Sea buckthorn oil for thrush: treatment and subtleties

The process of treating candidiasis can cause difficulties due to the adaptive ability of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida to various medications. In this case, folk remedies such as sea buckthorn oil for thrush are becoming increasingly widespread. And they come to the fore due to their effectiveness along with accessibility.


It is thanks to its natural composition that sea buckthorn oil remains the most gentle and at the same time effective option for thrush.

Conventionally, its composition can be divided into organic acids and biologically active substances:

  • Palmitoleic acid is normally present in subcutaneous fat and provokes the death of the cell membrane of the fungus;
  • Oleic acid acts on fungi not externally, but internally, causing the death of their internal structures;
  • Linolenic acid is a natural antibiotic;
  • Vitamins of group A, B1, B6, C, D, E, contained in sea buckthorn oil, increase the overall immunity of the body, stimulating it to fight the disease;
  • Copper, manganese, iron and selenium help restore normal vaginal and intestinal microflora, preventing further proliferation of Candida yeast.


The main reason for the current prevalence of candidiasis is the use of antibiotics. The availability of drugs in pharmacies has led to the use of antibiotics in cases where it is perfectly possible to do without them.

For example, viral diseases in most cases do not require antibiotics, and often with any acute respiratory viral infection, patients themselves prescribe antibiotic therapy.

Many are convinced that antibiotics are a panacea for all ills, and use them as painkillers, antipyretics and antispasmodics. As a result of self-medication, fungal flora begins to multiply in the body.

The second serious cause of candidiasis is the predominance of carbohydrate foods in the diet. The more sugar, confectionery, and baked goods a person eats, the greater the risk of developing fungal diseases.

Any acute and chronic diseases reduce immunity - there is a risk of dysbiosis and the fungus begins to attack the weakened body.

Common causes of candidiasis:

  1. Disruptions in the hormonal system (including hormonal changes during pregnancy).
  2. Overwork and prolonged stress.
  3. Poor body hygiene.
  4. Close contact with a person who has acute or indolent candidiasis.
  5. Obesity.
  6. Frequent douching with acidified solutions.
  7. Smoking and addiction to alcohol.

How to make or where to get it?

Sea buckthorn oil can be purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy, but making it yourself at home is also not difficult. For this you will need: 1 kg of sea buckthorn berries and vegetable oil.


  1. Squeeze juice from sea buckthorn fruits;
  2. Dry the resulting cake thoroughly in the oven until it turns dark brown;
  3. Grind this mass into powder;
  4. Pour it with vegetable oil heated to 50 degrees (proportion 3:1);
  5. The solution must be infused in a dark place for 14 days, stirring occasionally.

As a result, you will receive absolutely natural sea buckthorn oil. In the fight against the disease, it can be much more effective than the pharmacy option.

Treatment of thrush with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn has been used to treat thrush for quite a long time; its undeniable advantage is its safety during pregnancy and for children.

Among women

The most common form of the disease in women is vaginal candidiasis. Patients are faced with two main problems - itching and profuse curd-like discharge from the vagina. When treating thrush with sea buckthorn oil, it is first necessary to douche in order to remove a large number of fungal bacteria from the vagina and cervix.

Douching is carried out with a soda solution, medicinal herbs, ordinary warm water or water with the addition of a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. After this, you can begin treatment directly.

In the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, tampons with sea buckthorn oil are widely used. The medicinal tampon is generously moistened with concentrated sea buckthorn oil, wrung out and inserted into the vagina for 8-16 hours.

Sea buckthorn oil for candidiasis is prescribed by a doctor, and he should also monitor the duration of therapy; most often, treatment takes at least a week. The effect becomes noticeable already in the first days, itching and burning disappear. In any case, it is necessary to undergo a full course of treatment, which also includes taking antifungal drugs orally.

In men

The course of candidiasis in men is less pronounced than in women. There is rarely a large amount of discharge; the disease can manifest itself as itching and discomfort in the genital area.

For men, it is recommended to take sea buckthorn oil internally. Natural oil is taken in a dosage of 1 teaspoon with meals 2 times a day, the course is determined by the attending physician, most often it is 10-12 days.

If a large amount of discharge appears, you can use baths and washes with sea buckthorn oil. To do this, you will need a basin of warm water in which 3 tablespoons of oil are diluted. It is in this solution that a man’s genital hygiene needs to be carried out.

In children

A form of thrush characteristic of young children is candidal stomatitis, i.e. fungal infection of the mouth. It is manifested by the appearance of cheesy films on the mucous membrane of the child’s oral cavity.

Difficulties in treating this form of the disease are presented by the fact that most chemical medicinal substances are contraindicated in childhood. In this case, sea buckthorn oil for thrush in infants literally becomes a salvation.

In the treatment of candidal stomatitis, rinsing the mouth with sea buckthorn oil is used. The procedure is carried out after feeding the child, the oral cavity must first be cleaned and dried, it is better not to heat the oil (to avoid burns to the sensitive mucous membrane). The solution is prepared at the rate of 10 drops of concentrated sea buckthorn oil per 500 ml of liquid. The frequency of rinsing can be up to 5 times a day, the duration of therapy is prescribed by a pediatrician, but positive dynamics are observed already on the 3-4th day.

Indications for use

A diagnosis confirmed by a specialist and the presence of the symptoms listed below are the main indications for the use of this organic remedy.

  • Itching, burning, or irritation of the vagina or vulva, which is the tissue around the vagina.
  • Vaginal burning during intercourse or urination.
  • Thick, curd-like consistency of vaginal discharge.
  • Rash and sores on the genitals.
  • For severe candidiasis: severe redness, swelling and itching, leading to cracks or ulcers of the skin.

Medical conditions that cause complicated yeast infections include pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, and having a weakened immune system.

Important to remember! Natural preparations are used as an addition to basic drug treatment. Because they eliminate the “external” symptoms of candidiasis. Only medications can destroy candida colonies in the body.


Many studies confirm that sea buckthorn is one of the most effective local herbal preparations in the treatment of candidiasis. Due to its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, sea buckthorn oil eliminates the manifestations of vaginal candidiasis in 90% of cases. And thanks to the increase in local immunity, after its use the risk of relapse of the disease is significantly reduced. That is why treatment of thrush with sea buckthorn oil is quite common in modern conditions.


The only contraindication to the use of sea buckthorn oil is an allergy to the product. If you have an allergic reaction, it is prohibited to use sea buckthorn-based products.

The herbal remedy rarely causes side effects. Especially if suppositories are used to treat thrush. Possible side effects may include allergic reactions - itching, irritation, skin rash.

If one or more pathological symptoms appear, it is important to stop further treatment and consult a doctor.

Sea buckthorn oil for thrush: reviews

Many women and girls switch to treatment with herbal preparations and give their preference to treating thrush with sea buckthorn oil, leaving positive reviews about it.

Here are some of them:

Oksana, 28 years old: I have been suffering from a chronic form of thrush for many years. As soon as the immune system weakens, symptoms begin to appear, most often unbearable itching. I immediately take Fucis orally, and locally I always use tampons with sea buckthorn oil. The pain is instantly eliminated and you can continue to do your usual activities.

Alexandra, 35 years old: I first encountered thrush a year ago while on vacation, I didn’t have the opportunity to go to the doctor, I had to urgently come up with something. A friend shared her secret and suggested trying sea buckthorn oil against thrush. I was surprised how quickly the symptoms passed and did not ruin my holiday. Upon arrival home, I underwent general antifungal therapy, but now, at the first manifestations of thrush, I always start with sea buckthorn oil!

Elizaveta, 20 years old: having encountered thrush for the first time, she decided to try treatment with herbal preparations, in particular sea buckthorn oil. The effect disappointed me, there was no improvement, I had to use specialized suppositories on the recommendation of my attending physician.

Side effects

Almost no negative reactions to the sea buckthorn product have been identified. Quite rarely, patients note a burning sensation present at the point of contact of the product with the mucous membrane. In case of such a reaction, it is necessary to cancel therapeutic manipulations.

After starting treatment with sea buckthorn, a person feels significant relief after three days. Start any use of the product in therapy only after consulting your doctor. By self-medicating, the patient risks not achieving the desired result, while the acute phase of thrush turns into its chronic stage, characterized by frequent relapses.

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