Terzhinan for thrush: how to use and will there be an effect?

Unbearable, sometimes intensifying itching, discharge resembling grains of curd, swelling of the mucous membrane - these are manifestations of thrush, a disease with which almost every woman is familiar. Treatment of thrush with Terzhinan, produced by the French pharmaceutical company Sofartex, gives quick results, relieving unpleasant symptoms on the second day.

Thrush does not belong to the category of dangerous diseases, but it causes a lot of inconvenience to a woman and, in the absence of timely and adequate treatment, can cause complications. The disease is transmitted through hygiene items, underwear, and sexual intercourse. The development of infection is facilitated by long-term use of antibacterial drugs, a decrease in general or local immunity, and metabolic disorders in certain diseases (such as diabetes or hypothyroidism).

The disease can be treated with oral medications, but they cause a lot of side effects and negatively affect the liver. The drug Terzhinan treats thrush without disturbing the general condition of the body, since it acts directly in the area of ​​infection.

Composition of Terzhinan

The composition of Terzhinan candles includes:

  1. Nystatin (antifungal polyene antibiotic that destroys Candida fungi).
  2. Ternidazole (a broad-spectrum imidazole drug, effective against anaerobic microorganisms, which include Candida fungi, Enterobacteriaceae, Gardnerella, and single-celled protozoan microorganisms - Trichomonas).
  3. Neomycin (a broad-spectrum antibiotic used against pyogenic bacteria - staphylococcus, corynebacteria, listeria, shigella, etc.).
  4. Prednisolone (hormonal anti-inflammatory and antiallergic substance, glucocorticosteroid).

Thanks to the combination of such different substances, Terzhinan is one of the most effective remedies for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis and its various variations.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

It is prescribed for treatment and prevention:

  • acute and often recurrent mixed vaginitis, colpitis caused by bacteria (including Gardnerella), protozoa (Trichomonas) and fungi (when all representatives of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora are present in the smear);
  • chronic and acute candidal vaginitis (thrush);
  • vaginitis caused by bacteria and trichomonas;
  • chronic vaginal dysbiosis (dysbiosis);
  • vaginosis (vaginal diseases with the replacement of beneficial microflora by opportunistic ones).

Terzhinan is able to prevent the development of fungal, bacterial and mixed complications (in 98%), therefore it is often used against the background of antibiotic therapy and before any surgical gynecological procedures, as well as after them:

  • insertion of a contraceptive intrauterine device;
  • the use of metrosalpingography (a method for diagnosing the uterus and patency of the fallopian tubes);
  • abortion;
  • hysteroscopy (visual diagnostic method with the introduction of a special device into the uterine cavity);
  • diathermocoagulation (cauterization of cervical erosion);
  • any major or minor surgical interventions in the pelvic area and genital tract of a woman.

There are no special studies confirming the negative effect of the drug on the developing fetus. Therefore, Terzhinan suppositories are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of candidal vaginitis in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, on the eve of childbirth, even during lactation, if the attending physician is ready to take responsibility for the result.

The medicine is often used as part of complex therapy for ureaplasmosis (a sexually transmitted infection caused by the intracellular microorganism ureaplasma); it quickly relieves inflammation and restores local immunity (destroying pathogenic bacteria).


  • Polygynax

capsules for topical use containing three active ingredients: neomycin, nystatin, polymyxin. Antifungal and antibacterial agent.

Pros: effective, distributed evenly over the surface of the vagina, practically not absorbed from the mucous membrane, has a small number of side effects.

Disadvantages: price - 450-500 rubles, contraindicated during lactation, not recommended for use in combination with spermicides, as it reduces the activity of contraceptives.

broad-spectrum antimycotic. In small concentrations it has a fungistatic effect, and with increasing doses it has a fungicidal effect.

For whom the drug is not suitable

Terzhinan is not suitable for women:

  • With confirmed fungal resistance (low sensitivity) to nystatin and ternidazole.
  • With streptococcal bacterial infection (Terzhinan is ineffective).
  • With allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
  • In the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

Due to the nature of the administration of vaginal tablets (suppositories), Terzhinan for thrush is not prescribed to children and adolescents under 16 years of age.


Ilona, ​​32 years old. To treat thrush, the doctor prescribed me a complex of the following drugs: Terzhinan and Miron. I read the reviews about these products and, to be honest, I had my doubts a little. When I completed the course of treatment: I put Terzhinan suppositories in the vagina for 10 days, and also took Miron tablets orally, I realized that my doubts were in vain. The symptoms of thrush disappeared literally the next day, but I continued the course of treatment. Ten days later, the doctor confirmed that the fungus was gone. Reviews about the drug are not very positive, as many wrote that it only helps half. I will send my review in support of Terzhinan and Miron. If you want to get rid of thrush, then this combination of drugs helped me a lot.

Svetlana, 32 years old. Terzhinana was convinced of her effectiveness by personal example. In the early stages of pregnancy, thrush worsened, which the doctor recommended to deal with with the help of Terzhinan. I didn’t prescribe any other medications, but only this one and Linex to normalize the microflora. I completed a 6-day course of treatment, after which I was pleasantly surprised. Candidiasis disappeared, and it did not bother me throughout the entire period of pregnancy, only after childbirth it appeared again. It turned out that the husband should also undergo a course of treatment, since the recurrence of the disease was provoked by sexual contact with him.

Alesya, 36 years old. The doctor prescribed Terzhinan for the treatment of thrush, although I had heard a lot of good things about Futsis. I asked which is better, but he said that Terzhinan is more loyal to the body, but in terms of effectiveness they are both the same. The only difference is the composition of these two products. In general, I underwent a course of treatment, the duration of which was 14 days, after which I got rid of thrush. I am happy that I overcame the disease, and today there are a lot of effective drugs.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of Terzhinan is complex; the medicinal substances in its composition act differently on some microorganisms, thereby ensuring a more reliable positive treatment result.

  1. Nystatin (a polyene derivative) has the ability to increase the permeability of the cell walls of the Candida fungus by integrating into the membrane at the molecular level. Transport of electrolytes into the fungal cell leads to its destruction and dissolution.
  2. Ternidazole (an imidazole derivative) inhibits the synthesis of ergosterols, specific lipids from which the cell membrane of fungi and other microorganisms (bacteria and protozoa) is formed. Inferiority of cell walls causes cell death.
  3. Neomycin (an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside group) inhibits the synthesis of proteins, the functional building blocks of the cell, including its DNA, as a result, the reproduction of bacteria becomes impossible.
  4. Prednisolone (glucocorticosteroid) has a strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect, reduces the permeability of vascular walls, due to which redness, swelling, and discomfort caused by waste products of bacteria and fungi quickly disappear.

Thanks to the combined action of the complex of substances, Terzhinan is 85–90% effective and has a pronounced:

  • antifungal;
  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiprotozoal effect.

Other components of the drug (lactose monohydrate, clove oil, geranium) maintain an optimal level of acidity (pH) of the vagina and promote rapid restoration of epithelial cells.

Treatment regimen

For thrush, Terzhinan is usually prescribed in combination with oral medications (Fluconazole, Diflucan) according to the following scheme:

  • 1 vaginal tablet 1 time per day for 20 days, without a break.

Other infections and their prevention:

  • in the treatment of vaginitis of bacterial origin, the course duration is 10 days;
  • to restore vaginal microflora in case of dysbacteriosis - from 6 to 10 days;
  • For preventive purposes, tablets are used for 6–7 days.

For protozoal infections, the duration of the course is adjusted by the attending physician.

What is the best treatment for thrush in women?

Thrush or candidiasis is a very common female disease, occurring in almost every second woman. It is caused by microscopic fungi of the genus Candida, and occurs with pronounced symptoms that cause a lot of inconvenience. It can be triggered by various infections, as well as a normal weakened immune system - for example, flu or a cold. To treat thrush in women, medications are prescribed by a doctor, so at the first sign of this disease, you should consult a specialist.


Which drug to choose

There are many ways to treat thrush:

  • drug treatment of thrush;
  • treatment with traditional medicine or douching;
  • treatment with means for external use - cream or ointment.

Medicines against thrush in women come in different forms; according to experts, vaginal suppositories are the most effective. There are also tablets, capsules and ointments for which there is a treatment regimen. The choice of one or another remedy depends on the degree of infection by Candida fungi or is determined by the personal preferences of the patient.

Based on the active substance, drugs for the treatment of thrush in women are divided into three groups:

  • medications for thrush for women containing triazole or fluconazole;
  • medicines containing clotrimazole;
  • containing the antibiotics nystatin and natamycin.

When choosing a particular treatment drug for thrush in women, you need to rely on the opinion of a specialist, and not on intrusive advertising, since any drug brings both benefit and harm.

Medicines for thrush in women can be divided into several subgroups, each of which has its own list of effective medications.

Review of antifungal drugs for thrush

Often, treating candidiasis requires an integrated and systematic approach. Sometimes it is enough to simply strengthen your immune system, which itself will cope with the overgrown colonies of Candida fungi and the symptoms of thrush will go away. But to quickly and effectively get rid of this disease, only medications for the treatment of candidiasis in women can be given.


A very popular and advertised drug that can quickly get rid of candidiasis. It has a wide spectrum of action, therefore it is able to fight numerous types of Candida fungi - this is explained by its powerful and quick results.

The main active ingredient of this remedy for thrush in women is fluconazole. This is an antibiotic and antimycotic substance that suppresses the activity of various pathogenic microorganisms and destroys their cell wall. At the same time, Diflucan does not affect hormonal levels in any way, does not reduce immunity and does not cause dysbacteriosis.

In addition to thrush, the drug also treats other diseases; it is often prescribed to prevent various fungal infections. To get rid of candidiasis, it is enough to take one capsule, which contains 150 mg of the active substance, which is very convenient, since there is no need for systemic treatment.

But, like all medications, Diflucan has a number of contraindications - it is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation, for liver disease and intolerance to one or more components of the drug.

The price for one capsule of the drug is around 350 rubles.


No less effective, fast and effective cure for thrush. Has bactericidal and antimicrobial effects. It is produced in the form of vaginal tablets and has three active ingredients at once - neomycin, nystatin and ternidazole. Acting together, they are able to completely destroy pathogenic microflora and quickly relieve symptoms.

It can treat various types of vaginitis, and is also used to prevent fungal infections. The course of treatment with the drug ranges from 7 to 10 days, depending on the degree of damage. For daily use, one capsule is inserted into the vagina, after moistening it with water.

Terzhinan has virtually no side effects or contraindications. It can be used by pregnant women, but only starting from the second trimester.

The price for terzhinan starts from 600 rubles.


Vaginal suppositories for the medicinal treatment of thrush. Quickly and effectively destroys the cell wall of the fungus, which leads to its death. Also, some gram-positive bacteria are sensitive to this medicine, which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of bacterial vaginitis. The main active ingredient is miconazole.

The treatment period with gynezol is 7 days, with a single capsule administered before bedtime.

This medicinal drug has more contraindications than the previous ones - it is not recommended for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and people with an allergy to one of the components and diabetes mellitus. In addition, various side effects may occur: itching, burning and redness.

The average cost of the drug is 360 rubles.

Inexpensive treatments for thrush

Not every resident of our country can afford to buy medicines that cost around 500-600 rubles. In addition, sometimes one course is not enough to treat advanced candidiasis, so you have to buy the drug again. We present to your attention a list of inexpensive, but no less effective means for getting rid of candidiasis.


Unlike previous medications, this remedy has a clear and targeted effect - it provokes the death of only fungi, without affecting other microorganisms. At the same time, it preserves all the beneficial microflora.

Flucostat is available both in the form of suppositories and in the form of a solution when it is not possible to use the former. The active ingredient is fluconazole - it can cope with thrush with a single dose of the drug.

In addition to its targeted action, flucostat is well absorbed and absorbed by the body. It is used to treat not only candidiasis, but also to treat fungal infections of the intestines, eyes, respiratory tract and skin.

Despite its effectiveness, it has many contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, childhood, kidney and liver failure.

The price of flucostat starts from 200 rubles.


This is an inexpensive and effective remedy with an antimycotic effect. It is used to treat acute and advanced candidiasis. It kills all types of fungi that inhabit the vagina.

The course of treatment lasts up to 5 days, but experts recommend not to stop taking it even after the symptoms have completely disappeared. To treat chronic thrush, the course must be extended to 10 days. To completely get rid of candidiasis, it is necessary to treat not only the woman, but also the sexual partner.

Livarol has virtually no contraindications, but during pregnancy and lactation it should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Its cost in various pharmacies starts from 400 rubles.


A good cheap antifungal drug. It is prescribed to combat fungi of the genus Candida and Aspergillus. It is produced in the form of vaginal tablets, the active ingredient of which coincides with the name of the drug.

Nystatin not only treats candidiasis in women, it is used to destroy fungal colonies in various body systems. It is also particularly effective as a preventive measure.

The drug has an extensive list of contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • liver diseases;
  • pancreatin;
  • peptic ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • high sensitivity to components.

Long-term use of nystatin can cause side effects: diarrhea, itchy skin and rashes, nausea and vomiting. But side effects are recorded extremely rarely, and when the drug is discontinued, they completely disappear.

The price of nystatin is from 80 rubles.


A popular cheap drug for thrush that effectively fights candidiasis. Available in the form of ointment and vaginal tablets. The first option is recommended for use by sexual partners for the systemic treatment of thrush in women.

The active substance – clotrimazole – is an antimycotic agent that suppresses the vital activity of microorganisms. In addition to treating vaginitis, clotrimazole is also effective for other fungal infections. The course of treatment is 7 days, but after the first doses relief occurs, and then all symptoms completely disappear.

Despite its price, this is a very good drug that really gets rid of thrush. The price for it can be from 40 rubles.


Available in the form of white vaginal tablets. This is a combined effective medicine, since it contains 2 substances at once - metronidazole and miconazole. Acting together, they kill all pathogenic microflora, including candidiasis pathogens. Klion quickly eliminates itching and other symptoms of this disease. And complete relief from thrush occurs on the 10th day.

The drug should not be taken with alcohol; in addition, it has a large number of contraindications:

  • intolerance to components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • kidney diseases and chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • childhood.

Klion costs around 450 rubles.


Antiseptic for topical use against thrush in women. It is used in conjunction with other antifungal medications to achieve faster results and reduce the risk of relapse. It is capable of destroying Candida fungi, as well as gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in 2 weeks.

It costs about 20 rubles per bottle.

Remedies for the treatment of thrush during pregnancy

According to statistics, during the period of bearing a baby, every second woman develops symptoms of thrush, which are quite problematic to get rid of. This is due to the fact that all the body’s forces are aimed at the normal development of the fetus, so a pregnant woman is very often exposed to various infections. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: how to treat thrush in women during pregnancy.

Treatment of thrush during pregnancy is significantly complicated by the fact that many medications are contraindicated during this period, as they can harm the baby. But it is necessary to treat it, since during childbirth Candida fungi can infect the fetus. Antifungal drugs in gynecology, permitted during pregnancy:


Very effective, but at the same time affordable. It has a wide spectrum of action, since its main substance is natamycin. Pimafucin is capable of destroying not only candidiasis pathogens, but also other microorganisms that adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman.

It has three release forms - suppositories, ointment and tablets. The first option is the most convenient, since its suction capacity is slightly greater than that of the main ones. In addition, it does not penetrate the systemic bloodstream and, therefore, does not pass through the placental barrier.

Pimafucin is approved for lactation and has virtually no contraindications. The price for it starts from 450 rubles.


These are new generation drugs that have recently entered the pharmacological market. They help cope very well with fungal infections of the vagina. The active ingredient in zalain is sertaconazole nitrate. It completely inhibits the vital activity of Candida fungi and helps to quickly get rid of the symptoms of thrush.

Another advantage of the drug is the rapid relief of all symptoms of this disease - itching, burning and discomfort. After the first dose they disappear and do not appear again with further treatment.

The average price for Zalain is 480 rubles.


This remedy is more of a preventive remedy, but it has a pronounced antifungal and antimicrobial effect. This is a colorless solution based on benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate, a substance that has a detrimental effect on the life of pathogenic microflora.

Effective treatment of thrush with this drug is only possible in combination with other drugs. It is applied to the external genitalia, after shaking the bottle. It has no contraindications, besides this, miramistin treats many diseases, so it is simply necessary to have it in your home medicine cabinet.

It costs from 300 rubles per bottle.


An indispensable preventative against candidiasis. This is a vaginal spray that contains glycyrrhizic acid. It inhibits the activity of pathogenic microflora and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Epigen-intim quickly relieves itching and irritation and other symptoms.

All the drugs presented above for the treatment of candidiasis in women have many analogues, so the list of drugs can be continued endlessly. To select a suitable remedy, you need to consult a doctor, and not trust advertising and not self-medicate, especially during lactation and pregnancy. To get rid of it completely, comprehensive treatment of thrush is necessary.

Features of application

Vaginal tablets or suppositories have several features of use:

  1. Before insertion, hold the tablet for a few seconds in boiled water (water 20–30 degrees) to moisten the surface.
  2. Insert the prepared suppository as deeply as possible into the vagina.

The course of treatment is not interrupted during menstruation.

Sexual contact weakens the effectiveness of the drug, so the optimal solution is abstinence during treatment or using the tablet exclusively after contact.

After administration of the drug, profuse mucous discharge of a straw-yellow color is possible for 3–4 hours. Therefore, vaginal tablets are recommended to be administered at night or to lie down for 15–20 minutes before going somewhere.

Possible complications

In the first 3-4 days after the start of the course, in addition to the standard mucous yellowish discharge, viscous brownish discharge mixed with a few drops of blood may appear.

Gynecologists believe that such discharge is the result of insufficiently careful administration of the Terzhinan tablet, since the vaginal mucosa is inflamed and can be easily injured in any way.

Such discharge should stop immediately after the end of the course, and if it becomes profuse, contact a gynecologist and find out the true cause of the bleeding.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is absorbed into the mucous membrane in very small quantities and enters the systemic bloodstream, so it is used simultaneously with various drugs without consequences. Despite such minimal absorption, Terzhinan is strictly contraindicated in combination with alcohol.

The drug may cause a reaction in the form of local irritation, itching, tingling and burning, which usually disappear after 2-4 days of continuous use of the drug.

Very rarely (1–2% of cases), while using Terzhinan, a real allergy develops (in this case, it must be discontinued), atrophy (functional dysfunction, dryness) of the vaginal mucosa, or delayed healing of large cracks and erosions (due to prednisolone in the composition).

Release forms

It is important to note the fact in what form the drug is sold. There are two forms of release of Terzhinan: tablets and suppositories. Suppositories are intended primarily for vaginal and rectal use. This method is most effective if thrush is just developing and has no complications.

Tablets are also prescribed for local therapy, through which thrush of various forms is treated. The tablets are intended exclusively for vaginal or rectal use, and not for oral use.

The tablets have an original shape, as they have a notch in the shape of the letter “T” on both sides. The drug is available in packages containing 6 or 10 tablets. Their number in the box indicates the course of treatment, which can be either six or ten days. Candles are in sealed containers, packed in 6 pieces. Both forms of release of the drug have an identical composition, and which treatment the doctor prescribes depends on the complication of the disease.

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