Tea tree oil for thrush - how to use?

Manifestations of candidiasis are extremely unpleasant. To quickly suppress them, they use medications, supplementing and enhancing their therapeutic effect with folk remedies. If you use tea tree oil for thrush, the discomfort disappears after 2 days, provided that the procedures are performed correctly, with strict adherence to the recipe and the duration of the course of treatment.

Will tea tree help with candidiasis?

Gynecologists recommend using systemic agents, that is, preparations for internal use, and local ointments and creams when treating candidiasis. For therapy, pharmaceutical drugs with antimicrobial action are used. But having become disillusioned with traditional treatment, women often resort to folk recipes.

The use of a natural product eliminates the risk of side effects that occur when taking systemic medications. Tablets for oral administration have some degree of toxicity. Although treatment with such drugs is more effective due to the penetration of the active substance into the blood and then into all organs affected by the fungus, due to side effects such drugs are not used during pregnancy and lactation. Oral medications affect the mucous membrane of the digestive system and liver with prolonged use.

Contraindications and harm

The first and most important contraindication is individual intolerance. Not only tea tree oil, but also other esters can cause skin allergies. Before starting treatment, apply the extract to the skin behind the ear, elbow or wrist. The test time is 24 hours. If during this period there is no redness or swelling on the skin, no burning sensation, itching or discomfort, then the oil ether is acceptable for use.

Also, it is strictly forbidden to use tea tree extract in the following situations:

  • Age under 6 years;
  • During pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • The phase of exacerbation of diseases of an allergic nature;
  • Bronchial asthma.

How to use tea tree for candidiasis

Use tea tree oil for thrush only in diluted form. The product must be diluted with either a base vegetable oil, an emulsifier, or water. But it is worth remembering that the drug is poorly diluted with water, so for folk recipes it is necessary to take boiling water and then cool it. There are brave souls who use the product in its pure form, but in this case there is a danger of burning the mucous membranes or causing irritation.

For treatment use:

  • douching,
  • tampons,
  • baths,
  • lubrication,
  • candles.

A natural antiseptic is used 1-2 times a day for a week. If you are prone to relapse, you can use it 2-3 times a year for prevention.

Tips for pregnant women

Procedures with medicinal compositions based on ChD concentrate to relieve symptoms of vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy are allowed. However, not all.

Procedures with medicinal compositions based on ChD concentrate to relieve symptoms of vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy are allowed.

Thus, pregnant women are not recommended to do douching or perform other medical procedures that can cause mechanical, chemical or thermal injury to the vaginal mucosa. It is better to use vaginal suppositories, suppositories or medicinal tampons during this period, making them yourself according to the recipes described above.

You can take tea tree oil orally for thrush during pregnancy, but with prior agreement with your doctor. If the slightest discomfort, side effects, or malaise occurs, treatment is stopped immediately.

How to use tampons

For treatment, tampons are used that are placed inside the vagina. Store-bought tampons may not be suitable for such purposes, so you can make a tampon yourself from a sterile bandage. Gynecologists insist on making homemade tampons, since purchased hygiene products are most often not suitable for procedures. The gauze pad should be rolled tightly for easier insertion.

  1. 4-5 drops of the product are mixed with any base oil or hot water. The tampon is slightly wetted rather than completely saturated. Stays on all night. In advanced cases, wearing tampons during the day is indicated.
  2. You can also use purchased tampons, soaking them in the following composition: a little water, 4-5 drops of an oily substance, the same amount of Malavit solution. The tampon is soaked and placed overnight.
  3. Olive oil can be used as a base component Take 2 drops of tea tree for 1 spoon. The tampon is wetted and used at night for 3-5 days.
  4. A gauze swab can also be soaked in the following composition: boiled sterile vegetable oil - 10 ml and 4-5 drops of tea tree. Tampons are used twice a day. The base oil can be replaced with sea buckthorn or calendula milk.
  5. During the week, you can insert tampons at night, which should be dipped in a mixture of 3 teaspoons of water, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, and one teaspoon of tea tree. This recipe is used if candidiasis is complicated by genital herpes.
  6. jojoba or argan oil as a base oil Mix 20-25 drops with 1 drop of tea tree and leave overnight.

You can also use panty liners with the product during the day. To do this, you need to drop 1-2 drops into the corner of the pad for an antimicrobial effect.

Internal use

To kill the pathogenic Candida fungi that cause thrush, means for internal use can be used. It is best to use this recipe in combination with other treatment methods, so you will get rid of unpleasant sensations much faster. The most popular recipes are:

  • Mix 3 drops of tea tree oil with 50 ml of water. Take a tablespoon before each meal;
  • Dissolve a little table water in 5 drops of oil. Dissolve this in 200 ml of clean water and take the medicine before going to bed.

Tea tree oil is a unique remedy that will help you get rid of thrush in a short time. Keep in mind that you need to use it with extreme caution - if you do not follow the proportions and recommendations, you will not only not get rid of candidiasis, but you may also encounter complications. The effectiveness of this remedy is explained by the unique composition of useful elements that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the entire body. They quickly enter the bloodstream and kill pathogenic microorganisms.


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How to take baths and soaks

Sometimes women complain that during water procedures the product burns the whole body, even if only a few drops were added to a large bath. The reason may be skin sensitivity, so before use it is necessary to do a skin test on the wrist or elbow. The quality of the product also matters - it is better to take well-purified raw materials from well-known manufacturers.

Before taking a bath, it is better to dissolve the oil in foam or shampoo, or in cream or shower cream.

  • For baths, you need to take 3-7 drops of the product, mix with shower gel, liquid soap or flower honey, and dissolve in water. Baths are made in the evening for 15-30 minutes.
  • For full baths, the dose can be increased to 10-15 drops.

Baths can be used if thrush is adjacent to vaginitis, but such procedures are contraindicated in case of cervical erosion.


Treating thrush with tea tree oil is also possible in the form of homemade candles. It is necessary to take raw materials of good purity. 4 drops of tea tree are mixed with the same amount of lavender oil. For the base of the candles, use coconut oil. It is sold in solid form, but to make candles you will need to melt it, adding lavender and tea tree. Candles are poured into molds. After hardening, the suppositories are used vaginally and anally. Since the candles will melt and leak, wear a thin pad to protect the linen. Candles are lit for 3 nights in a row.


I cured thrush in 3 days by inserting tea tree oil tampons into my vagina. Excellent tool! The discharge did not last long, and the burning and itching went away the next morning.

Svetlana, 31 years old:

A friend advised me to try treating thrush with a solution of tea tree oil. Indeed, the discharge stopped after the first douching. I'm happy! I recommend to everyone!

After treating candidiasis, the doctor advised me to use tea tree oil to prevent relapses of the disease. I add a few drops to intimate hygiene gel and drip a little onto panty liners. Simple, convenient, and thrush is guaranteed not to start again!


Using a syringe, you can wash away fungi from the inner surface of the genitals. Douching, which should be done twice a day, will help cleanse the mucous membranes.

  1. Take 4-5 drops of the product per liter of warm purified water. The solution is carefully introduced inside without pressure. Treatment period is 4-7 days. The first improvements are noted after 2-3 days. The itching usually disappears after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Take 7-8 drops of tea tree per liter of water and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Honey acts as an emulsifier, that is, it helps to mix immiscible components. And oil, as you know, does not dissolve in water, so the use of a solvent is necessary.
  3. For 0.5 liters of liquid, take 3 drops of the product and 0.5 teaspoon of soda. Carry out douching in the evening.
  4. You can alternate douching with the introduction of chamomile decoction. Chamomile water will relieve itching and inflammation. In addition to chamomile, you can take calendula infusion and aloe juice.
  5. Douching is combined with the use of Polygynax suppositories. Therefore, complex cases of candidiasis are treated according to this scheme: douching is done in the evening, then a vaginal suppository is inserted at night.

Syringes and tampons can be used alternately every other day. The standard treatment time is 1 week.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy with homeopathic medicines

In homeopathy there is no concept of thrush during pregnancy, and this disease is called “leukorrhea of ​​pregnancy.” Those who understand at least a little about the homeopathic approach to the treatment of diseases know that medications for each person need to be selected strictly individually. However, before going to see a homeopath, you can try a treatment regimen with two homeopathic medicines, which are very effective in a large number of pregnant women.

So, you need to buy Acidum nitricum 30 and Mercurius solubilis 30 from a homeopathic pharmacy. On the first day, dissolve one grain of Acidum nitricum 30 in your mouth in the morning and one grain of Mercurius solubilis 30 in the evening. If the very next day (and believe me, this happens!) you feel a decrease in the severity of symptoms (note, relief, not the disappearance of symptoms), then your individual dose is one grain, continue to use one grain of each drug until the symptoms disappear completely. After this, start reducing your intake: first take the medications every other day, then a couple of times a week, once, and finally stop taking them altogether. If you do not feel better, you can increase the dose to 2-3-4-5 grains (gradually adding one grain per day) so as not to “miss” your dose. If you still do not experience improvement with a dosage of 5 grains, then these remedies are not for you and you need to make an appointment with a qualified homeopath.

Can tea tree be taken internally?

Manufacturers claim that tea tree can be taken orally by placing one drop on bread. Official medicine recommends only external use. Mostly, pharmacies sell tea tree that is not of the best purity, so it cannot be drunk.

Sometimes highly purified Swiss oil is used to sanitize the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the intestines, but this method is more of a folk invention rather than a recommended method of treatment.

To suppress fungal flora and stimulate the immune system, external use is still indicated, and antifungal agents are used for internal treatment.

How to check the quality of the product

You can buy an inexpensive antiseptic and get a quality product. Oils tend to evaporate. A quality product will not be diluted with other components. To check the quality, you need to take a white sheet of paper, drop the product on it and wait a few minutes. If there are no greasy marks left on the paper, then such a product can be used for therapy. If greasy stains remain, it is better to leave the product for aroma lamps or going to the bathhouse.

Price and where to buy?

In pharmacies, herbal shops and online stores, the cost of tea tree ether fluctuates within a significant range: the minimum price is 45 rubles, the maximum is more than 1000. Such a spread is explainable: prices are formed on the basis of the specifics and purity of the raw materials, the presence of useful substances, and the extraction method.

Cheap extracts are most often made from a low-quality base in violation of production technology. In addition, there may be impurities that are harmful to health.

It is advisable to purchase funds where it can be carefully inspected. The bottle should be made of dark glass. A dispenser or pipette is required. The label must include the name of the plant in Latin. If possible, apply a drop of ether to the paper: after evaporation, the real oil will leave a small trace.

The best retail outlets where you can buy melaleuca essential oil are organic cosmetics stores and pharmacies. When choosing a brand, you should rely on those that use only natural substances in the manufacture of products and have received at least one ECO certificate.

Summing up

Tea tree oil for candidiasis can be an effective treatment for fungal infections, especially if used with caution.

  1. According to reviews, treatment of thrush with tea tree oil takes 2-3 days , and the first symptoms disappear after the first use.
  2. For tampons, it is better to take homemade products from a sterile bandage.
  3. Essential oil is used only in diluted form . Can be diluted with compatible products: honey, soda. Dilution with alcohol is not recommended when preparing preparations for insertion into the vagina, as alcohol will corrode the mucous membrane.
  4. To test for sensitivity, you need to do a skin test. When preparing recipes, it is better to start by adding one drop, gradually increasing the dosage.
  5. During treatment, it is important to maintain a healthy acidic environment in the vagina. Maintaining a normal number of lactic bacteria is ensured by drinking fermented milk products, especially kefir.
  6. is not used for thrush during pregnancy . If there is an urgent need to use the product, consult a gynecologist.
  7. Treating thrush with tea tree should take 7 days . In less time, not all Candida may die. Longer use can provoke vaginal dysbiosis, as beneficial microflora may be disrupted.
  8. You can wash yourself with water with tea tree : take 5 drops per half liter.

Tea tree can be used if other remedies have not been effective. Some women only benefit from homemade recipes with this antiseptic. During treatment, it is imperative to strengthen the immune system with immunomodulators and vitamins, because thrush usually develops with a decrease in protective functions.

Thrush in women, causes and treatment

Candidiasis can appear for various reasons:

  • stress, fatigue;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • change in climatic conditions;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • changes in microflora in the vagina (especially during pregnancy);
  • decreased immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • prolonged or uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

Tea tree essential oil against thrush is useful to use in different ways - both externally and internally. External methods include baths, lotions (applications), insertion of tampons, lubrication, suppositories, and douching. Internally - taking oil mixed with other components orally.

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