environmental pollution, constant stress and other negative factors.

Erosion can develop over time into cervical dysplasia (precancerous condition). In this case, there is a high probability of cells degenerating into malignant ones. If the erosion is not treated, then to monitor the condition of the cells in the area of ​​erosion, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate check once a year (scraping for cytology and analysis for the human papillomavirus).

When deciding to get rid of this pathology, you need to know how to cure cervical erosion. Treatment of erosion currently begins with smears for infections and oncocytology. If sexually transmitted infections are detected, the woman needs to be cured of them. However, getting rid of infections does not entail healing of erosion. Unfortunately, cervical erosion cannot heal on its own, so additional conservative (medicinal) or surgical treatment is needed.

Review of phytotampons by a gynecologist

To get a professional opinion, we interviewed Jennifer Gunter, MD, an OB/GYN in San Francisco. She named 6 reasons why women should stop using Chinese herbal tampons Beautiful Life and Clean Point .

  1. They don't actually have a detoxifying effect. In fact, the answer to this question is very simple. If toxins enter our body, as Dr. Gunter says, they are neutralized in organs such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, and large intestine. The most you can do to help your body cope with this task is to follow a balanced diet containing dairy products, fiber, enough vitamins, and drink alcohol as little as possible.
  2. Phytotampons can cause various allergic reactions. We are talking not only about such serious reactions as urticaria, angioedema or shock, but also about ordinary irritation, itching or an increase in the amount of mucus. It is known that an increase in the amount of mucus secreted indicates inflammation. Therefore, if you notice that after using a tampon, your amount of discharge has increased, then know that this indicates inflammation and that it is time to stop your experiments.
  3. This is not a magic bullet. It’s hard to believe, but herbal tampons are advertised as a natural remedy for all gynecological diseases, such as fibroids and endometriosis. polyps, infertility. These statements are completely unfounded, not recognized by official medicine, and therefore you should not experiment on your health!
  4. Despite the fact that tampons contain medicinal herbs, this does not exclude the occurrence of side effects and does not make their use safe. Many herbs are strong irritants. Just think about “seasonal allergies.”
  5. They can cause new diseases in your vagina. Just as douching disrupts the normal female microflora, damaging “good” microorganisms, phytotampons can also act. When normal microflora is destroyed, it is replaced by pathogenic microorganisms. Now you will have to seek qualified help from a gynecologist with new problems. Additionally, you may increase your risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases and vaginosis. Another potential danger: toxic shock syndrome . The retailer recommends that you place this product in your vagina for 24 hours to three days!
  6. Unknown source of herbal tampons. Keep in mind that when buying these products on the Internet, you are not immune from counterfeiting and counterfeiting. After all, distributors of Chinese tampons are online stores with one sales page or sellers on Ali Express. They are not responsible for quality. The page may be deleted at any time. The same thing will happen with the seller's account.

Treatment with Dimexide

Dimexide is a broad-spectrum drug with a pungent odor of garlic. It has proven itself in the treatment of many diseases, and therapy of ovarian cysts with Dimexide tampons is no exception. The preparation procedure is as follows:

  • take sterile cotton wool and form a ball;
  • place the ball in the center of a 30cm sterile bandage and tie;
  • draw a 10-30% Dimexide solution into a syringe without a needle and moisten the ball.

The course lasts at least seven days, during which time it is worth excluding sexual activity and monitoring personal hygiene more closely.

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Women's questions about phytotampons

These are the questions women ask at an appointment with a gynecologist about phytotampons. They often encounter the following symptoms when using them:

Chinese herbal tampons, can there be a temperature?

Answer: when using phytotampons, there may be a fever, since according to the instructions they should be administered for three days. During this time, inflammation can quite realistically develop, since decay processes are inevitable!

skin itches and bursts from Chinese herbal tampons

Answer: This is also due to inflammation and irritation of the skin.

bleeding after Chinese tampons

Answer: Let us remember that the main symptoms of inflammation are color, dolor, tumor, rubor, functio laesa (Latin), namely fever, pain, swelling, redness and dysfunction.

Answer: go to a gynecologist and treat the inflammation and the underlying disease.

Answer: the processes of decay and inflammation will not cause such odors.

Answer: it is better not to use them at all.

Methods for treating cervical erosion

The attending physician will be able to tell you how to treat cervical erosion in a particular case. Nowadays, various methods can be used to treat cervical erosion. Most of these methods relate to surgical measures.


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Surgical intervention (destruction) is the most effective means of eliminating the pathological process, but it is not suitable for women who have not given birth. Such women are not recommended to cauterize erosion through surgery due to the fact that a scar is formed at the site of physical destruction, which will not allow the cervix to be elastic (open) during childbirth.

Cauterization means physical destruction, including:

  • surgical methods for treating erosion - laser vaporization, radio wave coagulation (Surgitron apparatus), cryodestruction, argon plasma ablation, diathermocoagulation and electroconization;
  • medicinal or chemical cauterization - drugs Solkovagin and Vagotil.
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