How to douche with fraction ASD 2 in gynecology - Site about the treatment methods of doctors Neumyvakin, Bolotov, Ogulov. Treatment with non-traditional methods (herbal medicine, apitherapy, peroxide, soda and others)

Fraction ASD-2F for gynecological diseases

ASD-2 is a medicinal product containing more than 10 active substances of organic nature.
This remedy was synthesized back in the late 1940s. domestic scientist A.V. Dorogov, but for a long time it was used only to treat animals. Today, the drug ASD-2 is used in gynecology for the treatment of uterine fibroids, ovarian cystomas, infectious sexual diseases, mastopathy and other diseases. ASD-2 helps in the treatment of many gynecological diseases, used both internally and externally

Features of the drug

What is remarkable about the drug ASD (suppositories)? The instructions state that with long-term use, this medication improves the elasticity of the patient’s skin and other tissues, which leads to rejuvenation of the patient’s entire body. It also works well for varicose veins.

The drug in question is often used in gynecological practice. The drug ASD (suppositories) successfully fights diseases such as uterine cancer, fibroids, breast cancer, fibroma, trichomoniasis, mastopathy and chlamydia. In addition, the mentioned suppositories are actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. With this disease, the effectiveness of the drug manifests itself in a shorter time, as well as with better results than when using other medications.

It should also be said that the type of candles in question is the ASD-2 fraction. It has proven itself excellent in the treatment of diseases such as oncology, various lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, as well as skin and cardiovascular ailments.

What diseases does ASD-2 help with?

ASD-2 is a complex of active organic substances that are obtained from animal raw materials. The medicine contains essential amino acids, peptides, esters, amides, choline and many other substances involved in metabolic processes. They have an immunomodulatory effect, activate the body’s defense processes and help it cope with pathology naturally.

Thanks to this, ASD-2 is used for gynecological diseases, including:

  • thrush;
  • mastopathy;
  • cervical erosion;
  • venereal diseases;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis and other inflammatory pathologies;
  • genital herpes;
  • ovarian cystoma;
  • The drug ASD-2 is also used for uterine fibroids.

What is ASD, what does it consist of?

The product is sold as a sterile solution.
The medicine has a strong, pungent, specific odor. The medicine is made from meat waste and bone meal. The raw materials undergo heat treatment. Before use, the medicine is diluted with water.

As part of the ASD:

  • water;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • amides;
  • aliphatic amines;
  • cyclic acids;
  • sulfhydryl group.

The basis of the drug is adaptogens. These components are extracted from a living cell shortly before death. As part of the medicine, the substance affects the living cell of the body, helping to fight for existence.

ASD is used, taking into account the specifics of the disease. Usually the composition is diluted with water and drunk every day according to the above scheme. The liquid is used boiled, cold, diluting ASD 1:22. A specific number is determined based on age and weight. The solution is drunk half an hour before meals. Start with a small dose, increasing it over time.

Some diseases require a special approach to treatment, and ASD is used in a format different from that described. This is relevant for the following diseases:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. gynecological diseases;
  3. oncology;
  4. pneumonia;
  5. stomach ulcer;
  6. lupus;
  7. autoimmune diseases;
  8. disruption of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  9. infertility.

As part of the ASD:

    water; carboxylic acids; amides; aliphatic amines; cyclic acids; sulfhydryl group.

Some diseases require a special approach to treatment, and ASD is used in a format different from that described. This is relevant for the following diseases: tuberculosis; gynecological diseases; oncology; pneumonia; stomach ulcer; lupus; autoimmune diseases; disruption of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract; infertility.

Treatment regimens

The medicine is used both internally and externally, depending on the disease. Dosage is adjusted depending on age and developmental stage. In this case, oral administration is assumed in all cases to activate metabolism and stimulate the body's protective processes. This method can be combined with external use in the form of douching, rubbing and applications.


Oral administration begins with minimal concentrations - 10 drops of solution, then gradually increases the dose (for example, by 5 drops every 1-2 days) and reaches a maximum of 25 drops. The product is dissolved in a small amount of water (1-2 tablespoons) and drunk in one gulp. Reception is carried out in the morning and evening for 5 days, after which there is a break for 3 days. Then the treatment continues in the same course. The total duration is 1.5-2 months, but it may take up to 6-12 months.

From day 17, the dosage is exactly the same - 25 drops in the morning and evening. The cycle is similar - 5 days of therapy, 3 days break, until complete recovery.

Important! If signs of improvement do not appear within several weeks, you should stop the course and consult a doctor.


Douching is carried out to treat any diseases of the genital organs, including infectious inflammatory processes. For 1 procedure, it is enough to dilute 5 drops of the solution in 0.5 liters of warm water (i.e. approximately 2 glasses). The procedure is carried out using an enema, 2 times a day (can be in the morning and evening). Repeated 6 times a week, after which you can take 1 day off and repeat the course. The total duration is until recovery (maximum 1.5-2 months).

In some cases, the concentration of the solution will be different (the volume of ASD-2 solution is given per 100 ml of warm water):

  1. Trichomoniasis: 70 drops (concentration 2%-3%).
  2. Thrush: 35 drops (1%).
  3. Inflammatory pathologies (herpes, candidiasis, chlamydia): 20-35 drops (0.5%-1%) or 70 drops (2%-3%) if the disease is advanced. At the same time, the solution is taken orally: 3 times a day, 10-20 drops.
  4. Suspicion of sexually transmitted infection after contact: 70 drops (2%-3%).

Important! The water should be warm - no more than +40 o C. The finger immersed in it should be comfortable, but it should not get burned.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. How to combine ASD-2 with other medications?

ASD fraction 2 can be used in gynecology with other medications. However, the interval between their doses should be at least 2-3 hours - first another medication, then ASD-2. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will be weakened. Also, during intake, it is necessary to exclude any acidic foods, including fruits, vegetables, and dairy. You should not smoke or drink alcohol until complete recovery.

Question No. 2. Could there be any side effects?

Side effects may occur in the early stages of treatment, but only in rare cases. They manifest themselves as a low temperature of 37°C, heaviness in the abdomen or mild skin burns (when used externally). Normally they go away within a few days. If this does not happen, you should stop the course and consult a doctor.

Question No. 3. Is it possible to take ASD-2 during pregnancy?

The product can also be used during pregnancy, but in this case the dosage is reduced, for example, by 1.5 times. Moreover, it is advisable to consult a doctor - both during pregnancy and at any stage of feeding.

How to use the solution: step-by-step instructions

Along with understanding treatment regimens and the overall duration of the course, it is important to understand how to dilute ASD-2 for douching in gynecology. Since the product has an unpleasant odor, you should never open the bottle - in this case, the room will smell, and oxygen can oxidize organic matter, which will cause the healing properties to noticeably deteriorate.

Therefore, for the procedure you need to prepare:

  • medical syringe;
  • boiled water or unsweetened tea;
  • tablespoon;
  • cup;
  • gauze bandages for compress;
  • pharmaceutical patch for application;
  • syringe;
  • warm water to obtain a solution.

Concentrations are given everywhere in drops. Converting them to milliliters is very simple: 1 ml is taken equal to 40 drops. You can use the table for calculations.

Properties of the drug

During the difficult times of military operations in the forties of the last century, several research institutes received a secret task to develop a new generation of medicine. Only the Experimental Institute of Veterinary Medicine under the leadership of Candidate of Sciences A.V. Dorogova was able to cope with this task. In creating the medicine, an unconventional approach was used: thermal distillation of frog parts with condensation of liquid, and then meat and bone meal.

Thermal decomposition of animal products leads to breakdown at the low molecular level. A drug with very strong antibacterial properties and medicinal function. It does not reject cells because it matches their structure, easily penetrates tissue barriers, and increases the body's resistance.

A wide range of applications allows it to be used for treatment with ASD 2 fraction in gynecology. Its only drawback is its specific smell. Attempts to rid the product of the bad “aroma” did not lead to anything. When adding flavorings, the medicine loses its medicinal qualities.

INTERESTING fact: ASD 2 for the pancreas in cancer and pancreatitis

The drug is inexpensive, harmless, and dissolves well in liquid. According to historical data, it has proven its antiseptic and stimulating properties. However, medical luminaries and partocrats did not give movement to this remedy.

Fraction ASD-2 relieves gynecological problems

ASD-2 shows excellent results for gynecological diseases in women. Many women have had to deal with similar ailments, thrush and diseases of the reproductive system of an inflammatory nature. These pathologies are unpleasant, accompanied by painful symptoms and in some cases cause the development of more serious diseases.

There are plenty of ways to treat female diseases. This includes the use of traditional medicine - tablets, suppositories, douching solutions and the use of alternative methods. Treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system should be comprehensive and as correct as possible. As an auxiliary method, you can use the proven and highly effective drug ASD of the second fraction.


As mentioned above, official medicine does not provide indications or contraindications for the use of ASD. The experience of many patients who used ASD at their own request made it possible to establish: alcohol is not allowed during the course.

Long-term use of ASD makes the blood thicker, and this can be eliminated by enriching the menu: drink more sour juices, add lemons and cranberries in different types. Taking aspirin regularly helps thin the blood back to normal.

Individual intolerance to the drug is possible.

Remember that ASD 2 is not very effective for serious illnesses. If it seems that there is some kind of soreness, and in general it is not clear what exactly it is, you should not run to the veterinarian for a remedy. On the other hand, the medicine is completely non-toxic, and taking it will not cause harm.

The effectiveness of taking ASD in oncology is legendary. Even desperate people count on a complete cure with the help of the drug. It cannot be guaranteed that victory over the disease will actually be complete, but ASD 2 gives positive results.

ASD 2 is indispensable for diseases of the female reproductive system. This is due to its ability to kill harmful bacteria. Since there are no side effects, the product is used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. The use of the drug guarantees the normalization of hormonal levels and modulates the immune system.

ASD 2 has a positive effect on a person as a whole. This stimulates the body to independently fight harmful cells, bacteria, microbes, and fungi. The greatest effect is achieved by using the drug at the initial stage of the disease.

Douching is indispensable for ulcers, wounds, cuts and skin problems. Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect helps fight candidiasis and papillomas. By stimulating tissue regeneration, ASD heals and restores body tissue.

ASD-2F for douching

For the treatment of gynecological diseases, the use of a second fraction of an antiseptic stimulant is recommended. This remedy has pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, antibacterial and restorative properties. Douching with a solution is effective in the fight against the following diseases:

  • diseases of inflammatory nature;
  • venereal diseases;
  • fibroids and uterine cancer;
  • thrush;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • herpes;
  • trichomoniasis.

Dorogov’s stimulator, according to reviews of women who took it and used solutions for douching, even helps in the treatment of infertility.

It is unlikely that any doctor would risk prescribing a drug to treat a certain pathology, since ASD is still not recognized by official medicine. But if you have learned about the medicinal properties of the drug and trust the source, use the composition wisely, without exceeding dosages and proportions. Douching with Dorogov's stimulant should be used in combination with the treatment prescribed by a doctor.

The use of douching with ASD in gynecological practice

The procedure, which consists of washing the vagina with a solution of Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant, is very effective and is used for the treatment of both inflammatory and infectious diseases, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. ASD shows excellent results in the fight against candidiasis, trichomoniasis, uterine cancer, and erosion. Useful article “ASD 2 - application in gynecology.”

The medicine has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it easily eliminates inflammation and normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system. Vaginal irrigation helps with infertility. Let's look at treatment regimens for gynecological pathologies using douching with an antiseptic stimulant solution.

  1. For vaginal candidiasis, the medicine in an amount of 1 ml is mixed with half a liter of warm water. The procedure is carried out twice a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is until the unpleasant symptoms are eliminated.
  2. For cysts of the appendages. It is recommended to douche twice a day. In order to prepare the solution, you need to mix 10 drops of ASD-2F with half a liter of boiled warm water. The duration of the therapeutic course is until complete recovery.
  3. In the fight against trichomoniasis, it is recommended to use a 2-3% solution of Dorogov’s drug. You should douche twice a day. The duration of therapy is until cure.
  4. To treat genital herpes, a 1% solution should be used. The procedure is carried out once a day - before bedtime.
  5. For preventive purposes (to prevent sexually transmitted pathologies, it is recommended to douche with a 3% solution.

There is also a general treatment regimen for diseases of the female reproductive system. It provides for the use of a product - ASD mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1:100. That is, for 500 ml of water you need to take 5 ml of antiseptic stimulant.

For female ailments, special attention should be paid to vaginal irrigation. Thanks to this method of therapy, most of the drug penetrates the uterus and ovaries and directly helps these organs.

Benefits of the medicine

What are the advantages of the drug ASD (suppositories)? According to experts, the medicine in the form of suppositories is much easier to use than in the form of a solution. This is due to the fact that the candles already contain the necessary dosage of active elements. In addition, compared to the liquid form of the medication, using suppositories is much more convenient.

DETAILS: Scientific Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. Kulakova on Oparina 4

During the therapeutic process, all necessary elements immediately enter the systemic circulation. At the same time, not a single substance passes through the liver. This contributes to the effective action of the drug by 60-75% (compared to other methods of its use). Also, during the use of the suppositories in question, patients do not experience irritation or allergic reactions, which very often occur during injections.

It must also be said that ASD in the form of suppositories is much cheaper than other types of this medication. Also, this drug acts comprehensively and more specifically. Experts have found that suppositories treat various diseases 5 times more effectively than products intended for oral administration.

Recommendations regarding the procedure

In order for the drug to work and help in getting rid of unpleasant or painful symptoms as quickly as possible, you must try to use it as correctly as possible. When carrying out the procedure, you should adhere to these recommendations.

  1. The required amount of the drug is taken from the bottle using a syringe. The bottle cannot be opened, since upon contact with air, ASD loses its therapeutic activity.
  2. The second fraction is mixed with the required amount of water (depending on the scheme used, as well as the disease). The resulting liquid is collected into a syringe.
  3. The optimal temperature of the composition is 36-37 degrees.
  4. Each time during irrigation, it is necessary to use a fresh solution.
  5. You need to douche at least once a day (more is possible, it depends on the specific pathology).
  6. Irrigation is carried out for five days, after which you need to take a three-day break. If necessary, the cycle is repeated. The duration of the general treatment course is until complete recovery.

What ailments can irrigation help with?

Washing the vagina with ASD of the second fraction is effective in combating the following pathologies:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • fibroids;
  • fibroma;
  • cervical erosion;
  • chlamydia;
  • infertility;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • cysts;
  • oncological pathologies: cancer of the uterus and appendages.

Regular douching will help in the fight against pathogenic microflora, minimizing or completely eliminating the inflammatory process, normalizing the functioning of the genitourinary and reproductive systems, improving general condition and well-being, and also getting rid of unpleasant symptoms.

The main thing is to carry out the procedure correctly (several times a day), and also to prepare the solution correctly. Thanks to this method, many women managed to get rid of various pathological conditions. Reviews from patients are confirmation of the effectiveness of the composition.

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