Plantain seeds medicinal properties and contraindications in gynecology

How is plantain beneficial for a woman’s health?

Plantain is distributed throughout our vast country. This wonderful plant is very rich in various useful biologically active substances that can help a woman become pregnant.

Plantain seeds are very often prescribed for the treatment of infertility in women and men.

The seeds are used to treat female infertility. Plantain seeds contain simply a huge amount of healing biological compounds:

  1. Tannins can stop the negative effects of various microorganisms on the body. These substances can relieve inflammation, strengthen blood vessels, stop bleeding, and neutralize pathogenic flora.
  2. Natural glycoside (iridoid). It is this substance that makes the taste of many plants bitter. This feature of plants was developed in the process of evolution. This is how some plants protect themselves from the animal world (microorganisms, insects, etc.). Aucubin (one of the iridoids in plantain) has the properties of a natural, natural preservative. This substance successfully fights parasites and bacteria. Aucubin has protective properties for internal organs (heart, liver). Also, natural glycosides of plantain can fight tumors and inflammation. Iridoids strengthen the immune system. In case of infertility, plantain seeds are very useful for combating inflammation in the pelvic organs.
  3. Natural antiseptics (organic acids). Such acids successfully relieve inflammation. They also help eliminate dangerous metabolic products. One of the natural acids in plantain seeds is chlorogenic acid. It is able to resist the herpes virus, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Equally effective in combating infertility is oleanolic acid, which is also present in plantain seeds. It has a tonic effect on the woman’s body as a whole, and also improves the functioning of blood vessels. When treating female infertility, it is extremely important to restore full blood supply to the pelvic organs. When blood circulation is normalized, it will be easier to get pregnant.
  4. Plantain seed oil is also extremely beneficial for reproductive health. In addition to a whole range of different types of oils, plantain seeds also contain carbohydrates, minerals and proteins. They actively participate in metabolic processes.
  5. Natural mucilaginous substances. Natural absorbents provide additional protection for organs with areas of inflammation. The mucous substances in plantain seeds are not absorbed and do not react.

Medicinal properties of plantain

This inconspicuous grass, which can be found in abundance in summer even along roads and in the courtyards of houses in a densely populated city, has a rich chemical composition:

  • organic and phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • mineral salts;
  • vitamins;
  • phytoncides;
  • polysaccharides;
  • flavonoids;
  • natural phytohormones;
  • tannins.

The concentration of any of these substances varies in each part of the plant. Therefore, depending on the therapeutic purpose, the roots or leaves, stems or seeds of plantain are used for infertility.

Treatment of male infertility

Plantain seeds can cure infertility not only in women, but also in men. Since this wonderful plant can improve blood circulation and neutralize inflammation, it fits perfectly into the treatment regimen for male infertility.

Plantain has been used since ancient times: as an expectorant, to improve digestion, to treat gastritis and enteritis, to relieve inflammation and other diseases, including the treatment of infertility of various origins.

Normalization of blood circulation in the vascular system of the genital organs is a priority task in the treatment of male infertility.

Improved blood circulation improves spermatogenesis, sperm quality is noticeably improved. A large number of sperm suitable for fertilization significantly increases the chances of successful conception.

A decoction of plantain seeds can also be prescribed for endocrine infertility in both men and women. Taking a decoction is always prescribed as an auxiliary treatment in combination with the main drugs.

A short video about the beneficial properties of plantain:

Traditional recipes for infertility

Dried herbs and plantain seeds are used to treat infertility. Medicinal raw materials retain their medicinal properties for no longer than 2 years, subject to proper collection, drying and storage.

Plantain leaves are collected from spring to autumn, and seeds - in the fall, at maturity. It is important that the collection of raw materials is carried out away from highways, cultivated fields and other sources of air and soil pollution. The grass is dried under sheds; it is unacceptable to heat the raw materials above 30 degrees during the drying process.

Dried herbs and plantain seeds should be stored in paper or cloth bags to allow air access to the raw materials.

Plantain for the treatment of infertility in women

Depending on the woman’s diagnosis, the products may be based on plantain alone or also have other ingredients. Herbal decoctions and infusions can be used both internally and for douching.

The most common prescription for treating female infertility is:

  1. A tablespoon of seeds (full) is poured into a glass of drinking water at room temperature in a glass or earthenware container.
  2. The mixture is placed in a water bath and heated under the lid for 20 minutes.
  3. After removing the water bath from the heat, do not remove the infusion from it for another half hour.
  4. Filter and squeeze out the seeds.
  5. Replenish the missing volume with boiled water.

You have received the daily amount of medicine. Drink it in 2 doses before meals - half a glass in the morning and evening.

Plantain seeds

Plantain in the treatment of male infertility

Plantain seeds are used for infertility and in men. For representatives of the stronger sex, an infusion of plantain seeds will help cure prostatitis, enhance potency and increase sperm motility.

The infusion is made this way:

  1. The seeds are poured with clean, non-hot water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. / 200 ml. The dishes must be either glass or clay; metal and plastic cannot be used.
  2. The vessel with the mixture is immersed in hot water, covered with a lid and heated in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes.
  3. Then it is infused for another 30-40 minutes, filtered, and the seeds are squeezed out.
  4. The level is replenished with boiled water to the original level.

Take 2 tbsp. four times a day before meals for two months.

Plantain recipe for removing adhesions

Using plantain seeds according to the same recipe will help relieve inflammation of the fallopian tubes and even dissolve existing adhesions:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of seed into a small glass or ceramic container.
  2. Pour in 200 ml of purified, non-hot water.
  3. Simmer the mixture covered for 20 minutes. in a water bath.
  4. Leave for another 0.5 hours.
  5. Filter, squeeze, and replenish the lost volume with clean water.

Drink ½ glass twice a day before meals every day for 1-3 months.

Recipe for restoring ovulation

Not only the seeds, but also the leaves of plantain have a healing effect for infertility. Amenorrhea and menstrual irregularities will go away if you use the following recipe:

  • Pour a tablespoon of crushed dry plantain leaves into an earthenware or glass container.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water there.
  • Cover with a lid and wrap warmly.
  • After 2 hours, strain, squeezing out the raw materials.
  • Replenish the missing volume with drinking water.

To restore disrupted menstruation, drink 1 tbsp. infusion of leaves four times a day before meals during the first phase of the monthly cycle.

You can use the same recipe, replacing the plantain leaf with seeds, the dosage regimen is the same.

Baths with plantain will help restore ovulation. Brew 50 g of dried herbs and plantain roots with a liter of boiling water, leave for half an hour, pour into a warm bath and take it for 20 minutes. Carry out a course of 15 procedures every other day.

Herbal mixture for the treatment of genitourinary tract infections

The following recipe can be used as an additional means of drug therapy:

  • Prepare a herbal mixture by mixing equal parts: plantain leaf, sage herb, lungwort, centaury, wormwood.
  • 1 tbsp. collection, pour a glass of drinking water.
  • Heat the mixture in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  • Leave for two hours.
  • Strain, squeeze, replenish the boiled water.

Drink the infusion 1 tbsp. three times a day, adding a little honey.

Recipe for treating inflammation in the vagina

You can relieve inflammation of the vaginal mucosa using the following recipe:

  1. Mix plantain leaf and chamomile flowers in equal parts.
  2. 2 tbsp. Brew the collection with half a liter of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 1 hour.
  3. Strain the infusion, squeezing the raw materials into it.

Use a warm infusion for douching at night and in the morning for 10 days.

How to take psyllium seeds

Plantain should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor according to indications, after a full examination. Self-medication can be harmful and it will become even more difficult to get pregnant. Therefore, if you have problems conceiving for more than one year, a woman should visit a gynecologist to prescribe treatment. A man needs to contact an andrologist or urologist for examination. Only after the examination can you begin infertility treatment. Plantain seeds perfectly complement the main treatment. However, the doctor will decide whether to prescribe them or not.

In herbal medicine for female infertility using plantain seeds, a standard regimen is used. The course of treatment is 20 days. The doctor may prescribe a second course after a week's break, if such a need arises.

People with allergies should definitely notify their doctor before prescribing plantain seeds. Stomach diseases in the acute stage are also a contraindication for use. How to brew plantain seeds

Brew one spoon of plantain seeds in a glass of hot water. Next, the broth is heated in a water bath for another 5-6 minutes. If you don’t want to bother with a water bath, the procedure for preparing the decoction can be simplified. Just pour a tablespoon into a thermos and pour boiling water over it. Leave for at least one hour. Let the broth cool. Then take 2-3 tablespoons before meals, 3 times a day, without skipping doses.

How does plantain help with infertility?

There may be more than one cause of infertility, but in each individual case the medicinal properties of plantain can eliminate the problem. For example, this valuable medicinal herb helps if conception does not occur due to:

  • lack of ovulation;
  • inflammatory processes in the vagina;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • cystitis;
  • adhesions in the fallopian tubes;
  • impotence or prostatitis;
  • violation of the qualitative composition of sperm or a decrease in the speed of sperm movement;
  • hormonal imbalance.

With strict adherence to the proportions of herbs and the technology for preparing decoctions, with a well-chosen regimen for taking them, the expected result can be obtained within 3 months of treatment.

Combination with other herbs

Plantain seeds can be mixed with chamomile, borax and other medicines. The combination of herbal medicines is also determined by the doctor. The doctor can choose a specific herbal mixture based on the necessary properties for auxiliary treatment of infertility. Very often the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of herbs are combined to enhance the effect of treatment.

This is what plantain seeds look like before they are dried and packaged in boxes.

The appearance of mucus in the broth does not mean that it is gone. This is fine. It is this mucus that helps normalize the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Herbs not only treat infertility, but also have a healing effect on the entire body.

Decoction for douching

Preparation of a decoction of plantain seeds for douching is also prepared. Brewing in a thermos or in a water bath. However, for douching you need to add an additional 200 ml of warm water. The decoction for douching should be at room temperature before use. Douching with a decoction of plantain seeds normalizes the vaginal microflora, and the Ph level is also restored. Don't forget about the dangers of self-medication! Douching is no exception. Douching should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Plantain and its beneficial properties

Plantain contains a large amount of useful substances, but they are all contained in different parts of it. Therefore, a certain part of the plant is used to treat any disease.

So, plantain root is rich in:

  • linoleic acid, which is necessary for the functioning of the body;
  • phytosterol is a substance that helps restore hormonal balance.

The leaves of the plant contain the following beneficial substances:

  • phytoncides, as well as tannins that have a bactericidal effect;
  • various organic acids (fumaric, chlorogenic, ferulic and others), as well as vitamins that help improve metabolic processes;
  • The presence of polysaccharides gives plantain wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Beneficial substances contained in the stems:

  • the presence of phenol carbonic acids that help strengthen the immune system;
  • flavonoids – redox processes.

Plantain seeds contain a large amount of vegetable proteins and mineral salts.

Important: If you harvest plantain yourself, you should collect it away from the roadway. The plant is capable of absorbing harmful substances from car exhaust gases.

All of the above substances and their interaction give plantain anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, bactericidal, immune-stimulating and anti-allergic properties.

What do doctors think about herbal treatment?

Treatment of infertility with medicinal plants remains in demand among doctors to this day. The biological active components of some plants can actually have a healing effect, even in the treatment of infertility. Many doctors think so.

Why herbal medicine is useful and relevant:

  1. Efficiency.
  2. Almost complete, in some cases absolute absence of harmful effects and side effects on the patient’s body.

Not many medications can boast of the absence of side effects and negative effects on the body. This is why medicinal plants are still in use. The same plantain was used in ancient times to treat infertility. Modern doctors have adopted the experience of their ancestors. The use of plantain herbal medicine for the auxiliary treatment of infertility is very effective, for certain indications and only as an auxiliary remedy.

Opinion of a famous TV presenter about herbal treatment:

It is worth understanding that plantain cannot cure absolutely all diseases. Therefore, you should not count on it in the treatment of adhesions, hormonal infertility and some other diseases. For example, in the treatment of adhesions, surgical intervention and enhanced anti-inflammatory therapy are effective.


Plantain is a very useful herb, but it must be used with caution, as there are some contraindications. In particular, it is not recommended to use if the following pathologies are detected:

  • increased acidity in the stomach;
  • blood thickening;
  • thrombosis;
  • allergy.

To avoid adverse effects, be sure to undergo a full medical examination before taking plantain for conception. This will help identify not only acute diseases, but also chronic hidden problems. Now you know that plantain can help with infertility, the main thing is to clarify the cause of the problem itself and choose a suitable decoction recipe. Don't stop in your quest to add a child to your family, consider all the ways and means to conceive and use those that you and your primary care physician consider safe.

General information about plantain

There are several types of plantain - large, medium and lanceolate. All of them are medicinal and are used in varying degrees in medicine, especially in folk medicine.

But the great plantain because... its seeds contain useful mucilage.

This herbaceous plant belongs to the plantain family and grows everywhere, often along roads, which is why it is called plantain.

The healing properties of plantain were known back in the 10th century. Persian and Arab doctors used it to treat eczema, chronic ulcers, and heal wounds.

Contraindications for use

If you decide to undergo treatment or recovery with the help of products based on plantain seeds, you should first familiarize yourself with their contraindications. Thus, for ulcers or gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, these herbal remedies are prohibited. They should not be given to children under 3 years of age. There is no reason to believe that medications from the seeds of this plant are harmful to pregnant women, but they may be poorly accepted by the child, so you will have to abstain from such natural therapy while carrying a baby.

Other fertility treatments

Besides plantain, there are several other good remedies for successful conception. For example, in case of infertility, pollen not only saturates the body with all the necessary nutrients, but also normalizes the body’s hormonal levels. It is enough to eat 32 g of pollen per day, dividing it into three equal doses. Ginger root will also help in conceiving a child. There are various recipes using it, and as a remedy for infertility, ginger is recommended to be used as follows:

  • Mix 50 g of stinging nettle leaves and 30 g of grated ginger root;
  • Pour the composition with a liter of just boiled water, let it stand for a while;
  • Drink 100-150 ml as regular tea several times a day.

In addition to herbal remedies, infertility treatment with mud will also help. The treatment procedure is called “mud panties”:

  • Special healing mud is applied heated to the lower part of the body.
  • Leave for 10-15 minutes, then wash off;
  • After which you just need to rest for 30 minutes.

The procedures are performed every other day, and depending on the patient’s age and the severity of the disease, the course of therapy takes 10-15 procedures.

Be healthy!

Plantain during pregnancy

Plantain is one of the most studied medicinal plants and can be used by the expectant mother if necessary.


Research to identify the beneficial properties of this plant, long recognized by folk medicine, has established that plantain leaves are a whole chemical laboratory .

In addition to vitamins C and K and carotene, they contain useful acids and enzymes of several types, carbohydrates, phytoncides, and saponins.

Thanks to all this, plantain can help in many situations:

  • has excellent astringent properties;
  • increases blood clotting;
  • helps cleanse the body of “bad” cholesterol;
  • has unique wound-healing and disinfecting properties. When treating wounds with plantain juice, pathogenic microbes, including streptococci and staphylococci, are killed;
  • capable of scarring all kinds of ulcers, including lesions of the digestive organs;
  • has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect;
  • relieves swelling without difficulty;
  • acts as a means of normalizing blood pressure;
  • can be used as a mild sedative and also as a natural analgesic.


Like any medicinal plant, plantain should be used with great caution during pregnancy.

The main thing is not to self-medicate and in any case consult a specialist.


A pregnant woman has reduced body resistance to various types of infections. The immune system is weakened, and therefore a pregnant woman is more often attacked by any viruses.

Traditional antiviral treatment with drugs is strictly not recommended. And then herbs come to the rescue, including plantain, which is prescribed in the form of decoctions and infusions, as well as juice .

In what cases can it be used:

  • for a cold with cough . This could be tea from a collection of herbs, including plantain;
  • Constipation is common during pregnancy . The restructuring of the body does not pass without leaving a trace, and in the functioning of the digestive tract in particular, malfunctions occur. And this is unacceptable, since any failure negatively affects the condition of the fetus;
  • if there is a history of diseases of the digestive system such as gastritis or ulcers, inflammation of the large or small intestine;
  • Plantain decoction or tea helps fight toxicosis and normalizes metabolism in the body;
  • the plant can help out if the expectant mother is diagnosed with diabetes;
  • if wounds have formed on the skin that do not heal for a long time ;
  • for high blood pressure among other therapeutic agents;
  • with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.


Plantain does not have too many contraindications. Pregnant women, as a rule, undergo all the necessary examinations and know the results of their tests, so they will be aware that:

  • in case of increased acidity of gastric juice, plantain should be used with great caution;
  • use is contraindicated for certain types of stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • if increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombus formation are noted, then plantain should not be used at all;
  • it is also contraindicated if there is hypersensitivity to plantain preparations.

Something to remember! There are people who are susceptible to allergic reactions to many plants.

They, as well as those suffering from asthma, need to be especially careful when starting to take plantain medications - literally with microdoses, so that the body gets used to the new medicine and does not respond with a violent allergic reaction.

Description of the herb

Plantain, the medicinal properties of which are known to folk medicine, is a low-growing herb that grows as a bush. The large bush is a spreading houseplant that grows in a flower pot. The grass leaf is oval, slightly wrinkled and with rounded edges. The leaves contain from 2 to 7 stripes at the base.

The grass stem is dense, short, with a small notch in the middle. When the leaves are torn off, thin threads are pulled out from the stem, which are easily torn off. Plantain tap root. When dug up, a large number of young shoots are noticeable, which contain healing properties.

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