Kist al-Hindi - what kind of plant is it, what does it help with, and how to take it?

Kist al Hindi: 7 ways to use according to the Sunnah

Kist al hindi is a medicinal plant containing benzene acid, helinin.
These ingredients are good natural antiseptics and restore the normal balance of hormones. This is one of those remedies that was always in the first aid kit of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him. The official name of the plant in the modern world is costus. It grows in Pakistan, India, China, Nepal. You can find the herb in different countries, but the active use of kyst al Hindi is reflected among Muslims in Islamic medicine, since treatment with kyst is the sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings of the Creator upon him.

Seven ways to use kysta al hindi and bahri according to the sunnah

Can pregnant women drink kist?

The product is used by girls during pregnancy. During this period, many medications are contraindicated for her, but she has to work on strengthening the immune system and maintaining her position. Kist al Hindi during pregnancy is used at the rate of 1 small spoon per glass of water. You should drink no more than twice a day.

You are allowed to drink this drink during colds. In this case, not only is the herb consumed internally, but also inhalations are made with it. You can be sure that such treatment will not cause any harm to the unborn baby.

Reviews of Kist al Hindi say that a girl in pregnancy can mix the herb with olive oil and drop 2 drops several times a day. To make such an infusion, take 0.5 cups of oil, which is poured into a bottle with dark glass. Grass is added there. After 10 days the oil is ready for use.

During the period when a woman experiences contractions that turn into attempts, the room is fumigated with grass. This has a good effect on the opening of the cervix of the reproductive organ. If you decide to give birth in water, then about 2 liters of infusion are added to the bath. This procedure can be done starting from the 35th week of pregnancy.

It is worth buying Kist al Hindi immediately after childbirth. It will help restore immunity and also get rid of postpartum bleeding faster. Sometimes a woman has tears during childbirth. You can deal with them using honey and this herb. The dark, thick mixture is applied directly to the damaged area or just to the gasket. This method also works well in treating wounds, cuts, and scars.

Kist al Hindi, application and dose

How to drink kist al hindi for infertility

If you decide to buy Kist al Hindi in capsules, the effect on the body will be complex. For vaginal inflammatory diseases, it is easy to use the ground powder of the plant. You need to take a regular pad, spread honey and sprinkle grass on top.

Use in gynecology is also associated with the treatment of infertility. The powder allows you to maintain the balance of iron and hormones, and also activates all mechanisms aimed at successfully conceiving and bearing a child. For infertility, one teaspoon is dissolved in water, and this mixture is drunk five times a day. The course lasts a month, after which you need to take a break and repeat the dose.

For inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, it is recommended to brew the powder and make baths. An excellent addition would be tampons soaked in honey. Cyst treatment also occurs by maintaining the balance of iron and hormones. With regular use, inflammation in the pelvic organs decreases. All this significantly increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Kyst al Hindi helps with infertility and also helps men. Costus restores sperm motility. In this case, the procedure is the same as in the treatment of female infertility. Tibetan healers also recommend adding raw nuts and pumpkin to your diet. In addition to ground herbs, men can take capsules. The properties of costus are so wide that at the same time it will help cure inflammation of the genitourinary organs.

Who did Kyst and Hilba help?

Drinking from Kist Al-Hindi is an excellent healing remedy. Many people want to know how to drink Kist Hindi and what to drink with the powder. The powder can be mixed with water, juice, honey solution. For those who cannot tolerate the bitterness of the plant, you can put 1 spoon in your mouth and immediately wash it down with honey water. The proportion is always the same 1/10.

For women, Kist Al-Hindi helps get rid of menstrual irregularities, for men - from diseases of the digestive system and reproductive system. Drinking increases potency, calms, improves appetite, and has a good effect on digestion. The product can be used up to five times a day. After completing a month's course, you should take a week's break.

Is it possible to give Kist Hindi to children?

The dosage of kyst al hindi for children is selected depending on the age of the baby. For infants, breast milk is the best cure for colds. To obtain faster results, the room is filled with smoke from the plant. It is allowed to do inhalations with its use, as well as rub the chest and back with a mixture of costus and olive oil. In order for the baby to receive beneficial microelements through breast milk, the mother needs to drink 1 teaspoon of powder 2 to 5 times a day.

It is interesting to use crushed roots when processing the baby’s umbilical cord. You can start doing this immediately after it is cut. If after this there is a little blood left on the tip, then olive oil, which was infused on the cyst, is applied to the cotton wool. Then the clot is squeezed out. In the future, it is allowed to sprinkle the umbilical edge until complete healing. For more effective disinfection, the root is infused with alcohol for a week. Then the navel is wiped 1-2 times a day.

If you don’t know how to take Kyst al Hindi and give it to babies, then you need to start treatment with the smallest doses. Typically, children are prescribed 1 teaspoon per day. The quantity may increase from year to year. To treat otitis media and throat, oil infused on the root or bark is used. It coats the mucous membranes well and relieves inflammatory processes.

The benefits of costus will also be obvious in the treatment of diathesis. A child, including a newborn, can be bathed in a decoction of this herb. If the rashes are weeping in nature, then this herb is mixed with starch in a 1:2 ratio. This powder is used as often as possible. It is recommended to ventilate the skin more often. The use of kyst al hindi for children has virtually no contraindications. In case of individual intolerance, you just need to stop taking it.

Mode of application:

  1. For oral administration - adults, starting with 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day, gradually increasing to 1 teaspoon 5 times a day, focusing on well-being. The course of treatment is 1-4 weeks, then a break of 1 week. In case of severe illnesses, the course can be repeated. For children – reduce the dosage by 2-3 times.
  2. Cream, nasal drops - Alhindi kyst is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10 (1 teaspoon of kyst, 10 teaspoons of olive oil), left for 10-15 days. Used as nasal drops for a runny nose, sinusitis, ARVI, or as a cosmetic cream to get rid of spots and freckles on the face. The best remedy for sinusitis, as well as for facial cosmetology.
  3. Fumigation. Light the alhindi kist over a bakhur or over a fire and inhale the smoke up to 3-5 times a day. For colds, pneumonia, cough, sore throat, it has an amazing effect.
  4. Compresses. Boil the cyst in water, dip a napkin and apply to the wound. Anesthetizes, removes pus, quickly heals wounds and burns.
  5. Washing. Alhindi kist is mixed with water, filtered, and the mucous membranes of the nose and throat are washed.

Kist al hindi according to the sunnah

Almost all Muslim women keep this miraculous remedy in their medicine cabinet. According to the Sunnah, kyst al hindi and bahri are used to increase the body’s own healing powers. The Prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) put this plant next to hijama. He considered them the best remedies for all diseases. Doctors involved in sunnah treatment say that this powder can be taken in seven different ways.

Drinking is the surest way to get rid of diseases. The plant has a powerful bactericidal effect and helps remove various parasites from the body. To do this, the roots are ground and mixed with water. The effect of the drink is enhanced if honey is added to it. It is possible to use kyst al hindi for weight loss. It stabilizes metabolism, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, and removes toxins from the body.

For inhalation, it is necessary to set fire to the bark and roots of the plant. This smoke is inhaled for 10-15 minutes a day. By inhaling through the nose, the vapors enter the brain, where the “genie” lives. He doesn't like the smell so much that he runs away. Therefore, this remedy is also used in the treatment of certain mental illnesses and to get rid of witchcraft.

The seven methods of treatment according to the Sunnah involve the use of:

Olive oil is added for compresses, and the mixture may contain honey or water. Each of these methods has its own impact.

It should be noted that in Islamic medicine, white kist and ordinary Hindi are used. The first type is softer, and the second has a stronger effect. Both types help fight organ diseases and their external manifestations. The plant has no contraindications, so it is used in both adult and pediatric therapy.

Where can I buy kist al hindi

There is no doubt about the effectiveness of black cumin seeds and kyst hindi, as the prophet himself recommended them, peace and blessings of God be upon him, saying: “Truly, the best treatment for you is hijama and Al qist al Hindi.” (Sahih Bukhari), and also: “Black cumin is a cure for all diseases except death.”

Kist Hindi and black cumin seeds fight not the symptoms, but the very cause of the disease. The substances contained in black cumin seeds penetrate into the very cells of the human body and heal it from the inside!

Kist-al-Hindi in Ecowey online store

If you want to purchase a Hindi kist, call the phone number indicated in the photo above.

Reviews about kysta al hindi

Kyst is sold in the form of fine and coarse powder, capsules and tablets. You can purchase them in any form. Kyst itself has a very bitter taste and not everyone can take it, so the best option is to buy it in tablet form: it is the same powder but pressed into tablets, it is much easier to use. Below read real reviews about this unique product.

Review of the cyst from WhatsApp

What is the difference between kyst al hindi and bakhri?

To achieve the greatest effect, use Kust al-Bahri or Kust Hindi along with hijama according to the sunnah!

Thus, kyst has a large number of proven effects. Among them are analgesic, carminative and diuretic. It can tone and cause new cells to appear. The remedy is also effective for bronchial hyperreactivity, as it helps to relax their muscles. The roots and grass have antiallergic properties. The main thing is that doctors always recommend starting to take capsules or powder in small doses, increasing them to the required level.

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Kist al Hindi - a folk remedy for infertility

Infertility is a problem that has been tried to be combated since ancient times.

Indian healers have found a special plant that allows you to renew a woman’s body. Its use makes it possible to become a mother.

Kyst al Hindi for infertility is prescribed by many specialists, as it has no side effects and generally has a positive effect on the functioning of the body.

The root grows in India and neighboring countries in negligibly small quantities, so artificial fields are created and sown with kyst al hindi.

For infertility in women, two types of medicine can be used: white (sea) or black (Indian). The latter is considered more effective and is used more often.

Properties of Kist al Hindi root powder

One of the main features of the plant is the treatment of serious diseases that are difficult for specialized medicine to cope with.

Application of Kist al Hindi for arthritis

Indications for use are as follows:

  1. seborrhea;
  2. respiratory tract diseases;
  3. arthritis;
  4. weeping wounds;
  5. acne, pimples;
  6. stomach ulcer, constipation;
  7. irregular menstruation;
  8. inflammation.

Action of the root: antiseptic, healing, antifungal, expectorant and antispasmodic effect.

What diseases and illnesses does Kyst treat?

For most people in India, the drug is in wide use, for several reasons. First of all, this is the high cost of standard medicines, which are not available to every Indian. But the root's usefulness and versatility also play a role. Practice has shown that derivatives from this bush help with:

  • reduced immunity - a wide range of useful substances improves the body's protective function;
  • diseases of the pharynx and tonsils - Kist-Al-Hindi successfully relieves inflammation of internal organs;
  • cough, runny nose and other manifestations of viral diseases, including complications, for example, sinusitis;
  • infected wounds;
  • anemia - a positive effect is achieved due to the high iron content;
  • blood intoxication;
  • diabetes;
  • hormonal imbalance.

This is not a complete list of diseases for which the miraculous root can be used. Indians generally consider it an ideal medicine for all occasions, because its bactericidal and immunostimulating properties really help the sick person.

Kist al-Hindi - what is it?

The miracle plant became popular in Europe not too long ago, and before stocking up on medicine, it’s worth understanding what kyst al-Hindi is, its second name is kyst al-bahri. As a medicine, it is the ground bark and roots of a tree, and the plant is a green shrub with purple flowers, the bark remains white or black. Medicine was once delivered from India to the Middle East by sea, which is why people called it “bahri” - “sea”. The merchants called it “Hindi” - after the place where it grew.

In what forms is kist al-Hindi produced:

  1. Powder. Mix with water, honey, juice because the taste is too bitter.
  2. Roots and bark – dried.
  3. Capsules. The concentration of the powder, the shell blocks bitterness.

The universal healing properties are explained by its rich composition; the plant contains more than 140 components. The main ones are triterpines, with valuable additional ones:

  • benzoic acid;
  • helinin;
  • proteins;
  • essential oils;
  • glutamine, phosphorus;
  • carbohydrates;
  • alanine, calcium,
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins E and B2.

Benefits of Kist al Hindi during pregnancy

Since ancient times, the plant has been recommended for use by pregnant women. The product contains more than 140 substances that are so necessary for the growth and development of the baby, and there are practically no contraindications for use.

The main value is helinin and benzoic acid, which are natural antiseptics, as well as essential oils, vitamins E, C and B2, proteins, calcium, iron, phosphorus.

Many medications are contraindicated for the expectant mother, because... the body is weakened. To maintain immunity and prevent ARVI, as well as antiparasitic therapy, doctors recommend kyst al hindi during pregnancy.

Several recipes for using the product when expecting a baby:

  • Drink consumption. Daily dose - 1 tsp. per glass of warm water, no more than 2 doses per day.
  • During a cold, inhalation can be added to the solution. The container for the powder is heated over a fire (stove), and 1–2 tsp is poured into it. powder. Aromatic smoke begins to flow, which should be inhaled.
  • If the expectant mother has a runny nose, nasal use of the drug is recommended. Kist al Hindi is mixed with olive oil in a ratio of 1:10. Instill the resulting liquid 2-3 times a day, 2 drops into each nasal passage.
  • During labor, it is recommended to fumigate the room, which helps reduce pain.
  • Taking baths, starting from the 35th week of pregnancy, helps increase the elasticity of the tissues of the birth canal and prevents the occurrence of ruptures. Add 1–2 liters of infusion to the water (1–2 tablespoons of the drug and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder are poured with boiling water, infused and filtered).

What diseases does Kist al-Hindi treat?

The English call kyst al-Hindi “bruon”, the Greeks call it “kostus” - “brought from the East”. In India, also called “surabhi” - “incense”, the roots and flowers are famous for their delicate, refined aroma. There are also mysterious names “khulv” and “murr”, which emphasize the peculiarities of taste - sweet and bitter at the same time.

In Indian medicine, the plant is considered a panacea for all diseases; researchers have confirmed that it has strong bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties.

The list of main diseases for which al-Hindi kyst helps:

  • inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils;
  • cough, bronchitis;
  • sinusitis, runny nose;
  • infected wounds;
  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • blood cleansing;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disorder.

Kist al-Hindi for women

Doctors note: the greatest value of al-Hindi cysts, the benefits are manifested in the treatment of female ailments: inflammation of the genital organs, fibroids, erosion, failure of menstruation, lack of ovulation, genital candidiasis, genital herpes, vaginitis, colpitis. The powder restores the balance of iron and hormones; the healing power of al-Hindi kist for conception has been confirmed for many years.

Costus is also known as a remedy that triggers all the body’s mechanisms for bearing a child and strengthens the immune system. During pregnancy, Indian women drink a mixture of ground plant root - 1 teaspoon per glass of water, no more than 2 times a day. It is also practiced to smoke the room with powder.

Mixture recipe for female infertility

  • costus powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • water – 1 tbsp.
  1. Dissolve the powder or ground root of the plant in warm water.
  2. Drink 5 times a day, the course is designed for a month.
  3. After a week's break you can repeat.

Kist al-Hindi for men

Indian costus is also invaluable for men who cannot conceive a child. It is recommended to lubricate the pubis and testicles with oil from the root, and drink the powder at the same dosage as for female infertility. Doctors recommend 1 to 3 courses, then as needed. The medicine kist al hindi improves potency, makes sperm more mobile, and at the same time relieves inflammation of the genitourinary organs. Doctors advise including nuts and pumpkin in the diet during treatment.

Kyst is a cure for female diseases and more.

Many Muslim women keep modern medicines in their home medicine cabinet, many of which are synthetic, and almost know all their names by heart, but unfortunately, few people talk about the means of treatment according to the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (alaihi salatu wa sallam). I heard it today.
. Firstly, our chances of recovering from the disease increase many times over. Secondly, if we make the intention to follow the sunnah, we will also receive a reward for this. Today we will talk about such a wonderful remedy as “Kist al-Hindi”.

The Prophet (alaihis salatu wa salaam) mentioned this plant along with hijama (bloodletting) in one of the hadiths: “Truly, the best treatment with which you are treated is Hijama and al-Qist al-Hindi.” Bukhari.

Imam ibn al-qayim said: “Kust comes in two types: white, which is called Bahri, and black, also known as Hindi, which is hotter, and white is softer, and it contains a lot of benefits. Both of these types are warming, dry the throat, stop a runny nose if you drink them, help with weakness of the liver and stomach and their colds, with fever and intermittent fever, stop pleurisy, help with poisoning, and if you smear it on your face along with a cream of water and honey, it will remove freckles and spots”? “at - Tybb an - Nabavi”, 354.

“Do not torture your children, whose tonsils are inflamed, by pressing on them (with your fingers), but use al-Kust,”? Al-Bukhari, 5696, “Kitab at-Tybb.” "Kist al-Hindi" is a tree that grows in India and nearby countries. It is not tall, about the height of a person - 150 cm. In Arab countries it is also called “Kist al-Bahri” - “sea”, since it came to the Arabs through sea routes.

Kist al-Hindi is not eaten; most often, doctors involved in treatment according to the Sunnah advise drinking it. The hadith transmitted by al-Bukhari says that “Kist al-Hindi” is seven healings, that is, Kist al-Hindi can be applied in seven different ways, as scientists say. And one of them is just drinking.

According to medical specialists who practice treatment according to the Sunnah of the Prophet (alaihis salatu wa salam), kist al-Hindi is effective in treating many female diseases, including those that cause infertility. These are diseases such as inflammation of the genital organs, fibroids, erosion, hormonal imbalance, problems with menstruation, irregular cycles, delays, lack of ovulation and others.

The most common recipe in this case is one teaspoon of ground kyst al-hindi root per glass of water, and you need to drink the resulting liquid after each obligatory prayer until the condition improves, that is, five times a day. It will be better if you read a surah from the Koran over this liquid (this is also a means of treatment according to the sunnah - ruqya.

To make treatment even more effective, you need to take an integrated approach. That is, along with kist al-Hindi, use some other remedy from the sunnah. For example, make a hijama on the so-called “Women's Points”. But you must definitely consult with a hijama specialist.

The remedy from the medicine of the prophet (alaihis salatu wa salam) serves not only as a medicine for diseases, but also as a preventive measure.

For example, during pregnancy, when a woman needs to especially monitor her health and maintain her immunity, especially since in this situation many medications, including those of natural origin, are contraindicated for her. Doctors advise pregnant women to take kyst also in the ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water, but only twice a day.

1. contains the element helinin and benzoic acid, and both of these elements are antiseptic, hence the benefits of al - kust in the treatment of tonsils, inflammation of the uvula, pharyngitis, and these diseases are meant by the word al - uzra? In the hadith.

2. Since al-kust contains elements that kill bacteria, the benefits of al-kust in the treatment of bacterial pleurisy and pneumonia become clear.

3. There is a medical meaning in the association between hijama and kust, because kust contains antiseptic substances that kill germs, and therefore it plays an important role in sterilizing the hijama blade when lubricating instruments, and wiping wounds after this blade. 4. Also, the combination between hijama and bush has a little secret - it contains the prevention of scars remaining after hijama.

5. The prohibition on pressing fingers on inflamed tonsils and throat contains a clear indication of prophetic guidance in correcting common errors in folk medicine, since pressing fingers on inflamed tonsils and throat not only does not help in treatment, but also harms and causes severe pain to the patient, bleeding, promotes the spread of inflammation to neighboring places of the body.6.

words of the prophet? “It is placed in the mouth of the One who suffers from Pleurisy.” We have already mentioned that al-lyadud is what is poured into one side of the mouth. This hadith contains an indication of the way to give medicine to a patient when he can no longer take it with his hand or refuses to take it, as is mainly the case with children.

Regarding the description of the treatment with al-quust, al-hafiz said: “It is possible that the 7 Healings are the Description of Treatments with it, i.e. these are Creams, Drinking, Applying Compresses, Smoking, Instillation in the nose, Applying Poultices or Pouring into the mouth.” .

- Dissolving blood clots, - increasing fertility, - it helps with problems with menstruation and urine, - with diseases of the kidneys, - liver and other organs of the digestive system, - with cancer of the mouth, - with cholera, - with fever, - to calm the nerves, - against sciatica, - for the brain, - as a means of increasing potency, - as a strengthening agent for the body as a whole, - to get rid of worms in the intestines, - from protection against poison and against sihr.

It is also useful for fever, it warms the stomach, improves immunity, is useful during nifas (postpartum bleeding), for treating constipation and diarrhea, and improves appetite.

Kist al-Hindi - indications and contraindications

Indian herbalists value the black root more than the white one, but both are suitable for medicinal powder. Sometimes the leaves are also used to make rubs for pain in the joints and back. In ancient times, powder from the roots of kysta al-Hindi was used to treat malaria, scabies, get rid of lice, and is now used in the fight against liver and intestinal parasites.

What other diseases does kyst al-Hindi treat - medicinal properties:

  • cardiovascular;
  • endocrine;
  • oncological;
  • colds;
  • gastrointestinal;
  • infectious;
  • parasitic;
  • fungal.

Kist al-Hindi - indications

Since the root and al-Hindi kist powder made from it have disinfectant, tonic, and antipyretic properties, it is also recommended for nail and foot fungus, and for the treatment of viral papillomas and warts. The medicine copes with skin problems such as eczema, ringworm, and skin mites. Doctors advise using it for chickenpox, then there will be no scars left on the body.

Costus also strengthens and whitens teeth well, preventing caries from developing. Also used in dentistry for:

Kist al-Hindi - contraindications

The amazing properties of al-Hindi kyst allow us to recommend the medicine even to pregnant women, nursing mothers and young children. The only contraindication is individual intolerance, this can be verified by testing. You need to drop the solution on the bend of your elbow and wait 20-30 minutes; if irritation and itching do not appear, then everything is fine.

Doctors do not yet recommend taking the medicine for people who:

  • organs have been transplanted or implanted;
  • there are problems with blood clotting.

Kist al-Hindi – application

The principle of how to take kyst al-Hindi depends on the diagnosis, dosage, form and method of application. Leaves, roots and bark are used, they all have a bitter taste, only the roots are slightly sweet. Fresh raw materials are more pungent due to essential oils, so dried preparations, ground into powder, are almost always used.

Hindus noted in their writings 7 methods of healing:

  1. Application to skin.
  2. Drink.
  3. Compresses.
  4. Poultices.
  5. Fumigation.
  6. Nasal solutions.
  7. Chewing.

Smoking is very popular in India, the aroma calms, improves sleep, disinfects the room, which is especially useful for pregnant and nursing mothers. Smoke also helps get rid of midges.

The plant is used not only for medicinal but also for cosmetic purposes, since it contains many useful elements:

  1. Kist al-Hindi for the face.
    Cleanses the skin, eliminates freckles, age spots, acne and diathesis.
  2. Kist al-Hindi for hair.
    Stops hair loss, strengthens hair follicles, restores thick strands, cures seborrhea and dandruff. A mixture of powder and olive oil will help stop baldness; apply it for 20 minutes, then rinse off.
  3. Kist al-Hindi for joints.
    Relieves joint inflammation, slows down deformation, reduces the rate of autoimmune reactions. It is used in poultices.
  4. Kist al-Hindi for weight loss.
    Improves metabolism, improves intestinal microflora, relieves constipation, and removes toxins.

Kist al-Hindi in capsules – application

The most convenient use of al-Hindi kyst is in capsules; the shell blocks bitterness, while the beneficial properties remain unchanged. If necessary, the capsule can be opened to use the pure powder as an excellent antiseptic to treat wounds, burns, abscesses, ulcers, scabies, blisters and pimples. Can be added to water for inhalation. In ancient times it was also used as a strong aphrodisiac.

Adults are usually prescribed 2 capsules three times a day, an hour before meals or an hour after, children - 1 capsule, 2-3 times a day. The exact dosage is determined by the doctor.

Medicine in capsules is recommended for:

  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • headaches, migraines;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • nervous disorders.

Kist al-Hindi powder – application

It is worth considering that this plant cannot cure all diseases at once; you need to strictly follow the dosage and not exceed the measure. Anyone who has decided to be treated with kyst al-Hindi has little idea of ​​how to take the powder. Since it is very bitter, it must be diluted with water and honey: 1 spoon of powder per 10 spoons of water, add honey to taste. They take this medicine for about 2 months, then they need a break.

Known methods of using the powder:

  1. Drink.
  2. Poultices and lotions.
  3. Inhalations.
  4. Washing.

Kist al-Hindi oil – application

Kist al-Hindi oil is called a miracle product for the skin; it perfectly opens pores and helps with deep cleansing during peeling or lifting. It has a bactericidal effect, removes inflammation, and copes with any tissue damage. Doctors recommend this mixture in the treatment of cancer of the oral cavity and larynx; it relieves pain and inhibits the growth of malignant cells.

Healing oil is also used for:

  • getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy;
  • resorption of scars from old wounds and burns, even chemical ones;
  • treatment of otitis media and runny nose;
  • wound healing.


Kist Hindi powder 1 kg

Product characteristics:
Country of Origin India
Weight (gram)1 kg
Kyst composition benzoic acid, helinin, organic amino acid complex,

essential oils, vitamins E, C, B2, iron, calcium, phosphorus

Storage conditionsIn a dark and cool place
Best before date5 years
Pharmacological properties of kist al hindi

To date, most scientific evidence about the diseases treated by Kist al-Hindi comes from animal studies. For example, the extract powder may act as an antimicrobial agent that destroys or inhibits the growth of microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi. Although clinical trials have not yet been conducted on humans, there is evidence that it has great health benefits.

Kist al Hindi contraindications

Kist al Hindi has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance. We also draw your attention to the fact that if you have gastritis, you need to take cyst with caution, because... if consumed excessively, it may cause aggravation.

Kist al hindi indications

The light-colored root of kyst al bahri differs from kyst al hindi in color and taste. Hindi is bitter, bahri is less bitter, but both have the same healing properties.

Fights such ailments as:

  • Thyroid diseases
  • In case of disturbances in the menstrual cycle
  • For diabetes
  • With a lack of the hormone testosterone in men
  • Inflammation of the uterus and vagina
  • Cyst on the ovary and breast
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • For lumbosacral radiculitis
  • Severe abdominal pain, bad breath and a bitter taste in the mouth
  • It also treats sedentary sperm and increases potency.
How to take cyst

Ground kyst is usually taken 0.5 teaspoon per 1 glass of warm boiled water 2 times a day, then after a couple of days you need to increase the dose to 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of warm, almost hot water. Stir and take 3-5 glasses per day.

Kyst benefits

Kist al-Hindi is extremely beneficial for the immune system. By taking it in courses throughout the year, you can avoid viral infections and dangerous infections.

Treatment with cysta powder is recommended for gastrointestinal diseases:

  • ulcer and gastritis;
  • gallstones and kidney stones;
  • flatulence;
  • parasite infection.

Qist al Hindi is effective in treating disorders of the central nervous system:

  • neuroses and psychoses;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • depression and insomnia;
  • memory impairment;
  • learning disabilities.

Also, kyst has indications for use in all diseases of the respiratory tract:

  • angina;
  • adenoids;
  • pleurisy;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sinusitis.
Kyst recipes

Below are several recipes for various diseases.

It is very important to use the cyst correctly - only in this case the benefits for the body will be obvious. According to hadiths, costus treatment should be combined with other procedures, such as hijama.

Kist for children

The dosage of cyst al-Hindi for children is selected depending on the age of the baby. Breast milk will be the best cure for colds. For the fastest results, the room is filled with smoke from the plant. It is allowed to do inhalations with its use, as well as rub the chest and back with a mixture of Hindi kist and olive oil. In order for the baby to receive beneficial microelements through breast milk, the mother needs to drink 1 tsp. powder 2–5 times a day.

It is interesting to use costus when treating a child's umbilical cord. You can begin such treatments immediately after cutting the umbilical cord. If there is still some blood left on the tip, apply a cyst infused with olive oil to the cotton wool. Then the clot is squeezed out. In the future, you can sprinkle qist al hindi powder on your navel until healing is complete. For more effective disinfection, the root is infused with alcohol for a week. Then the navel is wiped 1-2 times a day.

Cyst for women

Kist al Hindi is effective in treating many female diseases, including those that cause infertility. These are diseases such as inflammation of the genital organs, fibroids, erosion, hormonal imbalance, problems with menstruation, unstable cycles, delays, lack of ovulation and others.

The most common recipe in this case is a teaspoon of ground cyst al-Hindi root in a glass of water, you need to drink the resulting liquid until the condition improves, that is, five times a day.

Doctors advise pregnant women to take kist in a proportion of 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water, but only twice a day.

Mask cyst

Kist al Hindi is used to treat stretch marks, wound healing, post-operative scars, and, importantly, Kist al Hindi is a very effective remedy for people who have pigmentation and freckles on their faces.

Kist can be turned into a cream as follows: two roots of Kist al Hindi are finely chopped, then placed in good olive oil for 15 days, then removed by squeezing so that the oil leaves them and the extract of its ingredients remains and benefits, and the oil itself will also be have an advantage kyst.

Method of use: evaporate well in the shower or bath, clean the problem area, lubricate with the resulting cream, wrap in film (if the body) wrap in heat, if the mask is applied to the face, then it can be applied only to problem areas.

The photo shows before and after using a mask for freckles.

Kist al hindi for face

To treat acne, age spots, scars, burns, diaper rash, mosquito bites, mix 1 tsp. powder and 1 tsp. honey, apply to the surface of the skin. Leave for 2 hours, rinse.

Acne cyst

Method 1: Mix al Hindi kyst with olive oil in such a proportion that the kyst is immersed by 1 cm. Then this mixture is infused for 5 to 7 days (ideally 40 days), stirring daily. After that, the mixture is filtered through gauze, and the squeezed mixture must be smeared on the affected areas of the body.

Method 2: Mustard oil is heated with kyst al hindi powder until hot (the mixture should not burn the skin) after the mixture is applied to the problem area or wound. This is done once a day.

The photo shows the results of using an acne mask

Cough cyst

It is also very important to inhale with costus, setting it on fire and inhaling the smoke for 10-15 minutes several times a day.

Important! It is not correct to smoke Hindi kyst like cigarettes, since in this case there will be no benefit from using kyst. The video describes in detail how to properly fumigate a cyst to achieve maximum therapeutic effect.

Kist Hindi for men

For men - from diseases of the digestive system and reproductive system. Drinking increases potency, calms, improves appetite, and has a good effect on digestion.

For one glass of water - 1 teaspoon of kyst and a tablespoon of honey. After stirring the ingredients, drink the product. Kist Al-Hindi has a thrombus-dissolving, anthelmintic effect.

Infertility cyst

Female infertility: 1 teaspoon of ground kist al hindi is diluted in 1 glass of warm water. The resulting mixture should be drunk up to 5 times a day for a month. Before going to bed, smear olive oil on the abdomen and uterus. To effectively treat infertility, kyst should be drunk regularly without interruptions or failures.

Male infertility: the procedure for taking kyst al hindi is the same as for female infertility. Flaxseed oil is used to lubricate the pubis and testicles. In addition, you need to add pumpkin and raw nuts to your diet.

Cyst for a cold

For colds and flu, it is useful to take an infusion of kysta.

To prepare it, you need to add kyst al hindi powder to a glass of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Then let it brew until the water temperature becomes comfortable for drinking (not warm, but not scalding).

Drink the infusion in several large sips at once. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day, separately from meals (the interval is at least half an hour)

Children under three years old: 2-3 times a day

Cyst in the nose

The most effective way to treat inflammatory processes in the nose is inhalation.

Inhalations are a great way to clear out all your sinuses. Relief occurs from the first use. We use: Kist al Hindi, chamomile, licorice roots. You need to inhale this mixture before going to bed for at least 10 minutes.

Advice: It is best to sleep on your right side; it is in this position that it is much easier to breathe even with a deviated nasal septum.

It is inhalations that can relieve congestion and clear the nose; they perfectly treat rhinitis, because the treatment occurs in the most gentle way - suitable for children.

Cyst in oncology

In case of oncology, comprehensive treatment is important; it would not be a bad idea to fumigate the patient’s room with kyst al Hindi. You can also inhale kyst al hindi lit over coals and take it orally, it is best to start with a dose of 1 teaspoon once a day and increase the dose to 5 times a day, 1 teaspoon after each fard prayer, washed down with water.

Cyst in diabetes

In diabetes mellitus, there is insufficient formation and entry into the blood of insulin, a pancreatic hormone. Frequent consumption of small amounts of omega-3 flax seeds improves insulin action and protects the body from the onset and development of diabetes. People with diabetes should also pay attention to walnuts. Extract and infusions of walnut leaves and partitions have a hypoglycemic effect: they lower blood sugar levels. However, in this case, it is not alcoholic extracts and extracts that should be used, but water ones. For example, partitions of 40 nuts are poured with a glass of boiling water, kept in a water bath for 1 hour, cooled and filtered. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Fumigating a room with a kyst also has a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar.

How to properly fumigate a room is described in the video. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

Cyst for weight gain

To normalize weight, Kysta powder helps improve metabolism and normalize weight. It normalizes intestinal microflora, helps eliminate constipation and normalizes stool, which is also useful for getting rid of extra pounds.

The cyst also helps to get rid of parasites and gain healthy weight. To normalize the weight of kyst al hindi, it is advisable to drink 1 teaspoon 5 times a day after prayer.

Kist from gins

Abu Bakr ibn al-Arabi said: “Kist comes in two types: Indian (black) and sea (white). Of these, the Indian (kush al Hindi) is more effective, and it is this that we are talking about, since it drives out the genie.” Ibn Hajar, mentioning the method of its use in the book Fath al-Bari, says: “A person lies on his back, placing something under his shoulder blades so that the body rises slightly and the head falls down. Olive oil mixed with cane powder should be dripped into his nose so that the smell reaches the brain and the disease, the source of which is located there, goes away with a sneeze.” Most often, after such a procedure, the genie leaves. Also, an excellent method of treating jinn is to take qist al hindi 5 times a day after each fard prayer. Also, fumigating the house and inhaling the smoke of kist al hindi will be a good reason for protection from the devils.

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