Is sea buckthorn oil effective for cervical erosion: treatment with traditional methods and suppositories + reviews from women

Oil and juice from sea buckthorn berries promote skin regeneration - therefore, even in official medicine, it is used in complex therapy to heal wounds. The product helps with burns - both solar and thermal. Use sunberry oil to treat bedsores in bedridden patients, marks from ulcers and stretch marks formed after childbirth or sudden weight loss. Due to not only the regenerating, but also bactericidal properties of the berry, the oil is actively used in gynecology - for the treatment of scars, adhesions, and cervical erosion.

Why is sea buckthorn oil popular in gynecology?

The healing properties of sea buckthorn oil are due to the content of fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) and water-soluble (C and group B) vitamins, which help tissues recover.

Tannins, phytoncides and acids help slow down inflammatory processes in tissues and strengthen the immune system.

Fresh berries and oil also contain phytohormones and fatty acids, thanks to their balanced composition the use of oil:

  • normalizes hormonal balance;
  • reduces the activity of pathogenic bacteria;
  • reduces the manifestations of thrush;
  • slows down or completely stops the growth of benign tumors - cysts and fibroids;
  • reduces the risk of tumor malignancy;
  • in case of erosion, it stops bleeding, reduces inflammation, and restores tissue.

It is used in gynecology both as a self-prepared product from fresh berries and as an industrial product. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil also have a healing effect; they can be bought at a pharmacy without a prescription and used in complex therapy in the treatment of erosion.

Is there an alternative, or what else can be done at home?

Not only medicinal herbs can be used independently. Some over-the-counter medications can be used as a douching solution:

  • "Miramistin";
  • "Chlorhexidine";
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

These and other means help cope with pathogens that provoke the appearance of some forms of erosion. The course of treatment is up to 14 days, daily or every other day.

Hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin have antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

To stimulate local immunity and restore vaginal microflora, it is recommended to avoid washing with soap-containing products and use special gels for intimate hygiene:

  • "Lactacid";
  • "Epigen intimate";
  • "Ginocomfort" and others.

These products should be used daily or at least during menstruation. It is known that following the rules of personal hygiene and the use of special gels for washing reduces the risk of developing cervicitis and cervical erosion.

How to treat cervical erosion?

Before you start using tampons with oil for treatment, you need to consult a gynecologist. If erosion is at the very initial stage, then you can cure it or slow down the development of the disease using traditional medicine. But even in this case, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition is possible even with the influence of herbal medicines.

Important! If the erosion is serious, sea buckthorn oil can only be used as an aid in surgical or medicinal treatment. Do not forget that an advanced disease threatens not only intermenstrual bleeding and pain - through damaged inflamed tissue, the infection easily penetrates into the uterus, threatening real complications.

Recommendations for using sea buckthorn oil:

  1. At the very beginning of treatment, tampons are prepared independently - from cotton wool wrapped in a sterile bandage.
    At the end of the wrapping, you need to leave a small piece of bandage in the form of a “tail”, by which the used tampon can be easily removed from the vagina.
  2. Soak a cotton swab generously in oil and place the tampon deep into the vagina. The procedure is carried out in the evening, already lying in bed. Leave the product overnight and remove the tampon in the morning.
  3. During treatment, you need to secure a sanitary pad to your panties, as the oil will seep out and stain your underwear and bedding without protection, and the product is quite difficult to wash off.

In some cases, doctors recommend changing the tampon to a fresh one in the morning and using the product around the clock. But in this case, you will have to either reduce the activity (the oil will leak even with a gasket) or use ready-made spark plugs.

Before starting therapy, make sure that the oil is of high quality and fresh. Before the procedure, taste a drop of oil. If it is bitter, then it should not be used.

Duration of therapy

Treatment should begin on the first day of the end of the menstrual cycle, as soon as bleeding has completely stopped.

Reference. The minimum course is 10 days; doctors generally recommend continuing therapy for 14 to 21 days.

On the third day, as a rule, the process of tissue regeneration begins and pain decreases. After two weeks of treatment, cervical swelling subsides. Cells that have changed color to bright red begin to turn pale. Inflammation will decrease or disappear altogether.

It is assumed that after three weeks of treatment changes are visible - the epithelial cells are restored or the lesion is reduced.

After three weeks of therapy, even if complete recovery has not occurred, it is necessary to take a break for 30 days. After a break, treatment can be resumed with another course.

Composition and medicinal properties

The product contains many essential substances for the female body, including:

  • vitamins - A, C, E, K, P, group B;
  • microelements - magnesium, calcium, silicon, iron, etc.;
  • organic acids - succinic, salicylic, etc.;
  • pectins and carotenoids;
  • fatty acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Thanks to such a rich composition, sea buckthorn oil has the following therapeutic effects:

  • relieves inflammation and destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • promotes regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • accelerates the process of recovery and healing of existing ulcers;
  • softens and soothes irritated areas of the cervical mucosa;
  • has analgesic and antispasmodic effects.

Sea buckthorn oil is absolutely safe to use during pregnancy, since in most cases it does not cause allergies or side effects.

Expert opinion

Shustova Olga Leonidovna

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category

Sea buckthorn oil is excellent for cervical erosion. The product has an exclusively natural base and, unlike, does not contain toxins and other harmful substances with many side effects. The procedure for its use is simple and consists of the following: dip a sterile cotton swab in the oil and gently insert it into the vagina (preferably at night). With regular use (at least 10-15 procedures), a positive result is inevitable.

The pharmacological action of the drug is as follows:

  • in case of lesions of the mucous membranes (including those with ulcerative etiology) and skin, the product starts reparative processes (wound healing), restoring and strengthening the surface of the tissues;
  • has a powerful disinfectant effect on areas of inflammation, preventing the proliferation of bacteria without causing damage to the mucous membrane;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect, preventing possible relapses.

The product is used in gynecology as a wound healing agent in the presence of diseases such as:

  • cervical erosion;
  • colpitis;
  • endocervicitis, etc.

Sea buckthorn candles

This is what a candle with sea buckthorn oil looks like.
If you doubt the quality of the oil sold in a pharmacy or need to use the product twice a day, you can buy candles with sea buckthorn oil at the pharmacy; a pack of 10 pieces will cost a little less than 100 rubles.

There is less active substance (the oil itself) in the candles, so the effectiveness, compared to tampons soaked in the product, will be lower.

But the ability to use the medicine twice a day and the ease of use (the suppositories dissolve without residue and practically do not leak) make it possible to bring the effect of treatment closer to what occurs after using a more concentrated product. Therefore, treatment with sea buckthorn suppositories has its own quite significant “advantages”.

How to use them correctly?

Before using suppositories, thoroughly wash your external genitals and hands. Remove the vaginal sea buckthorn suppository from the package and place it deep into the vagina.

Depending on the recommendations of the attending physician, suppositories are either placed only at night, or twice a day - morning and evening.

When used during the daytime, after installing the suppository, the patient should lie down for at least 30 minutes so that the product has time to dissolve.

A small amount of the active substance may leak out, so during treatment it is necessary to use daily sanitary pads.

Other medicines

Only a doctor can prescribe therapy that can overcome the disease, but despite this, women should know what the prescribed medications are. So, the most prescribed pharmaceutical drug against this disease is considered to be vaginal suppositories “Depantol”. This drug accelerates tissue regeneration and wound healing, therefore it is very effective in combating erosion. In addition to it, gynecologists often prescribe Hexicon suppositories, which have an antiseptic effect, and Suporon, which relieve inflammation, restore mucous membranes and heal wounds. The latter contain cocoa butter and are administered once. Pharmacy medications are the most effective in combating diseases, therefore they are prescribed most often.

Contraindications for treatment with sea buckthorn oil

There are very few reasons for patients to refuse treatment with oil or suppositories. The oil is prescribed to both pregnant and lactating women for exacerbation of gynecological diseases; it is safe and can be used without fear.

Important! You should stop using it only if there are signs of an allergic reaction (this is extremely rare).

The product should not be used internally in the presence of severe liver damage, kidney disease or gallbladder disease. But these diseases do not interfere with treatment with oil in the form of tampons and suppositories.

How long does it take for full recovery?

The duration of treatment largely depends on the type of drug chosen. Because not all traditional methods give instant results. The degree of damage to the cervix should also be considered. After all, advanced forms of erosion require longer exposure.

On average, therapy takes 2 weeks, if we talk about the disease in a non-advanced form. The type of medication also needs to be taken into account.

A combination of douching, suppositories, or tampons helps speed up the healing process. But before using them, you must consult a gynecologist. Since self-medication by a woman can be dangerous if medications are used incorrectly.

A variety of remedies based on alternative medicine prescriptions show increased effectiveness. Since natural ingredients do not cause side effects, they normalize the condition of the cervix gently, not aggressively.

But unconventional treatment takes longer than modern methods of therapy. Therefore, women who choose a natural way to combat this disease should be patient to achieve the desired result.

Reviews from our readers

Lilia, 35 years old

A gynecologist discovered the erosion during an examination 5 years ago - it was small and did not cause discomfort. He offered to cauterize it, I refused and was treated with sea buckthorn oil - I inserted tampons soaked in it for 10 days, and before that I douched with an infusion of calendula and sage. All signs of the disease disappeared as if they were gone.

Nadya, 26 years old

It was suggested that a small spot of erosion be cured by cauterization. I didn’t give birth, I was afraid of the consequences. Mom suggested sea buckthorn oil, and I inserted a tampon at night (after the first night I had to throw out the sheet, it didn’t wash, then I left the pad), and during the day I inserted a candle. I was treated for three weeks, the spot decreased three times. A month later I repeated it and the erosion went away completely.

Anastasia, 30 years old

The erosion was small, there was no need to treat it, that’s what the doctor said. But I had cramping in my lower abdomen and spotting between periods, so I decided to get treatment. When my period ended, I bought purified sea buckthorn oil, a sterile bandage and cotton wool at the pharmacy.

In the evening I inserted a moistened tampon inside for 2 weeks in a row. Relief came right on the third day, the pain went away. And behind it comes erosion. At the next examination, the doctor did not find anything, she was surprised. Probably, if there was a large spot, I would not have decided on such treatment, but here I didn’t and everything is fine.

Irina, 18 years old

My gynecologist advised me to take suppositories with oil; she did not advise me to treat with anything else until the first birth. I inserted them for 2 weeks and was not completely cured, but the spot seemed to have gotten smaller. I'll take a break and try again.

How to get rid of it without cauterization using herbs?

Many medicinal herbs have an antiseptic, healing and restorative effect. It is these properties that are necessary in the treatment of erosion. Let's look at how to use them correctly.


Let's prepare it like this:

  1. You should take 1 tsp. crushed calendula flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water.
  2. Leave to infuse for 1 hour.
  3. After time, strain the finished infusion and use it as a solution for douching.

You can also use calendula tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, for douching. To prepare the medicinal solution you will need 1 glass of warm water. 1 tsp should be dissolved in it. tinctures.

This procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.


This medicinal plant is actively used in the treatment of various lesions on the skin. In addition, celandine can be used to combat erosion. The recipe is as follows:

  1. To prepare the medicine you will need 3 tbsp. l. dried celandine herb. Pour 1 liter of boiling water into it.
  2. Leave to brew for an hour.
  3. Strain the prepared infusion.
  4. Use as a solution for douching.

This amount of medicine is enough for 6 procedures.

Therapeutic procedures should be carried out 2 times a day. The duration of this treatment is 3 weeks. At the end of this time, you are required to undergo an examination by a gynecologist to monitor the dynamics of recovery.

Oak bark

Oak bark not only helps to effectively combat cervical erosion, but also significantly improves the microflora of the vagina. Procedure:

  1. To prepare a medicinal decoction you will need 3 tbsp. l. oak bark, add 2 cups of water.
  2. Place on low heat to simmer for half an hour.
  3. After this, separate the prepared broth from the bark and leave to brew in a warm place for 1 day.
  4. After this time, the medicine can be used.

To make the douching procedure more comfortable, you can add a small amount of warm water. This should be done once a day in the evening. This treatment should last approximately 2 weeks.


This is one of the most effective medicinal plants for combating cervical erosion. You can use aloe in several ways, namely:

  1. Half a leaf of this plant should be cleared of the outer skin and thorns.
    It is better to keep it in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks first. Wrap the cleaned transparent part of the leaf in a small piece of gauze or other soft natural fabric. Insert into the vagina overnight. The procedures should be carried out for 3 days before going to bed. After this time, you need to undergo an examination by a gynecologist. He must evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment.
  2. The juice needs to be extracted from aloe. Soak a cotton swab with this liquid. Insert into the vagina in the evening. Leave overnight. This must be done for 10 days.
  3. To prepare the third version of an aloe-based medicine, you will need honey. A piece of aloe leaf should be crushed using a blender, add honey. The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions and mixed thoroughly. Place the resulting pulp on a piece of gauze and roll it up into a tampon. Insert into the vagina before going to bed overnight. This must be done every evening for 10 days.

Attention! Aloe helps get rid of erosion even in advanced cases.

But still, the treatment process should be monitored by a gynecologist. He is obliged to evaluate the dynamics of recovery, as well as the feasibility of such influence.

What do you need to remember?

  • perfectly restores tissue integrity, relieves inflammation, rejuvenates the body and strengthens the immune system;
  • can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a year;
  • in complex therapy for the treatment of erosion, reduces visible tissue damage;
  • treatment is carried out using tampons soaked in oil for at least 10 days in a row;
  • the effectiveness of ready-made suppositories is slightly lower, but gynecologists often recommend using pharmaceutical products;
  • There are practically no contraindications to treatment - the only exception is an allergy to the components of the product.

One should not forget only one thing - before treatment, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that the patient has erosion in the initial stage, not complicated by other gynecological diseases. Only in this case will therapy be beneficial.

Indications for use

Treatment with sea buckthorn oil is a safe and body-friendly method. If a person does not have any allergies to this product, then it cannot harm him in any way. The treatment method is recommended to all women who do not have the contraindications listed in the next paragraph.

It is worth noting that the method is recommended even for girls planning to conceive a child. The oil will not cause any harm. Usually, when using other methods, it is strictly forbidden to even think about children. And you can conceive them only after a year of treatment.

Women carrying a baby can also use this recipe and not be afraid. Nothing will happen to the baby, because the oil is safe.

It is best to use sea buckthorn derivatives in a course that will be described below. In this case, the effectiveness of therapy against the disease will increase several times.

You can contact your gynecologist to find out if any medications are compatible with sea buckthorn oil. By taking these medications along with the use of oil, the chances of a quick recovery will also increase.

After curing the disease, it is strongly recommended to occasionally drink derivatives of sea buckthorn. They will help improve your health, give you energy and prevent the mucous ulcer from returning. In addition, this valuable plant contains many vitamins that are necessary for the human body even without erosion.

How is sea buckthorn beneficial for the body?

The microelements contained in sea buckthorn help heal wounds, relieve pain and inflammation, and prevent the development of secondary bacterial infections.

Taking oil and compotes/fruit drinks orally saturate the body with vitamins (A, E, group B, C) and fatty acids, which not only has a great effect on the appearance - hair, nails and skin - but also improves immunity, allows the body to recover faster after exercise , improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Masks and compresses with sea buckthorn have a pronounced rejuvenating property - due to the content of antioxidants, iron and organic acids, of which the berry contains about 3% of the total weight.

Composition value: vitamins, acids

Few berries can boast the same rich content of microelements - sea buckthorn alone contains more than 10 vitamins, including:

  • vitamin K,
  • vitamin E,
  • provitamin A,
  • B vitamins B2, B1 and B9,
  • folic acid,
  • vitamin C.

Also, the seeds and pulp of the berry contain 15 microelements, which include:

  • aluminum,
  • silicon,
  • manganese,
  • boron,
  • iron,
  • magnesium.

Important! Antioxidants, phenolic compounds and serotonin in fruits can not only slow down the growth of bacteria, but also serve as the prevention of cancer by suppressing the growth of tumors.

Also useful components include pectin, choline (promotes weight loss by reducing cholesterol in the blood), organic acids.

How to store

When purchasing oil, be sure to pay attention to the production date. If the oil has been stored for more than 3-4 months, it is better not to buy it.

Fresh oil, including those prepared yourself, must be poured into a dark glass bottle and stored in the refrigerator.

Be sure to close or tighten the cap tightly. Such storage conditions are determined not only by the presence of vitamins that are destroyed in heat. The oil contains a large amount of fatty acids - when in contact with air and light, they oxidize, turning the healthy product into a bitter mixture that is harmful for consumption.

Additional funds

Sea buckthorn has truly miraculous properties. But in order to correctly apply these properties, it is necessary to detect the disease in time. Therefore, visits to a gynecologist are one of the components of your health. In addition, it is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the body and especially the genitals.

Preventive measures will also not be superfluous - diet, regular medical examinations, preventive suppositories and others.

Medical recommendations

It is better to carry out treatment with suppositories and tampons in the first half of the cycle, when the regenerative ability is increased.

Use oil and suppositories as an adjuvant with prescribed medications.

This is especially important for those who have erosion due to hormonal imbalances, viral diseases, and not mechanical impact.

Do not overdo it with procedures , especially with douching.

Loving yourself and your body means taking care of your health. A good gynecologist, with regular visits, will be able to identify the disease in the early stages.

This will facilitate faster and less costly treatment. And most importantly - less painful.

After all, the use of vaginal suppositories cannot be compared with a surgical table, and the early stage of erosion cannot be compared with such terrible diseases as cancer or infertility.

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