How to cure cervical erosion with onions and honey

Beneficial properties of honey in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Honey is not a dessert, but a real medicine. The beekeeping product has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, due to which it is actively used in gynecology and other branches of medicine.

Attention! Honey in gynecological practice is used to treat vaginal candidiasis, cervical erosion and other female diseases.

There are several usage patterns:

  • oral administration;
  • lotions (effective for injuries of the external genitalia);
  • douching (used for erosive lesions);
  • honey tampons.

With regular oral consumption of high-quality bee honey, you can achieve normalization of the menstrual cycle and get rid of PMS symptoms. Consumption of the product will benefit pregnant women; in the early stages it eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis, and in the rest of the period it simply increases the resistance of the immune system to viruses and bacteria. To achieve results, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day. The therapeutic effect will appear in the first month of use.

Bee honey eliminates inflammation and destroys pathogenic microorganisms, ensures rapid regeneration of affected tissues. The product has a short list of contraindications for use; before use, experts recommend eliminating the possibility of an allergic reaction.

In the case of erosive lesions of the cervix, honey is effective only in the initial stages of the disease, when the ulcerations of the mucous membrane are small. For serious lesions, the basis of treatment is medicinal and surgical methods, and traditional methods are used only as auxiliary ones.

Therapy for benign cystic formations in the ovaries

Herbalists advise using a medicinal ointment consisting of several natural ingredients. To one spoon of plant juice add 50 ml of oil, 1.5 tbsp of wax and one boiled egg yolk. The wax and oil should first be kept on low heat, and then the remaining ingredients should be added and simmered for a couple of minutes.

The mixture is filtered and applied to sterile gauze folded in 2-3 layers. A dense phytotampon is rolled up and used vaginally. For ovarian cysts, therapy lasts until the tumor disappears.

How to properly use honey to treat erosion

Before starting to treat erosion using folk remedies, a woman should familiarize herself with the basic rules. It is worth visiting a gynecologist and finding out the stage and nature of the erosion. The doctor needs to be told that she plans to use traditional methods of influence. If the disease is at an early stage and is not aggressive, the doctor will not insist on medical or surgical intervention.

The beekeeping product has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • healing;
  • painkiller.

Honey is used to eliminate scars left after erosion treatment. In order for the treatment to bring results, the effect must be applied directly to the affected area, therefore the honey solution is used for douching, lotions and compresses. Honey helps to cure incipient erosion, but does not show its effectiveness in advanced cases.

Basic rules for douching

To carry out the manipulation, you need to purchase a special syringe bulb with a thin tip. A solution prepared from pure water and honey is taken into a bulb for vaginal douching.

The manipulation process is as follows:

  1. One tablespoon of natural bee honey is dissolved in a glass of warm, boiled water, stirred thoroughly and left for 10 minutes. It is necessary to take into account that the solution should be homogeneous, without sediment.
  2. Before carrying out the procedure using this solution, the vagina should be additionally cleaned with a weakly concentrated solution of chamomile or soda. This is necessary to eliminate accumulated secretions.
  3. Using a syringe, the honey solution is injected into the vagina.
  4. To obtain a sustainable result, you need several procedures, performed once every 2 days.

The minimum duration of treatment is 14 days. After a month, the woman should return to the gynecologist so that the doctor can evaluate the results of treatment.

Honey candles

Honey candles are more effective; the result with this type of exposure can be seen even in advanced cases, when erosion begins to bleed. Honey relieves inflammation and accelerates healing, and the butter included in the composition softens the lesions. The composition also includes propolis, it helps eliminate swelling.

Preparing medicinal suppositories is quite simple:

  1. In a small enamel pan mix 5 tbsp. l. natural honey, 150 grams of butter and 1 tsp of propolis.
  2. The dishes with the contents are placed on low heat or sent to a steam bath.
  3. The mass is kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is obtained and all components are dissolved. The solution is poured hot into small, narrow molds, cooled and placed in the refrigerator.
  4. After 4 hours the product can be used. Ready suppositories are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Suppositories are inserted into the vagina before bedtime. The duration of the course of use is no more than 10 days; after the last procedure, a re-examination is necessary.

Tampons with honey

Tampons soaked in honey are often used to treat uncomplicated erosion. The principle of the method is that an ordinary hygienic tampon with a capacity of 2-3 drops is soaked in a solution of water and honey in a 1:1 ratio.

The application process is as follows:

  1. Honey is dissolved in water until a homogeneous solution is formed.
  2. A hygienic tampon is soaked in the resulting liquid and placed in the vagina after performing the evening toilet of the genitals.
  3. In the morning, the tampon is removed and hygiene procedures are carried out.
  4. The duration of the course of use is 14 days.

There is another, more radical method of treating erosion using honey tampons. For treatment according to this scheme, a hygienic tampon is moistened in liquid honey, not diluted with water. In this case, intense discomfort may be observed during the course of use; after insertion into the vagina, burning and pain appear. This reaction is natural; honey comes into contact with the affected mucous membrane, and thus exhibits an antiseptic effect. If, after removal, the tampon is scarlet or dirty red, you need to consult a doctor, the erosion has probably begun to bleed.

Attention! Discomfort in the genital area when treating erosion with honey is observed intensely in the first 2-4 days of use. Then the erosive focus is covered with a film, the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases significantly, pain and other unpleasant symptoms disappear.

More pronounced results can be achieved by combining honey with onions or aloe. Such components accelerate the onset of recovery by increasing the bactericidal and antiseptic activity of honey.

Traditional medicine recipes

You can treat erosion in the cervix with folk remedies if it is small. If the pathology is advanced, it is better to consult a doctor. Incorrect therapy is fraught with complications, deterioration of the condition and even hospitalization.

There are plenty of medicines - ointments, tinctures. Your doctor will help you choose a specific method.

Decoctions for douching

Treatment of disease in the cervix should be comprehensive. Internal preparations are recommended to be used together with external preparations. This promotes rapid recovery. Herbal decoctions have the following properties:

  • heal damaged tissue;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • eliminate swelling.

Procedures are carried out every day, at night.

Table - Compositions for douching

Raw materials Preparation Well
Salt20 g pour 200 ml of water, leave until coolA week and a half
St. John's wort herbThe dry plant (15 g) is brewed in 2 liters of boiling water. The composition is removed for an hour in a warm place. Until complete recovery
Chamomile flowersThe dried raw materials are simmered in a liter of water over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Then cool. 2 weeks
Sage leaves20 g of the plant are brewed in a glass of boiling water. Place the container in a warm place for two hours. The resulting infusion is filtered. 15 days
HorsetailThe crushed dried herb is brewed in 500 liters of boiling water and set aside in a warm place for 30 minutes.Crescent

Ointments and solutions for tampons

Tampons with various medications have proven themselves to be excellent. They provide elimination of inflammation and healing of erosive mucosa. The procedure is done at night. The following recipes are often used:

  • Mumiyo is an effective treatment for erosion on the cervix. The tablet is dissolved in warm water, and then combined with vodka, linseed oil and honey. Take 10 g of each ingredient. Such honey tampons give a fairly quick result in case of erosion.
  • The juice is squeezed out of the washed burdock rhizome. The liquid (20 ml) is combined in equal proportions with honey and sea buckthorn oil. A tampon is soaked in the resulting mixture.
  • The washed potatoes are peeled and chopped on a fine grater. The pulp is spread on gauze and rolled up.

Infusions and decoctions for oral administration

Douching and tampons for erosion on the cervix are far from the only methods of therapy. They will work faster if used together with internal formulations. Medicines help in restoring the body. increasing protective properties. Recipes for time-tested drugs:

  • One of the most effective folk methods is the use of millet medicine. The raw materials are ground to a powdery consistency, then 20 g of the mixture is combined with a slightly warm liquid (200 ml). Drink ½ glass of the drink three times a day.
  • Yarrow flowers (10 pieces) are poured with 1 liter of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then the container is put in a warm place for an hour. You need to take the medicine throughout the day.
  • Dried lemon balm flowers are combined in equal proportions with peony and chamomile. Raw materials (30 g) are brewed in boiling water (1 l), left for an hour and a half. Drink 200 ml of filtered drink 2-4 times a day.
  • An equally useful folk remedy consists of Schisandra chinensis, currant leaf and calendula (1 tablespoon of each component). The herbal mixture (25 g) is poured with water (500 ml) and kept warm overnight. Then the composition is boiled and cooled. Take 100 ml of decoction twice a day.

Sea buckthorn oil

The product is widely used in folk medicine. It has pronounced wound-healing properties. Gauze is soaked in the product and inserted into the vagina. The duration of treatment is 21 days. Vaginal suppositories are no less useful.


This method of treatment involves the use of juice. It is mixed in equal proportions with boiled, cooled vegetable oil and honey. The composition is stored in a dark place for a week. A tampon is moistened in it. In the morning, douche with chamomile decoction.

Fish fat

Fat is combined in equal proportions with Kalanchoe juice and honey. The composition is heated in a water bath, and after cooling, suppositories are formed and stored in the refrigerator. Apply once a day for one and a half weeks.

Aloe candles

Useful for erosion in the cervix aloe. The leaves have unique biological stimulants that enhance metabolism in cells. The plant is used to prepare suppositories. The juice of the leaves (kept in the refrigerator) is mixed with honey and pork fat (in a 1:1:1 ratio), and then candles are formed. Apply them twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Another use case. A piece of leaf and honey (1 tsp) are placed on a bandage and rolled up in such a way as to form a tampon. The medicine is inserted into the vagina.


Traditional treatment for cervical erosion is not complete without bee glue. An ointment is made from it. It's easy to prepare. Vaseline (40 g) is heated, boiled, cooled, and then combined with finely granulated propolis (20 g). The mass is kept in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled. A tampon is moistened in it and left for 10 hours.

When using beekeeping products, you need to make sure there are no allergies. They can provoke a strong reaction.

Douching is done with propolis for erosion in the cervix. The solution is prepared as follows: propolis tincture (30 ml) is combined with warm water (500 ml). The procedure is performed every evening.

Hog queen

Can be bought at any pharmacy. The plant is often used to treat illness. Has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. To prepare the tincture, 50 g of herb is poured with high-quality alcohol. The container is tightly closed and put in a cool place for two weeks. Then the composition is filtered. Take 30 drops three times a day.

The infusion is easier to prepare. Raw materials (3 tbsp) are brewed in 700 ml of water. The container is left warm for an hour. Drink ¼ glass of the drink twice a day.


The product is useful for intestinal and cervical erosions. Honey is wrapped in gauze and then inserted into the vagina for three hours. Onions with honey are useful in treating erosion. A depression is made in the vegetable and the sweet mass is placed there. The raw materials are placed in the oven and baked. Then cool and place in cheesecloth.

Treatment with copper sulfate

According to the girls, treatment of the disease with folk remedies is very effective. To prepare, mix 1 tbsp. burnt alum with the same amount of ground vitriol and a liter of water. The mass is boiled, then cooled and filtered. For douching, 20 ml of liquid is mixed with a liter of water.


For pathology, use a 4% solution. A napkin is soaked in it and placed into the vagina. The manipulation is carried out for 21 days. In addition to this method of treatment, internal administration is indicated. Mumiyo is mixed with milk (1:20). Use once a day.

Onions in the treatment of cervical erosion

Onion pulp contains biologically active substances - phytoncides, which can have a positive effect in the fight against pathogenic microorganisms. When considering their work, it can be compared to antibiotics. The advantage of the plant extract is that treatment with its use is not accompanied by adverse reactions.

Onions have the following properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • painkiller.

When using onions for cervical erosion in combination with honey, you can achieve lasting results. Onion tampons for erosion are effective only in the first stages of the disease. Obtaining a result does not guarantee the absence of relapse of the disease. You can resort to using the method after obtaining a qualitative assessment of the condition of the mucous membrane and establishing the causes of erosion.

Features of application

The duration of the course of using home remedies to treat an erosive condition depends on several conditions:

  • the nature of the disease;
  • degree of erosive damage;
  • the body's reaction to the treatment used.

Basic Rules:

  1. Onion tampons are inserted into the vagina before bed after hygiene procedures.
  2. If adverse reactions occur in the form of unbearable itching or burning, the tampon should be removed immediately.
  3. The process of restoring the integrity of the mucous membranes should be monitored by a gynecologist. A woman should be examined at least once every 2 weeks, and more often if prescribed by a doctor.
  4. The duration of use of onion tampons is no more than 2 weeks.

How to make medicinal tampons

The process of making tampons from onions and honey is quite simple. The main point to pay attention to is the use of sterile instruments for cutting and peeling onions. To disinfect the knife, douse it with boiling water and then wipe it with alcohol.

Cooking process:

  1. A small onion is peeled and the middle is removed.
  2. Liquid honey is placed in the middle and placed in the oven for 5-7 minutes.
  3. The prepared tampon is wrapped in sterile gauze, the onion is fixed and small tails are left to ensure removal from the vagina.

When manufacturing the product, you must use sterile materials and instruments. It is worth making a tampon before direct use, because during storage, baked onions lose their medicinal qualities.

Aloe for infertility

Reproductive dysfunction is a serious problem in women's health and often leads to infertility. To improve the general condition of the body and especially the reproductive system, it is recommended to use tampons with aloe and honey at night for one and a half weeks.

Aloe has a relaxing effect and improves sleep. The active ingredients of the medicinal composition draw out toxins from the reproductive organs and improve blood circulation in the pelvis. Using aloe for infertility increases the chances of natural conception and pregnancy.

When should you not use aloe vera products?

As a rule, there are more contraindications and side effects for products intended for oral administration. Compositions with aloe should not be taken if you have the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during exacerbation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the products;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in severe forms;
  • if there is bleeding - hemorrhoidal, uterine, menstrual;
  • hepatitis of any type;
  • with exacerbation of diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • with varicose veins of the rectum.

While carrying or breastfeeding a child, you should also refrain from taking medications containing this component.

Products for external or local use have much fewer restrictions; they cannot be used if there is an individual intolerance to aloe juice.

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