Mumiyo: application in gynecology for the treatment of female problems

Shilajit is a common alternative medicine. Its rich chemical composition and numerous beneficial properties make it possible to use it for various diseases, including the use of mumiyo in gynecology. How does the product work and how is it beneficial for the female reproductive system?

Traditional medicine can only act as an auxiliary therapy to the main drug treatment. They can be used only after the approval of a doctor.

The healing properties of mumiyo

The problem of effectively eliminating all kinds of gynecological pathologies has long been a concern for the female sex. Among the abundance of pharmacological products, mumiyo in gynecology completely undeservedly occupies a very modest place, although black “resin” is capable of defeating candidiasis, polyps, cystitis, and sometimes even infertility.

Medicines containing natural mumiyo are widespread; there are many folk recipes. But you should clearly understand the capabilities of the product in order to exclude the desire to treat gynecological diseases with it, which are completely beyond the control of this remedy. The usefulness of mumiyo has been proven by science, this is indisputable. Since it is a strong biostimulant, it acts like this:

  • restores the activity of protective processes;
  • accelerates the restoration of damaged tissues;
  • relieves pain;
  • overcomes inflammatory manifestations;
  • suppresses mutational formations that can degenerate into cancer.

Considering the listed characteristics, mumiyo is recommended as a mandatory ingredient in complex therapy. Sometimes women recover completely using only mummy, but you cannot give general advice to everyone, because each situation is almost exclusive.

An important factor that makes mumiyo an invaluable drug is its harmlessness to the fetus. Thanks to this quality, the product is approved for use in the treatment of pregnant women at any stage.

The composition of mumiyo is quite diverse; there is no single list of components included in the product. The main constant components are:

  1. Amino acids serve to create new cells and proteins and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Fatty acid . These substances are involved in the creation of tissues. They increase immunity and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process.
  3. Organic acids . Act as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents.
  4. Essential oils.
  5. Strong tannins.
  6. Vitamins.
  7. Enzymes . Increase immunity, reduce inflammation.
  8. Microelements.

Shilajit is characterized by the following therapeutic actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • increases immunity;
  • accelerating tissue restoration;
  • tonic;
  • normalizing metabolism;
  • restoring tissue nutrition;
  • resistance to bacterial proliferation.


Raw mumiyo is a composition that contains the substance itself and various impurities (rock, sand and debris). It cannot be used without cleaning. Depending on the location, there is high-, medium-, submountain composition and mud containing mumiyo. A high-quality drug is expensive. Therefore, dirt is widespread in the pharmaceutical market. Its therapeutic effect is weak.

The best composition is high mountain. It is the purest, contains a large number of useful elements, and accordingly the most expensive and rarest.

There are two types of substance that have some similarities. They differ in the quantitative ratio of ingredients.

Brag-shun dissolves completely in water, is hard, heavy, with a specific smell and color. There are more than a hundred varieties of this composition, depending on the included elements and their ratio. The most famous subspecies are:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • glandular;
  • tin.

Golden Brag-shun is the best of the presented species. It looks like a saffron solution. The substance has a bitter-sweet taste, a burning smell and a red-yellow color, and is completely soluble in water.

Mumiyo asil looks like a dark mass, hard to the touch, with a characteristic oily smell. The surface is smooth, as if polished. The substance has a bitter taste and is easily soluble. If the composition is of high quality, then under the influence of the heat of the palms it becomes soft like wax. The more difficult it is for the mummy to melt in your hands, the worse the healing properties will be.

Pharmacies offer the drug in tablet form. But due to the large number of impurities, they are less effective and help less than the product in its natural form.

What are the benefits of mumiyo for the female body?

The use of natural mumiyo for female diseases is painless, it does not cause harm, does not provoke side effects in relation to microflora, and can help in situations with the following gynecological problems and pathologies:

  • thrush : in just a couple of days the drug eliminates discomfort in the form of unpleasant itching;
  • uterine fibroids: the remedy reduces the tumor, sometimes completely eliminates it, although you cannot refuse the help of a specialist;
  • cystitis: thanks to the bactericidal effect, the drug effectively defeats infectious inflammation;
  • uterine polyps: to prevent surgical intervention, it is important to use mumiyo, since the product gets rid of growths;
  • infertility: treatment gives many spouses parental happiness, although it cannot help with anatomical or genetic pathologies of the reproductive system;
  • endometritis: douching along with suppositories and the use of various decoctions containing the product are excellent;
  • disturbance of the menstrual cycle: tampons and internal use of mumiyo help;
  • erosion of the uterine cervix: douching, lotions along with tampons soaked in liquid from dissolved mumiyo are saved;
  • menopause: the product optimizes well-being, enhances hematopoietic processes;
  • endometriosis: tampons help stop the development of the disease;
  • inflammatory processes developing in the fallopian tubes.

This is not a complete list of the use of mumiyo to solve gynecological problems. There are various options for using such an amazing drug.


Mumiyo is divided into types based on color and place of extraction.

By color they are distinguished:

  • glandular (dark color, normalizes metabolism);
  • tin (from light to dark color);
  • copper (red mixed with green, eliminates purulent processes);
  • silver (gray, used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels).

Copper mumiyo is distinguished by color (red with an admixture of green, eliminates purulent processes).
According to the place of extraction, they distinguish between Arabian, Altai, Caucasian, Tibetan and Central Asian.

Options for using mumiyo in gynecology

The tampons with vaginal suppositories listed above and douching options are not a complete list of the features of using mumiyo to solve gynecological problems. Taking the product internally is also effective. Although these methods are enough to have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of lovely ladies.

Candles with mumiyo

Suppositories with mumiyo are effective in gynecology when acute inflammation is present. Then the use of tampons is impossible due to painful sensations. Suppositories are easy to administer and do not cause discomfort. The products are also effective because their fatty ingredient has a beneficial effect on eliminating inflammatory processes.

If the pathology is only external in nature, ladies are recommended to use baths with the product, since the healing effect of mumiyo blocks the activity of pathogenic bacteria, accelerating the treatment of inflammation, quickly healing developed wounds.

It's easy to make your own candles. Vaseline is required as a fat base. It must be mixed with two grams of mountain resin. To facilitate manipulation, it is recommended to first dissolve the natural resin by placing it in a small volume of water. Then roll candles from the prepared mass and place them in the refrigerator to harden. It is necessary to use suppositories, inserting them into the vagina in the evening. This is an excellent option for getting rid of inflammatory diseases when they worsen.


The procedure for douching with mummies should be performed as follows:

  1. Dissolve 5 g of product in 250 ml of water heated to a comfortable temperature.
  2. Perform douching using a gynecological bulb.
  3. The duration of therapeutic actions is 10 days.

Using douching, you can defeat inflammation of any form. At the same time, it is recommended to take baths in which mumiyo is added. Such an event gives an antiseptic effect and allows you to resist the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.


To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to take mumiyo orally together with suppositories or tampons. For this purpose, use 2 capsules daily. They should be drunk three times a day, an hour before meals, with water.

Altai mumiyo rectal-vaginal

Mumiyo rectal-vaginal – 100% purified mumiyo in the form of suppositories. Altai mumiyo has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, anti-edema, and antibacterial effect on the internal mucous membranes.
The complex of intensive natural components of mumiyo has a positive effect on hemorrhoids , helps eliminate the causes of unfavorable changes in the rectum, and also prevents the consequences of these changes:

  • inflammation of the rectal mucosa, abscesses, bleeding;
  • swelling;
  • painful spasms;
  • cracks.

Mumiyo rectal-vaginal has a positive effect on inflammatory, bacterial processes of the internal genital organs:

  • with frequent gynecological inflammations – helps reduce relapses of inflammation;
  • has an antifungal effect, prevents the development of candidiasis (thrush);
  • prevents changes in cysts and metastasis;
  • helps restore mucosal microflora,
  • prevents discharge, bleeding, has a wound-healing, anti-edematous effect;
  • prevents allergic changes, itching;
  • helps restore hormonal levels and immunity;
  • prevents allergic processes .

How to make tampons with mumiyo

Gynecological tampons impregnated with mumiyo are used for the treatment of candidiasis, erosions or polyps on the uterine cervix, and other chronic diseases. All such problems cannot be solved by douching alone. More often, tampons are used to combat advanced or chronic pathologies. Their effectiveness is achieved by prolonged exposure - up to half a day (depending on what ingredients are used and the recipe for their preparation).

How to make tampons with mumiyo yourself to treat gynecological pathologies? It is required to dissolve 3 g of whole mummy by placing a pea the size of a cherry in warm water (0.5 cup). Moisten a tampon in the resulting liquid, insert it into the vagina in the evening, removing it in the morning. For some female diseases, the specified amount of mumiyo should be dissolved in a full glass of water. Such procedures are effective if chronic ailments are observed. Instead of water, it is recommended to use herbal infusions with essential oils. Often, when treating with tampons, gynecologists advise stopping sexual intercourse for a while.

Contraindications for use

Using options with mumiyo in the fight against gynecological problems is not always allowed. Although few, there are contraindications for such therapy:

  • Oncological problems . Although mumiyo is sometimes considered a regulator of mutational cell degeneration, the product is not recommended for use in the presence of cancerous tumors.
  • Pregnancy and lactation . Since bearing a fetus is a complex process, taking most medications is contraindicated. Also, you should not take risks using mumiyo during this period.
  • During the treatment course it is strictly forbidden to drink any alcohol .

The list of contraindications is small when compared with other pharmaceuticals. Shilajit from Altai, which is recognized as the most valuable product, has become most widespread.

Altai mumiyo is truly a lifesaver given by nature. This remedy cures many diseases, which has been proven by the centuries-old practice of traditional medicine and is officially recognized. It should be remembered that this product is sold only in pure, resin-like mass having a black shiny surface.


The suppositories contain vegetable oils (cocoa) and mumiyo. The drug is 100% natural origin.

It is known that the composition of mumiyo includes over 50 natural components in different proportions.

The composition of the mumiyo substance includes:

  • natural antibiotics;
  • anticoagulants;
  • vasodilator compounds;
  • vitamins (A, P, B1, B6, E);
  • amino acids, incl. irreplaceable;
  • peptides, albumins, urea, chlorophyll, etc.

Mumiyo used in suppositories undergoes a multi-stage purification process and is subjected to special treatment.

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