Beneficial properties of calendula and its use in gynecology

Calendula has been used in gynecology for many years. The beneficial properties of this plant are popular because they contain a large amount of flavonoids and carotenoids. Calendula has a positive effect on women's health. Not every girl knows that the miracle flower, thanks to its beneficial properties, helps get rid of many gynecological diseases.

Calendula oil – properties and uses

Calendula oil

is a natural oily extract of the flower heads and marginal flowers of this plant. It has a delicate golden yellow color and a pleasant aroma. Calendula oil has healing properties and is used in facial skin care, since it contains many beneficial substances. It contains various tannins, fatty acids, trace elements and vitamins.

Use of calendula oil in medicine

Thanks to its wound-healing, sedative, tonic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic and choleretic properties, calendula oil is used to treat various diseases and pathological conditions. It helps you quickly and easily deal with:

This oil also perfectly stabilizes hormonal levels and can be used to normalize menstrual cycles. It is recommended for use in the treatment of otitis media. It perfectly relieves pain in this disease. The oil is instilled into each ear, two drops twice a day, preheated to a comfortable temperature.

Calendula oil for face

Calendula oil has found application in cosmetology because it perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminates irritation and is a good antiseptic. It can be added to the finished cream or used by mixing in equal proportions with almond oil. It is absorbed quickly and very well, leaving very little oily shine.

The use of calendula oil is indicated for those with very dry or sensitive body skin. It is best to rub it immediately after a shower into damp skin with massage movements, but you can also take a bath with it (add 5 drops to warm water). Regular use of facial products with calendula oil allows you to completely get rid of spider veins, improve and even out skin color, and also tighten pores.

To care for oily skin prone to acne and pimples, it is better to use a mask with this oil.

  • calendula oil – 10 ml;
  • grape seed oil – 10 ml;
  • St. John's wort oil – 10 ml;
  • fresh cherry pulp – 20 ml;
  • aloe juice – 20 ml.

Preparation and use

Mix all the oils. Apply the finished mixture for 25 minutes. The use of such a cosmetic product with calendula oil is contraindicated if you have any skin diseases.

Flax seed oil

Flax seed oil has a rich chemical composition. That is why it helps in the fight against many different diseases. Provided the dosage is observed, the patient can count on the high health-improving effectiveness of this oil.

Nettle oil is a storehouse of vitamins and macroelements. It is no coincidence that it has become widespread in folk medicine and cosmetology. Let's look at how you can use oil to improve the condition of your hair, as well as get rid of minor skin defects.

Nettle oil at home

Are you interested in folk remedies for cosmetic and therapeutic skin and hair care? Try nettle oil. Our article today describes in detail the best recipes for preparing this product and gives valuable advice on the correct preparation of raw materials.

Vanilla oil is actively used in the preparation of desserts and various baked goods. In addition, it has proven itself excellent in skin and hair care. At the same time, this remedy has a beneficial effect on the entire body, activating energy in the cells.


Calendula is a plant that is constantly used to treat various diseases. Almost all experts note its beneficial properties, which make it possible to cure many diseases.

The bright yellow flowers are considered the most important in the plant. They contain a large amount of useful substances. Calendula is rich in lycopene, violaxanthin, carotene, flavochrome, rubixanthin, as well as other substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

The color of the flower allows you to determine the amount of carotene contained in the plant; the brighter and yellower the bud, the more carotene it contains. In addition, calendula contains organic acids, essential oils, flavonoids, alkaloid particles, paraffin hydrocarbons, etc.

As medical practice shows, calendula has the following properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antibacterial;
  • disinfectants;
  • disinfectants;
  • wound healing.

Moreover, this plant has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. It promotes:

  • relieving painful spasms in the digestive system;
  • has choleretic properties;
  • helps digestion of food;
  • improves the immune system;
  • helps cleanse the pulmonary system;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • cleanses blood vessels.

Calendula oil - properties and uses

Nettle - beneficial properties in gynecology

Nettle with stinging leaves is one of the most useful plants used in cosmetology, medicine and even cooking. In gynecology, the hemostatic properties of nettle are primarily used.

RDV of the uterine cavity

RDV of the uterine cavity is a real operation, which is performed only under compelling circumstances: for the treatment of endometrial diseases or for its research. Let's talk about this operation in more detail.

Of all the developmental anomalies of the female uterus, one of the rarest pathologies is the unicornuate uterus. Treatment of this defect is carried out surgically and, if it is successful, the possibility of pregnancy in such a patient cannot be excluded.

Increased vaginal acidity

Vaginal acidity in women is an important indicator. Fluctuations in acidity can lead to various diseases, from thrush to infertility due to the destruction of sperm in an acidic environment. How can you find out your acidity and change it in the right direction?

Rules for the procedure

When treating cervical erosion, start douching the day after your period ends. In other cases of using calendula in gynecology, do douching immediately after diagnosis.

For a single procedure, 200 ml of calendula solution is sufficient.

How to do douching:

  • Wash the bulb with the tip, pour boiling water over it and dry with a towel.
  • Heat the solution to a temperature of 37-40 degrees and fill the pear with it.
  • Lubricate the tip of the bulb with Vaseline.
  • Lie on your back in the bathtub, bend your knees and spread them apart.
  • Insert the tip into the vaginal cavity to a depth of 7 cm. If you feel muscle tension, wait, and it will go away in a minute.
  • Press the bulb, gently squeezing the broth into the vagina. Move slowly and measuredly, do not increase the pressure, so as not to cause inflammation of the uterus due to accidental fluid entering its cavity.
  • The procedure lasts 15-20 minutes until you squeeze out all the broth.
  • Wash off any remaining solution from the outside of your vagina with water and liquid soap.

Calendula oil: how to prepare it and why

Calendula (marigold) is a well-known plant; we grow this flower to decorate flower beds and lawns. This is an annual ornamental plant with yellow or bright orange flowers, unpretentious, cold-resistant, blooms until frost.

Calendula is actively used in folk medicine. It is a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, sedative


The usual time for harvesting calendula (drying flowers and preparing oil) is August.

Calendula repels harmful insects (you can place bags of dry calendula in the house, plant it next to beds of cabbage and other crops) and helps get rid of many diseases.

Petals, flower baskets, and sometimes stems and leaves are used as medicinal raw materials.

Calendula kills staphylococci and streptococci and is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory and infectious diseases. It is used to treat boils, purulent wounds, abrasions, burns, cuts, and skin cracks. Tinctures and ointments are used for burns and frostbite, to treat skin problems, for scrofula, for ulcers and fistulas. For stomach and duodenal ulcers, for diseases of the liver, intestines, spleen, for hepatitis and inflammatory processes in the bile ducts, for douching in gynecology.

Preparations from marigolds are used to gargle for sore throats, for diseases of the oral cavity (tomatitis, periodontal disease, thrush in children), wash the eyes for conjunctivitis, make lotions for stye, drop into the ear for purulent otitis, calendula oil is dripped into the nose for a runny nose.

The analgesic and wound-healing effects of calendula have been established; it relieves swelling and itching from insect bites

. Apply fresh leaf juice or calendula tincture to the wound and the itching will stop.

Fresh juice from the inflorescences is used to wash wounds.

Calendula has a calming effect on the nervous system, reduces excitability and blood pressure, purifies the blood, and is used to treat heart disease and hypertension.

Used to improve sleep, increase performance, and relieve headaches.

It can be used internally.

Calendula is also used as a diuretic, choleretic, and diaphoretic.

When postoperative sutures are treated with calendula oil, they heal faster and there is no rough scarring. It is convenient to use calendula oil for minor household cuts, wounds, and abrasions.

In cosmetology, calendula is used to care for hair, hands and face.

For what diseases can it be used?

Women can use calendula flowers for various diseases. Indications for use are painful sensations of different localization, smooth muscle spasms, inflammatory processes, infections, increased bleeding and other conditions.

  • For cystitis, the plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. The diuretic effect reduces the risk of complications.
  • Douching with a decoction of calendula helps against thrush by eliminating the amount of fungi and helping to restore the natural microflora.
  • For washing, calendula is used for inflammation of the external genitalia. The plant can be used after surgical interventions that are accompanied by suturing in the perineum.
  • During menopause, calendula helps to cope with increased dryness of the intimate organs. Daily use of the decoction is a good prevention of inflammatory processes associated with hormonal changes.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system are the basis for the use of calendula. The decoction helps with pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tracheitis, bronchitis.

The plant helps improve immunity, strengthens the body's defenses, has a detoxifying effect, reduces fever, and helps cope with hypertension.

How to make calendula oil

Calendula oil is an oily extract of flowers and flower heads.

The first method of preparing oil is maceration of the inflorescences. Dried flowers are infused in warm vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) for several days. The container must be exposed to light and shaken periodically. Flowers are filled with oil 20-25 times, with the same oil and constant change of flowers. The oil is partially consumed (some of it remains on the flowers when changing, so do it with a large reserve.

As a result, the oil is saturated with aromas. It is filtered and poured into a dark glass vessel and removed from the light, stored in a dark place.

The second method is extraction with carbon dioxide (CO2 extract). This method allows you to obtain a very high quality oil, close in composition to that found inside the plant, without unnecessary impurities. But you can't do this at home.

Drug interactions

The herb is included in many medicines:

  • creams;
  • pills;
  • candles;
  • ointments.

Calendula decoction and its use in gynecology is due to the fact that if the normal microflora of the vagina is disrupted, experts recommend douching. This will allow the woman to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, burning, and irritation of the mucous membrane. By using the decoction, a woman gets rid of:

  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • fungal infection.

Douching in gynecology with the help of herbs is performed using a special bulb, which is made of rubber. A tincture, calendula decoction or other decoctions made from other medicinal plants are poured inside the pear. To prepare the composition, you need to take a 2% tincture of the plant.

There is no information yet regarding the drug interactions of calendula oil with other drugs.

Recipe for making calendula oil

You can prepare it from fresh flowers or from dried ones. Typically, calendula oil is orange in color - bright as the sun! Due to the presence of tannins, fatty acids, essential oils, carotene, phytoncides, vitamin C, resinous and bitter substances in calendula oil, the oil has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect

. It heals wounds, wounds, cracks, burns. It has excellent bactericidal properties. Soothes and softens the skin. An excellent remedy for sunburn, along with aloe oil.

Traditional healers recommend collecting flowers early in the morning.

Calendula oil: nuances of using solar medicine

If the moisture does not leave the flowers, mold will quickly appear in the oil, so it is easier to make oil from dried flowers. But it’s also possible from fresh ones (the main thing is not wet), you just need to either heat it or control the process - you need to mix it and make sure that mold doesn’t appear.

Fresh calendula flower oil

Place 2 cups of fresh calendula flowers in a liter jar, pour in 2.5 cups of vegetable oil.

Raw oil is harmful to the skin, you need to use refined or fried oil - any kind. Sunflower, olive, corn, almond. Possibly organic.

Place the jar of flowers in a pan of water (put a rag or piece of wood on the bottom to prevent the jar from bursting) and simmer in a water bath for 2 hours. Let it cool and stand in the sun for a day. Calendula oil needs to absorb sunlight

, then it is more healing and stronger in effect.

After this, filter the mixture, squeeze it out and pour it into a sterilized container. Store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Recipe option without boiling

There are several recipes, and the recommendations are completely different. You need to try different recipes and choose your own.

Fill the jar loosely with calendula flowers, pour warm vegetable oil over the flowers.

You need to infuse the oil in a dark place for a week. According to other recommendations, in the sun for a month! The difference in recipes is colossal, you will have to choose through experimentation.

Next, strain the oil through cheesecloth.

Store in a dark glass container in a cool place.

What is calendula oil used for?

Calendula oil is an excellent remedy for inflamed skin, acne, and pimples. It dries out pimples on the face. It is good to use calendula tincture here. Calendula oil collects excess oil and tightens pores.

Calendula oil is suitable for use after shaving and soothes irritated skin.

The oil is used for allergic dermatitis, skin rashes and itching.

Calendula oil heals cracks on the lips (we use it instead of hygienic lipstick), cracks, small wounds and cuts, microcracks. Suitable for caring for chapped skin, good for use in the winter.

Relieves prickly heat in newborns and skin irritation, can be used under a diaper. Suitable for sensitive skin of babies.

Softens rough, cracked skin...

Suitable for hair care and oily skin.

Gives creams and emulsions a beautiful delicate shade.

Apply gauze pads to the cracks of your hands and feet, the oil will help.

Lubricate the mucous membranes until complete recovery - from a runny nose and other diseases.

After bathing your baby, taking a bath or shower, pat the body dry with a napkin and rub calendula oil into the skin. Can be used for a whole body massage - this massage has a calming effect, good for babies at night, from birth.

The oil keeps the skin soft and velvety and protects against drying out.


I work as a teacher at school, and I have to talk a lot and loudly for five to six hours straight. Previously, ligaments often became sedentary and infections became attached, and I suffered from sore throats. A friend advised me to gargle with marigold infusion: it helped unexpectedly quickly. I also drink tea with calendula, I can confidently say: my immunity has strengthened, I get sick less often, and I myself have become calmer. An excellent natural remedy!

Arzhanova Olga Viktorovna, Nizhny Novgorod

From a young age I wash my face with calendula. I have never had any problems with acne or redness. The skin is smooth, there are no wrinkles at all - and I’m soon 45. Someone adds salt to the bath, and I pour in brewed marigolds. You can’t think of anything better for adult skin; it’s much more useful than any creams. My husband began to develop a bald spot on the top of his head, and he was very nervous about it. I started giving him lotions with his nails: his hair became stronger and fell out much less often.

Galina Petrova, Orel

Calendula: contraindications

Calendula has a calming effect and should not be used together with other herbs or medications that have a calming effect.

Calendula increases heart rate and lowers blood pressure. Consult your doctor if you have heart problems or blood pressure problems.

For gallstone disease, it is not recommended to use calendula, because it has a choleretic effect and can provoke the movement of stones and lead to blockage of the bile ducts.

For those with allergies, calendula may cause skin irritation - test on a small area of ​​skin.

The use of calendula preparations orally is contraindicated for pregnant women , since calendula can cause abortion.

Children under 12 years of age can use calendula internally only after consulting a doctor. Outside - you can.

Brief description of the plant

This is an annual herbaceous plant 30–70 cm high with dense pubescence and a strong, peculiar odor. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of a basket. The basket contains two types of flowers: orange-yellow reed flowers are located along the edge, and yellow tubular flowers are located in the middle of the inflorescence.

Origin and distribution of the plant

The plant is native to Central and Southern Europe. Cultivated everywhere as an ornamental and medicinal plant.

Historical information

The name comes from the diminutive name “calende” - the first day of each month among the Romans. The Romans called the plant "Solsequium", which means "one who follows the sun." Marigolds as a medicinal plant were known back in Ancient Greece. They were used to “calm the heart and spirit,” as well as treat smallpox, measles, skin and gynecological diseases, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins. Herbalist of the 12th century. recommended just looking at this plant to improve vision and lift your spirit.

Properties and composition of the oil

Marigold (calendula) oil is an oil extract of flower heads and marginal flowers containing triterpenoids, carotenoids, flavonoids, essential oil, phenolic acids, sterols and bitter-tasting sesquiterpene lactones (calendin).

Action and indications for use of oil

The oil has antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, regenerating, wound-healing, emollient and sunscreen effects. Marigold oil is an effective protection against the aggressive effects of environmental factors and is recommended for daily skin care of any type, especially the delicate skin of babies. The oil has a beneficial effect on oily and problematic skin, as it helps to narrow enlarged pores and reduce the secretion of sebum. The use of marigold oil is effective in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, cracks (including cracked nipples in nursing mothers and cracks in the corners of the mouth), burns, rashes (including acne), impetigo, and bedsores. The oil helps eliminate vascular networks on the face and gives the skin an even, healthy color. It is also used to improve the growth and strengthening of hair and nails.

Methods of application

Marigold (calendula) oil can be used both in pure form and in mixture with other fatty vegetable oils, as well as as a base oil for creating compositions with natural essential oils and for enriching cosmetics (creams, shampoos, balms).

Massage and applications. Mix fatty oils of calendula, olives and black cumin (Nigella sativum) in a ratio of 1:1:1. Use the mixture for application and massage in problem areas.

Massage bag for shower and bath. Pour 1–1.5 cups of oatmeal into a bag made of a double layer of gauze, add 1 tablespoon of calendula oil and 5 drops each of juniper and geranium essential oils. Using a body care bag daily instead of a washcloth will keep your skin looking healthy.

Anti-acne mask.

Adding the product to finished cosmetics

Oils are rarely used in their pure form, as they often cause allergic reactions. They are usually added to finished cosmetics (creams, lotions, serums), thereby improving their performance. But to get the maximum effect, you need to know about the properties of oils. Before combining funds, you need to familiarize yourself with several rules:

  • Calendula oil should not be added 2-3 drops to a jar of cream, serum or lotion. It is better to mix these two components on your hand or in some other container in the amount required for one-time use.
  • In addition to calendula oil, other preparations should not be added to finished cosmetics, as this may cause unexpected skin reactions or an unpleasant odor.
  • To make the use of the resulting mixture safe and most effective, it must be applied to previously cleansed skin.
  • To obtain a lasting effect from the use of the combined product, it must be used regularly.

A regular cream enriched with calendula oil improves skin condition several times more effectively.

Calendula oil - ways to use the golden elixir of health

Mix thoroughly 1 teaspoon of calendula oil, 1 teaspoon of cocoa butter, 1 tablespoon of melon pulp and 1 dessert spoon of aloe juice.

Apply the mixture to a cleansed face for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Hair Mask. To 1 tablespoon of calendula oil, add 12-20 drops of one of the essential oils or a mixture of 2-3 types - cedar, cypress, belle, petitgrain or lavender. Rub the mixture into the scalp, wrap in a towel and leave for 1–1.5 hours, then wash hair with shampoo.

Application for strengthening nails. Add 1-3 drops of lemon essential oil to 1 teaspoon of calendula oil, apply the mixture to the surface of the nails and rub into the periungual folds until completely absorbed.

Baby skin care. Use pure calendula oil or a mixture of 1 tablespoon of calendula oil and 1-2 drops of lavender or tea tree oil for a light massage and lubricant of problem areas of the baby’s body.

How to make medicinal tampons yourself

  1. Buy a sterile bandage at the pharmacy. Pre-moisten the gauze in alcohol.
  2. Wash your hands and wipe the scissors with alcohol. It is advisable to use disposable gloves.
  3. Cut a strip approximately 20 cm long and fold it in half.
  4. Roll the cotton wool into a ball approximately 3 cm in diameter; place it between layers of gauze or bandage.
  5. Pull the bandage at the base and tie it with thread so that you get a round ball or cylinder. The tails of the bandage should remain in the form of a bow. You can take the most ordinary thread, just treat it with alcohol. Leave the end of the thread, by pulling which you can later remove the hygiene product.
  6. Soak the tampon with the medicine.

It is better to soak the tampon in oil immediately before the procedure. If this is not possible, the finished tampons should be placed in a plastic bag. They can be used for several days as needed. Before use, it is recommended to attach a sanitary pad to your underwear.

Diseases for which the use of tampons with oils is indicated

Thrush (candidiasis)

Thrush is one of the most common infections. Caused by yeast-like fungi Candida. It causes anxiety, itching and discharge in a woman. In case of thrush, you can use tampons that create an alkaline environment in the vagina.

Examples of such tools:

  • Tampons soaked in tea tree oil. 5-7 drops are mixed with a soda solution (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water). It is enough to use them for 4-5 hours for 7 days.
  • Tampons soaked in sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn is a unique product. It can help with almost all gynecological problems. It has powerful anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic properties. 3-4 drops of oil should be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sunflower. Then dip a tampon into the mixture and place it inside for 3-4 hours. Repeat for 7 days. Additionally, to strengthen the immune system, you can take 1 tsp. sea ​​buckthorn oil inside.
  • Also, according to the above scheme, you can prepare a mixture of vegetable oil with oils of rose, sandalwood, cypress, thyme, and sage. Use these tampons for 3-4 hours every day for a week and a half. Before use, rose oil must be slightly warmed using a water bath.
  • Essential oils. Mix 3-4 drops of tea tree essential oil with 1 tsp. olive or corn. The tampon is inserted for 3-4 hours daily for 7-10 days.
  • Calendula oil. Calendula and sunflower oil are combined in equal parts. Tampons should be inserted for 3-4 hours for 8-10 days.
  • Fir and cocoa oils are mixed in a ratio of 1:10. The mixture must be boiled in a clay pot and cooled to about 35 degrees. Repeat for 3-5 days.
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